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Patriarchy and the (late)Victorian Middle-Class Family Reconsidered
Wiktoriańska rodzina klasy średniej wobec patriarchatu
Wojciechowska, Sylwia Janina
Data publikacji:
Akademia Ignatianum w Krakowie
Victorian patriarchy
pater familias
mater familias
female education
RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: The aim of the article is to examine the relations within an upper middleclassfamily – as depicted by Virginia Woolf in a collection of autobiographical essays, Moments ofBeing – and compare these against the patriarchal model. The ultimate aim is to expose and locate,as early as the last decade of the Victorian era, the signs that a transformation was about to occur. THE RESEARCH PROBLEM AND METHODS: The Victorian paradigm of the patriarchal rolesof pater familias and mater familias has been analyzed. In conformity with philological methods,appropriate literary evidence is provided. THE PROCESS OF ARGUMENTATION: The article first focuses on the concept of the Victorianpater familias and mater familias. It presents an analysis of the Stephens family who feature in Momentsof Being. A traditionally conservative perspective with regard to the male family members isjuxtaposed with the contrasting viewpoint voiced by the author of the collection. RESEARCH RESULTS: The analysis of the autobiographical essays reveals certain shifts in theroles of the Victorian pater familias and mater familias in late-Victorian times. Furthermore, certainrifts in familial relations are uncovered and investigated with reference to differing attitudes to theissue of female education. CONCLUSIONS, INNOVATIONS, AND RECOMMENDATIONS: The analysis exposed severalfissures in the patriarchal model and located these at an earlier date than commonly accepted. Italso demonstrated that the first signs of the transformations that would occur in British society wereparticularly noticeable in the novel attitudes to the question of female education. This may encouragefurther research of contemporary perspectives on institutional instruction.
Horyzonty Wychowania; 2019, 18, 47; 69-78
Pojawia się w:
Horyzonty Wychowania
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Krakowskie gimnazja żeńskie przełomu XIX i XX wieku
All-Female Secondary Schools in Krakow at the Turn of the 20th Century
Dormus, Katarzyna
Data publikacji:
Akademia Ignatianum w Krakowie
szkolnictwo żeńskie
szkoły średnie
studia uniwersyteckie
female education
secondary schools
secondary school exit exams university studies
Problem zapewnienia kobietom wykształcenia na poziomie średnim stał się na ziemiach polskich niezwykle istotny w drugiej połowie XIX wieku. Kwestia ta była szczególnie aktualna w zaborze austriackim, gdy w latach 90. XIX wieku dziewczęta zostały dopuszczone do egzaminów maturalnych oraz studiów uniwersyteckich. W Galicji nie istniały jednak gimnazja żeńskie, a żaden z typów ówczesnych „średnich” szkół żeńskich (takich jak wyższe szkoły wydziałowe, seminaria nauczycielskie czy licea żeńskie) nie dawał możliwości zdania egzaminu maturalnego umożliwiającego wstęp na studia wyższe. Wobec niechęci władz państwowych do tworzenia państwowych gimnazjów żeńskich równych gimnazjom męskim, jedynym rozwiązaniem było tworzenie placówek prywatnych. Powstawały one jako odpowiedź na potrzeby społeczne i były efektem oddolnego społecznego działania. Pierwsza tego typu szkoła średnia – nie tylko na terenie Galicji, ale wszystkich trzech zaborów – powstała w 1896 roku w Krakowie. Przed wybuchem I wojny światowej funkcjonowały w Krakowie trzy klasyczne gimnazja żeńskie: I Prywatne Wyższe Gimnazjum Żeńskie, Prywatne Wyższe Gimnazjum Żeńskie im. Królowej Jadwigi oraz Prywatne Gimnazjum Żeńskie Heleny Strażyńskiej (potem: Józefa i Marii Lewickich) oraz gimnazjum realne sióstr urszulanek. Koncepcja prywatnego gimnazjum żeńskiego zyskała wpierw aprobatę społeczną, a stopniowo również dużą popularność. W galicyjskich gimnazjach uczyła się ponad połowa uczennic uczęszczających do gimnazjów żeńskich położonych na terenie Przedlitawii.
The issue of providing education to women became particularly important in the Polish territories during the second half of the 19th century. In the Austrian partition, women were allowed to take secondary school exit exams and enroll in universities in the 1890s. However, no female school at the time offered preparation to the aforementioned exams. As the government did not want to establish public all-female schools in the same way that it had created public all-male schools, a private solution was the only one. Private all-female schools emerged through a bottom-up effort as a response to the needs of society. The first school of this kind in Galicia – and all of the Polish territories – was established in Krakow in 1896. Before the outbreak of World War I, there were only four all-female secondary schools in Krakow. Still, with time, the concept of all-female secondary schools became very popular and more than half of the students of all-female secondary schools in the Habsburg Monarchy attended such schools in Galicia.
Studia Paedagogica Ignatiana; 2016, 19, 2; 87-103
Pojawia się w:
Studia Paedagogica Ignatiana
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Abbess Magdalena Mortęska – Her Life and Reformist Initiatives Aimed at Female Education in the Post-Tridentine Era
Magdalena Mortęska – reformatorka edukacji dziewcząt w okresie potrydenckim
Sztylc, Żaneta
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
Magdalena Mortęska
edukacja klasztorna
żeńska edukacja
potrydencka reforma zakonna
reforma sióstr benedyktynek
convent education
female education
the post-Tridentine Monastic Reform
The Benedictine nuns of the Reform
Niniejszy artykuł prezentuje średniowieczny model wychowania dziewcząt, w którym to główny nacisk kładziono na przygotowanie do roli żony i matki. W taki sposób została wychowana również Magdalena Motęska, która w wieku zaledwie kilku lat straciła matkę i została oddana przez ojca na wychowanie do ciotki. Było to zjawisko powszechne i zgodne z ówczesnymi zwyczajami. Ciotka wychowywała ją w sposób surowy, ucząc przede wszystkim pobożności, pracowitości, zaradności i gospodarności, przygotowując do roli przyszłej pani domu i matki. Uczyła ją również pracowitości, co dla małej zbyt dziewczynki okazało się zgubne, bo pomagając służbie w przygotowaniu posiłku, wykuła sobie prawe oko. Magdalena nie chciała jednak wyjść za mąż, ale wstąpić do chełmińskiego klasztoru benedyktynek, co było zdecydowanie przeciwne woli jej ojca. Dzięki wytrwałości i silnej wierze 4 czerwca 1579 r. złożyła śluby zakonne, a tydzień później została ksienią chełmińskich benedyktynek. Zapoczątkowała gruntowną reformę, polegającą na odczytaniu na nowo pierwotnych reguł i wprowadzeniu ich w życie. Reforma klasztoru w Chełmnie miała charakter fundamentalny, a wszelkie rozwiązania były tworzone przez nowe pokolenie mniszek, ponieważ zakonnice starej tradycji wymarły. Wypracowana przez lata eksperymentów interpretacja reguły stała się prawem doświadczonym na samych prawodawcach. Przy tej interpretacji bardzo istotna była troska o zachowanie tożsamości zakonu. Epoka renesansu, w której żyła i działała Mortęska, niosła nową potrzebę – promocję oświaty i kultury wśród kobiet. Świadoma tego podjęła wyzwanie i zreformowanej kongregacji stworzyła możliwość wychowania i edukacji dziewcząt. Rozszerzyła tą działalność na wszystkie zakładane fundacje i było to działanie prekursorskie jak na ówczesne czasy. W ten sposób mnożyła ośrodki skupiające młodzież żeńską, a przez akcję powszechnego kształcenia stała się pionierką wychowania kobiet.
The paper presents a model of a medieval female education, which purpose was to prepare girls to the role of a wife and of a mother. Magdalena Mortęska, who was also educated in line with this model, lost her mother just as a few years old girl, and she was entrusted by her father under the tutelage of her aunt. This practice was very common and peculiar to the standards of that time. Magdalena’s aunt raised her in a severe discipline, teaching her, in the first instance, how to be devout, diligent, resourceful and thrifty person, and she prepared her to the role of a housewife and of a mother. However, some of these lessons turned out to be fatal for her, since in her early age she lost her right eye while she was cooking a meal with kitchen servants. Magdalena did not wish to be a married woman, on the contrary, she wanted to join the Benedictine nunnery of Chełmno, and thereby she refused the will of her father. Thanks to her stubbornness and strong faith, she made her convent vows on the 4th of June, 1579, and a week later she became the abbess of the Benedictine convent of Chełmno. As the abbess she initiated the fundamental reform, which purpose was the re-reading and enforcing of the original monastic rules. The Reform of the convent of Chełmno was fundamental and all the solutions were prepared by the new generation of nuns, since the old generation had ceased. The interpretation of the Rule, worked out through many years of experiences, became the law, which has been practiced by its own legislators. With this interpretation the preservation of the identity of the convent was very significant. The Renaissance era, in which Magdalena Mortęska lived and acted, saw the new demand to spread education and culture among women. Conscious of that, the abbess took the challenge thereby the reformed congregation was provided the opportunity to educate females. Magdalena Mortęska extended this activity upon all emerging foundations, and moreover, her labor was innovative to that time. Her efforts increased the number of centers associating female youth, and thanks to her pro-educational activity, she became the pioneer of females’ development.
Roczniki Teologiczne; 2016, 63, 4; 53-73
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Teologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Transformation of Women in the Czech Lands of Austria-Hungary (1900–1907)
Przemiany kobiece na ziemiach czeskich Austro-Węgier (1900–1907)
Prystupa, Natasha
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo HUMANICA
postulat zniesienia celibatu nauczycielek
system edukacji kobiet
prawa wyborcze kobiet
„kobiety nowego typu” w świetle reklam prasowych
female education system
universal suffrage
Based on the analysis of the articles published in the magazine “Ženský svět”, the author of the research completed the image of “a new type of woman” in the Czech lands. The period of study was defined by an active struggle for women’s suffrage taken in 1900–1907. It was also shown how the deliverance of women’s consciousness from gender stereotypes took place. It was presented in their desire to go beyond the usual framework defined by the society and through the expansion of women’s secondary education, the development of vocational education and the creation of a higher education system strengthened their professionalism and independence.
Opierając się na analizie publikacji zamieszczanych w czasopiśmie „Ženský svět”, autorka artykułu prezentuje obraz „kobiety nowego typu” w realiach czeskich. Zakres chronologiczny opracowania wyznaczają lata 1900–1907, gdy zapoczątkowana została walka o prawa wyborcze Czeszek. Autorka ukazuje również przebieg procesu uwalniania świadomości kobiet z ram stereotypów społecznych. Przykładem przełamywania tych ograniczeń było dążenie do rozwoju szkolnictwa średniego i zawodowego kobiet oraz otwarcie perspektywy korzystnych dla nich zmian systemowych w szkolnictwie wyższym. Postępujące upodmiotowienie kobiet znajdowało swoje odzwierciedlenie np. w treści reklam prasowych i w likwidacji takich reliktów jak celibat nauczycielek.
Czasopismo Naukowe Instytutu Studiów Kobiecych; 2022, 2(13); 79-102
Pojawia się w:
Czasopismo Naukowe Instytutu Studiów Kobiecych
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The degree of social and educational integration and absorption of Arab Bedouin female students in teacher training institutions in Israel
Abu-Ajaj, Abraheem
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
female students
The issue of the process of integration and absorption of Arab Bedouin female students in teacher training institutions in Israel constitutes a significant yet critical chapter in the course of forming the personal and professional identity of the prospective teacher. The main purpose of this article is to describe the difficulties experienced by Arab Bedouin female students during the process of their social and educational integration and absorption in teacher training institutions. Also, to deal with the differences between Arab and Jewish teacher training institutions. Furthermore, to what extent the cultural encounter is perceived by the students that would enable them to have social and educational integration.The study involved 200 Bedouin Arab female students living in the Negev and learning in four teacher-training colleges in Israel; Kaye College of Education, Achva College, Sakhnin College for teacher training and Al-Qasmi College. The students answered a questionnaire that was written for this study. The findings of the study indicated many difficulties in the process of absorbing and integrating Arab Bedouin students in various teacher-training institutions in the country. Not to mention, language difficulties experienced by them with regard to reading articles and writing papers, not in their native tongue. The multicultural encounter between the different genders also poses a great difficulty in addition to the age difference between Arab and Jewish students. Furthermore, the policy of the Israeli academic institutions does not fully represent the Arab culture and in the interaction between the academic and administrative staff and the Arab Bedouin students.
Kultura-Społeczeństwo-Edukacja; 2018, 13, 1; 49-62
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Analyses of Female Experiences in Two African Short Stories: The Feminist Theory Approach
E, Worugji, Gloria
I, Ekpe, Stella
Data publikacji:
Akademia Pedagogiki Specjalnej im. Marii Grzegorzewskiej. Wydawnictwo APS
African society
Many African societies are patriarchal, based on the supremacy of the male over the female. According to Mba (2009, p.322), “emancipation of females is one of the greatest achievements of the women’s struggle globally”. As a continent, African culture accords a superior status to the male such that strength, freedom, independence, honour, courage and other positive attributes are ascribed to the male gender, while attributes of weakness, fear, dependence among others are ascribed to the female gender. Crimes of less magnitude are considered as “female” crimes and attract less stiff punishment. The killing of Ezeudu’s first son by Okonkwo in Chinua Achebe’s Things Fall Apart for example, is described as a female crime. On the nature of the crime, Achebe writes “the crime was of two kinds, male and female, Okonkwo committed the female because it had been inadvertent. He could return to the clan after some years” (p.87). In this paper, the Feminist theory is used to examine the portraiture of females in two short stories by two African female writers. In this article, the family is categorise as a fundamental part of the social life of Africans, it attempts to expose the bias of African culture against the female in favour of the male, and consider how this social reality impacts negatively on the female psyche. The stories reveal that women themselves aggravate the situation by working against themselves. We conclude that female empowerment is a must for all females, and that just as governments are projecting education for all by the year 2020, the women’s movement should also target education for all females by the year 2020, because as the stories reveal, the educated female character fares better in the society than her less literate counterpart.
International Journal of Pedagogy, Innovation and New Technologies; 2019, 6(1); 45-49
Pojawia się w:
International Journal of Pedagogy, Innovation and New Technologies
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zdrowie reprodukcyjne kobiet – analiza poziomu wiedzy młodych studiujących kobiet w zakresie problematyki prokreacji
Walentynowicz-Moryl, Katarzyna
Mianowska, Edyta
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
fertility awareness
female students
The main purpose of the article is to establish the level of knowledge about fertility among female students of the University of Zielona Góra. The presented analyses used part of the empirical material from the project “The role of fertility assumptions in the formation of procreative intentions” carried out on a representative sample of full-time female students of the University of Zielona Góra. The respondents have the highest level of fertility knowledge related to changes in women’s reproductive abilities with age. However, it should be noted that their awareness in this aspect is rather medium. For the most part, they correctly identify the age at which the woman is most fertile and the age at which her ability to conceive is significantly reduced. However, the vast majority of respondents are convinced that the process of reducing the ability of women to become pregnant begins later than in reality. As for the other two dimensions of fertility knowledge – the dimension related to estimating the chances of getting pregnant and the dimension related to infertility – the women are characterised by their low or average level. Most of the respondents overestimate the chances of pregnancy of a young woman (up to 25 years old), who had unprotected intercourse at the time of ovulation and a woman who, aged 25–30, had unprotected intercourse regularly during a period of one year. More than half of female students are aware of the scale of infertility in Poland, but at the same time most of them overestimate the effectiveness of in vitro fertilisation. The results obtained are similar to those obtained by researchers from other countries. Therefore, it is necessary to postulate including to the educational program the knowledge about the specificity of the human body, which is characterised by limited ability to conceive a child and changes in the fertility level of women appearing with age.
Kwartalnik Pedagogiczny; 2020, 65(1 (255)); 160-173
Pojawia się w:
Kwartalnik Pedagogiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Propriofoot Concept Implemented in Physical and Sports Education Classes with the Aim of Improving Foot Health and Body Posture in Female Students
Bendíková, Elena
Holgado, Juan Carlos
Uvinha, Ricardo Ricci
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Szczeciński. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego
Physical & Sports Education
"Propriofoot Concept"
female students
The quality of the musculoskeletal system in children is important in terms of primary prevention of postural disorders in adulthood. The aim of the pilot study was to assess the impact of the Propriofoot Concept exercises within the physical and sports education classes on the postural health of female students with an emphasis on the foot, joint range of the ankle, the gait, pain elimination and overall body posture as a manifestation of its functionality. The sample consisted of Ʃ n = 27 high-school female students in age(x) 16.3 ± 0.7 years. In terms of data collection methods, standardized procedures and methods for physical education and physiotherapy practice were applied, focusing on the selected factors (an emphasis on the foot, joint range of the ankle, the gait, pain elimination and overall body posture) of the musculoskeletal system. Diagnostics were applied before and after the 6-month program. The obtained results show that the exercise programme based on the Propriofoot Concept had a significant (Wtest, p < 0.01) and positive effect on the structure and function of the foot, as well as flexion and extension at the ankle joint, which resulted in the elimination of foot pain and improvement of gait. The final assessment (V2) showed that the foot structure and function improved (p < 0.01) and had a positive influence on the overall body posture, as well as its individual segments, in which we found significant changes between V1 and V2. At the same time, we found a relationship between foot functionality and overall body posture, as well as between other monitored factors. These findings point to the importance of targeted exercises, implemented in physical and sports education, to female students’ postural health.
Central European Journal of Sport Sciences and Medicine; 2024, 45; 5-15
Pojawia się w:
Central European Journal of Sport Sciences and Medicine
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Królikowska, Iwona
Męczkowska-Christiansen, Astrid
Data publikacji:
Akademia Marynarki Wojennej. Wydział Nauk Humanistycznych i Społecznych
edukacja morska
edukacja wyższa
maritime education
higher education
female seafarers
In the presented article, we address the issue of gender inequality in the context of seafarer labor market. In particular, attention was paid to inequalities experienced by women in the first stages of their professional career, including a period of maritime apprenticeship held by female cadets of "maritime navigation" as a field of higher education studies. The analyzes presented here include diagnosis of specific problems faced by cadets during a period of apprenticeship, in the context of its cultural and social conditions. The results of the research induced the authors to suggest desired changes in the field of maritime higher education, which could in the future contribute to the easier entry of women into the maritime labor market and remain on it, due to more stable and transparent conditions for developing their professional careers.
W prezentowanym artykule poruszamy zagadnienie nierówności pod względem płci w kontekście zatrudnienia na morzu. W szczególności zwrócono uwagę na nierówności doświadczane przez kobiety na pierwszych etapach ich morskiej kariery zawodowej, w tym – w okresie realizacji zawodowych praktyk morskich przez studentki kierunku studiów „nawigacja morska”. Przedstawione analizy objęły m. in. diagnozę problemów, jakie napotykają kadetki, w kontekście ich kulturowych i społecznych uwarunkowań. Rezultaty przywoływanego badania skłoniły autorki do wskazania pożądanych zmian w zakresie edukacji wyższej adresowanej do kształcenia marynarzy, co mogłoby w przyszłości przyczynić się do łatwiejszego wchodzenia przez kobiety na morski rynek pracy oraz pozostawania na nim dzięki stabilnym i przejrzystym warunkom realizacji ich karier zawodowych.
Colloquium; 2018, 10, 4; 71-88
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Nauczycielki Ziemi Wileńskiej w latach 1915–1923
Female teachers of the Vilnius County in 1915–1923
Falkowska, Joanna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
: female teachers
teacher training
Vilnius County
During the political changes in Vilnius County, i.e. in the territory of the Second Polish Republic (1922–1926) with the capital in Vilnius, after 1914 the Polish society hoped for full acceptance of educational institutions, operating illegally before the outbreak of WWI. Despite significant difficulties created by the German occupier, Polish education – both general and secondary – was organized. It was mean feat primarily due to the lack of teachers. In the early 20th century, two schools preparing for the teaching profession operated in Vilnius: the Nazareth Sisters and an institution organized by Agata Karpowiczówna. Recognizing the need to educate teachers, a school for women named after Queen Jadwiga was founded in 1916, and soon afterwards the Education Committee established five more schools. Meanwhile, junior and senior high schools were also established in Vilnius. On the basis of archival research carried out by the authors of the article in the Lithuanian State Historical Archive in Vilnius, numerous applications and biographies of candidates for educators, primarily in the Vilnius area, were collected and presented. This documentation is diverse as it consists of surveys regarding personal data and the course of work, applications handwritten by the candidates, opinions of former superiors but also correspondence on the basis of which. the candidate’s studies and work can be reconstructed. The above-mentioned documentation comes from 1919–1923 i.e. a period of slow stabilization of education in the area in question.
Biuletyn Historii Wychowania; 2020, 43; 99-112
Pojawia się w:
Biuletyn Historii Wychowania
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Państwowe Seminarium Nauczycielskie Żeńskie w Piotrkowie w pierwszych latach działalności (1916–1919). W stulecie powstania
State Female College in Piotrków in the First Years of Its Activity (1916–1919). On the Centenary of Its Establishment
Chmielewski, Witold
Data publikacji:
Akademia Ignatianum w Krakowie
seminarium żeńskie
przedmioty nauczania
female college
female students
Państwowe Seminarium Nauczycielskie Żeńskie w Piotrkowie powstało w 1916 roku w okresie okupacji austriackiej. W początkowych latach istnienia swoją działalność prowadziło w oparciu o przepisy sformułowane dla czteroklasowych seminariów galicyjskich. Jego celem było przygotowanie kadr pedagogicznych dla szkół elementarnych, zwłaszcza wiejskich. Przy seminarium utworzono czteroklasową szkołę ćwiczeń, niezbędną dla osiągnięcia praktycznych umiejętności zawodowych przyszłych nauczycielek. Zakład wzorowo rozwijał działalność dydaktyczną i wychowawczą. Troszczył się również o stronę materialną uczennic. Prowadził interesującą pracę pozalekcyjną. Bardzo korzystnie zaznaczył swoją obecność w życiu miasta. Początkowo większość nauczycieli seminarium, podobnie jak jego dyrektor dr Jan Magiera, wywodziło się z Galicji. Aktywnie uczestniczyli oni w dokształcaniu i doskonaleniu kadr nauczycielskich regionu piotrkowskiego. Pierwsza matura w seminarium odbyła się w czerwcu 1919 roku. Po dwudziestu latach istnienia, seminarium zakończyło działalność w 1936 roku. Jego mury opuściło 397 wykwalifikowanych nauczycielek szkół powszechnych. Piotrków Trybunalski jako ośrodek kształcenia nauczycieli trwa nieprzerwanie od 100 lat do dnia dzisiejszego.
State Female College in Piotrków was established in 1916 in the period of Austrian occupation. In the first years of its activity it operated on the basis of rules formulated for four – grade Galician colleges. Its purpose was to prepare pedagogical staff for primary schools, especially the country ones. A four-grade training school was also established as part of the college so that future teachers could acquire practical skills for their jobs. The college developed perfectly its educational activity. It also took care of the financial situation of its students. Moreover, the school engaged in interesting extracurricular activities. The whole town benefited greatly from the fact that the college existed there. Initially, the majority of the college teachers, like the head teacher Phd Jan Magiera, came from Galicia. They actively participated in educating and training the teaching staff of the Piotrków region. The first school leaving exam was taken in the college in June 1919. After twenty years, the college finished its activity in 1936. Altogether 397 qualified female teachers left the college.
Studia Paedagogica Ignatiana; 2016, 19, 3; 201-223
Pojawia się w:
Studia Paedagogica Ignatiana
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Slovak Primary Education Teachers’ Views about and Attitudes towards Contents of Work and Technical Education
Huľová, Zlatica
Šukolová, Denisa
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
female teachers
primary education
technical competence
The contribution is aimed at study of views and attitudes towards the contents of Technical education from the perspective of elementary school female teachers in Slovakia. Their measurement was carried out by a self-designed questionnaire which was a part of the research methods used (content analysis of curricular documents, international comparison, interview and observation). The originally designed questionnaire included items aimed at finding out views (evaluation of the importance of contents of education) and attitudes (cognitive, affective and conative components) of primary education teachers towards the contents of Technical education in the 4t form of elementary school. The research sample consisted of 334 female teachers. According to results of analysis, teachers considered such themes as traditions and crafts or catering to be more important than themes connected with the use of technical materials and design and they also had more positive attitudes to such themes. Another conclusion is that explanations of the views on the importance of the preferred themes were accounted for mainly by the affective component of teachers’ attitudes.
The New Educational Review; 2017, 47; 165-175
Pojawia się w:
The New Educational Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Feeling like a fish in water or like a fish out of water? A female academic career and experience in Northern Europe
Agnieszka, Bron,
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
higher education
female professors
biographical work
biographical learning
The aim of this paper is to present an autobiographical account on the prospects and process of academic career in Nordic countries, and specifically in Sweden. The method used is biographical, or self-ethnographic, dealing with life transitions including struggles and experiences when making the career. The point of departure is the final step in the academic career, i.e. Professorship, and reconstruction of the life events backwards, both as diachronic, a moment in time, as well as synchronic, over time dimensions. This includes research initiation, PhD writing, Postdoc experience, habilitation, and struggling to get a position of a senior lecturer and finally a professor. Involvement in various projects and international networking are presented. Biographical work and learning are used to understand how a woman researcher is navigating in a difficult male dominated terrain, including both negative and positive experiences.
Papers of Social Pedagogy; 2018, 8(1); 83-97
Pojawia się w:
Papers of Social Pedagogy
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Psychoedukacja studentek psychologii a podejmowanie zachowań zdrowotnych
Kulik, Agnieszka
Frańczyk, Ewelina
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
health behaviors
female students
zachowania zdrowotne
Okres studiów to czas nowych zadań, zmiany stylu życia, w tym podejmowania zachowań ryzykownych. W związku z tym wprowadzono do programu kształcenia treści dotyczące zachowań zdrowotnych i opracowano szereg programów profilaktycznych dla studentów. Celem badań opisanych w niniejszym artykule była ewaluacja programu edukacji zdrowotnej prowadzonej w ramach podstawowego trybu kształcenia oraz określenie zmian w podejmowaniu zachowań zdrowotnych studentek. Założono, że wzrośnie ogólny indeks zachowań zdrowotnych w wyniku nasilenia zachowań prozdrowotnych i zmniejszenia zachowań antyzdrowotnych. Badaniami objęto studentki psychologii. Do oceny ogólnego nasilenia zachowań zdrowotnych i jego składowych (praktyki zdrowotne, zachowania profilaktyczne, prawidłowe nawyki żywieniowe, pozytywne nastawienie psychiczne) użyto Inwentarza Zachowań Zdrowotnych (IZZ) Juczyńskiego oraz ankiety personalnej. Badanie składało się z dwóch pomiarów. Pierwszy przeprowadzono na grupie 98 studentek (w wieku 19–23 lat) pierwszego roku studiów stacjonarnych jednolitych magisterskich, a drugi – po upływie czterech lat na tej samej grupie studentów. W wyniku obu etapów pozyskano 58 kompletnych zestawów badań. Przeprowadzone analizy pozwalają stwierdzić brak różnic pomiędzy dwoma pomiarami w odniesieniu do ogólnego poziomu zachowań zdrowotnych i jego składowych.
The period of studies is a time of new tasks, lifestyle changes, including taking up risky behaviors. As a result, health behaviours related content has been introduced into the curriculum and a number of student prevention programs have been developed. The aim of the research described in this article was to evaluate the health education program conducted as part of the basic education mode and to identify changes in taking up of female students’ health behavior. It was assumed that the overall index of health behavior would increase by increasing pro-health behavior and reducing anti-health behavior. Psychology female students were included in the research. The Health Behavior Inventory (IZZ) by Juczyński and the personal survey were used to assess the overall severity of health behaviors and its components (health practices, preventive behaviors, correct eating habits, positive mental attitude). The study consisted of two measurements. The first of them was carried out on a group of 98 first-year female students (aged 19–23) of full-time long-cycle master’s degree programme, and the second one was conducted four years later on the same group of students. As a result of both measurements, 58 complete research sets were obtained. The conducted analyzes allow to state no differences between the two measurements with regard to the general level of health-related behaviors and its components.
Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, sectio J – Paedagogia-Psychologia; 2021, 34, 2; 95-104
Pojawia się w:
Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, sectio J – Paedagogia-Psychologia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Potencjał ekonomiczny kobiet na dolnym śląsku w xxi wieku. Analiza związku płci, wykształcenia i statusu na rynku pracy z perspektywy regionalnej
Economic Potential of Women in Lower Silesia in the 21st Century. Analysis of Relationship between Gender, Education, and Status on Labour Market - Regional Perspective
Makuch, Marta
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Katowicach
Aktywność zawodowa kobiet
Rynek pracy
Female economic activity
Labour market
People's education
This paper analyses the data indicating a degree to which the female potential is used in Lower Silesia in the 21st century. The basic statistical measures illustrating the women's economic activity (economic activity rate, employment rate, unemployment rate, the reasons of excessive passivity) constitute the subject of this research. The capital and economic potential of Lower Silesian women is presented here on the basis of statistical data related to education and learning. Currently, education and the acquired knowledge as well as skills are the basic building material of "human capital", which often determines material status, which in turn allows for social advancement. That is why, education is deemed as an unquestionable value. The data on the choice of education can serve as the grounds for forecasting the situation of young women entering the Lower Silesian labour market.
Studia Ekonomiczne; 2013, 131; 198-208
Pojawia się w:
Studia Ekonomiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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