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Transformation of family ties
Sorys, Stanisław Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Opolski. Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego
family ties
family crisis
The family and the family ties it creates shape the attitudes and behavior of a person who grows in it. They also have a decisive influence on the character of the family that they will start in the future. The values acquired in the family home will enable him to build and strengthen family ties, largely based on his own and family experiences. The context of the research was the modern family, which, despite the many transformations that have occurred within it as a result of cultural and civilization changes, is still an inseparable element of human life, with a leading and leading role in the development of a child, at the same time defining its worldview as an adult. The aim of the research was to show the changes occurring within the mutual relations between the family and the individual from the time perspective from the period defined by the so-called “Late modernity” or “postmodern society” up to the present (postmodernity). The author shows that the current shape of the family, which many researchers refer to as its crisis or even collapse, is the result of a long process involving changes in mutual obligations and at the same time the desire for individual development of members of that family. This leads to the rejection of existing forms and ties, the loss of traditional beliefs, knowledge and norms, and the creation of a new type of social bond. The scientific method was applied in the form of multi-station ethnography (Marcus 2003), which is a method of conducting research in conditions of discontinuity of cultural formations, when supra-local factors influence the situation in a given locality, causing various “practices, anxieties and ambiguities” (Marcus 2003, p. 170). The conclusions from this study were that the family, despite the weaknesses shown, is still an important institution for the individual. It is also the only institution that is able to defend an individual against negative aspects resulting from postmodernity. Therefore, in the policy of the state, it is necessary and necessary to pay more attention to the transformations of the family bond in the constantly changing socio-cultural conditions, in which the role of the traditional family is diminishing.
Rodzina i wytworzone przez nią więzi rodzinne kształtują postawy i zachowanie człowieka, który w niej wzrasta. Mają również decydujący wpływ na charakter rodziny, którą założy w przyszłości. Wartości wyniesione z domu rodzinnego umożliwią mu budowanie i umacnianie więzi rodzinnych, opartych w dużej mierze na doświadczeniach jego własnych i rodziny. Kontekstem przeprowadzonych badań była współczesna rodzina, która pomimo wielu przeobrażeń, jakie zaszły w jej obrębie w wyniku przemian kulturowych i cywilizacyjnych, nadal jest nieodłącznym elementem życia człowieka, z pełniącą i główną rolą w rozwoju dziecka, jednocześnie określając jego światopogląd już jako dorosłego człowieka. Celem badań było ukazanie zmian następujących w obrębie wzajemnych relacji między rodziną a jednostką, w perspektywie czasowej od okresu określanego okresem tzw. późnej nowoczesności czy „społeczeństwem ponowoczesnym” aż do współczesności (ponowoczesności). Autor wykazuje, iż obecny kształt rodziny, który przez wielu badaczy jest określany jako jej kryzys czy nawet upadek, jest efektem długiego procesu polegającego na zmianach wzajemnych obowiązków i jednocześnie chęcią indywidualnego rozwoju członków tejże rodziny. Prowadzi to do odrzucania dotychczasowych form i więzi, utraty tradycyjnych przekonań, wiedzy i norm oraz tworzenia nowego rodzaju więzi społecznych. Zastosowano metodę naukową w postaci etnografii wielostanowiskowej (Marcus 2003), która jest metodą prowadzenia badań w warunkach nieciągłości formacji kulturowych, gdy ponadlokalne czynniki wpływają na sytuację w danej lokalności, wywołując rozmaite „praktyki, niepokoje i dwuznaczności” (Marcus 2003, s. 170). Z niniejszych badań wyciągnięto wnioski, iż rodzina mimo wykazanych słabości, nadal stanowi ważną instytucję dla jednostki. Jest ona również jedyną instytucją, która jest w stanie bronić jednostkę przed negatywnymi aspektami wynikającymi z ponowoczesności. Wobec powyższego, w polityce Państwa potrzebne i konieczne jest większe zwrócenie uwagi na przeobrażenia więzi rodzinnej w nieustannie zmieniających się warunkach społeczno-kulturowych, w których maleje rola tradycyjnej rodziny.
Family Forum; 2020, 10; 15-35
Pojawia się w:
Family Forum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Novovznikajúce formy rodinného života na Slovnensku
New emerging forms of family life in Slovakia
Tománek, Pavol
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
single family
mingle family
patchwork family
The present study deals with the family, parenting and the current form of creating families. The work provides insight into the phenomenon of current single, mingle and patchwork families
Interdyscyplinarne Konteksty Pedagogiki Specjalnej; 2013, 1; 101-119
Pojawia się w:
Interdyscyplinarne Konteksty Pedagogiki Specjalnej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Obraz rodziny polskiej w gimnazjalnych podręcznikach wychowanie do życia w rodzinie w latach 1999-2007
The picture of the Polish family in the lower-secondary school textbooks on Education for Family Life between the years 1999-2007
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Wrocławski. Wydział Nauk Historycznych i Pedagogicznych. Instytut Pedagogiki. Zakład Historii Edukacji
textbooks, Education for Family Life, family, healthy (functional)
family, dysfunctional family, objectives of the family, family relations.
The analysis of structure and content of the Family Life Education manuals aims at making the readers familiar with the concept of a contemporary Polish family which was presented in the curriculum content of the subject Family Life Education from 1998-2007.
Wychowanie w Rodzinie; 2011, II, (2/2011)
Pojawia się w:
Wychowanie w Rodzinie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Family Meeting as a Mechanism of Family Governance: Review of the Experiences of Polish Family Companies
Koładkiewicz, Izabela
Data publikacji:
Akademia Leona Koźmińskiego w Warszawie
family meeting
family and company
family businesses
Purpose: The objective of the research was an assessment of the experiences of Polish owners of family companies in organizing family meetings as mechanisms of family governance as well as evaluating the usefulness of solutions developed in this sphere for both family and company. Methodology: The character of the conducted research was qualitative. The main technique used to gather data involved interviews. A total of thirty nine respondents from twenty companies were questioned. Nineteen were representatives of the older generation while twenty represented the younger second generation of owners of family businesses. Findings: Research results indicated the rather extensive use by the examined owner families of family meetings to discuss company matters. Depending on their needs, they developed various models ranging from the ad hoc bringing up of company matters to the transformation of such meetings into formal, family meetings of the management board organized in company offi ces. Regardless of organizational form, family meetings were an important forum for the exchange of information and views on the functioning of the company among family members. The experiences of the examined families of owners in building family governance systems, understood as a complex of structures and mechanisms making possible the maintenance of a balance between tensions stemming from economic and emotional ties among family members, both involved in the company and outside it, remain small. Research limitations: The qualitative character of the research, including the size of the examined sample (twenty family companies represented by thirty nine representatives), means that the generalizations made for the purposes of this study refer only to the experiences and opinions of the interviewed respondents. Originality: The research performed is the fi rst of its kind devoted to family meetings as a component of the system of family governance created in the family forum of owners of family companies. At present, questions of family governance subject to Polish conditions are not a popular research fi eld undertaken with respect to family companies. This is dictated by the current phase of development of most domestic family ventures, where no significant diversifi cation of stakeholders on the family level has as yet occurred. However, this should in no way suggest that Polish family businesses are not acquiring their first experiences in the sphere of family governance that, in the future, may prove useful in the forming of more complex structures.
Management and Business Administration. Central Europe; 2014, 22, 3; 37-55
Pojawia się w:
Management and Business Administration. Central Europe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Family Assistant’s Role in Supporting Families whose Parental Authority has been Limited
Rola asystenta rodziny we wspieraniu rodzin z ograniczonymi prawami rodzicielskimi
Rajewska de Mezer, Joanna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
family assistant
family support
family assistance
social work with families
family dysfunction
With its specific way of functioning and network of interweaving interactions of various character and emotional intensity, the family is an environment where the process of a child’s socialization takes place, social personality develops and patterns of social roles are acquired. A family that malfunctions can trigger deviation mechanisms, thus considerably contributing to a child’s social maladjustment. Due to that, in case the criteria described by law are met, it is necessary to use specific assistance measures and interfere in a family’s autonomy, limit its parental authority and support it in fulfilling educational and socialization functions. Appointing a family assistant is one of the measures of limiting parental authority aimed at helping a family.
Studia Edukacyjne; 2018, 51; 183-200
Pojawia się w:
Studia Edukacyjne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Opinia prawna na temat poselskiego projektu ustawy o zmianie ustawy o świadczeniach rodzinnych
Legal opinion to the Deputies’ bill amending the Act on Family Benefits (Sejm Paper No. 3205) (BAS-WAL-1029/15)
Snażyk, Zofia
Data publikacji:
Kancelaria Sejmu. Biuro Analiz Sejmowych
family benefits
The author of opinion argues that increasing the supplement for those caring for children born in one delivery (multiples) and the deprivation of that right in relation other families in which the person at parental leave provides personal care for more than one child, is inconsistent with the resolution of the Supreme Administrative Court ref. I OPS 15/13 and the principle of equality enshrined in the Constitution.
Zeszyty Prawnicze BAS; 2015, 2(46); 180-190
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Prawnicze BAS
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ewolucja pojęcia rodziny. Aspekty teologiczno-etyczne
Evolution of the concept of the family. Theological and ethical aspects
Machinek, Marian
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Opolski. Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego
family, communio personarum, same-sex relationships, “family centership", single-parent family, family rights
Contemporary changes in family structures, and first of all changes in social mentality and perception of the importance of family relationships, undoubtedly bear the evolution hallmarks. This concept does not necessarily mean a change for the better, but it may also identify the degeneration and the change of adverse quality. There is no doubt that appreciation of woman’s role and impact, emphasis put on the equal dignity of the spouses, the necessity of their mutual respect and subjectivity of children are the steps in the right direction. However, the attempt to redefine the concept of the family without taking into account the type and quality of bonds between parents (whether they are married or not) and aiming to treat any kind of adult relationship (regardless of their gender) to whom children are assigned as a family should be considered a highly problematic trend. It contrasts with the essential elements of the Christian perspective on family. The starting point of Christian reflection on the family is, on one hand, God’s pre-intention towards the man included on the first pages of the Bible with the covenant marriage as the main element, and on the other hand, a kind of anthropological realism which perceives fragility and threats of this primary and natural communion. However, irrespective of accepted assumptions, there is no doubt that the stability of the family whose key element is a permanent heterosexual relationship between parents becomes a prerequisite of the successful socialization of the young generation. In this sense the future fate of the society depends on durability and quality of the family. All attempts of relativization of the family should be considered as disquieting, beginning with promotion of informal relationships up to attempts at giving privilege to same-sex relationships and granting them privileges analogical to those enjoyed by the family. Concern for the family is one of the most important responsibilities of the state, therefore one of the elements of restoring its proper social status is demanding from the government not to confine the family policy only to pre-election promises.
Family Forum; 2011, 1; 13-27
Pojawia się w:
Family Forum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Between ideal and morality. Family and its socio-moral problems and challenges in Romania
Pomiędzy ideałem a moralnością. Społeczne i moralne problemy w rodzinie w Rumunii
Iloaie, Ştefan
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Opolski. Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego
traditional family
“modern” family
In Romanian society, family was one of the fundamental “institutions”, strongly supported by religious convictions, by tradition, stability and need of social safety. Inside a family man is educated from a religious point of view, he receives the model of behaviour he needs in society, he discovers the first social relations. Until today, these characteristics have been preserved in many families in Romania and they represent the foundation of a good training for young people for beautiful life, well anchored in the realities of the society. After the fall of communism in Romania at the end of 1989 and especially when the first manifestations of the globalization of secularization occurred, family was and still is confronted with new and unparalleled challenges. It has lost a lot of its value, since young people consider that they can live together without an engagement blessed by the Church and legislated by the state. Instead of assuming the responsibility of becoming a family, young people have now other priorities in life: career, their own happiness, social and economical fulfillment. These are the reasons why the average age of contracting a marriage is very high. The model of the monoparental family seems to be now in fashion, since more than 20% of children in Romania live in such a family. There is an increasing number of divorces, concubinages, abortions, people who neglect the education of their own children, of people who do not get married any more. Some of the members of Romanian families live and work abroad – the official number is 900,000 – and this situation has serious consequences upon family itself and especially upon the children who remain at home. All these realities have placed family, in the last 10 years, in the center of attention of all the institutions in Romania which have a social and educational impact. Churches especially engaged themselves in supporting family, in protecting it and rendering its value again. They hope that young people and members of present families will discover and assume the values of the most important institution of moral and social education.
Family Forum; 2012, 2; 73-87
Pojawia się w:
Family Forum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Refreshing Typologies Based on Family Firms’ Goals: The Perspective of “First-Generation Enterprises”
Węcławski, Jerzy
Żukowska, Beata
Data publikacji:
Akademia Leona Koźmińskiego w Warszawie
family business
family business goals
family business typology
Purpose: The study aims to build a typology of family businesses with relatively short experience in the free-market economy. The typology is based on the goal preferences of the family businesses. Methodology: The research is based on empirical data from Polish medium-sized and large enter prises, collected in 2014. Using cluster analysis and variance analysis, we identified four types of family enterprises based on their goal perceptions and tested the differences among them. Results: The article distinguishes and characterizes four types of family enterprises: “business first, family second,” “only business,” “immature,” and “family first, business second.” Originality/value: The proposed typology is similar to that presented in the subject literature. Nevertheless, our contribution resides in the discovery that even if family and business goals are integrated in the enterprise, one of the systems will be dominant. Moreover, enterprises that only prioritize family goals were absent in the explored data set.
Central European Management Journal; 2019, 27(3); 128-146
Pojawia się w:
Central European Management Journal
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Are Family Businesses Long-Lived?
Węcławski, Jerzy
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
family business
family business age
family business generation
Theoretical background: Striving to maintain family ownership of the enterprise and to perform its succession is one of the main characteristics of this types of business entities Sustainability of family businesses fosters economic stability, intergenerational transfer of systems of family values and building a brand. However, implementing a strategy of development and expansion necessitates financing with external equity as well as professional management with the involvement of external managers, which leads to weakening or losing control of the family over the enterprise.Purpose of the article: The study aims to increase the knowledge on the family business’s age with taking into account the inflence that external factors as well as social and economic environment have on it.Research methods: The analysis of subject literature on family entrepreneurship and statistical data including international comparisons were applied.Main conclusions: A fairly common perception of family businesses as firms with long traditions is not fully appropriate. Within this groups, the most frequently quoted examples of family businesses existing for years are exceptional. A family nature that stabilises the existence of the firm gets weaker along with the intergeneration transfer of the ownership. Longevity occurs in small and medium enterprises, while large and professionalized ones lose their family nature preserving “familiness” as a brand along with their development.
Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, sectio H – Oeconomia; 2022, 56, 1; 107-118
Pojawia się w:
Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, sectio H – Oeconomia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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