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Analisi giuridica comparativa del fedele laico nel Codex Iuris Canonici e nel Codex Canonum Ecclesiarum Orientalium con particolare riferimento alla codice del diritto particolare della Chiesa Syro-Malabarese
A Comparative Legal Analysis of the Lay Christian Faithful in the 1983 Code of Canon Law and in the Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches with Particular Emphasis on the Particular Law of the Syro-Malabar Church
Analiza prawno-porównawcza wiernego świeckiego w Kodeksie Prawa Kanonicznego z 1983 roku i Kodeksie Kanonów Kościołów Wschodnich ze szczególnym odniesieniem do prawa partykularnego Kościoła Syro-Malabaryjskiego
Scaria, Jerin
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
Chiesa orientale
Chiesa Siro-Malabarese
Comunione di Chiesa
Chiesa particolare
fedele cristiano
Oriental Church
Syro-Malabar Church
Church communion
particular Church
Christian faithful
Kościół wschodni
Kościół Syro-Malabarski
komunia Kościoła
Kościół partykularny
wierny chrześcijanin
W obecnym kontekście Kościoła powszechnego „jedyne Corpus Iuris Canonici” staje się konkretną rzeczywistością. Kościół oddycha dwoma płucami, wschodnim i zachodnim. Kanony Kodeksu Kanonów Kościołów Wschodnich uzupełniają Kodeks Kościoła łacińskiego, gdy kanon, który odnosi się do Kościoła sui iuris, ale z kontekstu jasno wynika, że przedmiotowa kwestia dotyczy relacji z Kościołem łacińskim.
In the present context of the Universal Church, “the only Corpus Iuris Canonici” is becoming a concrete reality. The Church breathes with two lungs, one in the East and one in the West. The eastern canons supplement the western canons: they do so when a canon refers either to the Latin Church or a Church sui iuris and the when the context makes it clear that the case concerns relations with the Latin Church.
Nel contesto attuale della Chiesa Universale, “l’unico Corpus Iuris Canonici”, diventa realtà concreta. La Chiesa respira con due polmoni, quello dell’Oriente e dell’Occidente. I canoni orientali forniscono il diritto suppletivo ai canoni occidentali: lo fanno quando un canone si riferisce all’ Ecclesia sui iuris e il testo e il contesto rendono chiaro che la questione implica relazioni con la Chiesa Latina.
Kościół i Prawo; 2019, 8 (21), 1; 61-83
Pojawia się w:
Kościół i Prawo
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ancora sul concetto di diritto soggettivo nell’ordinamento della Chiesa
Subjective rights within the Code of canon law once again
Raz jeszcze o prawie podmiotowym wiernych
Michowicz, Przemysław
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie
Synod Biskupów
Principia quæ
communio i współuczestnictwo
prawa i obowiązki wiernych
Synod of Bishops
communion and participation
rights and obligations of faithful
Przedmiotem artykułu jest jeden z najbardziej dyskutowanych tematów w kanonistyce posoborowej, tj. podmiotowe prawo osoby ochrzczonej zawarte w przepisach kodeksu prawa kanonicznego z 1983 roku. Poruszana problematyka została poddana analizie w oparciu o zasady rewizji kodeksu wypracowane przez I Synod Biskupów. Autor podkreśla, że zasadniczym zamierzeniem odnowy prawa kościelnego miała być nie tyle pilna konieczność poszerzenia katalogu praw wszystkich wiernych, ile bardziej kwestia sposobu sprawowania władzy rządzenia przez kościelnych przełożonych, którzy winni się wystrzegać arbitralności lub innych form poważnych nadużyć w tym zakresie. W konsekwencji autor wskazuje na przewagę obowiązków nad tzw. prawami i postuluje, by tzw. prawa podmiotowe wyrażać poprzez termin „wolność”, z uwagi na istotę założeń, na których zbudowany jest prawny system Kościoła katolickiego.
The paper discuses one of the most commented topic in the contemporary science of canon law, that is the bill of subjective rights and obligations set by the ecclesiastical legislator in the Code of canon law for the Western Church. The author analyses the concept of those rights and obligations in the light of the Principles of revision elaborated by the first Synod of Bishops held in 1967. One of the commission’s first actions was to draft a set of principles to guide the work of rethinking the Code, especially the significance of rights and obligations of the Christian faithful. Given the nature of the Catholic Church developed by the Second Vatican Council (communion and participation), the examination of this document let the author to affirm that the main goal was to emphasise the exercise of authority that should have appear more clearly as service and should be free from abuse rather to define and safeguard the rights of persons. Furthermore, it was also possible to determine the correct intention of the Synod Fathers whose idea was to define the subjective rights in term of liberties in the same way in which they are obtainable in catalogues of human rights. Eventually, the author demonstrates consequences related to the new vision of rights and obligations highlighting for example the clear priority of obligations over rights.
Annales Canonici; 2021, 17, 2; 83-100
Pojawia się w:
Annales Canonici
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Aspekty organizacyjne i majątkowe funkcjonowania stowarzyszeń Kościoła Katolickiego w świetle regulacji prawa polskiego i prawa kanonicznego
Trojnar, Tomasz
Data publikacji:
Instytut Teologiczno-Pastoralny im. św. bpa Józefa Sebastiana Pelczara
stowarzyszenia wiernych
prawo do stowarzyszania się
kościelne prawo majątkowe
associations of the Christian Faithful
norms for Associations of the Christian Faithful
ecclesiastical property law
The right of association is one of the pillars of a democratic state ruled by law. In the Polish legal system, the right of association are enshrined in Article. 12 of the Polish Constitution. Numerous provisions of international law also refer to it, making them one of the most important human rights. The Catholic Church also supports the association of their believers. The right of association and the scope of this right were laid in the Code of Canon Law in 1983. The issue of association of the faithful, who are also subject to the provisions of Polish law, must be for the mixed nature (res mixtae). This dualism of legal regulation of association, seriously hampers the proper interpretation of the rules derived from two different from each other legal systems . The purpose of this article is to present, in a comparative context, the Polish law the regulations of the Polish and the canonical law forming a right of the faithful to associate with a particular taking into account the property and organizational functioning of this kind of associations.
Resovia Sacra : Studia Teologiczno-Filozoficzne Diecezji Rzeszowskiej; 2016, 23; 339-354
Pojawia się w:
Resovia Sacra : Studia Teologiczno-Filozoficzne Diecezji Rzeszowskiej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Budowanie Ludu Bożego jako szczególny obowiązek małżonków chrześcijańskich. Analiza kan. 226 § 1 Kodeksu Prawa Kanonicznego z 1983 roku
Building up the People of God as a Special Obligation of Christian Spouses. Analysis of can. 226 § 1 of the 1983 Code of Canon Law
Olejnik, Bogumiła
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
obowiązki i prawa wiernych świeckich
Lud Boży
małżeństwo i rodzina
Kodeks Prawa Kanonicznego z 1983 r.
obligations and rights of the lay Christian faithful
the People of God
marriage and family
1983 Code of Canon Law
Artykuł prezentuje genezę kan. 226 § 1 Kodeksu Prawa Kanonicznego z 1983 r., który swoje źródło ma w nauczaniu Soboru Watykańskiego II. Podmiotem szczególnego obowiązku są wierni świeccy żyjący w stanie małżeńskim. Zobowiązani są dążyć do budowania Ludu Bożego poprzez małżeństwo i rodzinę.
The article describes the genesis of can. 226 § 1 of the 1983 Code of Canon Law, which has its origin in the teaching of the Second Vatican Council. The subject of the special obligation are the lay Christian faithful who are married. They are obligate to strive for the building up of the People of God through their marriage and family.
Kościół i Prawo; 2017, 6, 1; 9-21
Pojawia się w:
Kościół i Prawo
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Czy prawo kanoniczne integruje wiernych?
Does canon law integrate the faithful?
Kroczek, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie
canon law
Catholic Church
prawo kanoniczne
Kościół katolicki
The paper discusses the problem of the integrating function of canon law for the community of the faithful. The author offers some arguments in support of the thesis. They are as follows: an argument from the genesis of canon law, an argument from the nature of customary law, an argument from the function of church law and from values connected with canonical norms. Also arguments from legal institutions like diocesan synod and diocesan and parish pastoral council are provided. Realization of the right to association and role of particular law are offered as arguments. The conclusion of the paper is that canon law serves the process of integration of the faithful.
W artykule poruszony został problem integracyjnej funkcji prawa kanonicznego dla wspólnoty wierzących. Autor prezentuje argumenty popierające tę tezę. Są to argumenty z pochodzenia prawa kanonicznego, z charakteru prawa zwyczajowego, funkcji prawa kanonicznego, powiązania wartości i prawa kanonicznego, a także z instytucji prawa kanonicznego takich jak synod diecezjalny i rada duszpasterska. Konkluzję rozważań stanowi stwierdzenie, iż prawo kanoniczne służy procesowi integracji wiernych.
Studia Socialia Cracoviensia; 2014, 1(10); 99-108
Pojawia się w:
Studia Socialia Cracoviensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Czym jest synodalność? Rozwój świadomości synodalności na przestrzeni historii Kościoła
What is synodality? The development of synodality awareness throughout the history of the Church
Proniewski, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Wyższe Seminarium Misyjne Księży Sercanów
świadomość synodalności
wierni świeccy
awareness of synodality
synod, council
the lay faithful
Synodalność to pojęcie, które zyskało na popularności w Kościele katolickim w czasach pontyfikatu papieża Franciszka. Już pierwsze wieki chrześcijaństwa miały wpływ na formowanie się synodalnej drogi Kościoła. II Sobór Watykański położył fundament pod odnowienie życia synodalnego za pomocą nauki o kolegialności biskupów. Posoborowe prawo kanoniczne stworzyło możliwość organizowania synodów powszechnych, regionalnych i diecezjalnych. W celu wytłumaczenia procesu rozwoju świadomości synodalności w Kościele na przestrzeni dziejów autor analizuje i wyjaśnia podstawowe pojęcia w punkcie explicatio terminorum (1), następnie opisuje wybrane wydarzenia synodalne i soborowe, które towarzyszyły dziejom Kościoła (2), wskazuje na dziedzictwo, które przetrwało do dzisiejszych czasów (3), i ukazuje aktualny stan zakresu działań sprzyjających formowaniu wiernych do synodalności w Kościele (4).
Synodality is a concept that gained popularity in the Catholic Church during the pontificate of Pope Francis. Already the first centuries of Christianity had an impact on the formation of the synodal path of the Church. The Second Vatican Council laid the foundation for the renewal of synodal life through the doctrine of the collegiality of bishops. Post-conciliar canon law created the possibility of organizing universal, regional and diocesan synods. In order to explain the process of development of the awareness of synodality in the Church throughout history, the author analyses and explains the basic concepts in the point explicatio terminorum (1), then describes selected synodal and conciliar events that have accompanied the history of the Church (2), points to a legacy that has survived to the present day (3) and shows the current state of the range of activities conducive to the formation of the faithful for synodality in the Church (4).
Sympozjum; 2022, 1(42); 11-32
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Motyka, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Instytut Teologiczno-Pastoralny im. św. bpa Józefa Sebastiana Pelczara
struktury kościelne, diecezja, terytorium, podział administracyjny, dekanat, parafia, Rzeszów, biskup, zarząd diecezji, instytucje diecezjalne, kapłani, zakonnicy, katecheci świeccy, wierni, duszpasterstwo
church structures, diocese, territory, administrative division, deanate, parish, Rzeszow, bishop, diocesan administration, diocesan institutions, priests, nuns, secular catechists, faithful, pastoral ministry
The Diocese of Rzeszow, an administrative unit of the Roman Catholic Church, located in south-eastern Poland, was founded on March 25th, 1992 under the bull of John Paul II Totus tuus Poloniae populus. As a suffragan diocese, it entered the metropolis of Przemysl. Her patrons were announced: Bl. Bishop Joseph Sebastian Pelczar and Bl. Karolina Kózka, and to the rank of the cathedral church – the elevated church. The Sacred Heart of Jesus in Rzeszow. The territory covered by two dioceses - Przemysl (fourteen deanates) and Tarnow (the deanate of Kolbuszowa and 37 parishes separated from the five deanates); The total of 202 parishes and 4 rectors. Over the past quarter century several decanter network corrections have been made and many new parishes have been created. As a result of these actions - according to the data from 2016 - the territory of the diocese was divided into 25 deanates, 244 parishes and one rectorate. They lived mainly the faithful of the Roman Catholic Church. Representatives of other religions or denominations were a little percent. The diocese's administration was in the hands of the diocesan bishop. The office was performed by Bishop Kazimierz Górny (1992-2013) and Bishop Jan Wątroba (from 2013). On this mission was assisted by auxiliary bishop Edward Białogłowski. In the diocese there were also various offices, councils and diocesan institutions, such as the Diocesan Curia, the Bishop's Court, the Levitical Council, the chapters of the canons, the cultural and educational institutions (such as the Higher Seminary, the Diocesan Museum Diocesan media (eg Catholic Radio Via) and the Synod of the Diocese of Rzeszow were organized. Pastoral work in the diocese is mainly undertaken by diocesan priests. They are supported by lay people and religious catechists. The Church's mission is to give a priority to pastoral care, that is, the concern for the sanctification of the faithful. In the Diocese of Rzeszow, such as its ordinary and extraordinary forms were realized. The latter manifested above all in the functioning of pastoral and ecclesiastical organizations and in cyclic and occasional pastoral activities, such as pilgrimages, coronations with the graces of famous paintings, and celebrations of the Jubilee Year. The last time he enrolled in the permanent history of the diocese of Rzeszów; It was not only a strong foundation for its functioning, but also a faithful pastoral program, both in its ordinary and extraordinary forms. This resulted in a great religious commitment, both priests and lay people.
Resovia Sacra : Studia Teologiczno-Filozoficzne Diecezji Rzeszowskiej; 2017, 24; 321-345
Pojawia się w:
Resovia Sacra : Studia Teologiczno-Filozoficzne Diecezji Rzeszowskiej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Drugi v Drugem: književni citati v poljskem in italjanskem prevodu romana "Gimnazijka" Antona Ingoliča
Obcy w obcym: cytaty literackie w polskim i włoskim przekładzie powieści "Gimnazijka" Antona Ingoliča
The Other in the Other: literary citations in Polish and Italian translations of Anton Ingolič’s youth novel "Gimnazijka"
Grošelj, Robert
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
mladinski roman Gimnazijka
Anton Ingolič
književni citat
zvesti prevod
delni prevod
povzemalni prevod
powieść młodzieżowa Gimnazijka
cytat literacki
wierny przekład
przekład częściowy
przekład streszczający
youth novel Gimnazijka
literary citation
faithful translation
partial translation
summary translation
V prispevku je analizirano prevajanje književnih citatov v poljskem in italijanskem prevodu slovenskega mladinskega romana "Gimnazijka" Antona Ingoliča. S književnimi citati avtor sooblikuje svoje pripovedovanje (autoreferencialnost), bralca pa tudi informira — s konkretnimi besedilnimi zgledi — o kanonskih avtorjih svetovne (Shakepeare, Molière) in slovenske (Kette, Murn, Gradnik) književnosti (referencialnost). V analiziranih prevodih "Gimnazijke" prihaja pri citatih pogosto do poenostavljanja ciljnega besedila: poljska prevajalka se je za ohranitev citata odločila v treh, italijanski prevajalec pa le v dveh od petih primerov. V obeh prevodih je pogosto tudi poenostavljanje citatnega sobesedila, tudi če je citat ohranjen (poenostavljanje je večje v italijanskem prevodu). Na tak način sta se prevoda oddaljila od slogovne oblikovanosti in vsebinske kompleksnosti izhodiščnega besedila, hkrati pa se je z neupoštevanjem citatov zmanjšala njegova referencialnost (informativno-didaktična dimenzija).
The paper discusses the translation of literary citations in Polish and Italian translations of the Slovenian youth novel "Gimnazijka" by Anton Ingolič. With the help of literary citations the author shapes his narrative (autoreferentiality) and also informs the reader — by using concrete text examples — of the authors included in the canon of world (cf. Shakespeare, Molière) and Slovenian (cf. Kette, Murn, Gradnik) literature (referentiality). In the analyzed translations of "Gimnazijka", text fragments with citations are frequently simplified: Polish translator has opted for preserving three, the Italian only two citations out of five. In both translations the text fragments with citations have been frequently simplified, even if the citation itself is preserved (the summary translation has been used more widely by Italian translator). In such a way, the analyzed translations have not only reduced the stylistic qualities and the content complexity of the source text, but also diminished its referentiality (informative-didactic dimension) by disregarding some of the literary citations.
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich; 2014, 5, 1; 272-303
Pojawia się w:
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Działalność organów bezpieczeństwa Polski Ludowej wobec wybranych zakonów męskich w województwie koszalińskim w latach 1950-1975
Activity of the Security Organs towards the Selected Monasteries in the Koszalin Voivodship in the Years 1950–1975
Konkol, Konrad
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Szczeciński. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego
Polish People’s Republic
security organs
repressive measures
Roman Catholic Church
the faithful
Koszalin Voivodship
aparat bezpieczeństwa
Kościół rzymskokatolicki
zakony męskie
województwo koszalińskie
After the World War II Poland was included in the Soviet Union zone of influence. The second half of the 1940s was marked by the sanctioning of the communist power, which attempted to gain control of all the spheres of life. One of the most difficult assumptions to be implemented was laicization of the Polish society. The Catholic worldview significantly affected their conduct and way of thinking, which clashed with the atheism promoted by the communists. This is why one of the security organs’ priorities was surveillance of the monastic clergy, whose prestige was continuously being undermined in the eyes of the faithful.
Po zakończeniu II wojny światowej Polska znalazła się w strefie wpływów Związku Radzieckiego. Druga połowa lat 40. upłynęła pod znakiem sankcjonowania władzy komunistycznej, starającej się podporządkować sobie wszelkie dziedziny życia. Jednym z najtrudniejszych założeń do realizacji była laicyzacja społeczeństwa polskiego. Światopogląd katolicki znacząco wpływał na postępowanie i tok myślenia ludności, co zderzyło się z propagowanym przez komunistów ateizmem. Dlatego jednym z priorytetów organów bezpieczeństwa była inwigilacja duchowieństwa zakonnego, którego autorytet nieustannie podważano w oczach wiernych.
Przegląd Zachodniopomorski; 2020, 3; 67-98
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Zachodniopomorski
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Economic emigration of young Poles as a significant factor of challenges within marriage and family – a canon law perspective
Brzemia-Bonarek, Aleksandra
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie
Labor migration of young Poles
sociology of family
Roman Catholic faithful
pastoral care for the emigrants
matrimonial nullity processes
In Poland, in the last 25 years, theologians, lawyers, sociologist and psychologists have discussed significant changes in the field of marriage and family. The political transformations caused not only economic development, but also cultural transformation and globalization of social phenomena. Among such issues there is the problem of the emigration of young polish citizens. Apart from the positive economic and cultural aspects of working abroad, some negative influence on the strength and unity of the families has been observed. In the article effort was made to examine the impact of labor migration on the reorientation of the general family in the light of matrimonial nullity processes, where the emigrant was involved as the Petitioner or the Respondent party. The author`s conclusion is that it is the last chance to create and put into practice, as soon as possible, the modern and interdisciplinary program of pastoral care directed to the families of the migrants, especially the new generation.
The Person and the Challenges. The Journal of Theology, Education, Canon Law and Social Studies Inspired by Pope John Paul II; 2018, 8, 1; 111-120
Pojawia się w:
The Person and the Challenges. The Journal of Theology, Education, Canon Law and Social Studies Inspired by Pope John Paul II
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Formacja kandydatów do kapłaństwa w świetle nowego Ratio fundamentalis institutionis sacerdotalis
Formation of Candidates for the Priesthood in Light of the New Ratio Fundamentalis Institutionis Sacerdotalis
Selejdak, Ryszard
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
Ratio fundamentalis institutionis sacerdotalis
Ratio krajowe
kapłaństwo powszechne wiernych
kapłaństwo służebne
tożsamość kapłańska
formacja integralna
formacja początkowa i permanentna
Ratio Fundamentalis Institutionis Sacerdotalis
Ratio Nationalis
Ordo Studiorum
common priesthood of the faithful
ministerial priesthood
priestly identity
integrated formation
initial and ongoing formation
The last Ratio Fundamentalis Institutionis Sacerdotalis was published in1970 and updated in 1985. In the meantime, and particularly under the effectof the rapid changes in the modern world, the historical, socio-cultural andecclesial contexts have changed, in which the priest is called to make manifest the mission of Christ and the Church. This has also led to significantchanges in related matters: the image or the view of the priest, the spiritualneeds of the People of God, the challenges of the new evangelisation, andthe languages of communication, to name just a few. In this situation, it seemed that priestly formation needed to be relaunched, renewed and returned to the centre. On 8 December 2016, therefore, the Congregation for the Clergy published the new Ratio Fundamentalis Institutionis Sacerdotalis,a tool for the formation of priests. It has taken up the contents, methods andapproaches presented so far in the field of formation, updating them andintroducing new elements. The document restates the guidelines offeredin the Apostolic Exhortation Pastores Dabo Vobis regarding an integratedformation of seminarians. In this formation, the formators and professors arecalled to demonstrate the close relationship between theology, the spirituallife and the pastoral ministry. This is so in order that the candidate for thepriesthood might become a good shepherd of the People of God and havea compassionate and merciful heart like Christ.
Collectanea Theologica; 2017, 87, 3; 97-133
Pojawia się w:
Collectanea Theologica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Formation of Adult Lay Catholics for Commitment in the World
Stala, Józef
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie
Lay faithful
commitment to the world
The teaching of the Second Vatican Council develops an understanding of the Church as an integral entirety, present in the world and operating in accordance with its nature and purpose. Every personal commitment of a lay faithful, every effort made and each achievement has an impact on others and the whole Church. However, the commitment of adult Catholics to the world requires their appropriate preparation. Therefore, this article will first present the ecclesiological foundations of the lay faithful’s earthly commitment, and then, the process of their preparation, taking into consideration their personal and religious development. Finally it will also explore the meaning of the community as the place of their permanent formation.
The Person and the Challenges. The Journal of Theology, Education, Canon Law and Social Studies Inspired by Pope John Paul II; 2017, 7, 2
Pojawia się w:
The Person and the Challenges. The Journal of Theology, Education, Canon Law and Social Studies Inspired by Pope John Paul II
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Formulas for the Universal Prayer in the Typical Editions of the Post-Conciliar Missal
Wzory modlitwy powszechnej w typicznych wydaniach mszału posoborowego
Kulbacki, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
modlitwa powszechna
modlitwa wiernych
mszał Pawła VI
wzorce modlitw
universal prayer
prayer of the faithful
Missal of Paul VI
formulas for prayers
Opracowanie prezentuje wyniki badań dotyczących zmian we wzorach modlitwy powszechnej w kolejnych wydaniach typicznych mszału. Modlitwa powszechna stanowi szczytową część liturgii, w której wypełnia się powszechne kapłaństwo wiernych. Sobór postulował przywrócenie jej według starożytnych wzorów. Concilium ad Exsequendam Constitutionem de Sacra Liturgia jeszcze przed pierwszą edycją typiczną mszału wydało podstawowy dokument De oratione communi seu fidelium. Podano w nim wzory modlitwy powszechnej, na podstawie których krajowe konferencje biskupów powinny wydać własne wzorce w języku narodowym. Spośród 54 podanych w De oratione wzorów modlitwy powszechnej w dodatku do posoborowego mszału umieszczono 11. Potwierdza to koncepcję, że mają one stanowić tylko przykłady, a nie zbiór do stosowania w liturgii.
The study presents the results of research on changes in the formulas for the universal prayer in the subsequent typical editions of the Missal. The universal prayer is the climax of the liturgy in which the universal priesthood of the faithful is fulfilled. The Council postulated its restoration according to the ancient practice. Concilium ad Exsequendam Constitutionem de Sacra Liturgia published (before the first typical edition of the Missal) a basic document De oratione communi seu fidelium. The formulas for the universal prayer were given in it. They form the basis on which the national bishops’ conferences should publish their own formulas in the national language. Out of 54 models of the universal prayer given in De oratione, 11 were added in an appendix to the post-conciliar Missal. This confirms the concept that they are only examples, not a set for use in the liturgy.
Roczniki Teologiczne; 2018, 65, 8; 67-76
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Teologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Formy adresatywne w ustnej komunikacji religijnej – aspekt empiryczno-porównawczy (na materiale współczesnego języka polskiego i ukraińskiego)
Address Forms in Oral Religious Communication: Empirically Comparative Aspect (Based on the Material of Modern Ukrainian and Polish Languages)
Fedoriuk, Maryna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie
ustna komunikacja religijna
formy adresatywne w mowie duchowni
oral religious communication
forms of address in speech
the clergy
the faithful
The author talks about chosen issues connected with usage of addressing forms in oral religious communication concerning three plains of using addressing forms in communicational situational contacts with the representatives of Catholic and Orthodox Churches: usage of complete ways of expressing addressing in Polish language; usage of names; usage of titles. Those three areas of functioning the addressing forms in oral communication are examined in the framework of different directions of religious communication: clerics–clerics, clerics–parishioners, parishioners–clerics and possibly parishioners–parishioners in communicational situations concerning the life of a parish. Those ways show the types of communicational situations where potentially can be found the sender and the recipient.
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia Linguistica; 2015, 10; 40-56
Pojawia się w:
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia Linguistica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Fundamental Rights—Comparison of the Approaches in the Canon Law and in the Civil Law
Leggi fondamentali: confronto di prospettive del diritto canonico e del diritto civile
Lois fondamentales : les perspectives du droit canonique et celles du droit civil à comparer
Přibyl, Stanislav
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Church law
civil law
natural law
human rights
fundamental rights and freedoms
duties and rights of the faithful
the Code of Canon Law
law making
Catholic Church
rule of law
diritto ecclesiastico
diritto civile
diritto naturale
diritti umani
diritti e libertà
obblighi e diritti dei fedeli
codice di diritto
processo legislativo
chiesa cattolica
di diritto
droit ecclésial
droit civil
droit naturel
droits de l’homme
droits et libertés fondamentaux
obligations et droits des fidèles
code de droit canonique
élaboration des lois
église catholique
état de droit
The Code of Canon Law of 1983 came up with a list of obligations and duties of the Catholic faithful. This list is analogical to those of the charters of fundamental rights and freedoms found in the documents of international law and in the constitutions of democratic countries. the inspiration of church law by civilian law was a reality from the very beginnings of the development of Canon Law: first by Roman Law, in the modern world by complex codifications of civil law, and after Vatican II also the idea of universal human rights. The specifics of the Catholic Church in relation to a democratic state is the incorporation of the subject of law into the Church through baptism which brings, above all, duties and obligations. Thus the catalogue which may now be seen in the Code contains first and foremost a list of duties, not rights, which are not stressed in the modern state. In fact, the modern state has very few demands; often just the payment of taxes and compulsory school attendance. The article deals with the individual obligations and rights found in the Code of Canon Law and compares them with their analogies in constitutions. The concept of civil and canonical norms tends to get closer primarily in the case of inspiration by natural law, whereas the obligations of the faithful represent a specifically ecclesiastical goals, for which no analogy in civil law can be found. After all, the supreme law of the Church is the salvation of souls, indeed, the state does not have such a supernatural goal.
Il Codice di Diritto Canonico del 1983 ha introdotto un elenco di doveri e diritti dei fedeli laici. È analogo agli elenchi caratteristici dei diritti e delle libertà fondamentali contenuti nei documenti di diritto internazionale e nelle costituzioni dei paesi democratici. L’ispirazione della Chiesa al diritto civile è stata una realtà sin dall’inizio del diritto canonico: prima attraverso il diritto romano, poi, nel mondo moderno, attraverso complesse codificazioni del diritto civile, e dopo il Concilio Vaticano II, attraverso le idee dei diritti umani universali. Una caratteristica specifica della Chiesa cattolica rispetto a uno Stato democratico è l’incorporazione del soggetto di diritto nella Chiesa attraverso il battesimo, ciò che porta con sé tutti i diritti e gli obblighi. In questo modo, il catalogo dei diritti e degli obblighi, che ora esiste nel codice, include principalmente un elenco di questi ultimi. I diritti sono invece messi in evidenza dallo Stato moderno. In effetti, lo Stato moderno impone pochi obblighi ai suoi cittadini; spesso si tratta solo di pagare le tasse e di obbedire alla costrizione dell’istruzione obbligatoria. Il presente articolo tratta dei singoli obblighi e diritti contenuti nel Codice di Diritto Canonico e li confronta con i corrispondenti obblighi e diritti contenuti nelle costituzioni. Il concetto di norme civili e canoniche è simile, soprattutto se ispirato alla legge naturale. I doveri dei fedeli, invece, rappresentano fini ecclesiastici specifici, e in questo caso è difficile stabilire un’analogia con il diritto civile. Soprattutto, la legge suprema della Chiesa è la salvezza delle anime, e lo Stato non ha un obiettivo così soprannaturale.
Le Code de droit canonique de 1983 a dressé une liste de devoirs et de droits propres aux fidèles laïcs. Elle est analogue aux listes de droits et libertés fondamentaux contenus dans les documents de droit international et dans les constitutions des pays démocratiques. Le fait que l’Église se soit inspirée du droit civil est une réalité qui remonte aux origines du droit canonique : tout d’abord à travers le droit romain, puis, dans le monde moderne, à travers des codifications complexes du droit civil, et après le Concile Vatican II, à travers les idées de droits humains universels. Une caractéristique spécifique de l’Église catholique par rapport à l’État démocratique est l’incorporation du sujet de droit dans l’Église par le baptême, qui entraîne tous un ensemble de droits et obligations. De cette manière, ce catalogue des droits et obligations qui existe désormais dans le code comprend principalement la liste de ces dernières. Ce sont au contraire les droits qui sont mis en évidence par l’État moderne. En fait, l’État moderne impose peu d’obligations à ses citoyens; souvent, il ne s’agit que de payer ses impôts et de suivre l’enseignement obligatoire. L’article traite des obligations et droits individuels contenus dans le Code du droit canon et les compare aux obligations et droits correspondants contenus dans les constitutions. Les concepts de normes civiles et de normes canoniques sont comparables, notamment parce que toutes deux s’inspirent du droit naturel. Les devoirs des fidèles, en revanche, représentent un objectif spécifique de l’Église et, dans ce cas, il est difficile d’établir une analogie avec le droit civil. Par-dessus tout, la loi majeure de l’Église reste le salut des âmes, alors que l’État ne poursuit pas un but surnaturel de ce type.
Philosophy and Canon Law; 2020, 6; 73-95
Pojawia się w:
Philosophy and Canon Law
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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