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Four fundamental methodological problems of landscape geography
Ostaszewska, Katarzyna
Mikulska, Małgorzata
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydział Geografii i Studiów Regionalnych
physical geography
landscape geography
Fundamental methodological problems of geography as a science have been identified by Chojnicki (1999) in the following list: goal of research, separate character of research, expected results, and form of scientific explanation. This article presents methodological standpoints taken be landscape geographers towards the above problems, which proved to be as diverse as in the case of the human geography. The article highlights negative consequences of such state of affairs.
Miscellanea Geographica. Regional Studies on Development; 2004, 11; 13-17
Pojawia się w:
Miscellanea Geographica. Regional Studies on Development
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wyjaśnić to podać model przyczynowy
Explanation and Causal Models
Kawalec, Paweł
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
model DN
model przyczynowy
C. G. Hempel
W. C. Salmon
P. Kitcher
S. Nowak
J. Woodward
causal model
A survey of the modern theories of explanation leads us to conclude that it is J. Woodward's conterfactual approach that seems to set out a promising agenda for setting up a satisfactory model of explanation. Such a model would need to come to terms with two stipulations, i.e. to reflect causal asymmetry and be empirically adequate. To meet the latter I modify the counterfactual model of explanation to require a class of observationally equivalent (Bayesian) causal models instead of the true causal model. For in most cases empirical adequacy of causal models, i.e. their identifiability and consistency with observed distributions, would neither grant the stronger conclusion Woodward embeds in his conterfactual account of explanation nor license metaphysical naturalism.
Roczniki Filozoficzne; 2004, 52, 2; 241-266
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Filozoficzne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
DNA a pochodzenie życia. Informacja, specyfikacja i wyjaśnienie
DNA and the Origin of Life: Information, Specification, and Explanation
Meyer, Stephen C.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Zielonogórski. Instytut Filozofii
wyspecyfikowana złożoność
adekwatność przyczynowa
wnioskowanie do najlepszego wyjaśnienia
inteligentny projekt
specified complexity
causal adequacy
inference to the best explanation
intelligent design
Niniejszy esej jest oceną rywalizujących wyjaśnień pochodzenia informacji koniecznej do zbudowania pierwszej komórki żywej. Dokonanie tej oceny wymagało będzie określenia, co biologowie rozumieją przez termin informacja w zastosowaniu do makrocząsteczek biologicznych. Jak wielu badaczy zauważyło, „informacja” może oznaczać kilka teoretycznie odmiennych pojęć. W niniejszym eseju postaram się usunąć tę wieloznaczność i dokładnie określę, jakiego rodzaju informacji badacze pochodzenia życia muszą wyjaśnić „powstanie”. Najpierw należy scharakteryzować informację zawartą w DNA, RNA i białkach jako eksplanandum (fakt wymagający wyjaśnienia), a następnie ocenić skuteczność rywalizujących klas wyjaśnień pochodzenia informacji biologicznej (czyli rywalizujących eksplanansów). W części I postaram się wykazać, że biologowie molekularni stosowali termin informacja konsekwentnie w odniesieniu do łącznych właściwości złożoności i funkcjonalnej specyficzności lub specyfikacji. W części II ocenię rywalizujące rodzaje wyjaśnień pochodzenia wyspecyfikowanej informacji biologicznej, koniecznej do wytworzenia pierwszego układu żywego. Część II obejmie także krytykę adekwatności przyczynowej teorii ewolucji chemicznej, opartych na „przypadku”, „konieczności” i na mieszance tych dwu. W konkludującej części III zawrę sugestię, że zjawisko informacji rozumianej jako wyspecyfikowana złożoność wymaga radykalnie odmiennego ujęcia eksplanacyjnego. Będę w szczególności argumentował, że nasza aktualna wiedza na temat sił przyczynowych nasuwa hipotezę inteligentnego projektu jako lepsze, bardziej adekwatne przyczynowo wyjaśnienie powstania wyspecyfikowanej złożoności (zdefiniowanej tak informacji), występującej w dużych molekułach biologicznych, takich jak DNA, RNA i białka.
This essay will evaluate competing explanations for the origin of the information necessary to build the first living cell. To do so will require determining what biologists have meant by the term information as it has been applied to biomacromolecules. As many have noted, „information” can denote several theoretically distinct concepts. This essay will attempt to eliminate this ambiguity and to determine precisely what type of information origin-of-life researchers must explain „the origin of.” What follows will first seek to characterize the information in DNA, RNA, and proteins as an explanandum (a fact in need of explanation) and, second, to evaluate the efficacy of competing classes of explanation for the origin of biological information (that is, the competing explanans). Part I will seek to show that molecular biologists have used the term information consistently to refer to the joint properties of complexity and functional specificity or specification. Part II will evaluate competing types of explanation for the origin of the specified biological information necessary to produce the first living system. Part II will critique the causal adequacy of chemical evolutionary theories based on „chance,” „necessity,” and the combination of the two. A concluding part III will suggest that the phenomenon of information understood as specified complexity requires a radically different explanatory approach. In particular, I will argue that our present knowledge of causal powers suggests intelligent design as a better, more causally adequate explanation for the origin of the specified complexity (the information so defined) present in large biomolecules such as DNA RNA, and proteins.
Filozoficzne Aspekty Genezy; 2005-2006, 2-3; 133-215
Pojawia się w:
Filozoficzne Aspekty Genezy
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Filozoficzny wybór między zasadą indyferentyzmu a zasadą szczególnego dostrojenia
Philosophical Choice between Indifference Principle and Fine-Tuning Principle
Szydłowski, Marek
Golbiak, Jacek
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
zasada szczególnego dostrojenia
zasada indyferentyzmu
zasady wyjaśniające Holtona
Wszechświat jako globalny atraktor w przestrzeni fazowej
fine-tuning principle
indifference principle
Holton explanation principles
the Universe as a global attractor in phase space
We formulate a cosmogonic indifference principle in cosmology in terms of a dynamical system theory. While the choice between generic and fine tuned initial condition for our Universe has a rather philosophical character, there is a very generic set of initial conditions which give rise to the concordance inflectional ΛCDM model which becomes in good agreement with astronomical observations.
Roczniki Filozoficzne; 2006, 54, 2; 231-253
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Filozoficzne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wyjaśnianie antropiczne w kosmologii
Anthropic Explanation in Cosmology
Turek, Józef
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
kosmiczne koincydencje
zasada antropiczna
wyjaśnianie antropiczne
cosmic coincidences
Anthropic Principle
anthropic explanation
The main purpose of this article is to present the essence and the role of anthropic explanation in cosmology. This explanation was proposed during the time when there was no further possibility of finding the explanation of cosmic coincidences on the ground of contemporary scientific theories. This explanation relies on the recognition of the fact of the existence of a carbon life in the Universe as a factor which explains the Universe’s global characteristics, which are a requisite for appearance of life. The explanatory value of this explanation depends on the character of relations of the connections between the cosmic coincidences and the fact of the existence of life. In the case of the Weak Anthropic Principle this explanation has a character of simple tautology. In the case of the Strong Anthropic Principle, however, it is a philosophical explanation, whose cognitive value depends on both: the correctness of these principles and their logico-mathematical coherence with the cosmic coincidences.
Roczniki Filozoficzne; 2006, 54, 2; 267-298
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Filozoficzne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Związek filozofii przyrody z naukami przyrodniczymi w ujęciu ks. Zygmunta Hajduka
A Relationship between the Philosophy of Nature and Natural Science according to Rev. Zygmunt Hajduk
Łukomski, Julisław
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
typy filozofii przyrody
punkt wyjścia
formułowanie problemów filozoficznych
types of philosophy of nature
point of departure
formulating philosophical problems
Philosophy of nature as “a science in the beginning,” having paved a way for natural sciences, has not lost its impact even today. It suggests new problems and proposes solutions in the domains which the scientific disciplines in question cannot solve because they do not have appropriate tools. On can notice the relationship between the philosophy of nature and natural sciences in various stages of their development. It happens so that the overall images of the world are constructed on the basis of the results of natural sciences and philosophical theses. Those theses, i.e. philosophical ideas are introduced as presuppositions into natural sciences, which in turn may generate philosophical problems. One can observe a relationship between natural sciences and various types of the philosophy of nature from the ancient times till today. The classical tradition had ignored the factor of time in the manners it sought to explain nature and, instead, stressed formal elements in knowledge. This conception of the scientific explanation of nature was questioned by the idea of creation and the Christian conception of history which took the factor of time into account in explanations. The principal change of the hitherto manner of interpretation of phenomena had taken place at the moment of introducing evolutionary ideas into geology and biology. Owing to this genetic explanation appeared, and the conceptual apparatus of the hitherto systems of the philosophy of nature changed. On the grounds of the essentialising approaches the elements of the philosophy of nature are mixed with the elements of natural sciences. One can notice also a relationship between the existential approaches of the philosophy of nature and natural sciences. Much attention is devoted to the relations between natural sciences and the philosophy of nature on the grounds of classical philosophy and in the non-classical positions.
Roczniki Filozoficzne; 2006, 54, 2; 143-162
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Filozoficzne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Przyczynek do krytyki statystyczno-relewantnego modelu wyjaśniania naukowego
The case for critique of statistical relevance model of scientific explanation
Gorazda, Marcin
Data publikacji:
Copernicus Center Press
Salmon Wesley
scientific explanation
statistical relevance model
The statistical relevance model of scientific explanation was proposed by Wesley Salmon in 1971 as an interesting alternative to already existed models introduced by Hempel and supported by many other philosophers of science. The most important difference between the nomological models and statistical relevance model is that the latter tries not to use the very dubious term of 'law of nature'. The first part of the paper consists of the overview of the Salmon's model and of the main arguments which were raised by various authors against it. In the main part of the text all of those arguments which were meant to undermine the model are presented on an example taken from the economic practice. It is very popular among the economists and especially among valuation experts the so called 'statistical analysis of the market'. The main objective of the analysis is to discover all of the factors which influence the market value of the particular product, in other words to explain the market value of the product. The example was taken from the social science (economics) for purpose as one of the thesis in the paper is that, the SR model can work quite well in physics or chemistry, but it is dubious whether we can really deploy it in sciences which try to describe and explain the various phenomena of human activity and behavior. The final conclusions are: The practical deployment of the model in social sciences are problematic, as it is too idealistic and therefore it doesn't work properly. Against its initial presumption the model doesn't avoid the problem of laws of nature. Although the law of nature is not a required element of the explanans, it comes back at the stage of proposing the initial candidates for the relevant variables. The hypothesis on, which variables can be and which cannot be relevant to the explained phenomenon are constructed mostly according to the intuitively understood causal relationship founded on laws of nature. The important postulate of homogenous partition is in practice unachievable what causes that the explanation is bound with the enormous risk of a mistake. The risk is quantifiable and can be estimated, but the estimation is depended upon experience and intuition of a researcher.
Zagadnienia Filozoficzne w Nauce; 2009, 45; 124-139
Pojawia się w:
Zagadnienia Filozoficzne w Nauce
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Demarkacja nauki i religii
The Demarcation of Science and Religion
Meyer, Stephen C.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Zielonogórski. Instytut Filozofii
model komplementarności
wnioskowanie do najlepszego wyjaśnienia
teoria ewolucji
complementarity model
inference to the best explanation
theory of evolution
Demarkacja nauki i religii jest zagadnieniem szeroko dyskutowanym, nurtującym środowiska naukowe i filozoficzne od wielu dziesiątków lat. Uczeni chcieliby dysponować niezawodnym narzędziem umożliwiającym skuteczne odróżnienie obu tych dziedzin. Istnieją wprawdzie modele określające relacje pomiędzy nauką a religią: komplementaryzm oraz kompartmentalizm, jednakże współcześnie coraz częściej są one kwestionowane. W dodatku, wśród naukowców i filozofów nie ma zgody co do jednoznacznych kryteriów wytyczających granicę pomiędzy teoriami naukowymi a tymi, których za naukowe uznać nie można. Stephen C. Meyer w swoim artykule podjął się analizy prób wytyczenia linii demarkacyjnej pomiędzy nauką a religią. Prezentuje argumenty zwolenników idei ścisłego ich odseparowania oraz wskazuje mankamenty tego podejścia. Sugeruje, że zdefiniowanie kryteriów, na podstawie których można by oddzielić naukę od pseudonauki, jest wysoce problematyczne, jeśli nie niemożliwe. Większość współczesnych filozofów coraz bardziej skłania się ku uznaniu, że istotną kwestią nie jest to, czy teoria jest naukowa, ale to, czy jest prawdziwa lub czy ma uzasadnienie dowodowe. Meyer omawia ponadto osiągnięcia współczesnej filozofii nauki, zwłaszcza wyniki prac nad metodami nauk historycznych, które stosowane są także w dyskursach filozoficznych i religijnych. Na ich podstawie przyjmuje, że między różnorakimi teoriami pochodzenia, stanowiącymi przedmiot sporu kreacjonizmu z ewolucjonizmem, występują głębokie podobieństwa metodologiczne i logiczne. Pomiędzy kreacjonizmem i teorią inteligentnego projektu a naturalistycznymi teoriami ewolucji zachodzi - jego zdaniem - relacja "metodologicznej równoważności". Oznacza to, że jeżeli tylko o ich statusie poznawczym rozstrzyga się za pomocą tych samych kryteriów demarkacyjnych, to wszystkie te ujęcia uznać można albo za jednakowo naukowe, albo w równym stopniu nienaukowe.
Author analyzes attempts to draw a demarcation line between science and religion. He presents arguments of proponents of the idea of strict separation of these domains and indicates flaws of this approach. He suggest also that defining the criteria which could serve as the basis of demarcation of science and pseudoscience is highly problematic, if not impossible. Most modern philosophers are more and more inclined toward to recognize that what is crucial is not whether a theory is scientific but whether it is true or evidentially justified. Author discusses also achievements of modern philosophy of science, especially the results of work on the methods of historical science which are applied also in philosophical and religious discourses. On the basis of this methods author concludes that there exist deep methodological and logical similarities between various theories of origin which are the core of creation-evolution controversy. In his opinion, there is relation of “methodological equivalence” between creationism, intelligent design theory and naturalistic theories of evolution. It means that if we determine their epistemic status on the basis of the same demarcation criteria, then all these approaches can be recognized as equally scientific or equally unscientific.
Filozoficzne Aspekty Genezy; 2009-2010, 6-7; 177-196
Pojawia się w:
Filozoficzne Aspekty Genezy
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Antropizm w kosmologii (od wielkich liczb do idei multiświata)
Anthropism in Cosmology (From Large Numbers to the Multiverse Concept)
Leciejewski, Sławomir
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
wyjaśnienie antropiczne w kosmologii
zasada antropiczna
koincydencje wielkich liczb
the anthropic explanation in cosmology
the anthropic principle
the multiverse
large number coincidences
The origin of anthropic trend in cosmology is connected to the, so called, large number coincidence, which was observed by Eddington. Dicke, Hoyle and Whitrow developed the anthropic notion of the universe, which made Carter formulate the anthropic principles. These principles may be used as qualitative cosmological tests. In the anthropic thought  there were also found procedures of anthropic explanation, used, e.g., by theists and criticized by the followers of the multiverse concept. This article will be devoted to the history of anthropic thinking in cosmology, from large numbers to the concept of multiverse, stressing prof. Józef Turek’s contribution to the development of this matter.
Roczniki Filozoficzne; 2011, 59, 2; 165-188
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Filozoficzne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Moja autobiografia duchowa: powołanie teologa naturalnego
My Spiritual Autobiography: The Vocation of a Natural Theologian
Swinburne, Richard
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
natural theology
scientific explanation
personal explanation
Christian doctrine
probability of truth
The author describes his intellectual development and academic pursuits starting from his undergraduate studies at Oxford University in mid-1950s up to the present day, in the perspective of his attempts to resolve the conflict between a materialistically oriented scientific worldview and the worldview of traditional Christianity. In time, he came to recognize the conflict as a problem of distinguishing between levels of explanation or points of terminating an explanation. To deal with this problem adequately, he adopted as his own the program of natural theology laid down by St. Thomas Aquinas in his Summa Theologiae, where Aquinas provided good arguments in favor of the Christian doctrine taking as his starting point the most general phenomena of experience and using the best secular knowledge of his day. Thus Swinburne’s program of natural theology consisted in using the criteria used in modern natural science and historical inquiry for the probable truth of a suggested explanation, analyzed with the careful rigor of modern philosophy, to show the meaningfulness and probable truth of Christian theology. Scientific explanation explains phenomena in terms of prior states of affairs and natural laws; whereas personal explanation explains phenomena in terms of the powers and purposes of agents. Christian metaphysics explains the operation of scientific explanation in explaining why there are states of affairs at all and why the most fundamental natural laws have the character they do, in terms of the power and purposes of God, and in particular his purpose that humans should have a free choice of the kind of persons they are to be. Swinburne extends this model of explanation to show that our historical evidence about the life of Christ makes it very probable that Christ was (and so is) God Incarnate who rose from the dead.
Poznańskie Studia Teologiczne; 2011, 25; 239-268
Pojawia się w:
Poznańskie Studia Teologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Proces wyjaśniania a rewizja wiedzy na przykładzie odkrycia zjawiska kardioprotekcji
Explanation Process and Knowledge Revision in the Light of Discovery of Cardioprotection Phenomenon
Rzepiński, Tomasz
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
wyjaśnianie przez wyszczególnienie
hipotezy abnormalne
rewizja wiedzy
explanation by specyfication
abnormic hypotheses
knowledge revision
The purpose of the present paper is to analyze the knowledge revision that occurred in the process of explanation an abnormal phenomenon in cardiology. S. Bromberg’s description of abnormic laws will provide the point of departure for the present analysis. It will be shown here that in the example the revision of knowledge resulted in formulating an abnormic law that deviated from the empirical law in cardiology. T. Kuipers’ and A. Wisniewski’s ideas of explanation by specyfication will be used for reconstructing the example in question   
Roczniki Filozoficzne; 2011, 59, 2; 277-299
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Filozoficzne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Superweniencja psychofizyczna
Kurek, Łukasz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie
mind-body problem
Jaegwon Kim
The aim of this article is two-fold. First, a critical presentation of the concept of supervenience is carried out. In this context, three basic types of supervenience are presented: weak, strong, and global. It is argued that the most useful types of supervenience are its strong, and global versions. Second, a broader analysis of the usefulness of supervenience is undertaken. It is argued that it is a very „flexible” concept, which allows for a variety of different solutions to the philosophical issue of the mind. However, the aforementioned flexibility can be limited by additional philosophical assumptions. Moreover, supervenience allows to augment traditional philosophical investigations concerning the mind with results of empirical findings of such sciences as psychology, or neuroscience. In this context it is argued that supervenience is a „third way” in the philosophical study of the mind.
Semina Scientiarum; 2011, 10
Pojawia się w:
Semina Scientiarum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Bóg w lukach wiedzy: argument z niewiedzy i ograniczenia naturalizmu metodologicznego
God of the Gaps: The Argument from Ignorance and the Limits of Methodological Naturalism
Pennock, Robert T.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Zielonogórski. Instytut Filozofii
naturalizm metodologiczny
naturalizm metafizyczny
argument z projektu
argument z Boga w lukach wiedzy
argument z niewiedzy
wnioskowanie do najlepszego wyjaśnienia
teoria ewolucji
teoria inteligentnego projektu
methodological naturalism
metaphysical naturalism
argument from design
god of the gaps argument
argument from ignorance
inference to the best explanation
evolutionary theory
intelligent design theory
W niniejszym eseju skoncentruję się na dwóch ważnych aspektach filozoficznego bagażu, który dźwigany jest w każdej dyskusji o stworzeniu i ewolucji. Oba te aspekty związane są z zagadnieniami natury metodologii naukowej. Pierwszy odnosi się do twierdzenia kreacjonistów, że ich hipoteza stworzenia powinna być uznana nie tylko za prawowitą naukową alternatywę dla teorii ewolucji, ale być może nawet za alternatywę lepszą. Drugi aspekt związany jest z ich twierdzeniem, że nauka, z racji stosowanych w niej metod, sama jest "panującą religią" i to o charakterze ateistycznym. Oba te twierdzenia są bezpodstawne. Negatywna kreacjonistyczna krytyka teorii ewolucji jest chybiona - kreacjoniści nie zaproponowali niczego, co choć w najmniejszym stopniu zasługiwałoby na miano pozytywnej naukowej alternatywy dla teorii ewolucji, a tylko wysuwają argument z niewiedzy. Wnioskowanie o projekcie nie potwierdza istnienia transcendentnego projektanta - niezależnie od tego, czy wnioskowanie to interpretowane jest jako argument z analogii, wniosko-wanie do najlepszego wyjaśnienia, czy też jako argument eliminacyjny. Ostatecznie okazuje się, że jest to jedynie błędny argument z Boga w lukach wiedzy. Teza kreacjonistów, że metoda naukowa jest dogmatycznie ateistyczna, także jest bezzasadna. Nauka, we właściwym rozumieniu, nie jest "panującą" religią, lecz zachowuje religijną neutralność.
In this essay I will focus on two important aspects of the philosophical baggage that is carried along in any discussion of the creation/evolution issue. Both involve questions about the nature of scientific methodology. The first deals with creationists’ contention that their creation hypothesis ought to be recognized not only as a legitimate scientific alternative to evolution but perhaps even a better alternative. The second deals with their contention that science, because of its methods, is itself an „established religion”, and an atheist religion at that. In both cases, these contentions are unjustified. Creationists’ negative attacks upon evolution miss their mark — they have not advanced anything close to a positive scientific alternative to evolution, but have simply given an argument form ignorance. The design inference fails to confirm a transcendent designer — whether it is interpreted as an argument by analogy, an inference to the best explanation, or an eliminative argument. In the end, their version is no more than a spurious god-of-the-gaps argument. Creationists’ attack upon scientific method as being dogmatically atheistic is also misplaced. Science, properly understood, is not an „established” religion. It is indeed religiously neutral.
Filozoficzne Aspekty Genezy; 2012, 9; 155-185
Pojawia się w:
Filozoficzne Aspekty Genezy
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Georg Simmel`s Concept of Religion and Religiosity
Motak, Dominika
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Jagielloński. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego
Georg Simmel
classical theory of religion
genetic explanation of religion
Religion was a recurrent theme in Georg Simmel’s thought. Despite this fact, and despite the current rediscovery of Simmel’s ideas, his insights into religion remain relatively neglected. The task of integrating Simmel’s legacy into the current study of religion remains a continuing challenge. This paper, based on an on-going study of Simmel’s work (involving a close reading of his writings in the original version), reflects on his conceptualisation of the relationship between religion understood as an objective, social and historical phenomenon and subjective religiosity. In Simmel’s view, the religious perspective – a “particular spiritual quality” or “attitude of the soul”, a way of looking at the world as a whole – constitutes a kind of pre-stage of religion. This particular perspective of a religion-like (religioid) character makes up an individual foundation for religion, but it can also express itself in other cultural pursuits, like science or art. It only becomes religion after it assumes a specific form in human interaction. Simmel claims that many human relations have a religious character; faith, which is regarded as the substance of religion, is first a relationship between individuals. Out of the subjective faith-process there develops an object for that faith: the idea of God, who is “the absolute object of human faith”. For Simmel, the idea of God (conceived of as the unity of existence, the coincidentia oppositorum) is constitutive for religion.
Studia Religiologica; 2012, 45, 2; 109-115
Pojawia się w:
Studia Religiologica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Granice wyjaśnienia naukowego, część I
Limits of scientific explanation (I)
Gorazda, Marcin
Data publikacji:
Copernicus Center Press
scientific explanation
unity of science
philosophy of economics
The purpose of the paper is to challenge one of the most important assumptions of the neo-positivists, namely the unity of science. The idea that all of the sciences, both natural and social, should have the same structure and should deploy similar methods is, after Grobler, called naturalism. I try to argue for anti-naturalism. An interesting example seems to be economics. It does not, however, demonstrate the success, similar to that achieved by natural sciences. Certain naturalistic explanations for this lack of success are reviewed and criticized in the paper. Firstly, complexity: at the beginning of this naturalistic argument, one encounters the problem of definition. Up to nine different notions of complexity are proposed and only a few of them are practically quantitative. Secondly, mathematics: in the natural sciences we explore mathematical theories in order to capture the regularities in the investigated phenomena and to include them in the corresponding equations. However, even if we do not have a perfectly corresponding mathematical model, regularities themselves can be observed. Wherever we do not have a good theory expressed in terms of exact mathematical equations, we should at least be able to judge the existence or non-existence of certain regularities on the basis of linear (statistical) or non-linear methods. Those methods, some of them extremely sophisticated, are being extensively applied in economics and in econometrics (the so called quantitative methods). The results are disappointing. The anti-naturalistic argumentation of Grobler is dealt with separately. Grobler names three anti-naturalistic arguments: complexity (as mentioned above), the free will of humans (which the author did not find interesting enough) and, finally, the reasoning which is called, ”inherent two-way interdependence”. Grobler maintains that we are able to work out a meta-theory which shall include both predictions and the possible impact of those predictions on the theory’s object. This proposal is rejected in the paper.
Zagadnienia Filozoficzne w Nauce; 2012, 51; 41-75
Pojawia się w:
Zagadnienia Filozoficzne w Nauce
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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