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Eufonia a frekwencja wariantatywnych form fleksyjnych
Euphony with Regard to Frequency of Variable Inflected Forms
Ruszkowski, Marek
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu. Wydawnictwo UMK
This article deals with euphony understood as pleasant pronunciation of utterances, harmonization of sound quality of a word. A breach against euphony is the use of phonetic combinations perceived as difficult to pronounce, sounding unpleasant, cacophonous. The analysis encompassed chosen pairs of variable inflected forms which are in line with the linguistic norm confirmed by the PWN Grat Dictionary of the Correct Polish Language (e.g. magistrzy - magistrowie, pedagodzy - pedagogowie, bitw - bitew, brzytw - brzytew, napełń - napełnij). Quantitative data were obtained from the National Corpus of Polish. The research shows that euphony plays a great role in the choice of inflected variant forms. Inflected forms of word that contain phoneme combinations that are easier to pronounce have, generally, a higher frequency, even if such words are longer than their variants (syllable being the measure of length).
Linguistica Copernicana; 2014, 11; 183-191
Pojawia się w:
Linguistica Copernicana
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Милозвучність як естетична ознака мовлення. Особливості евфонії польської та інших слов’янських мов
Gaiseniuk, Olga
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
means of euphony
aesthetics of sounding
Slavic languages
Euphony as an Esthetical Feature of the Speech. The Euphonic Attributes of Polish and Other Slavic Languages The essay is dedicated to the esthetical aspect of language. When speaking, people usually pay more attention to the sense of the expression in the lexical level mainly. However vowels are the smallest elements in the system of language, also play rather important role in it. The special use of vowels can influence the perception of the text so that the esthetical function of language is realized. This is the main task of euphony – the phonetic phenomenon of harmonic combination of vowels aimed on the esthetic influence on the recipient. There are several basic aspects of euphony: the variety of vowels, the harmonic combination of vowels according to the simple articulation, the balance between vocals and consonants, the sonority of speech and specific prosody. These phonetic means make the speech melodic and similar to singing. The affect of cacophony appears when pronunciation is difficult or unpleasant to the ear. 138 Olga Gaiseniuk The Slavic languages among others are also characterized by some means of euphony. The functioning of these means was analyzed on the material of the Lord’s Prayer and International Covenant on Civil and International Law as parallel texts. It was found that in all Slavic languages the balance is kept between vocals and consonants. The processes of assimilation, dissimilation and simplification in the groups of sounds help to achieve the harmony of articulation. Phonetic alternations and morphological changes make speech various. The tendency to euphony appeared in the period of Preslavic language, where the Law of open syllables existed. The Polish language also includes the means of euphony. Their usage was examined in the fragment of radio program. The speakers should formulate their statements according to the aspects of euphony in order to bring the esthetical pleasure for the listeners. Then the speech becomes the real process of creating art.
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Linguistica; 2014, 048
Pojawia się w:
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Linguistica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Eufonia, sensoryka i intertekstualność w komunikacji perswazyjnej na przykładzie tekstu z pogranicza kultur – J 8, 1-11
Euphony, sensory activation and intertextuality in the persuasive communication in a text at the intersection of cultures – John 8: 1-11
Nowińska, Joanna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Katedra Italianistyki. Polskie Towarzystwo Retoryczne
tekst biblijny
biblical text
sensory activation
Usytuowanie ewangelicznego tekstu J 8,1-11 na pograniczu kultury oralnej i jej upiśmiennienia oraz kontekstu semickiego i greckiego warunkuje silną ewokatywność, dialogiczność, personalizm i wyakcentowanie odniesień społecznych. Eufonia przynależy tu do perswazyjnej strategii peryferycznej, pełni funkcję konatywną, implikuje proces obserwacji, zaangażowania, wzmacnia wrażliwość na komunikaty. Sensoryka, uwidaczniająca się w odniesieniach do zmysłu wzroku, słuchu, dotyku, doświadczeń kinetycznych, wpływa na zmianę systemu wartości, a także dokonuje przetasowania przynależności. Intertekstualność pozwala na dotarcie do istoty postrzegania jednego z kluczowych zagadnień perykopy: prawa oraz otwiera obiorcę na przyszłe wydarzenia, które tekst sugeruje.
The location of the gospel text of John 8:1-11 at the intersection of oral culture and literacy, and its mixed Semitic and Greek context, make it particularly evocative, dialogical, personalized and socially relevant. Euphony is one of the peripheral persuasive strategies, mainly used for its conative function. It implies the importance of the process of observation and engagement, and increases the sensitivity to communications. Sensory activation appears in textual references to the senses of sight, hearing, touch, kinetics and may calatyze a change in, among others, one's system of values and alignments. Intertextuality allows for a recognition that the style of perception is a key issue in understanding the topic of this biblical text - the law - and makes it possible for the receiver to open up to the perception of future events, which it announces.
Res Rhetorica; 2023, 10, 3; 29-43
Pojawia się w:
Res Rhetorica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Размова… ...сусветаў: Інтэрпрэтацыя стылеўтваральных вобразных сродкаў і арыгінальных вобразаў паэтычнага маўлення Яна Чыквіна
CONVERSATION OF THE… UNIVERSES: Interpretation of the fundamental stylistic methods and the author’s imagery in Yan Chikvin’s poetic speech
ROZMOWA… …WSZECHŚWIATÓW: Interpretacja obrazowych środków kształtujących styl oraz oryginalnych obrazów języka poetyckiego Jana Czykwina
Пісарэнка, Алена
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydział Lingwistyki Stosowanej. Katedra Białorutenistyki
poetic speech
stylistic methods
паэтычнае маўленне
стылеўтваральныя сродкі
графічны вобраз.
instrumentacja głoskowa
The specific character of Yan Chikvin’s poetic speech vividly manifests itself on the lexical and phonetic levels. The productive tropes he uses in the analyzed texts are the noun-and-verb type of metaphor and epithets characterized by structural and grammatical diversity and the author’s vision. His fundamental stylistic method is euphony: the author manages to create original images with its help. In his poem Conversation of the Universes, the poet turns to the means of graphic expression: the graphic image acquires semantic content and makes its way to the reader – when vowels and consonants are superimposed on one another and words are formed, a dialogue between the Universes takes place. Yan Chikvin’s poetic speech is an integral holistic system, with its components interacting with each other, demonstrating the uniqueness of the author’s associations, and, as a result, transforming reality into a figurative artistic space.
Specyfika języka poetyckiego Jana Czykwina wyraźnie występuje na poziomie leksykalnym i fonetycznym. W przebadanych tekstach produktywnymi środkami poetyckimi są metafory (rzeczownikowe i czasownikowe) oraz epitety, które charakteryzują się różnorodnością pod względem struktury, gramatyki i nasycone są treścią autorską. Środkiem kształtującym styl jest instrumentacja głoskowa, za pomocą której autor stwarza oryginalne obrazy. W wierszu Rozmowa wszechświatów poeta korzysta z graficznych środków wyrazu. Obraz graficzny napełnia się sensem i jest łatwiejszy w odbiorze przez czytelnika, gdy samogłoski i spółgłoski nakładają się na siebie, tworząc słowa. Wtedy między wszechświatami odbywa się dialog. Język poetycki J. Czykwina stanowi całościowy system, składniki którego wzajemnie na siebie oddziałują, wyrażają indywidualne skojarzenia autora, skutkiem czego jest przekształcenie rzeczywistości w poetycki obraz przestrzeni.
Спецыфіка паэтычнага маўлення Я. Чыквіна выразна выяўляецца на лексічным і фанетычным узроўнях. Прадуктыўным тропам у прааналізаваных тэкстах з’яўляюцца метафара – назоўнікавая і дзеяслоўная разнавіднасць, а таксама эпітэт; ён характарызуецца структурна-граматычнай разнастайнасцю і аўтарскім зместам. Стылеўтваральным сродкам з’яўляецца гукапіс: з яго дапамогай аўтар стварае арыгінальныя вобразы. У вершы Размова сусветаў паэт звяртаецца да сродкаў графічнай выразнасці: графічны вобраз набудзе сэнсавае напаўненне і ўспрымецца чытачом, калі галосныя і зычныя гукі накладуцца адзін на другі і ўтворацца словы, тады паміж Сусветамі адбудзецца дыялог. Паэтычнае маўленне Я. Чыквіна – цэласная сістэма, складнікі якой узаемадзейнічаюць, дэманструюць адметнасць аўтарскіх асацыяцый і ў выніку рэчаіснасць пераствараецца ў вобразную мастацкую прастору.
Acta Albaruthenica; 2020, 20; 229-238
Pojawia się w:
Acta Albaruthenica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Nawroty brzmieniowe w ewangelii wg św. Marka w kilku nowszych przekładach wersetów 33-50 z rozdziału 9
The wording recurence in the gospel according to st. Mark in several newer translations of verses 33-50 form chapter 9
Kubski, Grzegorz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Szczeciński. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego
Gospel of St. Mark
Mark 9
figures of the group of geminatio
Ewangelia według św. Marka
Mk 9
W artykule przedmiotem dokładniejszego badania jest perykopa zawarta w wersetach 33–50 rozdziału 9 Markowej Ewangelii. To nie tyle ogólne cechy stylu są przedmiotem opisu oraz refleksji, co jednostkowe środki literackiego opracowania perykopy, jej artystycznego wykończenia korzystającego z niektórych możliwości współbrzmienia wyrazów, a wyzyskanego lub pominiętego przez tłumaczy. Badanym materiałem są przekłady Ewangelii wg św. Marka na język polski, których autorami są redaktorzy-modyfikatorzy tłumaczenia o. Walentego Prokulskiego SJ w V wydaniu Biblii Tysiąclecia, tłumacz z zespołu Biblii paulistów, Roman Brandstaetter, ks. Marian Wolniewicz, Czesław Miłosz, o. Franciszek Sieg SJ (którego tekst stanowi w tym artykule główne źródło cytowania). Dobór autorów przekładów ma tutaj tę specyfikę, iż czterej spośród nich są także (a nawet w dwóch wypadkach głównie) poetami. Są to Brandstaetter, Miłosz, o. Sieg, ks. Wolniewicz. Dwa pozostałe zaś tłumaczenia pretendują wśród współczesnych polskich katolików do miana najpowszechniej używanych w nauczaniu Kościoła lokalnego
Newer translations of the Gospel according to St. Mark into the Polish language - as well as translations of other books of the Holy Bible - are characterized by a significant reduction of the use of an measures adopted in our culture as a style of biblical, though in varying degrees. In many cases, such measures are fully translatable into the Polish language - e.g. polysyndetic coordination from καὶ . The text of St. Mark uses relatively narrow vocabulary and frequent recurrence of the same expressions. They serve for a clearer arrangement of voicings, the euphony marks subtle literary composition of pericopes. Literary composition of the Gospel of St. Mark is being emphasized by the exploitation of the broad possibilities of semantic and aesthetic use of figures of words per adiectionem, especially the figures of the group widely understood geminatio. In this article detailed classification of these figures is treated cursorily, and main focus is on the compositional (disposable) and the literary consequences of their use in a part of text of 9,33-50 (it can be considered as an independent pericope). The article is the result of a comparison of pericope 9, 33-50 translations by Roman Brandstaetter, Marian Wolniewicz, Czesław Miłosz, Franciszek Sieg SJ, and specified in the fifth edition of the Millennium Bible, and the Paulines Bible. Four of these translators are also a poets. Attention was pointed to the varying degree of respecting of polysyndetic coordination from καὶ and the recurrence of words and phrases, such as. «On the way», «in My name», «accepts», «reason of sin,» «throw», «fire» and the role of antonymy «dispute» and «keep the peace». It turned out that in maintaining euphony of Brandstaetter’s translation healso used the sonic possibilities verses rhyme, which he wrote out the text according to the colometric system. He approached in this way to the construction of versification. The presence of the traditional features of the Polish language in these Bible translations was also noted - respected in varying degrees. Undoubtedly, those translators who also have a poetic legacy, broadly taken into account the aesthetic potential of euphony.
Colloquia Theologica Ottoniana; 2017, 2; 103-125
Pojawia się w:
Colloquia Theologica Ottoniana
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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