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Biblical Quotations in Latvian Cemetery Epitaphs
Treija, Rita
Data publikacji:
Fundacja Naukowa Katolików Eschaton
Latvian cemeteries
biblical quotations
religious poetry
The article is part of a wider study on Latvian cemetery epitaphs which is being carried out by Rita Treija at the Institute of Literature, Folklore and Art, University of Latvia. The source of the study is a wide material of the Latvian tombstone inscriptions covering the time period from the 19th to the 21st century. The bulk of materials obtained comes from the Archives of Latvian Folklore as well as the author’s private collection. The author seeks to analyse the multilayered nature of the memorial inscriptions on gravestones both from a philologist’s and folklorist’s perspective, focusing mainly on the use of biblical quotations and allusions in the epitaph textual tradition. The textual analysis of Latvian cemetery epitaphs shows that the Bible is an important source of reference used both directly and indirectly in the composition of the memorial texts for the deceased. There are four levels that can be distinguished according to the distance from the original source: (1) direct biblical quotations (with or without references to particular verses of the Scripture); (2) liturgical prayers (excerpted from the ordinary procedure of the public worship, as well as from special funeral and memorial rituals); (3) church songs (quoted from the Roman Catholic or Evangelical Lutheran hymnals); (4) usage of biblical characters and motives in other texts (such as individual prayers, religious poetry, etc.). The presence of biblical quotations and allusions in the epitaphs provides a certain repertoire of gravestone texts. However, besides the manifestations of the religious identity, the material of the Latvian memorial inscriptions shows that there are other approaches in creating epitaph texts, such as quoting Latvian folksongs, mourning lyrics, popular songs, etc. The results of the analysis can be applied in comparative epitaph studies as a Latvian example. The issues discussed in the article may be useful in cultural and folk religion studies, too.
Religious and Sacred Poetry: An International Quarterly of Religion, Culture and Education; 2014, 2(6); 187-204
Pojawia się w:
Religious and Sacred Poetry: An International Quarterly of Religion, Culture and Education
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
К вопросу о типологической классификации эпитафий в византийском Херсоне
Пищулина, Наталия
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
Chersonesus, burial, tombstones, epitaphs, typology
Херсонес, захоронение, надгробия, эпитафии, типология
Херсонес-Херсон – уникальный памятник, на примере которого можно проследить трансформационные процессы религиозного мировоззрения античной – византийской эпох. Начиная с IV в., в византийский период, горожане использовали символический язык античности; новое не вытесняло старое, а просто придавало привычным, традиционным вещам другую смысловую нагрузку. В византийском Херсонесе значительно меньше надгробий по сравнению с античным периодом. Тем не менее, эпитафии выступают своего рода визуальной репрезентацией культа. Предложенная типология, безусловно, с корректировками, поможет выйти на решение новых задач, рассмотреть надгробия как погребальный элемент для составления более полной картины византийских религиозных воззрений.
Res Historica; 2018, 45
Pojawia się w:
Res Historica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
К вопросу о типологической классификации эпитафий в византийском Херсоне
Пищулина, Наталия
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
Chersonesus, burial, tombstones, epitaphs, typology
Херсонес, захоронение, надгробия, эпитафии, типология
The article presents a survey of the tombstones of the Chersonesus necropolis in order to trace the transformation of the worldview of its residents during the transition from Late Antiquity to the Middle Ages. Christianity spread in the city in the 4th century, and Christians used the symbolic language of Late Antiquity, giving it a new meaning. There are significantly fewer tombstones in byzantine Chersonesus compared with those extant from Antiquity. Nonetheless, they represent the specificity of the worldview of the city’s residents. The typology proposed in this article, perhaps with some corrections, will be of use in analyzing epitaphs as a burial element, in order to provide a more complete picture of Byzantine religious views.
Херсонес-Херсон – уникальный памятник, на примере которого можно проследить трансформационные процессы религиозного мировоззрения античной – византийской эпох. Начиная с IV в., в византийский период, горожане использовали символический язык античности; новое не вытесняло старое, а просто придавало привычным, традиционным вещам другую смысловую нагрузку. В византийском Херсонесе значительно меньше надгробий по сравнению с античным периодом. Тем не менее, эпитафии выступают своего рода визуальной репрезентацией культа. Предложенная типология, безусловно, с корректировками, поможет выйти на решение новых задач, рассмотреть надгробия как погребальный элемент для составления более полной картины византийских религиозных воззрений.
Res Historica; 2018, 45
Pojawia się w:
Res Historica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Nowożytne obiekty sepulkralne w kościołach historycznej Warmii (ok. 1500–ok. 1800)
Modern sepulkral buildings in the churches of historical Warmia (approx. 1500 – ca. 1800)
Czernik, Zbigniew
Data publikacji:
Instytut Północny im. Wojciecha Kętrzyńskiego w Olsztynie
obiekty sepulkralne
płyty nagrobne
sepulchral objects
Już w najstarszej tradycji chrześcijańskiej kościoły były miejscem pochówków. Najczęściej miejsce wiecznego spoczynku znajdowali tam władcy państw, duchowni, osoby zasłużone dla Kościoła, wybitne osobistości, lokalni rządcy, mieszczanie, szlachta… Nie inaczej też było na Warmii. Już od XIV wieku w wybudowanych kościołach chowano zmarłych - w warmińskich okolicznościach w większości były to osoby duchowne. Sytuacja taka praktycznie trwała do XIX wieku, kiedy to wykształcają się do dziś znane formy cmentarzy, a w kościołach po prostu zaczyna brakować miejsc - zarówno na same pochówki, jak i na miejsca upamiętniania zmarłych. Od ok. 1500 roku do 1800 w kościołach warmińskich dokonano kilkuset pochówków. Zaczynając od katedry warmińskiej kończąc na wiejskich kościołach. Do dziś zachowało się ok. 200 obiektów sepulkralnych - przede wszystkim epitafiów i płyt nagrobnych (oprócz nich dwa nagrobki przyścienne i jeden ołtarz poświęcony zmarłemu).
Already in the oldest Christian tradition, churches were places of burial. Most often, rulers of states, clergy, people of merit for the Church, outstanding personalities, local rulers, towns-people, and nobility found their final resting place there. It was no different in Warmia. Already from the 14th century, the dead were buried in the built churches – in Warmian circumstances, they were primarily clergymen. This situation practically lasted until the 19th century, when the forms of cemeteries known to this day developed, and churches simply ran out of places – both for the burials themselves and for places of commemoration of the dead. From approx. between 1500 and 1800, several hundred burials were made in the Warmian churches. Starting from the Warmia cathedral and ending with village churches. To date, approx. 200 sepulchral objects – mainly epitaphs and tombstones (apart from them, two tombstones by the wall and one altar dedicated to the deceased).
Komunikaty Mazursko-Warmińskie; 2023, 320, 1; 57-150
Pojawia się w:
Komunikaty Mazursko-Warmińskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Św. Zygmunt Szczęsny Feliński i jego ikonografia
St. Zygmunt Szczęsny Feliński and his Iconography
Bosko, Janina
Data publikacji:
Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne Diecezji Elbląskiej w Elblągu
Zygmunt Szczęsny Feliński
Zygmunt Szczęsny Felinski
Artykuł przybliża postać arcybiskupa Zygmunta Szczęsnego Felińskiego, który przebywał w Warszawie jako rządca archidiecezji warszawskiej zaledwie 16 miesięcy (1862 – 1863). W wyniku decyzji cara Rosji dwadzieścia lat spędził na zesłaniu w Jarosławiu nad Wołgą. Następnie przebywał w zaborze austriackim: w Dźwiniaczce i Krakowie, gdzie zmarł w 1895 roku. Jego doczesne szczątki przeniesione zostały do archikatedry warszawskiej (1921). Beatyfikowany został przez Jana Pawła II w Krakowie (2002), a kanonizowany przez Benedykta XVI w Rzymie (2009). Upamiętnienia Arcybiskupa (pomniki, epitafia, tablice pamięci, obrazy) znajdują się w Polsce, na Ukrainie, a także w Rzymie, Kurytybie (Brazylia) oraz innych miejscach. Powstają one zwłaszcza tam, gdzie pracują siostry Franciszkanki Rodziny Maryi, które są stróżami pamięci o abp. Felińskim. Nie posiadamy dotąd pełnego katalogu upamiętnień Świętego.
The article presents the figure of Archbishop Zygmunt Szczęsny Feliński, who stayed in Warsaw as the governor of the Warsaw archdiocese for only 16 months (1862 – 1863). Following the decision of the Russian Tsar, he spent twenty years in exile in Yaroslavl by the Volga River. He then stayed in the Austrian partition: in Dźwiniaczka and in Cracow, where he died in 1895. His mortal remains were transferred to the Warsaw Archcathedral (1921). He was beatified by Pope John Paul II in Krakow (2002) and canonised by Pope Benedict XVI in Rome (2009). Commemorations of the Archbishop (monuments, epitaphs, memorial plaques, paintings) are to be found in Poland, Ukraine, as well as Rome, Curitiba (Brazil) and other places. They are being erected especially in the places where the Franciscan Sisters ofthe Family of Mary work, who are the guardians of the memory of Archbishop Feliński. We do not yet have a complete catalogue of the Saint’s commemorations.
Studia Elbląskie; 2021, 22; 217-225
Pojawia się w:
Studia Elbląskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Treści eschatologiczne w epitafiach ze starego cmentarza żydowskiego w Lublinie
Trzciński, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
Lublin, Jewish cemetery, Hebrew epitaphs, eschatology
Lublin, cmentarz żydowski, epitafia hebrajskie, eschatologia
The main source for this article are 283 Hebrew epitaphs from the old Jewish cemetery in Lublin from the years 1541-1830 (since the oldest known inscription till the closing of the cemetery), collected by the author from preserved tombstones. Moreover, the author also studied those epigraphs that did not survive till our times but could be reconstructed from photographs and copies made by different scholars since mid-nineteenth century. In the introductory part the author briefly discusses eschatological concepts, developed in Judaism over the millennia, and presents relevant terminology used in epitaphs. In the main body of the article he conducts an analysis of eschatological contents from the collected epitaphs distinguishing such categories as: 1) demise; 2) posthumous fate of the body; 3) fate of the soul after the death of the body; 4) intercession; 5) end times; 6) commemorating the dead; 7) consolation; 8) understanding of eternity; 9) expressions for heaven, God and His messengers. While analysing particular concepts within the categories mentioned above, the author focuses on their origin, frequency of usage within the discussed group of epitaphs, and literal or contextual meaning, and illustrates the selected examples with expressions from epitaphs. In the conclusion he states that authors of the epitaphs drew motifs that contain eschatological contents from various sources, including the Hebrew Scriptures, rabbinical literature (especially the Talmud), prayers, and, finally, cabbalistic works. References to the latter dominate in the epitaphs, particularly in the versions popular among common people. 
Podstawą źródłową niniejszego opracowania jest zbiór 283 epitafiów hebrajskich ze starego cmentarza żydowskiego w Lublinie, z lat 1541–1830 (od najstarszej znanej inskrypcji do czasu zamknięcia tej nekropoli), zebranych przez autora z nagrobków zachowanych oraz niezachowanych, w tym znanych tylko z fotografii oraz z odpisów wykonanych przez różnych badaczy od drugiej połowy XIX w. Na wstępie autor w dużym skrócie przybliża koncepcje eschatologiczne, jakie ukształtowały się w judaizmie przez tysiąclecia oraz przywołuje związaną z tym terminologię, która stosowana jest w epitafiach. Następnie przeprowadza analizę treści eschatologicznych z omawianego zbioru epitafiów, wydzielając takie kategorie jak: 1) zgon, 2) pośmiertne losy ciała, 3) losy duszy po śmierci ciała, 4) wstawiennictwo, 5) czasy ostateczne, 6) pamięć o zmarłym, 7) pocieszenie, 8) pojmowanie wieczności, 9) określenia nieba, Boga i jego posłańców. Przy analizie poszczególnych pojęć w obrębie powyższych kategorii zwraca uwagę na ich genezę, frekwencję użycia w obrębie omawianej grupy epitafiów, znaczenie dosłowne bądź kontekstualne, przy czym przywołuje przykłady ich zastosowania w kontekście fraz z epitafiów. W konkluzji stwierdza, że autorzy epitafiów czerpali wątki zawierające treści eschatologiczne z różnych źródeł – począwszy od Biblii, przez literaturę rabiniczną (zwłaszcza Talmud), modlitwy, a skończywszy na dziełach kabalistycznych. Zauważa również, że dominują te ostatnie i to w wersji spopularyzowanej w społeczeństwie.
Artes Humanae; 2017, 2
Pojawia się w:
Artes Humanae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Charakterystyka i proweniencja piaskowców z gotyckiego portalu bazyliki św. Elżbiety Węgierskiej we Wrocławiu
Characterization and provenance of sandstones from the gothic portal of St. Elizabeth of Hungary basilica in Wrocław
Zboińska, Katarzyna
Bartz, Wojciech
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
portal gotycki
Gothic portal
The St. Elizabeth of Hungary Basilica is one of the most important and recognizable monuments of Wroclaw - the capital of Lower Silesia (SWpart of Poland). The origin of the church dates back to the beginning of the 13th century. The basilica received its present Gothic form in the 14th-15th centuries. At the foot of the church tower, overlooking the buildings of the nearby Market Square, there is a late-Gothic portal built in 1456. This is the oldest portal of the basilica. Adjacent to it, there are epitaphs of wealthy Wroclaw burghers. These monuments are the top-class works of Silesian stonemasonry and also an interesting example of the use of natural stone in constructing architectural details. From the portal and three epitaphs (devoted to the Krapps’family, Georg Althoff Scholz and Hans Schulz von Wolkovitz), atotal often samples of clastic rock were collected. These were subjected to detailed petrographic and mineralogical studies in order to determine the provenance of the stone material. The research confirmed that these architectural details were made of quartz sandstones. The probable source of this material was the Cretaceous joint sandstones from the North-Sudetic Basin (Conacian, upper joint sandstone - Rakowice type).
Przegląd Geologiczny; 2019, 67, 9; 749--757
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Geologiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Katedra w Łowiczu i jej kamieniarskie zabytki
Cathedral Basilica in Łowicz and its stony craft monuments
Ruszkowski, M.
Wiszniewska, J.
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
kamienie w bazylice Catedralnej
stones in Catedral Basilica
Cathedral Basilica dedicated to the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Saint Nicholas in £owicz is a pearl among the monuments of Mazovia and the £owicz region. It has been one of the most important centers of worship in Poland since the 12th century. Synods and political meetings of great importance to the history of our country were held within its walls. Visiting the cathedral, one intimidates the richness of the temple interior. Monumental altars, chapels in the aisles, tombstones, epitaphs and liturgical vessels made of colourful rocks allow us to fully admire the artistry of sculpture and architecture masters. Among the other temples, it is distinguished by the fact that it also plays the role of a mausoleum of the Primate and Archbishop of Poland. The twelve of them were buried in the catacombs of the church. The treasury and museum also store the relics of St. Wojciech and St. Wiktoria, the patron of the city of£owicz and and £owicka Diocese from 1992. Thanks to the Cathedral history, beautiful stony craft monuments inside and relics of Polish Saints, the church is called the Primates Basilica or the Wawel of Mazovia.
Przegląd Geologiczny; 2018, 66, 7; 437--443
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Geologiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Stylistyka nagrobków cmentarza dla zwierząt „Psi Los”
Stylistics of tombstones in pet cemetery “Dog’s Fate” [Polish: “Psi Los”]
Najdecka, Anna
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
cmentarz dla zwierząt, epitafia, antropocentryzm, zmiany językowe, relacje człowiek - zwierzę
pet cemetery, epitaphs, anthropocentrism, linguistic changes, human–animal relationships
The changes in thinking about the world are manifested in linguistic changes. Pet cemetery is a good example to observe the changing relations between humans and animals. Various types of tombstones and the inscriptions they bear, not accompanied by formal regulations or consistent convention – although undoubtedly inspired by the exemplar of human cemetery – are a testament of particular relationships (attachment, friendship, love) that existed between dead pets with their owners. They also document how the social and cultural status of pet companions changes gradually – how the animals are no longer assumed as living beings without souls, and they become persons, rightful family members gaining the right to respect, memory and decent burial. But the change is a process which meets a resistance manifested in linguistic attempts to tear human and animal deaths apart.
Zmiany w myśleniu o świecie manifestują się w zmianach dokonujących się w języku. Cmentarz dla zwierząt jest dobrym polem do obserwacji zmieniających się ludzko-zwierzęcych relacji. Bardzo różnorodne formy nagrobków i treść widniejących na nich inskrypcji, nieobwarowane formalnymi regulacjami czy jednolitą konwencją – choć niewątpliwie inspirowane wzorcem ludzkiego cmentarza – są świadectwem szczególnych więzi (przywiązania, przyjaźni, miłości), jakie łączyły zmarłe zwierzęta z ich opiekunami. Również świetnie dokumentują to, jak stopniowo zmienia się społeczny i kulturowy status zwierząt towarzyszących człowiekowi – jak przestają być one jedynie pozbawioną duszy żywą własnością, a stają się osobami, pełnoprawnymi członkami rodzin, zyskując prawo do szacunku, pamięci i godnego pochówku. Jednak zmiana ta jest procesem, który budzi opór, przejawiający się w próbach językowego rozdzielenia ludzkiej i zwierzęcej śmierci.
Zoophilologica. Polish Journal of Animal Studies; 2019, 5
Pojawia się w:
Zoophilologica. Polish Journal of Animal Studies
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Łacińskie epitafia w farze poznańskiej
Latin Epitaphs in the Parish Church in Poznań
Rosół, Rafał
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Latin epigraphy
Latin epitaphs
Latin inscriptions
Parish Church in Poznań
Jesuits in Poznań
Stanisław Grabski
Kasper Drużbicki
Józef Pawłowski
The paper deals with three Latin epitaphs that are located in the Parish Church in Poznań (the former Jesuit Church). These inscriptions honour Stanisław Grabski (ca. 1633–1693), Kasper Drużbicki (1590–1662) and Józef Pawłowski (1698–1759). The author provides a critical edition of the inscriptions, their Polish translations, as well as a commentary.
Symbolae Philologorum Posnaniensium Graecae et Latinae; 2018, 28, 1; 187-203
Pojawia się w:
Symbolae Philologorum Posnaniensium Graecae et Latinae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Tablice epitafijne w kościele pw. Narodzenia Najświętszej Marii Panny w Mysłowicach
The epitaphs in the Church of the Nativity of Our Lady in Mysłowice
Bryłka, Agata
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
kościół pw. Narodzenia Najświętszej Marii Panny w Mysłowicach
tablice epitafijne
the Church of the Nativity of Our Lady in Mysłowice
The article contains an epigraphical analysis of five epitaphs from the Church of the Nativity of Our Lady in Mysłowice: the epitaph of Katarzyna Salomonowa, of Father Michał Gosławski, of Father Jerzy Antoni Mieroszewski, of the married couple Felicjan and Helena z Łętowskich Mieroszewscy, of Kunegunda ze Zborowskich Mieroszewska and the one dedicated to the memory of Krzysztof Mieroszewski. The earliest epitaphs date back to the years 1742—1744, whereas the most recent ones date back to ca. 1880. All of the epitaphs, regardless of the date they were created, were made of black marble, the so‑called Cracow marble. The inscriptions on the epitaphs feature lettering which belongs to the groups of scripts formed on the basis of humanist scripts. A majuscule script is visible in the epigraphs of Katarzyna Salomonowa, Father Michał Gosławski, Krzysztof Mieroszewski and Father Jerzy Antoni Mieroszewski. Whereas the epigraph of Felicjan and Helena z Łętowskich features a minuscule and majuscule script. As far as the three oldest inscriptions i.e. the one of Katarzyna Salomonowa, Priest Michał Gosławski and Priest Jerzy Antoni Mieroszewski, are concerned, they were written in Latin, whereas the two remaining inscriptions were written in Polish. The text features a correct transcription of the inscriptions and a list of abbreviations. The author also presented an interpretation of the extra‑inscriptional elements of the epitaphs such as: coats of arms and heraldic elements, portraits of the deceased and ornamental motifs. There is also a presentation of the profiles of the people to which the epitaphs that were analysed were devoted.
Wieki Stare i Nowe; 2015, 8, 13; 115-137
Pojawia się w:
Wieki Stare i Nowe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Эпитафия Иоганна Юнгшульца в церкви Св. Марии бывшего доминиканского Монастыря Эльблонга
Epitaph of Johann Jungshulz in the church of St. Mary of the former Dominican monastery in Elbląg (Elbing)
Вальков, Дмитрий В.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Północny im. Wojciecha Kętrzyńskiego w Olsztynie
epitafia barokowe XVII wieku
Elbląg (formerly Elbing)
baroque epitaphs from the 17th century
The funeral epigraphic material of Elbląg and the surrounding area, relating to the period preceding the XVIth century, remains, first of all thanks to the researches of Polish epigraphists, relatively more explored and introduced into the scientific circulation array. At the same time the Renaissance-Baroque gravestone monument of the XVIth–XVIIth centuries, which is extremely important for the comprehensive study of the reformed Circum-Baltic, often continues to need a detailed research commentary. To the epitaph of the burgomaster of Elbing (Elbląg) Johann Jungschultz (1583–1630), as well as to the Latin text of the funeral Eulogy, associated with this epitaph, composed by the Bohemian humanist Venceslav Klemens, is expected to address in this article. The epitaph of Johann Jungschultz was established in 1630–1640. From the compositional point of view closest to the epitaph of Johann Jungschultz, and almost prototypical for it, is the epitaph of Edward Blemke (1591), in the St. Mary’s church of Gdansk. It allows to speak about the author of the epitaph of Johann Jungschultz as oriented to samples of the Dutch monumental tombstones of the end of the XVIth century, or even as belonging to the circle of Willem van den Blocke (circa 1550–1628), which was the principal mediator of the influence of the Dutch art in the South-Eastern Baltic in the end of XVIth – the first quarter of the XVIIth century. The compositional and decorative solution of the epitaph also has close matches in the works of Johann Pfister (1573 – circa 1642/1645 or 1648).
Komunikaty Mazursko-Warmińskie; 2019, 304, 2; 347-378
Pojawia się w:
Komunikaty Mazursko-Warmińskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Pomnik upamiętniający Annę z Leszczyńskich Potocką w kościele Wniebowzięcia Najświętszej Marii Panny w Toruniu
The Monument to Anna Potocka née Leszczyńska in the Saint Mary’s Assumption Church in Toruń
Saar-Kozłowska, Alicja
Data publikacji:
Parafia Ewangelicko-Augsburska w Gdańsku z siedzibą w Sopocie
Anna Potocka Leszczyńska
protestants in Poland
Saint Mary’s Assumption Church in Toruń
Polish sepulchral art
inscription epitaphs
symbolic architecture
baroque pompa funebris
baroque funerals in Poland
Regarding its size, references to the royal headstone of Anna Vasa of Sweden and the person’s rank, the monument to Anna Potocka née Lesz-czyńska (1615-1653) is one of the greatest sepulchral artworks in the Saint Mary’s Church in Toruń.It was created after 1653 and funded by the de-ceased’s husband, Jan Teodor Potocki.Potocka descended from a reli¬giously diverse family.Her father converted to Catholicism.Potocka was raised in her mother’s faith and was considered a zealous Calvinist.Her family held great offices in Respublica Poloniae both in catholic and pro¬testant communities.Her grandfather Rafał Leszczyński (ca. 1526-1593) was one of the most active supporters of the Reformation.Her father’s nephew Rafał Leszczyński (1597-1636) was a leader of Protestants called “a Calvinist pope in Poland”. Potocka deceased in Łowicz; however, her body was buried in Toruń due to her faith and the rank of the church, which was used by the Lutherans in the years 1557-1724 and during the Counter-Reformation it was a refuge to Protestants living in the southern part of Royal Prussia.In 16th and 17th century, Toruń, along with Gdańsk and Elbląg, was one of the most prestigious centres of Protestantism in Poland.It is probable that the heroine’s funeral ceremonies were modelled on the Anna Vasa’s funeral (1636) at which both Potocki and Leszczyński families were present. The monument to Potocka is located at the wall closing the fourth yoke of the nave, counting from the East.It consists of a portal frame with Leszczyński and Potocki’s family coats of arms. Under its semi-circular ar-cade, there is an inscription board with the family’s genealogy, Potocka’s characteristics and the name of the founder. The Potocka’s monument fits into the category of inscription epitaphs associated with the portal.It integrates two functions: commemoration and glorification. The latter is expressed by the portal as a door: a motive of symbolic passage into another reality, or as a triumphal arch, an element of exaltation, similarly to the arcade and columns. The monument was made of limestone of Dębnik and alabaster, artifi-cial stone, lime mortar imitating the black marble and alabaster.In 2009, it was restored back to its former splendour.Nodocumentation of theformer repair works have been preserved. As a result of unprofessional restoration, the object’s plastic and aesthetical qualities changed entirely.Before the recent restoration, gold plating and fragments of polychromy were visible, which provided the basis for their reconstruction.
Gdański Rocznik Ewangelicki; 2015, 9; 38-61
Pojawia się w:
Gdański Rocznik Ewangelicki
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zabytkowy wystrój i wyposażenie pomezańskiego kościoła katedralnego w Kwidzynie
Historic ornaments and furniture of the Pomesanian Cathedral in Kwidzyn
Wiśniewski, Jan
Data publikacji:
Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne Diecezji Elbląskiej w Elblągu
Pomesanian cathedral
historic equipment: altars
listed wall paintings: scenes from the life of Jesus and saints
gallery of Pomesanian bishops and grand masters of the Teutonic Order
The post-war hosts of the Pomesanian cathedral in Kwidzyn (since 1254) (oo. Franciscans Conv., then diocese priests) salvaged the monuments it housed. The cathedral was constructed between 1320 and 1355. It was the burial place of the three “condemned” grand masters (their graves were discovered in 2008) and the blessed Dorothy of Montau. Inside are preserved 32 (some in fragments) tombstones and epitaphs of Pomesanian bishops and dignitaries of the Teutonic Knights Order dated from the 14th to the 18th century and seven baroque tombstones; the mosaic of the St. John in the vat of boiling oil dated at ca. 1380 above the side entrance; the gallery of 17 Pomesanian bishops in the upper sanctuary, which was painted in the late 15th century; mural paintings on the side aisle walls of the main body of the church (biblia pauperum, although nowadays the main idea behind the paintings is not precise); oak throne of Hiob von Dobeneck (†1521 r.), an outstanding humanist, wooden pulpit from 1643, the main altar from around 1690 (now in the choir of the Chapter) Groeben family chapel form 1705 including the equipment; the organ front from the 2nd half of the 19th century, the present brick altar and pulpit from the 2nd half of the 19th century, the so-called 2 confessionals from 1715 with a canopy, the granite baptismal font from the 18 century; wooden crucifix from the 19th century and the Stations of the Cross made from artificial stone; three stained-glass windows of the 2nd half of the 19 century, two bells from 1512 and 1583, these objects of worship are high-class works of art. Just after the war was over, the historic equipment of the cathedral was protected from further damage. Subsequently, the cathedral parish commune carried out systematic conservation and renovation of the monuments (mural paintings were discovered). In this way, the cultural legacy, which is used again by Roman-Catholics after the Protestant period, has been saved for future generations. Finally, during the reforms following the Second Vatican Council, the equipment of the presbytery in the central aisle was adapted to the modernised service. Thus, the place of worship which the Pomesanian Cathedral has been and continues to be, is a “living” church, which has been adapted to the changing needs of worship (the cathedral of the bishop of Pomesania, the seat of the cathedral chapter, the city parish). After the diocese was converted to Protestantism, the interior was adapted to the evangelical style of worship (Protestants, Bohemian Brethren), and some of the interior decorations were damaged then. However, in the 19th century extensive renovation works of the cathedral were undertaken. These works have continued until now.
Studia Elbląskie; 2013, 14; 63-83
Pojawia się w:
Studia Elbląskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Klasyczna argumentacja a persona w inskrypcjach nagrobnych czasów nowożytnych
The Aantique Argumentation a persona in Inscriptions on Modern Gravestones
Nowaszczuk, Jarosław
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
Kompozycja inskrypcji nagrobnych
struktura epitafiów
aplikowanie loci a persona w twórczości funeralnej
zasady tworzenia napisów nagrobnych
Composition of gravestone inscriptions
structure of epitaphs
application of loci a persona in funeral writings
the rules for creating gravestone inscriptions
Starożytni znawcy dziedziny retoryki formułowali katalogi loci a persona, czyli wypisy okoliczności (circumstantiae) albo atrybutów (attributa) dotyczących opisywanej postaci. Niektórzy z nich, jak Marek Fabiusz Kwintylian, doceniali znaczenie tych loci jako sedes argumentorum, czyli źródeł, którymi można posłużyć się w zakresie dowodzenia. Kategorie, które wyszczególnili antyczni uczeni są w wysokim stopniu zbieżne z tymi, jakie w charakterystyce postaci zmarłego, a przez to w strukturze inskrypcji nagrobnych wyodrębnili nowożytni teoretycy tej formy pisarstwa, jak choćby Thomas Correa, Jacobus Pontanus, Gaetano Felice Verani. Jak przekonuje wywód Christiana Weise w dziele De poesi hodiernorum politicorum sive de argutis inscriptionibus libri II, koincydencja nie jest przypadkowa. Uczony stwierdza wprost, że w tworzeniu napisów nagrobnych można wykorzystać topikę retoryczną z zakresu przyporządkowanego osobie (a persona). Twierdzenia badaczy gatunku znajdują potwierdzenia w zachowanym dorobku epigraficznym. Wysiłki pisarzy zmierzały ku temu, by jak najzwięźlej odnieść się do maksymalnej ilości loci a persona. Jak pokazano na przykładzie, tendencja do amplifikacji poprzez congeries, nie wiązała się z wielkością płyty nagrobnej i kosztami jej wykonania, lecz wynikała z upodobań estetycznych epoki.
Antique rhetoricians produced loci a persona directories, i.e. lists of circumstances (circumstantiae) or attributes (attributa) relating to the person being described. Some of them, such as Marcus Fabius Quintilianus, valued the importance of these loci as sedes argumentorum, i.e. sources that can be referred to for arguments. The categories identified by the antique scholars are largely consistent with those identified in the descriptions of the dead, and thus in the structure of gravestone inscriptions, by modern researchers studying this form of writing, including Thomas Correa, Jacobus Pontanus, Gaetano Felice Verani, to mention only a few. In his work entitled De poesi hodiernorum politicorum sive de argutis inscriptionibus libri II, Christian Weise argues that this coincidence is not accidental. This scholar points out clearly that rhetoric topics can be used for a persona epigraphic inscriptions. The assertions made by epigraph researchers are reflected in the preserved epigraphs. The writers made efforts to refer, as concisely as possible, to the largest possible number of loci a persona. An example shows that the tendency towards amplification through congeries was not linked with the size of the gravestone or the cost of making it, but was a result of the aesthetic preferences of the time.
Roczniki Humanistyczne; 2020, 68, 3; 71-92
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Humanistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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