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Survey on effective disposal of e-waste to prevent data leakage
Victor, Akila
Arunkumar, Gurunathan
Rajkumar, Soundrapandiyan
Selvanambi, Ramani
Data publikacji:
Instytut Podstawowych Problemów Techniki PAN
data leakage
data leakage detection
data leakage prevention
data destruction
data security
end of life of data
wyciek danych
wykrywanie wycieków danych
zapobieganie wyciekom danych
usuwanie danych
niszczenie danych
ochrona danych
koniec życia danych
E-waste refers to electronic products that are of no use, not working properly, and either close to or at the end of their “useful life”. Companies generate large amounts of e-waste when they replace old and outdated IT hardware with new technologies. Disposing of this e-waste is not so simple, as it may contain a significant amount of intellectual property in the form of data. Timely elimination of these records and data is very crucial to secure it. E-waste cannot just be discarded due to associated data security, confidentiality, compliance and environmental risks and policies. Even after deleting data, it can still be prone to social engineering attacks by malicious individuals. Data leakage is the unauthorized transmission of data from within an organization to an external destination or recipient, and it can be transferred electronically or physically. Nowadays, protecting data is of upmost importance for organizations. However, organizations still fail at destroying confidential data from their end-of-life equipment. This article focuses on how to detect data leakage and try to find those responsible for doing so. Different Data Loss Prevention (DLP) techniques that are currently being used by many organizations are discussed and some suggestions are provided for developing more consistent DLP and overcoming the weaknesses prevalent in these techniques. Furthermore, this article discusses various algorithmic, logical, and methodological foundations and procedures followed for large-scale data disposal, determining when the life of data comes to an end.
Computer Assisted Methods in Engineering and Science; 2024, 31, 2; 187-212
Pojawia się w:
Computer Assisted Methods in Engineering and Science
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ars Moriendi. Ethical Challenges of the Ultimate Realities of Life
Sgarlata, Sara
Dłużewicz, Alicja
Napiwodzka, Karolina
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Ars moriendi
art of dying
good death
ethical death
end-of-life decisionmaking
palliative care
discourse community
The aim of this issue of Ethics in Progress is to provide a provisional, open-ended view on the ultimate realities of life and the ethical challenges they pose in medical, sociological, and existential contexts. The issue explores axiologies and meta-ethical narratives related to the art of dying, or in other words the moral domain encompassing the quest for a good life and a good death. Two problematic aspects emerge from the latest body of research: (1) the difficulty involved in tackling ethical challenges in medical and sociological contexts; and (2) the marginal role of the patient’s agency and narrative-ownership of end-of-life decision-making. A direction is pointed out that suggests that interventions across interdisciplinary groups involved in medical aid to dying should focus on promoting ethical behaviour on the side of healthcare personnel. Finally, attention to language, discourse, communication, and the narratives of death and dying call this edition of Ethics in Progress to examine the ontological and epistemological categories that underlie the study of lifeworlds and ‘discourse communities’, which are those associated with moral agents interlacing historical motives, language, communication, normative beliefs, social norms and roles, power relations, hard clinical evidence, and contested values in the context of medical practices and, broadly speaking, practices surrounding death.
Ethics in Progress; 2022, 13, 2; 4-10
Pojawia się w:
Ethics in Progress
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
How to support working family carers? British initiatives as a practical means to reduce loneliness in everyday life of family caregivers in Poland
Jak wspierać pracujących opiekunów rodzinnych? Brytyjskie inicjatywy jako praktyczne sposoby na zmniejszenie samotności w codziennym życiu opiekunów rodzinnych w Polsce
Janowicz, Anna Maria
Klimek, Martyna
Krakowiak, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Opolski. Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego
Carers UK
Emloyers for Carers
end-of-life care
home care
family carer
(juggling) sharing work and care
respite care
Among various publications regarding end-of-life care in Poland there is one piece of important research that shows a difficult situation for family caregivers in end-of-life care in Poland, who often lack recognition and support and face a lonely struggle, especially in home care settings (Janowicz, 2019a). The Polish Government published documents in support of family caregivers for the first time in 2019, recognizing respite care and allocating money to some of them. Poland has successfully implemented British standards of hospice and palliative care, making it the best in Central-Eastern Europe; the same could be done in supporting carers in family settings (Krakowiak, 2020a). We have already learnt and benefited from the experience of the British organisation Carers UK, who have been operating successfully for more than 50 years and working towards inclusion of formal and informal care (Klimek, 2020). But how can we move forward in helping those who face loneliness and feelings of helplessness as family carers? We can learn from those who have already developed tools and created strategies supporting family caregivers. Exploring the educational strategies of supporting organizations from the UK, will help to point towards possible solutions to this social and educational challenge in Poland, helping to reduce the loneliness of carers in the home care settings. Most families still feel isolated, while most of our local communities do not support those who care, often for many months and years. Social educators and social workers need to tackle the questions of loneliness and isolation that many family caregivers face. First steps have been made and first publications issued, but more robust strategies and practical solutions are needed. Newest facts and figures from Carers UK documents and Best Practice In Supporting Carers by Carer Positive Employer in Scotland (2020) will help to show existing strategies used for and by employers. Among many existing initiatives this one regarding combining care and work could be very important to recognise the needs of working carers, sharing their job with the duty of constant care at home. Action is urgently needed in Poland, where many people do a full-time job alongside caring at home. Recognition of family carers’ needs by their workplace, support from employers and flexibility in working hours is still a rare exception, and it should be changed. The Covid-19 pandemic has fully exposed the problems of carers of dependent people around the world and also in Poland, especially difficult for those who combine care with work.
Family Forum; 2021, 11; 129-149
Pojawia się w:
Family Forum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Обставини відкриття Політехнічного інституту в путівниках по Києву (1900 р. – початок ХХ ст.)
Circumstances of the Opening of the Polytechnic Institute in Guides to Kyiv (1900 – Early 20th Century)
Шевчук, Т.В.
Data publikacji:
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Institute of World History
Київ кінця ХІХ – початку ХХ ст.
заклад освіти
Київський політехнічний інститут
Kyiv at the end of the 19th – early 20th century
educational institution
everyday life
Kyiv Polytechnic Institute
У ХІХ – на початку ХХ ст. на Києві, місті, яке приваблювало багатьох відвідувачів, позначалися загальнодержавні тенденції в розвитку вугільної, металургійної, машинобудівної, легкої, харчової промисловості, сільського господарства, а разом з тим – брак інженерів, агрономів і техніків. На цьому тлі виникла гостра потреба в заснуванні у Києві вищого закладу технічної освіти, яким і став Київський політехнічний інститут, відкритий 1898 р.Водночас саме в цей період туризм, котрий раніше був радше доповненням до паломництва, поступово переростав у масовий, відповідно й путівники, як видання, де окреслюються варті уваги маршрути, ставали все популярнішими. Тож важливо простежити, як новий виш входив до сфери уваги відвідувачів міста, і яку роль у цьому відігравали автори путівників – цінних комплексних джерел із історії міського повсякдення. У статті розглядаються особливості висвітлення в путівниках по Києву обставин відкриття Київського політехнічного інституту. Можна зробити висновки, що найбільше інформації про обставини відкриття Київського політехнічного інституту міститься в тих путівниках (крім К. Свірського), які вийшли друком одразу незабаром після відкриття цього закладу освіти (1900 р. і 1901 р.), хоча один із них – перевидання М. Сементовського – в першу чергу орієнтувався на паломників, а тільки в другу – на світських гостей міста. Ймовірно, укладачі прагнули зафіксувати як найдокладніше ще незавершений процес, який розгортався перед ними. В. Чеховський, котрий відкрито позиціонував свою роботу як присвячену модерним рисам тогочасного Києва, розкрив у ній головні, на його думку, передумови, та ключові аспекти постання інституту від планування до реалізації конкретизованого проекту, а серед найвизначніших залучених осіб не обійшов увагою етнічно споріднених із собою поляків, проте не перебільшував їхньої ролі. Пізніші видання вже не виходять за межі розміщення інформації, на думку авторів, найважливішої для середньостатистичних мандрівників. Впадає в око наголошування навіть при найбільш стислому висвітленні подій великої ролі пожертв від приватних осіб, часом із вказівкою вартості проекту.
In the 19th and at the beginning of the 20th century. in Kyiv, a city that attracted many visitors, nationwide trends in the development of the coal, metallurgical, machine-building, light, food industry, and agriculture industries were marked, and at the same time, there was a lack of engineers, agronomists, and technicians. Against this background, there was an urgent need to establish a higher institution of technical education in Kyiv, which became the Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, opened in 1898. At the same time, it was during this period that tourism, which before was rather a supplement to pilgrimage, gradually grew into a mass one, and accordingly, guides, as a publication outlining noteworthy routes, became more and more popular. Therefore, it is important to trace how the new university entered the sphere of attention of visitors to the city, and what role the authors of guidebooks – valuable comprehensive sources on the history of everyday life in the city – played in this. The article examines the peculiarities of coverage in Kyiv guidebooks of the circumstances of the opening of the Kyiv Polytechnic Institute. It can be concluded that the most information about the circumstances of the opening of the Kyiv Polytechnic Institute is contained in those guides (except K. Svirskiy) that were published immediately after the opening of this educational institution (in 1900 and 1901), although one of them – a reprint of M. Sementovskyi – in the first in the first turn it was aimed at pilgrims, and only in the second – at social guests of the city. Probably, the compilers sought to record as accurately as possible the still unfinished process unfolding before them.V. Chekhovsky, who openly positioned his work as dedicated to the modern features of the Kyiv of that time, disclosed in it the main, in his opinion, prerequisites and key aspects of the establishment of the institute from planning to the implementation of a concrete project, and among the most prominent persons involved, he did not overlook those ethnically related to Poles, but did not exaggerate their role. Later editions do not go beyond the placement of information, according to the authors, most important for average travellers. Even in the most succinct coverage of events, the importance of the role of donations from private individuals is noticeable, sometimes with an indication of the cost of the project.
Проблеми всесвітньої історії; 2022, 19; 189-197
Pojawia się w:
Проблеми всесвітньої історії
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Reframing Patient’s Autonomy in End-of-Life Care Decision-Making: Constructions of Agency in Interviews with Physicians
Buscariolli, André
Vesala, Kari Mikko
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Advance Directives
Patient’s Autonomy
Frame Analysis
End-of-Life Care
In the research literature, critical viewpoints question the idea of patient autonomy as a robust basis for approaching end-of-life treatments. Yet physicians express distinctly positive attitudes towards patient autonomy and advance directives in questionnaire studies. In this article, we unravel taken-for-granted assumptions about the agency that physicians use when evaluating patient autonomy in end-of-life care. We use Goffmanian frame analysis to analyze semi-structured interviews with eight Finnish physicians. Instead of measuring standardized responses, we explore in detail how distinct evaluations of patient autonomy are made through approving or reserved stand-taking. The results show that the interviewees reframed patient autonomy with the help of biological, medical, ethical, and interaction frames. Through such reframing, the patient’s agency was constructed as vulnerable and weak in contrast to the medical expert with the legitimated capacity to act as an agent for the patient. Further, end-of-life treatment decisions by the patient, as well as the patient’s interests appeared as relationally defined in interactions and negotiations managed by the physician, instead of attesting the sovereign agency of an autonomous actor.
Qualitative Sociology Review; 2021, 17, 2; 70-87
Pojawia się w:
Qualitative Sociology Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
State of the Art in the End-of-Life Vehicle Recycling
Lenort, Radim
Staš, David
Wicher, Pavel
Straka, Martin
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Koszalińska. Wydawnictwo Uczelniane
waste management
end-of-life vehicle
recycling network
recycling system
Growing ecological awareness in society and legal regulations aimed at reducing the negative impact of used products on the environment means that waste management begins to play a significant role in the modern world. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct research towards the organization and implementation of waste management. It has been noticed that an important link in the economy is the recycling of used products. Thus, numerous studies are undertaken in the direction of organization, improvement, automation and computerization of the product and material recycling process. The article presents the results of literature research in terms of the implementation of the end-of-life vehicle recycling process.
Rocznik Ochrona Środowiska; 2021, 23; 902--913
Pojawia się w:
Rocznik Ochrona Środowiska
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Towarzyszenie osobie umierającej przez rodzinę. Etyka końca życia
Accompagnare un morente da parte della famiglia. Etica di fine vita
Kowalski, Edmund
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
etica di fine vita
operatori sanitari
end-of-life ethics
health workers
etyka końca życia
personel sanitarny
Przedmiotem naszej refleksji jest „proces umierania” kogoś bliskiego przeżywany przez niego samego, jego rodzinę i personel medyczno-sanitarny opisany i przeanalizowany przez doktora psychologii E. Kübler-Ross. Na zakończenie naszej refleksji zostały wykreślone istotne elementy „etyki końca życia”, które powinny nam pomóc w bardziej świadomym i odpowiedzialnym podejściu do „naszego” mysterium mortis, a następnie przeżywanego w rodzinie i szpitalu.
L’oggetto della nostra riflessione è un “processo del morire” di una persona cara, vissuto da lui stesso, dalla sua famiglia e dal personale sanitario, descritto ed analizzato dalla dottoressa della psicologia E. Kübler-Ross. Alla fine della nostra riflessione abbiamo indicato gli elementi essenziali di una “etica della fine della vita”, che ci permetterebbe, in modo più cosciente e responsabile affrontare il “nostro” mysterium mortis, e poi nella famiglia e nell’ospedale.
The object of our reflection is the “dying process” of a dear one, as lived by himself, his family and the medical personnel, and as described and analysed by the psychologist E. Kübler-Ross.  At the end of our reflection, we indicated the essential elements of an “end of life ethics”, which would permit us to approach, in a more conscious and responsible manner, “our” mysterium mortis at a personal level, in the family and in hospital.
Studia Nauk Teologicznych PAN; 2021, 16; 233-249
Pojawia się w:
Studia Nauk Teologicznych PAN
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zamach na życie króla Szwecji Gustawa III z dnia 16 marca 1792 r. Geneza, przebieg, konsekwencje
Assassination attempt on the life of King Gustav III of Sweden on March 16, 1792. The genesis, course of events, and consequences
Anusik, Zbigniew
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
Gustaw III
zamach na życie króla Szwecji
Jacob Johan Anckarström
Szwecja w końcu XVIII w.
rewolucja francuska
Gustav III
assassination attempt on the life of the King of Sweden
the king’s assassin
Sweden at the end of the 18th century
French Revolution
Zamach na życie króla Szwecji Gustawa III dokonany w dniu 16 marca 1792 r. był wydarzeniem, które wzbudziło ogromne zainteresowanie tak współczesnych, jak i potomnych. Problem ten doczekał się omówienia w licznych pracach historycznych. Nie doczekał się jednak opracowania napisanego przez polskiego historyka. Autor, od kilkudziesięciu lat zajmujący się badaniem dziejów Szwecji w dobie panowania Gustawa III, na podstawie najważniejszych źródeł drukowanych, literatury przedmiotu oraz własnych badań archiwalnych, przedstawia szeroko pojętą genezę tego zamachu, zawiązanie sprzysiężenia, którego pierwotnym celem było odsunięcie Gustawa III od władzy, przebieg wydarzeń na balu maskowym w sztokholmskiej operze, śledztwo przeciwko królobójcom oraz ostatnie dni króla, który zmarł 29 marca 1792 r. W zakończeniu pojawiają się informacje o dziejach Szwecji w pierwszych miesiącach regencji sprawowanej przez Karola ks. Södermanlandii oraz o wszystkich następstwach politycznych tragicznej śmierci władcy, który miał szansę odegrania doniosłej roli na arenie międzynarodowej w burzliwych latach dziewięćdziesiątych XVIII w.
The assassination attempt on the life of King Gustav III of Sweden on March 16, 1792 was an event that aroused great interest among both his contemporaries and posterity. This issue has been discussed in numerous historical works. However, it has not been discussed by any Polish historian yet. The author, who has been researching the history of Sweden during the reign of Gustav III for several decades, on the basis of the most important printed sources, the literature on the subject and his own archival studies, presents the genesis of this assassination attempt broadly understood, the formation of a conspiracy originally aimed at deposing Gustav III, the course of events at the masquerade ball in the Stockholm Opera House, the investigation against the regicides, and the last days of the king, who died on March 29, 1792. The conclusion contains information about the history of Sweden in the first months of the regency Charles, Duke of Södermanland, and all the political consequences of the tragic death of the ruler who had a chance to play a significant role internationally in the turbulent 1890s.
Saeculum Christianum. Pismo Historyczne; 2020, 27, 2; 115-136
Pojawia się w:
Saeculum Christianum. Pismo Historyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
A comparative study on end-of-life vehicles network design
Merkisz-Guranowska, Agnieszka
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
end-of-life vehicles
ELV reverse logistics
ELV recycling network
ELV network design
pojazdy wycofane z eksploatacji
logistyka pojazdów ELV
recykling pojazdów
This paper investigates the current research in the field of the end-of-life vehicles (ELV) recycling network. The optimisation of the location of a network facilities in forward logistics in the automotive industry has received a lot of attention for many years but the reverse logistics for ELVs has been a subject of investigations since the beginning of 21st century. ELV recycling network design gained in popularity after the European Union and other countries like Japan, South Korea and recently China introduced legal obligations to organize a collecting or recycling network for used vehicles. When regulations are introduced, there is a need for a systemic solution to the problem, especially since the obligation to create a collection network is often accompanied by requirements related to its accessibility for vehicle owners or efficiency of operation. With the growing scope of legal regulations, companies or organisations responsible for the network are forced to redesign the existing recycling infrastructure in a given area so that it meets specific requirements. Initially, the most important criterion was network availability. Currently, the same importance is attached to economic, environmental and social aspects in order to meet the sustainability criteria. In this paper, forty one peer-reviewed published studies focused on network design were classified. Its main purpose is to provide an extensive review of state-of-the-art research published in the period 2000-2019. The scope of the review is limited to network design problems including facility location and flow allocation problems. Only papers that present mathematical models are considered. Studies on the ELV network design are classified based on: type of supply chain, type of network, optimisation problem, type of facilities, modelling technique, single/multi objectivity, objective function, period of time, solution approach and scope of implementation. The final part of the paper includes discussion of the methodology of the reviewed studies and some recommendations for future research area.
Archives of Transport; 2020, 54, 2; 107-123
Pojawia się w:
Archives of Transport
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
End-of-life design aid in PLM environment using agent technology
Diakun, J.
Dostatni, E.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
design for end-of-life
agent technology
End-of-life oriented product design (design for recycling, disassembly, remanufacturing) is considered an emerging area in modern approach to product lifecycle. Numerous tools aiding the design process have been developed, but many of them work as independent computer applications. The presented solution is strictly integrated with typical design environment: CAD 3D and PLM systems. This paper presents the application of agent technology operating in the PLM environment to support the design process. The architecture of the proposed solution is shown. A method of product assessment, based of three indicators, is described. The example analysis of real household appliance is presented.
Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Technical Sciences; 2020, 68, 2; 207-214
Pojawia się w:
Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Technical Sciences
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Comparative Analysis of ELV Recycling Policies in the European Union, Japan and China
Yu, Jeongsoo
Wang, Shuoyao
B. Serrona, Kevin Roy
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
End-of Life Vehicle Recycling
Extended Producer Responsibility
Export of Secondhand Vehicle
Recycling of Next-Generation Vehicle
This research aims at revealing the current status of the End-of-Life Vehicle (ELV) recycling systems in the European Union (EU), Japan and China which are known to have big vehicle manufacturers. The purpose of this research is to clarify their characteristics and issues, such as existing ELV recycling policy, limitations of Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) and environmental problems caused by secondhand car export. Japanese ELV recycling system will be analyzed as a specific example. Automakers’ effort to improve ELV recycling rate and the potential influence on recycling policy from large secondhand car export and Next-Generation Vehicle’s (NGV) popularization in Japan will be discussed and generalized. In addition, interview investigation for vehicle makers and government agencies has been conducted to have a comparative analysis of stakeholders’ (mainly automakers) attitude towards current ELV recycling law and future plans which can support Next-Generation Vehicle recycling well, as well as cross-border environmental/international resources recycling problems caused by secondhand car export.
Investigationes Linguisticae; 2019, 43; 34-56
Pojawia się w:
Investigationes Linguisticae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Acetone adsorption on co2-activated tyre pyrolysis char – thermogravimetric analysis
Kotkowski, T.
Cherbański, R.
Molga, E.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
physical activation
end-of-life tyres
aktywacja fizyczna
zużyte opony
Activation of tyre pyrolysis char (TPC) can significantly increase its market value. To date, it has been frequently carried out in different reactors. In this work, thermogravimetric analysis was used instead. The performance of activated pyrolysis chars was tested by adsorption of acetone vapour and comparison of the equilibrium adsorption capacities for all samples. The highest equilibrium adsorption capacity was observed for the carbon burn-off of 60%. In addition, the equilibrium adsorption capacity of activated TPC decreases by about 10% after eleven adsorption/desorption cycles. Moreover, activation changed the porous structure of pyrolysis chars from mesoporous to micro-mesoporous.
Chemical and Process Engineering; 2018, 39, 2; 233-246
Pojawia się w:
Chemical and Process Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Life cycle extension of mobile phones: an exploration with focus on the end-consumer
Penners, Odette
Semeijn, Janjaap
van Riel, Allard C.R.
Lambrechts, Wim
Data publikacji:
Wyższa Szkoła Bankowa we Wrocławiu
end of life
mobile phones
Aim: All mobile phones will eventually become obsolete and should be collected and recycled in order to recover their high content of both dangerous and valuable materials. End-consumers play a key role in these processes as the collection and recycle systems cannot work properly without their contribution. Therefore, this exploratory study investigates how Dutch end-consumers can be stimulated to return their used mobile phones. Design / Research methods: the factors influencing consumers’ propensity to return and recycle obsolete mobile phones are examined. The results are based on a survey conducted among end-consumers of mobile phones in the Netherlands. Conclusions / findings: There is significant recycling potential as the majority of used mobile phones are simply kept at home. Keeping a used phone as a spare phone and being afraid of privacy disclosures are indicated as main reasons for not taking used phones to a recycling point. Originality / value of the article: The findings indicate that personal satisfaction from recycling and knowledge or awareness of the potential dangers from not properly returning play a crucial role in influencing the propensity.
Central European Review of Economics and Management; 2018, 2, 4; 7-37
Pojawia się w:
Central European Review of Economics and Management
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Logistyka w cyklu życia samochodów na przykładzie firmy Toyota Motor Corporation : etap IV : wycofanie z eksploatacji
Logistics in life cycle of cars on the example of Toyota Motor Corporation : stage IV : decommissioning
Wąsowicz, A.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Naukowo-Wydawniczy "SPATIUM"
samochody wycofane z eksploatacji
recykling samochodów
Toyota Motor Corporation
części używane
części samochodowe
end-of-life vehicles
scars withdrawn out of service
car recycling
used parts
car parts
Artykuł jest ostatnim z serii artykułów poświęconych logistyce w cyklu życia samochodów, przedstawionym w oparciu o materiały firmy Toyota Motor Corporation. Badania obejmowały IV etap w cyklu życia pojazdów – etap wycofania z eksploatacji. Opisano zagadnienia recyklingu samochodów marki Toyota i związek tych działań z ochroną środowiska naturalnego oraz zagadnienia ochrony zasobów i ich efektywnego powtórnego zagospodarowania.
This article is the last of the series dedicated to the logistics in life cycle of cars, based on the materials from Toyota Motor Corporation. The study covered the IV stage of the life cycle of vehicles - the phase of withdrawal out of service. The topic of recycling of Toyota cars and the relationship between these activities and the protection of the environment as well as the issues of resource conservation and their effective re-use are discussed.
Autobusy : technika, eksploatacja, systemy transportowe; 2018, 19, 4; 37-42
Pojawia się w:
Autobusy : technika, eksploatacja, systemy transportowe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Analiza modelu systemu odzysku wiązek przewodów elektrycznych pochodzących z pojazdów wycofanych z eksploatacji
Analysis of a system of recovery of electrical wiring looms coming from vehicles withdrawn from the operation
Sicińska, K.
Hitczenko, D.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Transportu Samochodowego
pojazd wycofany z eksploatacji
wiązki przewodów elektrycznych
end-of life vehicle
wiring harness
W artykule przedstawiono analizę modelowania systemu odzysku wiązek przewodów elektrycznych pochodzących z pojazdów wycofanych z eksploatacji w Polsce wraz z przedstawieniem optymalnej lokalizacji dla zakładów odzysku. W modelowaniu przyjęto dwa warianty obliczeń ilości odpadów wiązek przewodów elektrycznych. W pierwszym wariancie założono, że liczba złomowanych pojazdów wynosi 300 tys. rocznie czyli tyle ile faktycznie zagospodarowano pojazdów w 2011 roku., a w drugim 800 tys. sztuk rocznie czyli wielkość strumienia PWE (pojazdy wycofane z eksploatacji) przy założeniu, że wszystkie pojazdy trafiają do oficjalnej sieci recyklingu. Do obliczeń przyjęto ponadto dwa założenia dotyczące ilości wymontowywanych wiązek przewodów elektrycznych i wynikające z tego masy odpadów miedzi i otuliny z polichlorku winylu. W pierwszym założeniu przyjęto, że z każdego pojazdu wymontowuje się 5 kg wiązek, a w drugim, że masa wymontowanych wiązek wynosi 10 kg.
The article presents an analysis of the modelling of the system to recover electric wiring looms coming from end-of-life vehicles in Poland together with the presentation of the optimal location for the recovery plants. In the modelling, two variants of calculating the amount of waste of electrical wiring harnesses were adopted. In the first variant, it was assumed that the number of scrapped vehicles is 300,000 annually, i.e the number of vehicles actually processed in 2011, and in the second 800,000 cars per year or the size of the ELV stream (end-of-life vehicles) assuming that all vehicles end up in the official recycling network. In addition, two assumptions were made for calculations regarding the amount of removed electrical wiring looms and the resulting mass of copper and polyvinyl chloride casing waste. In the first assumption, it was assumed that 5 kg of wiring looms are removed from each vehicle, and in the second, the mass of removed wiring is 10 kg.
Transport Samochodowy; 2017, 3; 67-81
Pojawia się w:
Transport Samochodowy
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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