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Praca mężczyzn nadużywających alkoholu (przyczynek do dyskusji nad ustawą o postępowaniu wobec osób uchylających się od pracy)
The excessively drinking men and their work (contribution to discussion on the act of dealing with persons evading work)
Ostrihanska, Zofia
Rzeplińska, Irena
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
izba wytrzeźwień
sobering-up center
The article presents the findings of a study on the problems of alcoholism related to the Act of 26 October 1982 on dealing with persons evading work. The Act defines the phenomenon of the so-called social parasitism as evading socially useful work and having sources of maintenance contradictory to the law or principles of social coexistence. Men aged 18-45 who have not been employed for at least 3 months, who do not attend any school and are not registered in an employment agency as looking for a job, are obliged to report at the local State administrative agency and to explain the reasons of their unemployment or failure to learn. A nonfulfillment of this duty is a transgression for which a penalty of limitation of liberty of up to 3 months or a fine of up to 50,000 zlotys is provided. There are certain categories of persons who are not liable to this duty: among others, these are the retired or disabled persons, those who receive allowances from the social security fund etc. The reported men are entered in a record of persons evading work. In the case of their further persistent evasion of work, they are liable to further proceedings and various sanctions. They may also be recognized as unemployed for socially grounded reasons. Towards such persons, the Act provides no further special duties, and the administrative agency is obligated to come to their assistance if necessary.             In the present paper, the important problem of whether the legal regulation of the problems connected with the so-called social parasitism is justified, has not been discussed. We have focused on the relation between unemployment and excessive drinking and on the problems and disturbances in employment among excessively drinking men.             The study was aimed at answering the following questions: What is the number of persons with alcohol problems, repeatedly detained in the sobering-up station, among the men registered in District Offices in Warsaw as "evading work"? What is the number of unemployed persons aged 18-45 among those repeatedly detained in the sobering-up station? What is the relation between employment and work on the one hand, and excessive drinking and the entire life situation on the other hand among the above-mentioned men?             The following three groups of men have been included in the study: A. In order to obtain the answer to the first question. records of 2,195 men were examined who had been registered in the seven District Offices in Warsaw within the period from January 1. 1983 till April 30. 1984 as evading work, and their detentions in the sobering-up station were checked. B. The second group of the examined persons consisted of all men aged 18-45 who had been detained in the sobering-up station for at least, the second time on randomly selected days in October and November of 1984 and in January of 1985 (576 persons). Information concerning their employment was obtained from the .records of the sobering-up station based either on their own statements or on entries in their identity cards. C. The third group consisted of 56 patients of the sobering-up station aged 18-45 who had repeatedly been detained; they were examined individually in the period from October 1984 till January 1985.             The examination consisted in a free interview based on a specially constructed questionnaire. The aim of the interview was to obtain information concerning the course of employment and the drinking habits of the examined persons. their possible symptoms of dependence and withdrawal treatments they underwent, family situation and state of health.             From among 2,195 men registered as evading work. one-third had been detained in the sobering-up station at least once. As many as two-thirds of them had been detained repeatedly. A part of the registered men (6.9 per cent) were included at a later date in the list of persons who persistently evade work. Persons detained in the sobering-up station constitute 37 per, cent of those included in the record.             Employment of patients of the sobering-up station was examined in the second of the above-mentioned groups: the 576 men aged 18-45 repeatedly detained in the Warsaw sobering-up station.             Among those patients men aged at least 30 predominated (76.9 per cent). Those detained at least four times were the most numerous (45.5 per cent); there were 20.6 and 33.9 per cent of those detained three and two times respectively. According to expectations, older patients had been detained in the station more frequently than the younger ones.             At the moment of detention in the station, the majority of the repeatedly detained persons (60.6 per cent) were employed at State enterprises; 10 per cent worked for private employers, and 1.4 per cent in their own workshops or farms. 5 per cent were pensioners, 8:3 per cent worked casually, and 14.6 per cent were not employed at all. Therefore, the category of persons who did not work or who worked only casually constituted 22.9 per cent of the examined group, which seems rather a high percentage. It grows still if the category of pensioners is added. amounting then to 27.9 per cent of men aged 18-45 repeatedly detained in the station and to as many as 34.7 per cent of those detained over three times.             56 persons were examined individually. They were somewhat older than the above-mentioned group of 576 patients of the sobering-up station and had been detained there for a smaller number of times.             The essential problem in our study was their drinking of alcohol. 36 per cent of the examined persons stated they had started drinking at the age of 16 at most, while in the case of 33.3 per cent the respective self-reported age was 17-18. As many as two-thirds admitted usually dinking half a litre or more vodka on one occasion. 34.8 per cent admitted drinking daily. It was most difficult to find out whether the examined persons were already alcohol dependent. There were question included in the questionnaire and asked during the interview, that served this purpose. Some of the examined persons were afraid even to admit they drank excessively which was due to the type of work they performed in which abuse of alcohol is not tolerated (first of all in the driver’s profession). Symptoms indicative of dependence were found in 24 of the examined persons (42.9 per cent). A part of them had already started withdrawal treatment in the past, yet they frequently gave it up after as few as several visits. The detention in the station and talks conducted with the patient on release were noticed to be an opportunity for initiating a change in his attitude towards treatment. It seems that the sobering-up station may and should be an important link in the alcohol dependence  treatment system.             Basing on the appraisal of the entire course of employment, the examined group could be divided into two categories: A. those in the case of whom undisturbed performance of work and its regularity was found according to the information obtained (22 persons); B. those who  had been unemployed for long periods of time, worked irregularly, at intervals, and failed to perform work properly (31 persons).             In the category A, two subgroups were distinguished: a. men who usually did not drink excessively or who abused alcohol but to a slight degree, who worked regularly and were relatively well socially adjusted. Their repeated detentions in the sobering-up station seemed to result from various chance situations and from their poor tolerance  of alcohol; b. men who regularly abused alcohol or who could have been dependent on it, in whom however this situation did not influence their performance of work.             In the category B, it was not possible to distinguish any subgroups. In individual cases, joint occurrence of some of the following overlapping problems was found: a. poor performance of work related to excessive  drinking, yet without the symptoms of professional degradation; b. professional degradation connected with alcohol dependence; c. poor performance of work and excessive drinking connected with and resulting from an early social maladjustment; d. unemployment accompanied by a declared reluctance to work in the future which was connected rather with the examined person’s personality traits than with his excessive drinking; e. unemployment due to disability resulting from an accident or illness which made it impossible to perform the former job. Such a situation could have been brought about by excessive drinking, and the present unemployment is a factor that increases these persons alcohol dependence.             Among 2,195 men registered in the Warsaw District offices as evading work, there were 708 patients of the sobering-up station of whom two-thirds had been detained repeatedly. As shown by an analysis of their statements made at the District offices, the reasons of their unemployment varied greatly.             An observation seems justified that the majority of them do work, though irregularly. Among then, 115 were recognized to be unemployed for justified reasons; a very small part of them (20 per cent) asked for assistance of the administrative agency in finding a job through the Employment Department.             The group of 708 patients of the sobering-up station consists of men who may at least be assumed to drink excessively However, the officials who keep the records were poorly informed as to this problem. Further, despite registration and activities of the department for unemployed persons to compel these persons to work' as many as two-thirds of men in this group failed to take a job.             Any action undertaken towards this specific group of men (who were repeatedly detained in the sobering-up stations and were excessive drinkers), proved entirely ineffective, both at the stage of compelling them to work regularly and at that of having them perform public works.             From among 708 men – 26.1 per cent were directed to public works; about three-fourths of them never even reported at work.             The intervention undertaken by means of the Act of dealing with persons evading work seems futile. Some of these persons may perhaps need referring to an alcohol dependence treatment unit, some others - counselling as to the choice and finding of an adequate job; still another part will probably constitute a regular group that is characteristic of any society: u group of persons who constitute a social fringe and live in a way that departs from the norms of conduct accepted in the society.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 1987, XIV; 115-150
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Analiza bio-psycho-społecznych uwarunkowań zjawiska niepodejmowania pracy
Analysis of the bio-psycho-social conditions of attitudes towards work
Rożeńska, Regina
Przybysz, Rafał
Szamburska, Jolanta
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
zakres pracy
uchylanie się
operating range
The paper has been devoted to the discussion of the findings of an interdisciplinary empirical study of the phenomenon of evasion of work. An attempt was made in the study to reach the psycho-social and biological conditions of attitudes towards work.             From among the properties that characterize the group of persons evading work, the authors were particularly interessted in: the degree of professional destabilization, committing offences excessive drinking, family destabilization, psychological variables, and state of health.             Subjects of the study were men aged 30-31 from the city of Łódź,  registered as evading work in the employment agency and in social-administrative divisions of the state administrative agencies. Among all of the persons registered in the above-mentioned age group, most motions concern a group of 103 persons (NP). These 103 persons were submitted to direct medical, psychological and sociological examination, while a number of data concerning the entire group of 843 persons were gathered by means of indirect methods (analysis of documents). The latter made it possible to describe in more detail problems as important as crime, excessive drinking or state of health.             As a control group, a group of 204 men (P) working in great industrial plants in Łódź was examined by means of all of the above-mentioned methods.             8 hypotheses have been formula ted that expressed the relations between the separate characteristics of the examined persons. Not all of these hypotheses have been verified acording to our theoretical expectations.             To mention the most important conclusions only, it should be stated that about one-fourth of the total of 845 men were fit for being taken off the register of persons evading work. None on these persons were included in the basic 103-person sample; yet this group was examined for pragmatic reasons together with the population in the case of which indirect of examination were applied (analysis of documents).             Another finding that might seem interesting is that 13 per cent of the examined persons may be suspected with high probability of having seemingly taken a job in order to circumvent the law.             From among other data concerning the entire 845-person population the fact should be taken into consideration that 22.7 per cent of them are treated in mental health and (or in withdrawal clinics, with the majority treated in the former), and that 49,5 per cent of them have committed offences (transgression left out of account), the majority committing the same type of offence repeatedly. As far as the basic group of 103 persons is concerned, one of its most important traits appears to be extensive drinking and crime. The latter shows a somewhat greater intensity as compared with the entire population; as many as 54.5 per cent of persons committed offences, and over 60 per cent of them are recidivists. Crime can be found but in isolated cases in the group of working men (5 per cent). The kind of offences committed in the group of persons evading work seems symptomatic. Their offences are poorly differentiated and practically resolve themselves to three groups: 1 ) against the property; 2) against person; 3) against family with an emphatic prevalence of those of the first group. This structure may be recognized as typical of the population of persons who evade work. The predomination of various kinds of thefts, mostly petty ones, may be treated as the way of securing material resources which for various reasons are not secured in socially accepted ways. A nearly complete absence of serious and most serious offences testifies to a specific type of demoralization which is however not dangerous to the society.             One can also speak in earnest of high intensity of alcoholism in this group. About two-thirds of men drink excessively; over a half of those drinking are alcohol dependent. Generally speaking, the basic problem of destabilization of the professional career may be expressed as follows: Near1y 20 per cent (of the 103-persons group) reveal symptoms of complete professional destabilization, and 35 per cent are considerablv destabilized. A slight degree of professional destabilization can be found in 10 per cent, while in the group of working men (P) this category (together with that characterized by full stabilization) is most numerous one, amounting to nearly 90 per cent. It should also be added that in the latter group (P) there is a number of persons (10.5 per cent) who reveal a considerable degree of professional destabilization.(The index of professional stabilization included among other things number of years in work number of practised professions, length of employment in the trained profession, number of workplaces in which the given person was employed, kinds and lengths of intervals employment).          State of  health undoubtedly plays an important part in professional stabilization. The data from this field point to a considerable decrease of the ability to work. The percentage of persons with disorders of somatic health is high and amounts in the groups NP and P to 91.1 and 88. 8 per cent respectively; these disorders are however of a varying character, with serious ones found in 36 and 21 per cent of groups NP and P respectively. in the unemployed group, the percentage of persons whose diseases are related to their lack of personal hygiene and irrational mode of life (e.g. excessive drinking) is significantly higher. Hence the frequent gastroduodenal troubles, diseases of the urogenital system, and the serious though underrated lesions of dentition. Moreover, in as many as 67 per cent cases in this group, tattooings and self-mutilations characteristic of the delinquent subculture could be found.             As far as the examined persons mental condition is concerned, psychopathic personality disorders can be noticed to predominate decidedly in the group NP-41 per cent; in 18 per cent of these persons, organic grounds of the discovered troubles can be suspected (lesions of the central nervous system); in 4 cases, epilepsy was diagnosed.             Evident disorders of psychic function which limited the ability to work were found in 15 per cent of persons in the unemployed group; slight disorders- in 28 per cent; and trivial ones - in 47 per cent. In group P, the percentages were 2.3 and as many as 52 respectively.             The state of somatic and mental health served as the base for the given person's ability to work. In none of the cases permanent (complete) inability to work was found; 12 per cent had a seriously, 39 per cent significantly, and 33 per cent - slightly limited ability to work (in group P ,5.4;20; and 29 per cent respectively). It may be concluded that significant health troubles (all the more those less serious) do not necessarily constitute a sufficient excuse for renouncing professional activity (not in every case at any rate). The fact should however be taken into consideration that excessive drinking frequently found in the cases of persons evading work and the possible organic background of psychopathic personality disorders many of them are suffering from, may disturb their proper attitude towards work and constitute a relative premise to recognize their ability to work to be lowered, particularly if work is interpreted as a permanent employment.             The level of intelligence fails to differentiate the examined groups if  their level of education is taken into account.             As regards psychological variables, the element which particularly differentiates the two examined groups is a specific type of attitude towards values and ones own development which renders it impossible to define explicitly the probable future course of  behaviour. This type of attitude is found most frequently in those who do not work. Favourable attitudes, admittedly characteristic of the working persons (79.6 per cent), can nevertheless also be found in these evading work (47.3 per cent). Also the fact seems worthy of attention that explicitly negative attitudes occur with a similar frequency in both of the examined groups (P-9.7; NP - 14 per cent).             Besides the general description of the traits that characterized persons who evade work, also the relations between the separate properties seem even more important as they provide information about the coexistence of various phenomena thus making it possible to draw more or less correct conclusions as to the causality of various kinds of behaviour.             In one study, an attempt was made to follow about 40 types of mutual conditions of the analyzed traits. Using statistical measures of dependence between the variables in two cases a very high, in 7 cases-high, and in 15 cases-an average level of the strength of correlation between variables was found.             The most strongly correlated phenomena are those of destabilization and crime on the one hand, and of excessive drinking and the state of mental health on the other hand. A high level of correlation can be found first or all between professional destabilization and excessive drinking, and between the state of mental health and professional destabilization. Instead some of the expected interdependences were not confirmed. There are among them the relation between professional destabilization and the state of somatic health, excessive drinking and the state of somatic health, early educational problems and professional destabilization.             To sum up the above random data, it may be stated that persons who evade work greatly "outpace" those who are employed as regards all of the negative aspects analyzed in the study, this difference being only too evident regarding the. particularly pathological types of behaviour such as crime and excessive drinking. This concerns first and foremost the central issue of professional destabilization. The group of persons who evade work is greatly differentiated in many respects and one can hardly apply towards these persons identical diagnostic and prognostic criteria. There is no doubt, however, that when intending to shape a proper attitude towards work, one should focus ones attention on four planes of the individual's life situation. They are: the family and school milieu, the individual's own vision of his professional activity, the working environment interpreted as the sum of chances and limitations of human activity, and disfunctional behaviour (crime and excessive drinking). In our opinion, also other reference systems should not be left out of account, which undoubtedly play important part in the individuals shaping of his vision of professional activity.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 1988, XV; 153-202
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Funkcjonowanie ustawy o postępowaniu wobec osób uchylających się od pracy - wyniki badań
Functioning of the act on the treatment of persons evading work
Ostrihanska, Zofia
Rzeplińska, Irena
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
uchylać się
wyniki badań
pasożytnictwo społeczne
regulacja prawna
nadużywania alkoholu
social parasitism
legal regulation
alcohol abuse
The Act on the treatment of persons evading work was passed on November 26, 1982 and entered into force on January 1, 1983. The passing of the Act was preceded by a period of heated discussions during which the need for this regulation or objections against it were justified by various social, economic, political legal as well as philosophical reasons. The Act bound all men aged 18-45 (with the exception of some clearly defined categories) who neither work nor learn for a period of at least 3 month and who are not registered in employment agencies as looking for a job to report at the local state administrative agencies and explain the reasons of this state of affairs. Such persons can be recognized as not working for justified reasons (in this case, they should get help if needed) or for unjustified reasons (to such persons the possibilities of taking the job should be pointed out; they should also get help if needed). Man who persistently evade work and whose sources of maintenance cannot be revealed or prove to be contradictory to the principles of social existence, are included in a list of persons who persistently evade work. The law provides for the following legal consequences towards persons who fall under its provisions: a failure in the duty to report is a transgression for which there is a penalty of limitation of liberty  of up to three months; the same penalty is provided for the registered person’s  failure to appear when summoned by the local administrative agency: a failure of a registered  person in the duty to appear when summoned in order to make a statement concerning his sources of maintenances is an offence for which a penalty of limitation of liberty or a fine is provided; the persons who have been included in the list may be obligated to perform the work for public purposes in cases of force majeure or natural calamity that constitutes a serious threat for the normal conditions of the people’s existence; a failure in this duty is an offence for which a statutory penalty is that of limitation of liberty up two years or a fine.             The Act deals with only one of the many and varied problems that result from the broad and multifarious issue of work: the situation of not being formally employed. Employment is connected with the actual policy in this respect, the labour market, and with many economic problems. The passing of the Act and the period of its functioning discussed in the present paper fell in Poland on the days of a profound socio-economic crisis which influences the problems related to employment.             In our study, however, we have taken no account of the above broader issues, focusing on the functioning of the Act: the nation of ,,evasion of work’’ and ,,a person evading work’’ it introduced, the extent of the population that falls under the Act, characterization of the population mentioned the institutions and persons involved in  realization of the Act, ways of dealing with the persons evading work, conformability of the conduct of the Act’s addresses with the model of conduct it includes, appraisal of the degree to which the aims of the Act, as set before it by the legislator have been reached, and the social effects of the law.             The study concerned the functioning of the Act in the capital city of Warsaw. The basic source of information were index cards of all man evading work that had been registered in this territory in the period from January 1, 1983, till April 30, 1984. Moreover, district constables of the police were interviewed about these men; data concerning their criminal records were obtained from the Central Criminal Register and information about their detention in the Warsaw sobering-up station was obtained from the station's files. Two years later, additional data were gathered in order to check which of the registered men worked for at least 6 month after having been registered; the course of work for public purposes done by the examined persons was also checked with enterprises that organized such work.             In the period included in the study, 2,195 men evading work were registered in Warsaw. The size of this population seems susceptible of various interpretations, depending on the adepted point of view. This number however seems insignificant as compared with that of situations vacant reported at the employment agency which for instance exceeded 18 thousand jobs for men on December 31, 1983. As shown by the analysis of the course of registration in the entire examined period, and of the differences in the sizes of the registered populations in the separate Warsaw districts, the sizes in question vary greatly and depend on administrative steps that influence the revealing of men who answer the statutory definition.             The term "person evading work" designates various persons whose various circumstances - whether socially accepted or not – justify their lack of permanent employment, and who find themselves in various situations. They are e.g. persons waiting to be called up, those who help their families with farming, alcoholics who find it impossible to keep any permanent job, men supported by their familes and looking after a family member, those who are preparing for examination to enter the university, those taking a rest after release from prison, and those who actually do work (there were about 1/4 of them): casually, seasonally or in private firms, but fail to settle their situation formally. According to the police data, as few as every tenth of the examined persons had among others, though not exclusively, illegal sources of maintenance such as offences or illicit trade. In general, the men registered as evading work did not differ from the entire population of men aged 18-45 who lived in Warsaw at that time as regards the age structure. There were among them relatively few married men. Their level of education was somewhat lower as compared with men employed at that time in Warsaw in the socialized economy; yet two-thirds of them were trained in some profession. According to the police inquiries, and to the information from index cards and from sobering-up station, three-fourth of the examined persons drank extensively; one-third of them were detained in the station, with the majority being detained repeatedly which arouses suspicion as to their dependence. 79 per cent of the registered persons were  known to the police who had to intervene in their cases comparatively often and the company they kept was appraised negatively by the police 45 per cent had criminal records (with offences against property predominating) their effence however did not provide them money enough to replace employee’s wages.             The first stage of introduction of the Act was to reveal persons liableto registration. The performance of the duty of registration met with most serious problems. Persons who reported themselves to be registered constituted less than a half of the total of those registered, this situation remaining unchanged even one year after the Act had entered into force. Even after that period, over a half of those newly registered were persons who had not been working for over a year and who thus should have been registered much earlier Some of those who reported themselves did it only because they needed a certificate of registration to settle some important personal matter A rather numerous category nearly one- third of the examined men consisted of those registered after having been punished by a transgresion board for failure in the duty of registration, and those reported by the police or public prosecutor' s office Therefore, the police were explicitly involved in the process of picking out persons evading work.             Also the realization of the entire second stage of dealing with the above persons - that of classification - arouses serious doubts.             Index cards of a great number of persons lacked information essential for the realization of the Act, i.e. concerning certain facts about the registered person and the history of this previous employment.             Among the vital decisions taken in relation to the registered persons is the recognition of the reason of their unemployment as justified or unjustified. A tendency became pronounced in these decisions to treat illness and prolonged formal transactions related to future work as valid excuses for not working and out to excuse working without formal employment. It appeared also that officials deciding in these matters enjoyed a certain degree of discretion when appraising the reasons of unemployment.             The actions taken toward the registered persons assumed first of all the character unemploying: they consisted in obligating these persons to report again and inform about employment, or in referring them; therefore these actions failed to bring about any considerable effects; had the persons in question reported directly at the employment agency, the effects would have been identical.             One-forth of the registered persons were directed to do work for public purposes. As many as two- thirds of them never even appeared to get the adress of the enterprise which such organized work, and 15 per cent reported at the workplace but failed to fulfil their duties. Thus directing to work for public purposes was of a trifle importance only; out of proportion with the effort put in the organizing of such work.             Thoroughout the period included in the study, the names of 152 (7 per cent) of the registered men were entered in the list of persons who persistently evaded work. Punishment for infringement of the disscused Act was moved for in one third of cases.             As shown by the picture of realization of the Act, the officials who apply it often face the registered men's most complex life problems, that are difficult to appraise explicitly and to decide upon beyond dispute; besides, methods of successful circumvention or evasion of the provisions of the Act appear to have emerged.             The appraisal of the functioning of the discussed Act has been done on two planes: both the realization of the legislator's intentions and the social effects of its introduction other than intended have been analyzed.             The legislator's intentions are defined as coming to the assistance of those out of work and out of school who want work, and inducing to work those who fail to express this wish. In the statements of the Minister of Justice and of the deputy reporter during the parliamentary discussion, also such aims were formulated as: drawing up a record of persons evading work and thus getting knowledge as to the extent of this phenomenon; providing hands in cases of their shortage; and soothing the indignant public opinion which demanded radical measures to fight the phenomenon of the so-called social parasitism.             The above intentions have been realized but to a slight degree. Cases of getting help from administrative agency were extremely rare, the agency playing but the role of an agent who directs clients on to the employment or medical agencies.             After registration 44.5 per cent of the examined persons took a job and 37.6 per cent continued to work incessanuy for 6 months which is the condition of their names being stroken off from the register. The latter group proved to be "better" as regards selected social traits. According to our appraisal, these persons had greater chances and possibilities of and performing a job as compared with the remaining group; what's more "inducing" them to work was frequently absolutely unnecessary.             Registration failed to provide knowledge as to the size of the phenomenon of evasion of work, inconstancy being among its characteristics. The examined persons are often temporarily unemployed, this situation far from being permanent.             Registration failed to improve the situation in the labour market: not only the number of those who found a job but also the total of those registered was too small as compared with the needs.             Whether the public opinion has been soothed and satisfied by the introduction of the Act, we do not know. What we do know, is that among those registered there were hardly any persons whose unemployment particularly irritated the public opinion (e.g. black market and foreign currency dealers). A number of persons " work" can always be" found, and the reasons for which some of them fail to take a job would hardly meet with social desapproval.             Apart from the intended effects of any legal regulation, there are also those unintended which in the case of the discussed Act can be found in the following spheres: 1) the legal system: in the labour law (limitation of the principle of freedom of work), and in the penal law (the range of penalized acts has been broadened to include transgressions and offences provided in the Act; moreover, a penal law sanction was used as an instrument to solve a problem that belongs to the sphere of social an economic policy exclusively; 2) the sphere of political an social activities: an additional bureaucratic cell in labour exchange has been created in the case of alcoholics, intervention of the Act is but a seeming action, leaving the essence of the problem out of account; in the case of ex-convicts, the Act doubles the activity of other institutions (such person can obtain help in employment agencies or from their probation officers, and they are ,,induced" to take a job by their life situation or by the conditions on which they have been released from prison); 3) the sphere of social attitudes towards the law: failure to collect subpoenas and to appear when summoned could be observed among the registered persons which means that mechanisms of circumventing the Act emerged.             In our opinion, the Act on the treatment of persons evading work is unnecessary. A separate and independent problem of persons who evade work does not exist. Instead, there is a number of various, partly overlapping problems: demand for labour, social frustrations of the crisis period, as well as alcoholism, delinquency disturbed socialization of the youth, failure to insure employes without setting the required formalities, problem of employment of the disabled. Also favourable phenomena and traits can be found here such e.g. the energy and initiative of those who want to work more effectively and to be paid better As shown by our study, ,,social parasitism ,, i.e. the actual staying out of work and living at the expense of others, can be found in a tiny percentage of registered persons.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 1988, XV; 95-152
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Jubileusz 25-lecia działalności Koła PTZ w Bydgoszczy
Jubilejj 25-letnejj dejatel'nosti Pol'skogo obshhestva zootekhnikov, Otdelenija v Bydgoshhe
Twenty-fifth anniversary of activity of the Polish Society of Zootechnicians, Branch Division in Bydgoszcz
Zaluska, J.
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie. Wydawnictwo Szkoły Głównej Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie
kolo PTZ Bydgoszcz
Zaluska Krystyna
Polish Zootechnical Society
animal rearing specialist
Zeszyty Problemowe Postępów Nauk Rolniczych; 1990, 384
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Problemowe Postępów Nauk Rolniczych
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Economic and social consequences of national economic restructuring on examples taken from middle Pomerania
Rydz, E.
Data publikacji:
Akademia Pomorska w Słupsku
economic transformation
social consequence
economic consequence
national economic restructuring
Pomeranian region
policy reform
social life
economic life
market transformation
transformation process
economic crisis
Baltic Coastal Zone. Journal of Ecology and Protection of the Coastline; 1998, 02
Pojawia się w:
Baltic Coastal Zone. Journal of Ecology and Protection of the Coastline
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kryteria wyboru techniki produkcji w warunkach występowania bezrobocia
Criteria of choosing a production technique in circumstances of widespread unemployment
Adamczyk, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Małopolska Wyższa Szkoła Ekonomiczna w Tarnowie
kapitałochłonność produkcji
racjonalność zatrudnienia
wydajność pracy
materiały konferencyjne
capital consumption of production
rationalisation of employment
labour efficiency
conference materials
Dążenie do racjonalnego zatrudnienia staje się jednym z podstawowych zadań, które pojawiają się przed polityką gospodarczą państw odbudowujących gospodarkę rynkową. Zadanie to może być realizowane różnymi sposobami przy założeniu, że fundusz inwestycyjny jest wyznaczony przez obiektywne możliwości gospodarcze kraju i ustalona została struktura przyrostu dochodu narodowego, tempo wzrostu zatrudnienia, a więc i proces likwidacji istniejących rezerw siły roboczej uzależniony jest od poziomu kapitałochłonności przyjętych technik produkcji. W artykule autor rozpatruje podstawowe argumenty za i przeciw stosowaniu bardziej lub mniej kapitałochłonnych technik produkcji i próbuje ustalić długookresowe efekty proponowanych rozwiązań.
Selection of generated technique of production at the level of national economy, contributes to balancing available labour resources with investment funds. Techniques, which are more capital consuming, permit to maximize economic surplus which in a short period of time is obtained at the cost of an unemployment increase, whereas during a long period of the time the economic surplus makes the investment fund stronger, which stimulates an economic growth and advances the process of unemployment reduction. The second approach basing on lowering the capital-consuming techniques of production, causes an employment increase on the one hand but a decrease of work efficiency on the other hand. The choice of higher or lower consumption of capital is actually neither a choice of "better" nor "worse" production techniques.
Zeszyty Naukowe Małopolskiej Wyższej Szkoły Ekonomicznej w Tarnowie; 1999, 1; 59-73
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Naukowe Małopolskiej Wyższej Szkoły Ekonomicznej w Tarnowie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Przemiany lokalnych rynków pracy na przykładzie województwa tarnowskiego
Transformation of local labour markets ─ the case of Tarnów
Siekierski, Jan
Data publikacji:
Małopolska Wyższa Szkoła Ekonomiczna w Tarnowie
systemic transformation
labour market
local labour market
labour market analysis
employment policy
activity rate of population
combat unemployment
conference materials
przekształcenia ustrojowo-systemowe
rynek pracy
lokalny rynek pracy
analiza rynku pracy
polityka zatrudnienia
aktywność zawodowa ludności
przeciwdziałanie bezrobociu
materiały konferencyjne
This paper provides analysis of local labour market of Tarnów during the period of economic transformation in 1990-1996. Domestic market has been taken as a point of reference and comparisons. This survey analyses the degrees of economic stimulation of the population; it shows changes applied to a group of people employed on the basis of a contract of employment in the branches of national economy. Besides, it shows the movement of full-time employees (hiring and firing), and the level of registered unemployment. While assessing the latter phenomenon, change tendencies (Beveridge's curve), and dividing of unemployed according to their job seniority, the duration of being unemployed, age and education have been taken into consideration. Surveys, which have been carried out, point to two evident stages of situation being formed on a labour market: in 1990-1993 - negative tendency (employment decrease and unemployment increase) and in 1994-1996 - positive tendency (employment increase and unemployment decrease). In the final part of the paper, some issues of active employment policy have been discussed, the same as prevention and combating of unemployment.
W artykule przedstawiono wybrane kwestie przemian lokalnych rynków pracy w okresie transformacji gospodarki w latach 1990-1996 na przykładzie województwa (regionu) tarnowskiego na tle rynku pracy w Polsce. W analizie rynku pracy uwzględniono stan aktywności ekonomicznej ludności, zasoby pracy, poziom zatrudnienia i bezrobocia, skutki bezrobocia, przeciwdziałanie i sposoby jego zwalczania, racjonalizację zatrudnienia i stwarzanie warunków do powstania nowych miejsc pracy.
Zeszyty Naukowe Małopolskiej Wyższej Szkoły Ekonomicznej w Tarnowie; 1999, 1; 13-32
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Naukowe Małopolskiej Wyższej Szkoły Ekonomicznej w Tarnowie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Assessment of Psychophysical Abilities of People with Disabilities During Occupational Rehabilitation
Kurkus-Rozowska, B.
Najmiec, A.
Tokarski, T.
Konarska, M.
Data publikacji:
Centralny Instytut Ochrony Pracy
disabled people
testing procedure
osoby niepełnosprawne
Designing objective and subjective methods of studying the abilities of disabled people is one of the most important things to be done before employing them. That is why new assessment methods are proposed. Evaluation as a testing procedure used for defining the abilities of disabled people - general capacity, range, and strength of the main groups of muscles and extremities, psychological tests, and many others—were developed by an interdisciplinary team. In total, 48 testing procedures, including physiological, psychological, and biomechanical ones, were prepared. We also propose another subjective assessment method because it is also very important to know what an individual person with disability needs, wants to do, or what kind of job he or she prefers. The subjective evaluation of abilities, possibilities, and needs might be done by using a questionnaire. These testing procedures offer a chance to use the same methods in all diagnostic centres so the criteria of health and work ability will be the same and easily comparable. Using the same tests for assessment will be helpful in observing the results and progress of medical, social, and vocational rehabilitation, too.
International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics; 2000, Zeszyt Specjalny; 127-134
Pojawia się w:
International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Telepraca osób niepełnosprawnych w społeczeństwie informacyjnym
Teleworking of handicapped persons in the information society
Piasecki, M.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Łączności - Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
społeczeństwo informacyjne
strategia zatrudnienia
zatrudnienie osób niepełnosprawnych
information society
employment strategy
employment of handicapped persons
Rozwój społeczeństwa informacyjnego stwarza osobom niepełnosprawnym szansę podjęcia pracy zdalnej, czyli telepracy. Znosi ona ograniczenia związane z czasem i miejscem pracy, co ma ogromne znaczenie dla tej grupy osób. Telepraca jest nową metodą pracy, wymagającą umiejętności informatycznych, a jej pomyślne wdrożenie zależy od wpisania programów telepracy w strategie biznesowe, w których główny akcent kładzie się na przesłanki ekonomiczne i konkurencję. Programy telepracy dla osób niepełnosprawnych muszą być elementem strategii rozwoju organizacji pracy i skutecznie zapobiegać potencjalnie negatywnym skutkom zmodernizowanego miejsca pracy.
Development of information society gives handicapped persons the chance to telework, eliminating constraints of workplace and work time. This freedom is great importance. Teleworking is a novelty and requires IT skills; its succes ful introduction depends on incorporation into business strategies emphasizing economical effectiveness and competitiveness. Telework programs for disabled persons shall be included in development strategies and prevent potentially adverse effects of modern workplace.
Telekomunikacja i Techniki Informacyjne; 2001, 2; 61-78
Pojawia się w:
Telekomunikacja i Techniki Informacyjne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Is Fixed-Term Employment a New Risk for Adverse Physical Working Conditions?
Saloniemi, A.
Virtanen, P.
Koivisto, A. M.
Data publikacji:
Centralny Instytut Ochrony Pracy
fixed-term employment
work environment
working conditions
construction work
przyjęcie do pracy
czynniki ryzyka
warunki pracy
środowisko pracy
zagrożenie fizyczne
Relationships between employment type and the physical work environment were studied among blue-collar workers (n = 1,127). Based on survey data, we set out to compare the evaluations of environmental load and physical strain at work given by fixed-term (17% of all) and permanent workers. The type of employment was not related to environmental load. However, working on a fixed-term basis increased the risk of physical strain at work. Analyses revealed that this connection was evident only among fixed-term construction workers. The results did not support the much-cited view that the disintegration of standard employment has given rise to a new series of work environment problems. Such problems are concentrated in an area with a long tradition of work environment problems, that is, in the construction industry.
International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics; 2004, 10, 1; 35-42
Pojawia się w:
International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Człowiek w obliczu ryzyka bezrobocia
Man in the face of unemployment
Polańska, Aurelia
Data publikacji:
Małopolska Wyższa Szkoła Ekonomiczna w Tarnowie
człowiek a praca
rynek pracy
materiały konferencyjne
human and labour
labour market
conference materials
Referat zawiera rozważania o charakterze socjologiczno-humanistycznym związane z zagrożeniami, jakie niesie ze sobą brak pracy. W szczególności autorka omawia rynek pracy w świetle idei pełnego zatrudnienia, kształtowanie oferty pracy poszukiwanej na rynku, potrzebę posiadania godnej pracy zarobkowej oraz wskazówki dla studentów, jak uniknąć ryzyka bezrobocia.
The student is indicated to be the main recipient of the content of the paper. For young people who are still studying, it is of a vital importance to work on themselves in order to avoid the problem of unemployment after their graduation. There are three issues considered in the paper. First there is the idea of full employment second, the supply of job offers and the third the dignified job as a term advocated by the Pope John Paul II. It is strongly emphasized that the way to do the dignified job is self - improvement work. The overall content of the paper is embraced by the sentence: "One must have dreams not only to keep away from unemployment but to do the right job, the job which delivers happiness and joy."
Zeszyty Naukowe Małopolskiej Wyższej Szkoły Ekonomicznej w Tarnowie; 2005, 8; 69-81
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Naukowe Małopolskiej Wyższej Szkoły Ekonomicznej w Tarnowie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Instrumenty aktywizacji zawodowej na lokalnym rynku pracy
Instruments of vocational activation on a local labour market
Uchwat, Małgorzata
Data publikacji:
Małopolska Wyższa Szkoła Ekonomiczna w Tarnowie
lokalny rynek pracy
aktywizacja rynku pracy
aktywizacja bezrobotnych
pośrednictwo pracy
urzędy pracy
materiały konferencyjne
local labour market
labour market activation
unemployed activation
employment agency
labour offices
conference materials
W referacie autorka prezentuje najważniejsze instrumenty lokalnego rynku pracy, wykorzystywane w celu aktywizacji zawodowej ludności przez Powiatowy Urząd Pracy w Tarnowie. Do podstawowych instrumentów należą: szkolenia, staże, przygotowanie zawodowe w miejscu pracy, refundacje i dotacje oraz prace interwencyjne i roboty publiczne. Drugą równie istotną grupę instrumentów stanowią: pośrednictwo pracy, poradnictwo zawodowe i pobudzanie przedsiębiorczości.
Vocational activation instruments implemented by the county labor office in Tarnów on the basis of new law on employment promotion and labour market institutions were presented on an example of local labour market in the Tarnów region. These basic instruments include: trainings, work placements, on-site professional training, subsidised employment and also intervention works and public works. The other and equally important tools of employment policy and counteracting unemployment involve, employment agencies, inspiring entrepreneurship, job fairs, etc. All these activities focus on an overall objective, which is achieving the best possible efficiency of employment creation in the Tarnów Region.
Zeszyty Naukowe Małopolskiej Wyższej Szkoły Ekonomicznej w Tarnowie; 2005, 8; 63-67
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Naukowe Małopolskiej Wyższej Szkoły Ekonomicznej w Tarnowie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Poverty and Social Exclusion of Romany People in Slovakia
Žilová, Anna
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
Romany people
social exclusion
material needs
social policy
Poverty, material need in Slovakia, and particularly among Romany population, is one of the biggest present day problems. This article deals with social exclusion and poverty of Romany people, its expression in selected areas of their life including the value of labour. Theoretical analysis is illustrated by the results of regional and Slovak-wide research.
The New Educational Review; 2005, 6; 113-125
Pojawia się w:
The New Educational Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ustawa o pracy na morskich statkach handlowych a skutki akcesji Polski do Unii Europejskiej
Law on Work at Marine Merchant Ships in the Light of Polish Membership in the European Union
Kantor, J.
Data publikacji:
Akademia Morska w Szczecinie. Wydawnictwo AMSz
morskie statki handlowe
marine merchant ships
Omówiono ustawę o pracy na morskich statkach handlowych z dnia 20 grudnia 2002 roku, proces jej powstawania, oraz wymagania Unii Europejskiej dotyczące pracy na morzu. Pokazano najważniejsze skutki wejścia w życie no-wej ustawy.
The paper presents the Act on Work at Marine Merchant Ships from 20th December 2002, the process of its generation, and EU demands concerning working at sea. The most important effects of the new act coming into force have been presented.
Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Morskiej w Szczecinie; 2004, 4 (76); 79-92
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Morskiej w Szczecinie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kadry i działalność naukowo-badawcza krakowskiego ośrodka inżynierii rolniczej w latach 1999-2005
Staff and research activity of the agricultural engineering center in Krakow in the period of 1999-2005
Kowalski, J.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Inżynierii Rolniczej
dorobek naukowy
stopień naukowy
tytuł naukowy
scientific achievement
academic degree
academic title
Artykuł zawiera ocenę stanu ilościowego kadr naukowych w latach 1999 do 2005 - w aspekcie dorobku naukowego i organizacyjnego. Przyjęty do oceny okres stanowiły dwie kadencje władz Wydziału profesorów w składzie: Józef Kowalski - dziekan oraz Tadeusz Juliszewski i Norbert Marks - prodziekani. Opracowanie stanowi próbę oceny dorobku Wydziału za ten okres pod względem: wielkości i struktury zatrudnienia, liczby doktorantów na studiach, liczby wypromowanych doktorów i doktorów habilitowanych liczby zakończonych postępowań o tytuł naukowy, organizacji konferencji i sympozjów naukowych, współpracy międzynarodowej oraz grantów i dorobku naukowo-publikatorskiego.
The article includes assessment of the quantitative status of scientific staff in the years 1999 to 2005 - in the aspect of scientific and organizational output. The period adopted for assessment included two terms of office of the administrative bodies of the Faculty of professors in the following composition: Józef Kowalski - dean and Tadeusz Juliszewski and Norbert Marks - vice-deans. The paper is an attempt to assess the output of the Faculty for this period regarding: volume and structure of employment, number of post-graduates studying, number of promoted doctors and assistant professors number of completed academic degree proceedings, organization of conferences and scientific symposiums, international cooperation and grants and scientific and publishing achievements.
Inżynieria Rolnicza; 2006, R. 10, nr 11(86), 11(86); 49-56
Pojawia się w:
Inżynieria Rolnicza
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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