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Lilingis, the Bastard Half-Brother of Illus
Leszka, Mirosław J.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
emperor Zeno
emperor Anastasius I
The paper is devoted to Lilingis – one of the leaders in the Isaurian uprising against emperor Anastasius I. He was Illus’ half-brother. Illus was an Isaurian who, aside from Zeno, played the most important role in the life of the Byzantine state in the 470s and 480s. It is possible that from 484, Lilingis held the position of the Isaurian comes and was so successful at it that he probably retained it until the end of Zeno’s reign and gained authority among his tribesmen, which resulted in his participation as one of the leaders in the Isaurian uprising. Lilingis was co-commander in the first rebel clash with the emperor’s forces at Kotyaeum (492). He met his death in the battle.
Studia Ceranea; 2021, 11; 623-631
Pojawia się w:
Studia Ceranea
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Heraclius. A Commander in the Service of Leo I and Zeno
Leszka, Mirosław J.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Emperor Leo
Emperor Zeno
the Vandals
the Goths
Heraclius’ career, the one that can be traced in primary sources, lasted seven years. In its course he held the position of comes rei militaris and, perhaps, magister militum vacans and magister militum per Thracias. His greatest victories came in a war against the Vandals. They forced Gaiseric, the Vandal’s leader to undertake peace negotiations. However, these victories were eclipsed by Heraclius’ failures in the fight against Theodoric Strabo’s Goths and by the shameful circumstances of his death.
Studia Ceranea; 2023, 13; 555-563
Pojawia się w:
Studia Ceranea
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Origins of the Jesuit Authority and Influence at the Court of Emperors Wanli (1572–1620), Shunzi (1644–1661) and Kangxi (1661–1722) and in the Wider Circles of the Chinese Society in the Light of the Works of Thomas Szpot Dunin (1644–1713)
Źródła autorytetu i wpływu jezuitów na dworze cesarzy Wanli (1572–1620), Shunzi (1644–1661) i Kangxi (1661–1722) i w szerszych kręgach społeczeństwa chińskiego w świetle dzieła Tomasza Dunina Szpota (1644–1713)
Wadas, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Akademia Ignatianum w Krakowie
Tomasz Dunin Szpot
cesarz Wanli
cesarz Shunzi
cesarz Kangxi
Thomas Szpot Dunin
Emperor Wanli
Emperor Shunzi
Emperor Kangxi
The article analyzes the role of authority in the Jesuit modus operandi in China in the early modern period as it can be deduced from the works of Tomasz Szpot Dunin SJ (1644–1713), in particular from his Historiae Sinarum Imperii (ARSI, Jap. Sin 102; Jap. Sin. 103) and Collectanea Historiae Sinensis (ARSI, Jap. Sin 104; Jap. Sin. 105 I; Jap. Sin. 105 II). The manuscripts contain a detailed description of the Jesuit method of working in a very challenging cultural and political environment in which the question of authority played a predominant role. For Matteo Ricci and his followers, the goal of their missionary work was to plant Christianity in China, but it could have been done only by everyday efforts to win the acceptance of the court and of the wider circles of the Chinese society. The article enumerates and discusses the seven dimensions of Jesuit authority which are broadly divided into two types, namely, the secular authority (auctoritas profana) and the sacred authority (auctoritas sacra). The former found its expression primarily in a proper dress code and grooming, dignified posture, solemn facial expression and impeccable social manners. These were combined with limited use of physical force for self-defence and willingness to offer their military expertise when deemed necessary to promote the missionary goals. Furthermore, the Jesuits lived a virtuous life combined with charity manifested towards the poor, especially in time of natural disasters and social unrest. However, the authority they exercised among the Confucian mandarinate was based on their distinguished literary skills, remarkable command of Chinese and practical understanding of international diplomacy which enabled them to serve as cultural and political brokers. Finally, the Jesuit exercised the form of authority which was divinely mandated as they were the teachers of the Divine Law (Magistri Legis Divinae), which, for the Chinese Emperors, who were regarded as the Sons of Heaven (Tianzi or Huangdi) was tantamount to the knowledge of astronomy.
Artykuł dotyczy roli autorytetu w modus operandi jezuitów w Chinach w epoce nowożytnej w świetle dzieła Tomasza Szpota Dunina SJ (1644– 1713), w szczególności jego Historiae Sinarum Imperii (ARSI, Jap. Sin. 102; Jap. Sin. 103) oraz Collectanea Historiae Sinensis (ARSI, Jap. Sin. 104; Jap. Sin. 105 I; Jap. Sin. 105 II). Powyższe manuskrypty zawierają szczegółowy opis jezuickiej metody pracy w bardzo trudnym środowisku kulturowo-politycznym, w którym kwestia władzy i autorytetu odgrywała dominującą rolę. Dla Matteo Ricciego i jego następców celem pracy misyjnej było krzewienie chrześcijaństwa w Chinach, co można było osiągnąć jedynie dzięki akceptacji dworu cesarskiego oraz szerszych kręgów społeczeństwa chińskiego. W artykule wymieniono siedem wymiarów autorytetu jezuickiego, które można ogólnie podzielić na dwa typy, mianowicie na autorytet świecki (auctoritas profana) i autorytet sakralny (auctoritas sacra). Ten pierwszy znajdował swe odbicie we właściwym ubiorze i wyglądzie, godnej postawie i poważnym wyrazie twarzy, nienagannych manierach społecznych, ograniczonym użyciu siły fizycznej dla samoobrony w przypadku zagrożenia życia oraz tendencji do wykorzystywania zachodniej wiedzy wojskowej dla promowania misji. Ponadto jezuici prowadzili cnotliwe życie połączone z miłością okazywaną ubogim, zwłaszcza w czasie klęsk żywiołowych i niepokojów społecznych. Jednak autorytet, jakim cieszyli się wśród mandarynatu konfucjańskiego, opierał się głównie na ich wybitnych zdolnościach literackich, dobrej znajomości języka chińskiego i praktycznym zrozumieniu dyplomacji międzynarodowej, co umożliwiało im odgrywanie roli pośredników kulturalnych i politycznych. Wreszcie autorytet jezuitów miał też wymiar sakralny, gdyż byli oni postrzegani jako Nauczyciele Prawa Bożego (Magistri Legis Divinae), co dla cesarzy chińskich, uważanych za Synów Niebios (Tianzi lub Huangdi), było równoznaczne z wiedzą astronomiczną.
Perspektywy Kultury; 2023, 43, 4/1; 215-227
Pojawia się w:
Perspektywy Kultury
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Shōwa Tennō Jitsuroku (The Chronicle of Emperor Shōwa): The Editorial Experience and Contents of the Chronicle
Kajita, Akihito
Data publikacji:
Polskie Stowarzyszenie Badań Japonistycznych
Emperor Shōwa
Imperial Household Agency
On August 21st, 2014, after 24 years of editorial work, the completed Shōwa tennō jitsuroku (The Chronicle of Emperor Shōwa) was presented to the Emperor and the Empress. Shortly after, the chronicle was prepared for publication and its consecutive volumes are now successively being introduced to readers in print. The material is extensive; spread over 60 volumes of traditional Japanese books – the form it was presented in to the Emperor and the Empress – or, for printing purposes, over 18 volumes of 900 pages each. The volume is 1.5 times bigger than the Meiji tennōki (The Record of Emperor Meiji). In the annals, the events of the life of Emperor Shōwa, with accompanying information, are recorded in chronological order form the Emperor’s birth on April 29th, 1901, to his death on January 7th, 1989. It is most likely the most detailed record of the life of a monarch, and a common man at the same time, ever written. There was no modern history specialist working at the Imperial Household Agency when the decision was made to publish Shōwa tennō jitsuroku, so I was hired in that capacity. I took part in the editorial work until its completion, now I am involved with publication of the annals. It has been the greatest pleasure and honor for me to be part of this endeavor. In the article I want to share my personal experiences and present certain paragraphs from Shōwa tennō jitsuroku to show the character of the chronicle, how it was edited, what exactly is depicted in its records, and how to use it as a source. It is my wish for foreign researchers, starting with those in Poland, to use the Shōwa tennō jitsuroku in their research on Japan.
Analecta Nipponica; 2017, 7; 25-36
Pojawia się w:
Analecta Nipponica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Samarytanie w Cesarstwie Rzymskim w drugiej połowie V wieku
Kosiński, Rafał
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Jagielloński. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego
Samaritans, Roman Empire, successive emperors, Emperor Justinian, Christianity
Samaritans in the Roman Empire in 2nd half of 5th century The following paper is devoted to social unrest which stirred up in Samaria in the second half of the 5th century under the reign of successive emperors – Marcian, Zeno and Anastasius. The article is an attempt at explaining why after centuries of peaceful existence within the Roman Empire, Samaritans decided to take to arms – what were the reasons and the course of these armed riots. The author analysed both Samaritan and Christian sources. The results of the analysis go against the current views – it appears that until the reign of Emperor Justinian there had not been any large-scale rebellions among Samaritan population. There had been no armed conflict that would engulf a large part of Samaria – only local riots which were of a religious not political character. There had been no rebellion against the ruler or the existing political system – the riots were directed against the Church which was expanding, mostly in spatial terms, its area of influence. Pilgrimage movement of foreign Christianity which posed a serious threat to Samarian places of cult stirred up resistance among the local population which manifested in the form of violent incidents directed against pilgrims headed towards the Holy Land. Sometimes these acts of violence escalated to larger-scale levels of conflict as it happened during the reign of Emperor Marcian. Assessing the level of such incidents under the reign of Zeno, whose rule is traditionally considered in historiography a period of great rebellion against the Roman rule, is a separate issue. Yet careful analysis of the sources indicates that these riots were nothing more than local religious conflicts and they definitely were not an attempt at becoming independent from Rome. What is more the date, 484 A.D., which is universally assigned to this event is inaccurate – the incident took place a few years earlier.
Prace Historyczne; 2011, 138
Pojawia się w:
Prace Historyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rzymska geneza kościelnych instytucji metropolii i metropolity
The Roman Origins of the Office of the Metropolitan and the Institution of the Metropolitan See
Machalica, Maciej
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Bernardinum
metropolitan see
Church history
ecclesiastical province
This short article accounts for the origins of the metropolitan office in Catholic Church. The first chapter describes Greek and the Roman cultural context of this institution referring to the history of the ancient ‘polis’ and the imperial ‘province’. The second chapter deals with the necessity to creating the office of the metropolitan in the early stage of the development of the ecclesial hierarchy given the cultural background present in that historical period. The further analysis shows the way these ecclesiastical units were evolving during the antiquity and the Middle Ages.
Studia Pelplińskie; 2013, 46; 175-190
Pojawia się w:
Studia Pelplińskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Eneasz Sylwiusz Piccolomini i kobiety
Aeneas Sylvius Piccolomini and Women
Iwańczak, Wojciech
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
Bohater tego tekstu należy do grona najbardziej barwnych postaci XV w. Jego życie i kariera były niezwykle bogate i pełne niespodziewanych zwrotów. Potomek starej arystokratycznej rodziny, miał siedemnaścioro rodzeństwa, studiował w Sienie i Florencji, a potem został sekretarzem kardynała Domenico Capranica. Nie odznaczał się stałością poglądów, najpierw zwolennik wyższości soboru nad papieżem, z czasem zmienił zdanie i uznawał prymat papieży. Ważnym krokiem było wejście na służbę dla króla Rzeszy Fryderyka III, ale potem zwrócił się już w kierunku Kościoła, przyjął niższe święcenia duchowne, w roku 1456 został kardynałem, a ukoronowaniem kariery był wybór w 1458 r. na papieża, przyjął imię Pius II. Treścią tekstu są trzy epizody z życia Piccolominiego związane z trzema kobietami. Były to w kolejności: żona króla Węgier i cesarza rzymskiego Zygmunta Luksemburskiego Barbara Cylejska, Joanna d’Arc, której pasjonujący portret naszkicował Eneasz w swych Pamiętnikach, oraz pewna kobieta, której ciekawe losy usłyszał jako papież na audiencji. Wszystkie trzy wizerunki pokazują autora jako dobrego obserwatora i wybitnego humanistę.
The hero of this text is one of the most colorful figures of the 15th century. His life and career were extremely rich and full of unexpected turns. The descendant of an old aristocratic family had seventeen siblings, studied in Siena and Florence, and then became secretary to Cardinal Domenico Capranica. He was not characterized by steadiness of views, first a supporter of the superiority of the council over the pope, with time he changed his mind and recognized the primacy of the popes. An important step was entering the service of the Reich King Frederick III, but then he turned towards the Church, was ordained a minor priest, in 1456 he became a cardinal, and the crowning of his career was the election of the pope in 1458, where he took the name Pius II. The content of the text are 3 episodes from Piccolomini’s life related to 3 women. They were, in order: the wife of the King of Hungary and the Roman Emperor Sigismund of Luxembourg, Barbara of Cilesia, Joan of Arc, whose fascinating portrait was sketched by Aeneas in his „Memoirs”, and a certain woman whose interesting fate he heard as the pope during the audience. All three images show the author as a good observer and an outstanding humanist.
Res Historica; 2023, 55; 51-68
Pojawia się w:
Res Historica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rok 2019 początkiem nowej ery w dziejach Japonii? Abdykacja cesarza Akihito i jej konsekwencje
2019 – the start of a new era? Emperor Akihito`s abdication and its consequences
Szmidt, Małgorzata
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
Cesarz Akihito
tradycyjne funkcje cesarza
konstytucja Japonii
abdykacja cesarza Japonii
rodzina cesarska w Japonii
Emperor Akihito
traditional functions of the emperor
Japanese constitution
abdication of Japanese emperor
Japanese monarch family
The article tries to analyze the reasons of Emperor Akihito`s abdication and to foresee changes it might imply both in terms of the name of the new era as well as in terms of regulations needed to be implemented in order to allow the monarch to step down from the throne. It explains in detail the process of introducing new abdication law by presenting different approaches of main political parties. Finally, it describes the future emperor – Naruhito providing the lecturers with assumptions about his upcoming reign.
Azja-Pacyfik; 2017, XX; 110-132
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Geneza i ewolucja relacji państwo – Kościół w Bizancjum
(Genesis and Evolution of Relation State – Church in Byzantine Empire
Doroszkiewicz, Warsonofiusz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Eastern Roman Empire
Practicaly until today there haven’t appeared objectiv scientific works concerning begining and evolution of the byzantine monarchy. Christian Church after 300 years of awful persecutions came out of the underground and had to find itself in the new reality, had to decide whether reconcile and cooperate with the society, or isolate from the fallen world, as had done sects, and save chosen. Church chose the first option and took responsibility for the salvation of the world. In reality the emperor, the recent persecutor of the Church, must have persuaded christians, that he himself was not only their friend but good-doer also. Therefore in the 4th century beside the Church of the eschatological character appeared a new power of a temporary character. History of the Eastern Roman Empire is also the history of the relationship between Church and the empire focused on the earthly dimension of its mission. The very symbol of this relationship was famous byzantine eagle as a representation of one body and two different ideological trends. However those relations had not always been ideal, more or less those two bodies existed through the period of 1100 years on the principle of symphonia-agreement. After the fall of the Eastern Roman Empire, Church by the will of God survived in order to continue its mission of salvation of the fallen world.
Practicaly until today there haven’t appeared objectiv scientific works concerning begining and evolution of the byzantine monarchy. Christian Church after 300 years of awful persecutions came out of the underground and had to find itself in the new reality, had to decide whetherreconcile and cooperate with the society, or isolate from the fallen world, as had done sects, and save chosen. Church chose the first option and took responsibility for the salvation of the world. In reality the emperor, the recent persecutor of the Church, must have persuaded christians, that he himself was not only their friend but good-doer also. Therefore in the 4th century beside the Church of the eschatological character appeared a new power of a temporary character. History of the Eastern Roman Empire is also the history of the relationship between Church and the empire focused on the earthly dimension of its mission. The very symbol of this relationship was famous byzantine eagle as a representation of one body and two different ideological trends. However those relations had not always been ideal, more or less those two bodies existed through the period of 1100 years on the principle of symphonia-agreement. After the fall of the Eastern Roman Empire, Church by the will of God survived in order to continue its mission of salvation of the fallen world.
Poznańskie Studia Slawistyczne; 2016, 10; 17-24
Pojawia się w:
Poznańskie Studia Slawistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Portrayal of Anastasius I (491–518) in the Church History by Theodore Lector. A Few Remarks
Leszka, Mirosław J.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie
eodor Lector
Emperor Anastasius
Early Byzantine Empire
Church history
The portrayal of Anastasius’ reign as presented by eodore is both one-dimensional, focusing on the Emperor’s activities related to religious matters, and entirely negative. For Theodore, Anastasius was a ruler who fought against the orthodox Church (of which the author of the Church history was a member himself). Furthermore, Theodore Lector became, in a sense, subject to Emperor’s repressions, as he was a secretary to patriarch Macedonius, who was removed from his position and exiled from Constantinople. For Theodore, Anastasius was an evil, impious and weak ruler, against whom even his own subjects rebelled (rising of Vitalian, riots in Constantinople).
Res Gestae. Czasopismo Historyczne; 2017, 5; 73-82
Pojawia się w:
Res Gestae. Czasopismo Historyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Literature or journalism? The Emperor: A controversial reportage by Ryszard Kapuściński as an image of the authority created by the author and an evidence of his writing mastery.
Zygmunt, Aleksandra
Data publikacji:
Wyższa Szkoła Europejska im. ks. Józefa Tischnera
Magic journalism
dziennikarstwo magiczne
Ryszard Kapuściński, a worldwide-known, prize-winning writer, is also regarded as a controversial author. After his death there are still many people who question the value of his reportages and his credibility as a reporter. In this paper I want to examine the nature of his work on the example of The Emperor: Downfall of an Autocrat. I wish to focus on the way he decided to present his observations from his stays in Ethiopia in the 70s of the 20th century, as well as to find the reasons why he chose a particular writing strategy. This paper seeks to explain the phenomenon of these controversies which tend to place the author either in the world of literature or journalism, as in the title. Furthermore, I will briefly focus on the image of Haile Selassie and his authority as presented in the book. Ryszard Kapuściński described the Ethiopian ruler who already had a big influence on people who surrounded him as he had been on the throne for over forty years. The author of The Emperor examined the relations between those who worked on the court at the time as well. It seems that he found the principles that were followed both there and in the People’s Republic of Poland. In my study, I also want to rely on some other sources such as A Reporter's Self Portrait and Travels with Herodotus by Ryszard Kapuściński and Kapuściński Non-fiction by Artur Domosławski.
Ryszard Kapuściński, autor znany na całym świecie i zdobywca wielu nagród, jest też postacią kontrowersyjną. Po jego śmierci wciąż wiele osób kwestionuje wartość jego reportaży i jego wiarygodność jako reportera. W tym artykule pragnę przyjrzeć się twórczości autora na przykładzie powieści „Cesarz”. Skupię się na sposobie, w jaki opisywał wydarzenia, których był świadkiem podczas swoich pobytów w Etiopii w latach 70. minionego wieku, a także na powodach, dla których mógł zdecydować się na stosowanie wybranej strategii reporterskiej. Jak zasygnalizowałam w tytule, zastanawiam się też nad istotą kontrowersji wokół twórczości Kapuścińskiego (literatura czy dziennikarstwo?). Przyjrzę się również ukazanej w książce postaci cesarza Haile Selassie, którego wpływ na państwo podczas przeszło czterdziestoletnich rządów był potężny. Czytając „Cesarza”, w tym relacje pracowników cesarskiego dworu, ma się wrażenie, że Ryszard Kapuściński widział pewne podobieństwa między tamtym realiami a tymi panującymi w Polskiej Rzeczpospolitej Ludowej. W tekście powołuję się ponadto na inne utwory Kapuścińskiego („Autoportret reportera” i „Podróże z Herodotem”) oraz „Kapuściński Non-fiction” Artura Domosławskiego.
Kultura i Polityka; 2014, 15; 128-140
Pojawia się w:
Kultura i Polityka
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Myth and mythologization in ideology and politcs. The mythologization of Japanese identity in the Meiji period
Lisiecki, Marcin
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Slawistyki PAN
Meiji period
Myth and mythologization in ideology and politcs. The mythologization of Japanese identity in the Meiji periodIs myth a word or a thought? Searching for the etymological roots proves to show that it is both. However, does it really exhaust all the possible understandings of the myth and does it enable the grasp of its multiple usages? Answering those questions seems very important not only because we do not have the precise definition of a myth but mainly for that reason that we often fail to notice that it functions in all the societies and political regimes playing quite a vital role at the same time. The purpose of this paper is not only sketching the possible answers but also their exemplification through the example of Japan in the period of Meiji. The choice of that example results from that fact it is a conspicuous example of the way in which political elites are engaged in creating symbols and rituals and in shaping national awareness. The examples of the process of shaping national identity presented in this paper are focused on demonstrating two fundamental myths related to the Emperor, the aim of which was to consolidate the national identity. Mitologizacja japońskiej narodowości. Mit a mitologizowanie narodu. W stronę mitu politycznego w nowożytnej JaponiiCzy mit to słowo, czy myśl? Etymologicznie okazuje się jednym i drugim. Jednakże czy wyczerpuje to możliwe rozumienia mitu oraz umożliwia uchwycenie jego rozlicznych zastosowań? Odpowiedzi na te pytania wydają się niezwykle ważne nie tylko dlatego, że nie posiadamy precyzyjnej definicji mitu, lecz przede wszystkim z tego względu, że często nie dostrzegamy, że funkcjonuje on we wszystkich społeczeństwach i systemach politycznych, pełniąc w nich niezwykle ważne role. Celem niniejszego artykułu jest nie tylko zarysowanie możliwych odpowiedzi, lecz także ich egzemplifikacja na przykładzie Japonii w okresie Meiji. Wybór tego przypadku wynika z tego, że stanowi on czytelny przykład tego, w jaki sposób elity polityczne angażują się w kreowanie symboli i rytuałów oraz kształtowanie świadomości narodowej. Przedstawione w artykule przykłady procesu kształtowania tożsamości narodowej skupione są na ukazaniu dwóch podstawowych mitów związanych z cesarzem, których zadaniem było konsolidowanie tożsamości narodowej.
Sprawy Narodowościowe; 2015, 47
Pojawia się w:
Sprawy Narodowościowe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Was Constantine the Great Aware of the Constantinian Shift?
Bralewski, Sławomir
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
emperor Constantine the Great
Constantinian shift
Late Roman Empire
In this article, I try to answer the following question: was Constantine himself aware of the revolution that he was carrying out? Did he realise that his actions were going to change the course of the history of the Empire? An analysis of sources seems to indicate that emperor Constantine the Great saw in his reign a fundamental change not only in the history of the Imperium Romanum, but also of the entire world. He believed that this change had an eschatological dimension. Constantine’s reign, at least in its propagandist framing, was to be the turning point in the fight against evil. It appears that the ruler was fully aware that by putting an end to the persecutions of Christians he was restoring universal peace. Thus, the shift with which he is associated amounted, on the one hand, to restoring the pax Christiana and the beginning of the Kingdom of God on earth, and on the other to eliminating evil from the world. Therefore, Constantine, in believing that he had become God’s tool for fighting evil, must have also been convinced that he played an incredibly important role in God’s plan of salvation; especially since the Kingdom of God, apparently realised on earth through Constantine’s military victories, was to only finally prevail when evil and death had been defeated forever.
Studia Ceranea; 2019, 9; 157-169
Pojawia się w:
Studia Ceranea
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kwestia obsady stanowisk magistrów militum za panowania cesarza Zenona (474–491)
The Question of assigning the posts of Magistri Militum during the reign of emperor Zeno (474–491)
Leszka, Mirosław
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
emperor Zeno
magistri militum
cesarz Zenon
magistrzy militum
Kwestia obsady stanowisk magistrów militum za panowania cesarza Zenona (474–491). Wywodzący się z Izaurii cesarz Zenon, to władca zmagający się bardziej z wewnętrznymi przeciwnikami, którzy podejmowali próby odebrania mu władzy (uzurpacje Bazyliskosa 475–476, Marcjana 479, Illusa i Leoncjusza 484–488) niż z wrogami zewnętrznymi. Kariera Zenona, zanim został władcą miała charakter wojskowy. Z pewnością był komesem domesticorum i magistrem militum per Orientem, a część uczonych uważa, że mógł zajmować również stanowisko magistra militum per Thracias oraz magistra militum praesentalis. Celem artykułu jest próba odpowiedzi na pytanie czym kierował się dysponujący bogatym wojskowym doświadczeniem cesarz przy powoływaniu magistrów militum. Przegląd dostępnych informacji, dotyczących powoływania magistrów militum przez Zenona prowadzi do wniosku, że stanowiska te były środkiem do pozyskiwania lub wynagradzania ludzi, których wsparcie było z jakichś względów potrzebne cesarzowi. Najwyższe stanowiska dowódcze stosunkowo często rozdawane były członkom cesarskiej rodziny czy rodzin wpływowych osobistości na dworze cesarskim względnie ich protegowanych. Trzeba zaznaczyć, że kandydaci na magistrów militum dysponowali najczęściej jakimś wojskowym doświadczeniem, ale nie musiało być ono szczególnie bogate.
Originating from Isauria, Emperor Zeno was a ruler who struggled more against internal opponents who made attempts to deprive him of power (usurpations of Basiliskos 475-476, Martian 479, Illus and Leontius 484-488) than against external enemies. Zeno's career, before becoming a ruler, was of a military nature. He was certainly a comes domesticorum and magister militum per Orientem, and some scholars believe that he may also have held the position of magister militum per Thracias and magister militum praesentalis. The aim of the article is to make an attempt to answer the question what the emperor, who had rich military experience, was guided by when appointing magistri militum. A review of the available information concerning the appointment of magistri militum by Zeno leads to the conclusion that these posts were a means of recruiting or rewarding people whose support the emperor needed for some reason. The highest positions of command were relatively often given to members of the imperial family or the families of influential personalities at the imperial court or their protégés.
Balcanica Posnaniensia Acta et studia; 2021, 28, 2; 5-22
Pojawia się w:
Balcanica Posnaniensia Acta et studia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Panowanie Marka Aureliusza w „Historia adversus paganos” Orozjusza
The Reign of Marcus Aurelius in “Historia adversus paganos” by Orosius
Suski, Robert
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
Marcus Aurelius
Marek Aureliusz
Orozjusz opisał rządy Marka Aureliusza dokładniej niż innych cesarzy panujących w II i III wieku. W artykule przeanalizowano to, jak Orozjusz buduje narrację o tym cesarzu oraz jak korzystał ze swoich źródeł. Ponadto przytoczono powody, dla których dokładniej opisał panowanie Marka Aureliusza niż rządy innych władców w II i III wieku.
Orosius described the reign of Marcus Aurelius more accurately than other emperors ruling in the 2nd and 3rd centuries. The article analyzes how Orosius builds a narrative about this emperor and how he used his sources. In addition, the reasons why he described the reign of Marcus Aurelius more precisely than the rule of other rulers in the 2nd and 3rd centuries were cited.
Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, sectio F – Historia; 2022, 77; 11-28
Pojawia się w:
Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, sectio F – Historia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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