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Efektywność wykorzystania zasobów naturalnych a stopień zapobiegania powstawaniu odpadów komunalnych w krajach Unii Europejskiej
Natural resource efficiency and the extent of municipal waste revention in European Union countries
Osińska, Monika
Data publikacji:
Główny Urząd Statystyczny
wzrost gospodarczy
odpady komunalne
zasoby naturalne
efektywność wykorzystania zasobów
zapobieganie powstawaniu odpadów
analiza skupień
analiza korelacji
economic growth
municipal waste
natural resources
resource efficiency
municipal waste prevention
cluster analysis
correlation analysis
Zapobieganie powstawaniu odpadów komunalnych jest nadrzędnym celem polityki gospodarczej i środowiskowej Unii Europejskiej, ponieważ zostało uznane za najskuteczniejszy sposób poprawy efektywności wykorzystania zasobów naturalnych i przerwania dodatniej zależności pomiędzy wzrostem gospodarczym krajów członkowskich a ilością wytwarzanych odpadów. Głównym celem badania omawianego w artykule jest porównanie krajów UE pod względem efektywności wykorzystania zasobów naturalnych oraz ocena siły i kierunku zależności między tą efektywnością a ilością wytwarzanych odpadów komunalnych. Ponadto zbadano siłę zależności pomiędzy ilością wytwarzanych odpadów komunalnych a rozwojem gospodarczym krajów UE, zarówno w ujęciu ogólnym, jak i w skupieniach krajów o różnej efektywności wykorzystania zasobów naturalnych. Wykorzystano dane statystyczne z bazy Eurostatu za lata 2011-2020. Zastosowano analizę skupień i analizę korelacji. Za pomocą metody k-średnich wyznaczono pięć skupień krajów ze względu na efektywność wykorzystania zasobów naturalnych. Stwierdzono, że kraje o wysokiej efektywności wykorzystania zasobów produkują więcej odpadów komunalnych per capita, a to stoi w sprzeczności z założeniami polityki UE. Z kolei analiza korelacji uwidoczniła, że utrzymuje się zależność między PKB per capita a ilością wytwarzanych odpadów komunalnych per capita (współczynnik korelacji liniowej Pearsona tych dwóch wielkości od 2011 r. jest niezmiennie dodatni i pozostaje na istotnym poziomie). Siła tej relacji nie słabnie wraz ze wzrostem efektywności wykorzystania zasobów. Przeprowadzone badanie dowiodło także, że kraje UE uzależniają skalę recyklingu od ilości wytwarzanych odpadów komunalnych, co może stanowić poważne zagrożenie na drodze do zminimalizowania ilości odpadów i osiągnięcia unijnych celów w tym zakresie.
Municipal waste prevention is the key objective of the European Union’s environmental policy, as it is believed to be the most effective way to improve the natural resource efficiency and to stop economic growth intensifying the generation municipal waste in member states. The main aim of this paper is to compare the efficiency of the use of natural resources in particular EU states and to investigate the strength and direction of the correlation between the former and the amount of the generated municipal waste. Moreover, the study assesses the strength of the relationship between the amount of the generated municipal waste and the economic growth of member states both at EU level and in groups of countries characterised by similar levels of resource efficiency. The study used statistical data from the Eurostat database for 2011–2020 and performed the cluster and correlation analyses. Five groups of countries, formed on the basis of their natural resources efficiency, were distinguished from the sample using the k-means method. The results showed that the higher the resource efficiency, the more municipal waste per capita is generated by a country, which is inconsistent with the assumptions of the EU policy. The correlation analysis found that the relationship between economic growth and the amount of the generated municipal waste exists (Pearson’s linear correlation coefficient for these two values has been positive since 2011 and has remained at a relatively high level). The strength of this correlation has not been weakened along the increase in the resource efficiency. The study additionally demonstrates that EU member states link the scale of the recycling activity to the amount of the generated municipal waste, which might pose to a serious threat to the EU target to minimise the amount of the generated municipal waste.
Wiadomości Statystyczne. The Polish Statistician; 2024, 69, 1; 19-36
Pojawia się w:
Wiadomości Statystyczne. The Polish Statistician
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Conditions for increasing the recognition of degradation in thermal-flow diagnostics, taking into account environmental legal aspects
Drosińska-Komor, Marta
Głuch, Jerzy
Brzezińska-Gołębiewska, Katarzyna
Piotrowicz, Michał
Ziółkowski, Paweł
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Warszawska, Instytut Techniki Cieplnej
steam turbine
genethic algorithm
coal-fired power plant
efficiency analysis
turbina parowa
algorytm genetyczny
elektrownia węglowa
The ever-increasing demand for electricity and the need for conventional sources to cooperate with renewable ones generates the need to increase the efficiency and safety of the generation sources. Therefore, it is necessary to find a way to operate existing facilities more efficiently with full detection of emerging faults. These are the requirements of Polish, European and International law, which demands that energy facilities operate with the highest efficiency and meet a number of restrictive requirements. In order to improve the operation of steam power plants of electric generating stations, thermal-fluid diagnostics have been traditionally used, and in this paper a three-hull steam turbine, having a high-pressure, a medium-pressure and a low-pressure part, has been selected for analysis. The turbine class is of the order of 200 MW electric. Genetic algorithms (GA) were used in the process of creating the diagnostic model. So far, they have been used for diagnostic purposes in gas turbines, and no work has been found in the literature using GA for the diagnostic process of such complex objects as steam turbines located in professional manufacturing facilities. The use of genetic algorithms allowed rapid acquisition of global extremes, that is efficiency and power of the unit. The result of the work undertaken is the possibility to carry out a full diagnostic process, meaning detection, localization and identification of single and double degradations. In this way 100 % of the main faults are found, but there are sometimes additional ones, and these are not perfectly identified especially for single time detection. Thus, the results showed that with a very high success rate the simulated damage to the geometrical elements of the steam turbine under study is found.
Journal of Power Technologies; 2023, 103, 1; 33-48
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Power Technologies
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Efficiency issues in Poland’s Research Institutes
Problematyka efektywności instytutów badawczych w Polsce
Doński, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Akademia Finansów i Biznesu Vistula
efficiency analysis
efficiency categories
research institutes
analiza efektywności
kategorie efektywności
instytuty badawcze
The article aimed to specify the complexity of assessing the management’s efficiency of research institutes in Poland, in the context of the implementation of tasks resulting from their principal and ancillary activities, as well as other assignments commissioned by public administration authorities. The author attempted to clarify the concept of efficiency by reviewing the subject literature, to find a standard unit to assess research institutes’ activities in terms of efficiency. The analysis carried out based on a literature review, taking into account the complexity of duties of the research institutes, showed that there was no ultimate typology of efficiency, as research establishments have been set up to carry out a broad range of tasks of an economic, social and scientific nature. For that reason, efficiency can be only assessed against the priority, principal, and commissioned tasks implemented by each institute.
Celem rozważań jest przybliżenie złożoności pomiaru efektywności zarządzania instytutów badawczych w Polsce w aspekcie realizacji zadań wynikających z działalności podstawowej, pomocniczej, jak również innych zadań zleconych przez organy administracji publicznej. Autor przybliża pojęcie efektywności dokonując przeglądu literatury łącząc to z próbą znalezienia wybranej jednostki pomiaru efektywności działalności instytutów badawczych. W wyniku analizy literatury oraz złożoności zadań realizowanych przez instytuty badawcze, autor wnioskuje, że nie ma jednoznacznej typologii efektywności, bowiem jednostki są powoływane w celu realizacji różnorodnych zadań o charakterze ekonomicznym, społecznym oraz naukowym. Tym samym efektywność każdego instytutu może być oceniana przez pryzmat priorytetowych oraz podstawowych i zleconych zadań.
Społeczeństwo i Polityka; 2023, 2(75); 13-33
Pojawia się w:
Społeczeństwo i Polityka
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Environmentally Adjusted Analysis of Agricultural Efficiency: a Systematic Literature Review of Frontier Approaches
Analiza skorygowanej środowiskowo efektywności rolnictwa – systematyczny przegląd literatury wykorzystującej podejście graniczne
Staniszewski, Jakub
Matuszczak, Anna
Data publikacji:
Instytut Ekonomiki Rolnictwa i Gospodarki Żywnościowej - Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
stochastyczna analiza graniczna
analiza obwiedni danych
stochastic frontier analysis
data envelopment analysis
sustainable intensification
The paper reviews 200 papers regarding environmentally adjusted analysis of agricultural efficiency found in the Scopus database. Based on the PRISMA method the scope of the review was limited to papers where efficiency is assessed with data envelopment analysis (DEA) or stochastic frontier analysis (SFA). The aim of this paper is to identify how efficiency analysis can be enhanced to take into account environmental aspects of agricultural production and indicate the research trends and gaps. Regarding the trends, most of the studies refer to agriculture in Europe, with a noticeable increasing trend in Asia. The production directions under research mainly include crops or milk production, usually in the farm scale. It can also be observed that a typical economic efficiency model is developed to include new environmentally detrimental inputs or undesirable outputs, such as fertilizing, climate impact, crop protection, water footprint, and energy usage. The most common determinants were farmers features, scale of production, intensification, agricultural practices, quality of the production environment, macroeconomic environment, specialization, environmental practices, and farm features. The following research gaps were identified. The case studies of Africa and North America are limited, like those at the field and local levels as well as those related to horticultural and animal production other than milk production. The SFA approaches are underdeveloped in comparison with DEA, like approaches other than additional inputs/outputs. In particular, the by-production approach seems promising. Limited attention has been paid to soil condition, biodiversity, waste generation in agriculture, and positive externalities provided by the agriculture. An interesting and less investigated area in terms of performance determinants remain farmers’ behavioral features.
W pracy dokonano przeglądu 200 artykułów dotyczących skorygowanej środowiskowo efektywności rolnictwa, które dostępne są w bazie Scopus. Na podstawie metody PRISMA ograniczono zakres przeglądu do prac, w których efektywność oceniana jest za pomocą analizy obwiedni danych (DEA) lub stochastycznej analizy granicznej (SFA). Celem pracy jest określenie, w jaki sposób analiza efektywności może być wzbogacona o uwzględnienie środowiskowych aspektów produkcji rolniczej, a także wskazanie trendów i luk badawczych. Jeśli chodzi o trendy, to większość opracowań dotyczy rolnictwa w Europie, z zauważalną tendencją wzrostową w liczbie prac dotyczących Azji. Badane kierunki produkcji to głównie uprawy polowe i mleczarstwo, a analizy prowadzone są najczęściej na poziomie gospodarstw. Obserwuje się też rozbudowywanie typowego modelu efektywności ekonomicznej o nowe, szkodliwe dla środowiska, nakłady lub niepożądane efekty, którymi były najczęściej nawożenie, wpływ na klimat, ochrona roślin, ślad wodny i zużycie energii. Najczęściej analizowanymi determinantami były cechy rolników, skala produkcji, stopień intensyfikacji, praktyki rolnicze, jakość środowiska produkcyjnego, otoczenie makroekonomiczne, specjalizacja, praktyki środowiskowe i cechy gospodarstwa. Zidentyfikowano także luki badawcze w analizowanym obszarze. Liczba studiów przypadku z Afryki i Ameryki Północnej jest ograniczona, podobnie jak badań na poziomie terenowym i lokalnym oraz tych, które dotyczą produkcji ogrodniczej i zwierzęcej, innej niż mleczna. Podejścia wykorzystujące metodę SFA są słabo rozwinięte w porównaniu z DEA, podobnie jak podejścia inne niż wykorzystujące dodatkowe nakłady/wydatki. W szczególności obiecujące wydaje się podejście oparte na produkcji ubocznej. Ograniczoną uwagę zwrócono na kwestie takie jak stan gleby, różnorodność biologiczna, wytwarzanie odpadów w rolnictwie oraz pozytywne efekty zewnętrzne dostarczane przez rolnictwo. Interesującym i mniej zbadanym obszarem w zakresie determinantów wydajności pozostają cechy behawioralne rolników.
Zagadnienia Ekonomiki Rolnej; 2023, 374, 1; 20-41
Pojawia się w:
Zagadnienia Ekonomiki Rolnej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Health System Efficiency of OECD Countries with Data Envelopment Analysis
Efektywność systemów opieki zdrowotnej w krajach OECD – badanie za pomocą metody granicznej analizy danych
Ersoy, Yusuf
Aktaş, Adem
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wydziału Zarządzania
data envelopment analysis
health system efficiency
OECD countries
performance measurement
metoda granicznej analizy danych
efektywność systemu opieki zdrowotnej
pomiar efektywności
kraje OECD
Purpose: This study is aimed at measuring the efficiency of 37 OECD countries for 2020 using the Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) method. Besides, it is aimed at ranking the efficient decision making units by using the super-efficiency DEA model. Design/methodology/approach: In the study, analyses were carried out with input-oriented Charnes, Cooper and Rhodes (CCR), input-oriented Banker, Charnes and Cooper (BCC) models and super-efficiency models of these models by using 4 inputs and 3 outputs. Findings: As a result of the analysis, 14 countries in the CCR model and 20 countries in the BCC model were efficient. According to the results of the super-efficiency models, the efficient countries were ranked. Research limitations/implications: The limitations of the study are the analyses are based on input-oriented DEA models and the research was conducted in OECD countries. Originality/value: Performance evaluation of health systems has gained importance in recent years. Many countries are making efforts to improve their health systems. Due to epidemics such as COVID-19, OECD countries, like many countries around the world, have increased the share of health expenditures in GDP. Because of this situation, the evaluation of the performance of OECD countries in the field of health has emerged as a very important research topic.
Cel: opracowanie ma na celu pomiar efektywności w 37 krajach OECD w roku 2020 za pomocą metody granicznej analizy danych (Data Envelopment Analysis – DEA), a ponadto uszeregowanie efektywnych jednostek decyzyjnych przy użyciu modelu DEA z nadefektywnością. Metodologia: w ramach badania przeprowadzono analizy z wykorzystaniem zorientowanych na nakłady modeli Charnesa, Coopera i Rhodesa (CCR), zorientowanych na nakłady modeli Bankera, Charnesa i Coopera (BCC) oraz tych modeli z nadefektywnością przy użyciu czterech nakładów i trzech wyników. Wyniki: przeprowadzona analiza wykazała, że efektywnością cechuje się czternaście krajów w modelu CCR i dwadzieścia krajów w modelu BCC. Kraje efektywne uszeregowano zgodnie z wynikami modeli z nadefektywnością. Ograniczenia/implikacje badawcze: ograniczeniami badania są analizy oparte na modelach DEA zorientowanych na nakłady oraz to, że zostało ono przeprowadzone w krajach OECD. Oryginalność/wartość: ocena efektywności systemów opieki zdrowotnej zyskała w ostatnich latach na znaczeniu. Wiele krajów podejmuje starania na rzecz poprawy swoich systemów opieki zdrowotnej. Z powodu epidemii, takich jak COVID-19, kraje OECD, podobnie jak wiele krajów na całym świecie, zwiększyły udział wydatków na opiekę zdrowotną w PKB. W związku z tą sytuacją ocena efektywności krajów OECD w dziedzinie zdrowia stała się bardzo istotnym tematem badawczym.
Problemy Zarządzania; 2022, 20, 4(98); 90-109
Pojawia się w:
Problemy Zarządzania
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Impact of a photovoltaic installation on economic efficiency on the example of a company with high energy consumption
Mikulik, Jerzy
Niekurzak, Mariusz
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Śląska. Wydawnictwo Politechniki Śląskiej
profitability account
economic analysis
energy analysis
renewable energy sources
photovoltaic panels
energetic efficiency
rachunek rentowności
analiza ekonomiczna
analiza energetyczna
odnawialne źródła energii
panele fotowoltaiczne
efektywność energetyczna
Purpose: The research objective of the work is to quantify the levels of profitability of a photovoltaic installation for a company from the clothing industry. The authors of the article answer the question of where and under what boundary conditions in Poland there is already economic justification for the construction of photovoltaic power plants producing energy for the needs of their own business activity. Design/methodology/approach: The study was conducted using the methods of models of economic measures. These methods allowed the authors to calculate the market value of the investment with the assumed boundary criteria and to determine the economic efficiency of the investment. In addition, the authors made an analysis of the energy consumption of the company's implementation of individual manufacturing processes. The research was carried out in the period 2020-2022 on the example of a real PV installation. Findings: Installing a photovoltaic system in production plants brings many benefits. It should be noted that each kWh produced in a PV installation makes the investor independent of the grid distributor, reduces the consumption of energy from conventional sources, minimizes the emission of pollutants into the atmosphere and favors economic development. In addition, investment in this type of installation allows for obtaining income from the sale of surplus energy produced. Practical implications: The presented models have shown that the project of their implementation is fully economically justified and will allow investors to make a rational investment decision. Originality/value: The contribution of this work is to obtain data that allowed the authors to indicate directions for improvement that may contribute to a more reliable assessment of the profitability of the tested installations. The proposed research can improve the planning of new industrial plants in terms of PV Installations as well as the redesign of existing ones.
Zeszyty Naukowe. Organizacja i Zarządzanie / Politechnika Śląska; 2023, 169; 522--540
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Naukowe. Organizacja i Zarządzanie / Politechnika Śląska
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Neutrosophic data envelopment analysis based on the possibilistic mean approach
Mohanta, Kshitish Kumar
Sharanappa, Deena Sunil
Mishra, Vishnu Narayan
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Wrocławska. Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej
efficiency analysis
single value
trapezoidal neutrosophic number
data envelopment analysis
possibilistic mean
Mehar approach
Data envelopment analysis (DEA) is a non-parametric approach for the estimation of production frontier that is used to calculate the performance of a group of similar decision-making units (DMUs) which employ comparable inputs to produce related outputs. However, observed values might occasionally be confusing, imprecise, ambiguous, inadequate, and inconsistent in real-world applications. Thus, disregarding these factors may result in incorrect decision-making. Thus neutrosophic sets have been created as an extension of intuitionistic fuzzy sets to represent ambiguous, erroneous, missing, and inaccurate information in real-world applications. In this study, we have proposed a technique for solving the neutrosophic form of the Charnes–Cooper–Rhodes (CCR) model based on single-value trapezoidal neutrosophic numbers (SVTrNNs). The possibilistic mean for SVTrNNs is redefined and applied the Mehar approach to transforming the neutrosophic DEA (Neu-DEA) model into its corresponding crisp DEA model. As a result, the efficiency scores of the DMUs are calculated using different risk parameter values lying in [0, 1]. A numerical example is given to analyze the performance of the all India institutes of medical sciences and compared it with Abdelfattah’s ranking approach.
Operations Research and Decisions; 2023, 33, 2; 81--98
Pojawia się w:
Operations Research and Decisions
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Textile Industry Efficiency in Eastern European Countries
Ova, Alper
Data publikacji:
Sieć Badawcza Łukasiewicz - Instytut Biopolimerów i Włókien Chemicznych
textile company
Eastern Europe
Stochastic Frontier Analysis
company size
In the global world where competition is increasing constantly, efficient use of resources is becoming more important for the textile industry. In this study, the efficiency scores and inefficiency effects of the textile industry in selected Eastern European countries were investigated using stochastic frontier analysis. The results indicate that age has a negative impact on inefficiency in the Czech Republic and Hungary. The current ratio decreases the inefficiency in Slovakia, Poland and Hungary, while time decreases that in Slovakia, the Czech Republic and Hungary.
Fibres & Textiles in Eastern Europe; 2023, 31, 2; 92--96
Pojawia się w:
Fibres & Textiles in Eastern Europe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The hybrid concept of turboshaft engine working according to Humphrey cycle dedicated to variety power demand - CFD analysis
Tarnawski, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Naukowe Silników Spalinowych
pressure gain combustion
Humphrey cycle
turbine engine
CFD analysis
valve timing system
isochoric combustion
engine energy efficiency
sealing system
spalanie powodujące wzrost ciśnienia
cykl Humphreya
silnik turbinowy
analiza CFD
układ rozrządu
spalanie izochoryczne
sprawność energetyczna silnika
system uszczelniający
The paper presents a new concept of the turbine engine in the area of pressure gain combustion (PGE). The engine works according to Humphrey’s cycle. Minor modification in construction has allowed power generation of 500 kW, 700 kW, 1000 kW, and 1800 kW. The concept successfully resolved the challenges related to the temporary opening and closing of the combustion chamber. The presented valve timing system has ensured effective gas flow and what stands behind it, an effective process of conversion of a high-pressure gas impulse into mechanical energy. Rotating combustion chambers enabled the application of an effective sealing system. The concept characterizes simple construction and potentially low power-to-weight coefficient. The CFD numerical analysis of the presented engine concept showed very promising effective efficiency and low specific fuel consumption.
Combustion Engines; 2023, 62, 2; 129--136
Pojawia się w:
Combustion Engines
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
A Comprehensive Overview of the Impacting Factors on a Lithium-Ion-Battery’s Overall Efficiency
Kremzow-Tennie, Simeon
Scholz, Tobias
Pautzke, Friedbert
Popp, Alexander
Fechtner, Heiko
Schmuelling, Benedikt
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Wrocławska. Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej
battery simulation
battery efficiency
component analysis
simulation technology
battery analysis
This comprehensive overview of the impacting factors on lithium-ion-battery’s (LIB) overall efficiency presents the most relevant influencing factors on a battery’s performance. Dissected into their respective short-term and long-term influences, the working principles behind the efficiency influencing factors are presented. With a strong focus on battery characterisation, charge-profiles and battery management systems (BMSs), the authors present results of their own practical research with a detailed literary analysis, allowing a broad coverage of the complex topic. Finally, the authors present a principle model that indicates the interactions be-tween the different involved components of the battery.
Power Electronics and Drives; 2022, 7, 42; 9--28
Pojawia się w:
Power Electronics and Drives
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
An application of the Negative Malmquist model for Vietnamese garment and textiles industry
Nguyen, Thi Kim Lien
Nguyen, Xuan-Huynh
Pham, Hong V.
Data publikacji:
negative malmquist model
data envelopment analysis
garment and textile company
The study purpose is to measure the performance of the Vietnamese garment and textiles industry by means of the Negative Malmquist model using the data envelopment analysis (DEA) method. The empirical results presented the efficient, inefficient cases, and average efficiency for all garment and textile companies in Vietnam during from 2016 to 2020. The main findings determined that five companies, including HTG, TET, MSH, M10, and BDG possessed efficiency scores in whole terms. An overall picture of the garment and textiles industry in Vietnam is used to evaluate the operational process. The research recommends a feasible alternative method to deal with inefficient cases.
Management Systems in Production Engineering; 2022, 1 (30); 74--79
Pojawia się w:
Management Systems in Production Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Financial and economic analysis of infrastructure transport projects with the participation of EU funds
Toczyńska, Joanna
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Śląska. Wydawnictwo Politechniki Śląskiej
transport projects
cost-benefit analysis
economic analysis
evaluation of profitability
projekt transportowy
analiza kosztów i korzyści
analiza ekonomiczna
ocena opłacalności
Purpose/reason for writing the paper: Carrying out a cost-benefit analysis of large infrastructure projects in the area of transport causes considerable difficulties and problems in identifying the positive and negative factors of project implementation, and their translation into cash flows generated by the project. The aim of the paper is to present problem solving in the course of financial analysis and economic analysis of an infrastructure transport project. Methodology/approach to problem solving/scope of the study: The scope of the study and the approach to the problem include: • presentation of the role of cost-benefit analysis in the process of assessing the competitiveness of infrastructure transport projects in terms of making decisions about their co-financing from community funds; • characteristics of general assumptions of financial analysis and economic analysis of projects in the transport sector; • discussion of the methodologies of quantification and monetization of socio-economic factors and factors influencing the external environment in the process of assessing the economic effects of a transport project on the regional and national scale; • indication of the latest sources of methodological support for the preparation of cost-benefit analysis (CBA) of the project; • embedding the issues of financial and economic analysis in the context of the requirements for beneficiaries' application for grants from the funds. Arrangements: Different methodologies are used in transport projects to quantify and monetize the impact of individual factors on the external and socio-economic environment. The paper indicates the latest methodological studies, the scope of their application, examples of calculations and recommendations for beneficiaries on how to adjust the information they have to a specific project situation. Practical implications: Adaptation of the Beneficiary to the applicable and recommendation source materials, knowledge of methodologies for conducting analyses increases the probability of reliable preparation of documentation and obtaining a positive decision regarding financial support for the planned investment project. Social implications: Correct and consistent analysis of projects increases the effectiveness of obtaining their co-financing from EU funds. On the other hand, the implementation of modern infrastructure transport projects is a social good that increases the comfort of passengers, reduces the operating costs of carriers, reduces carbon dioxide emissions, noise and local environmental pollution, contributes to saving time and reducing road accidents. Originality/value of the study (for whom?): The paper is directed and will be useful for investors, as well as beneficiaries of community funds, in order to prepare project documentation for the implementation, execution and operation of infrastructure projects in the field of transport.
Zeszyty Naukowe. Organizacja i Zarządzanie / Politechnika Śląska; 2022, 156; 497--510
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Naukowe. Organizacja i Zarządzanie / Politechnika Śląska
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Healthcare public funding efficiency as exemplified by hospitals in Polish regions
Kosycarz, Ewa Agnieszka
Dędys, Monika Małgorzata
Ekes, Maria Małgorzata
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie. Kolegium Zarządzania i Finansów
Data Envelopment Analysis
healthcare system efficiency
centralised/decentralised healthcare system
ageing society
The aim of this study is to evaluate and compare the financial and managerial efficiency of healthcare inpatient systems in one country. The research question is: What factors give rise to efficiency variations within the regional healthcare system (hospitals)? A two-step approach proposed by Simar and Wilson has been applied. The first step applies the Data Envelopment Analysis to estimate the unit (i.e., a Polish region in our research) efficiency scores, which is followed by truncated regression with double bootstrapping to examine the impact of uncontrolled variables on efficiency scores. The efficiency scores obtained in 16 regions from the output-oriented model with non-increasing returns to scale indicate a full effectiveness of five regions. The DEA scores of the other regions exceed the value of 0.8 and do not differ significantly. The bootstrap-corrected DEA scores do not considerably change the efficiency assessment. The direction of the impact of the ‘percentage of people above 65 years of age’ variable and the ‘growth rate of total liabilities on efficiency’ variable is opposite to that observed for the ‘average salary’ variable. The results obtained suggest that the regional healthcare system efficiency can be affected by the ageing population, pay pressure, and liabilities.
Journal of Management and Financial Sciences; 2022, 45; 49-65
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Management and Financial Sciences
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Human capital and its efficiency on the example of industrial and new technologies companies
Nawrocki, Tomasz
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Śląska. Wydawnictwo Politechniki Śląskiej
human capital
comparative analysis
listed companies
Purpose: Comparative analysis of human capital and its efficiency in enterprises with various business profiles, especially the so-called old and new economy. Design/methodology/approach: The analysis was carried out on the example of companies listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange operating in the industrial and high-technology sectors. For its purposes, indicators based on financial data and used, among others in the method of assessing the efficiency of intellectual capital - VAIC. Findings: The obtained results allow to conclude that the situation in terms of human capital level and its efficiency, including labour efficiency, in the analysed enterprises is highly diversified. These differences not only exist between companies from different sectors, but also within individual sectors, industrial as well as high-tech. Companies from high-tech sectors are generally characterized by a higher human capital level, as well as its efficiency, which is particularly distinguished by the sector Video Games Developers. Research limitations/implications: Due to the limited quantitative research sample, compared to the total number of companies listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange and the industries and sectors they represent, the results obtained and the conclusions drawn on their basis can be treated as preliminary and contributing to further broader research. Practical implications: As the results of the analysis show how individual industrial and high technology companies compare to the competition in terms of the level and efficiency of human capital, it may be an indication for their management boards of the need for actions aimed at improving the efficiency of human capital. Social implications: As the subject of the analysis is human capital in an enterprise, its results may contribute to changes in the field of corporate social responsibility in the analysed enterprises in the area of employees. Originality/value: The topic of the article is not new, but in the literature there are hardly any studies on the assessment of the efficiency of human capital in the intersectoral approach.
Zeszyty Naukowe. Organizacja i Zarządzanie / Politechnika Śląska; 2022, 161; 187--202
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Naukowe. Organizacja i Zarządzanie / Politechnika Śląska
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Input Use Efficiency in Operational and Maintenance Management of Small-Pumping Scale Irrigation Systems in Red River Delta, Vietnam
Dinh, Dao Van
Nguyen, Phong Tung
Tran, Dat Van
Mukheibir, Pierre
Ton, Au Nu Hai
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Inżynierii Ekologicznej
technical efficiency
scale efficiency
irrigation system
data envelopment analysis
In the Red River Delta (RRD) of Vietnam, small-pumping systems are one of main systems for paddy irrigation. It is imperative to analyze the operation and maintenance performance of irrigation systems by using the input factors when applying pricing mechanisms in the irrigation sector in Vietnam. In this study, based on the data of 48 irrigation systems managed by teams under irrigation companies, the non-parametric program, Data Envelopment Analysis, was used to measure the technical efficiency and scale efficiency for small-pumping scale irrigation systems in the Red River Delta. The seven input factors were the annual direct and indirect labor, materials, electricity, recurrent maintenance, overhead, and depreciation cost, and an output factor was the paddy areas irrigated by the systems. The results demonstrated that the average technical efficiency scores under constant returns to scale and variable returns to scale were 0.924 and 0.946, respectively. Thus, the wasted inputs were suggested to be 7.6% and 5.4% of the current input level, respectively. The average scale efficiency score was 0.977 and therefore, some 72.9% of the Decision-Making Units should adjust their input scales to achieve the efficiency in input factors.
Journal of Ecological Engineering; 2022, 23, 5; 207--215
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Ecological Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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