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A preliminary study on the Indian Grammar manuscripts of the Āmer Śāstrabhand in Jaipur
Kragh, Ulrich Timme
Jain, Abhishek
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Orientalistyczne
educational history
Sanskrit language
provenance studies
The study of language and grammar is one of the most fundamental parts of an education, and India has a long and sophisticated tradition of language and grammar teaching (vyākarana) that is as old as the Indian scripts and writing themselves. Starting around the fourth century BCE with the grammatical treatises by Pānini and his commentators, the Indian grammarian tradition developed through several distinct schools of grammar and language study. A historical study of these traditions done on the basis of a normal literary history focused on the places and dates of textual composition yields a chronological overview, where certain major traditions are seen as remaining popular over time through a steady production of new texts, whereas other minor systems become replaced by the development of new schools. In contrast, a microhistorical study that assesses the popularity of the different traditions of grammar by examining their concrete textual representations in a particular manuscript collection reveals a local historical record of the popularity of each system within a specific educational community. The present essay provides a microhistorical study of the Digambara manuscript collection Āmer Śāstrabhandār from Āmer and Jaipur in Rajasthan dating from the seventeenth to the nineteenth centuries. It contributes to the educational history of India by revealing an unexpected continued popularity of the late medieval Sārasvata grammar tradition in the Jaipur area long after this minor grammatical system otherwise has been thought to have gone out of vogue.
Przegląd Orientalistyczny; 2019, 1 (269); 3-21
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Orientalistyczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Slovenian Art History Textbook in Comparison to Polish Textbooks: Authorship and Content, Didactic Structure and Publishing Circumstances
Dolšina, Marjana
Data publikacji:
Fundacja Pro Scientia Publica
formal educational system, art history, textbook, didactics
The paper analyses two concepts of art history textbooks for secondary schools. It discusses their role in the learning and teaching process of art history and related school subjects within the formal educational programmes in Slovenia and their didactic structure. The comparison between one Slovenian and two Polish textbooks might contribute to better understanding of the present situation regarding art history textbook production in Slovenia, which is a result of several factors: the historical continuity of textbook writing and research in textbook didactics, the current school policy and fi nancial competition on the textbook market. Its intention is also to clarify the idea of didactic transformation of the art history contents from the challenging scientifi c texts to a form suitable for secondary school students who are textbooks’ main target audience.
Journal of Education Culture and Society; 2014, 5, 1; 285-298
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Education Culture and Society
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Sztuka na kółkach” jako przykład innowacyjnych rozwiązań w projektach kulturalno-edukacyjnych
Łepkowski, Mateusz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Jagielloński. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego
cultural project, educational workshops, cultural heritage, art history
 The “Art on Wheels” as an example of innovative solutions in cultural and educational projectsThe “Art on Wheels” project was created in 2008 by Krakow – based art historians Barbara Łepkowska and Katarzyna Wydra. Institutional support for the project is provided by the Krakow branch of the Association of Art Historians (Stowarzyszenie Historyków Sztuki). The main purpose of the project is to create a specific museum and art-exploratory space within monuments and historic places well-known to local communities and, what follows, to make local residents fully aware of the importance and value of the cultural heritage of their village, town or municipality. “Art on Wheels” creators realize the above-mentioned aims through organizing and carrying out interactive educational workshops. The classes, that usually take place in historic churches, help to explain and bring local residents closer to the foundations of the history of the art, iconography, architecture, various artistic techniques and styles, as well as the perception of a work of art, its context, essence and role. Interactive workshops also promote tourism, conservation of cultural heritage and tradition of the regions. The beneficiaries of the project are mainly the inhabitants of rural areas of the country, where opportunities to participate in cultural events are in general difficult and limited. The “Art on Wheels” project contributes to the reduction of social differences and disparities in the access to culture and helps in the promotion of the region’s tourism value as well as the conversation of local cultural heritage.
Zarządzanie w Kulturze; 2011, 12, 2
Pojawia się w:
Zarządzanie w Kulturze
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Edukator muzealny – uwagi niepraktykującego zawodowca o przyjemnościach i pożytkach muzealnej zabawy
Barańska, Katarzyna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Jagielloński. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego
cultural project, educational workshops, cultural heritage, art history
Museological educator – comments of a non-practising professional on the pleasures and advantages of a museum gameFrom the very beginning, the Polish museological literature has drawn attention to the educational role of museums. Yet in practice, educators are not perceived as employees who deserve to be called “museologists”. The authoress postulates that educators should be treated as fully-fl edged museum employees, particularly that it is precisely them who museum visitors come into contact fi rst. That is why, it is important that they have an opportunity to be involved in all phases of the organization of the exhibition and enter into direct contact with the collection which constitutes the most important point of reference of all museum activity. – Yet one should naturally draw attention to the necessary competence: familiarity with the discipline of knowledge represented by the museum, good inter-personal skills, ability to be flexible and to adjust to the level represented by the visitors, as well as knowledge of culture codes and contexts. For an educator may act as a specific medium, who through creating a suitable atmosphere during a museum visit and through imparting information that is pervaded with the necessary value of authenticity, guides the visitor to new ways of thinking and helps him to get to know the truths and values which have so far remained unknown to him.
Zarządzanie w Kulturze; 2011, 12, 2
Pojawia się w:
Zarządzanie w Kulturze
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Background and Development of Mexican Educational System: the Main Features
Zhizhko, Elena
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie. Instytut Spraw Społecznych
history of Mexican educational system
background and development
modern Mexican educational system
Higher Education and Leading Universities
Educational Management
This article is the result of scientific-pedagogical research, which was conducted to identify the main characteristics of the background and development of Mexican educational system. The author found that the development of the Mexican education system can be divided into three periods; in modern Mexico the educational policy focuses on building national cultural educational camp, harmonizing both globalization and unique identity tendencies of development; in the Mexican establishments of higher education, the practical application of professional training curriculum is based on communicative methods and different techniques, especially, interactive and project techniques; there is observed a new tendency of centralizingdecentralizing management processes in Mexican Education.
Labor et Educatio; 2015, 3; 93-102
Pojawia się w:
Labor et Educatio
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Urzeczywistnienie. Historia wychowania w kontekście „powrotu do rzeczy”
Reification. The History of Education in the Context of “Return to Things”
Michalski, Łukasz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydział Pedagogiki i Psychologii
material turn
powrót do rzeczy
historia wychowania
historia myśli pedagogicznej
return to things
history of education
history of educational thought
Prezentowane rozważania skupiają się na możliwościach uruchomienia kontekstów „powrotu do rzeczy” dla ponownego przemyślenia strategii badań historycznych w pedagogice. Punktem wyjścia dla podjętych analiz jest próba zbudowania listy przeszkód, które zdają się blokować próby łączenia historii edukacji z zorientowanymi na rzeczach tendencjami w ramach nauk humanistycznych. Niemniej jednak głębsze analizy dowodzą, że natura tych przeszkód jest raczej powierzchowna. Co więcej, niektóre z nich zostały już w przeszłości przezwyciężone. Tendencje podobne przypominające material turn można znaleźć np. w XVI-wiecznych pismach Erazma z Rotterdamu. Historia edukacji, badając tendencje w zakresie „powrotu do rzeczy”, nie tylko dotrzymuje kroku współczesnym trendom w naukach humanistycznych, ale także rozwija szczególną wrażliwość na stosowane style własnej wiedzy historycznej, otwierając się na nieobecne style historiografii.
The present considerations focus on engaging the contexts of so-called “return to things” in rethinking strategies of historical research within pedagogy. The starting point of this paper is an attempt to build a list of obstacles that seem to block endeavours to combine history of education and object-oriented tendencies in the humanities. Nevertheless, deeper analysis proves that the nature of these obstacles is rather superficial. Furthermore, some of them were already overcome in the past (e.g. an approach similar to the “material turn” can already be found in 16th century educational writings by Erasmus of Rotterdam). By exploring tendencies within “return to things”, history of education does not only keep the pace with contemporary trends in the humanities but it also develops particular sensitivity to the applied styles of historical conciseness by opening to unpresent styles of historiography.
Parezja. Czasopismo Forum Młodych Pedagogów przy Komitecie Nauk Pedagogicznych PAN; 2019, 1(11); 43-59
Pojawia się w:
Parezja. Czasopismo Forum Młodych Pedagogów przy Komitecie Nauk Pedagogicznych PAN
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Multicultural School. Analysis of challenges and opportunities based on examples from Vasa Övningsskola
Adamczewski, Jakub
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
multicultural school
history of education
finnish educational system
educational equality
The aim of this article is to present a discussion on the phenomenon of multicultural schools in Finland. The author will present both challenges and opportunities of multiculturalism based on examples from Vasa Övningsskola. The article will present a brief history of multicultural schools in the world and explain the roots of multicultural education. The purpose of this article is to explore new ideas and solutions for multicultural schools based on the best educational system in the world.
Biuletyn Historii Wychowania; 2017, 36; 77-84
Pojawia się w:
Biuletyn Historii Wychowania
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Carolinum redivivum. Kryzys dydaktyczny w Królewskim Gimnazjum Karolińskim w Szczecinie w latach 1679-1680 w świetle dokumentacji dydaktycznej szkoły
Carolinum redivivum. Teaching Crisis in the Royal Carolingian Gymnasium in Szczecin in the Years 1679–1680 in the Light of Didactic Documentation of the School
Cieśluk, Małgorzata
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Szczeciński. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego
the history of Szczecin
the history of the educational system
the Royal Carolingian Gymnasium
historia Szczecina
historia szkolnictwa
Królewskie Gimnazjum Karolińskie
W latach 1676–1677 Szczecin, pozostający pod kontrolą władz szwedzkich, przeżył dwa oblężenia armii elektora brandenburskiego. Szczególnie drugie z nich przyniosło istotne konsekwencje dla działającego w mieście Królewskiego Gimnazjum Karolińskiego. W wyniku ostrzałów artyleryjskich zniszczone zostały między innymi zabudowania uczelni, której dydaktyczna działalność zamarła na okres ponad roku – od końca sierpnia 1677 roku do końca września 1678 roku. Konsekwencje kryzysu z lat 1676–1677 znacząco wpływały na warunki i jakość pracy szkoły oraz wiele aspektów jej codziennego życia, szczególnie w pierwszych latach po przywróceniu działalności. Na bliższą obserwację stanu uczelni w latach 1679–1680 pozwalają, wykorzystywane dotąd w nikłym stopniu, materiały dydaktyczne – plany zajęć oraz wykazy prac uczniów Carolinum. Celem niniejszego artykułu jest pokazanie, w jaki sposób objawiały się problemy w funkcjonowaniu zajęć dydaktycznych w tym okresie. Istotną rolę odgrywa także zaobserwowanie działań rektora Johanna Ernsta Pfuela, co przyczyniło się do przełamania kryzysu i odzyskania przez szkołę wysokiego poziomu dydaktycznego. W rozważaniach przedstawiono najpierw analizę ilościową i jakościową kadry, dalej omówiono sposoby nauczania i formy pracy stosowane w tym okresie, na koniec poddano refleksji kwestię zależności między kryzysem dydaktycznym a sytuacją uczniów Carolinum. W świetle analizy wykazu prac za rok 1679 i planu zajęć na 1680 rok okazało się, że nie tyle zniszczenia bazy materialnej uczelni, podkreślane na ogół w literaturze przedmiotu, stanowiły główną trudność w funkcjonowaniu uczelni. Czynnikiem, który najmocniej zagrażał stabilności jej działania był katastrofalny stan kadry dydaktycznej. Wpłynęło to również na ograniczenia realizowanego programu nauczania, co jednak było minimalizowane dzięki dydaktycznemu zaangażowaniu rektora. Dość szybko natomiast poprawiła się liczebność uczniów Carolinum. W efekcie różnorodnych działań szczecińska szkoła przetrwała kryzys dydaktyczny i w ciągu kilku lat powróciła do wysokich standardów funkcjonowania.
In the years 1676–1677 Szczecin, under the Swedish rule, survived two sieges by the army of the Brandenburg Elector. Especially the second one had an impact on the Royal Carolingian Gymnasium (Carolinum) functioning in the City. As a result of shellfire the buildings of the School were destroyed, and the Gymnasium ceased to function for over a year, from the end of August 1677 to the end of September 1678. The 1676–1677 crisis significantly changed the conditions and quality of the School and many other aspects of its everyday life, particularly in the first years after restoring the School to its original form. To have a closer look at the Gymnasium in the years 1679–1680 is now possible thanks to the didactic materials (so far hardly used), such as class timetables and the registers of the Carolinum students’ assignments. The aim of the present article is to indicate in which way the problems of organising classes in that period manifested themselves. An important role was played by Rector Johann Ernst Pfuel; thanks to his efforts the crisis was resolved and the School recovered its teaching reputation. First a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the staff has been carried out, next the teaching methods and the forms of work used at that time have been examined, and finally the relationship between the teaching crisis and the situation of the students has been investigated. In the light of the 1679 register of students’ assignments and the 1680 class timetable it has turned out that it had not been the destruction of the School buildings (highlighted in the literature) that was the main reason of its problems. The factor of the strongest impact was the poor quality of the teaching staff. And it was the reason of restricting the teaching programmes, which was minimised by the Rector’s engagement. And the number of students began to grow fast. As a result of diverse activities the Szczecin School survived the crisis and in the subsequent years reached its high standards again.
Przegląd Zachodniopomorski; 2018, 1; 5-34
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Zachodniopomorski
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Społeczny i wychowawczy sens pracy oraz wychowania gospodarczego Polaków od XVIII wieku do początków XX wieku
Social and educational sense of work and economic education of Poles from the eighteenth century to the early twentieth century
Jakubiak, Krzysztof
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie. Instytut Spraw Społecznych
educational concepts
The article is a collection of thoughts and ideas of the most prominent educational thinkers of the period concerned. The aim of the text is to introduce the reader to the most important objectives of education through work and educational demands related to work.
Labor et Educatio; 2013, 1; 7-24
Pojawia się w:
Labor et Educatio
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Educational and scientific activity of institute of motor vehicles and transportation faculty of mechanical engineering military university of technology
Kałdoński, T.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Techniczny Wojsk Lotniczych
educational scientific and research areas
awards and commendations
The paper presents some information about the Institute of Motor vehicles and Transportation. The presented Information is about history, current structure and staff of the Institute of Motor vehicles and Transportation. The Principals of the Institute since his establishment are mentioned. In this article are also presented educational activity of the Institute i.e. stationary and non-stationary commercial studies (1st and 2nd degree), Ph.D. studies (3rd degree), post-graduated studies and specialized courses. In the article are presented example educational and research equipment. Moreover, priority scientiflc and research areas and selected research results and appHcations carried out at the Institute of Motor Vehicles and Transportation, i.e. at his three departments are presented here. Scientiflc research projects realized nowadays, which are financed by the Ministry of Science and High Education, also are specified. The selected awards and commendations are presented too. Thus it is clearly visible that the Institute of Motor Vehicles and Transportation actually is good arrangement to education the civilian and military students as well as to realization the research work, particularly for Military Forces.
Journal of KONES; 2009, 16, 1; 9-20
Pojawia się w:
Journal of KONES
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Educational Practice and Thought of the Second Polish Republic on the 90th Anniversary of Regaining Independence
Jamrożek, Wiesław
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
educational system in Poland
Second Republic of Poland
The situation of the Republic of Poland, which was revived in 1918, in the educational field was dramatically difficult. As a consequence of partitions, the Second Republic of Poland inherited a relatively high rate of analphabetism (over 6.5 million analphabets, which constituted approximately 33% of the entire population of the country older than 10 years). As a result of individual differences in the economic, political, social and legals systems of the states occupying Poland, the educational system on the Polish territories at the threshold of independence was largely different with regard to the number of  schools, the organization, program and didactic assumptions. The reborn Polish state was confronted with an important task of unifying the system and the level of education. It must be emphasised that this task was actually accomplished. In this the Sejm on March 11, 1932 (the act conclusively dissolved the remains of the educational legislation of the states which partitioned Poland). In the interwar Poland, not only the school system but also the so-called extraschool education developed. The period of the Second Republic of Poland was also the  time of explosion of pedagogic thought. The most important theoretical trends in the educational sciences emerged at that time, primarily: “psychological pedagogy and the related great movement of New Education (progressive education)”, “sociological pedagogics (social pedagogy)”, “cultural pedagogy (humanistic, personalistic pedagogy)”. A special object of reflection on the education in the Second Republic of Poland and of controversy in the pedagogics of the twenty years between the First and the Second World War in Poland was the question of educational aims. In the period until 1926 the dominant trend influencing the educational practice to the largest extent was the so-called patriotic education, whereas in the subsequent years citizenship education prevailed.
Biuletyn Historii Wychowania; 2018, 38; 301-307
Pojawia się w:
Biuletyn Historii Wychowania
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Merited, (Un)Appreciated, (Un)Remembered: Women in Educational and Social Policy Sciences as a Scholarly Discipline in Poland, 1900–39
Bołdyrew, Aneta
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Historii im. Tadeusza Manteuffla PAN w Warszawie
Polish female scholars
history of science
educational sciences
social policy
The first four decades of the twentieth century saw an intense development in the Polish lands of educational sciences and social policy sciences. A role of importance in the development of the underlying theory for these scientific domains and in the pursuit of pioneering empirical studies fell to a group of women who combined their intellectual interests and scientific research with activities in the fields of education and social work. This article seeks to outline their scholarly achievements (until 1939) and point to the specificity of their effort: none of them pursued a ‘classical’ academic career comprehended in terms of getting employed and promoted by a university. Their formative experience consisted in studying abroad and obtaining their doctoral degrees there. Migrations and membership in (or contribution to) international scientific organisations enabled them to deepen their knowledge and present their theories in the international forum whilst also making them acquainted with the academic models functioning in West European countries in the context of female participation. The personal histories of Polish female scholars researching into education and social history show the ‘typical’ experience of reluctance and arbitrariness of the academic circles, male-dominated as they were at that time when gender weighed high on career-seeking in science. This implied search for strategies and areas of activity which enabled to participate in the world of science. Pursuance of research, in selected areas, and publication of scholarly texts was enabled through the cooperation with organisations which welcomed female experts such as those employed (for example) with ministries; the Polish Society for Social Policy was one such organisation. In spite of multiple hindrances and restrictions, those female scholars who got employed on a full-time basis with academies which were ‘alternative’ to the traditional universities – the Institute of Special Pedagogy, the State Institute of Teachers, and primarily, the Free Polish University – enjoyed the most favourable conditions of work.
Acta Poloniae Historica; 2018, 117
Pojawia się w:
Acta Poloniae Historica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
What is History is What is Illustrated. The Utilization and Function of Images in History Coursebooks in Poland and Britain.
Shaw, Aeddan
Data publikacji:
Akademia Ignatianum w Krakowie
visual culture;
Polish & British educational contexts;
history teaching;
critical thinking;
In a society which is increasingly visual, and the teaching of history and critical thinking so important in an age of post-truth and fake news, the words of the Swedish poet, Linn Hansén, seem particularly apt: what is history, is what is illustrated. The images found in history coursebooks help learners to imagine the past, providing a visual aid to support learning, but they can also be used to foster critical thinking by treating the images as historical sources in themselves. This paper presents the results of a pilot study conducted on the functions of images contained in Polish and British history coursebooks using a proprietary paradigm developed on the basis of existing scholarship in English Language Teaching. It shows that the pedagogical functions of images in history coursebooks vary greatly between the two educational contexts. In Britain, images are typically treated as historical sources in themselves, whilst in Poland they typically perform more of a decorative function. The paper closes with a number of recommendations for further research and publishers of history coursebooks.
Multidisciplinary Journal of School Education; 2020, 17; 48-60
Pojawia się w:
Multidisciplinary Journal of School Education
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Polskie czasopisma naukowe o profilu historyczno-oświatowym w XX i na początku XXI wieku
Kalinowska-Witek, Barbara
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
historical-educational periodicals
professional Journals
history of educations
history of upbringing
editors of historical-educational periodicals
czasopisma historyczno-oświatowe
czasopisma branżowe
historia oświaty
historia wychowania
redaktorzy czasopism historyczno-oświatowych
Wprowadzenie: W okresie dwudziestolecia międzywojennego podjęto pierwsze próby tworzenia czasopism o profilu historyczno-oświatowym. Dopiero po II wojnie światowej udało się zrealizować zamierzenia. Obecnie na rynku wydawniczym funkcjonują trzy takie czasopisma. Cel badań: Celem rozważań jest ukazanie historii powstania i rozwoju polskich czasopism historyczno-oświatowych oraz przybliżenie poruszanej w nich problematyki. Ważną rolę w budowaniu pozycji tych periodyków na rynku wydawniczym odegrali redaktorzy i osoby tworzące komitety redakcyjne. Metoda badań: Problematyka badań obejmuje powstanie i funkcjonowanie czasopism o profilu historyczno-oświatowym, ukazujących się w Polsce w XX wieku. Zastosowano metodę krytycznej analizy treści czasopism oraz dokonano przeglądu poświęconej im literatury. Stan wiedzy: Polskie czasopisma naukowe o profilu historyczno-oświatowym cieszą się dużym uznaniem specjalistów dzięki zaangażowaniu redakcji i dbałości o wysoki poziom merytoryczny zamieszczanych tekstów. Cieszą się też zainteresowaniem badaczy. Podsumowanie: Czasopisma utworzone po II wojnie światowej funkcjonują do dzisiaj. Umożliwiają osobom zajmującym się problematyką historii oświaty i wychowania publikację wyników własnych dociekań, a zamieszczane artykuły stanowią inspirację do dalszych badań naukowych. Warto byłoby w szerszym niż dotychczas stopniu rozpropagować wiedzę na temat wyżej wymienionych czasopism w środowisku nauczycieli.
Introduction: During the interwar period, the first attempts were made to create the historical-educational journals. It was not until after World War II that the intentions were realized. Currently, there are three of educational-historical journal on the publishing market. Research Aim: The aim of the consideration is to show the history of the origin and development of Polish historical-educational periodicals and to bring closer the issues raised in them. An important role in building the position of these periodicals on the publishing market was played by editors and people who formed editorial committees. Method: The research covers the creation and functioning of periodicals with historical and educational profile, published in Poland in the twentieth century. The method of critical analysis of the content of the magazines was applied and the literature on the subject was reviewed. Evidence-based Facts: The Polish science periodicals with a historical and educational profile are valued by specialists thanks to the commitment of the editors and attention to the high substantive level of the published texts. They also enjoy the interest of researchers. Summary: The journals established after World War II are still functioning today. They enable those involved in the history of education and upbringing to publish the results of their own investigations, and the articles posted provide inspiration for further scientific research. It would be worthwhile to disseminate knowledge about the above-mentioned journals among teachers to a greater extent than before.
Lubelski Rocznik Pedagogiczny; 2022, 41, 4; 23-38
Pojawia się w:
Lubelski Rocznik Pedagogiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Jindra Milos Kulich (1929-2009). Andragog porównawczy, bibliograf i historyk edukacji dorosłych
Maliszewski, Tomasz
Data publikacji:
Akademickie Towarzystwo Andragogiczne
The paper recalls the figure of Jindra Kulich, a world known andragogue and historian of education, of Czech origin, who passed away in December 2009. The author provides an outline of life and work of the professor: from the time of his emigration from Czechoslovakia in 1951 - through his work as a folk high school teacher in Denmark and his studies and research at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver in Canada - to his last more than ten years, when he was an independent expert in adult education. The sketch also includes characteristics of the main research interests of J. Kulich - as an internationally recognised bibliographer of adult education, one of the precursors of comparative andragogics and historian of adult education in Scandinavia, Central and Eastern Europe and Canada. The article makes references to the most significant scientific publications from Kulich's areas of research. It also emphasises numerous research contacts of Jindra Kulich with the community of Polish andragogues and adult educators.
Rocznik Andragogiczny; 2009, R. 2009
Pojawia się w:
Rocznik Andragogiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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