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Professional training of teachers of English language and foreign literature in higher education institutions of Ukraine
Haidai, Iryna
Suvorova, Liudmyla
Kosheleva, Marina
Kukharonok, Svitlana
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
foreign language
philology teacher
general education
professional training
pedagogical practice
academic disciplines
normative and variable training
The purpose of the article is to analyze the content of professional and practical training of future specialists on the example of teacher training in specialty 014 “Secondary education. English language and foreign literature” of Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University. A review of the scientific literature was carried out, which shows that many scientists were engaged in the study of the problem of training a philology teacher in Ukraine. The interpretation of the concepts “training”, “teacher training”, “professional training of a philology teacher”, “professional training of a foreign language teacher” by various scientists was analyzed. The concept of “teacher of philological specialties” is analyzed. The definition of the concept of “professional training of a philology teacher” is given. The concept of training a philology teacher in dual majors, training future teachers of humanities majors is analyzed. The article states that the training of future English language teachers consists of three cycles: general education, professional training and three types of pedagogical practice. In turn, the first two cycles are divided into two parts: educational disciplines of the normative and variable part. The article analyzes in detail the curriculum of specialty 014 “Secondary education. English language and foreign literature” for 2023/2024 academic year. In particular, the disciplines of general and professional training are indicated, the percentage of study time allocated to the study of educational disciplines of the normative and variable part of the cycle of professional training is calculated. A large list of elective subjects that students have the right to choose for their major is presented. A conclusion was made about the balanced professional and practical language training of philology teachers in Ukraine due to the successful distribution of study time for the study of the main philological and methodical disciplines. Optional educational disciplines in the variable part significantly enrich the curriculum and, accordingly, contribute to positive dynamics in the knowledge of students of higher education in specialty 014 “Secondary education. English language and foreign literature”. The analysis of the curriculum for the training of teachers of English language and foreign literature confirmed thorough training in general and special philological disciplines.
Pomiędzy. Polsko-Ukraińskie Studia Interdyscyplinarne; 2023, 10(3); 41-48
Pojawia się w:
Pomiędzy. Polsko-Ukraińskie Studia Interdyscyplinarne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wyniki procesu ewaluacji jednostek naukowych w Polsce. Analiza porównawcza decyzji Komitetu Ewaluacji Nauki i efekt odwołań składanych do Ministra Edukacji i Nauki
Results of the evaluation process of scientific units in Poland. Comparative analysis of the decisions of the Science Evaluation Committee and the effect of appeals submitted to the Minister of Education and Science
Górniewicz, Józef
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kazimierza Wielkiego w Bydgoszczy
instytucje naukowe
podmioty nauki
dyscypliny i dziedziny nauki
scientific institutions
scientific entities
disciplines and scientific fields
W artykule analizuję wyniki procesu ewaluacji jednostek naukowych w Polsce z lat 2022 i 2023. Okres oceny wynosił pięć lat (2017–2021). Przedstawiono dane obrazujące stan nauki polskiej według kryteriów ustalonych przez Ministra Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego z 2018 roku i lat następnych. W artykule określono wskaźniki prestiżu nauki. Z analizy danych przedstawionych przez organy państwa wynika, że najwyższe – prestiżowe kategorie otrzymało ponad 47% jednostek zgłoszonych do procedury ewaluacyjnej. Jest to wynik znakomity, ale w żaden sposób nieprzekładający się na pozycje polskich uczelni i instytutów badawczych w rankingach światowych. Są one ciągle niskie.
In the article, I analyze the results of the evaluation process of scientific units in Poland from 2022 and 2023. The assessment period was 5 years (2017–2021). Data illustrating the state of Polish science according to the criteria set by the Minister of Science and Higher Education in 2018 and subsequent years are presented. The article specifies indicators of the prestige of science. The analysis of data presented by state authorities shows that over 47% of units submitted for the evaluation procedure received the highest – prestigious categories. This is an excellent results, but in no way translating into the position of Polish universities in world rankings. They are still low.
Przegląd Pedagogiczny; 2023, 1; 191-205
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Pedagogiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Origins of modern language teacher education: The influence of related disciplines on the educational breakthrough of the 1990s. Bridging past and future
Komorowska, Hanna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu. Collegium Novum. Polskie Towarzystwo Neofilologiczne
language teaching
teacher education
educational change
training programmes
related disciplines
nauka języka
reforma edukacji
kształcenie nauczycieli języków
dyscypliny pokrewne
The article aims at identifying the roots of the dramatic changes which took place in the philosophy, curricula and methods of pre- and in-service teacher education in the early 1990s. Integration of teacher training programmes with university education, balanced introduction of theory and field experience, skills- and competence-based professional development of language teachers based on the concept of the reflective practitioner, trainee-centred teaching methodology, i.e. innovative solutions marking the breakthrough in language teacher education of the last decade of the 20th century were the result of advancements in the educational sciences, sociology, anthropology, psychology and philosophy. The main directions of influence exerted by each of these disciplines on teacher training programmes in the United States, Great Britain and countries of Central and Eastern Europe are discussed with special emphasis on developments which shape the language policy of the main European institutions at present and which are likely to continue exerting an impact in the near future.
Neofilolog; 2022, 58/1; 9-25
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Формування професійної компетентності майбутніх бакалаврів професійної (професійно-технічної) освіти засобами інноваційних технологій
Professional Competence’s Formation of Future Bachelors of Professional (Vocational and Technical) Education by Innovative Technologies
Філімонова, Ірина
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
бакалавр харчових технологій
інноваційні технології
методи та форми навчання
професійна компетентність
навчальний процес
фахові дисципліни
a bachelor of food technology
the innovative technologies
the methods and forms of training
the professional competence
the educational process
the specialized food profile disciplines
The article reveals the main approaches to determining the place of innovative technologies in the process of forming the professional competence of future bachelors of professional (vocational) education. The author analyzes the possibilities of professional disciplines of the food profile and substantiates the feasibility of using innovative technologies in the process of studying them at different stages of practical training. A necessary condition for the preparation of competitive specialists, principled, proactive, capable of conscious professional activity is the use of active forms of educational and cognitive work of students. Despite the increase in the number of scientific publications on the problems of implementing innovative learning technologies, the algorithm for their use in the process of conducting professional disciplines is still insufficiently substantiated. The problem of the quality of training of future specialists remains relevant in the educational process, so scientists are in search of tools that will help to use the common activities of the teacher and students more effectively. The use of active forms and methods of teaching, innovative technologies optimize the educational process; contribute to the training of highly qualified specialists with developed practical thinking, creative imagination, and the ability to resolve non-standard situations. The introduction of innovative learning technologies in the process of teaching professional disciplines to future bachelors of vocational (vocational) education contributes to the formation of their conscious need for an independent pursuit of professionalism, the development of a mechanism for self-organization of mental activity, the creation of conditions for the independent acquisition of professional competencies, their application in practice is important in the context of modern trends in the development of European education. At the same time, the analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature and the practice of organizing professional training of bachelors shows that the use of innovative technologies as a guarantee of high-quality training of future specialists in professional (vocational) education requires periodic revision and clarification of the features of using higher pedagogical educational institutions in the educational process establishments. Taking into account the results of the study and limiting itself to the conditions of a certain institution of higher pedagogical education, the author offers his own vision of the use of innovative technologies in the process of studying professional disciplines by future bachelors of professional (vocational) education. The essence of the methods and forms of training used in carrying out practical work on the discipline «Technology of products of the restaurant industry» is considered; the need for problem-based learning in the training of future specialists in professional (vocational) education is indicated. A fragment of practical work is presented, focused on the formation of knowledge and skills of students, in the context of which it is proposed to use certain forms and methods of training, which will contribute to the formation of readiness for professional activity of future specialists.
У статті розкриваються основні підходи до визначення місця інноваційних технологій у процесі формування професійної компетентності майбутніх бакалаврів професійної (професійно-технічної) освіти. Автор аналізує можливості фахових дисциплін харчового профілю та обґрунтовує доцільність використання інноваційних технологій у процесі їх вивчення на різних етапах практичного заняття. Необхідною умовою підготовки конкурентоспроможних фахівців, принципових, ініціативних, здатних до свідомої професійної діяльності, є використання активних форм навчально-пізнавальної роботи студентів. Незважаючи на збільшення кількості наукових публікацій з проблем реалізації інноваційних технологій навчання, алгоритм їх використання у процесі проведення фахових дисциплін все ще недостатньо обґрунтований. Проблема якості підготовки майбутніх фахівців залишається актуальною в освітньо-виховному процесі, тому науковці перебувають у пошуку інструментарію, що допоможе більш ефективно використовувати спільну діяльність педагога та студентів. Використання активних форм та методів навчання, інноваційних технологій оптимізують освітній процес, сприяють підготовці висококваліфікованих фахівців із розвиненим практичним мисленням, творчою уявою, умінням вирішувати нестандартні ситуації. Впровадження інноваційних технологій навчання в процесі навчання фаховим дисциплінам майбутніх бакалаврів професійної (професійно-технічної) освіти сприяє формуванню у них усвідомленої потреби в самостійному прагненні до професіоналізму, розвитку механізму самоорганізації розумової діяльності, створенню умов для самостійного набуття професійних компетентностей, їх застосування на практиці, що є важливим в умовах сучасних тенденцій розвитку європейської освіти. Водночас, аналіз психолого-педагогічної літератури і практики організації професійної підготовки бакалаврів свідчить, що використання інноваційних технологій, як запоруки якісної підготовки майбутніх фахівців професійної (професійно-технічної) освіти, потребує періодичного перегляду та уточнень особливостей використання в навчально-виховному процесі вищих педагогічних навчальних закладів. Зважаючи на результати дослідження та обмежуючись умовами визначеного закладу вищої педагогічної освіти, автор пропонує власне бачення використання інноваційних технологій у процесі вивчення фахових дисциплін майбутніми бакалаврами професійної (професійно-технічної) освіти. Розглядається сутність методів та форм навчання, які застосовуються при проведенні практичних робіт з дисципліни «Технологія продукції ресторанного господарства»; вказується на необхідність проблемного навчання у підготовці майбутніх фахівців професійної (професійно-технічної) освіти. Показано фрагмент проведення практичної роботи, орієнтованої на формування знань та вмінь студентів, в розрізі якого пропонується використання певних форм та методів навчання, що сприятиме формуванню готовності до професійної діяльності майбутніх фахівців.
Viae Educationis; 2022, 2; 103-108
Pojawia się w:
Viae Educationis
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
First Polish data steward school
Pawłowska, Maria M.
Wachowicz, Marta E.
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Gdańska
ethics in scientific research
open science
Open Access
research data management
scientific disciplines
The paper describes the genesis and the teaching process of the Data Steward School, Edition 2020, the first Polish school for data stewards. The initiative was implemented by Visnea sp. z o.o. (“Visnea”) in cooperation with GO-FAIR in the period from September 2020 to April 2021. The participants of the Training Programme, future data stewards, gained knowledge of the role of correct data management in achieving institutional objectives. The need to protect the legal and financial interests arising from the possession and archiving of data and data management plan design guidelines, along with the methodology for data collection, metadata, the existence of data repositories, data security and the means of data sharing and storage were also presented. The paper presents the evaluation of the Training Programme and discusses proposals related to the role and importance of the new profession, i.e. the data steward in a scientific institution.
TASK Quarterly. Scientific Bulletin of Academic Computer Centre in Gdansk; 2021, 25, 4; 511-519
Pojawia się w:
TASK Quarterly. Scientific Bulletin of Academic Computer Centre in Gdansk
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Modern Technological Approaches in English Teaching of Future Teachers-Philologists at Ukrainian Universities
Nowoczesne podejścia technologiczne w nauczaniu języka angielskiego przyszłych nauczycieli filologów na uczelniach ukraińskich
Rusnak, Ivan
Vasylyk, Marina
Data publikacji:
Gdańska Wyższa Szkoła Humanistyczna
technological approach
pedagogical technologies
teaching English
masters of philology
professional competencies
educational process
information and communication technologies
future teacher of philological disciplines
professional training
podejście technologiczne
technologie pedagogiczne
nauczanie języka angielskiego
magister filologii
kompetencje zawodowe
proces edukacyjny
technologie informacyjne i komunikacyjne
przyszły nauczyciel dyscyplin filologicznych
przygotowanie zawodowe
The article substantiates the advisability of using pedagogical innova-tive technologies in teaching English to masters of philology in higher education institutions of Ukraine regarding state legislation and regula-tory acts and provisions of the Pan-European recommendations on lan-guage education. It is noted that the training of future teachers of English language and literature is carried out at two levels of higher education – bachelor’s (first) and master’s (second) in terms of modernization of education, changing its structure and content, improving existing programs, preparing new courses and special courses, formation of modern mechanisms for determining the quality of education in the context of integration in the European educational space. It is established that the most effective pedagogical technologies in teaching English include the use of information and telecommunication technologies, work with computer training programs, distance courses of learning foreign languages, creating presentations in the software environment Open Office Impress, Microsoft Power Point, use of World Wide Web resources. The algorithm of using a communicatively oriented complex of mul-timedia technologies in teaching speaking skills is highlighted. Which includes three stages: pre-viewing and aimed at forming the communicative competence of future teachers of philology. The main types of work that contribute to the teaching of the English language and the development of speech include: discussion, role play, reproduction of insufficient information, completion of the story, report, story according to the picture (pictures). The proposed types of work and practical advice in their organization will make students more active, and the learning process will be more interesting and effective, will improve the quality of education of masters of philology.
W artykule uzasadniono celowość wykorzystania innowacyjnych technologii pedagogicznych w nauczaniu języka angielskiego magistrantów filologii na ukraińskich uczelniach w aspekcie ustaw i aktów wykonawczych oraz zapisów paneuropejskich zaleceń dotyczących edukacji językowej. Kształcenie przyszłych nauczycieli języka i literatury angielskiej odbywa się na dwóch poziomach szkolnictwa wyższego – licencjackim (I) i magisterskim (II) w zakresie unowocześniania kształcenia, zmiany jego struktury i treści, doskonalenia istniejących programów, przygotowywania nowych kursów i kursów specjalnych, tworzenia nowoczesnych mechanizmów określania jakości kształcenia w kontekście integracji w europejskiej przestrzeni edukacyjnej. Ustalono, że do najbardziej efektywnych technologii pedagogicznych w nauczaniu języka angielskiego należą: technologie informatyczne i telekomunikacyjne, praca z komputerowymi programami szkoleniowymi, zdalne kursy nauki języków obcych, tworzenie prezentacji w środowisku programowym Open Office Impress, Microsoft Power Point, a także wykorzystanie zasobów sieci www. Podkreślono algorytm wykorzystania komunikacyjnie zorientowanego zespołu technologii multimedialnych w nauczaniu umiejętności mówienia. Obejmuje on trzy etapy. Główne rodzaje zajęć, które przyczyniają się do sukcesów w nauczaniu języka angielskiego i rozwoju mowy, to: dyskusja, odgrywanie ról, powielanie informacji, uzupełnianie historii, relacja, opowieść na podstawie ilustracji (zdjęcia). Proponowane rodzaje pracy i praktyczne porady w ich organizacji spowodują, że studenci będą aktywniejsi, a proces uczenia się będzie ciekawszy i efektywniejszy, co poprawi jakość kształcenia magistrów filologii.
Studia Gdańskie. Wizje i rzeczywistość; 2020, XVII; 253-265
Pojawia się w:
Studia Gdańskie. Wizje i rzeczywistość
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Polish publishers Open Access policies database - functionalities and role in the implementation of openness policies
Leszczewicz, Agnieszka
Stankevic, Magdalena
Sikora, Jacek
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Gdańska
publishing policy
Polish Publishers Open Access Policy
Open Access
Plan S
publication model
scientific disciplines
The aim of the article is to present a base of Polish Publishers Open Access Policies as a tool supporting the scientific community in the implementation of openness policies. It is the first national platform to gather and analyze a publishing policy in the field of Open Access to Polish scientific journals. For scientists, it is a tool for searching for a Polish journal meeting certain criteria. It enables grant recipients to verify whether the journal meets the principles of Plan S. The database also provides information on the principles of using intellectual property.The functionalities of the database were analyzed based on NCN’s policy comparing them with the principles of publishing research results in Open Access. The specific criteria used in the Polish Publishers Open Access Policies database were compared with other databases: Arianta, SHERPA/RoMEO. The analysis shows that the Polish Publishers Open Access Policy is the only national database for Polish scientific journals, bringing together in one place information necessary for the scientific community on publication in Open Access. The database facilitates project preparation and implementation. Academic librarians, promoting the idea of Open Science, support the scientific community at each stage of the activity described, providing tools, knowledge base and competences.
TASK Quarterly. Scientific Bulletin of Academic Computer Centre in Gdansk; 2021, 25, 4; 473-490
Pojawia się w:
TASK Quarterly. Scientific Bulletin of Academic Computer Centre in Gdansk
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Service Management as a Subdiscipline of Management Science
Rokicki, Arkadiusz
Nogalski, Bogdan
Data publikacji:
Akademia Leona Koźmińskiego w Warszawie
service management
value creation
production management
management disciplines
Purpose: To draw research attention to service management (SM) as a subdiscipline of management science. Service management offers a different, more customer-value-centric perspective that is scarcely present in management science studies, rooted in manufacturing and production management. The purpose is also to define the scope of SM as an area of research in management science. Approach: This is a conceptual article that foregrounds ideas and arguments found in the subject literature. The article analyzes the ideas to build a coherent structure and context for future empirical research. Findings: Service management as a research area evolved from being a subset of monitoring/production management to the forefront of management science thought. Service management provides management science with the capability for staying relevant in the practicing management community. Service management’s importance in management science will continue to grow as there is an increasing number of companies with customer offers called “aaS” (as a Service). Service management presents a clear scope that provides another management science research area and enables it to evolve further. Value: This article is not the first one to touch on the topic and evolution of SM. However, it is the first one to present SM as part of management science’s evolution as an academic discipline and to highlight the dependencies and connections between the two. The article defines what SM is, why it matters for management theorists and practitioners, and how it will enable management science to grow further.
Central European Management Journal; 2021, 29(3); 136-174
Pojawia się w:
Central European Management Journal
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Structural Social Capital Studies in Management and Organization Literature: A Bibliometric Network Study
Alan, Hale
Köker, Ali
Data publikacji:
Akademia Leona Koźmińskiego w Warszawie
service management
value creation
production management
management disciplines
Purpose: Many empirical and review studies have been performed in the management and organization literature from the structural social capital perspective. Since these studies focus on different topics periodically, we aimed to make a bibliometric analysis of the structural social capital literature that allows a regular, systematic, and quantitative evaluation of published articles in management and organization science to identify the underlying structure in this research area and to identify the main research themes of the scholarship. Methodology: The bibliographic matching technique was used for checking international databases to explore the main concepts and themes of the management and organization literature and to identify main themes in the research area. Therefore, this article offers a bibliometric analysis of the literature that allows for a regular, systematic, and quantitative evaluation of published articles to identify their underlying structure and to identify the main research themes in the scholarship. Research data were analyzed using the text mining method, which is a sub-branch of the data mining method and one of the most critical ways to analyze and process unstructured data. Findings: Structural social capital studies were examined in management and organization science databases in three periods forming four years. Although there are no completely different emerging themes, we noticed periodic differences and change in priority rankings. Moreover, we found that the subjects repeat every period with few new concepts. Implications: This research shows the main themes in the management and organization literature, where structural social capital elements are examined together, and covers all areas of management, organization and business science. Considering the main topics of the three periods of this research, there are similarities, namely the words that rank among the top in each period are “innovation,” “entrepreneurship,” “knowledge management,” “performance,” “leadership,” “technology,” and “human resources” and these themes are the most prominent. Originality/Value: This research presents an overview of all past studies that focus on the structural social capital present in social interactions. Since structural social capital influences management and organization literature, it is considered a valuable study and a guide for future research.
Central European Management Journal; 2021, 29(4); 136-174
Pojawia się w:
Central European Management Journal
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The importance of Reaction Time in Athletics: Influence on the Results of Sprint Runs of World Championships Finalists
Pavlović, Ratko
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Szczeciński. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego
elite athletics
sprint disciplines
reaction time
In athletic sprint disciplines, the segments of start and start acceleration occupy an important place that significantly generates the final outcome of the race. The question is to what extent the start time of the reaction (latent time) has a contribution to achieving the results of sprint disciplines. The aim of the current research was to determine the influence and connection between the reaction time and the result performance of running in the disciplines of 100 m, 200 m, 400 m finalists of ten world championships. The results of a total of 456 finalists (231 men) and 225 (women) competitors who competed in the final races of the championships (from Edmonton, 2001 to Doha, 2019) were analyzed. The evaluation of the start reaction time and sprint results was based on reports officially published by the International Association of Athletics Federation (IAAF). Central and dispersion parameters were calculated for all variables. The relationship between reaction time and sprint results was calculated using the Pearson correlation coefficient, and simple regression analysis determined the direct influence of reaction time on the result success and calculated the relevant coefficients for the level of statistical significance p < 0.05. Based on the obtained results, a positive but low correlation was recorded between the mean values of the 100 m sprint results and the reaction time in men (r = 0.230p < 0.044), which was also confirmed by regression analysis. In other correlations and values of regression coefficients, no significant numerical values of the influence of reaction time on the result success were recorded in both categories of finalists.
Central European Journal of Sport Sciences and Medicine; 2021, 34, 2; 53-65
Pojawia się w:
Central European Journal of Sport Sciences and Medicine
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Application of G8D method for the quality issue analysis in a manufacturing company
Chomicz, Anna
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Śląska. Wydawnictwo Politechniki Śląskiej
Global 8 Disciplines
quality issues
quality improvement
problemy jakościowe
poprawa jakości
Purpose: The article reviews the literature on the concept of Global 8 Disciplines method in the context of root cause analysis of the quality issue. Design/methodology/approach: In this paper the objective was set to prevent quality issues regarding the surface of wire rod coils. In order to achieve this, the G8D problem solving method was applied to analyze and solve the problem. Findings: G8D does improve the efficiency of quality issue problem-solving. Originality/value: G8D method application allows reducing problem analysis time and costs in the manufacturing companies.
Zeszyty Naukowe. Organizacja i Zarządzanie / Politechnika Śląska; 2020, 143; 23-33
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Naukowe. Organizacja i Zarządzanie / Politechnika Śląska
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Cognitive functions of female open skill sport athletes, closed skill sport athletes and nonathletes
Pačesová, Petra
Šmela, Pavel
Nemček, Dagmar
Data publikacji:
PPHU Projack Jacek Wąsik
concentration of attention
spatial orientation
individual sport disciplines
team sport disciplines
Introduction. The cognitive functions usable in the sports performance are for example an ability to anticipate, perception and speed of movement reactions, decision-making ability or attention. These abilities or functions apply differently to different sports. It means that open skill sports such as team sports, require the coordination of complex bodily movements and adaptation to continually changing task demands.The aim of this study is to identify differences in the level of female's cognitive functions regarding the chosenopen skill sportsand closed skill sport disciplines. Material and Methods. The research group consisted of 84 women aged 22.70±1.71 years. Women were divided into three groups in terms of sport discipline into: female engaged in closed skill sport disciplines (n=26), in open skill sport disciplines (n=19) and not engaged in any sport activity (n=39). We used standardized S-test to determine the level of cognitive functions. It is a test of spatial orientation and concentration of attention with accentuated demands on the pace of activity. Results. The results have shown that female engaged in open skill sport disciplines have shown higher level of cognitive functions than female engaged in closed skill sport disciplines (p=0.04) and also as nonathletes (p=0.02). There was no difference in cognitive function between female engaged in closed skill sport disciplines and nonathletes. Conclusions. Our results confirm the theory of different involvement of cognitive functions from the point of view of different types of sport disciplines.
Physical Activity Review; 2020, 2, 8; 23-29
Pojawia się w:
Physical Activity Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Economic disciplines in the context of the new list of journals - network analysis
Owczarek, Tomasz
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Śląska. Wydawnictwo Politechniki Śląskiej
scientific disciplines
network analysis
dyscypliny naukowe
analiza sieci
Purpose: The aim of this article is an attempt to characterize economic disciplines, i.e. economics and finance, as well as management and quality studies, based on their assignments to scientific journals, and to identify the place of these two disciplines in relation to each other and their links with other disciplines. Design/methodology/approach: Quantitative and network analysis methods were used for graphical representation and description of the complex relationships. The analysis was based on the data published on 31 July 2019, constituting a list of scientific journals. Findings: The results confirm a strong link between the two disciplines, but they also show some differences between them. The discipline of economics and finance is particularly strongly linked with the discipline of social and economic geography and spatial management. This is not the case for management and quality studies, which is more closely linked to disciplines outside social sciences. Research limitations/implications: The results are based only on a quantitative approach to the relationships between disciplines, therefore, they should not be used to draw too far-reaching conclusions, e.g. on the differences between these two disciplines in methods, subject matter or facilities under analysis. Further research may take into account, for example, different research trends and approaches within the disciplines themselves. Originality/value: Presented network approach shows the connections between scientific disciplines in a new holistic way. The results could be especially interesting for researchers whose studies are interdisciplinary.
Zeszyty Naukowe. Organizacja i Zarządzanie / Politechnika Śląska; 2020, 142; 7-20
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Naukowe. Organizacja i Zarządzanie / Politechnika Śląska
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kontrowersje wokół analizy dyskursu
Controversies around Discourse Analysis
Heinemann, Wolfgang
Bilut-Homplewicz, Zofia
Smykała, Marta
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Opolski
discourse analysis
discourse in various disciplines
The starting point o f this contribution is the assumption that there is an overall uncertainty about the use o f the term discourse in various disciplines. The author presents different ways of understanding discourse in philosophy (primarily by Habermas and Foucault). The core part of the paper discusses the heterogeneous linguistic concepts of discourse, starting from the idea o f discourse as a simple conversation through Critical DiscourseAnalysis and institutionalised interai rons up to textology-based concept of discourse. Particular attention is devoted to the use o f the notion o f discourse in sociology (and its related disciplines such as historiography, political science and media stuaies). When describing the concepts o f discourse in various disciplines the author draws attention to the vaned methods o f discourse analysis applied there, including the universal model byWamke/Spitzmiiller. The finał section identifies and critically discusses problem areas in discourse studies. The paper also postulates that the current the fascination with Foucault should be abandoned wlien circumscribing the scope of discourse studies in favour of strwing for pragmatic and communicative adeąuacy.
Stylistyka; 2012, 21; 287-318
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Network relations interpretation issues in the context of management disciplines classification
Problemy interpretacyjne relacji sieciowych w kontekście klasyfikacji dyscyplin naukowych
Flieger, Marcin
Flieger, Michał
Data publikacji:
Akademia Wojsk Lądowych imienia generała Tadeusza Kościuszki
network relations
scientific disciplines classification
management science
relacje sieciowe
klasyfikacja dyscyplin naukowych
nauki o zarządzaniu
The main purpose of the paper is to present and comment about word interpretation issues in the field of management science. In the first part of the ongoing paper, the authors focus on describing characteristic meanings and classifications of relations within the network concept, at the same time expressing critical views of some common interpretations and misunderstandings. Subsequently they analyze and critique the new classification system of scientific fields and managerial disciplines, implemented on the 1st of October 2018 in Poland.
Głównym celem artykułu jest ukazanie i odniesienie się do obecnie szeroko dyskutowanych problemów interpretacyjnych w nazewnictwie proponowanym w naukach o zarządzaniu. W części pierwszej autorzy skoncentrowali się na scharakteryzowaniu znaczeń i klasyfikacji relacji międzyorganizacyjnych w ramach koncepcji sieciowej, jednocześnie wyrażając krytyczne poglądy dotyczące niektórych interpretacji. W dalszej części rozważania te odniesiono do podstaw teoretycznych, skupiając się na analizie poprawności nowej klasyfikacji dziedzin nauki i dyscyplin naukowych obowiązujących w Polsce od dnia 1 października 2018 roku.
Scientific Journal of the Military University of Land Forces; 2020, 52, 4(198); 956-963
Pojawia się w:
Scientific Journal of the Military University of Land Forces
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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