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Economic diplomacy and national development Ghana under Kufuor (2001-2008): ‘mammon’ and good neighbourliness.
Yeboah, Steve Asirifi
Data publikacji:
Międzynarodowy Instytut Innowacji Nauka – Edukacja – Rozwój w Warszawie
Economic diplomacy
This study seeks to assess the extent to which President Kufuor’s adoption of economic diplomacy impacted the economic growth and development of Ghana from 2001-2008. The economic development of Ghana after inde-pendence vary from one administration to the other with military takeovers influencing and changing the course and rate of development. President Kufuor’s administration however presents a remarkable record of immense economic growth. Kufuor’s era was thus, termed as the “Golden Age of Business” following the gravity of private businesses springing up and an environment created for such initiatives to thrive on. In the final analysis, the study came to the realization that Kufuor’s administration reemphasizes the deepening economic relation Ghana developed with other partners through the implementation of economic diplomacy. The study underlined some initiatives that was embarked on and further provided some macroeconomic indicators representing the level of development during his era. The result revealed the roles of diplomats as primary avenues for the promotion of economic diplomacy and how their activities impact the economic growth of a country. Diplomacy, Economic diplomacy, Diplomat, Globalization, Neoliberalism, Mammon, Corruption
Niniejsze badanie ma na celu ocenę, w jakim stopniu przyjęcie dyplomacji gospodarczej przez prezydenta Kufuora wpłynęło na wzrost gospodarczy i rozwój Ghany w latach 2001-2008. Rozwój gospodarczy Ghany po uzyskaniu niepodległości jest zależny od administracji, a przejęcia wojsk mają wpływ na zmianę kursu i tempo rozwoju. Administracja prezydenta Kufuora wyróżnia się jednak niezwykłym wzrostem gospodarczym. Era Kufuora została więc nazwana „Złotym Wiekiem Biznesu” ze względu na mnogość rozwijających się prywatnych firm i stworzeniu środowiska dla takich inicjatyw. W końcowej analizie badanie doszło do wniosku, że administracja Kufuor ponownie podkreśla pogłębiające się stosunki gospodarcze, jakie Ghana rozwinęła z innymi partnerami poprzez wdrożenie dyplomacji gospodarczej. W artykule podkreślono niektóre inicjatywy, które podjęto, a ponadto poda-no pewne wskaźniki makroekonomiczne reprezentujące poziom rozwoju w czasie prezydenta Kufuora. Artykuł ujawnił rolę dyplomatów jako głównych promotorów dyplomacji ekonomicznej oraz ich wpływ na wzrost gospodarczy kraju. dyplomacja, dyplomacja ekonomiczna, dyplomata, globalizacja, neoliberalizm, korupcja, mamona
International Journal of New Economics and Social Sciences; 2019, 10(2); 201-221
Pojawia się w:
International Journal of New Economics and Social Sciences
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Model of a Polish Diplomat and Its Evolution From the 16th to the 21st century, in the Context of Education, Axiology, Professionalism and Socialization
Świderska-Włodarczyk, Urszula
Data publikacji:
Akademia Ignatianum w Krakowie
role model
axiology professionalism
The contemporary model of a Polish diplomat is the result of a long evolution. The first mentions of the topic date back to antiquity and the Middle Ages. It was not until modern times, however, that more interest was vested in this issue. In Western Europe, Niccolo Machiavelli, Torquato Tasso, Abraham de Wicquefort, François de Callierrès, Harold Nicolson, and others have commented on this topic. In Poland, Jakub Przyłuski, Krzysztof Warszewicki, Wawrzyniec Piaseczyński, Stanisław Miński, Tadeusz Morski, Adam Czartoryski – and currently Jerzy M. Nowak, Roman Czyżycki, and Bogdan Grzeloński – have discussed the virtues and vices of diplomats. Their remarks provide a sufficient basis for developing a model of a diplomat and following its evolution over the span of five centuries. To achieve this goal, I utilized my proprietary method of pattern research, analyzing the four components of genealogical, personality, professional, and social conditions. The first is related to one’s birth, which can lead to a comprehensive education, good physical condition and inherited wealth. The last one was important in the past, but of no importance now. The second concerns the personal predispositions of a diplomat, in which effectiveness initially took precedence over morality, but morality is now on par with effectiveness. The next set of determinants relates to professionalism, which entails a great responsibility for the position of the state in the international arena and for the fate of one’s fellow citizens. Thus, it is more than a profession, as it constitutes a kind of mission and service to one’s country. The last component – social conditions – determines the relationships with members of the diplomatic corps, which is especially important today, now that diplomacy has become a team sport. Such a pattern remains difficult to follow, both for past and present generations. However, it is still a desired object of aspiration meant to transform into actual patterns.
Multidisciplinary Journal of School Education; 2022, 11, 1 (21); 271-295
Pojawia się w:
Multidisciplinary Journal of School Education
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
W służbie państwa i narodu. Hrabia Franciszek Xawery Pusłowski i jego działalność polityczno-społeczna
Serving the State and the People. Count Franciszek Xawery Puslowski and his Political and Social Activity
Machniak, Arkadiusz
Zych, Tadeusz
Bober, Sabina
Data publikacji:
Archiwum Państwowe w Rzeszowie
działacz społeczny
social activist.
Franciszek Xawery Pusłowski urodził się we Francji 16 czerwca 1875 r. Zgodnie z wymaganiami stawianymi przez rodziców, uzyskał staranne domowe wykształcenie. Od dzieciństwa był uczony języków obcych, którymi posługiwano się w rozmowach w domu Pusłowskich. Chociaż nie ukończył studiów, dysponował imponującą wiedzą w dziedzinie nauk prawnych i humanistycznych. Po I wojnie światowej pełnił służbę jako oficer w Wojsku Polskim oraz w dyplomacji. Był również poetą oraz współpracował z wieloma gazetami. Był aktywnym działaczem licznych organizacji i stowarzyszeń społecznych. Jego pałac w Krakowie był miejscem interesujących spotkań towarzyskich. Po II wojnie światowej pracował jako nauczyciel języków obcych i działał w organizacjach społecznych. Był postacią znaną w Krakowie, postrzeganą często jako ekscentryczny przedstawiciel dawnych elit społecznych.
Franciszek Xawery Puslowski was born in France on 16 June 1875. In accordance with the requirements set by his parents, he received a thorough home education.From childhood he was taught foreign languages, which were used during conversations in the Puslowski household. Although he did not graduate from university, he had an impressive knowledge of law and the humanities. After World War I, he served as an officer in the Polish Army and was also a diplomat. Moreover, he was a poet who collaborated with many newspapers. He was an active member of many organizations and social associations. In his palace in Cracow he ran a parlor that was a place of interesting social meetings. After the end of World War II, he worked as a teacher of foreign languages and was active in social organizations. He was a well--known figure in Cracow, often perceived as an eccentric and a representative of the old social elites.
Prace Historyczno-Archiwalne; 2021, Tom XXX; 135-146
Pojawia się w:
Prace Historyczno-Archiwalne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Jakub z Szadka – ksiądz, dyplomata i prawnik (ur. około 1412 r. w Szadku – zm. 28 października 1487 r. w Krakowie)
Jakub of Szadek – priest, diplomat and lawyer (born ca 1412 in Szadek – died 29 October 1487 in Cracow)
Marszał, Tadeusz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Jakub of Szadek
Jakub z Szadka
Jakub of Szadek is one of the many people from this small town (now in Central Poland), who in XV century came to Cracow to study, and played a significant role in the life of both the Jagiellonian University and the country. He is chiefly known for his diplomatic activity – being an eminent lawyer, he took part in many diplomatic missions during the 13-year war with the Teutonic Knights. He had a major part in the preparation of foundations for the signing of the peace treaty in Toruń in 1466. In the years 1474-1476 he performed the function of Rector of Cracow Academy, contributing greatly to the extension of Collegium Minor. In 1476 he was appointed to the high position of vicar general in Cracow diocese. Jakub of Szadek is the co-author of a new approach to the theory of the rights of nations, and human rights, with reference to natural rights, the Gospel and the teachings of Popes and oecumenical councils. He is also one of Polish creators of international law, whose intensive development falls in Poland on XV century. In addition, he deserves the credit for invoking the nationality principle in international negotiations (the principle acknowledging the fact that particular regions are inhabited by people of Polish origin and speaking Polish language, who gave Polish names to cities, mountains, rivers and settlements). At least two texts of his speeches has been preserved until today thanks to J. Długosz, who was his friend. Jakub of Szadek died in 1487.
Biuletyn Szadkowski; 2008, 08; 5-29
Pojawia się w:
Biuletyn Szadkowski
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
In Praise For Monstrosities. The Case of Niccolò Machiavelli
Wróbel, Szymon
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Socjologiczne
armed citizen
continuity of nature
necessity of the monster
In the paper author refers to the passage from The Prince of Niccolò Machiavelli, in which the famous Florentine says that there are two kinds of combat: one with laws, the other with force. Author defend the claim that by writing this, Machiavelli opened up a new and still unused way of thinking about nature-culture relationship. A follower of this way of thinking withdraws from saying that nature is surpassed by culture, or that nature is nothing else but a subject of an on-going human speculation, and rebuts the sole hypothesis that what there is, is nothing but nature. Modern Western culture entrusted its key opposition to the nature-culture relationship. By and large, political philosophy is a story about surpassing the nature in order to establish a state under the rule of law. According to Machiavelli, the juxtaposition of nature and culture, the narrative on surpassing by politics the laws of nature, just as well as the narrative on us being stuck in it, are all utterly wrong. Accepting the ambiguity of the opposition between nature and culture and assuming that the social contract is indeed fictitious, author would like to question Machiavelli about his vision of subjectivity and politics in a world where “natural objects” appear to be socialized, and “cultural subjects” appear to be dissocial. In the way author puts the question: does Machiavelli recommend monstrosity by writing stories in praise of monstrosity as it may well seem?
Polish Sociological Review; 2013, 180, 4; 455-474
Pojawia się w:
Polish Sociological Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Prof. Kazimierz hr. Wodzicki – filozof i dyplomata w służbie Polonii nowozelandzkiej
Professor Kazimierz Hr. Wodzicki – Philosopher And Diplomat In The Service Of The New Zealand Diaspora
Siekiera, Joanna
Data publikacji:
Wyższa Szkoła Ekonomiczno-Humanistyczna w Bielsku-Białej
Kazimierz Wodzicki
Nowa Zelandia
Polish diaspora
New Zealand
Polska emigracja w trakcie i po II wojnie światowej jawi się jako geneza nawiązania, a następnie utrzymywania, bilateralnych stosunków pomiędzy rządami w Wellington i Warszawie. Profesor Kazimierz Antoni hrabia Wodzicki, z wykształcenia filozof, został mianowany konsulem generalnym w Nowej Zelandii w 1941r. Nie tylko spełnił on swoje ustawowe funkcje, tj. dbałości o interesy państwa polskiego i ochrony jego obywateli, ale wielowymiarowe działania Wodzickiego uznaje się za zaczyn współpracy dwustronnej, rozpoznawalności polskich starań w tworzeniu młodego państwa nowozelandzkiego oraz umożliwienia kolejnym pokoleniom Polaków kultywowania patriotyzmu w polonijnych instytucjach na Wyspie Północnej i Południowej Nowej Zelandii.
Polish Emigration during and after World War II appears as the genesis of establishing and then maintaining bilateral relations between the governments in Wellington and Warsaw. Professor Kazimierz Antoni Count Wodzicki, a philosopher by profession, was appointed Consul General in New Zealand in 1941. Not only did he fulfil his statutory functions, such as care for the interests of the Polish state and the protection of its citizens. The multidimensional activities of Wodzicki are considered to be the beginning of bilateral cooperation, the recognition of Polish efforts in building newly sovereign New Zealand, as well as allowing subsequent generations of Poles to cultivate patriotism in Polish minority institutions on the North and South Islands.
Polonia Journal; 2019, 9; 125-142
Pojawia się w:
Polonia Journal
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Education of an Ambassador: The Marquis d’Effiat in England (1624–25)
Balayre, Amélie
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Historii im. Tadeusza Manteuffla PAN w Warszawie
Diplomatic training
early modern France
Louis XIII
career diplomat
Charles of England
Marquis d’Effiat
marriage negotiations
When he left France in July 1624 to go to England, on young Louis XIII’s order, Antoine Coiffier de Ruzé, Marquis d’Effiat, began his very first diplomatic trip. Despite his functions, the Marquis d’Effiat never accomplished any diplomatic mission of any kind. However, a few years earlier, he negotiated the marriage of Honoré d’Albert, a Duke of Luynes’s brother. Thus, in 1624, he was entrusted with the delicate mission to bring England and France together through the marriage of Henrietta-Maria of France, the King’s sister, to Charles, Prince of Wales. This is an extraordinary embassy and the dispatches of the ambassador have been preserved as well as the replies of Louis XIII and the Secretary of State, Antoine de Lomenie. This allows us to observe an evolution both in Effiat’s account of his actions and the content of the points negotiated, and the way his work was staged. Despite his age, the Marquis d’Effiat was new to diplomacy. He was familiar with the royal French court but his ignorance about England and diplomatic practices raises questions about the King’s choice of sending him across the Channel. This ignorance of diplomatic customs includes negotiation strategies, but also the body language that an ambassador must adopt to serve the interests of his master and extensively described in 16th century treatises on ambassadors. This article aims to compare the ambassador’s discourse with the diplomatic accomplishment. The interest of this embassy, besides its political and religious stakes, is that it makes it possible to observe its fears of error and procrastination through the correspondence of the marquis.
Legatio: The Journal for Renaissance and Early Modern Diplomatic Studies; 2020, 4; 59-74
Pojawia się w:
Legatio: The Journal for Renaissance and Early Modern Diplomatic Studies
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ambasador Stalina w Londynie 1932–1942 i jego dziennik
Grzeloński, Bogdan
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
Soviet ambassador to the Court of St James
Maiski Diaries 1932–1943
a new type of diplomat–propagandist
formulation of Soviet policy
sowiecki ambasador przy dworze św. Jakuba
Dzienniki Majskiego 1932–1943
nowy typ dyplomaty–propagandzisty
formułowanie sowieckiej polityki zagranicznej
Diaries of the Soviet ambasador to Great Britain published by emeritus Quondam Fellow of All Souls College, Oxford, and emeritus professor of history at Tel Aviv University Gabriel Gorodetsky are analyzed from the point of view of a historian and diplomat by Bogdan Grzeloński. The author is interested in Maiskis personality and also in a manner he presents himself. At the same time he evaluates his work as a representative of Stalin in London. The author notes that, outside of politics and diplomacy, Maiski did not have other intrests like art or music. Having the ambition to play on active role in the Soviet policy formulation Maiski was not sucessful on Downing street. Churchill was immune to his pressures. Stalin however needed him in London as a propagandist of his policies. B. Grzeloński provides a critical assessment of the diaries and their author.
Themis Polska Nova; 2016, 1(10); 49-89
Pojawia się w:
Themis Polska Nova
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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