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Темпоральная стилизация при переводе прозы (с немецого на русский)
Alekseeva, Irina
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie
literary translation
temporal stylization
micro and macro strategies of translation
Russian literary norm
compensation on different levels
При переводе художественного текста прежних времен приходится прибегать к своеобразной имитации удаленности текста во времени, который называют архаизацией, или темпоральной стилизацией. Основы современных представлений о темпоральной стилизации были заложены А.В. Федоровым и развивались в дальнейшем рядом ученых, однако изучение архаизации как переводческой стратегии началось лишь в последние годы. В статье рассматриваются функции темпоральной стилизации: перенос читателя в другую эпоху; усиление эффекта фикциональной игры; передача через текст чувства культурной динамики; отражение компонентов стиля определенного жанра, включающего архаичные черты. В качестве материала исследования взяты тексты из переводческого опыта автора: проза эпохи романтизма XIX в. (Тик, Гофман), народная австрийская сказка, личное письмо XVIII в.(письма В.-А. Моцарта), и ресурсы передачи колорита эпохи выявляются прецедентным путем. Автор делится некоторыми соображениями о возможности самооценки в переводе и выявляет в качестве гипотезы зависимость между типом темпоральной стилизации и типом текста. Темпоральная архаизация рассматривается как комплекс типологических признаков текста, конвенций текста, стилевых регистров и состояния языковой нормы. Исследование открывает широкие перспективы разработки макро- и микростратегий художественного перевода.
When translating a literary text from a more or less remote past, a translator has to resort to some kind of imitation of the past text features, which is traditionally called archaization or temporal stylization. The fundamentals of temporal stylization were outlined in A. Fedorov’s works and later developed by a number of scholars, yet the research into archaization as a translation strategy has started only recently. The article looks into the functions of temporal stylization, such as transferring the reader into a distant epoch; increasing the effect of the fictional play; rendering the cultural dynamics through the text, reflecting the text’s various generic qualities, including the archaic ones. The illustrative examples come from the author’s own translation work: 19th century Romantic prose (T. Hoffman, L. Tieck), Austrian folk tales, private correspondence (W.A. Mozart’s letters), suggesting that the repertoire of the expressive means to render the historic colouring was found out through precedents. The author lays out her ideas about the possibility of self-evaluation in translation and puts forward the hypothesis that the type of temporal stylization depends on the type of the text. Temporal archaization is understood as a complex of typological text features and conventions, style registers and variations of the language norm. The research opens up a field for developing micro and macro strategies for literary translation.
Acta Polono-Ruthenica; 2021, 2, XXVI; 145-178
Pojawia się w:
Acta Polono-Ruthenica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Стихотворение Чеслава Милоша Campo di Fiori в контексте современной русской поэзии: разные формы диалога
Czesław Milosz’s poem Campo di Fiori” in the context of contemporary Russian poetry: different forms of the dialogue
Rybalczenko, Tatiana
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie
Czesław Milosz
different forms of the dialogue
In the article, Milosz’s poem Campo di Fiori and Brodsky’s cycle The Roman Elegies arecompared in the aspect of the interpretation of the role of culture and poetic word in the existentialself-identification of the person and the poet. Through the analysis of Rome’s image in the lyricplot, the author of the article compares the worldview of the poets and their conception of the roleof poetry in history and in being. The second part of the article interprets the direct dialogue ofcontemporary Russian poets (Alexei Makushinskii, Gleb Shulpyakov, Ivan Barkov) with Milosz,that offered new variants of the Polish poet’s lyric collision.
Acta Polono-Ruthenica; 2011, 1, XVI; 199-216
Pojawia się w:
Acta Polono-Ruthenica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Праблема адчужанасці чалавека ў аповесцях Ланцуг Андрэя Федарэнкі і Белы конь Міхася Андрасюка
The problem of human alienation in the stories: The Chain by An-drey Fiedarenko and The White Horse by Michas Androsiuk
Alsztyniuk, Anna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie
Belarusian story
image of a contemporary man alienation
different faces of loneliness
У артыкуле разглядаюцца аповесці Андрэя Федарэнкі і Міхася Андрасюка, у якіх cтавяцца праблемы адчужанасці, адасаблення i самотнасці прадстаўнікоў значнай колькасці беларускага грамадства, што з’яўляюцца вынікам міграцыі жыхароў вёскі ў горад, непрыстасавання да новых умоў жыцця і цывілізацыйных патрабаванняў. Пісьменнікі паказваюць свет рэчаіснасці праз унутраныя перажыванні звычайнага чалавека і бесперапынныя вымушаныя выбары, якія толькі паглыбляюць адчужанасць чалавека ў грамадскім жыцці, яго самотнасць у тлуме іншых людзей, асяроддзя і нават у сям’і. У аповесці Ланцуг (1994) А. Федарэнка паказвае, як яго героі ствараюць ілюзорныя ўласныя прыярытэты. У сваю чаргу складаныя сямейныя адносіны, адрозненні ў характары герояў аповесці Белы конь (2006) сталі падставай для рэфлексійна-лірычных разважанняў М. Андрасюка пра недаўгавечны свет старога грамадскага ладу. Абодва пісьменнікі праз сваіх герояў умацоўваюць перакананне чытача, што праблема адчужанасці чалавека ў грамадствах, што цывілізацыйна хутка развіваюцца, становіцца лавінай, якая расце і прыносіць драматычныя і нават трагічныя рашэнні – уцёкі ў хваробу, у свет мараў/ілюзій/фантазій і, нарэшце, самагубства.
This article analyses the stories of Andrey Fiedarenko and Michas Androsiuk, in which the problems of alienation, isolation and loneliness of representatives of a large part of Belarusian society were raised. They resulted from the migration of country dwellers to the city and their failure to adapt to new living conditions and civilization requirements. The writers show the reality of the world through the inner experiences of an ordinary man and constant forced choices, which only deepen the isolation of people from social life, increasing marginalization, loneliness in the crowd, the environment, the surrounding and even in the family. In the story The Chain (1994), A. Fiedarenko shows the illusory creation of life’s priorities of his heroes. The colourful and complex family relations, differences in the characters of the heroes of the story The White Horse (2006) became the basis for M. Androsiuk’s reflective and lyrical discussions on the passing world of the old social system. Both writers, through their heroes, confirm the reader in the belief that the problem of alienating man in rapidly developing societies is becoming a dramatically increasing issue and brings dramatic or even tragic solutions – escaping into illness, into the world of dreams / illusion / fantasy and finally into suicide.
Acta Polono-Ruthenica; 2020, 2, XXV; 11-26
Pojawia się w:
Acta Polono-Ruthenica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Категория авторства в свете интенциональной стилистики
Цветова, Наталья С.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Opolski
intentional stylistics
media text
the category of authorship
corporate author
multi-level category
different types of intention
The article summarizes the most studied text category – the category of authorship, which even in the ancient rhetoric had the first position connected with the text creation. This category is analyzed in contemporary Russian media communication, where journalists – following the globalization trends – are eager to include the citizen cooperation in news creation.
Stylistyka; 2013, 22; 167-176
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zastosowanie komputerowego systemu detekcji wiązki laserowej w pomiarach geodezyjnych
The application of the computer system of the detection of a laser beam in geodetic measurements
Jaśkowski, W.
Jóźwik, M.
Data publikacji:
Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica w Krakowie. Wydawnictwo AGH
ciągły monitoring przemieszczeń obiektów inżynierskich
detekcja wiązki laserowej
on line monitoring of different kinds of engineering objects
detection of a laser beam
W artykule przedstawiono prototyp urządzenia do komputerowej detekcji wiązki laserowej oparty na autorskich rozwiązaniach zgłoszonych do urzędu patentowego. Opisano również jego badania laboratoryjne, wykonane w celu kalibracji przyrządu oraz badania przemysłowe. W dalszej części artykułu przedstawiono możliwości wykorzystywania tego urządzenia w pomiarach inwentaryzacyjnych szybów górniczych, pomiarach przemieszczeń obiektów inżynierskich oraz wyznaczania parametrów dynamicznych.
In this article the authors presented a prototype of a device for the computer detection of a laser beam based on authors' inventions submitted into the patent office. The laboratory studies done to calibrate the instrument and industrial studies were also presented. In the further part of the article the possibilities of the application of this instrument for the on-line inventory measurements of mining shafts, on-line monitoring of different kinds of engineering objects caused by their exploitation and the effect of external forces, as well as determination of the kinematics of these dislocations.
Geodezja / Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica w Krakowie; 2006, 12, 2/1; 235-245
Pojawia się w:
Geodezja / Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica w Krakowie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zadania łomżyńskiej prasy szkolnej okresu międzywojennego w procesie edukacji i wychowania
The role of student newspapers in Łomża in education and upbringing during the interwar period
Bauchrowicz-Tocka, Maria
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Gdański. Wydział Filologiczny
student newspapers
the interwar period
the analysis of three newspapers
the custody of students
knowledge from different fields
patriotism and national consciousness
the attitudes of young people
educational and tutorial aim
the responsibility
an active social life
łomżyńska prasa szkolna
okres międzywojenny
edukacja i wychowanie
trzy gazety
piecza nad gazetami
wiedza z różnych dziedzin
patriotyzm i świadomość narodową
postawy młodzieży
aktywne życie w społeczeństwie
Łomżyńska prasa szkolna okresu międzywojennego starała się spełniać ważne zadania w procesie edukacji i wychowania. Wnioskować tak można po analizie trzech gazet: „Czuwaj” (1917–1933), „Echo Szkolne” (1927–1929) i „Seminarzysta” (1925–1926). Pieczę nad gazetami redagowanymi przez uczniowskie zespoły zawsze sprawowali nauczyciele. Taka organizacja pozwalała na częściową niezależność tych gazet oraz jednoczesne przekazywanie zamierzonych treści. Zamieszczane teksty pogłębiały wiedzę z różnych dziedzin i rozwijały. Artykuły o rocznicach i wydarzeniach historycznych wzmacniały patriotyzm i świadomość narodową. Relacje ze szkolnych uroczystości, harcerskich zbiórek i wycieczek zachęcały do aktywności. Wiele artykułów wpływało na postawy młodzieży. Łomżyńska prasa szkolna różnorodnymi publikacjami i dużą ilością prezentowanych na łamach wątków realizowała nadrzędne cele edukacyjno-wychowawcze: przygotowywała młodzież do odpowiedzialności za przyszłość ojczyzny, aktywnego życia w społeczeństwie i sumiennej pracy.
Student newspapers in Łomża had an important role in education and upbringing. To such a conclusion leads the analysis of three newspapers: „Czuwaj” (1917–1933), „Echo Szkolne” (1927–1929) and „Seminarzysta” (1925–1926). The custody of students who edited newspapers always held teachers. This organization allowed the partial independence of these newspapers and the simultaneous convey of the intended content. The published texts deepened knowledge from different fields and develop. The articles about anniversaries and historical events aroused patriotism and national consciousness. The reports from school celebrations, scouting assemblies and trips encouraged activity. Many of these articles influenced the attitudes of young people. With the aid if various publications and a lot of topics presented in the pages, the newspapers realized the overriding educational and tutorial aim: preparing young people for the responsibility for the future of their homeland, an active social life and hard work.
Język - Szkoła - Religia; 2014, 9, 2; 55-66
Pojawia się w:
Język - Szkoła - Religia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Yield of winter durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) lines in condition of different protection level of plants
Plonowanie ozimych linii pszenicy twardej (Triticum durum Desf.) w warunkach zróżnicowanego poziomu ochrony roślin
Rachon, L.
Szumilo, G.
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Bydgoska im. Jana i Jędrzeja Śniadeckich. Wydawnictwo PB
winter wheat
durum wheat
Triticum durum
wheat line
plant protection
different level
protection level
yield structure
yield element
breeding line
plant breeding
chemical protection
grain yield
The paper deals with evaluating the yield and yield structure elements of winter durum wheat lines (Triticum durum Desf.) under conditions of varied levels of chemical protection. The field experiments were carried out in 2006-2008 on the Experimental Farm Felin, University of Life Sciences, Lublin. Examinations involved 3 lines of durum wheat (STH 716, 717, 725) achieved from Plant Breeding Station in Strzelce as well as common wheat Tonacja cv. for comparison. The second factor consisted of 2 levels of chemical protection: I – minimum (seed dressing Oxafun T 75 DS/WS and herbicide Chwastox Trio 540 SL); II – complex (seed dressing, herbicides Puma Uniwersal 069 EW and Chwastox Trio 540 SL, fungicide Alert 375 SC, growth regulator Stabilan 750 SL and insecticide Decis 2,5 EC). Obtained results allowed for concluding that when comparing with minimum protection, the increase in wheat grain yields by 1.08 t·ha-1 was recorded on complex-protected treatments, regardless of compared lines and varieties. Lower yield of durum wheat as compared to common wheat resulted first of all from lower spike density per area unit. A positive influence of chemical protection on spike number and grain number per spike was observed. Durum wheat lines were characterized by high grain vitreousness.
W pracy dokonano oceny plonowania i elementów struktury plonu 3 linii ozimych pszenicy twardej Triticum durum Desf. w warunkach zróżnicowanego poziomu ochrony chemicznej. Badania polowe przeprowadzone w latach 2006-2008 objęły linie STH 716, 717 i 725, które otrzymano w Stacji Hodowli Roślin w Strzelcach i odmianę pszenicy zwyczajnej Tonacja. Stosowano 2 poziomy ochrony chemicznej: I – ochrona minimalna (zaprawa nasienna Oxafun T 75 DS/WS i herbicyd Chwastox Trio 540 SL), II – ochrona kompleksowa (zaprawa nasienna, herbicydy Puma Uniwersal 069 EW i Chwastox Trio 540 SL, fungicyd Alert 375 SC, regulator wzrostu Stabilan 750 SL i insektycyd Decis 2,5 EC). W porównaniu z ochroną minimalną na obiektach chronionych kompleksowo otrzymano wzrost plonu ziarna pszenicy o 1,08 t∙ha-1, niezależnie od porównywanych linii i odmian. Średni plon ziarna badanych linii pszenicy twardej – 5,82 t·ha-1 należy uznać za dobry, jednak w porównaniu z pszenicą zwyczajną stanowił tylko 66% jej plonu. Niższe plonowanie pszenicy twardej w porównaniu z pszenicą zwyczajną wynikało przede wszystkim z niższej obsady kłosów na jednostce powierzchni. Stwierdzono korzystne oddziaływanie ochrony chemicznej na liczbę kłosów oraz liczbę ziarn z kłosa. Linie pszenicy twardej wyróżniały się wysoką szklistością ziarna.
Acta Scientiarum Polonorum. Agricultura; 2009, 08, 3
Pojawia się w:
Acta Scientiarum Polonorum. Agricultura
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wrażliwość międzykulturowa polskich emigrantów w Anglii w porównaniu z obywatelami Wielkiej Brytanii i Polski zamieszkałymi w kraju pochodzenia
Intercultural sensitivity of Polish emigrants in England, compared to British and Polish citizens living in their countries of origin
Korczyński, Mariusz
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
edukacja międzykulturowa
kompetencje do komunikacji międzykulturowej
wrażliwość międzykulturowa
gotowość do komunikacji z osobą odmienną kulturowo
intercultural education
competence to intercultural communication
intercultural sensitivity
readiness to communicate with a culturally different person
The aim of the study was to try to determine differences in the level of intercultural sensitivity of Polish economic emigrants in England, compared to citizens of Great Britain and Poland living in their country of origin. Intercultural sensitivity is understood as an indicator of competence to intercultural communication expressed in the readiness to lead dialogue with a culturally different person. The research was conducted in England and Poland, using the Intercultural Sensitivity Scale (ISS) by G.-M. Chen and W.J. Starosta, adapted to the Polish conditions by the author of this article. As a result of the conducted research, it was found that the highest level of readiness for dialogue with a culturally different person is presented by the surveyed citizens of Great Britain (who obtained in most of the analysed dimensions high and average results in the upper range) and the lowest – by Polish nationals residing in their country of origin (their results ranked as average).
Celem badań była próba ustalenia różnic w poziomie wrażliwości międzykulturowej polskich emigrantów zarobkowych w Anglii, w porównaniu z obywatelami Wielkiej Brytanii i Polski zamieszkałymi w kraju pochodzenia. Wrażliwość międzykulturowa rozumiana jest jako wskaźnik kompetencji do komunikacji międzykulturowej wyrażający się gotowością do dialogu z osobą odmienną kulturowo. Badania przeprowadzono na terenie Anglii i Polski, z wykorzystaniem Skali Wrażliwości Międzykulturowej (ISS) autorstwa Guo-Ming Chen i William J. Starosty, zaadaptowanej do warunków polskich. W wyniku przeprowadzonych badań stwierdzono, że najwyższy poziom gotowości do dialogu z osobą odmienną kulturowo prezentują badani obywatele Wielkiej Brytanii, uzyskując w większości analizowanych wymiarów wyniki wysokie i przeciętne w górnym ich zakresie. Najniższy zaś badani obywatele Polski zamieszkali w kraju pochodzenia (ich wyniki ulokowały się w zakresie wyników przeciętnych).
Edukacja Międzykulturowa; 2022, 16, 1; 119-134
Pojawia się w:
Edukacja Międzykulturowa
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
W poszukiwaniu tego, co Inne. Współczesne reportaże podróżnicze jako opowieści o Inności
In search of the unknown. Contemporary travel reports as stories about otherness
Paszek, Karolina
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Rzeszowski. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego
travel report
cultural differences
different point of view
reportage clasification
journalistic genere
public genre
hybridic genre
modern journalism
contemporary reportage
Martyna Wojciechowska
Tomek Michniewicz
Przemek Kossakowski
The article focuses on contemporary travel reportage represented by Martyna Wojciechowska, Tomek Michniewicz and Przemek Kossakowski. The texts selected by the author for analysis tell about the unknown. The author of the article puts forward the thesis that modern travel reports are stories about multidimensional otherness. Article also includes a typology of ways of talking about the phenomenon of dissimilarity. Author distinguishes three types of relating to unknown, which are represented by the authors of reports selected for the analysis. It is an emotional, exploratory, and spiritual type.
Dydaktyka Polonistyczna; 2020, 6 (15); 141-150
Pojawia się w:
Dydaktyka Polonistyczna
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Vlijanie tekhnologicheskikh parametrov na prochnost' razlichnykh vidov vjazhushhikh pri ul'trazvukovojj obrabotke vodotverdykh suspenzijj
Influence of technological parameters on durability of different types of astringent at ultrasonic treatment water-hard suspensions
Luk'janchenko, M.
Dzheljal, A.
Strubalin, A.
Data publikacji:
Komisja Motoryzacji i Energetyki Rolnictwa
theoretical research
different type
ultrasonic cavitation
water-hard suspension
chemical process
mechanical process
physical process
gypsum astringent
Theoretical researches and experimental information are considered about influence of ultrasonic kavitacii on activating of vodotverdoy suspension. Shown, that kavitaciya in the water-hard systems is a difficult mechanical and physical and chemical process, one of which is dispergating of particles of gipseous astringent. Set on the basis of relaxation theory of intercommunication between basic self-reactance descriptions of source of ultrasound and by reologicheskimi properties of composition suspension on the basis of gypsum
Motrol. Motoryzacja i Energetyka Rolnictwa; 2013, 15, 5
Pojawia się w:
Motrol. Motoryzacja i Energetyka Rolnictwa
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Vegetable oils as additives to improve the lubricity of low-sulphur fuels
Ambrosewicz-Walacik, M.
Pszczółkowski, B.
Tańska, A.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Techniczny Wojsk Lotniczych
sulphur content
different species
vegetable oils
biofuel production
The aim of the study was to determine the sulphur content in 33 samples of oils pressed from different species of vegetable. The unconventional oil samples were purchased from commercial store. Oils was analysed in terms of sulphur content according to the method using X-ray fluorescence spectrometry with wave dispersion, that is described in the PN-EN ISO 20884, 2012 standard. Obtained results of sulphur analysis were presented as the arithmetic mean ± standard deviation (from three replicates) and statistically analysed using the Statistica 13.0 PL program. In order to indicate significance of differences between oils analysis of variance (ANOVA) with Tukey’s test of p ≤ 0.05 significance level was used. The statistical analysis indicated significant differences in the content of sulphur content in the analysed vegetable oils, which could affect the lubricity of prepared fuel blends and in some cases significantly, increase the sulphur content above acceptable value 10 ppm. It was concluded that vegetable oils could be a suitable raw material improving the lubricating properties of low-sulphur diesel oils. However, due to significant differences in the sulphur content in the analysed samples, the content of this element should be analysed beforehand in order to eliminate the possibility of exceeding the permissible level of sulphur in transport fuels.
Journal of KONES; 2018, 25, 2; 31-36
Pojawia się w:
Journal of KONES
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Variation of morphological needle characters of Scots pine [Pinus sylvestris L.] populations in different habitats
Urbaniak, L
Karlinski, L.
Popielarz, R.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Botaniczne
Scotch pine
different habitat
Pinus sylvestris
morphological variation
We investigated the phenotypic variation of five morphological needle characters of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) in three populations. Two of the populations occurred in bogs and the third one formed a degraded fresh pine forest showing some features of a dry pine forest. The greatest variation was found in characters a (needle length), b and d, denoting the number of stomatal rows respectively on the convex and flat sides of the needle. Conversely, characters c and e (average number of stomata per 2 mm of needle length on the convex and the flat side of the needle) were stable, with little interindividual variation. The two bog populations and the dryland population exhibited different sets of character correlations. The interpopulation differentiational detected on the basis of morphological character expression was markedly influenced by both the different edaphic conditions, and the distinct genetic structure of the studied populations.
Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae; 2003, 72, 1
Pojawia się w:
Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Value of merchantable timber in Scots pine stands of different densities
Bembenek, M.
Karaszewski, Z.
Kondracki, K.
Lacka, A.
Mederski, P.S.
Skorupski, M.
Strzelinski, P.
Sulkowski, S.
Wegiel, A.
Data publikacji:
Sieć Badawcza Łukasiewicz - Instytut Technologii Drewna
merchantable timber
timber value
Scotch pine
Pinus sylvestris
stand density
different density
wood quantity
wood quality
Differences in the intensity of silvicultural treatments, as well as natural tree mort-ality, insect damage and fungal disease can eventually lead to variable stand density even on sites of the same quality. In addition, the bigger the initial stand density,the smaller the crown and trunk volume of single trees. The objective of theresearch was a detailed analysis of the impact of stand density on the total stand volume and value of merchantable timber. The area studied was in Drawno ForestDistrict, north-west Poland, on sites with sandy soil conditions typical for Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.). The total volume of merchantable roundwood wasmeasured on 20 sample plots (each covering an area of 0.5 ha) of which 19 were in 82-year-old stands and one in an 87-year-old stand. The stands were divided into three stand density groups (SDG), where the average number of trees growing per group was as follows: 547 (SDG I), 651 (SDG II) and 765 (SDG III). The volume ofa single tree was calculated using diameter (DBH) and height measurement. A qualityclassification of all 6432 tree stems was carried out in accordance with the Polish Standard. Statistical analysis did not indicate that density influenced the total timber volume of the stands studied, which was recorded as an average of 323 m3∙ha-1. However,statistically significant differences in the value of merchantable timber were observed:the highest value of 100 m3 of merchantable timber was recorded in SDG I (€ 5118.87), 6 and 12% higher than in SDGs II and III (€ 4842.09 and € 4565.80, respectively).The results obtained suggest that in the final phase (the last two age classes), pine stands growing in Polish conditions should be maintained at a lower stand density.
Drewno. Prace Naukowe. Doniesienia. Komunikaty; 2014, 57, 192
Pojawia się w:
Drewno. Prace Naukowe. Doniesienia. Komunikaty
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Uniwersytet wobec problemu różnorodności kulturowej, migracji i uchodźstwa – analiza treści kształcenia na kierunku pedagogika przedszkolna i wczesnoszkolna
The Approach of the University towards Cultural Diversity, Migration, and Refugees: An Analysis of Learning Programmes of Preschool and Early School Education
Szwarc, Alina
Cukras-Stelągowska, Joanna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
różnorodność kulturowa
uczeń odmienny kulturowo
pedagogika przedszkolna i wczesnoszkolna
efekty kształcenia
cultural diversity
culturally different student
preschool and early school education
learning outcomes
W niniejszym artykule, przez pryzmat ministerialnych założeń dotyczących wiedzy, umiejętności, jak i kompetencji studentów edukacji przedszkolnej i wczesnoszkolnej, zwrócono uwagę na problem przygotowania przyszłych nauczycieli do pracy z uczniem w środowisku zróżnicowanym kulturowo. Potrzeba naukowej dyskusji i refleksji nad problemem kształcenia w tym aspekcie, wynika przede wszystkim z własnych obserwacji, związanych z dostrzegalnymi problemami w kształceniu akademickim, czego efektem jest zauważalna niewystarczająca wiedza studentów na temat zagadnienia migracji i uchodźstwa. Stąd, w opracowaniu poddano krytycznej analizie zarówno standard kształcenia nauczycieli, jak i plany, programy oraz dostępne sylabusy zajęć na kierunku pedagogika przedszkolna i wczesnoszkolna w polskich uniwersytetach.
This article deals with the problem of preparing future teachers to work with schoolchildren in a culturally diverse environment from the perspective of ministerial assumptions regarding the knowledge, skills and competences of schoolchildren receiving preschool and early school education. The need for a scientific discussion about and reflection on this aspect of education results primarily from the authors’ observations of problems occurring in academic education. Consequently, students have insufficient knowledge of the issues of migration and refugees. Therefore, the study critically analyzes the learning outcomes, as well as available plans, curricula and syllabuses of classes in the field of preschool and early school education at Polish universities.
Forum Pedagogiczne; 2023, 13, 2; 295-306
Pojawia się w:
Forum Pedagogiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Underwater light field and spectral distribution of attenuation depth in inland and coastal waters
Kauer, T.
Arst, H.
Tuvikene, L.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Oceanologii PAN
underwater light field
attenuation depth
spectral distribution
daily variation
underwater irradiance
different depth
Estonian lake
The daily variations in the underwater irradiance spectra at different depths were determined using a combination of in situ data and model calculations. The spectra of the attenuation depth (relevant in optical remote sensing) were derived from these data. The results are presented for four Estonian lakes (Koorküla Valgjärv, Võrtsjärv, Harku, and Peipsi) and for coastal waters of the Baltic Sea (Pärnu Bay, Gulf of Riga).
Oceanologia; 2010, 52, 2; 155-170
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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