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Development of Poland’s Economy in 2015-2018 in the International Context
Kotyński, Juliusz
Data publikacji:
Akademia Finansów i Biznesu Vistula
Unia Europejska
ryzyko rozwoju
European Union
development risk
W połowie drugiej dekady XXI wieku grupa krajów o gospodarkach wschodzących i rozwijających się osiągnęła przewagę pod względem wielkości wytwarzanego produktu krajowego brutto nad krajami wysoko rozwiniętymi i powiększała ją w latach następnych. W 2014 roku. Chiny stały się największym w świecie producentem towarów i usług, wyprzedzając Stany Zjednoczone i dorównując pod względem wielkości wytworzonego PKB krajom Unii Europejskiej. Szybkim przemianom strukturalnym i turbulencjom w gospodarce światowej towarzyszą konflikty oraz napięcia wewnętrzne i międzynarodowe, o naturze ekonomicznej, politycznej, społecznej i militarnej. W niestabilnych warunkach zewnętrznych rozwój gospodarczy Polski w latach 1995-2015 cechował się względnie wysoką, chociaż malejącą dynamiką, zbliżoną do średniej w gospodarce światowej i wyższą od osiąganej w wysoko rozwiniętych krajach Unii Europejskiej i OECD. Roczna stopa wzrostu PKB obniżyła się jednak w 2016 roku do 2,8%, a w latach 2017-2018 będzie kształtować się prawdopodobnie w granicach 3,0-3,5%.
The economic and social development of Central and East European countries, including Ukraine and Poland, was carried out in variable external and internal conditions. Deep transformations and structural changes in the world economy were accompanied by political turbulences and conflicts. Outflows of refugees into Europe became a severe problem for many countries of the EU and aggravated social strains and nationalistic and isolationistic sentiments within the Union. Slow growth and social and ethnic tensions affected also the results of the UK referendum on Brexit and contributed to a spread of the crisis of the EU that is likely to result in a re-shaping of the Union into a “two-speed” or “multi-speed Europe”. Despite an adverse influence of external factors, in 2016, Poland’s economy realised a GDP growth of 2.8%, accompanied by a rise of consumption and a reduction of unemployment, and is likely to maintain the GDP growth rates at a level near to or higher than 3% in 2017-2018.
Kwartalnik Naukowy Uczelni Vistula; 2017, 2(52); 9-19
Pojawia się w:
Kwartalnik Naukowy Uczelni Vistula
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rozwój gospodarczy Polski w drugiej dekadzie XXI wieku na tle zmian globalnych
Poland’s Economic Development in the Second Decade of the 21st Century Against the Background of Global Changes
Экономическое развитие Польши во второй декаде xxi века на фоне глобальных изменений
Kotyński, Juliusz
Data publikacji:
Akademia Finansów i Biznesu Vistula
nierównomierny rozwój
ryzyko rozwoju
gospodarka światowa
unequal development
development risk
global economy
неравномерное развитие
риск развития
мировая экономика
Globalny kryzys finansowy i gospodarczy przyśpieszył tempo przemian strukturalnych w gospodarce światowej, związanych z internacjonalizacją gospodarki, rewolucją w zakresie technik informacyjnych i komunikacyjnych i wzrostem dynamiki rozwojowej krajów o gospodarkach wschodzących. W 2013 roku ta grupa krajów osiągnęła przewagę pod względem wielkości wytwarzanego produktu krajowego brutto nad krajami wysoko rozwiniętymi i powiększyła ją w latach następnych. W 2014 roku Chiny stały się największym w świecie producentem towarów i usług, wyprzedzając Stany Zjednoczone i dorównując pod względem wielkości wytworzonego PKB krajom Unii Europejskiej. Różnice poziomów rozwoju gospodarczego i społecznego między grupami krajów pozostają jednak bardzo duże, a dysproporcje dochodów w obrębie wielu gospodarek się powiększają. Rośnie ryzyko rozwojowe, zwłaszcza w krajach o gospodarkach wschodzących. Przemianom i turbulencjom w gospodarce światowej towarzyszą konflikty i napięcia wewnętrzne i międzynarodowe, o naturze ekonomicznej, politycznej, społecznej i militarnej, które niweczą osiągnięcia ostatnich dziesięcioleci i całych pokoleń. W niestabilnych warunkach zewnętrznych rozwój gospodarczy Polski w latach 1995-2015, w tym w latach obecnej dekady, cechował się względnie wysoką, chociaż malejącą dynamiką, zbliżoną do średniej w gospodarce światowej i wyższą od osiąganej w wysoko rozwiniętych krajach Unii Europejskiej i OECD, ale ten postęp także może być zagrożony. Dla zachowania bezpieczeństwa gospodarczego Polski należy szukać wspólnych rozwiązań i zabezpieczeń politycznych i gospodarczych, we współpracy z krajami Unii Europejskiej, ale i z innymi sąsiadami i mocarstwami XXI wieku, w trosce o rozwój kraju w najbliższej i dalszej, niepewnej przyszłości.
The global financial and economic crisis has accelerated the pace of structural transformations in the global economy related to economy’s internationalisation, revolution in the area of information and communication technologies, and the growth of developmental dynamics of the countries with emerging economies. In 2013, this group of countries gained an advantage in terms of the volume of generated gross domestic product over the advanced countries and it increased it in subsequent years. In 2014, China became the world’s biggest producer of goods and services outpacing the United States and equalling in this respect the volume of generated GDP of the European Union’s countries. Notwithstanding, the differences in the levels of economic and social development between the groups of countries have remained very high and the disparities in incomes within many economies have been increasing. There has been growing the developmental risk, particularly in the countries with emerging economies. The transformations and turbulences in the world’s economy have been accompanied by internal and international conflicts and tensions of the economic, political, social, and military nature, which wreck achievements of the recent decades and whole generations. Under unstable external conditions, the economic development of Poland in 1995-2015, including the years of the current decade, displayed a relatively high, though decreasing dynamics, approximate to the mean in the global economy and higher than the one achieved in highly developed countries of the European Union and OECD, albeit this progress may also be endangered. To retain Poland’s economic security, we must seek for joint solutions and political and economic safeguards, in cooperation with the European Union’s countries, but also with other neighbours and great powers of the 21st century, taking care of the country’s development in the nearest and further, uncertain future.
Глобальный финансовый и экономический кризис ускорил темп структурных преобразований в мировой экономике, связанных с интернационализацией экономики, революцией в области информационных и коммуникационных техник, а также ростом динамики развития стран с развивающимися экономиками. В 2013 г. эта группа стран достигла превосходства в области объема производимого валового внутреннего продукта над высокоразвитыми странами и повысила его в последующие годы. В 2014 году Китай стал самым крупным в мире производителем товаров и услуг, опережая Соединенные Штаты и не уступая по объему произведенного ВВП странам Евросоюза. Тем не менее отличия в уровне экономического и социального развития между группами стран остаются весьма большими, а расхождения в доходах во многих экономиках увеличиваются. Повышается риск развития, особенно в странах с развивающимися экономиками. Преобразованиям и встряскам в мировой экономике сопутствуют внутренние и международные конфликты и напряжения экономического, политического, общественного и милитарного характера, которые сводят на нет достижения последних десятилетий и целых поколений. В нестабильных внешних условиях экономическое развитие Польши в 1995-2015 гг., в том числе в годы нынешней декады, характеризовалось относительно высокой, хотя снижающейся динамикой, сближенной к средней в мировой экономике и более высокой, чем достигаемая в высокоразвитых странах Европейского Союза и ОЭСР (англ. OECD), но этот прогресс тоже может оказаться под угрозой. Для сохранения экономической безопасности Польши следует искать совместные решения и политические и экономические меры безопасности, в сотрудничестве со странами Европейского Союза, но также с другими соседями и державами XXI века, заботясь о развитии страны в ближайшем и более отдаленном, неуверенном будущем.
Zeszyty Naukowe Uczelni Vistula; 2016, 47(2) Ekonomia XI. Stan i rozwój bilateralnej współpracy gospodarczej Polski i Ukrainy; 7-18
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Naukowe Uczelni Vistula
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wychowanie w rodzinie a międzypokoleniowa ścieżka transmisji gotowości do stosowania kar fizycznych i przemocy
Family education and the intergenerational transmission path of willingness to use physical punishment and violence
Appelt, Karolina
Wojciechowska, Julita
Data publikacji:
Fundacja Dajemy Dzieciom Siłę
transmisja przemocy, wychowanie, rozwój, czynniki ryzyka, czynniki chroniące
transmission of violence, bringing up, development, risk factors, protective factors
Artykuł jest próbą analizy złożoności procesu uczenia się zachowań agresywnych w rodzinie. Kluczowym czynnikiem ryzyka analizowanym w opracowaniu jest stosowanie przez rodziców kar fizycznych jako metody wychowawczej. Przedstawiono badania na temat konsekwencji psychologicznych i rozwojowych stosowania przemocy wobec dziecka. Wskazano na potencjalne rozwojowe i środowiskowej czynniki chroniące przed międzypokoleniową transmisji przemocy do ról realizowanych w dorosłości.
The article is an attempt to analyze the complexity of learning aggressive behaviors in the family. The key risk factor analyzed in the study is the use of physical punishment by parents as an educational method. The article presents the psychological and developmental consequences of violence towards children. It points out potential developmental and environmental protective factors against intergenerational transmission of violence to the roles performed in adulthood.
Dziecko krzywdzone. Teoria, badania, praktyka; 2016, 15, 2; 93-122
Pojawia się w:
Dziecko krzywdzone. Teoria, badania, praktyka
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Developmental Task Attainment in Adolescents from Families with a Recovering Alcoholic or Active Alcoholic Father
Grzegorzewska, Iwona
Cierpiałkowska, Lidia
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
children of alcoholics
alcoholic parents under treatment
high-risk development
protective factors
developmental tasks
The problem under consideration is the issue of adolescent developmental tasks in families with alcohol-related problems, especially in families which contain one or more treated alcoholics. In the present work it was hypothesised that the treatment of alcoholic fathers would be one of the more important protective factors in families coping with alcoholism. The participants of the study included 91 children, aged 17-18. The research sample was comprised of three groups: 31 children of active alcoholics, 30 children of treated alcoholics, and 30 children of non-alcoholic parents. In general, the results of the study highlight the roles of temperament and parenting practices in the progress of developmental tasks. The data revealed that family characteristics were correlated to the predictors of these tasks. The groups used in the study were differed according to the factors of their developmental tasks.
Polish Psychological Bulletin; 2011, 42, 3; 95-104
Pojawia się w:
Polish Psychological Bulletin
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
GIS Technology, 3D Models and Mathematical Models as a Tool for Assessing Development Capabilities of Flood Risk Land to Make Arrangements of Municipal Planning Documents
Bazan-Krzywoszańska, Anna
Mrówczyńska, Maria
Tront, Sławomir
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Inżynierii Ekologicznej
municipal spatial planning
local law
development of flood risk areas
sustainable development
3D models
neural networks
With regard to the municipal spatial policies, the issue of flood protection, and hence the directions of development of flood-endangered land seem rather significant, given the possible social and economic consequences of a wrong decision. Currently, there is no legal obligation, within the statutory activities of flood protection institutions, to implement guidance documents prior to the works on the municipality development. It is determined by the local government in the planning documents, which are in accordance with the applicable regulations, acts of local law. Space management, through planning development and land use or the landscape protection, requires the access to comprehensive and reliable information. GIS technology, 3D models and mathematical models using neural networks in spatial analysis and monitoring changes in space to protect flood risk land, give the possibility of collecting the information that constitutes the basis of knowledge on the area, which helps to make decisions regarding a purpose and a method of the land use. The data obtained in this way are a valuable source of knowledge on the stage of preparation of planning documents that determine the directions of municipal spatial development. Under the Act of 27 March 2003 on spatial planning and development [spatial planning and development act 2003], these documents are a municipal study of the conditions and directions of the spatial planning and a local zoning plan.
Journal of Ecological Engineering; 2019, 20, 1; 25-33
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Ecological Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Metoda Video-feedback Intervention to promote Positive Parenting and Sensitive Discipline (VIPP-SD) w pracy terapeutycznej z rodzicami dzieci z grupy ryzyka rozwojowego
The Method of Video-feedback Intervention to Promote Positive Parenting and Sensitive Discipline (VIPP-SD) in Therapeutic Work with Parents of Children in the Development Risk Group
Kopeć, Danuta
Kubiak, Hanna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Video-feedback Intervention to promote Positive Parenting and Sensitive Discipline (VIP-P-SD)
attachment theory
parental sensitivit
coercion theory
development risk of children
mental disorders of children
mental disorders of parents
Video-feedback Intervention to promote Positive Parenting and Sensitive Discipline (VIPP-SD) is a therapeutic intervention based on video-feedback which aims to support positive parenting and sensitive parental discipline. It is a part of evidence-based therapeutic interventions, which means that the effectiveness of the training has been confirmedin rigorously planned and carried out studies of both the general population and various clinical groups. The theoretical framework for VIPP-SD is attachment theory and coercion theory. The basic principle of intervention is referring to family resources in the therapeutic work, primarily in situations in which the correct course of a child’s development can be disturbed by both biological and environmental factors. The article presents the aspects of the application of VIPP-SD in the following clinical groups: families with children at risk of improper development, families in which the functioning of parents creates the development risk for children, and the family environment as a risk factor for children’s development.
Studia Edukacyjne; 2018, 49; 315-333
Pojawia się w:
Studia Edukacyjne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The role of risk management of the logistic processes in economic development of the region
Freydman, Oxana
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie
risk management
The development of market structures occurs in conditions of uncertainty and risk, which is reflected in the activities of all stakeholders of transport and logistics system in the region. If we understand how the risk of loss or reduced income occurs, we can calculate the likelihood of it. Most important in this regard is risk prediction, since its probability can be determined, and due to the forecasts the management of territorial risks can be developed.
Prace Komisji Geografii Przemysłu Polskiego Towarzystwa Geograficznego; 2011, 18; 139-147
Pojawia się w:
Prace Komisji Geografii Przemysłu Polskiego Towarzystwa Geograficznego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The current state of scientific research of the process of risk management of Ukrainian energy sector enterprises
Kuzior, Aleksandra
Babenko, Vitalina
Rekunenko, Іhor
Pohodenko, Borys
Data publikacji:
risk management
energy sector
sustainable development
risk management methods
risk analysis
The research dedicated to risk management issues in the energy sector addresses current problems associated with risk management that arise in the energy sector. The aim of the study was to identify factors that affect risks, analyze scientific risk management methods, and consider innovative approaches to risk management in the energy sector. The study used a critical analysis of the literature on the subject as well as an analysis of risk management standards and methods. The innovation of the research lies in its consideration of modern trends in risk management in the energy sector, taking into account changing economic and political conditions, technical possibilities, as well as social attitudes and demands. The study showed that the most effective approach to risk management in the energy sector is the use of an integrated risk management system that takes into account all aspects of enterprise activity. The results of the study can be useful for energy companies that deal with risk management. They can be used to improve risk management strategies and reduce the possibility of negative consequences. In addition, this research can be used for educational purposes for students and professors who study risk management and the energy sector. The next steps of the research may include expanding the scope of the study to other areas and developing more detailed risk management models.
Management Systems in Production Engineering; 2023, 3 (31); 322--331
Pojawia się w:
Management Systems in Production Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Risks characteristic to Agile project management methodologies and responses to them
Walczak, W.
Kuchta, D.
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Wrocławska. Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej
risk management
agile software development
agile project management
Agile methods for project management are often treated as methods for mitigating risk. However, there is disagreement as to whether explicit methods of risk management should be used in projects which are executed according to Agile methodology or is the implicit risk management built into Agile methodologies sufficient. To contribute to the discussion, an attempt has been made to identify risks that are either caused by the introduction of an Agile methodology to a project or become more significant when such methodology is in use. If such risks exist, this would be evidence that explicit risk management is required, even in the case of Agile methodologies. The results of this research may be useful for any organization that is in the process of selecting a methodology for project management and is considering Agile methodologies.
Operations Research and Decisions; 2013, 23, 4; 75-95
Pojawia się w:
Operations Research and Decisions
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Use of the method FMEA for hazard identification and risk assessment in a coal mine
Duda, Adam
Juzek, Tymoteusz
Data publikacji:
development work
risk assessment
One of the basic stages of mining operations is development work. During them there can occur the events that affect the process of development work as well as the safety of workers. This article conducts a process risk assessment using the Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) method to identify events that disrupt the development work process, along with the causes of the occurrence of these events. The study covered the process of development work i.e. the execution of the M-2 roadway in seam 502/1 realized at a depth of about 550 m with an assumed length of about 500 m. As a result of the study, those risks for which countermeasures should be applied were identified, and measures were proposed to minimize the risks involved. As part of the research, an FMEA evaluation form was created to assess process risks in the execution of similar work. The highest process risk was identified for the drivage of the excavation with a road header, and is related to the possibility of frequent failure of hydraulic systems. Similar process risk results were obtained for the risk associated with improper execution of mining with explosives and the need to perform additional blasting work in the excavated roadway. The results can contribute to reducing the time of coal face stoppage during development work, and thus improve the process of them and reduce the costs incurred during this process.
Management Systems in Production Engineering; 2023, 3 (31); 332--342
Pojawia się w:
Management Systems in Production Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rynki finansowe wobec zmian klimatu. Dylematy i wyzwania a cele zrównoważonego rozwoju
Financial markets and climate change. Dilemmas and challenges versus sustainable development goals
Zioło, Magdalena
Data publikacji:
Kancelaria Sejmu. Biuro Analiz Sejmowych
sustainable development
Financial markets are undergoing a transformation process, which is determined by the growing impact of non-financial risk, particularly the threat of climate change. Financial institutions, taking into account the effects of climate risk on their operations, take several adjustment measures to reduce the impact of this risk. These activities result from the applicable regulations and legal conditions on the one hand and initiatives undertaken by and for financial institutions on the other. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a strong stimulus determining activity for the climate. The implementation of the SDGs is monitored at the level of Member States. The SDGs are integrated into public policies, and their assumptions are present in the decisions of financial and non-financial sector entities, which affects the allocation and the flow of financial capital. The article aims to show changes in the functioning of financial markets in the conditions of climate change risk and also through the prism of sustainable development goals. The paper uses the triangulation method (apart from conventional research methods).
Studia BAS; 2023, 2(74); 43-66
Pojawia się w:
Studia BAS
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Chinas shadow banking sector: recent developments and systemic risk assessment
Chiński sektor bankowości nieformalnej: postępy i ocena ryzyka systemowego
Cieslik, E.
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie. Wydawnictwo Szkoły Głównej Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie
shadow banking
systemic risk
risk assessment
financial system
It is said that the shadow banking system could be one of a variety of sources for the current global financial crisis. This sector also exists in China in a lesser advanced form than in Western economies in terms of instruments, risk measures or regulations. The official definition of China’s shadow banking has not been developed yet. The article presents the current stage of China’s shadow banking development, the size of this sector, recent studies focus on the role of informal financing in China’s economic growth and the risk derives from expanding shadow banking instruments. Due to the lack of risk measuring institutions and lack of data concerning Chinese shadow banking, Western concepts of systemic risk measurement cannot be applied in China. Consequently this paper adopts simple approach to systemic risk assessment.
Bankowość nieformalną (shadow banking) można uznać za jedno z wielu źródeł obecnego globalnego kryzysu finansowego. Sektor ten wykształcił się także w Chinach, ale w mniej zaawansowanej formie niż w krajach rozwiniętych, biorąc pod uwagę instrumenty, sposoby oceny ryzyka i regulacje. Dodatkowo, w Chinach nadal nie opracowano oficjalnej definicji bankowości nieformalnej. W artykule przedstawiono: aktualny stan rozwoju shadow banking w Chinach, rozmiary tego sektora, ostatnie badania dotyczące roli finansowania nieformalnego w stymulowaniu chińskiego wzrostu gospodarczego oraz ryzyko wynikające z instrumentów bankowości nieformalnej. Ze względu na brak wykształconych instrumentów oceny ryzyka i danych dotyczących chińskiego sektora nieformalnego zachodnie koncepcje pomiaru ryzyka systemowego nie znajdują zastosowania w Państwie Środka. W artykule zastosowano dlatego proste podejście do oceny ryzyka systemowego.
Acta Scientiarum Polonorum. Oeconomia; 2014, 13, 2
Pojawia się w:
Acta Scientiarum Polonorum. Oeconomia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Sistema factorov riska, okazyvajushhikh vlijanie na razrabotku, vnedrenie i uluchshenie integririvannykh sistem menedzhmenta
System of risk factors affecting the development, implementation and better integrated management systems
Morteza, R.Z.
Zaloga, W.
Ivchenko, A.
Data publikacji:
Komisja Motoryzacji i Energetyki Rolnictwa
integrated management system
risk factor
risk management
Ishikawa diagram
The work is devoted to the development of a universal system of factors (USF), causing risks of the organization in the implementation of projects related to the development, implementation and improvement of integrated management systems (IMS). The solution to this problem is based on the use of cause-and-effect approach to solving technical problems and the theory of risk management. The resulting system of risk factors is universal and is the basis for work on the identification of risks in the development, introduction or improvement of a specific IMS.
Motrol. Motoryzacja i Energetyka Rolnictwa; 2013, 15, 2
Pojawia się w:
Motrol. Motoryzacja i Energetyka Rolnictwa
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Investigating the double-edged sword effect of environmental, social and governance practices on corporate risk-taking in the high-tech industry
Teng, Xiaodong
Wu, Kun-Shan
Kuo, Lopin
Chang, Bao-Guang
Data publikacji:
Instytut Badań Gospodarczych
corporate risk-taking
quantile regression
sustainable development
Research background: Corporate risk-taking (CRT) is crucial to a business's survival and performance and is a driving force for sustainable development. Environmental, social and governance (ESG) practices are critical to firm profits when considering sustainable economic growth; however, they can also be the cause of financial burdens. It is, therefore, crucial to assess the relationship between a company's ESG performance and its risk-taking. Purpose of the article: Considering the controversial results of empirical studies on the relationship between ESG and CRT, this study aims to theoretically and empirically investigate the curvilinear nexus between ESG practices and CRT within Taiwan's high-tech industry. Methods: Ordinary least square regression and quantile regression analysis was applied to investigate the curvilinear ESG-CRT relationship. The empirical studies were conducted in 38 high-tech companies on the Taiwan Stock Exchange that disclosed ESG information between 2005 and 2020, with a total of 437 firm-year observations. Findings & value added: Quantile regression estimation results reveal the ESG-CRT nexus is U-shaped (convex). Both the environmental and social pillar's relationship with CRT is nonlinear and U-shaped, whereas the governance pillar has no significant relationship with CRT. Overall, a comprehensive view is provided that shows ESG practices can have a double-edged sword effect on CRT. It is suggested that high-tech companies in Taiwan should avoid ESG practices becoming a tool for managements' self-interest. More information of ESG practices should be disclosed to stakeholders to ensure they are given full credit for the positive impact they have on capital allocation. Regulators guide firms to surpass the threshold of the U-shaped effect and take into consideration the whole benefits of stakeholders when they allocate existing resources toward environmental and social endeavors.
Oeconomia Copernicana; 2023, 14, 2; 511-549
Pojawia się w:
Oeconomia Copernicana
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Financial Risks of Local Governments Concerning Implementation of Their Social Political Aims
Takacs-Gyorgy, Katalin
Takacs, Istvan
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Jagielloński. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego
The local governments of settlements fulfill not only their basic duties but also a great deal of other tasks as well that influence the communities' living conditions and quality of life, and through the way inhabitants feel also have an impact on the retention capacity of the settlements. The social policy of local governments is fulfilled by the governments. Financing the tasks and their risks have a great effect on the realization of sustainable local governing. The aim of this study is to review the Hungarian local governmental system assessing some anomalies of the financing of local governments and to draw attention to the risk of local governments, to the possibilities of how to reduce their operational risks highly considering the social political goals of the local governments, the role it has in developing and improving the people's quality of life.
Zarządzanie Publiczne; 2010, 3 (11); 33-46
Pojawia się w:
Zarządzanie Publiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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