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Badania nad prewencją generalną: problemy metodologiczne
General Deterrence Research: Some Methodological Problems
Szamota, Barbara
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
efekty odstraszające
prewencja generalna
deterrent effects
deterrence research
      The results of empirical studies on general deterrence carried out so far are far from being unequivocal. Taking general deterrence research as a whole, it can be concluded only that in some situationa some individuals are deterred from some crimes by some punishments. Moreover, it is now obvious to most researchers that the problem is not whether punishment has deterrent effects but rather under what conditions and to what extent they occur. Thus, as the deterrent effects of the punishment threats are tentatively confirmed, further studies in this direction seem to be called for. So far the main achievement of the general deterrence studies has been overcoming some simplified approach to formulating problems (in research) and improvement in research methods rather than verification of hypotheses.         Therefore, instead of describing the results of these studies, this paper has been limited to methodological problems. It seems to the author that with the present-day knowledge on the deterrent effeets of punishment threats, the above approach will help to ensure continuation of empirical studies and will contribute to the gradual and cumulative enrichment of theoretical interpretations of the abovementioned problem.         Owing to the limited scope of this presentation only some selected problems have been dealt with. While carrying out this selection the author had to bear in mind that no such empirical studies had been carried out  this selection the author had to bear in mind that no such empirical studies had been carried out in poland so far and the results of studies made elsewhere had not become popular among Polish readers. This article has been confined to the penal law and the deterrent effects of criminal punishment threats rather than the punishment in general and it was mostly based on works published in the English language.       Apart from the Introduction, the article consists of the following parts: I. Notion of general deterrence, II. Deterrence vs. other general preventive effects of punishment, III. Types of general deterrence, IV. Theoretical foundations of general deterrence research, V. Conditions for effective general deterrence, and Summary.        I.  Notion of general deterrence       The author points to the differences in the definition of general deterrence, to the ambiguity and vagueness in the formulations found in the literature on this subject. She stresses the importance of a clear definition of the above notion for the purposes of empirical studies, which will, as a result, help to avoid misunderstanding in interpreting the research evidence. Since punishment, or strictly speaking, the threat of punishment, prevents people from committing an offence in a variety of ways, the deterrent being  only one of them, the researcher should clearly define what mechanisms he is going to study. For empirical studies a narrow definition of general deterrence, i.e., restriction to one mechanism only, seems to be more appropriate. So far, most studies have been devoted to the mechanism of deterrence.        II. Deterrence vs. other general preventive effects of punishment        At this point the author discusses also other mechanisms of the preventive effect of punishment threats, especially its moral and educational influence as well as its role in habit formation. Many  mechanisms of general preventive effect of punishment have not yet even been identified. In spite of the fact that it is advisable to restrict the subject of investigation to but one mechanism, it is difficult in practice to differentiate between the various mechanisms of general prevention. When interpreting the data it will probably be necessary to determine the impact of these other processes on the results of investigations. The study of the other general preventive effects of criminal sanctions brings about some specific problems such as those of a diffcrent time perspective, as they are of no direct character and require some longer period of time to bring down the crime rate. Although the present paper is confined to the effects of criminal sanctions, the author emphasizes the need for considering a wider perspective of reasons for compliance with the law.        III. Types of general deterrence.        When considering general deterrence from the terminological point of view one has to include its various types. The author discusses the following types of general deterrence encountered in literature: quantitative vs. qualitative; absolute vs. marginal; particularized vs. generalized or selective; total or complete vs. restrictive; replacing vs. non-replacing partial vs. Modifying or substituting or displacing. The distinctions suggested are often neither exhaustive nor exclusive. Still the general deterrence typology even in this form is of considerable methodological importance. Different types of evidence are relevant when an attempt is made to determine the different types of general deterrence. If the distinctions are not made then it may be concluded that a sanction had no deterrent effect at all simply because no evidence was collected for what is only one type of general deterrence.        IV. Theoretical foundations of general deterrencę research.        First the author presents the deterrence doctrine. It is because what lies at the foundation of general deterrence research,  i.e., a set of loosely connected and vague statements and assumptions, can at most be called a doctrine. Besides, the present shape of this doctrine does not differ much from that of the classical model of general deterrence formulated by C. Beccaria and J. Bentham. The drawbacks and ambiguities of the deterrence doctrine, as pointed out by the author, have come to bear on the results of studies aimed at the verification of the doctrine's propositions. What is necessary is to reformulate the deterrence doctrine into an empirical theory.        Then, directions are discussed in which the deterrence doctrine has been and still is developing.        First of all, the deterrence doctrine is being developed through a different conceptualization of the relationship between legal sanction and behaviour. It is now generally agreed that general deterrence cannot be conceptualized as a unitry bivariate relationship between punishment threats and crime. Instead, it is maintained that the relationship is moderated by a number  of conditions yet to be identified empirically. The number of variables to be considered have also become larger. What is specially worth noting is the fact that other, extralegal factors have been included in deterrence models.       Another important trend in the development of the deterrence doctrine is that of emphasizing its psychological character and including the so-called perceptual variables characterizing the way how sanction characteristics are perceived by potential  offenders.  The emphasis on perceptions of punishment developed  from an awareness that deterrence is a communicative proces. In order to deter, actual threats of legal punishment must be communicated to individuals. It will be most essential for the formulation of the general deterrence theory to determine the relationship between objective properties of legal sanctions.          V. Conditions for effective general deterrence.         The basic research problem consist in identifying the conditions for effective general deterrence. As for  determining these conditions, there are so far only few empirical data available. Besides, one can hardly see what the consistent theoretical assumptions could be which  will help to have some relevant factors included in the study, especially in the case of extralegal conditions. One should also be aware of the fact that the numer of possibly relevant factors is, practically speaking, unlimited and that many of these factors will influence behavior only when particural values of a large number of the others are present. But, characteristic of most „theoretical” writings is that the authors usually confine themselves to summing up a list of possible relevant factors, not dealing with possible interaction. The author discusses the concept of a „marginal group”.        Summary       The article ends with a short description of the methods used in the study on general deterrence. The author points out to limitations of the  methods and data that have most frequently been used in addressing the deterrence question. It is necessary to collect better data about perceptual processes.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 1984, XI; 93-122
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Instytucjonalne uwarunkowania przestępczości w Polsce
Institutional Determinants of Crime in Poland
Florczak, Waldemar
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie. Kolegium Analiz Ekonomicznych
ekonomiczna teoria przestępczości
teoria odstraszania
instytucjonalne uwarunkowani przestępczości
społeczne koszty przestępczości
pomiar kary
dane rejestrowane
economic theory of crime
deterrence theory
institutional determinants of crime
social costs
law enforcement system
The article articulates the need for empirical studies of crime using economic research methods. The author aims to encourage Polish economists to look at crime as a potential research topic, in line with a global trend. The article focuses on the key aspects of the economic theory of crime. Under this theory, the institutional determinants of crime, including the law enforcement system, play not only an essentially passive, accommodative function but also an active, preventive function. The latter function is directly linked with the so-called deterrence theory, which highlights issues related to the functioning of the law enforcement system because each component of this system generates a different aspect of the overall deterrence effect. The article discusses the reasons why crime should be the subject of economic research. These include the economic theory of crime and the deterrence theory as well as the social costs of crime and the functioning of the law enforcement system. The author also takes a position on the possibility of conducting empirical research using crime data. Referring to the existing data, he analyzes selected aspects of the functioning of the Polish law enforcement system, with a special emphasis on the prison system. The findings of the article could be useful for all those interested in the practical aspects of measuring and modeling crime by using economic analysis, the author says.
Głównym celem artykułu jest artykulacja potrzeby empirycznego badania zjawiska przestępczości przy użyciu metodyki badań ekonomicznych. U źródeł tak zdefiniowanego celu leży konstatacja faktu, że polscy ekonomiści wydają się nie postrzegać fenomenu przestępczości poprzez pryzmat swojej dyscypliny naukowej, co stoi w wyraźnym kontraście do światowych trendów badawczych. Cel główny artykułu implikuje jednocześnie jego zawartość merytoryczną, która skoncentrowana jest na kluczowych aspektach operacjonalizacji ekonomicznej teorii przestępczości, stanowiącej podstawowy mechanizm transmisji aparatu pojęciowego ekonomii do problematyki przestępczości. W świetle tej teorii instytucjonalne uwarunkowania przestępczości – na które składają się poszczególne ogniwa systemu egzekucji prawa – pełnią nie tylko funkcję akomodacyjną – ze swej istoty bierną – ale również aktywną, prewencyjną. Druga z wymienionych funkcji łączy się bezpośrednio z tzw. teorią/hipotezą odstraszania, która kwestie funkcjonowania systemu egzekucji prawa wysuwa na czoło swoich rozważań, gdyż każde ogniwo systemu generuje inną składową ogólnego efektu odstraszania. W artykule omówiono przyczyny, dla których przestępczość powinna być przedmiotem badań ekonomicznych. Są to: ekonomiczna teoria przestępczości i indukowana nią teoria odstraszania, społeczne koszty przestępczości oraz funkcjonowanie sytemu egzekucji prawa. Autor zajmuje również stanowisko w kwestii możliwości prowadzenia badań empirycznych przy użyciu danych dotyczących przestępczości rejestrowanej oraz – odwołując się do danych zastanych – analizuje wybrane aspekty funkcjonowania polskiego systemu egzekucji prawa, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem więziennictwa. Treści zawarte w artykule mogą okazać się przydatne dla wszystkich tych, którzy zainteresowani są praktycznymi aspektami pomiaru i modelowania przestępczości przy użyciu analizy ekonomicznej. Nie istnieją bowiem obiektywne przyczyny, które tłumaczyłyby marginalizowanie problematyki przestępczości ze strony środowiska polskich ekonomistów.
Gospodarka Narodowa. The Polish Journal of Economics; 2012, 259, 10; 97-126
Pojawia się w:
Gospodarka Narodowa. The Polish Journal of Economics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Przesłanki rozwoju chińskich sił morskich
Czarnota, Zygmunt
Moszumański, Zbigniew
Data publikacji:
Towarzystwo Wiedzy Obronnej
siły morskie
mocarstwo morskie
odstraszanie jądrowe
operacje morskie
wojna nawodna
wojna podwodna
wojna minowa
naval forces
naval power
nuclear deterrence
naval operations
water war
submarine war
mine war
Wiedza Obronna; 2012, 3; 3-13
Pojawia się w:
Wiedza Obronna
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Cele kary kryminalnej i czynniki ograniczające wymiar kary w oświeceniowych koncepcjach penologicznych
Legitimation and limitation factors of the criminal punishment in the Enlightenment’s theories of punishment
Chmieliński, Maciej
Data publikacji:
Łódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe
oświeceniowa filozofia kary
racjonalizacja kary kryminalnej
uzasadnienie kary kryminalnej
utylitaryzm karny
retrybutywizm karny
legitimation of punishment
enlightenment theory of punishment
retributive theory of punishment
absolute and relative theory of punishment
The article focuses on legitimation and limitation factors of Enlightenment’s punishment theories. The author divides the conceptions of the most important punishment theorists of XVIII century into two groups: the first includes deterrent theories of Cesare Beccaria and Jeremy Bentham, the second amounts to retribution theories of Adam Smith and Immanuel Kant. Arguing that the paradigm of the limitation and legitimation factors of punishment needs to play a key role in the modern theory of punishment, the article shows that the Enlightenment discourse between deterrent and retribution theories delivers many important arguments for the modern practice of lawmaking and law-enforcement in the criminal law sphere.
Studia Prawno-Ekonomiczne; 2013, LXXXIX (89); 33-48
Pojawia się w:
Studia Prawno-Ekonomiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Amerykańska strategiczna triada nuklearna
American Strategic Nuclear Triad
Affek, J.
Data publikacji:
Akademia Sztuki Wojennej
bezpieczeństwo narodowe
broń nuklearna
strategiczna triada nuklearna
odstraszanie jądrowe
national security
nuclear weapons
US nuclear triad
strategic deterrence
This article discusses the nuclear deterrence potential of the United States of America. The aim of the publication is to answer the question about changes which have been occurring in American nuclear arsenals in recent years. The author discusses the historical background and the factors affecting the current state of the US nuclear triad. The article describes all the components of the triad, that is land-based nuclear weapons located on board strategic nuclear submarines and carried by strategic bombers. The main ways of delivery of nuclear weapons used operationally are discussed and their future, in accordance with the plans of the US administration. An attempt is made to highlight recently intensified activities aimed at maintaining and modernising weapon systems currently held and new weapons designs planned for implementation. This is of great importance, on one hand, due to the dynamic changes in the international security environment, and on the other hand due to the financial constraints which US armed forces are currently subjected to.
Zeszyty Naukowe AON; 2015, 1(98); 53-75
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Naukowe AON
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Crime Prevention System in the Slovak Republic. Introduction to the Issue
Dworzecki, Jacek
Piwowarski, Juliusz
Data publikacji:
Wyższa Szkoła Bezpieczeństwa Publicznego i Indywidualnego Apeiron w Krakowie
crime prevention
crime deterrence
the Slovak Republic
security culture
This article presents a system of crime prevention functioning in the realities of the Slovak Republic. The text discusses, inter alia, the essence of preventive measures taken against the phenomena of social maladjustment occurring in Slovakia. All three levels of the system (national, regional, local) are presented and the “National Crime Prevention Strategy 2012-2015” is brought closer (in an outline) and analised as a way to keep and develop country’s security culture.
Security Dimensions; 2015, 16(16); 102-126
Pojawia się w:
Security Dimensions
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Model bezpieczeństwa międzynarodowego XXI w. Od teorii do praktyki.
International Security Model in Twenty First Century. From Theory to Practice.
Żukrowska, Katarzyna
Data publikacji:
Krakowska Akademia im. Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego
international security model
theory of security
practice in current security model
Soft Power
Hard Power
balance of forces
The article argues that the current security model was shaped in a long period. It is shown that the system was shaped by the solutions applied after the II WW, what embraces global and regional solutions. Until the end of the Cold War the applied solutions were assigned to two opposite Blocs: Western and Eastern. After 1989, which is considered to be the symbolic turning point and end of the Cold War, part of the states from the former Eastern Bloc, after introducing market and democratic reforms have joined NATO and the EU. This also included three states created after the dissolution of the former SU. The article states also that security in Europe is challenged by attempt to reconstruct the area of Russian influence. At the same time it states that this process is not limited to voluntary access of the former republics of SU but also includes annexation of the territories of sovereign Ukraine. The article illustrates that the contemporary security system is characterized by strong asymmetry of applied solutions. NATO applies liberal, cooperative solutions, while Russia uses solutions build upon force and military potential. This asymmetry and moves undertaken by Russia undermine the solutions introduced by international laws. They resulted introduction of sanctions by the US and EU states, what was followed by some political and military steps, labelled as boost NATO military presence in the NATO states bordering with Russia. The article states that in parallel to Hard Power, NATO and the EU should apply also Soft Power. Solutions applied in Russia follow the feeling of majority people in Russia who experience the trauma of former superpower and its fall. The article describes basic conditions of security system with its global and regional solutions, which create its current determinants. This concerns the level of military spending, economic potential, as well as weight of individual states and their groupings in the world scene.
Krakowskie Studia Międzynarodowe; 2015, 1; 15-37
Pojawia się w:
Krakowskie Studia Międzynarodowe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Siły powietrzne w strategicznym wymuszaniu : teoria i praktyka
Air Force in strategic coercion : theory and practice
Zieliński, T.
Data publikacji:
Akademia Sztuki Wojennej
siły powietrzne
groźba użycia siły
strategiczne wymuszanie
air force
threat of using force
strategic coercion
Wydaje się, że przestrzeń pomiędzy pokojem a wojną stanowi obszar przejściowy dla wykorzystania innych środków niż bezpośrednie użycie siły prowadzące do konfliktu o dużej intensywności. To właśnie w tej domenie wysiłki polityków i dyplomatów w coraz większym stopniu opierają się na groźbie użycia siły, która w konsekwencji może zapobiec eskalacji konfliktu prowadzącego do wybuchu wojny. Jest to obszar strategicznego wymuszania, w którym staramy się przekonać potencjalnego przeciwnika do zachowania status quo albo do zmiany zachowania zgodnie z naszymi oczekiwaniami. Odpowiada to dwóm kategoriom wymuszania: odstraszaniu oraz podporządkowaniu. Jednym z kluczowych instrumentów strategicznego wymuszania są siły powietrzne. Predysponują je do tego specyficzne atrybuty: globalny zasięg, elastyczność użycia, mobilność i szybkość, których kombinacyjne użycie pozwala w skalowalny sposób na użycie siły lub groźbę jej użycia. W konsekwencji w określonej sytuacji, siły powietrzne mogą samodzielnie osiągać założone cele działań. W artykule dokonano deskrypcji zjawiska związanego z obszarem strategicznego wymuszania oraz przedstawiono praktyczne aspekty użycia sił powietrznych jako instrumentu strategicznego wymuszania.
It seems that the space between peace and war constitutes an area for the use of other measures than direct application of force, which leads to a conflict of high intensity. In this domain, the efforts of politicians and diplomats have been increasingly relying on the threat of using force, which, in consequence, may prevent the escalation of the conflict leading to war. This is the area of strategic coercion, in which we try to convince a potential enemy to maintain the status quo or to change its behaviour in accordance with our expectations. This corresponds to two categories of coercion: deterrence and compellence. One of the key instruments of strategic coercion is the air force. The air force is predisposed for this task due to specific attributes: global reach, flexibility of use, mobility and speed, which, in combination, allow for the use of force in a scalable manner or for the threat of using it. In consequence, in a specific situation, the air force may achieve the assumed goals of the actions on its own. This paper contains a description of the phenomena associated with the area of strategic coercion and a presentation of the practical aspects of the use of air force as an instrument of strategic coercion.
Zeszyty Naukowe AON; 2015, 4(101); 77-95
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Naukowe AON
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Criminal Law Against Terrorism – Looking for an Efficient Solution
Iga, Pułka,
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
economic analysis of law
This article deals with the problem of modern terrorism, especially suicide bombing, and problems for the criminal law that arise from this phenomenon. It focuses on the limited applicability of the economic analysis of law in the case of religiously motivated terrorism and identifies causes and effects of those limitations. The main aim is to identify problems that may be solved by an effectively designed criminal law and those that need a more complex, possibly value-based approach.
Studia Iuridica; 2016, 67; 181-190
Pojawia się w:
Studia Iuridica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Taktyczna broń nuklearna w Europie
Kopeć, Rafał
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
tactical nuclear weapons
nuclear sharing
extended deterrence
NPT treaty
Tactical nuclear weapons were quantitatively a dominant class o f nuclear weapons in the Cold War. However, currently, they stay on the margin of strategic thinking. The aim o f the article is to provide a reader with an insight into the issues related to tactical nuclear weapons in the European NATO countries (however, they are primarily American weapons). The article defines the term „tactical nuclear weapons” and provides an overview of these weapons. It stresses the reasons o f their development by the Western countries in the Cold War. The paper focuses on the nuclear sharing NATO program (but French non-strategic weapons are also mentioned) - its principles, current status and prospects, including controversies around the future o f tactical nuclear weapons in Europe.
Przegląd Strategiczny; 2016, 9; 75-90
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Strategiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Derring Russia in the Baltics to Allow US Power Projection in the Pacific
Middents, Michael G.
Data publikacji:
Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu w Dąbrowie Górniczej
Russian Federation
US power projection
Baltic Region
The balance of power in the world is fluctuating as the US is facing new competitors as the People’s Republic of China being as rising power. So, if tensions between the US and China or another near-peer will grow, the US would need to dedicate significant resources to the face new threat. Such a shift of power could affect the balance of power in other regions of the world and it could even trigger Russian opportunism in its former Soviet satellites. There could be a risk that NATO’s current military structure in the Baltic States leaves its Eastern flank exposed to potential risks. The paper argues that additional initiatives such as easing the flow of Allied forces across borders, the establishment of NATO anti-access/ area denial (A2AD) measures and efforts towards political cohesion need to be added and done so in a manner to gain maximum benefits from their combined effects.
Security Forum; 2017, 1, Volume 1 No. 2/2017; 47-58
Pojawia się w:
Security Forum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Facing increased Russian aggressiveness: popular militias, a potentially effective extra political and military instrument aimed at strategic deterrence
Diaconu, Florin
Data publikacji:
Akademia Sztuki Wojennej
imperial expansionism
strategic deterrence
political will
balance of power
popular militia
The text starts by briefly exploring the present strategic situation on NATO’s Eastern rim. In a situation clearly dominated by sharply increased Russian aggressiveness, and by the fact that Russia has already made several attempts directly aimed at shaping, by force, a new regional and continental balance of power (see war against Georgia, in 2008, the annexation of Crimea, in 2014, and an extensive set of military actions against Ukraine), Russian plans and actions are legitimately worrying NATO and, above all, the small or medium-sized countries on the Eastern border of the North Atlantic Alliance. Starting mainly in 2014, Russian aggressiveness generated some significant reactions within NATO, including the political decision to increase defence budgets and deploying (mainly by rotation) military forces belonging to Western member states in the directly threatened countries. These countries (the three small Baltic republics, Poland and Romania) are also strengthening their defensive capabilities, buying new weapons systems, and by hosting or organising NATO defensive exercises. But all these deterrents are costly, and implementing them is time-consuming. It is for these reasons that the article examines the political- strategic necessity of implementing national policies aimed at quickly generating and consolidating potent popular militias. These militias, which are an obvious embodiment of a very strong political will at national level, might be, if properly used, an extra significant deterrent, directly telling Putin’s regime it has no real chance of winning a quick and cheap victory, if it behaves aggressively against states on the Eastern rim of NATO. At this very moment, more than ever before (at least for the almost 30 years since the end of the Cold War), NATO is confronted with the openly aggressive foreign policy, strategic plans and strategic actions of the Russian Federation.
Security and Defence Quarterly; 2017, 15, 2; 38-53
Pojawia się w:
Security and Defence Quarterly
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Geopolityczny wymiar poszukiwań równowagi strategicznej i narzędzi odstraszania w politycze bezpieczeństwa USA w XXI wieku
Geopolitical dimension of the pursuit of strategic balance and tools of deterrence in U.S. security policy in the XXI century
Nycz, Grzegorz
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Geopolityczne
równowaga strategiczna
polityka bezpieczeństwa USA
geopolityka eurazjatycka
strategic balance
U.S. security policy
Eurasian geopolitics
Celem artykułu jest analiza zmian w polityce odstraszania USA po zimnej wojnie w realiach „drugiego wieku nuklearnego”, rosnącej liczby państw dysponujących bronią masowego rażenia oraz groźbami sięgnięcia po nią przez rządzone przez dyktatury agresywne państwa zbójeckie oraz organizacje terrorystyczne (przede wszystkim radykałów islamskich). Podstawowe modyfikacje polityk odstraszania USA uwzględniały zastąpienie jednego głównego zagrożenia i rywala - radzieckiego - wieloma potencjalnymi państwowymi i niepaństwowymi adwersarzami o zróżnicowanych potencjałach i zdolnościach, wymagających zastosowania odstraszania „szytego na miarę”. Wyzwaniami geopolitycznymi o najpoważniejszym znaczeniu dla USA pozostawały w okresie pozimnowojennym relacje z potężnymi mocarstwami niedemokratycznymi - Rosją i Chinami - oraz państwami niechętnymi wobec Zachodu, rozwijającymi zdolności posługiwania się bronią masowego rażenia i środkami jej przenoszenia (Koreą Północną, Iranem). Wyjątkowo trudnym wyzwaniem geopolitycznym okazała się rosnąca niechęć Rosji wobec mocarstw zachodnich potęgowana przez rozszerzenie NATO oraz euroatlantyckie aspiracje Ukrainy i Gruzji, które dla autorytarnego i brutalnego reżimu Władimira Putina stały się powodem do agresji militarnej, rozpoczynającej wraz nielegalną aneksją Krymu okres tzw. „nowej zimnej wojny”. W odniesieniu do rozpraw H. Mackindera w XXI w. szczególnie istotnym pozostało pytanie o pozycję Europy Wschodniej jako klucza do eurazjatyckiego sworznia („Heartland”) i obszaru dążącego do obrony niepodległości wobec naporu rosyjskiego.
The aim of the text is an analysis of changes in U.S. deterrence policy after the Cold War under the conditions of the “second nuclear age”, the growing number of countries in the possession of weapons of mass destruction and threats of its seizure by aggressive rogue states governed by dictatorships or terrorist organizations. The basic modifications of U.S. deterrence policies incorporated the replacement of one major threat and rival by many potential state and non-state adversaries of diverse potentials and capacities, demanding the introduction of “tailored” deterrence. In the post-Cold War era the relations with mighty non-democratic powers, Russia and China, and countries hostile towards the West developing weapons of mass destruction and its delivery means (North Korea, Iran) remained the geopolitical challenges of most serious significance for the United States. A geopolitical challenge of particularly high difficulty concerned a growing hostility of Russia towards the Western powers, multiplied by the enlargement of NATO and Euro-Atlantic aspirations of Ukraine and Georgia, which became a reason for the authoritarian and violent regime of Vladimir Putin to start a military aggression, which opened, altogether with an illegal annexation of Crimea, the era of the so called “New Cold War”. In reference to the dissertations of H. Mackinder, particularly important remains the question concerning the position of Eastern Europe as a key to Eurasian “Heartland” and an area striving for independence in circumstances of Russian pressure.
Przegląd Geopolityczny; 2017, 22; 50-72
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Geopolityczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Looking Back at the Cold War and P-3C Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW) 40 Years Ago
Stanton, D.
Data publikacji:
Wojskowa Akademia Techniczna im. Jarosława Dąbrowskiego
cold war
nuclear deterrence
submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM)
anti-submarine warfare (ASW)
zimna wojna
odstraszanie jądrowe
While many have already forgotten the tense times of the Cold War, it is increasingly important to relook at those events to provide context and references as we engage in increasingly tense relationships with Russia and China. During the 44 years of the Cold War, trillions of dollars were spent as millions of Americans, Allies and our Soviet and Warsaw Pact counterparts – served and stood watches on bases, remote outposts, ships, submarines, aircraft, and missile siloes to maintain an uneasy balance of powers during dangerous times. The Cold War affected several generations and hundreds of thousands were killed or injured while serving to maintain stability and the peace. This paper briefly reviews macro events of the Cold War, nuclear deterrence, and US and Soviet naval expansion. It also provides a micro look at Navy P-3C Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW) patrol operations in the late 1970s, and technologies including early digital computers, trackballs, inertials, data link, touch screens, sonobuoys, and magnetic anomaly detection. Reviewing the Cold War and a focus on extensive and expensive Allied ASW operations can serve to remind us of the complexity of these operations, the danger of the times, lessons-learned, and the sacrifices by both sides while maintaining constant vigils around the world during tense times.
Chociaż wiele osób zapomniało już o napiętych czasach zimnej wojny, coraz ważniejsze staje się ponowne przyjrzenie się tym wydarzeniom w celu przedstawienia kontekstu i odniesień, w miarę jak angażujemy się w coraz bardziej napięte stosunki z Rosją i Chinami. W ciągu 44 lat zimnej wojny biliony dolarów zostały wydane, jako że miliony Amerykanów, Alianci oraz nasi Sowieccy odpowiednicy wraz z Układem Warszawskim służyli, będąc gotowi do ataku podczas wart w bazach, w odległych posterunkach, na statkach, okrętach podwodnych, statkach powietrznych i silosach rakietowych, aby utrzymać niełatwą równowagę sił podczas tych niebezpiecznych czasów. Zimna wojna dotknęła kilku pokoleń, setki tysięcy osób zostało zabitych lub rannych, służąc utrzymaniu stabilności i pokoju. Niniejszy artykuł zawiera krótki przegląd makrowydarzeń związanych z zimną wojną, odstraszaniem jądrowym oraz ekspansją Marynarki Wojennej Stanów Zjednoczonych i ZSRR. Zapewnia również mikrospojrzenie na operacje zwalczania okrętów podwodnych (ZOP) Marynarki Wojennej P-3C pod koniec lat 70. XX w. oraz technologie obejmujące wczesne komputery cyfrowe, manipulatory kulkowe, bezwładności, łącza danych, ekrany dotykowe, boje sonarowe oraz wykrywanie anomalii magnetycznych. Przegląd zimnej wojny oraz skupienie się na rozległych i kosztownych operacjach alianckich ZOP może nam przypomnieć o złożoności tych operacji, niebezpieczeństwie czasów, wyciągniętych z nich wnioskach i poświęceniach obu stron, przy jednoczesnym zachowaniu stałej czujności na całym świecie w napiętych czasach.
Przegląd Nauk o Obronności; 2017, 2, 4; 13-47
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Nauk o Obronności
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
NATO’S defence policy dilemma in the Baltic States
Milevski, Lukas
Data publikacji:
Akademia Sztuki Wojennej
Defence policy
Warsaw Summit
The purpose of this paper is to discuss the dilemma NATO has faced since February 2014 in its defence policy regarding the Baltic States. If NATO pursues a policy of deterrence, it might trigger war because Russia, the would-be deteree, may perceive actions taken by NATO as not intended to strengthen deterrence but rather to intimidate or coerce it. If it pursues an alternate policy of leaving the Baltic States visibly undefended, it might trigger war because Russia may see this as a sign of weakness and a gap to be exploited. This article investigates the logic of the dilemma, before considering whether NATO’s choice, made at the Warsaw Summit of July 2016, is working as intended. Ultimately, we cannot predict the answer and, therefore, we should consider all possible outcomes, including those which lead to a defensive war in the Baltic States.
Security and Defence Quarterly; 2017, 14, 1; 51-68
Pojawia się w:
Security and Defence Quarterly
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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