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Способи відтворення неозначеності в німецькомовному перекладі роману Сергія Жадана «Депешмод»
Translation of indefiniteness in into german translated novel of Serhii Zhadan “Depeche mode”
Солюк (Soliuk), Мар’яна (Mariana)
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
категорія детермінації
перекладацькі трансформації
category of determination
translation transformations
This scientific research deals with a topical linguistic and translation problem – the category of definiteness / indefiniteness. The category is a functional-semantic, conceptual category in the Ukrainian language, and a grammatical category in the German language. That is why it is expressed differently in both languages. The article analyzes the works of leading linguists devoted to the study of issues related to the category of definiteness / indefiniteness from different points of view and on the basis of Ukrainian and German languages. The purpose of this article is to determine the means one can use to reproduce the category of indefiniteness in the Ukrainian-German translation. The object of this research is linguistic indefiniteness as it is, i.e. the name of the object it designates belongs to the class of similar phenomena. Indefiniteness describes something new. In the Ukrainian language it is mostly expressed by indefinite pronouns that indicate an indefinite person, object, quality, quantity, etc. Indefinite pronouns are the main means of reference. Linguistic researchers state that indefiniteness in the Ukrainian language is always marked. The subject of the given study is the analysis of implicit means of expression of indefiniteness in Ukrainian as well as means of its explicit expression in the translation of the novel “Depeche Mode” by S. Zhadan into German. Comparative and descriptive methods of linguistic research allow considering different ways of expression of indefiniteness in the translation of modern fiction. The analyzed material contains examples where indefiniteness in the original text is expressed by (якийсь, хтось, який-небудь, деякий, один з і т.д. / some, someone, some, one of, etc.) which is translated by articles (mostly indefinite articles – ein / eine), as well as by their equivalents in the target language (einer aus… / einer von…, irgendwelche, ein paar), rarely by a zero article. Reproduction of the quantitative expression of indefiniteness into the target language doesn’t present a translation problem. The analyzed material contains examples where the indefinite pronoun якийсь / some is rendered by means of the definite article der. Indefiniteness in not reproduced in this case. Among the methods of translation of indefiniteness there are translation transformations both lexical-semantic, such as addition, generalization, and lexicalgrammatical. It conclusion, the further research on the issue of reproduction of indefiniteness / the category of definiteness / indefiniteness on the basis of translations of texts of other genres and analysis of a wider range of means that express indefiniteness, as well as ways of its translation.
У пропонованому дослідженні порушено актуальну перекладознавчу проблему – відтворення категорії означеності / неозначеності, яка є функціонально-семантичною, поняттєвою в українській мові, та граматичною в німецькій. Саме тому по різному виражена в обох мовах. У статті проаналізовано наукові розвідки провідних зарубіжних та вітчизняних лінгвістів, які з різних точок зору підходили до вивчення проблематики пов’язаної з вищевказаною категорією, а також досліджували дану тему на матеріалі різних мов. Метою статті є визначення способів передачі мовних засобів експлікації неозначеності з мови оригіналу на цільову мову. Об’єктом наукової розвідки виступає неозначеність, яка вказує на те, що ім’я позначуваного ним предмета належить до класу подібних йому феноменів. Визначено, що неозначеність є позначенням чогось нового, в українській мові здебільшого виражається за допомогою неозначених займенників, які вказують на неозначену особу, предмет, якість, кількість і т.д., і саме вони є головним засобом референції. На думку науковців, неозначеність в українській мові є завжди маркованою. Предметом дослідження виступають імпліцитні засоби вираження неозначеності в мові оригіналу та експліцитні в німецькомовному перекладі твору (на матеріалі роману С. Жадана «Депешмод»). За допомогою зіставного й описового методів лінгвістичного дослідження розглянуті різні способи передачі засобів вираження неозначеності при перекладі художнього тексту сучасної літератури. Встановлено та проаналізовано відтворення імпліцитних засобів вираження даної категорії в мові оригіналу (якийсь, хтось, який-небудь, деякий, один з і т.д.) за допомогою артиклів (здебільшого неозначеного – ein / eine), а також відповідниками в мові реципієнті (einer aus…/ einer von…, irgendwelche, ein paar), рідше нульовим артиклем. Відтворення кількісного вираження неозначеності при перекладі не викликало жодних проблем. Проте, зафіксовано випадки, в яких неозначеність не було відтворено (якийсь – der). Одним з методів перекладу неозначеності, що ними послуговувався перекладач є перекладацькі трансформації: лексико-семантичні, такі як додавання, генералізація та лексико-граматичні. Вбачаємо перспективу дослідження даної проблематики на матеріалі перекладів текстів інших жанрів та аналізі ширшого спектру засобів, за допомогою яких може бути виражена неозначеність, категорія означеності / неозначеності, а також способів їх перекладу.
Pomiędzy. Polonistyczno-Ukrainoznawcze Studia Naukowe; 2022, 7(4); 77-83
Pojawia się w:
Pomiędzy. Polonistyczno-Ukrainoznawcze Studia Naukowe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Една можна класификација на експонентите на неопределеноста во македонскиот јазик
Карапејовски [Karapejovski], Бобан [Boban]
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Slawistyki PAN
category of definiteness
exponents of indefiniteness
A possible classification of indefiniteness exponents in Macedonian The concept or category of determinateness finds its grammaticalization in the category of definiteness. Beginning from the dialectical configuration of reality, which finds its linguistic expression in such features that, in componential analysis, are marked as “plus” (+) or “minus” (-), the formal indicator of definiteness will be juxtaposed with equivalents for the corresponding point/segment at the opposite end of the axis.In the established system of the Macedonian language, indefiniteness may be expressed simply by the absence of a marker; by indefinite pronouns, and, in particular, by one and someone (eden and nekoj), which in terms of definiteness/indefiniteness are counterparts of sorts to the article (the definite article as an exponent of positive marking of definiteness in Macedonian); finally, in certain cases, absence of definiteness may be related to the non-referentiality of noun syntagmas or to ontological meanings. The above-mentioned cases can be classified according to: a) their syntactic function; b) the addressor’s/addressee’s knowledge of the referent (obligatory use of one [eden]/someone [nekoj]]; c) their non-referentiality (either in reality or in the text)/denotation/genericity. Propozycja klasyfikacji wykładników nieokreśloności w języku macedońskim Pojęcie wyznaczoności gramatykalizuje się jako tzw. kategoria określoności. Poczynając od stanu rzeczy w dialektach oraz stosując analizę komponencjalną, w której poszczególnym cechom przypisujemy znaki plus (+) i minus (-),formalnym wykładnikom kategorii określoności przeciwstawiamy ekwiwalenty odpowiedniego punktu/odcinka na przeciwnej stronie osi.W systemie języka macedońskiego nieokreśloność może być wyrażona po prostu poprzez brak wykładnika; zaimkami nieokreślonymi, w szczególności еден i некој – stanowiącymi odpowiedniki rodzajnika (który w języku macedońskim jest wykładnikiem pozytywnego nacechowania ze względu na określoność w języku macedońskim); wreszcie, w pewnych wypadkach, do nieobecności określoności może się przyczynić brak referencji frazy nominalnej lub wiedza ontologiczna. Wymienione sytuacje możemy klasyfikować według: funkcji składniowej, wiedzy adresata/adresatów na temat referenta (obligatoryjne użycie еден/некој), niereferencyjności (w rzeczywistości i w tekście)/denotacji/generyczności.
Slavia Meridionalis; 2018, 18
Pojawia się w:
Slavia Meridionalis
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
¿Es el artículo una unidad pragmática? Acerca de la teoría de la definitud y la referencia
Is the article a pragmatic unit? On the theory of definiteness and reference
Pawlik, Janusz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
In this paper I intend to review some theories of the article, paying attention to the relations they establish between reference and +/–definiteness of a noun phrase (NP). The prototypes of +/–definiteness in Spanish are the definite and indefinite articles and NPs determined by them. Nevertheless, the actual reference of a NP depends mostly on its use (a speech act) and varies according to its pragmatic context. Reference and definiteness are mutually related concepts accompanied by pragmatic and semantic implications. I wish to make a critical overview of some proposals in this field of research.
Studia Romanica Posnaniensia; 2021, 48, 2; 131-141
Pojawia się w:
Studia Romanica Posnaniensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wokół problemów semantycznej kategorii określoności/nieokreśloności i struktury tematyczno-rematycznej w języku bułgarskim i polskim
Around issues of the semantic category of definiteness/indefiniteness and thematic-rhematic structure in Bulgarian and Polish
Banasiak, Jakub
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Polish language
Bulgarian language
thematic-rhematic structure
The paper discusses the interplay between the semantic category of definiteness/indefiniteness and thematic-rhematic structure. Special attention is paid to the semantic requirements that must be met by phrases that may undergo thematization. The “thematizability” of both general and unique phrases is stressed and considered an argument in favour of the common treatment of generality and uniqueness.
Slavica Lodziensia; 2018, 2; 45-50
Pojawia się w:
Slavica Lodziensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wbudowane pozycje argumentowe a intensjonalna zupełność propozycji
Banasiak, Jakub
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Slawistyki PAN
semantic category
definiteness / indefiniteness
Built in argument positions and the propositions intensional completenessThe paper discusses issues concerning the potential influence of built in argument positions on the propositions intensional completeness. According to the chosen scientific approach the distribution of determiners is a reflex of the propositions completeness, there seem to exist however such structures in which one of the argument positions is blocked due to being built into the predicate. The intensional value of such positions may vary and theoretically reflect the propositions definiteness / indefiniteness (intensional completeness). Predicates such as: търся implicate a locative argument position, which is inherently indefinite, but does not seem to reflect the distribution of determiners.
Slavia Meridionalis; 2010, 10
Pojawia się w:
Slavia Meridionalis
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Role of Inter- and Intralingual Factors and Compendiums in Acquisition of Swedish as a Foreign Language: The Case of Finns Learning Definiteness and the Use of Articles
Nyqvist, Eeva-Liisa
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
use of articles
third language acquisition
This study explores the acquisition of definiteness and article use in written Swedish by Finnish-speaking teenagers (n=67) during the three years in secondary school. The studied grammatical phenomena are problematic for all L2 learners of Swedish and are especially difficult for learners, such as Finns, whose L1 lacks expressive definiteness morphologically. The informants produce complex NPs already in their first narratives. The form of NPs poses significantly more problems than the choice of a correct form of definiteness. Hence, it is possible that previous knowledge in English helps informants in the choice of definiteness. The common nominator for problematic expressions is simplification, in both formal aspects and in the relation between form and meaning. Previous research in Sweden has made similar findings. The most central types of NPs build an acquisition explainable by a complexity hierarchy between the different types of NPs. The informants master best NPs without definiteness markers. Definite singulars containing an ending are significantly easier than indefinite singulars, the indefinite article of which is notoriously difficult for Finns learning Swedish as an L2. This acquisition order, however, profoundly differs from the traditional order of instruction of their compendiums.
Research in Language; 2016, 14, 3; 297-327
Pojawia się w:
Research in Language
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
On Semantic Annotation in Clarin-PL Parallel Corpora
Koseska-Toszewa, Violetta
Roszko, Roman
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Slawistyki PAN
manual semantic annotation
semantic definiteness/indefiniteness category
logical quantification
elements of the semantic category of time
sequence of events and states finally ended with an event
On Semantic Annotation in Clarin-PL Parallel CorporaIn the article, the authors present a proposal for semantic annotation in Clarin-PL parallel corpora: Polish-Bulgarian-Russian and Polish-Lithuanian ones. Semantic annotation of quantification is a novum in developing sentence level semantics in multilingual parallel corpora. This is why our semantic annotation is manual. The authors hope it will be interesting to IT specialists working on automatic processing of the given natural languages. Semantic annotation defined the way it is defined here will make contrastive studies of natural languages more efficient, which in turn will help verify the results of those studies, and will certainly improve human and machine translations.
Cognitive Studies; 2015, 15
Pojawia się w:
Cognitive Studies
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
O wykorzystaniu derywacyjnej koncepcji wykładni prawa w rozwiązywaniu problemów prawa karnego
Siwek, Kamil
Data publikacji:
Uczelnia Łazarskiego. Oficyna Wydawnicza
wykładnia prawa
norma sankcjonowana
okre-śloność czynu zabronionego
interpretation of the law
sanctioned norm
justification in law
definiteness of a prohibited act
Zasadniczym celem opracowania jest przedstawienie możliwości wykorzystania derywacyjnej koncepcji wykładni prawa w rozwiązywaniu kilku wybranych istotnych problemów prawa karnego – na bazie przyjmowanych przez rzeczoną koncepcję dwupoziomowości tekstu praw-nego oraz rozczłonkowaniu treściowym norm w przepisach prawnych. Na tym tle ustalono, że każdy przepis typizujący części szczególnej Kodeksu karnego zawsze wysłowia zręby normy sankcjonowanej i sankcjonującej, co oznacza, że prawo karne jest regulatorem życia społecz-nego i samoistnym źródłem norm sankcjonowanych (zakazujących). Nadto ustalono, że prze-pisy statuujące kontratypy w rzeczywistości są przepisami modyfikującymi i nie są podstawą rekonstrukcji określonej normy prawnej. Stanowią niezbędny składnik norm sankcjonowanych i modyfikują ich zakres zastosowania. W konsekwencji w obszarze prawa karnego ustalenie bezprawności czynu ma zawsze charakter definitywny, bo przekroczenie określonej normy sankcjonowanej implikuje bezprawność. Tym samym nie jest tak, że ustawowa określoność czynu i bezprawność to dwa różne elementy struktury przestępstwa, znajdujące się na róż-nych piętrach tej struktury.
The principal aim of the study is to present the possibility of using the derivational concept of interpretation of the law to solve several selected significant problems of criminal law – on the basis of the two levels of legal text adopted according to the concept in question and the substantive fragmentation of norms in legal regulations. Against this background, it has been established that every provision typifying the specific section of the Penal Code always expresses out the foundations of a sanctioned and sanctioning norm, which means that criminal law is a regulator of social life and an inherent source of sanctioned (forbidding) norms. Moreover, it has been established that the provisions defining justification in law are, in fact, modifying provisions and are not the basis for reconstructing a specific legal norm. They constitute an indispensable component of sanctioned norms and modify their scope of application. As a result, in the area of criminal law, the determination of the unlawfulness of an act is always of a definitive nature, because overstepping a specific sanctioned norm implies unlawfulness. Thus, it is not the case that the statutory definiteness of an act and its unlawfulness are two different elements of the structure of an offence, located on different levels of that structure.
Ius Novum; 2021, 15, 4; 73-104
Pojawia się w:
Ius Novum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
O określoności narracyjnej w Bibliotece Kapitana Nemo P.O. Enquista
Skrzypek, Dominika
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
definite article
rodzajnik określony
Folia Scandinavica Posnaniensia; 2011, 12; 299-303
Pojawia się w:
Folia Scandinavica Posnaniensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Las oraciones de relativo y la definitud de su antecedente expreso
Relative clauses and the definiteness of their head noun phrases
Pawlik, Janusz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
relative clause
in)definiteness of a head noun phrase
first-mention definite article
identification of a referent
The paper is concerned with the (in)definite reference of a noun phrase which is the head of a relative clause in Spanish. Speaker and hearer do not share any knowledge of the referent on the basis of previous mention (anaphora) or situational uses. There is something about the relative clause which makes a first-mention definite article possible. We take an insight into the contents of the description conveyed by such relatives.
Studia Romanica Posnaniensia; 2019, 46, 4; 65-77
Pojawia się w:
Studia Romanica Posnaniensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Inalienable possession in Swedish and Danish – a diachronic perspective
Piotrowska, Alicja
Skrzypek, Dominika
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
inalienable possession
Mainland Scandinavian languages
Old Swedish
Old Danish
grammaticalization of definiteness
In this paper we discuss the alienability splits in two Mainland Scandinavian languages, Swedish and Danish, in a diachronic context. Although it is not universally acknowledged that such splits exist in modern Scandinavian languages, many nouns typically included in inalienable structures such as kinship terms, body part nouns and nouns describing culturally important items show different behaviour from those considered alienable. The differences involve the use of (reflexive) possessive pronouns vs. the definite article, which differentiates the Scandinavian languages from e.g. English. As the definite article is a relatively new arrival in the Scandinavian languages, we look at when the modern pattern could have evolved by a close examination of possessive structures with potential inalienables in Old Swedish and Old Danish. Our results reveal that to begin with, inalienables are usually bare nouns and come to be marked with the definite article in the course of its grammaticalization.
Folia Scandinavica Posnaniensia; 2017, 23; 25-45
Pojawia się w:
Folia Scandinavica Posnaniensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Il futuro nell’italiano contemporaneo come tempo dell’indicativo: una classificazione problematica
The Use of the Future Tense in Contemporary Italian as a Tense of the Indicative Mood: A Problematic Classification
Marchetti, Ettore
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
determinatezza/indeterminatezza temporale
temporal definiteness/indefiniteness
Il futuro rappresenta un classico esempio di ‘tempo modale’, poiché il suo valore temporale si alterna e spesso si lega a varie accezioni modali. L’uso deittico è conservato, ma è minato dalla sostituzione con il presente, almeno per quanto riguarda eventi temporalmente determinati da avverbi o locuzioni. Il presente studio discute la problematicità della classificazione del futuro, tempo dell’incertezza, come tempo dell’indicativo, che è invece il modo della realtà. Si intende inoltre riflettere sulla possibile ridefinizione del raggio d’azione del futuro, visto lo spazio che il presente sta guadagnando a suo discapito. Questo lavoro delinea le tendenze attuali nell’uso del futuro, dà dei riferimenti quantitativi sulla sua sostituzione con il presente, e mostra la sua funzione di tempo dell’incertezza. La selezione del futuro sembrerebbe una concettualizzazione della dubbia realizzazione di determinati eventi. I dati analizzati suggeriscono una tenuta abbastanza salda del futuro per esprimere azioni o eventi che non sono puntualizzati da una espressione temporale (e questo rafforza in un certo senso la tendenza opposta secondo cui il presente ‘pro futuro’ è usato quando un avverbio specifica la temporalità). Urge monitorare questo aspetto del sistema verbale per un eventuale ampliamento delle definizioni del futuro semplice nelle grammatiche, e anche per acquisire dei dati su un tempo verbale il cui uso si dà per scontato, ma sul quale, perlomeno per quanto riguarda il futuro in italiano, non ci sono numerosi studi quantitativi.
The future tense in Italian is a classic example of “modal tense”, since its temporal value is strictly linked to modal values (i.e., epistemic). The temporal use is still preserved, but it is threatened by the replacement with the present tense, at least with events that are determined and specified by temporal adverbs or expressions (i.e., domani [tomorrow]). This article discusses the problematic status of the future as a tense category and its classification under the indicative mood. A redefinition of this verbal tense and of its range of use is needed, given the frequency with which the present tense is replacing it. This paper aims at answering the following questions: What is the general tendency of the use of the future tense in Italian? When does it have a temporal function? Does it indicate events that have a determinate or indeterminate time reference? My work describes the future particularly as the tense of uncertainty and justifies this function with a cognitive perspective. According to the data, the selection of future would in fact conceptualise the uncertainty that speakers have towards events that are not chronologically determined. By giving quantitative references in my work, I monitor this aspect of the verbal system and eventually contribute to the definition of the future tense.
Italica Wratislaviensia; 2018, 9.1; 89-106
Pojawia się w:
Italica Wratislaviensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Form, its meaning, and dictionary entries
Koseska-Toszewa, Violetta
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Slawistyki PAN
language form
meaning of a form aspect and tense
semantic category of definiteness/indefiniteness
contrastive studies
semantic interlanguage
terminological dictionary
contrastive description leading from meaning to form
Form, its meaning, and dictionary entriesAs we know, a language form is a unit which plays a specific form in the language, e.g. a semantic or syntactical one. We establish the function of a form based on its use (occurrence), i.e. its relation with the meanings of other forms in speech or in a text. The meaning of a form is the value of its function. In the traditional grammar, form is opposed to its meaning. However, various grammar schools have big problems with distinguishingbetween a form and its function. For example, the present tense form has a number of basic temporal meanings in Bulgarian as well as in Polish and Russian, and in none of those languages this is only the present time, (see past, future and habituality expressed using the present tense form). It is a big mistake not to distinguish between the meanings of article in article languages. For example, in Bulgarian the same form of article canexpress both uniqueness and universality (or, respectively: definiteness and indefiniteness). In the quoted book (Koseska-Toszewa 1982), I put forward a hypothesis on the development of the meaning of Bulgarian article. In my opinion, initially the article expressed uniqueness of an element (object), and then started to express also uniqueness of a set, which later, due to equalling two completely different semantically-logical structures, i.e. structures with universal and unique quantification, lead to a homonymy and to the article expressing also universality, i.e. indefiniteness. Similarly in English, French, Rumanian or Albanian, where the same form of article can express either uniqueness or universality. This proves that the above homonymy is of a general rather than typological (e.g. Balkan) character. Naturally, in the above languages the definite article form can also express uniqueness of an object or a set, so it also expresses definiteness. Ambiguity of the definite article form is a phenomenon exceeding the area of Balkan languages, and the only Balkanism is the position of the article - speaking more precisely,its postpositiveness (postpositive position). However, that position gives us no right to treat it differently than the English or French article. In Bulgarian, Rumanian and Albanian the postpositive article is written together with the name its concerns, but it is neither a unit belonging to the root of the word nor the ending of the word.The above observations, based first of all on the semantically-logical aspects of the definiteness category, have been confirmed by the language material from the Suprasl Code, where Bulgarian article does not occur in universally quantified nominal structures, but in uniquely quantified nominal expressions, denoting satisfaction of the predicate either by one element of the sentence or by the whole set treated as the only one.It is worth stressing that distinguishing between the form and its meaning in comparing the material 6 languages belonging to three different groups of Slavic languages (as is the case in the MONDILEX Project) will allow us to avoid numeorus substantiva mistakes and erroneous conclusions. Hence dictionary entries should be verified and made uniform in that respect before they are “digitalized”... Distinction between the form and its meaning in a dictionary entry is fully possible, as shown by works of Z. Saloni (2002) and A.Przepiórkowski (2008).
Cognitive Studies; 2010, 10
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Cognitive Studies
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Differences in the formalization of the semantic category of definiteness / indefiniteness
Roszko, Danuta
Roszko, Roman
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Slawistyki PAN
contrastive studies
semantic category of definiteness/indefiniteness
Lithuanian local dialect of Puńsk in Poland
Differences in the formalization of the semantic category of definiteness / indefinitenessBasing on theoretical contrastive studies guidelines, the article defines the semantic category of definiteness/indefiniteness where two basic opposition meanings are being ascribed to. It also distinguishes crucial sub-meanings for this category. The category established like this constitutes a characteristic interlanguage typical of theoretical contrastive studies, which is here used as tertium comparationis for demonstrating the formal differences between Polish, Lithuanian and dialectal exponents to express particular sub/meanings. The differences demonstrated in the article are to confirm a different degree of the formalization of the category in each of the natural codes compared here. The idea of taking the local dialect of Puńsk into consideration results from a clearly visible influence of Polish and Lithuanian on the traditional dialectal system. In consequence, the dialectal system of exponents to express the meanings within the semantic category of definiteness/indefiniteness keeps a high degree of the traditional exponents specialization on one hand, but on the other hand, a low degree of specialization is being ascribed to some forms borrowed from Lithuanian (as a consequence of the Polish language influence), which results from the bilingualism of the Lithuanians living in Poland.
Cognitive Studies; 2011, 11
Pojawia się w:
Cognitive Studies
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Definiteness-indefiniteness category and logical quantification
Koseska-Toszewa, Violetta
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Slawistyki PAN
scope-based quantification
strong and weak quantification meanings
incomplete quantification
state quantification and imperfect aspect
event quantification and perfect aspect
network-based description of time
Petri nets
Definiteness-indefiniteness category and logical quantificationThis work has been written within the “Logic and Language” project, realized under a cooperation agreement between the Institute of Slavic Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Bulgarian Language of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. The publication of a many-volume Bulgarian Polish Grammar (12 monographs), and of a Polish-Bulgarian Contrastive Grammar, from now on: Synthesis, is completed. Theories of mathematical logic are satisfied in perfect way in a natural language, which is shown by our understanding of the semantic definiteness / indefiniteness category as a system of scope-based quantification notions. A natural language complements and modifies logical theories. For example, understanding of the definiteness / indefiniteness category as a sentence category follows from the language material, especially in article languages. In such languages, quantification of the predicate is a necessary prerequisite for interpretation. Also introduction of the notions of strong and weak quantification meanings is motivated, for example, by the need to distinguish between the meanings of expressions like Pol. pewien x, jakiś x / Bulg. njakoj x, njakakyv x on the nominal phrase level, and by understanding of the ambiguity of quantification expressions like Bulg. vinagi, ponjakoga / Pol. zawsze, czasami. The fact of treating the definiteness / indefiniteness category as a sentence category expands understanding of the incomplete quantification notion also with respect to the verbal phrase, rather than, as in Ajdukiewicz’s approach, with respect to the nominal phrase only. Similarly, a proper name in a natural language is not a unique name, like in mathematical logic, but requires additional unique quantification. A network-based description of time is the first attempt at this type of description in the subject literature. In the present article, I stress that fact that quantification of states and events understood as in Petri net theory reveals the dependence between the aspectual and temporal meanings of verb, and proves that the information on time and aspect need not be dealt with separately.
Cognitive Studies; 2011, 11
Pojawia się w:
Cognitive Studies
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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