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Фінансова система України: проблеми і перспективи розвитку
The Financial System of Ukraine: Problems and Prospects of Development
System finansowy Ukrainy: problemy i perspektywy rozwoju
Karlin, Mykola Ivanovych
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
system finansowy państwa
finanse publiczne
lokalne finanse
deficyt budżetowy
dług publiczny
wydatki socjalne
system podatkowy
financial system of country
state finances
public finances
local finances
the state budget
deficit of budget
national debt
social charges
tax system
European Soyuz
Ibero-American model
W artykule określono strukturę systemu finansowego Ukrainy, rolę finansów publicznych w jego rozwoju, zidentyfikowane wspólne problemy finansów publicznych ukraińskiego państwa i zaproponowane kierunki ich rozwiązania. Znaczną uwagę poświęcono w artykule problemom i sposobom reformowania systemu podatkowego Ukrainy.
In the article the specified structure of the financial system of Ukraine, role of state finances in its development, found out the general issues of functioning of public finances of the Ukrainian state, offered ways of their decision. Considerable attention in the article is spared problems and ways of reformation of the tax system of Ukraine.
Roczniki Wydziału Nauk Prawnych i Ekonomicznych KUL; 2009-2010, 5-6, 1; 217-230
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Wydziału Nauk Prawnych i Ekonomicznych KUL
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Dług publiczny w ujęciu ekonomicznym i prawnym. Zmienność długu publicznego w wybranych gospodarkach pozaeuropejskich po 2007 na tle państw Unii Europejskiej
Malinowski, Dariusz
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie
budget deficit, public debt, legal methodologies of calculating public debt
The two main aims of the text were comparative analysis of several legal methodologies for defining public debt developed by international organizations and presenting the Polish legal methodology of calculating public debt while pointing out to the differences between methodologies. Presentation of the concept of the budget deficit and public debt in economic theory served as introduction to the description of legal approach to public debt. The second part of the study examines the economic volatility of the state budget deficit and public debt in selected non-European economies after 2007. The analysis was carried out on a group of sixty-largest economies in the world by GDP at market prices by purchasing power parity. The state of public finance of non – European economies is shown in comparison with the state of EU public finance
Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego Studia i Prace; 2015, 2; 77-109
Pojawia się w:
Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego Studia i Prace
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Phenomenon of Twin Deficits in Poland in 2009–2018 : Research Paper
Zawiślińska, Izabela
Cirin, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Najwyższa Izba Kontroli
twin deficits
budget deficit
balance of payments
international financial relations
The purpose of this article is to determine the degree, direction and strength of the impact of the studied variables, i.e. the state budget balance and the current account balance as part of Poland’s balance of payments in the years 2009–2018 based on the data of the Statistics Poland. The main research questions focus on determining the type of relationships connecting the studied deficits and the degree, direc tion and type of interaction in light of previous studies dedicated to the hypothesis of twin deficits. The methodology used is based on inte grated correlation analysis, linear regression and an analysis of the co efficient of variation. As a result of the study, a strong correlation was found between the cumulative values of the examined deficits, con firming the existence of the twin deficit hypothesis in Poland in the examined period; this means that the budget deficit affects the current account balance of payments. The main balance stabilizing the negative balance of primary incomes, in which the income of non-residents from foreign direct investment is the dominant position, was the balance of extremely dynamically developing service exports.
Kontrola Państwowa; 2021, 66, 3 (398); 180-199
Pojawia się w:
Kontrola Państwowa
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The influence of fiscal rules on the discipline in the public finance in Poland
Ciak, Joalnta Maria
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie. Kolegium Zarządzania i Finansów
discipline of public finance
budget deficit
fiscal rules
public debt
Fiscal rules constitute tools that match the characteristics of a transparent fiscal policy. Increasing the predictability of activities conducted within the public finance sector, which can limit politicians’ irresponsible behaviour, is of crucial importance. Fiscal rules may be preventative in nature – they can, therefore, prevent negative phenomena in the area of public finance now and in the near future. They become a kind of obstacle for potential inappropriate fiscal expansion, expenditure expansion in particular, of the public authorities, which could lead to too deep an imbalance between the liabilities of the state and the sources sufficient to cover its obligations. The trends in changes in the current public finance are supplemented by introducing fiscal rules or strengthening their role. The basic problem with fiscal rules is that in many cases they are leaky and are also not consistently observed. The aim of the article is to present a brief overview of national and supranational fiscal rules and reference to the existing situation in the public finance in Poland. The article presents the analysis of the source literature, legal acts and statistical data.
Journal of Management and Financial Sciences; 2019, 36; 31-43
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Management and Financial Sciences
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Can we talk about the security of public finance in Poland? – the state and prospects
Ciak, Jolanta Maria
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
security of public finance,
budget deficit
general government deficit
public debt
public sector borrowing needs
Purpose – The pervasiveness and persistence of budgetary imbalances and systematic growth of public debt in Poland and in the majority of modern countries has resulted in the fact that the subject of public finance security is important and topical. The aim of the article is to analyse the state of public finance security in Poland, to characterise selected determinants influencing security and to indicate current and future threats. Methods – Analysis of national and foreign source literature, primary and secondary statistical data (desk research), deductive reasoning. Approach – The location of public finance security within economic and financial security, indicating the foundations and pillars of national economic security, discussing the determinants of public finance security theoretically and practically, analysis and inference in the scope of three categories of deficit and public debt (of the government budget, public finance sector and general government), indicating threats to Polish public finance which, according to the author, affect not only currently but may also affect the future. Findings – The analysis presented in the article demonstrates that the phenomenon of imbalance in national finance has become an inherent part of the Polish practice of public funds management. The budgetary deficit, which has been present for over thirty years, as well as systematic growth of public debt, result in the fact that the threats of the destabilising role of public finance in relation to the whole financial system and the real economy have become one of the main challenges for Polish authorities. The fact of presenting not very reliable data in public statistics is also worrying. Lowering some economic indicators is not a new problem; in total, in the years 2004–2016 the deficit of public finance sector was underestimated by PLN 158.6 billion.
Optimum. Economic Studies; 2018, 2(92); 12-24
Pojawia się w:
Optimum. Economic Studies
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zarządzanie finansami lokalnymi – jak JST radzą sobie z redukcją zadłużenia?
Management of Local Finances – How Local Self-Government Units Deal with Indebtedness Reduction
Dobrowolski, Zbysław
Data publikacji:
Najwyższa Izba Kontroli
public debt
deficit of public finances
financial management of local overnment
indebtedness reduction
budget year
budget incomes
The objective of the audit was to assess the activities undertaken by local self-government units (JSTs) related to observing the set indebtedness limits and to execution of selected budget incomes. The following audit areas have been set: whether JSTs properly financed the budget deficit and met their liabilities, whether they observed the indebtedness limits set by the law and fairly presented information of the level of debt, whether incomes from taxes and charges were obtained properly. It was decided that the audit would cover 11 out of 83 municipalities of the Lubuskie region, taking into account the level of their debt. NIK’s own studies have been supplemented with the analysis of the data obtained from the Regional Accounting Chamber in Zielona Góra, related to the financial situation of all JSTs in the region.
Kontrola Państwowa; 2016, 61, 5 (370); 90-101
Pojawia się w:
Kontrola Państwowa
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Problemy efektywnego zarządzania długiem samorządowym
Problems of effective local government debt management
Otczyk, Grzegorz
Felis, Paweł
Data publikacji:
Kancelaria Sejmu. Biuro Analiz Sejmowych
local government
budget deficit
local government debt
effectiveness of debt management
local development
The article presents the issues of effective management of local government debt. Local government debt can be seen as an effect of accumulated budget inequality. The considerations in the article concern the analysis of the sources of financing the activities of local government units and the effectiveness of their use in the context of maintaining an appropriate level of liquidity and meeting statutory standards. For this purpose, financial data of local government units for the years 2010–2020 were examined. The study was enriched with the results of research on the budget policy of municipalities on which the authors worked in previous years. It made it possible to trace the tendencies in the field of debt policy in local government units and to establish the challenges faced by representatives of local government authorities.
Studia BAS; 2021, 4(68); 171-194
Pojawia się w:
Studia BAS
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kryzys strefy euro : przyczyny, skutki, drogi wyjścia
The Euro Zone Crisis : Reasons, Impacts and Solutions
Czekaj, Jan
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie, Małopolska Szkoła Administracji Publicznej
dług publiczny
deficyt budżetowy
deficyt na rachunku obrotów bieżących bilansu płatniczego
kryzys finansowy
kryzys ekonomiczny
strefa euro
public debt
budget deficit
financial crisis
economic crisis
deficit in current account of balance of payment
Euro zone
Rozpoczęty w drugiej połowie pierwszej dekady XXI w. światowy kryzys finansowy i gospodarczy wywarł istotny wpływ na sytuację gospodarczą w wielu rejonach globu. Szczególnie silnie skutki kryzysu odczuwają kraje strefy euro, a zwłaszcza południa Europy. Wśród przyczyn wymienia się najczęściej nadmierne wydatki oraz deficyty sektora finansów publicznych tych państw. W artykule hipoteza ta jest kwestionowana. Kraje Unii Europejskiej i strefy euro w porównaniu z innymi państwami wysoko rozwiniętego świata charakteryzowały się przed kryzysem umiarkowanym zadłużeniem sektora publicznego. Nadmierne zadłużenie finansów publicznych krajów strefy euro nie jest przyczyną kryzysu gospodarczego, lecz skutkiem kryzysu finansowego zapoczątkowanego w USA oraz następującego po nim kryzysu gospodarczego w świecie. Podjęte przez państwa strefy euro działania mające zlikwidować skutki kryzysu nie przynoszą pożądanych rezultatów. Skoncentrowanie się na równoważeniu sektora finansów publicznych nie jest wystarczające. Ze względu na istniejące dysproporcje warunkiem wyjścia z kryzysu jest integracja fiskalna. Jeżeli nie zostaną podjęte zmierzające do niej działania, strefie euro grozi rozpad.
The world financial and economic crisis initiated in the US in the second half of the 2000s had a considerable influence on the economic condition of many parts of the world economy. The most serious consequences can be seen in the Euro zone, particularly in Southern Europe. The most important cause of the crisis is, in the opinion of many, public finance imbalance. The author of the present paper questions this assumption. Before the crisis, the European Union and Euro zone countries were moderately indebted in comparison with other developed countries and regions of the world economy. Fiscal imbalances should therefore be treated as the effect of the financial and economic crisis. Hie measures undertaken so far in order to overcome the crisis of the Euro zone are not effective. It sees to be insufficient to concentrate solely on fiscal imbalances. Due to differences in the level of economic development between the Euro zone countries, a broader scope of transfers is necessary which can be achieved only through fiscal integration. Unless the Euro zone countries become more fiscally integrated, the zone will collapse.
Zarządzanie Publiczne / Public Governance; 2012, 3(21); 5-26
Pojawia się w:
Zarządzanie Publiczne / Public Governance
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zjawisko występowania deficytów bliźniaczych : Polska w latach 2009–2018
The Phenomenon of Twin Deficits in Poland in 2009–2018 – Research Paper
Zawiślińska, Izabela
Cirin, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Najwyższa Izba Kontroli
deficyty bliźniacze
deficyt budżetowy
bilans płatniczy
międzynarodowe stosunki finansowe
saldo budżetu państwa
twin deficits
budget deficit
balance of payments
international financial relations
Celem artykułu jest ustalenie stopnia, kierunku i siły oddziaływania salda budżetu państwa i salda rachunku bieżącego w ramach bilansu płatni czego Polski w latach 2009–2018 na podstawie danych Głównego Urzędu Statystycznego. Główne pytania badawcze koncentrują się na ustaleniu rodzaju relacji łączących te deficyty oraz ich wzajemnego wpływu w świetle dotychczasowych badań związanych z hipotezą występowania deficytów bliźniaczych. Zastosowana metodologia opiera się na zintegrowanej analizie korelacji, regresji liniowej oraz analizie współczynnika zmienności. W wyniku przeprowadzonego badania stwierdzono silną korelację pomiędzy skumulowanymi wartościami badanych deficytów. Potwierdza to hipotezę występowania w Polsce w tym okresie deficytów bliźniaczych i oznacza, że deficyt budżetowy wpływa na saldo rachunku bieżącego bilansu płatniczego. Głównym saldem równoważącym ujemne saldo dochodów pierwotnych, w ramach którego dominującą pozycję stanowią dochody nierezydentów z bezpośrednich inwestycji zagranicznych, było saldo niezwykle dynamicznie rozwijającego się eksportu usług.
The purpose of this article is to determine the degree, direction and strength of the impact of the studied variables, i.e. the state budget balance and the current account balance as part of Poland’s balance of payments in the years 2009–2018 based on the data of the Statistics Poland. The main research questions focus on determining the type of relationships connecting the studied deficits and the degree, direction and type of interaction in light of previous studies dedicated to the hypothesis of twin deficits. The methodology used is based on integrated correlation analysis, linear regression and an analysis of the coefficient of variation. As a result of the study, a strong correlation was found between the cumulative values of the examined deficits, confirming the existence of the twin deficit hypothesis in Poland in the examined period; this means that the budget deficit affects the current account balance of payments. The main balance stabilizing the negative balance of primary incomes, in which the income of non-residents from foreign direct investment is the dominant position, is the balance of extremely dynamically developing service exports.
Kontrola Państwowa; 2021, 66, 3 (398); 160-179
Pojawia się w:
Kontrola Państwowa
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Uwagi o prawnym znaczeniu konstytucyjnego zakazu nadmiernego zadłużania państwa
Piotrowski, Ryszard
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
national public debt
public finance
budget deficit
freedom of economic activity
państwowy dług publiczny
finanse publiczne
deficyt budżetowy
swoboda działalności gospodarczej
According to Article 216.5 of the Constitution of the Republic of Poland it shall be permissible neither to contract loans nor provide guarantees and financial sureties which would engender a national public debt exceeding three-fifths of the value of the annual gross domestic product. The method of calculating the value of the annual gross domestic product and national public debt shall be specified by statute. However, this provision co-establishing the principle of balance budget as constitutional value is not an absolute paradigm. It is limited by other constitutional values and principles, including the principle of common good, and should not be abused against the principle of diligence and efficiency in the work of state bodies.
Studia Iuridica; 2020, 86; 227-240
Pojawia się w:
Studia Iuridica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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