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Siedemnastowieczne listwowe dekoracje sklepienne w Polsce i ich europejski kontekst
Seventeenth-Century Panel Vault Decorations in Poland and their European Context
Krasny, Piotr
Kurzej, Michał
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Sztuki PAN
panel vault decorations
early modern architecture
17th-century architecture
listwowe dekoracje sklepienne
architektura nowożytna
architektura XVII w.
 W starszej literaturze panowało przekonanie, że sztukateryjna dekoracja sklepień z początku XVII w., stosowana głównie na Lubelszczyźnie, jest przejawem rodzimych tendencji artystycznych. Z czasem dostrzeżono występowanie takiego rozwiązania poza granicami państwa polsko-litewskiego, nie zwrócono jednak uwagi na jego genezę, której można doszukiwać się w budowlach wznoszonych przez Rafaela i jego współpracowników. Wydaje się, że moda na takie dekoracje wynikała z ich skojarzenia ze sztuką antyczną, dzięki któremu szybko stały się one popularne w państwach południowoniemieckich i Królestwie Czeskim. Przy obecnym stanie badań nie da się wskazać, skąd konkretnie pochodzi taka formuła dekoracji architektonicznej i jak dotarła na ziemie Rzeczypospolitej. Można jednak powiedzieć, że nie był to rodzimy wynalazek, lecz rozwiązanie, którego zastosowanie świadczyło o świadomości tendencji występujących w architekturze europejskiej.
The view prevalent in older literature on the subject was that the early 17th-century stucco decoration of vaults, used mainly in the Lublin region, was a manifestation of native artistic tendencies. With time, the occurrence of a similar solution outside the borders of the Polish-Lithuanian state was noticed, but no attention was paid to its origins, which may be sought in the buildings erected by Raphael and his collaborators. It seems that the fashion for such decorations resulted from their being associated with ancient art, owing to which they quickly became popular in the South German states and the Kingdom of Bohemia. The current state of research does not allow us to specify the route by which this formula of architectural decoration reached the lands of the Commonwealth of Poland and Lithuania, but it can be assumed that it was not a local invention, but an architectural element whose use demonstrated an awareness of trends in European architecture.
Biuletyn Historii Sztuki; 2024, 86, 2; 77-110
Pojawia się w:
Biuletyn Historii Sztuki
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Konserwować czy odnawiać? Estetyczny aspekt zabiegów wykonywanych przy tynkach, dekoracjach malarskich i sgraffitowych na elewacjach kamienic Starego i Nowego Miasta w Warszawie
To Conserve or to renovate? Aesthetic aspect of treatments performed on plaster, painting and sgraffito decorations on facades of tenement houses in the Old and New Town in Warsaw
Sawicki, Tytus
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Konserwatorów Zabytków
Stare Miasto w Warszawie
Nowe Miasto w Warszawie
konserwacja elewacji
dekoracje malarskie
aspekt estetyczny
Old Town of Warsaw
New Town of Warsaw
painting decorations
aesthetic aspect
W ostatnich latach kamienice Starego i Nowego Miasta w Warszawie poddawane są remontom. Czy prace te mieszczą się w pojęciu konserwacja-restauracja, czy są renowacją? Wątpliwości budzi przede wszystkim efekt estetyczny – nadanie elewacjom efektu nowości. Konieczność zachowania autentycznego wyrazu artystycznego dekoracji kamienic Starego i Nowego Miasta wynika z faktu, że są to dzieła wybitnych polskich artystów. Poza tym Stare Miasto jest wpisane na Listę światowego dziedzictwa UNESCO. W artykule skupiono się na problemie rozwiązań estetycznych i artystycznych, które są jednak ściśle powiązane z zabiegami technicznymi. Skomentowano przykłady konserwacji tynków, dekoracji malarskich oraz sgraffit wykonanych w ciągu ostatnich sześciu lat. Krytycznej ocenie poddano decyzje dotyczące estetycznych rozwiązań. Omówiono też niektóre zabiegi techniczne np. kładzenie na elewację barwionych w masie tynków. Celem analizy jest zaproponowanie rozwiązań, które pozwolą na zachowanie wartości dawności i autentyzmu wystrojów kamienic Starego i Nowego Miasta.
In recent years, the tenement houses of the Old and New Town in central Warsaw have been undergoing renovation. Does this work fall within the concept of conservation-restoration, or merely renovation? The aesthetic effect is questioned-giving the facades a fresh new appearance. The need to maintain the authentic artistic expression of the decorations of the Old and New Towns is necessary as they are works of outstanding Polish artists. In addition, the Old Town is inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List. This paper focuses on the aesthetic and artistic solutions that are closely related to technical measures. Examples of the conservation of plasters, painting decorations and sgraffito that has been undertaken in the last six years are commented on. Decisions regarding aesthetic solutions are critically assessed. Some technical procedures were also discussed, e.g., the application of colored plaster on the facade. The aim of the analysis is to propose solutions that will allow the preservation of the age-values and the authenticity of the exterior decorations of the Old and New Town houses.
Wiadomości Konserwatorskie; 2022, 69; 141--155
Pojawia się w:
Wiadomości Konserwatorskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Prawne aspekty honorowania i posługiwania się papieskimi orderami i odznaczeniami w Polsce
Legal aspects of honouring and using papal orders and decorations in Poland
Tabaszewski, Robert
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
ordery i odznaczenia papieskie
polityka odznaczeniowa
Stolica Apostolska
Order Św. Sylwestra
papal orders and decorations
honours policy
Holy See
Order of St. Sylvester
Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie genezy oraz prawnych aspektów honorowania, a także nadawania i posługiwania się papieskimi odznaczeniami w Polsce. Analizie poddano regulacje prawne ukształtowane w wyniku reform Piusa X z 1905 r., Pawła VI z 1966 r. i Jana Pawła II z 1993 r. Przepisy te zestawiono z utartą praktyką papieską, zwyczajami międzynarodowymi oraz polskim ustawodawstwem. Uznano, że obecnie ukształtowany, skomplikowany system odznaczeniowy Stolicy Apostolskiej przeszedł głęboką ewolucję. Wykładni poddano polskie przepisy rangi konstytucyjnej i ustawowej, uzależniające otrzymanie papieskich znaków zaszczytnych, jako odznaczeń zagranicznych, od uprzedniej zgody wyrażonej przez prezydenta RP. Wykazano, że obecnie, w odróżnieniu od czasów komunistycznych, polskie przepisy uznają papieski system odznaczeniowy bez żadnych wyłączeń i ograniczeń podmiotowych, przedmiotowych i funkcjonalnych. Również praktyka polityczna jest życzliwa nadaniom papieskim, co wyraża się w zasadzie pierwszeństwa papieskich odznaczeń przed odznaczeniami innych państw. Wymieniono również najważniejsze zasady posługiwania się papieskimi znakami zaszczytnymi w Polsce.
The goal of the article is to present the origin and the legal aspects of honouring, as well as awarding and using papal decorations in Poland. It analyses the legal regulations formed as a result of the reforms implemented by Pius X in 1905, Paul VI in 1966 and John Paul II in 1993. These regulations are compared with the established papal practice, international customs and Polish legislation. It is claimed that the present complicated honours system of the Holy See has undergone a profound evolution. The Author interprets the Polish constitutional and statutory provisions which make the receipt of papal decorations as foreign honours subject to prior consent of the President of the Republic of Poland. It has been shown that currently, contrary to the communist times, the Polish regulations recognize the papal honours system without any subjective, objective and functional exceptions and limitations. Political practice is also favourable to papal awards, which is reflected for example by the priority of papal decorations over those from other states. Finally, the article also enumerates the most important rules of using papal honours in Poland.
Studia z Prawa Wyznaniowego; 2021, 24; 379-404
Pojawia się w:
Studia z Prawa Wyznaniowego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Reddite, quae sunt Caesaris, Caesari. Dekoracje okolicznościowe w spiskich kościołach w listopadzie 1772 roku
Reddite, quae sunt Caesaris, Caesari. Occasional decorations in the churches of the Spiš region in November 1772
Staniszewska, Maria Kazimiera
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
18th Century occasional decorations
18th Century religious ceremonies
Spiš artistic culture
political ceremony
state ceremony
political iconography
The county of Spiš, consisting of enclaves within the territory of the Kingdom of Hungary, ethnically and religiously diverse, fre- quently administered by eminent personalities and situated on an important trade route, has played an important political and economic role over the centuries. The pawned towns of Spiš, which were never bought back, were the subject of claims by the southern neighbours of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth until they were cut off from it in 1769 by a sanitary cordon imposed by the Imperial army. The return of the thirteen Spiš towns and the dominion of the Lubelsko-Podolinieckie province to the Kingdom of Hungary is a well-known occurrence, but tracing the detailed course of this process requires further research, in particular archival research. Bearing testament to this turbulent period are the documents preserved in Vienna’s Österreichisches Staatsarchiv related to żupan Jan Csáky de Keresztseg. The article discusses a letter from Jan Nepomucen Kirschner, parish priest in Żakowce, which describes the church decorations in major towns in the former starosty on the occasion of its incorporation into Hungary in November 1772. According to the brief account of Father Kirschner, the altars in the churches were adorned with Hungarian crowns and inscriptions citing biblical verses. Also mentioned is other archival material from the collection, which may enrich our knowledge of the course of these celebrations, such as the texts of the żupan’s speech and the townspeople’s oaths, as well as of those pieces composed in honour of Csáky, Maria Theresa and Joseph II. The discussed documents are a rare example of Spiš archival material containing descriptions of the decorations for a state ceremony in this area. According to the narrative of the ceremonial programme, the moment of incorporation of the thirteen towns and Lubowelski dominion into the Hungarian county is a triumph of justice – the lost parts of Spiš return to their rightful rulers, whose good governance will ensure peace and stability for the inhabitants of the region. The form and ideological message of the various elements of the ceremonial setting (both visual and literary) was relatively simple, probably in order to adapt it to the needs of the mass audience taking the oath of allegiance to the new authorities.
Rocznik Historii Sztuki; 2020, 45; 149-161
Pojawia się w:
Rocznik Historii Sztuki
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
BOBOLANA 1938 – oprawa uroczystości związanych ze sprowadzeniem do Warszawy relikwii św. Andrzeja Boboli
BOBOLANA 1938 – the ceremonial settings of the return of St. Andrzej Bobola’s relics to Warsaw
Kolendo-Korczak, Katarzyna
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
canonization ceremonies
20th Century religious ceremonies
20th Century occasional decorations
state ceremony
20th Century Polish culture
Although he was only recognized as the patron saint of Poland by the Vatican in 2002, St. Andrzej Bobola was accorded a cult follow- ing much earlier than this, and venerated as the saint protector of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. He was seen as a special defender against the threat from first Tsarist Russia, then Orthodox Russia, then the Soviet Union – the Blessed’s intercession was associated with the victory of the Battle of Warsaw in 1920. For this reason, his beatification and canonization were part of political discourse. Andrzej Bobola’s relics were originally stored in the Jesuit church in Pińsk, moved to Połock after its closure, and were taken to the Hygienic Exhibition in Moscow in 1922. Recovered thanks to the Pope’s intervention in 1924, they were taken to the Il Gesù Church in Rome. By the 1920s, Polish church authorities were already making efforts to canonize Andrzej Bobola and return his relics to Poland. Several Polish cities tried to obtain the saint’s remains, including Vilnius, Warsaw, Pińsk and even Janów Poleski. The canonization, which took place on 17 April 1938, in particular the ceremonial return of the relics of St. Andrzej Bobola to Warsaw in June 1938, took the form of a great religious and patriotic demonstration. It was accompanied by numerous ceremonies in which the highest church and state authorities participated, with extensive paratheatrical scripts, as well as specially designed decorations and music composed for the occasion. The press reported these in great detail, constituting a fascinating case of an event of both great religious significance and broad political context.
Rocznik Historii Sztuki; 2020, 45; 185-195
Pojawia się w:
Rocznik Historii Sztuki
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Koronacja obrazu Matki Boskiej Pocieszenia w kościele Jezuitów we Lwowie w 1905 roku
The 1905 coronation of the icon of Our Lady of Consolation in the Jesuit Church in Lviv
Betlej, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
20th Century religious ceremonies
20th Century occasional decorations
Marian iconography
cult of the images
cult image
20th Century Polish culture
The article discusses the artistic setting of the largest religious ceremony of the beginning of the 20th century, the coronation of the icon of Our Lady of Consolation in the Church of St. Peter and Paul in Lviv. The painting itself was considered to be one of the palladiums of the city, as in 1656, during the Swedish Deluge, the papal nuncio Vidoni first uttered the call to the “Queen of the Polish Crown” in front of this Marian image, in the presence of King Jan Kazimierz and the court. In 1904, on the occasion of the jubilee of the announcement of the Dogma of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mar- ian Congress took place in Lviv, and in that same year the decision was made to create new crowns for the painting of the Mother of God and Baby Jesus. A committee, composed of representatives from the aristocracy and bourgeoisie of the city, was set up to raise the appropriate funds, and the then Archbishop of Lviv, Józef Bilczewski, was asked to perform the solemn coronation. An artistic and technical committee was also established, which included the architect Teodor Talowski (chairman), Antoni Popiel, Andrzej Romaszkan, Tadeusz Czapelski and Karol Richtmann, who made the decision to transform the altar where the painting was placed and to convert the area of the church bay into a distinct chapel. The works were led by Karol Richtmann, the altar was renovated by the painter Karol Domański, and the new bronze antependium was designed by Antoni Popiel. The bolt with the depiction of Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception was made by the sculptor Piotr Wójtowicz. The icon of the Virgin Mary itself was restored by Henryk Kühn. The chapel vault was decorated with paintings by Tadeusz Popiel, and its space was separated from the rest of the church by a grid made according to a project by Alfred Zachariewicz. Antoni Popiel designed golden crowns and a new dress for the figures of the Mother of God and Baby Jesus, made by the goldsmith and jeweller Jan Wojtych. The Committee also commissioned new stained glass windows for the chapel from the Kraków workshop of Stanisław Ekielski and Antoni Tuch. The main work was completed in July 1905. On 12 February 1905, a coronation decree was issued in Rome, and Archbishop Bilczewski was appointed to perform the coronation act. On 28 April 1905, another decree was issued recognizing the antiquity and miraculousness of the painting, and the ceremony was sched- uled for 28th May. The church façade, side elevation and interior were decorated extensively, while the focal point was prepared for receiving the painting – “The Gothic golden throne with motifs from the tomb of Kazimierz the Great”. The decorations were designed by Stanisław Jasieński, a re- nowned painter and theatre decorator of the time. The streets and squares which the coronation procession went through were also adorned. The ceremony was very carefully planned and directed; it was attended by the clergy of the three Christian rites, local authorities and representatives of all social strata. When analyzing the coronation ceremonies, it is important to underline their considerable reliance on the schemes of corona- tions of Marian images which took place on Polish territory in the 18th century. The tradition of the last Marian coronation, of a painting from the Dominican Church in Lviv in 1751, was strongly referred to and accentuated in occasional prints that accompanied this solemn act. The reference to old Polish coronations can be seen in numerous occasional prints, in reporting on the course of the ceremony, as well as in the extensive de- scriptions and texts of sermons published. This ceremony had an exceptional social and national dimension, as it was the first such coronation in the former Polish lands since the loss of independence, and the most important ceremony before the outbreak of the First World War. Not without significance in this context was the underlined similarity of forms between the coronation throne and the canopy over the tombstone of Kazimierz the Great in the Kraków Cathedral, or the calling of one crown as Kazimierzowska and the other Jagiellońska. The new artistic remodeling of the Chapel of Our Lady in the Jesuit Church was a prelude to the renovation of the remaining altars in the church. The coronation ceremony and the restoration of the chapel gathered together the most important artists of the early 19th century working for the Church patronage in the capital of Galicia. The chapel designed by Teodor Talowski successfully combines an 18th -century retabulum with paintings by Tadeusz Popiel, being probably the last example of a true Baroque bel composto.
Rocznik Historii Sztuki; 2020, 45; 163-170
Pojawia się w:
Rocznik Historii Sztuki
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
O wizualizacji konfliktu politycznego z połowy XVIII wieku. Sprawa podziału ordynacji ostrogskiej w dekoracjach okazjonalnych
On the visualization of political conflict in the mid-18th century. The division of the Entail of Ostrog in occasional decorations
Gombin, Krzysztof
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
18th Century occasional decorations
18th Century political history
state ceremony
political iconography
18th Century Polish culture
visual strategies
One of the most important functions of 18th-century occasional decorations was to communicate current political issues. The artistic setting of ceremonies related to political events can of course be analyzed as an independent entity but may also be studied as a fragment of a larger message that encompasses prints, literature and political ceremony. The present article will adopt the latter approach, and analyze the political message of the 1750s on the subject of the division of the Entail of Ostrog, resulting from the so-called “Transaction of Kolbuszowa” in 1753. This event, which had a huge impact on political rela- tions of the time, was also of key importance to the chief players of the period as well as their artistic initiatives (for example J. K. Branicki, who became the Great Crown Hetman after Józef Potocki’s death). The theme of the Entail of Ostrog can be seen in the artistic settings of ceremonies related to the activities of the Senatorial Commission, as well as in those related to two terms of the Crown Tribunal, which in 1754 and 1755 was overshadowed by the consequences of the Kolbuszowa transaction. The above-mentioned bodies acted on behalf of the entire Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth; therefore, ideas of political unity and total consensus were emphasized in the decorations. In this way, specific decisions were legitimized. Occasional decorations made reference to the Gigantomachy, understood as an internal conflict, and stressed the importance of overcoming internal enemies for the sake of state unity. Banquets were also of great importance in conveying this message, not only because participation alone was seen as a manifestation of belonging to a certain community, but also because the ideological content of the table decorations presented the political values of the guests and served as a commentary on current political issues.
Rocznik Historii Sztuki; 2020, 45; 139-147
Pojawia się w:
Rocznik Historii Sztuki
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Reformacka pompa funebris Benedykta Roszkowskiego
Benedykt Roszkowski’s reformed pompa funebris
Ługowski, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
Order of Reformed Friars Minor
Franciscan Order in Poland
18th Century religious ceremonies
funeral ceremonies
18th Century occasional decorations
funeral iconography
pompa funebris iconography
18th Century Polish culture
Benedykt Roszkowski, a reformed friar from the Order of Reformed Friars Minor (Reformati) in the Greater Poland province (Wielkopol- ska), became famous as a religious preacher (sermoniser). He held this position for twenty-one years, in various centres of the province, and held the ministry of guardian a number of times. He was also a member of provincial government in the form of secretary and definitor (1779–1782) as well as fulfilling the role of custodian or provincial deputy (1785–1788). The friar also helped create settings for church ceremonies. This article discusses Roszkowski’s hitherto unknown manuscript containing a description of the artistic settings of six funeral ceremo- nies that took place in the Reformati Churches during the years 1758–1762. The descriptions were illustrated with the friar’s own watercolours depicting the theatrum created during funeral ceremonies. The document, written in Latin, was made between 1762 and 1764 as Roszkowski’s gift to the Provincial Superior of Greater Poland, Father Dionizy Sydry. His descriptions include the funeral of the CrownOboźnina (wife of the Crown Great Camp Leader) Teresa Teofila Lipska née Dąbska, and the funeral rites in memory of theOboźny (Crown Great Camp Leader) Prokop Lipski in the Reformati Church in Poznań (1758); the funeral of the Master of the Hunt’s wife from Wschowa, Zofia Gorzyńska, in the Reformati Church in Miejska Górka (1761); the exequies of Zofia Puklatecka in the Reformati Church in Poznań (1762); the funeral of Brygida Czapska née Działyńska, the wife of the Malbork voivode, in the Reformed Church in Pakość, and the funeral rites in the parish church in Konarzewo (1762). For all these funerals, the friar designed both the interior of the church and the castrum doloris placed in the centre. The baldachin-type castrum doloris dominated: on a multi-step platform (sometimes taking the shape of a fortress with bastions) with a raised coffin were figures of Virtues or personifications, and on its sides were obelisks in the form of rocaille or decorative columns crowned with busts of Virtues. The whole structure was topped with a hanging fabric baldachin. In such artistic settings, the friar combined heraldic content with references to both the Bible and mythology. With the informal character of its descriptions, this manuscript differs from the occasional prints published by Roszkowski. Not only does the friar specify the material from which individual elements were made, but he also demonstrates the real context of their presentation. It is the first time we find in one document the descriptions of so many elements of thepompa funebris, along with their visual representations, made by a man who was artist, designer and preacher in one. These various aspects make Roszkowski’s work a special source for research on the funeral culture of the former Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, one which finds no equal.
Rocznik Historii Sztuki; 2020, 45; 91-108
Pojawia się w:
Rocznik Historii Sztuki
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rok 1933. Oprawa obchodów 400. rocznicy urodzin Stefana Batorego i 250-lecia Odsieczy Wiedeńskiej na Kresach Wschodnich
1933. The ceremonial setting of the 400th birthday of Stefan Batory and the 250th anniversary of the Relief of Vienna in the Borderlands
Zgliński, Marcin
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
20th Century religious ceremonies
20th Century occasional decorations
state ceremony
political iconography
historical politics
20th Century Polish culture
The year 1933, which marked the 15th anniversary of Polish independence, also saw the celebrations of the 400th birthday of Stefan Batory and the 250th anniversary of the Relief of Vienna led by King Jan III Sobieski. Both events allowed for a wide campaign of pro- paganda for the Sanation movement’s updated political programme, clad in historical analogies, especially in the context of Eastern policy. For this reason, the ceremonies organized in the Borderlands, a particular lieux de mémoire associated with great kings, who were seen in official historical politics as natural harbingers of Józef Piłsudski, took on a special character. This provided an excellent opportunity for the propaganda of the Polish civilizing mission in the East and the promotion of the idea of Poland as a superpower. The main ceremonies com- memorating Stefan Batory were organized in Grodno, where the monarch died in the historic castle in 1586. These celebrations, broadcast by radio and widely reported by the press, were attended by President Ignacy Mościcki and many national and local dignitaries, ministers, senators, deputies, voivodes, bishops, generals etc. Lavish occasional decorations, saturated with specific symbolism, were set up as modern- ized late 16th-century architectural stylizations. The activities of the Grodno Castle reconstruction committee were officially inaugurated on the 350th anniversary of Batory’s death. Even more magnificent were the two-day festivities commemorating the Victory at Vienna organized in Olesko, which overshadowed the central celebrations in Kraków. The programme of the ceremony proclaimed that “a deed of European importance – by King Jan III and the then-superpower Poland – must be reflected by a programme of celebrations of its 250-year anniver- sary on a superpower scale”. An extensive open-air spectacle was organized with the participation of thousands of extras, including soldiers in historical costumes, several hundred fire brigades, scouts and aviation squadrons. Particularly spectacular was the especially arranged musical performance combined with night illuminations. These celebrations were enhanced by other accompanying events such as the Star Automobile and Motorcycle Rally and the sightseeing rally On the Trail of Sobieski. In other Borderland towns such as Tarnopol the jubilee was celebrated on a smaller scale, where a number of outdoor events were organized under the umbrella name Harvest Festival of King Jan III and the Arrival of the Austrian Emperor’s Legation with a Request for the Relief of Vienna.
Rocznik Historii Sztuki; 2020, 45; 171-183
Pojawia się w:
Rocznik Historii Sztuki
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Walory moralne a obrona i legitymizacja katolickiej Europy. Oprawa uroczystości beatyfikacyjnych i kanonizacyjnych Stanisława Kostki w Rzeczypospolitej Obojga Narodów
Moral values and the defense and legitimization of Catholic Europe. The setting of Stanisław Kostka’s beatification and canonization ceremonies in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
Dzik, Janina
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
Beatification ceremonies
canonization ceremonies
Early Modern religious celebrations
The Society of Jesus
Jesuit Order in Poland
Early Modern occasional decorations
Early Modern Polish culture
The putting on of spectacular ceremonies finalizing the acts of beatification and canonization of Stanisław Kostka, taking place in the principal Jesuit centers of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, was an important artistic activity of modern times. The content programs of the decorations which accompanied the celebrations between 1606 and 1726, known to us from written sources, reflect the propaganda of the Kostka ceremonies. The oldest occasional decorations and outdoor shows taking place in the city of Jarosław had been organized on the initiative of his relative Anna née Kostka Ostrogska. They were organized in connection with the proclamation of Stanisław Kostka as Blessed by Pope Paul V in 1606. The theme of the decorations accentuated the importance of the moral values of this ascetic follower of the Counter-Reformation Church, while the widely used language of allegory defined his individual spiritual values and illustrated scenes from his life and miracles. However, Stanisław Kostka soon became seen as an advocate of the Polish Lithuanian-Commonwealth in its military struggles in the East, especially in the conflict with the Ottoman Porte. After the victory of Chocim (Khotyn) in 1621 he was revered as the patron saint of the Polish knighthood, and after the victory at the Battle of Chocim in 1673 he was rapidly proclaimed (in 1674) one of the main patrons of the Kingdom of Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. It was this aspect of Kostka’s promotion that was used in the decorative themes of his thanksgiving ceremonies after the closing of the beatification process and the decree of canonization by Pope Clement XI in 1714. The decorations of the Jesuit Church in Lublin, described in detail in the records of the Society of Jesus (1715), explained and glorified the new role of the young saint. His role as a guarantor of peace and stability of the Commonwealth, revealed in God’s eternal plans, was presented through astral configurations and complicated semantic systems. Kostka’s canonization, which had raised the importance of the Polish-Li- thuanian Commonwealth, as being linked to the papacy and the Catholic faith, was seen as the culmination of a great historical message and the revelation of the secret given to Poland, also recognizable through astral configuration. The military and diplomatic triumph over the Ottoman Porte was considered a breakthrough moment, opening a period of happiness achieved thanks to Kostka’s intervention and the support of Heaven. The result of a united front in the battle with a common enemy was to achieve a state of happiness that strengthened the ecclesiastical and monarchical order, an idea taken up by the decorations seen in Jarosław and Vilnius, amongst others. The ad hoc political content was moved to the sphere of the monastic political philosophy and historical theol- ogy. An allusion to the happy future that mathematicians had supposedly predicted was also included in the decorations. After the partition of Poland and the dissolution of the Jesuit order, the revival of the fading cult of Stanislaw Kostka took place in the Second Polish Republic, particularly during the jubilee celebrations of the 200th anniversary of his canonization in 1927. This was seen in the ceremony of bringing his relics from Rome to the new church in Rostków, which was attended by the President of the Republic of Poland Ignacy Mościcki. However, there was a significant change in semantics as Stanisław Kostka was now described as the patron saint of children and youth, frequent Holy Communion and felicitous vocational choices.
Rocznik Historii Sztuki; 2020, 45; 87-90
Pojawia się w:
Rocznik Historii Sztuki
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rzeźby ogrodowe z fabryk Feilnera i Marcha w kolekcji Muzeum Pałacu Króla Jana III w Wilanowie - przyczynek do opracowania
Garden sculptures from the factories of Feilner and March in the collection of the Museum of King Jan IIIs Palace at Wilanów
Zając, Małgorzata
Data publikacji:
Muzeum Pałacu Króla Jana III w Wilanowie
Tobias Christoph Feilner (1773–1839)
Ernst March (1798–1847)
August Potocki (1806–1867)
garden decorations
ceramic/terracotta sculptures
According to extant sources, in the 1840s and 1850s August Potocki bought a group of ceramic objects from two of the most renowned Prussian factories of that time: the first one owned by Tobias Christoph Feilner, in Berlin, the second - by his pupil Ernst March, in Charlottenburg. Most of those objects decorated the private garden by the southern wing of the palace, the others - other parts of the gardens, some of them were positioned in the interiors. The paper, which is a contribution to the elaboration of the collection of ceramic garden sculptures from the Museum of King Jan III's Palace at Wilanów, presents an overview of the history of both factories in which these purchases were made, and analyses the archival, bibliographic and iconographic sources connected with the collection from Wilanów. The paper is complemented by a catalogue of preserved sculptures and archaeological shards.
Studia Wilanowskie; 2019, XXVI; 245-304
Pojawia się w:
Studia Wilanowskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ozdoby stroju wykonane z paciorków w kulturze wielbarskiej
Costume decorations made of beads in Wielbark culture
Żyto, Kinga
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
kultura wielbarska
Wielbark culture
The main purpose of the article is to present various forms of costume decoration in Wielbark culture. The analysis was based on well-known burials with an intact arrangement of monuments in the burial cavern. On this basis, decorations made of beads were highlighted. In addition to the necklaces that adorned the area of the neck and chest, vertical compositions are particularly noteworthy, in which the beads were discovered in a line from the level of the neck to the waist level. In addition, beads were used to trim robes in the form of applications. Another type are beads decorating belt and sachets or purses.
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Archaeologica; 2018, 33; 75-92
Pojawia się w:
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Archaeologica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Acceptance of Foreign Orders by the President of the Republic of Poland with Regard to Polish Legal Regulations and Practice of Bestowal and Acceptance of Decorations
Przyjmowanie przez Prezydenta RP obcych orderów, na gruncie polskiej regulacji prawnej i praktyki orderowej
Wiszowaty, Marcin Michał
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
President of Poland
Royal Order of the Seraphim
Prezydent RP
Order Św. Serafinów
The first orders had been established and awarded by monarchs long before the republican concept of presidency was developed. The many powers which presidents took over from monarchs include, inter alia, the awarding (and revoking) of state honours. The issue, usually regarded as marginal, does not appeal to constitutional law scholars. Poland’s legal regulations concerning orders are hardly precise (this being particularly true as far as the constitutional law is discussed) and the fact gives rise to many practical problems concerning application of the country’s constitution and statutes from the field, quite frequently going beyond the matters of orders in the strict meaning of the phrase. One of the questions of the kind, not having become an object of interest to legal scholars so far, is the acceptance by the President of the Republic of Poland of foreign orders and distinctions received either within his capacity as the supreme representative of the State in international relations or as a private individual. The picture resulting from an analysis of practice and theory of order-related issues is hardly a coherent one. The following paper – besides due presentation – aims at sharpening the somewhat blurry image.
Prezydenckie prawo do nadawania orderów i odznaczeń określane jest powszechnie jako jedno z „tradycyjnych uprawnień głowy państwa”. Pierwsze ordery ustanowili i nadawali monarchowie, w czasach przed nastaniem instytucji prezydenta. Wśród wielu uprawnień, które prezydenci przejęli od monarchów znalazło się właśnie nadawanie (i pozbawianie) orderów i odznaczeń państwowych. Zagadnienie to, traktowane na ogół jako marginalne, ze względu na jego głównie symboliczny charakter, nie wzbudza dużego zainteresowania doktryny prawa konstytucyjnego. Regulacja prawna dotycząca zagadnień orderowych, szczególnie w jej konstytucyjnej części nie jest precyzyjna, co rodzi wiele interesujących kwestii praktycznych dotyczących stosowania konstytucji i ustaw, nierzadko wykraczających poza ścisłą tematykę orderową. Jedną z takich kwestii, która do tej pory nie znalazła się w obszarze zainteresowań doktryny i zasługuje na omówienie jest przyjmowanie przez Prezydenta RP obcych orderów i odznaczeń oraz ich status jako odznaczeń uzyskiwanych w ramach pełnionej funkcji najwyższego przedstawiciela państwa w stosunkach międzynarodowych, czy przez osobę prywatną. Z analizy praktyki i teorii zagadnień orderowych wyłania się niespójny obraz. Niniejsze opracowanie ma na celu odtworzenie i rozjaśnienie tego obrazu i uzupełnienie dorobku doktryny o kilka tez i spostrzeżeń dotyczących interpretacji przepisów konstytucji i ustaw odnoszących się do tytułowej materii.
Przegląd Prawa Konstytucyjnego; 2017, 6 (40); 283-298
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Prawa Konstytucyjnego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Decorating a Christmas tree in primary school
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Rzeszowski
Christmas decorations
primary school
This contribution is dealing with usage options of various material types for a creation of Christmas decorations at the first level of primary school. It summarizes creation from natural materials, paper, a combination of different materials as well as modelling materials. All these types of materials were tested at primary school with children. We also show here results of chil-dren's work, that they can create themselves. It comes to combining several parts during the classes, namely the promotion of the tradition of Christmas tree decorations, Christmas traditions linked to this and intersubject relations (elementary science and social studies). By creating products, we improve children´s fine motoring and with some products we support creativity.
Edukacja-Technika-Informatyka; 2017, 8, 4; 147-151
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Dom jako gniazdo rodzinne w kulturze ludowej Białorusinów Białostocczyzny
Дом як радзiннае гняздо ў народнай культуры беларусаў Беласточчыны
Home as a family nest in folk culture of the Belarusians in the Bialystok region
Matus, Irena
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
культ продкаў
ancestors’ worship
Беднасць сялян да 60-х гадоў XIX стагоддзя, да часу вызвалення ад прыгону, спрычынiлася да таго, што дом быў трактаваны выключна ў практычным аспекце. Паляпшэнне побыту на пераломе XIX i XX стагоддзяў, а далей трагiзм бежанства, выразна садзейнiчалi працэсу ўзнiкнення культу радзiннага гнязда. На працягу гадоў змянiлася традыцыя пабудовы i аздобы дамоў: ад аскетычнага выгляду да па-майстэрску, карункова аздобленай хаты. Сумяшчалiся з тым таксама асабiстыя звычаi i абрады, звязаныя з домам i яго сярэдзiнай, якiя з часам занiклi або захавалiся ў форме парэшткаў. Заняпад традыцыйнай культуры, мiграцыя, выклiканыя эканамiчнай i грамадскай сiтуацыяй, нарэшце глабалiзацыйныя змены, адмоўна адбiлiся на сямейных традыцыях.
Peasant poverty before 1860s, before enfranchisement resulted in defining home as an attribute in hand. The creation of family nest worship progressed at the turn of the 19th century, after the tragedy of the 1915 exodus (Byezhenstvo). Building and decorating techniques changed over the years – from ascetic structures to delicately embellished cottages. There were also many customs and rituals connected with a house. Some of them disappeared over time, and some got preserved. The decline of traditional culture, economic and social migration, globalization changes had negative influence on family tradition.
Białorutenistyka Białostocka; 2017, 9; 319-335
Pojawia się w:
Białorutenistyka Białostocka
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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