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Multi-combinative strategy to avoid premature convergence in genetically-generated fuzzy knowledge bases
Multikombinacyjna strategia unikania przedwczesnej konwergencji w genetycznie generowanych rozmytych bazach wiedzy
Achiche, S.
Balazinski, M.
Baron, L.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Mechaniki Teoretycznej i Stosowanej
artificial intelligence
fuzzy decision support system
fuzzy knowledge base
premature convergence
genetic algorithm
crossover operators
A growing number of industrial fields is concerned by complex and multiobjective problems. For this kind of problems, optimal decision making is critical. Decision support systems using fuzzy logic are often used to deal with complex and large decision making problems. However the main drawback is the need of an expert to manually construct the knowledge base. The use of genetic algorithms proved to be an effective way to solve this problem. Genetic algorithms model the life evolution strategy using the Darwin theory. A main problem in genetic algorithms is the premature convergence, and the last enhancements in order to solve this problem include new multi-combinative reproduction techniques. There are two principal ways to perform multi-combinative reproduction within a genetic algorithm, namely the Multi-parent Recombination, Multiple Crossover on Multiple Parents (MCMP); and the Multiple Crossover Per Couple (MCPC). Both techniques try to take the most of the genetic information contained in the parents. This paper explores the possibility to decrease premature convergence in a real/binary like coded genetic algorithm (RBCGA) used in automatic generation of fuzzy knowledge bases (FKBs). The RBCGA uses several crossover mechanisms applied to the same couple of parents. The crossover are also combined in different ways creating a multiple offspring from the same parent genes. The large family concept and the variation of the crossovers should introduce diversity and variation in otherwise prematurely converged populations and hence, keeping the search process active.
Rosnącej liczbie dziedzin, którymi zainteresowany jest przemysł, towarzyszą złożone zagadnienia wieloobiektowe. Dla takich zagadnień optymalne podejmowanie decyzji jest krytyczne. Często dla wsparcia procesu decyzyjnego w złożonych problemach stosuje się układy logiki rozmytej. Kłopotem pozostaje jednak potrzeba manualnego wygenerowania bazy wiedzy poprzez eksperta. Okazuje się, że pewnym rozwiązaniem tego problemu może być użycie algorytmów genetycznych. Algorytmy takie modelują zagadnienie ewolucyjne na podstawie teorii Darwina. Głównym problemem w algorytmach genetycznych jest przedwczesna konwergencja, której próby wyeliminowania oparto na strategii multikombinowanych technik reprodukcji. Występują zasadniczo dwie drogi realizacji techniki reprodukcji: Multiple Crossover on Multiple Parents (MCMP) oraz Multiple Crossover Per Couple (MCPC). Obydwie metody celują w wykorzystanie jak największej ilości informacji genetycznej od rodziców. W artykule zajęto się możliwością ograniczania przedwczesnej konwergencji w rzeczywistym/binarnym kodzie genetycznym (RBCGA) używanym w automatycznymgenerowaniu rozmytych baz wiedzy (FKBs). Algorytm RBCGA stosuje kilka mechanizmów krzyżowania genów w odniesieniu do tej samej pary rodziców. Mechanizmy te przeróżnie kombinowane pozwalają na wielokrotną kreację potomstwa od tej samej pary rodziców. Koncepcja dużej rodziny i różnicowanie krzyżowania powinny wprowadzić dywersyfikację nowogenerowanych pokoleń, które w przeciwnym razie szybko uległyby konwergencji. Zapobieżenie temu zjawisku poprzez strategię multikombinacyjną utrzymuje proces poszukiwania rozwiązania w stanie aktywnym.
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics; 2004, 42, 3; 417-444
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
An assessment of machine learning and data balancing techniques for evaluating downgrade truck crash severity prediction in Wyoming
Ampadu, Vincent-Michael Kwesi
Haq, Muhammad Tahmidul
Ksaibati, Khaled
Data publikacji:
Fundacja Centrum Badań Socjologicznych
crash severity
extreme gradient boosting tree
adaptive boosting tree
random forest
gradient boost decision tree
adaptive synthetic algorithm
This study involved the investigation of various machine learning methods, including four classification tree-based ML models, namely the Adaptive Boosting tree, Random Forest, Gradient Boost Decision Tree, Extreme Gradient Boosting tree, and three non-tree-based ML models, namely Support Vector Machines, Multi-layer Perceptron and k-Nearest Neighbors for predicting the level of severity of large truck crashes on Wyoming road networks. The accuracy of these seven methods was then compared. The Final ROC AUC score for the optimized random forest model is 95.296 %. The next highest performing model was the k-NN with 92.780 %, M.L.P. with 87.817 %, XGBoost with 86.542 %, Gradboost with 74.824 %, SVM with 72.648 % and AdaBoost with 67.232 %. Based on the analysis, the top 10 predictors of severity were obtained from the feature importance plot. These may be classified into whether safety equipment was used, whether airbags were deployed, the gender of the driver and whether alcohol was involved.
Journal of Sustainable Development of Transport and Logistics; 2022, 7, 2; 6--24
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Sustainable Development of Transport and Logistics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Travel management optimization based on air pollution condition using Markov decision process and genetic algorithm (case study: Shiraz city)
Bagheri, Mohammad
Ghafourian, Hossein
Kashefiolasl, Morteza
Pour, Mohammad Taghi Sadati
Rabbani, Mohammad
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
air pollution
dynamic optimization
genetic algorithm
Markov decision-making process
zarządzanie transportem
zanieczyszczenie powietrza
algorytm genetyczny
proces decyzyjny Markowa
Currently, air pollution and energy consumption are the main issues in the transportation area in large urban cities. In these cities, most people choose their transportation mode according to corresponding utility including traveller's and trip’s characteristics. Also, there is no effective solution in terms of population growth, urban space, and transportation demands, so it is essential to optimize systematically travel demands in the real network of roads in urban areas, especially in congested areas. Travel Demand Management (TDM) is one of the well-known ways to solve these problems. TDM defined as a strategy that aims to maximize the efficiency of the urban transport system by granting certain privileges for public transportation modes, Enforcement on the private car traffic prohibition in specific places or times, increase in the cost of using certain facilities like parking in congested areas. Network pricing is one of the most effective methods of managing transportation demands for reducing traffic and controlling air pollution especially in the crowded parts of downtown. A little paper may exist that optimize urban transportations in busy parts of cities with combined Markov decision making processes with reward and evolutionary-based algorithms and simultaneously considering customers’ and trip’s characteristics. Therefore, we present a new network traffic management for urban cities that optimizes a multi-objective function that related to the expected value of the Markov decision system’s reward using the Genetic Algorithm. The planned Shiraz city is taken as a benchmark for evaluating the performance of the proposed approach. At first, an analysis is also performed on the impact of the toll levels on the variation of the user and operator cost components, respectively. After choosing suitable values for the network parameters, simulation of the Markov decision process and GA is dynamically performed, then the optimal decision for the Markov decision process in terms of total reward is obtained. The results illustrate that the proposed cordon pricing has significant improvement in performance for all seasons including spring, autumn, and winter.
Archives of Transport; 2020, 53, 1; 89-102
Pojawia się w:
Archives of Transport
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Decyzje w sytuacjach konfliktów moralnych
Decisions in Moral Conflict Situations
Banajski, Ryszard
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Filozofii i Socjologii PAN
moral conflict
hypothesis on conflict background of morality
technology of ethics
algorithm of decision making in conflict situations
Analyzing the character of moral conflict and a hypothesis on the conflict background of morality, the author refers to J. Pawlica’s ideas on the technology of ethics as a new branch of ethics, dealing with ethical decisions (apart from descriptive and normative ethics) as well as K. Szaniawski’s proposal to solve moral conflicts by means of appropriate tools of the decision theory. The article results in an attempt to formulate the algorithm of decision making in moral conflict situations.
Prakseologia; 2006, 146; 113-122
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Czynniki wpływające na wystąpienie nagłego zatrzymania krążenia na podstawie danych z Pogotowia Ratunkowego we Wrocławiu
Factors affecting the occurrence of sudden cardiac arrest based on emergency medical services in Wroclaw
Bartkiewicz, Wiesław
Magiera, Violetta
Fibich, Ewa
Rosińczuk, Joanna
Uchmanowicz, Izabella
Data publikacji:
Europejskie Centrum Kształcenia Podyplomowego
nagłe zatrzymanie krążenia
Pogotowie Ratunkowe
analiza zgłoszeń
algorytm decyzyjny
ocena ryzyka
sudden cardiac arrest
emergency service
analysis of calls
decision algorithm
risk assessment
Wstęp. Nagłe zatrzymanie krążenia (SCA) jest poważnym problemem medycznym na całym świecie, szczególnie dla Pogotowia Ratunkowego. Kluczowe znaczenie w rokowaniu ma odpowiednia i szybka pomoc medyczna. Przy podejmowaniu decyzji o nadaniu wyjazdowi karetki odpowiedniego kodu pilności może być pomocna znajomość czynników ryzyka SCA i wykorzystanie odpowiedniego algorytmu decyzyjnego. Cel pracy. Identyfikacja czynników wpływających na wystąpienie SCA (I46 wg ICD-10) na podstawie doświadczenia pracowników Pogotowia Ratunkowego we Wrocławiu z 2013 r. Materiał i metody. Analizą objęto dane dotyczące wyjazdów Pogotowia Ratunkowego we Wrocławiu, zrealizowanych w okresie od 1 stycznia do 31 marca 2013 r. W pierwszym etapie oceniano częstość występowania SCA wśród wszystkich wezwań ogółem. Na tej podstawie wyodrębniono podgrupę pacjentów, u których doszło do SCA, oraz chorych, u których nie występowało to powikłanie. Grupy te porównano pod względem nasilenia potencjalnych czynników ryzyka SCA, wśród których wyodrębniono trzy grupy: czynniki demograficzne, charakterystyki wezwania oraz czynniki kliniczne. Wyniki. Ogółem w analizowanym okresie odnotowano 26 219 wyjazdów, w tym 245 (0,9%) wyjazdów do pacjentów z rozpoznaniem I46. Mediana wieku pacjentów z SCA wyniosła 63,5 roku i nie różniła się istotnie w porównaniu z grupą pozostałych chorych (p = 0,448). Wśród osób z SCA znalazło się 64% chorych z grup ryzyka, a odsetek ten nie różnił się istotnie od osób, u których nie stwierdzono SCA (p = 0,741). Odsetek kobiet w grupie chorych z SCA (58%) był istotnie wyższy niż wśród pozostałych pacjentów (p = 0,049). Nie wykazano, by porównywane grupy różniły się znamiennie pod względem rozkładu przyczyn wezwania pogotowia (p < 0,05). W grupie pacjentów z SCA odnotowano częstsze występowanie schorzeń z grupy zaburzeń wydzielania wewnętrznego, stanu odżywienia i przemiany metabolicznej (p = 0,001) oraz z grupy zewnętrznych przyczyn zachorowania i zgonu (p = 0,007); na pograniczu istotności znalazły się schorzenia z grupy chorób układu nerwowego (p = 0,051). Wnioski. 1. Zasadniczym elementem, który należy brać pod uwagę przy ocenie ryzyka SCA związanego z danym zgłoszeniem, jest występowanie u pacjenta zewnętrznej przyczyny zachorowania lub zgonu albo schorzenia współistniejącego. 2. Na zwiększone ryzyko SCA może też wskazywać współwystępowanie chorób układu nerwowego (w szczególności padaczki), chorób układu oddechowego oraz zaburzeń psychicznych i behawioralnych. 3. Obecny system oceny pilności zgłoszeń wykorzystywany przez Pogotowie Ratunkowe nie uwzględnia wyżej wymienionych klinicznych czynników ryzyka SCA, co wymaga usprawnienia.
Background. Sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) is a serious medical problem around the world, especially for emergency medical services. Adequate and urgent medical help plays a key role in the prognosis of SCA consequences. When deciding whether to give the ambulance the appropriate urgency code, it may be helpful to know the risk factors of SCA and use the proper decision algorithm. Objectives. Identification of factors affecting the occurrence of SCA (I46 according to ICD-10) based on the experience of the Emergency Medical Service in Wroclaw from 2013. Material and methods. The analysis covered data on the travels of the Ambulance Service in Wrocław, completed in the period from January 1 to March 31, 2013. In the first stage, the incidence of SCA among all calls was assessed. On this basis, a subgroup of patients with SCA and patients with non-SCA complication was identified. These groups were compared regarding the severity of potential SCA risk factors, among which three groups were distinguished: demographic factors, call characteristics and clinical factors. Results. In total in the analyzed period there were 21,219 travels, including 245 (0.9%) travels to patients diagnosed with I46. The median age of patients with SCA was 63.5 years and did not significantly differ from the group of other patients (p = 0.448). Among people with SCA, there were 64% of patients at risk group, and this percentage did not differ significantly from people who did not have SCA (p = 0.741). The percentage of women in the SCA group (58%) turned out to be significantly higher than in the remaining patients (p = 0.049). It wasn’t shown that the compared groups differed significantly in the distribution of reasons of the emergency call (p < 0.05). In the group of patients with SCA, there were more frequent diseases including such disorders as internal secretion, nutritional status and metabolic (p = 0.001) as well as from the group of external causes of illness and death (p = 0.007); on the borderline of significance were nervous system diseases (p = 0.051). Conclusions. 1. The key component to being taken into account when assessing the risk of SCA associated with a given emergency call is the patient’s external cause of illness or death or co-morbid illness. 2. The increased risk of SCA may also indicate the co-morbidity of nervous system diseases (in particular epilepsy), respiratory diseases or mental and behavioral disorders. 3. The current system assessing the urgency of emergency calls used by the Emergency Service does not take into account the above-mentioned clinical risk factors for SCA, which needs to be improved.
Współczesne Pielęgniarstwo i Ochrona Zdrowia; 2019, 8, 1; 3-9
Pojawia się w:
Współczesne Pielęgniarstwo i Ochrona Zdrowia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Control design for untimed Petri nets using Markov Decision Processes
Daoui, C.
Lefebvre, D.
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Wrocławska. Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej
discrete event systems
Petri nets
control design
Markov decision process
value iteration algorithm
Design of control sequences for discrete event systems (DESs) has been presented modelled by untimed Petri nets (PNs). PNs are well-known mathematical and graphical models that are widely used to describe distributed DESs, including choices, synchronizations and parallelisms. The domains of application include, but are not restricted to, manufacturing systems, computer science and transportation networks. We are motivated by the observation that such systems need to plan their production or services. The paper is more particularly concerned with control issues in uncertain environments when unexpected events occur or when control errors disturb the behaviour of the system. To deal with such uncertainties, a new approach based on discrete time Markov decision processes (MDPs) has been proposed that associates the modelling power of PNs with the planning power of MDPs. Finally, the simulation results illustrate the benefit of our method from the computational point of view.
Operations Research and Decisions; 2017, 27, 4; 27-43
Pojawia się w:
Operations Research and Decisions
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Fast-decision identification algorithm of emission source pattern in database
Dudczyk, J.
Kawalec, A.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
Fast-decision Identification Algorithm
Specific Emitter Identification
Emitter Pattern
superheterodyne ELINT receiver
baza danych
superheterodynowy odbiornik ELINT
algorytm FdIA
This article presents Fast-decision Identification Algorithm (FdIA) of Source Emission (SE) in DataBase (DB). The aim of this identification process is to define signal vector (V) in the form of distinctive features of this signal which is received in the process of its measurement. Superheterodyne ELectronic INTelligence (ELINT) receiver in the measure procedure was used. The next step in identification process is comparison vector with pattern in DB and calculation of decision function. The aim of decision function is to evaluate similarity degree between vector and pattern. Identification process mentioned above differentiates copies of radar of the same type which is a special test challenge defined as Specific Emitter Identification (SEI). The authors of this method drew up FdIA and three-stage parameterization by the implementation of three different ways of defining the degree of similarity between vector and pattern (called ’Compare procedure’). The algorithm was tested on hundreds of signal vectors coming from over a dozen copies of radars of the same type. Fast-decision Identification Algorithm which was drawn up and implemented makes it possible to create Knowledge Base which is an integral part of Expert DataBase. As a result, the amount of the ambiguity of decisions in the process of Source Emission Identification is minimized.
Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Technical Sciences; 2015, 63, 2; 385-389
Pojawia się w:
Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Technical Sciences
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Minimal Decision Rules Based on the Apriori Algorithm
Fernandez, M. C.
Menasalvas, E.
Marban, O.
Pena, J. M.
Millan, S.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Zielonogórski. Oficyna Wydawnicza
baza danych
rough sets
rough dependencies
association rules
a priori algorithm
minimal decision rules
Based on rough set theory many algorithms for rules extraction from data have been proposed. Decision rules can be obtained directly from a database. Some condition values may be unnecessary in a decision rule produced directly from the database. Such values can then be eliminated to create a more comprehensible (minimal) rule. Most of the algorithms that have been proposed to calculate minimal rules are based on rough set theory or machine learning. In our approach, in a post-processing stage, we apply the Apriori algorithm to reduce the decision rules obtained through rough sets. The set of dependencies thus obtained will help us discover irrelevant attribute values.
International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science; 2001, 11, 3; 691-704
Pojawia się w:
International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
An Integrated Approach towards Building a Simulation Model Supporting the Management of the Passenger Transportation System. Part 2 – Case Study.
Gąbka, Joanna
Susz, Sławomir
Rosienkiewicz, Maria
Data publikacji:
Międzynarodowa Wyższa Szkoła Logistyki i Transportu
decision supporting tool
transportation system
algorithm verification
simulation model
This article presents a simulation model designated as an advising and forecasting tool for designing, redesigning and managing ground-based transportation systems. It considers both public and private transport means. It enables visualisation of the results of changes in the transportation network such as a new transportation mode, schedule adjustment, technology improvements on shuttle speed and other modifications that can influence the effectiveness of the transportation network. The simulation tool enables predictions of future passenger flow size for different means of transport. The simulation tool was developed after thorough analysis of interdependencies between variables in the transportation network model built upon an econometric model, artificial neural network and mathematical model. The simulation model was tested on the real data and determined to be very effective, useful and flexible in use. Successive phases of the model development proved that development of a reliable advising and forecasting tool requires a combination of different methods.
Logistics and Transport; 2016, 32, 4; 51-64
Pojawia się w:
Logistics and Transport
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Management and decisions in the structures of human activities
Galanc, T.
Kołwzan, W.
Pieronek, J.
Skowronek-Grądziel, A.
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Wrocławska. Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej
scientific language
This article has been devoted to the key dimensions of decision-making. The main goal of the authors was to point out the role and effect of invariants of nature, logic and conceptual systems of science and management, which are extremely important in decision-making processes. The research hypothesis has been tested that the complexity of decision-making and management are determined by the state of reality (Nature). This hypothesis is related to the fact that in science there is currently no uniform methodology associated with decision-making, just as science is not methodologically uniform. One can even doubt whether it is possible to describe the essential dimensions of decisions undertaken by Man, as discussed in this article. These problems are not a novelty to science, since they have been analysed by many scientists in the past. The authors of the article present the complexity and diversity of concepts defining systems of decision-making and management, based on selected fields of knowledge which are generally relevant to this issue, in particular fields associated with ontology and epistemology. Therefore, the text refers broadly to investigating the reality of basic areas of human knowledge and the overlapping relationships between them. This applies to the so-called circle of the sciences proposed and examined by the psychologist J. Piaget. An additional aim of the authors was to create a text presenting contemporary human knowledge about the reality which surrounds us. To understand reality means to be in relative equilibrium with it.
Operations Research and Decisions; 2017, 27, 4; 45-69
Pojawia się w:
Operations Research and Decisions
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Optimizing the Bit-flipping Method for Decoding Low-density Parity-check Codes in Wireless Networks by Using the Artificial Spider Algorithm
Ghaffoori, Ali Jasim
Abdul-Adheem, Wameedh Riyadh
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
low-density parity-check
hard-decision Bit-Flipping
particle swarm optimization
artificial spider algorithm
In this paper, the performance of Low-Density Parity-Check (LDPC) codes is improved, which leads to reduce the complexity of hard-decision Bit-Flipping (BF) decoding by utilizing the Artificial Spider Algorithm (ASA). The ASA is used to solve the optimization problem of decoding thresholds. Two decoding thresholds are used to flip multiple bits in each round of iteration to reduce the probability of errors and accelerate decoding convergence speed while improving decoding performance. These errors occur every time the bits are flipped. Then, the BF algorithm with a low-complexity optimizer only requires real number operations before iteration and logical operations in each iteration. The ASA is better than the optimized decoding scheme that uses the Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm. The proposed scheme can improve the performance of wireless network applications with good proficiency and results. Simulation results show that the ASA-based algorithm for solving highly nonlinear unconstrained problems exhibits fast decoding convergence speed and excellent decoding performance. Thus, it is suitable for applications in broadband wireless networks.
International Journal of Electronics and Telecommunications; 2022, 68, 1; 109--114
Pojawia się w:
International Journal of Electronics and Telecommunications
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Model-building adaptive critics for semi-Markov control
Gosavi, A.
Murray, S.
Hu, J.
Ghosh, S.
Data publikacji:
Społeczna Akademia Nauk w Łodzi. Polskie Towarzystwo Sieci Neuronowych
adaptive critics
learning algorithm
semi-Markov process
decision process
Adaptive (or actor) critics are a class of reinforcement learning algorithms. Generally, in adaptive critics, one starts with randomized policies and gradually updates the probability of selecting actions until a deterministic policy is obtained. Classically, these algorithms have been studied for Markov decision processes under model-free updates. Algorithms that build the model are often more stable and require less training in comparison to their model-free counterparts. We propose a new model-building adaptive critic, which builds the model during the learning, for a discounted-reward semi-Markov decision process under some assumptions on the structure of the process. We illustrate the use of our algorithm with numerical results on a system with 10 states and a real-world case-study from management science.
Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing Research; 2012, 2, 1; 43-58
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing Research
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Decision problem for a finite states change of semi-Markov process
Grabski, F.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Morski w Gdyni. Polskie Towarzystwo Bezpieczeństwa i Niezawodności
semi-Markov decision processes
Howard algorithm
linear programming
In the paper there are presented basic concepts and some results of the theory of semi-Markov decision processes. The algorithm of optimization a SM decision process with a finite number of state changes is discussed here. The algorithm is based on a dynamic programming method. To clarify it the SM decision model for the maintenance operation is shown.
Journal of Polish Safety and Reliability Association; 2015, 6, 1; 95--100
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Polish Safety and Reliability Association
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Decision problem for infinite duration semi-Markov process
Grabski, F.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Morski w Gdyni. Polskie Towarzystwo Bezpieczeństwa i Niezawodności
semi-Markov decision processes
Howard algorithm
linear programing
In the paper there are presented basic concepts and some results of the theory of semi-Markov decision processes. The optimization problem for the infinite duration SM process is connsider in the paper. The Howard algoritm which enables to find the optimal stationary strategy is also discussed here. The algorithm is applied in a decision problem concerning the two components renewable series system is. It is also shown that this algorithm is equivalent to the some linear programing problem.
Journal of Polish Safety and Reliability Association; 2014, 5, 2; 33--40
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Polish Safety and Reliability Association
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Modelowanie procesu negocjacji w pośredniczących firmach handlowych
Negotiation process modeling for the commercial intermediary companies
Gromova, Viktoriia
Wilimowska, Zofia
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie. Katedra Ekonometrii i Statystyki
zarządzanie cenami
przedsiębiorstwa pośredniczące
drzewo decyzyjne
intermediary companies
decision tree
Cena, tworząc ścisłe relacje między różnymi przedsiębiorstwami i ich jednostkami odgrywa ważną rolę. W artykule rozważają się sytuacje negocjacyjne w pośredniczących przedsiębiorstwach sektora MSP, gdzie zarządzanie ceną jest realizowane przy pomocy zaproponowanego modelu procesu negocjacji przedstawionego w formie drzewa decyzyjnego. Jego głównymi elementami są: cena podstawowa, węzły - ceny produktu (zbioru produktów), uwzględniające opusty (rabaty, bonusy, prolongaty). Proces wyboru odpowiedniej ścieżki w drzewie decyzyjnym uwzględnia losowy charakter występowania sytuacji negocjacyjnych.
Price, as a factor forming close connection with the different business units or companies of the related branches, plays an essential role. In the article attention is paid to the negotiation processes in the commercial intermediary companies, where price decision-making process is introduced in the form of decision tree. It’s basic elements are: basic price, nodes – prices of product or set of products, which consider given discounts, bonuses or adjournment. Process of choosing the appropriate path in a decision tree takes consider stochastic character onset of the defined negotiation situations.
Metody Ilościowe w Badaniach Ekonomicznych; 2011, 12, 2; 158-167
Pojawia się w:
Metody Ilościowe w Badaniach Ekonomicznych
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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