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Słyszące rodzeństwo osób z wadą słuchu (SODA) – studium indywidualnych przypadków
Siblings of pearsons with hearing disabilities - a study of individual cases
Rożek, Aleksandra
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
The article describes the functioning of hearing siblings of persons with hearing loss in different developmental stages: childhood, adolescence and adulthood. It describes the key factors to the formation of positive relationships between deaf and hearing siblings. These may influence the psychosocial functioning of hearing people in adulthood.
Interdyscyplinarne Konteksty Pedagogiki Specjalnej; 2017, 18; 131-143
Pojawia się w:
Interdyscyplinarne Konteksty Pedagogiki Specjalnej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Hearing and Hearing-Impaired Adolescents and the Use of the Internet: A Report From Research Conducted in Poland
Michalczyk, Anna
Data publikacji:
Akademia Ignatianum w Krakowie
The article presents the second attempt in Poland at examining the use of the Internet by 150 hearing and hearing-impaired adolescents. The empirical research concerned both groups’ “navigating” in the virtual world. A comparative analysis was carried out on the differentiation, dependencies, and correlations between a group of hearing respondents (girls and boys) and a group with hearing impairment in terms of their intrapersonal and interpersonal attitudes and attitudes towards the world. The intrapersonal sphere included self-image and self-esteem in a global aspect. It consisted of non-specific, general self-esteem, and partial self-esteem: the cognitive, intellectual, physical, characterological, and socio-moral spheres. Interpersonal attitudes were understood in the eyes of the respondent as an image of the rest of society and the relations between them. Thus, the sphere of “others towards me” appeared, based on the sense of support from the social environment, appreciation or indifference, threat from others, or a sense of security, among other things. In the area of “me towards others,” the dependencies concerned pro-social behavior, the general attitude towards other people, an altruistic attitude, egocentrism or sociability, a tendency to isolate oneself, aggression or a lack of aggressive behavior, problematic use of the Internet – an adaptation of IAT A. Young, which measures a subject’s sense of loneliness by De J. Gierveld – content sought on the Internet, the positive aspects of using the Internet, risks associated with it, and addiction.
Multidisciplinary Journal of School Education; 2021, 10, 2 (20); 35-56
Pojawia się w:
Multidisciplinary Journal of School Education
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Myosins and pathology: genetics and biology.
Rędowicz, Maria
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Biochemiczne
This article summarizes current knowledge on the genetics and possible molecular mechanisms of human pathologies resulted from mutations within the genes encoding several myosin isoforms. Mutations within the genes encoding some myosin isoforms have been found to be responsible for blindness (myosins III and VIIA), deafness (myosins I, IIA, IIIA, VI, VIIA and XV) and familial hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (β cardiac myosin heavy chain and both the regulatory and essential light chains). Myosin III localizes predominantly to photoreceptor cells and is proved to be engaged in the vision process in Drosophila. In the inner ear, myosin I is postulated to play a role as an adaptive motor in the tip links of stereocilia of hair cells, myosin IIA seems to be responsible for stabilizing the contacts between adjacent inner ear hair cells, myosin VI plays a role as an intracellular motor transporting membrane structures within the hair cells while myosin VIIA most probably participates in forming links between neighbouring stereocilia and myosin XV probably stabilizes the stereocilia structure. About 30% of patients with familial hypertrophic cardiomyopathy have mutations within the genes encoding the β cardiac myosin heavy chain and both light chains that are grouped within the regions of myosin head crucial for its functions. The alterations lead to the destabilization of sarcomeres and to a decrease of the myosin ATPase activity and its ability to move actin filaments.
Acta Biochimica Polonica; 2002, 49, 4; 789-804
Pojawia się w:
Acta Biochimica Polonica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Językowe i kulturowe wyznaczniki rozwoju teorii umysłu u dzieci głuchych
Linguistic and cultural determinants of Theory of Mind development in deaf children
Kossewska, Joanna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie
Theory of Mind
An overview of contemporary studies on the issue of theory of mind in deaf children is presented in the article. The author analyses conditions of developmental delays revealed by deaf children raised in hearing families. This delay is not, however, a simple consequence of deafness per se, but rather a result of interaction of deafness influence, and contextual linguistic and cultural variables. Child’s participation in conversations carried out using sign language, regarding mental states and processes, both at home and in school, seems to be crucial for the natural course of the development of false belief understanding. Practical implication of cited conferrals comes down to the postulate of a signing model in the development of a child brought up in a hearing family and the common bilingual education, based on the assumption that a deaf child must first master sign language, and then national language as a foreign one,because even in native signing families, ToM development in deaf children may be delayed if the child is educated in an oral education-oriented school.
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia Psychologica; 2012, 5; 67-84
Pojawia się w:
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia Psychologica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
A case of lyme borreliosis complicated by the development of sensorineural hearing loss
Zinchuk, Alexander
Prykuda, Nadiya
Data publikacji:
Index Copernicus International
lyme borreliosis
hearing loss
Introduction. Lyme borreliosis (LB) is endemic spirochetosis with a transmission mechanism, which is often marked by a durable, recurrent course with multiple organ damages. LB is characterized by the appearance of migrating erythema at the site of tick bite. Durable persistence of the agent promotes disease progressing and occurrence of serious complications related to the nervous system, the heart and the locomotive apparatus. Among infrequent and especially dangerous complications of LB is damage to the hearing apparatus with the development of sensorineural deafness – hearing loss, which develops within 24 hours due to function impairment of the internal ear or auditory nerve. That infectious diseases account for 12.8-13% of numerous causes of sensorineural deafness development. Most frequently, the disease caused by B. burgdorferi is mentioned. Aim. To analyze the clinical case of Lyme borreliosis complicated by the sensorineural hearing loss. Materials and methods. The analysis of clinical-laboratory and instrumental data of the patient with Lyme borreliosis, whose course of the disease was complicated by sensorineural hearing loss. The patient received care at Lviv Regional Infectious Diseases Clinical Hospital (LRIDCH). Results. The article presents a clinical case of Lyme borreliosis, complicated by sensorineural hearing loss, which appeared on the 15th day from the onset of erythema annulare in the patient. Hearing recovery in the patient could not be achieved via administration of etiotropic treatment (2.0 g/per day of ceftriaxone for 28 days), which was likely associated with late visit of the patient for medical aid. Conclusions. Sensorineural hearing loss is one of the rare, but severe lesions of auditory analyzer in LB. Hearing improvement after antibiotic therapy is possible in certain cases in early treatment.
Polski Przegląd Otorynolaryngologiczny; 2019, 8, 1; 40-43
Pojawia się w:
Polski Przegląd Otorynolaryngologiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Time in the Context of Deafness
Czas w kontekście głuchoty
Kossewska, Joanna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie
time processing
temporal perspective
Hearing impairment is the factor influencing individual experience and development. However, as it influences the identity development, it might also impact the temporal processes. The article analyses the three levels of psychological time in the context of contemporary research. The results are discussed in the frame of particularly crucial factors such as communication, language and culture. Temporal perspective is described in the context of world representation understood as a system of knowledge comprising an individual’s beliefs. This system, which plays a regulative role in making choices, building attitudes towards the real world and solving problems, develops as the individual gains experience. However, hearing-impaired adolescents concentrate on the present events more than their hearing peers.
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia Psychologica; 2013, 6; 142-156
Pojawia się w:
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia Psychologica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Głuchota i niedosłuch u osób hospitalizowanych z powodu zaburzeń psychicznych
Total and partial deafness in persons hospitalized because of mental disorders
Szymanek, Anna
Zaborowski, Adam
Kłoszewska, Iwona
Data publikacji:
Medical Communications
auditory delusions
mental disorders
omamy słuchowe
partial deafness
zaburzenia psychiczne
Background: According to current estimates, Polish population of totally deaf and deaf-mute persons reaches 45-50 000 and that of partially deaf people – about 800-900 000. Various mental disorders may occur in such a vast group of people. Several reports suggest that impairment of hearing may predispose to the development of mental disorders. One of the signs most frequently described in these patients (even in those, who do not present any other psychotic symptoms) are auditory or musical hallucinations. The aim of this paper was to assess the prevalence of total and partial deafness in patients hospitalized because of mental disorders and to describe their symptoms, with particular emphasis on auditory hallucinations. The present study is a preliminary one. Material and method: Analysis of medical records of patients treated at the J. Babiński Mental Hospital in Łódź, Poland, since 1998 thru 2004. Results: In this timespan, 10 patients with coexisting total (n=6) and partial (n=4) deafness have been treated at the Psychiatric Department of our hospital. Paranoid schizophrenia was diagnosed in 2 patients, depressive epizode in 2 and single cases of the following mental conditions: organic catatonic disorder, organic personality disorder, delusional disorder, behavioral-emotional disorder, adaptation disorder and mental retardation coexisting with alcohol abuse. Results obtained were discussed with a reference to statistical data provided in the literature. Pattern of mental disorders developing in these patients was presented and compared with reports encountered in the literature. Conclusions: The number of patients with coexisting hearing impairment and mental disorders was surprisingly small, precluding any far-reaching conclusions. Nevertheless, it is possible that most of these patients do not receive hospital psychiatric care, or do not receive psychiatric care at all. Further studies are required to confirm this thesis.
Wstęp: Szacuje się, iż w Polsce żyje obecnie 45-50 tys. osób głuchych i głuchoniemych oraz 800-900 tys. osób słabo słyszących. U tych osób występują różnorodne zaburzenia psychiczne. Ponadto istnieją też doniesienia, że głuchota i niedosłuch mogą być czynnikami predysponującymi do wystąpienia pewnych zaburzeń psychicznych. Jednym z najczęściej opisywanych objawów występujących u tych pacjentów (także tych, u których nie stwierdza się żadnych innych zaburzeń psychotycznych) są halucynacje słuchowe, w tym muzyczne. Celem pracy było stwierdzenie częstości występowania głuchoty i niedosłuchu u pacjentów hospitalizowanych z powodu zaburzeń psychicznych oraz opisanie ich objawów, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem omamów słuchowych. Praca ma charakter wstępny. Materiał i metoda: Analizowano historie chorób pacjentów Szpitala im. J. Babińskiego w Łodzi, hospitalizowanych w latach 1998-2004. Wyniki: W rozpatrywanym przedziale czasowym na oddziale psychiatrycznym przebywało 10 pacjentów ze współistniejącym niedosłuchem (6 osób) lub głuchotą (4 osoby). Spośród tych osób schizofrenię paranoidalną rozpoznano w 2 przypadkach, epizod depresyjny - u 2 osób. U pojedynczych osób rozpoznano: organiczne zaburzenia katatoniczne, organiczne zaburzenie osobowości, zaburzenie omamowo-urojeniowe, zaburzenie zachowania i emocji, zaburzenie adaptacyjne i upośledzenie umysłowe z alkoholizmem. Otrzymane wyniki przedyskutowano w odniesieniu do danych statystycznych opisywanych w literaturze. Przedstawiony został również obraz kliniczny występujących u tych pacjentów zaburzeń i porównany z doniesieniami zawartymi w literaturze. Wnioski: Liczba osób ze współistnieniem badanych zaburzeń była zaskakująco mała, co uniemożliwia wyciągnięcie daleko idących wniosków, a pozwala jedynie przypuszczać, że większość tych pacjentów nie jest objęta opieką stacjonarną lub nie jest objęta opieką psychiatryczną w ogóle. Wymaga to jednak potwierdzenia dalszymi badaniami.
Psychiatria i Psychologia Kliniczna; 2007, 7, 4; 198-209
Pojawia się w:
Psychiatria i Psychologia Kliniczna
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wszczep ślimakowy dla pacjentów z głuchotą postlingwalną – szansa na poprawę jakości życia
A Cochlear Implant for Patients with Postlingual Deafness – a Chance to Improve the Quality of Life
Magierska-Krzysztoń, Magdalena
lempska-Wysocka Magdalena, Magdalena
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
quality of live
cochlear implant
postlingual deafness
Permanent hearing damage, which was diagnosed in the postlingling period - prevents “normal” life. Adult, mature people who until now had certain social roles and activities, suddenly experienced the phenomenon of exclusion as a result of hearing loss, which leads in many cases to personal dramas. The aim of the research was to determine the possibility of improving the quality of life of patients with postlingual deafness after implanting the cochlear implant. The study involved 96 patients aged 30-75 years, postlingally deaf, equipped with a cochlear implant. The study used the CES-D questionnaire, the PANAS-PL questionnaire and the diagnostic survey method (questionnaire survey). The results of the study show that in the majority of patients after implantation, there was a subjectively evaluated improvement associated with activity in various spheres of life. The use of the cochlear implant in post-lethal hearing impaired patients allowed to achieve satisfactory auditory functioning, which contributed to the improvement of the quality of life.
Studia Edukacyjne; 2018, 48; 249-258
Pojawia się w:
Studia Edukacyjne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Disability or language barrier? Attitudes towards deafness among hearing parents of children with hearing impairment
Katarzyna, Makowiecka,
Data publikacji:
Akademia Pedagogiki Specjalnej im. Marii Grzegorzewskiej. Wydawnictwo APS
medical perspective
sociocultural perspective
The aim of the following article was to investigate the attitudes towards different aspects of deafness among hearing parents of children with hearing impairment. It was hypothesized that the valence of the attitude correlates with various factors, for instance: parents’ level of education, child’s age and number of other people with hearing loss known by the parents. For the purpose of this research, a 32-item scale, based on the theory of dualistic models of attitudes was created. Positive attitudes were associated with preference for sociocultural perspective on deafness, including respect for child’s preferred communication method, acceptance for sign language, perceiving people with hearing loss as able-bodied. Contrarily, negative perspective was related to the medical perspective on deafness, which includes insisting on curing deafness and treating it as a disability which requires supportive solutions e.g. hearing aids or cochlear implants. Neither of the two models appeared dominant. Further analyses were addressed to explore parents’ knowledge and beliefs about hearing impairment.
Człowiek - Niepełnosprawność - Społeczeństwo; 2020, 47(1); 71-96
Pojawia się w:
Człowiek - Niepełnosprawność - Społeczeństwo
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Launching of a cochlear implant program at the Cracow Otolaryngology Clinic
Wiatr, Maciej
Niemczyk, Kazimierz
Składzień, Jacek
Wiatr, Agnieszka
Data publikacji:
Index Copernicus International
Cochlear implant
sensorineural deafness
hearing loss treatment
Introduction: It is estimated that hearing impediment affects approximately 12% of the population. Some forms of hearing disorders can be successfully treated conservatively, while in others surgery plays a key role. Often, therapeutic methods are exhausted and the patient faces the decision about the need for acoustic organ prosthesis. Depending on the causes of anomalies, apparatus for air conduction, bone conduction or cochlear implants are used. A cochlear implant replaces the damaged sensory cells of the inner ear. It constitutes an electronic prosthesis of the acoustic organ, composed of two parts. The internal part (implanted in the inner ear) consists of an implant and electrodes, which conduct electrical signals to the cochlea. The external part consists of a microphone, a speech processor, and a transmitter. Care report: A 70-year-old patient with deep hearing loss in the right ear and deafness of the left ear. During the interview, the patient denied mechanical injuries of the head and neck, acoustic trauma, inflammation or otorrhea. Based on the conducted tests, qualification otolaryngology, audiology, and otoneurology, radiology, surdologopedy and psychology were performed for cochlear implant insertion. The patient was qualified for cochlear implantation in the left ear under general anesthesia. The surgical team was composed of dr hab. Maciej Wiatr, prof. dr hab. Kazimierz Niemczyk, prof. dr hab. Jacek Składzień, MD Agnieszka Wiatr with anesthetic monitoring under the supervision of MD Renata Witkowska. The patient was discharged home on day 7 after surgery in good general and local condition. Simultaneous rehabilitation was started at the Center for Daily Rehabilitation of Hearing and Speech at the Specialist Center of Diagnosis and Rehabilitation for Children and Adolescents with Hearing Disabilities of the Polish Association of the Deaf in Cracow.
Polski Przegląd Otorynolaryngologiczny; 2019, 8, 1; 1-6
Pojawia się w:
Polski Przegląd Otorynolaryngologiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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