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Wyszukujesz frazę "cure" wg kryterium: Temat

Nowe możliwości betonu na obiekty mostowe
Walkowiak, R.
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Producentów Cementu
beton mostowy
autostrada A1
technologia robót
mieszanka samozagęszczlna
domieszka do betonu
CHRYZO Fluid Optima 175
Budownictwo, Technologie, Architektura; 2011, 3; 26-27
Pojawia się w:
Budownictwo, Technologie, Architektura
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Pasterz pasterzy. Papież Grzegorz Wielki i jego Księga reguły pasterskiej
The shepherd of shepherds. The pope Gregory The Great and his Book of the pastoral rule
Kołosowski, Tadeusz
Data publikacji:
Towarzystwo Naukowe Franciszka Salezego
the patrology
Gregory the Great
cure of souls
the papacy
The pope Gregory the Great not only alone was a shepherd, a parson of the great parish worldwide, but with the teacher of other clergymen as real and good shepherds of the people of the Church. The article analyses the work of the pope Gregory, Book of the pastoral rule, in which Gregory instructs clergymen, how to apply for the pastoral office , how to accommodate the pastoral activity with the own life, how to teach particular groups of faithful. Instructions and observations of the pope Gregory contain the theological and spiritual depth and represent many universal contents and solutions of always actual problems. The pope Gregory the Great can be found the shepherd of shepherds of all times.
Seminare. Poszukiwania naukowe; 2011, 29; 249-260
Pojawia się w:
Seminare. Poszukiwania naukowe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Effect of Cure Cycle Time on the Properties of Epoxy-Bonded Joints
Zabłocka, M.
Sałaciński, M.
Synaszko, P.
Kłysz, S.
Data publikacji:
Sieć Badawcza Łukasiewicz - Instytut Lotnictwa
epoxy-bonded joints
cure cycle
Composite Patch Bonded Repair (CPBR)
This paper presents the results of the study of the properties of epoxy-bonded joints. Depending on the parameters of cure cycles the epoxy adhesive film has got various mechanical properties. When it is possible to use cure parameters suggested in the data sheet of the adhesive film the best results are obtained. However, in aerospace applications the cure cycle depends on the thermal resistance of other aircraft elements including electrical equipment, cables, etc., and is different from the recommended in the data sheet. Composite Patch Bonded Repair (CPBR) is a special methodology, where the patch cure cycle and the bonding process must be carried out in one operation. The adhesive film cure cycle parameters depend on the prepreg cure cycle parameters. The purpose of this research is to define the influence of a prolonged cure cycle of the adhesive film on the bonded layer strength properties. The metal surface of the specimen has been prepared for bonding by sandblasting and the use of Corrosion Inhibiting Primer BR 127. The tests were performed with the use of Structural Adhesive Film AF 163-2 and two types of cure cycles: the cycle recommended by the data sheet - 121ºC/60 min and the prolonged one - 121ºC/105 min. After the cure cycle the thickness of the bonded layer was measured. Both specimens were comparatively tested during the following strength tests of the bonded layer: static breaking tests using the wedge and the shear strength investigations. The surface of the bonded layer was observed during the tests by an electronic microscope (100x, 200x), which made it possible to demonstrate the effect of the cure cycle on the porosity and observe the nature of the bonded layer damage – de-cohesive and de-adhesive.
Fatigue of Aircraft Structures; 2012, 4; 157-161
Pojawia się w:
Fatigue of Aircraft Structures
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Biochemiczna ocena skuteczności leczenia pacjentów z akromegalią
Biochemical evaluation of the treatment effectiveness in patients with acromegaly
Fuss-Chmielewska, Julita
Rosiak, Aleksandra
Pisarek, Hanna
Beda-Maluga, Karolina
Winczyk, Katarzyna
Data publikacji:
Łódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe
kryteria wyleczenia
hormon wzrostu
leczenie operacyjne
analogi somatostatyny
cure criteria
growth hormone
somatostatin analogues
Introduction: The main treatment for acromegaly is the surgical removal of the tumour. Pharmacotherapy, usually with somatostatin analogues (SSA), is used as the preliminary and/or complementary therapy. In the diagnosis of acromegaly as well as in the evaluation of treatment effectiveness laboratory tests are essential – the serum level of growth hormone (GH) in the oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) and the serum concentration of insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1). The aim of our study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the treatment of patients with acromegaly based on biochemical criteria for cure. Material and methods: The study group consisted of 40 patients aged 25 - 83, hospitalized in the Department of Endocrinology, Medical University of Lodz in the years 2003-2010. The concentration of GH and IGF-1 were determined by enzyme-amplified chemiluminescent immunoassay (EACLIA) on the IMMULITE 1000 analyzer (Siemens). As the criteria of acromegaly cure we assumed the normalization of serum IGF-1 and GH levels after oral glucose administration of < 1 ng/mL. Results: The cure of acromegaly was achieved in 25 of 40 patients (63%). In 14 patients, the normalization of IGF-1 and GH was obtained as a result of surgery, 11 patients achieved normal laboratory parameters after complemantary treatment - five after the treatment with SSA, four after radiotherapy, and two after both pharmaco - and radiotherapy. Fifteen patients from the study group have not been cured - in 13 of them the complementary therapy with SSA was used. Most of them (75%) were operated due to the pituitary macroadenoma. In 11 persons both GH and IGF-1 concentrations exceeded the limits of the reference values. The effectiveness of the operation was higher in patients treated with SSA - among 21 patients treated with SSA before the surgery, only five did not achieve the normalization of GH and/or IGF-1. Conclusions: The evaluation of GH and IGF-1 concentrations with the connection of the magnetic resonance imaging of the pituitary allow to determine the effects of acromegaly treatment. In the majority of patients after the surgical removal of pituitary adenoma, complementary therapy, mainly pharmacological with somatostatin analogues is necessary, and some patients require reoperation and / or radiotherapy. In addition, the preoperative administration of somatostatin analogues greatly increases the effectiveness of the treatment of acromegaly.
Wstęp: Głównym sposobem leczenia akromegalii jest operacyjne usunięcie guza. Farmakoterapię, głównie analogami somatostatyny (SSA), stosuje się jako postępowanie przygotowawcze do zabiegu oraz leczenie uzupełniające po operacji. W diagnostyce akromegalii, a także w ocenie efektywności leczenia kluczowe znaczenie mają badania laboratoryjne - stężenie hormonu wzrostu (GH) w teście obciążenia glukozą (OGTT) i stężenia we krwi insulinopodobnego czynnika wzrostu 1 (IGF-1). Celem naszej pracy była ocena skuteczności leczenia w ośrodku łódzkim pacjentów z akromegalią w oparciu o biochemiczne kryteria wyleczenia. Materiały i metody: Grupę badaną stanowiło 40 chorych w wieku 25 - 83 lat hospitalizowanych w Klinice Endokrynologii Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Łodzi w latach 2003 - 2010. Stężenie GH i IGF-1 oznaczono metodą chemiluminescencji wzmocnionej enzymatycznie (EACLIA) na analizatorze IMMULITE 1000 firmy Siemens. Jako kryteria wyleczenia przyjęto normalizację w surowicy stężenia IGF-1 i stężenie GH po doustnym podaniu glukozy < 1 ng/mL. Wyniki: Wyleczonych zostało 25 z 40 badanych (63%). U 14 pacjentów normalizację IGF-1 i GH uzyskano w wyniku zabiegu operacyjnego, 11 osób uzyskało prawidłowe parametry laboratoryjne dopiero po leczeniu uzupełniającym – pięciu po leczeniu SSA, czterech po radioterapii, a dwóch po farmakoi radioterapii łącznie. Piętnastu pacjentów z grupy badanej nie zostało wyleczonych - u 13 z nich zastosowano leczenie uzupełniające SSA. Większość z nich (75%) była operowana z powodu makrogruczolaka przysadki. U 11 osób zarówno stężenia GH, jak i IGF-1 przekraczały granice wartości referencyjnych. Skuteczność operacji była wyższa u chorych leczonych SSA, gdyż wśród 21 pacjentów leczonych przed zabiegiem SSA, tylko u pięciu nie odnotowano normalizacji GH i/lub IGF-1. Wnioski: Ocena stężenia GH i IGF-1 w połączeniu z wynikiem rezonansu magnetycznego okolicy przysadki pozwala ustalić efekty leczenia akromegalii. U większości chorych po chirurgicznym usunięciu gruczolaka przysadki niezbędna jest terapia uzupełniająca, przede wszystkim farmakologiczna analogami somatostatyny, a w niektórych przypadkach konieczna jest reoperacja i/lub radioterapia. Ponadto przedoperacyjne podawanie analogów somatostatyny zdecydowanie zwiększa skuteczność leczenia akromegalii.
Folia Medica Lodziensia; 2014, 41, 2; 181-194
Pojawia się w:
Folia Medica Lodziensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Deep molecular response (MR4.5) as a target of therapy with tyrosine kinase inhibitors. MR4.5 – goal of CML treatment
Sacha, Tomasz
Data publikacji:
Medical Education
chronic myeloid leukemia
possibility cure
therapy targets
tyrosine kinase inhibitors
Chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) accounts for 15% of diagnosed leukemias. The annual incidence in two Polish regions has been calculated for 0.7/100,000 of general population. Introduction of tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) have substantially improved not only the prognosis of CML, but also changed the treatment goals, and the expectations of patients and physicians. The goals of CML therapy include: to prevent the progression towards accelerated phase and blastic phase, to eliminate the risk of death from leukemia, to prolong the length of survival to comparable of healthy population and to attain a quality of life comparable to healthy people. Patients treated up-front with second generation TKIs (2GTKI) have a better chance to achieve faster and deeper response to therapy. Most of patients receiving 2GTKI in first line or e.g. nilotinib after initial phase of imatinib therapy can achieve very deep molecular response (MR4.5), which is a key criterion for discontinuation studies. The results of stop-trials suggest that substantial proportion of patient could achieve sustained treatment-free survival, and that the disease could be controlled despite of persistence of minimal residual disease, which does not require a clinical intervention. Patients group that could benefit most from discontinuation study include younger people, those who have achieved MR4.5 and patients reporting TKI – associated side effects. Achievement of MR4.5 could be considered as a target of CML therapy for considerable proportion of patients. The question of safe TKI dose reduction or therapy cessation should be addressed in the future planned clinical trials.
OncoReview; 2014, 4, 1; A27-32
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Nauczanie św. Jakuba Apostoła o sakramencie namaszczenia chorych w perspektywie biblijnej
The teaching of St. James the Apostle on the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick in the Biblical Perspective
Wittbrodt, Bartłomiej
Data publikacji:
Gdańskie Seminarium Duchowne
sakrament chorych
the sacrament of the sick
anointing of the sick
Choroba i związane z nią cierpienie należą w sposób naturalny do życia ludzkiego. Jednakże dla osób wierzących choroba przybiera wymiar religijny. Człowiek podeszły w latach, lub dotknięty niemocą na ciele, może swoje cierpienia łączyć z cierpieniami Chrystusa i ofiarować je jako wynagrodzenie za grzechy swoje, rodziny, lub oddać je Bogu w konkretnej intencji. Aby tak się stało, musi mieć świadomość, że Kościół ogarnia troską wszystkich - chorych i starszych, i przychodzi z pomocą poprzez sakrament chorych, który ma swoje podstawy w Biblii, jak zresztą i pozostałe sakramenty. Stary i Nowy Testament ukazuje troskę o tych, którzy dotknięci cierpieniem nie są pozostawieni sami sobie. Szczególnie św. Jakub w swoim Liście pisze: „Choruje ktoś wśród was? Niech sprowadzi kapłanów Kościoła, by się modlili nad nim i namaścili go olejem w imię Pana. A modlitwa pełna wiary będzie dla chorego ratunkiem i Pan go podźwignie, a jeśli popełnił grzechy, będą mu odpuszczone” (Jk 5,13-15). Zgodnie z tymi słowami Kościół ma szczególną misję niesienia Dobrej Nowiny i pociechy chorym i cierpiącym na wzór samego Chrystusa, który „przyszedł do tych, którzy się źle mają”.
Illness and pain are in a natural way connected with human life. However, for those who believe in God, illness takes on a religious dimension. The older man affected by a physical disorder may associate his sufferings with those of Christ and offer them as penance for his sins and those of his family, or give them to God in a particular intention. For this to happen, the sick person must be aware of the Church’s concern for all the sick and elderly and its help which comes through the Sacrament of the Sick. This sacrament has its foundation in the Bible just as the other sacraments have. Both the Old and the New Testament urge us to care for those who suffer and not to leave them alone. St. James in particular writes in his letter: “Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the priests of the Church to pray over him, anointing him in the name of the Lord. And the prayer full of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise him up, and if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven” (James 5: 13-15). According to these words the Church has a special mission to proclaim the Good News and to comfort the sick and suffering on the model of Christ himself, who “came to those who are sick”.
Studia Gdańskie; 2015, 36; 55-67
Pojawia się w:
Studia Gdańskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Przepusty w infrastrukturze komunikacyjnej – cz. 19. Wyposażenie przejść dla zwierząt – przejścia dolne
Culverts in the transport infrastructure - part. 19. Equipment of passages for animals - underpasses
Wysokowski, A.
Howis, J.
Data publikacji:
Nowoczesne Budownictwo Inżynieryjne
przejście dla zwierząt
półka dla zwierząt
elementy doświetlające
siatka naprowadzająca
passage for animals
guiding grid
W nawiązaniu do poprzedniego artykułu z tego cyklu [8], należy przypomnieć, że rozwój infrastruktury komunikacyjnej jest ściśle związany ze zrównoważonym rozwojem, z uwzględnieniem wielu aspektów ekologicznych. Dotyczy to zarówno budowy nowych, jak też modernizacji istniejących dróg kołowych i kolejowych. W tym celu nieodzowna staje się budowa przejść dla zwierząt i przepustów o funkcji zespolonej.
In relation to the previous article from this series, it should be recalled that the development of transport infrastructure is closely related to sustainable development, taking into account many environmental aspects. This applies both new construction as well as modernization of the existing roads and railways. For this purpose, it becomes indispensable to the construction of passages for animals and culverts of complex function.
Nowoczesne Budownictwo Inżynieryjne; 2016, 3; 82-88
Pojawia się w:
Nowoczesne Budownictwo Inżynieryjne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Lingua Erazma z Rotterdamu między fizjologią, filozofią i filologią
“Lingua” by Erasmus of Rotterdam. Between physiology, philosophy and philology
Dąbkowska-Kujko, Justyna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
language and speech
The article entitled “Lingua by Erasmus of Rotterdam – between physiology, philosophy and philology” is devoted to the treatise “Lingua, Sive, De Linguae usu atque abusu Liber utillissimus” which was originally published in 1525, while in an anonymous Old Polish translation it first appeared in 1542. It represents one of the most important voices in then Europe on the role of language in international social communication. In it issues related to the ethics of language, seen from a theological, philosophical and philological perspective, were taken up by the Rotterdammer, using references to medical and natural sciences. The combination of these areas of knowledge has become the subject of in-depth analysis in the article. The term „tongue”, which is equivocal in meaning, is understood in the treatise as the organ for as well as the process of speaking. As a consequence, the „physiology of language” presented in the Lingua, resulting in an extended lesson in anatomy, eventually moves the discourse into the area of reflection on the importance and role of word both in interpersonal association and in the Christian „galaxy” – the humanitas, as a factor for its integration and guarantor of peace.
Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne. Seria Literacka; 2017, 31; 129-146
Pojawia się w:
Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne. Seria Literacka
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Glass transition temperature-cure temperature-transformation (TgTT) diagram for EPY® epoxy system
Diagram temperatura zeszklenia-temperatura sieciowania-przemiana (TgTT) dla układu epoksydowego EPY®
Urbaniak, M.
Data publikacji:
Sieć Badawcza Łukasiewicz - Instytut Chemii Przemysłowej
epoxy system
glass transition temperature
glass transition temperature-cure temperature-transformation diagram
układ epoksydowy
temperatura zeszklenia
diagram temperatura zeszklenia-temperatura sieciowania-przemiana
The EPY® epoxy system applied for the production of machine foundation chocks was isothermally cured at varying cure temperatures and times. The thermal behavior during the curing of the system was monitored by means of the glass transition temperature (Tg) and conversion degree (α) measured using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and rotational viscometry (ARES). Also, the thermal decomposition was measured by thermogravimetry and differential thermal analysis (TG-DTA). The results were analyzed and summarized in the generalized phase diagram, as well as in the Tg-cure temperature-transformation (TgTT) cure diagram. The phase diagram has reference to the transformations (in liquid, ungelled glass, gelled glass and rubber state) encountered at time to gelation and vitrification. Whereas the TgTT diagram shows that there are three types of behavior related to the temperature of cure and makes a useful framework for understanding and analyzing the relations and interdependencies during the curing process of the epoxy system.
Próbki układu epoksydowego EPY®, używanego do wytwarzania podkładek fundamentowych maszyn, sieciowano izotermicznie stosując różne temperatury i różny czas sieciowania. Metodami różnicowej kalorymetrii skaningowej (DSC) i wiskozymetrii rotacyjnej (ARES) zbadano przemiany tak przygotowanych układów pod wpływem zmian temperatury wyznaczając temperaturę zeszklenia (Tg) i stopień konwersji (α). Badano także rozkład termiczny próbek za pomocą symultanicznej termograwimetrycznej i różnicowej analizy termicznej (TG-DTA). Wyniki pomiarów analizy zestawiono w postaci uogólnionego diagramu fazowego oraz diagramu Tg-temperatura sieciowania-przemiana (TgTT). Pierwszy z diagramów wskazuje odniesienia do transformacji (stan ciekły, szklisty całkowicie nieutwardzony, szklisty niecałkowicie utwardzony i zżelowany) występujących w czasie do momentu żelowania i zeszklenia układu, a diagram TgTT pokazuje trzy rodzaje zachowań układu w zależności od temperatury sieciowania. Stanowi przydatne narzędzie do zrozumienia i analizowania relacji ujawniających się w procesie sieciowania układu epoksydowego.
Polimery; 2018, 63, 1; 18-24
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Guarigione di un cieco (Mc 8,22-26) nel contesto del Vangelo di Marco
Cure of a Blind Man (Mark 8:22-26) in the Context of the Gospel according to Mark
Bąk, Tomasz Bartłomiej
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Gospel according to Mark
road to Jerusalem
identity of disciple
Mk 8
The Gospel according to Mark strives after providing the answer to two fundamental questions who Jesus is and who his disciple should be. Thus, the Evangelist makes some attempts to depict the identity of Jesus emphasizing his being the Son of God (cfr. Mk 1:1; 15:39). What is more, setting the description of the road leading to Jerusalem in the centre of his literary work, the author of the gospel highlights the identity of the Jesus’ disciple, who is not always able to understand the one, who called him. The aim of this article is to present the way how the pericope about the cure of a blind man (Mk 8:22-26) is depicted in the dynamism of the whole gospel and how it corresponds with effort being made with the aim of answering the questions: who Jesus is and who his disciples should be. The text, which is written in accordance with the principles of synchronic analysis, is comprised of such sections: I  Introductory issues (distinguishing of the pericope as the whole; textual criticism; defining of the internal structure; synoptic comparison); II. Exegetical analysis; III. The significance of the pericope in the context of the whole Gospel; In the analysis of the cure of a blind man (Mk 8:22-26) the disciples are presented as those who seem to remain “outside” Christ mystery. The pericope corresponds perfectly with the fact that they possess eyes that do not see (cfr. Mk 8:18) and they do not yet understand (cfr. Mk 8:21). Not only does Jesus open the eyes of the blind man but also wants to open the eyes of his disciples. Two stages of healing reveal that regaining sight fully is preceded by the period of “shortsightedness” when the disciple has a vision but still blurred. He follows Jesus to Jerusalem, though, he does not understand who Jesus is. The moment when he completely opens his eyes and understands becomes possible in the context of the Paschal Mystery.
The Biblical Annals; 2018, 8, 3; 319-361
Pojawia się w:
The Biblical Annals
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Sherlocka Holmesa droga do „normalności”
Sherock Holmes’s road to „normality”
Kurowicka, Anna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie
Sherlock Holmes
Jak wielu aspołecznych i aseksualnych geniuszy, Sherlock Holmes był w większości adaptacji prezentowany jako bohater z cechami kojarzonymi w kulturze popularnej z autyzmem, takimi jak nieprzeciętna inteligencja analityczna, niechęć do nawiązywania bliskich relacji z ludźmi, niezrozumienie norm społecznych i brak empatii. Artykuł analizuje konstrukcję postaci Sherlocka w serialu BBC Sherlock oraz wykorzystaną w nim narrację o leczeniu detektywa, w wyniku którego traci on cechy autystyczne. Następnie przedstawiam krytykę tego rodzaju narracji z perspektywy studiów o niepełnosprawności, skupiając się na przemocy zawartej w dehumanizacji autystyków oraz w próbach wykorzenienia autyzmu.
As is the case with most asocial and asexuals geniuses, in most of his incarnations Sherlock Holmes has been presented as a character with qualities associated with autism in popular culture, such as high analytical intelligence, unwillingness to establish close relations with people, lack of understanding of social norms and lack of empathy. The article analyzes the character of Sherlock Holmes in the BBC TV show “Sherlock” and the narrative of cure employed in the show, which leads to him losing his autistic traits. Next I present a critique of this type of a narrative from the perspective of disability studies, focusing
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia de Cultura; 2018, 10, 1; 125-136
Pojawia się w:
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia de Cultura
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Traditional Uses and Nutrient Status of Indian Native Plant Fruit (Carissa carandas Linn.)
Jayakumar, Kaliyamoorthy
Muthuraman, B.
Data publikacji:
Przedsiębiorstwo Wydawnictw Naukowych Darwin / Scientific Publishing House DARWIN
Carissa carandas leaves
Cure diseases
Medicinal properties
Mineral content
Carissa carandas are important medicinal plants in Tamil Nadu. The entire plant has medicinal values. Carissa carandas plants are used to cure various diseases such as asthma, skin disease, cough, cold and tuberculosis. They usually are prepared as fresh juices rather than boiling water and decoction leaves and flowers of Carissa carandas. The juice from the leaves play an important role in this matter. Usually about 30 ml of the juice is taken thrice a day with honey, acting as relieving agent for irritable cough due to its soothing action on the nerve and by liquefying the sputum, which makes expectoration easier. Carissa carandas are important traditional remedies in Tamil Nadu.
World Scientific News; 2018, 96; 217-224
Pojawia się w:
World Scientific News
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Aesthetics of 1950s and 1960s interiors presented in Polish comedy films from that period
Wojciechowska-Kucięba, Joanna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Adolf Dymsza
Andrzej Łapicki
Breakfast at Tiffany’s
Sylwester Chęciński
Tadeusz Chmielewski
comedy film
Jan Batory
Jan Fethke
Władysław Hańcza
Jan Rybkowski
Wanda Telakowska
Go Home
A Cure for Love
This article is an attempt at outlining key aesthetic standards of interior design of the 1950s and 1960s on the basis of examples exhibited in the Polish and foreign romantic comedies of that time. Some distinguishing features of 1960s Polish aesthetics were the characteristic abstract language, organic form, asymmetry, diagonal lines, arrangements based on “A” and “X” letter outlines and lively colours. Furniture design used new materials mostly plywood and plastics such as polyvinyl chloride and epoxy resins. The 1960s, called “small stabilization” by design historians, were slightly different. Shops offered a variety of new products designed by Polish creators – such as furniture, home appliances, tools and machines. New Polish industrial design of 1960s is represented by the RAMONA and EWA radios and the BAMBINO record player, whereas sectional furniture – especially SYSTEM MK designed by Bogusława and Czesław Kowalski, better known as “the Kowalskis’ furniture” – became the icon of the decade. Polish and foreign romantic comedies from 1950s and 1960s are an excellent iconographic source of information on how interior design changed in the second half of the 20th century, and specifically on how living space was organized and adapted for private and public purposes. In Poland, attempts were made to use all the “design innovations” coming from the west, however, the immutably closed Polish borders prevented them from spreading freely. We had to use local designers. In the 2nd half of the twentieth century, a period which Prof Irena Huml called “the invasion of modernity” started. The doctrine of socialist realism was rejected and the focus was on modernity. Innovation became the most desirable feature of a work of art, and modernity the most important concept.
Images. The International Journal of European Film, Performing Arts and Audiovisual Communication; 2017, 22, 31; 81-90
Pojawia się w:
Images. The International Journal of European Film, Performing Arts and Audiovisual Communication
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Roux-en-Y gastric bypass as a cure of iatrogenic steroid-induced diabetes
Poznanska, Grazyna
Hogendorf, Piotr
Czupryniak, Leszek
Smolewski, Piotr
Grząsiak, Oliwia
Szmiel, Aneta
Kasiarz, Anna
Strzelczyk, Janusz
Durczyński, Adam
Data publikacji:
Index Copernicus International
bariatric surgery
iatrogenic diabetes
Roux-en-Y gastric bypass
steroid induced diabetes
Background: Steroid-induced diabetes (SIDM) is a frequently found clinical condition since steroid-based therapies continue to be widely used in hospital and ambulatory care. Recommended optimal treatment of SIDM includes similar glucose lowering strategies as in type 2 diabetes. This typical management cannot cure the disease, it can only control blood glucose. Recently, bariatric surgery has emerged as an effective treatment for type 2 diabetes mellitus. However, up to now, the usefulness of bariatric surgery in treatment of SIDM has not been evaluated. Case report: A 49-year-old female oncologic patient with steroid induced diabetes was referred for surgical treatment to the Department of General and Transplant Surgery in November 2009. Six years earlier, she underwent successful oncologic treatment with cladribine and high doses of steroids due to hairy cell leukemia. Finally complete hematologic remission with normalization of morphology and reduction of spleen size has been obtained. Prior to steroid treatment, blood glucose and urine examinations were within normal range. The patient was non-obese and had no family history of diabetes. Nevertheless, the patient developed diabetes secondary to corticosteroid therapy, poorly controlled by oral hypoglycemic agent (acarbosum), successfully converted to insulin therapy. Upon admission to the Department of General and Transplant Surgery, the patient was treated with 58 units of insulin per day. The patient was scheduled for Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB). Insulin was withdrawn immediately after the surgery and within six months after the surgery, plasma glucose and glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c-5.5%) levels reached and remained within normal range. Currently, eight years after surgery, body weight and BMI are 80 kg and 27.68 kg/m2, respectively. Plasma glucose and glycated hemoglobin are also normal. Importantly, from an oncological point of view, the patient has remained in continuous complete remission since October 2003. Conclusions: Our report is the first to our knowledge describing the effect of gastric bypass surgery on SIDM in a patient with prior hematologic malignancy. It proves that surgically altered anatomy of the small intestine improves glucose homeostasis previously disturbed with pro-diabetic medication.
Polish Journal of Surgery; 2019, 91, 5; 52-54
Pojawia się w:
Polish Journal of Surgery
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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