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Wyszukujesz frazę "cultural translation" wg kryterium: Temat

Transfer kultur w przekładzie tekstów użytkowych
Cultural transfer in the translation of functional texts
Mocarz, Maria
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie
Cultural transfer
This article provides an analysis of translation methods of elements of culture in guidebooks, which belong to the so-called functional texts. There are two basic translation strategies of such lexis: 1) exotisation and 2) adaptation (most frequently combined with exotisation). The high frequency of the first strategy depends on the informative function of a given text. This function results in the lack of occurrence of adaptation, uncombined with exotisation. Moreover, the choice of the particular translation strategy is influenced by the following factors: the dynamic character of the translation norm and the impact of the tradition of interlinguistic relations.
Acta Polono-Ruthenica; 2006, 1, XI; 363-371
Pojawia się w:
Acta Polono-Ruthenica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Defining Law Terms: A Cross-Cultural Perspective
Jopek-Bosiacka, Anna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
legal definition
law term
cross-cultural communication
legal translation
Legal definitions are vital for effective legal communication. This paper outlines main conventions of formulating definitions in statutes and contracts. Legal definitions are analyzed here from cross-cultural perspective against (legislative) drafting guidelines and theory of law. Their formulation may depend, inter alia, on legal system, branch of law, legal genre, position within the document, and type of legal definition.An attempt is then made to examine how formal aspects of formulating legal definitions may affect the interpretation and thus translation of law terms. This interdisciplinary cross-cultural examination provides a theoretical basis for sketching main approaches to English-Polish (Polish-English) translation of the definition section in ratified international instruments published in Polish Journal of Laws.The translation practice trends towards legal definitions seem to be more and more informed by the globalization and ‘Europeanisation’ processes now constituting a still broader context of legal communication rather than confined to the text of a legal instrument itself.
Research in Language; 2011, 9, 1; 9-29
Pojawia się w:
Research in Language
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Intertekstualność jako forma dialogu międzykulturowego
Intertekstualnost v vlogi medkulturnega dialoga
Intertextuality as a way of cultural dialogue
Muszyńska, Anna
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
dialog kulturowy
cultural dialogue
Literarna besedila, ki se (zaradi svoje intertekstualnosti) navezujejo na druga besedila, značilna samo za literarno tradicijo in kulturo originala, veljajo za prevajalca kot posebna vrsta translatorske problematike in resni praktični problem. Članek obravnava to tematiko na primeru pesmi "Urszula Kochanowska" (poljskega avtorja Bolesława Leśmiana) v prevodu Toneta Pretnarja. Intertekstualni elementi, ki so prisotni v originalu, ustvarjajo dialog z literarno tradicijo in sprejemno kulturo, ker v tujem/drugem kontekstu pridobivajo drugačno, novo interpretacijsko vlogo, funkcinirajo drugače in imajo drugačno vrednost.
The artistic texts which as a part of the intertextuality phenomena refer to other texts, known only in the native literary tradition and culture of the original text, present an enormous challenge for the translator ( in this article the deliberations on this subject are illustrated by the work of Bolesław Leśmian titled "Urszula Kochanowska" in a Slovenian translation of Tone Pretnar). The intertexual elements go into a dialogue with a literary translation and a target culture because in a foreign context they function differently. However, they always have enriching value (at least from the cognitive perspective).
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich; 2011, 2, 1; 295-305
Pojawia się w:
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Przesunięcia międzytekstowe i międzykulturowe w tłumaczeniu. Współczesna proza polska w języku słoweńskim
Medbesedilni in medkulturni zamiki v prevodu Sodobna poljska proza v slovenskem jeziku
Inter-textual and inter-cultural shifts in translation Contemporary Polish prose in Slovenian translation
Šuler Galos, Jasmina
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
przesunięcia międzytekstowe
przesunięcia międzykulturowe
Inter-textual shifts
inter-cultural shifts
Napetost med označenim in označujočim, ki je značilna tako za posamezne znake kot za znakovne verige, je tudi v prevodih vzrok za večje ali manjše semantične zamike. Dokler ostajamo v mejah jezika, lahko take odmike od izvirnika klasificiramo in razmeroma natačno opišemo, in sicer ne glede na to, ali se nanašajo na slovnično, leksikalno ali na skladenjsko ravnino. Subjektivne odločitve prevajalca postanejo veliko pomembnejše takrat, ko prestopimo meje jezika in sopostavimo dve zunajjezikovni resničnosti. Največja pa je vloga prevajalca v procesu, ki se ga sam samo delno zaveda — v procesu konkretizacije. Konkretizacijo, to je zavedno ali nezavedno zapolnjevanje vrzeli v shematični besedni umetnini, v prevedenem besedilu še pred bralcem opravi prevajalec, zato ravno prevajalec bistveno vpliva na videze, ki jih izzove besedna umetnina.
The tension between the signifiant and the signifié, which is present in both singular signs and chains thereof, is also the cause of various semantic incoherencies in translation. Within the boundaries of a language, one can classify and describe such departures from the original, regardless of whether they arise in the grammatical, lexical or syntactic sphere. The subjective decisions of the interpreter become much more important whenever one transcends the boundaries of language and compares two metalinguistic realities. But the greatest role of the interpreter lies within a process of Ingarden’s “concretization” understood as a conscious or unconscious filling of gaps in a schematic literary artwork, which forms an integral part of the sphere of competence of the interpreter of a translated work. Therefore, it is the interpreter who exerts a decisive influence on the perceptions, created by literary artwork.
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich; 2011, 2, 1; 283-294
Pojawia się w:
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Bal-kan means penis
Goworski, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Instytut Studiów Międzynarodowych i Edukacji Humanum
gender studies
cultural translation
Oedipus complex
Balkan literature
The character of alter ego of Ivana Sajko – croatian playwright – in the text a „Bomb Woman“, sends e-mails with a question “What would you do if you had twelve minutes and thirty seconds more?” to her friends and receives twenty-one replies. Among the answers there are eleven male and ten female voices. In my opinion, the proportion between male and female voices may be a significant interpretational clue. Does not it prove that the author aimed at maintaining political correctness in the text? The aim of this paper is to indicate gender inclinations of the contemporary Balcan authors basing on, among others, the following texts: „Bomb Woman“ by Ivana Sajko, „The other letter from 1920“ by Muharem Bazdulj and „Sahib“ by Nenad Veličković. Is not the protagonist’s detonationreferring again to Sajko’s text – on the symbolic level, an attempt to break with the myths of woman-mother and woman-mistress? Moreover, my goal is to demonstrate that the decisions concerning social interactions taken by the characters of the discussed texts, may be explained in psychoanalysis criteria, e.g. Oedipus complex.
Humanum. Międzynarodowe Studia Społeczno-Humanistyczne; 2012, 2(9); 107-111
Pojawia się w:
Humanum. Międzynarodowe Studia Społeczno-Humanistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Bariery kulturowe w przekładzie artystycznym na przykładzie słoweńskiego przekładu "Pana Tadeusza" Rozki Štefan
Kulturne bariere v literarnem prevodu na podlagi slovenskega prevoda "Pana Tadeusza" Rozke Štefan
Cultural barriers in a literary translation on the basis of the Slovenian translation of "Pan Tadeusz" by Rozka Stefan
Jež, Nikolaj
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Rozka Štefan
Pan Tadeusz w słoweńskim przekładzie
Adam Mickiewicz
bariery kulturowe w przekładzie
metryka i wersyfikacja w przekładzie
Gospod Tadej v slovenskem prevodu
kulturne bariere v prevodu
metrika in verzifikacija v prevodu
Pan Tadeusz in the Slovenian translation
cultural barrier in the translation
metrics and versification in the translation
Historiat slovenske recepcije Pana Tadeusza na eni strani razkriva značilne kulturne bariere, ki so zaznamovale razumevanje poljskega romantičnega epa pri Slovencih, na drugi pa razkriva, da je Mickiewiczeva težnja po oddaljitvi od visokega romantičnega stila izvirnik že ob izidu približevala slovenski kulturni tradiciji. Sodbe slovenskega učenjaka in teoretika Matija Čopa o pesnitvi so eleminirale bariere, navzoče pri bralcih izvirnika, začrtale so okvire slovenske recepcije poljskega romantizma in ustvarile podlago za oblikovanje slovenske različice poljskega romantičnega literarnega kanona. Zavest o barierah pri prevajanju poljske romantične poezije je bila pri Slovencih osredotočena predvsem na vprašanje metrike in verzifikacije. R. Štefan je v prevodu pesnitve (1974) upoštevala načelo nadomeščanja trinajstercev s silabotonično jambsko strukturo (z odstopi v cezuri in zvočnih figurah). Pan Tadeusz predstavlja bariero tudi na ravni leksike in stilistike, ekvivalenti „staropoljskih vrlin” se v pesnitvi kažejo v rabi osebnih imen, retoričnih figurah, poimenovanju realij. Prevajalka je večinoma ohranjala izvirna imena, ki so kot antroponimi sicer funkcionalni, vendar z omejeno denotativno vrednostjo (Podkomornik, Vojski, Vozni). Pri izboru leksikalnih ekvivalentov je v prevodu opazna tendenca k zniževanju statusnega položaja, skladnem s kmečko-podeželskim okoljem, značilnem za slovensko ruralno skupnost. Načelo, naj prevod ohranjanja specifike izvirnika, prevajalka uresničuje, kolikor ji dopuščajo leksikalne in strukturne lastnosti slovenskega jezika. Poljske oblike imen pri osrednjih osebah dobijo značilno slovensko fonetično podobo (Tadej, Zosja, Matej, Gervazij), imena stranskih oseb ostanejo v izvirni obliki (Rymsza). Značilna nevtralizacija prevoda je vezana na zgodovinske izraze, povezane s sarmatsko-plemiškim kulturnim modelom, ki v prevodnem jeziku nimajo ustreznikov. Prevajalka je kulturne bariere reševala na tri načine: s substitucijo leksemov, z nevtralizacijo zaznamovanih izrazov in citatno.
On the one hand, the overview of the Slovene reception of "Pan Tadeusz" reveals typical cul¬tural barriers which have marked the comprehension of the Polish Romantic Epic by the Slovene public, while on the other hand it also reveals that the tendency of Mickiewicz to distance him¬self from the style of High Romanticism brought the original, on its very publication, closer to the Slovene cultural tradition. The evaluation of the poem by Matija Čop, Slovene scholar and theoretician, has eliminated the barriers experienced by readers of the original and outlined a framework for the Slovene reception of Polish Romanticism, as well as creating a basis for the formation of a Slovene version of the Polish Romantic literary canon. In the Slovene environment, the awareness of barriers in the translation of Polish Romantic poetry has been focused mainly on the questions of metrics and versification. In her translation of the poem (1974), R. Štefan applied the principle of the substitution of thirteen-syllable verse with the syllabotonic iambic structure (with deviations in caesura and sound figures). Pan Tadeusz also constitutes a barrier on the levels of lexis and style; „Old Poland virtue” equivalents are manifest in the use of personal names, rhetorical figures, and in the naming of realia. For the most part, the translator preserved the original names, which, being anthroponyms, are functional but of a limited denotative value (Podkomornik, Vojski, Vozni). In selecting lexical equivalents, one observes in the translation a noticeable tendency towards lowering the status pertaining to the rural-country environment typical of the Slovene rural community. The principle of preserving the specifics of the original is respected to the extent permitted by the lexical and structural features of the Slovene language. The Polish name forms of the central characters acquire distinctive Slovene phonetic features (Tadej, Zosja, Matej, Gervazij), while the names of minor characters retain their original form (Rymsza). As a characteristic translation strategy, neutralisation is adopted in historical expressions related to the cultural model of Sarmatian nobility, having no translation equivalents in the target language. The translator aimed to resolve the cultural barriers in three ways: lexeme replacement, neutralisation of stylistically marked expressions, and preservation of original expressions.
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich; 2012, 3, 1; 63-74
Pojawia się w:
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Bariery kulturowe w słowackim przekładzie "Ferdydurke" Witolda Gombrowicza
Kultúrne bariéry v slovenskom preklade "Ferdydurke" Witolda Gombrowicza
Cultural barriers in the slovak translation of Witold Gombrowicz’s "Ferdydurke"
Buczek, Marta
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Witold Gombrowicz
literatura polska w słowackich przekładach
bariery kulturowe w tłumaczeniu
umelecký preklad
poľská literatúra v slovenskom preklade
kultúrne bariéry v preklade
Polish literature in Slovak translations
cultural barriers in translation
Príspevok predstavuje problém kultúrnych bariér v slovenskom preklade románu Ferdydurke Witolda Gombrowicza, ktorý bol publikovaný v novom prijímacom horizonte v roku 2004. Roman bol preložený dobré známym slovenským prekladateľom Jozefom Marušiakom. Autorka článku popisuje prekladateľské stratégie, ktoré boli využité prekladateľom, aby prekonať kultúrnu bariéru a rekonštruovať cudzie mentálne mechanizmy vpísané v cudziu kultúru. Používané v procese reinterpretácie významov originálu stratégie sú: stratégia doslovnosti, ktorá sa spája so stratégiou neutralizácie cudzích kultúrnych faktorov. Otázkou sa stáva, čí je možne preložiť komplikovanú prózu Witolda Gombrowicza do slovenčiny a reinterpretovať implikované v texte kultúrne faktory, čí nie sú bariérou v procese prekladu.
The article presents the problem of cultural barriers in Slovak translation of Witold Gombrowicz’s Ferdydurke which was published in a new translation horizon in 2004. The roman was translated by a very well known Slovak translator — Jozef Marušiak. The author of the article shows the translation strategies which were used by him to overcome cultural barriers and reconstruct foreign mental mechanisms as part of different culture. The strategies exploited in the process of reinterpretation of the original meanings were the literal strategy combined with the strategy of neutralization of foreign cultural facts. The question is if it is possible to translate complicated prose of Witold Gombrowicz to Slovak and reinterpret implicated in the original text cultural facts and whether they constitute the cultural barrier in the process of translation.
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich; 2012, 3, 1; 164-183
Pojawia się w:
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Bliskość kulturowa a przekład w obrębie literatury polskiej i słowackiej
Kultúrna blízkosť a preklad v okruhu poľskej a slovenskej literatúry
The proximity of culture and literary translation within Polish and Slovak
Spyrka, Lucyna
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
bliskość kulturowa
kultura polska i słowacka
kultúrna blízkosť
poľská, slovenská kultúra
literárna recepcia
cultural proximity
Polish, Slovak culture
Translatologický výskum spravidla sa sústreďuje na problémoch spojených s prekladom v okruhu jazykov a kultúr priemerne vzdialených. Vo všeobecnom presvedčení Poliakov slovenská kultúra je poľskej blízka. Podľa najnovších antropologických koncepcií ako kultúru blízku sa považuje takú, ktorá v prijímacom okruhu je dobré známa a akceptovaná a vzhľadom na stupeň záujmu o ňu zostáva v centrálnom postavení v porovnaní s ostatnými cudzími kultúrami. Slovenská kultúra je v Poľsku malo známa, nie je o ňu záujem, dá sa teda povedať, že je to len susedská kultúra. Takéto postavenie sa prenáša na počet uverejňovaných prekladov literárnej tvorby z južnej strany Tatier a na jej recepciu. Zase presvedčenie o blízkosti slovenskej kultúry voči poľskej sa nadpisuje na pociťovanú podobnosť jazykov, čo ovplyvňuje kvalitu prekladov. Rozdiely a odlišnosti v oblasti kultúry sa odzrkadľujú v jazyku a zapríčiňujú rôzneho druhu ťažkosti v procese translácie: v oblasti prekladu vlastných mien, slov — reálií, frazeologických spojení, vo spoločenských zvykoch, textových konvenciách, literárnych prúdoch a smeroch. Pozorovanie týchto ťažkosti vedie ku konštatácii, že napriek všeobecnému presvedčeniu o blízkosti poľskej a slovenskej kultúry preklad v okruhu týchto literatúr je plný problémov spôsobených kultúrnou odlišnosťou. Riešenia týchto ťažkosti prijímané prekladateľmi nasvedčujú tomu, že príliš často podliehajú ilúzii kultúrnej blízkosti a preklady neplnia svoje funkcie, ktoré im patria v poľsko-slovenskom interkultúrnom dialógu. Presvedčenie o kultúrnej blízkosti je jedna s najdôležitejších prekážok v preklade.
Translatological research generally focuses on problems of translation in the languages and cultures with the average distance between each other. For Poles the common perception is that the Slovak culture is close to the Polish one. According to the latest anthropological concept the culture is considered close when in the receiving area it is well-known and accepted and interest in it puts it in a central position in comparison with other strange cultures. Slovak culture in Poland is little-known, does not attract the interest, so it can only be described as a neighbourly. Such a position of Slovak culture in Poland is reflected in the number of published translations of Slovak literature and their reception. The belief that Slovak culture proximity to the Polish one is applied to the perceived similarity of languages which affects the quality of translation. Differences and dissimilarities in culture are reflected in the language and cause various types of obstacles in the process of translation: in the translation of names, words-realities, collocations, social behaviors, conventions of text, literary trends and currents. Observation of these difficulties leads to the conclusion that contrary to popular belief about the proximity to the Polish and Slovak cultures translation within these literatures poses many problems caused by cultural differences. Solutions of these difficulties adopted by translators, demonstrate the fact that translators yield to the illusion of proximity of cultures. Translations do not perform their functions belonging to them in the Polish-Slovak intercultural dialogue. The belief in the cultural proximity is one of the most significant barriers in translation.
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich; 2012, 3, 1; 184-199
Pojawia się w:
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Cultural adaptation in translation of English children’s literature into Polish: the case of Mary Poppins
Biały, Paulina
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
cultural terms
This paper considers two Polish translations of Pamela Travers’ Mary Poppins. I shall analyse the translation procedures applied by the translator Irena Tuwim to render culturally marked words and expressions, the difficulties she encountered during her work, and modifications that occur in the target text. Besides, there are also some discrepancies in two Polish editions which I shall compare.
Linguistica Silesiana; 2012, 33; 105-125
Pojawia się w:
Linguistica Silesiana
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kontekst kulturowy w przekładzie tekstu paraliterackiego. Uwagi o polskich tłumaczeniach esejów Kurta Vonneguta
Cultural Context in Translating Paraliterary Texts. Selected Remarks on Polish Translations of Kurt Vonneguts Essays
Makolus-Krasa, Paulina
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
kontekst kulturowy w przekładzie
Kurt Vonnegut
błędy tłumaczy
translation studies
cultural context in translation
translation errors
In the wake of the growing recognition of Kurt Vonnegut's prose in Poland, the publishers decided to also make his essays available to the Polish audience. Sometimes the Polish versions were translated much later than the originals, but sometimes the Polish texts directly followed the publication of the American source texts. In his essays, Vonnegut repeatedly refers to numerous aspects of the American realia: history, literature and popular culture. The references are both direct and indirect. Vonnegut's essays are an example of a text where the role of a translator as a cultural mediator is paramount. Unfortunately, not all translators have succeeded in the task. The translated texts contain evident translation flaws caused by the translator's being unfamiliar with the cultural context of the original. The paper analyses these mistakes and presents examples of how translators descriptively handled certain cultural references. This strategy helped them save the comprehensibility of the text at the cost of its unintended simplification.
Roczniki Humanistyczne; 2012, 60, 1; 105-126
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Humanistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Pour une approche identitaire en traduction : implications socio-culturelles
Identity approach in translation: sociocultural implications
Żuchelkowska, Alicja
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Cultural and linguistic identity
Cultural and language hybridisation
The objective of this text consists in presenting how it is necessary for contemporary translators and interpreters (both literary and specialised) to acquire and develop the ability to recognize elements of identity discourse in translated texts. Nowadays, the need for inter-cultural exchange is inevitably connected with the necessity of establishing harmonious co-existence for numerous cultures and identities. Therefore, it is crucial to educate translators in a way that enables them to pay special attention to identity and cultural perturbations present in translated texts (culture and language hybridisation, multiple identity, cultural dislocation, presence in linguistic and political discourse of minority cultures), regardless of their genre or form. Such a strong emphasis on identity problems in the translation is especially relevant in the European context, where the attention of researchers and politicians directed at identity problems stemming from ethnical and cultural issues sets the framework for a new cultural paradigm that determines the future development of the EU. Becoming acquainted with this paradigm which emphasises fluency, identity unmarkedness and the new model of European collectivity is indispensable for a translator aspiring to become a true cultural mediator.
Studia Romanica Posnaniensia; 2012, 39, 2; 87-98
Pojawia się w:
Studia Romanica Posnaniensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Przekład jako spotkanie różnych tożsamości
Pstyga, Alicja
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Slawistyki PAN
national identity
cultural and language barriers
intercultural competence
Translation as an encounter of different identities The interest in the national identity of Slavic people is related to the processes of social, political and ideological changes as well as to European integration and globalization. The question of the national identity of Slavic people concerns similarities and differences between them, influenced by the specific perception and categorization of reality. After the period of forced transnational integration and constructed linguistic and cultural national communities, the Slavic linguistic views of the world are diversified. Both for Macedonian and Polish people, language is one of the exponents of national identity. Macedonian literary texts translated into Polish enable readers to encounter different cultural phenomena, reflected in artistic visions and symbols. Their perception is quite difficult as it requires profound knowledge and intercultural competence. As examples, we will consider Polish translations of important Macedonian novels, Tvrdoglavi (Polish title: Zawzięci) by Slavko Janevski, Vremeto na kozite (Polish title: Czasy kóz) by Luan Starova, Razgovor so Spinoza: roman‑pajažina by Goce Smilevski (Polish title: Rozmowa ze Spinozą: powieść–pajęczyna) and Skriena kamera (Polish title: Ukryta kamera) by Lidija Dimkovska.
Slavia Meridionalis; 2012, 12
Pojawia się w:
Slavia Meridionalis
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kujawska-Lis, Ewa
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie
literary translation
cultural setting
Joseph Conrad’s language has been subject to various analyses regarding its uniqueness stemming from the writer’s trilingualism. Scholars have traced diverse influences from the French and Polish languages in this writer’s artistic output. Nevertheless, the effects of such influences are not thoroughly discussed. This article attempts to take a critical look at the outcomes deriving from the appearance of phrases which may be classified as Polonisms or pseudo-Polonisms in two short stories Amy Foster and Prince Roman and their translations into Polish. In the former story, untypical phrasings which may have been calqued from Polish serve to emphasise the alienation of the character of Yanko, in the latter, expressions which are generally common for both English and Polish highlight both the distinctiveness of Polish culture and its affinity with the European cultural setting. Unfortunately, in the translations into the language from which such linguistic or cultural concepts originated, such effects are much less distinctive.
Acta Neophilologica; 2012, XIV/1; 5-17
Pojawia się w:
Acta Neophilologica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Tożsamość Čefura w polskim przekładzie powieści Gorana Vojnovicia pt. "Čefurji raus!"
Identiteta Čefurja v prevodu romana Gorana Vojnovića "Čefurji raus!"
Čefur’s identity in translation of Goran Vojnovic’s novel entitled "Čefurji raus!"
Gawlak, Monika
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
bariery kulturowe w tłumaczeniu
tożsamość w przekładzie
Goran Vojnović
polskie przekłady literatury słoweńskiej
Tomasz Łukaszewicz
kulturne bariere v prevodu
identiteta v prevodu
poljski prevodi slovenske literature
cultural barrier in the translation
identity in the translation
Polish translations of the Slovenian literature
Roman Gorana Vojnovića "Čefurji raus!" v poljskem prevodu Tomasza Łukaszewicza je za poljskega bralca nedvomno priložnost za soočenje s kulturno drugačnostjo, hkrati pa pred njim odpira pomembno problematiko iskanja identitete v okvirih večkulturnosti. Prevajalec se je lotil zelo težke in ambiciozne naloge. Težave, s katerimi se je moral soočiti, so v primeru prevajanja romana, ki se loteva problematike večkulturnosti in subkulture, multiplicirane. Primerjalna analiza izvirnika in prevoda romana je pokazala, da dobiva identiteta čefurja v prevodu univerzalnejše poteze kot v izvirniku. Do tega je prišlo predvsem zaradi kulturne bariere, ki jo predstavlja za prevajalca v primeru tega romana velika raznolikost jezika, pač glede na narodnostno pripadnost literarnih junakov. Ta diferenciacija je nosilka bistvenih informacij in izvir identifikacije junakov, kar pa je v prevodu zreducirano. Žal ni se prevajalec potrudil, da bi individualiziral govorico junakov z raznimi rejestri jezika in različno močjo slenga, komizma ali vulgarizma. Nekatere prevajalčeve odločitve tudi ali zaostrujejo opozicijo svoji — tuji, na podlagi katere junaki definirajo svoj odnos do okolice in oblikujejo lastno identiteto, ali pa poudarjajo familiarni značaj relacij, obstoječih na obrobju čefurske družbe. Na stilistični ravni je jezik junakov vulgarnejši in skromnejši glede števila komičnih elementov, zaradi česar se zdi čefur v poljski recepciji bolj obscen in manj senzibilen. Omenjene premike signalizirajo nezadostljive retorično-pragmatične kompetence prevajalca. Zaradi nastalih pomenskih izgub postanejo izrazitejše univerzalne lastnosti junaka, roman pa se zdi za sekundarnega sprejemnika atraktiven — saj se z obravnavano problematiko lažje poistoveti.
Goran Vojnovic’s novel "Čefurji raus!" in Tomasz Łukaszewicz’s Polish translation is undoubtedly an opportunity to commune with cultural otherness, and, simultaneously, it touches upon the issue of seeking one’s identity in the face of multiculturalism. The translator undertook a very difficult and ambitious task. In the translation of the novel, which deals with the issue of multiculturalism and subculture, the difficulties the translator is confronted with are being multiplied. The comparative analysis of the original and the translation of the novel reveals that Čefur’s identity in the translation has gained more universal frames than in the original. It is mainly because of the cultural barrier which, for the translator, is a strong differentiation between main characters’ language in terms of their nationality. It is a means of conveying vital information as well as a source of characters’ identification which in the original is reduced. Unfortunately the translator did not make an attempt to individualize the characters’ speech using, for example, different language registers or elements of slang, humour, or vulgarity. At the same time, some of the translator’s choices either sharpen the opposition friend-stranger on the basis of which the characters define their attitude to the surroundings and shape their own identity or enhance the familiar character of the relations which take place within Čefurian community. At the stylistic level, the main characters’ language is more crude and limited in comic elements. And thus, in the Polish context, Čefur appears to be more obscene and less sensitive. These displacements give evidence to the translator’s inefficient rhetorical and pragmatic abilities. Despite the fact that, as a consequence of semantic losses the universal features of the main character’s identity are clearer, the novel may become attractive to secondary readers because of the possibility of identification with the analysed issue.
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich; 2012, 3, 1; 13-31
Pojawia się w:
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Antroponimy we współczesnych tłumaczeniach rosyjskich tekstów literackich
Personal names in contemporary translation o f Russian literatury texts
Jóźwiak, Jolanta
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie
personal names
cultural background
literatury translation
imagination in translation
The aim of the paper is to present the problem of transmitting cultural-determined personal names in literatury translation. The study focuses on various groups of such lexems: personal names, which were created onthe base of the model: name + patronimicum + surname; diminutive names; meaning names; folkand historical names and personal names of intertextual relationships. The emphasis is put on imagination of the translator and creative individual approach to each lexical element and its function in the text. The very important thing is the perspective of recipients with a different cultural background.
Acta Polono-Ruthenica; 2013, 1, XVIII; 175-183
Pojawia się w:
Acta Polono-Ruthenica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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