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“Kościół salowy” po angielsku. Wybrane aspekty językowych uwarunkowań badań nad dziedzictwem kulturowym
Die Saalkirche in English? Linguistic Challenges of Multilingual Research into Cultural Heritage
Seidel-Grzesińska, Agnieszka
Data publikacji:
Komisja Nauk Filologicznych Polskiej Akademii Nauk, Oddział we Wrocławiu
Cultural Heritage studies
material culture
cultural conceptualisation
linguistic equivalence
cultural equivalence
internationalisation of scholarship
Today’s internationalisation of scholarship necessitates its publication in English. This ever-more frequent requirement poses a particular challenge for many non-English art historians. The study of works of art typically starts with the description of the object under investigation. For a description to be accurate, a precise terminology is essential. Specialist terminology is normally created by the makers of particular types of objects, as well as international scholars conceptualising artistic phenomena, they do it in their working, usually native, languages. Multilingualism brings about particular conceptual challenges when developing domain-specific terminology and its translations into other languages. Additional challenges come forth when information is to be processed automatically. The complex relationship between particular material cultural heritage and its multilingual descriptions is discussed here, based on the terminology concerning the early modern Protestant church building as an expression of particular liturgical needs. Owing to the autonomy of national Protestant Churches, new arrangements of the church interior – in terms of its structure, fixtures and specific functions – were favoured, which the relevant naming and conceptualisation should reflect. The author focuses on some of the problems that arise when research findings are to be presented in a language other than the language(s) in which research was conducted.
Academic Journal of Modern Philology; 2021, 13; 291-301
Pojawia się w:
Academic Journal of Modern Philology
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
„Tłumacz między kulturami” – o Macieju Zarembie-Bielawskim
“The translator as a cultural mediator”. On Maciej Zaremba-Bielawski
Chojnacki, Hieronim
Data publikacji:
Ateneum - Akademia Nauk Stosowanych w Gdańsku
cultural differences
comprehension and interpretation of cultural texts
swedish norm
różnice kulturowe
mechanizmy/schematy rozumienia i interpretacji tekstów kultury
norma szwedzka
The paper refers to this trend of hermeneutics, whose representatives understand the interpretation as "articulated understanding". The texting, including paraphrase, the translation of someone else's language, is a prerequisite for the existence of cultural space, so that a critical view and cognitive verification of another narrative is possible. In the case of Maciej Zaremba, we are dealing with a reporter who writes Swedish about Swedes as an outsider, that is – keeping the distance and ability to see what the Swedes do not want or cannot see with their own eyes. It explores the areas of action of the "Swedish norm", visible from the outside, invisible "from the inside", just as the recognition of otherness and a peculiar value of some culture is possible for foreigners. Natives themselves are not able to recognize their standards (also assess) without the participation of outsiders. For Zaremba, writing is an act of disagreement with the uncritical acceptance of otherness, while using critical negation language and analytical tools with a more conceited intention than an overtly damning one. In this new incarnation, the author himself calls himself a "translator between cultures", whose strength lies in the fact that he has retained the ability to marvel, to expand his imagination and to seek new language means, to clearly separate facts from opinions. It is a vision of a man building a bridge between two cultures, and his ideal is subjects of resistance and non-toxic communication standards are his ideal.
Referat nawiązuje do tego nurtu hermeneutyki, którego reprezentanci pojmują interpretację jako „zrozumienie wyartykułowane”. Utekstowienie, w tym także parafraza, przekład cudzego języka, jest warunkiem zaistnienia w przestrzeni kulturowej, dzięki czemu możliwy jest krytyczny ogląd i poznawcza weryfikacja innej narracji. W wypadku Macieja Zaremby mamy do czynienia z reportażystą, który pisze po szwedzku o Szwedach jako outsider, to znaczy – zachowując dystans i zdolność widzenia tego, czego Szwedzi nie chcą albo nie mogą zobaczyć własnymi oczyma. Odkrywa obszary działania „normy szwedzkiej”, widzialnej od zewnątrz, niewidocznej „od wewnątrz”, tak jak rozpoznanie inności i swoistej wartości jakieś kultury możliwe jest dla obcokrajowców. Tubylcy sami swoich norm rozpoznać (także ocenić) nie są w stanie bez udziału innoziemców. Pisanie dla Zaremby jest aktem niezgody na bezrefleksyjną akceptację inności, jednocześnie używa języka krytycznej negacji i narzędzi analitycznych z intencją bardziej koncyliacyjną niż jawnie potępiającą. W tym nowym wcieleniu sam autor nazywa się „tłumaczem między kulturami”, którego siła polega na tym, że zachował zdolność do dziwienia się, poszerzania wyobraźni i poszukiwania nowych środków językowych, do wyrazistego oddzielania faktów od opinii. Jest to wizja człowieka budującego pomost między dwoma kulturami, a jego ideałem są tematy stawiające opór i nietoksyczne standardy komunikacyjne.
Forum Filologiczne Ateneum; 2020, 8, 1; 379-393
Pojawia się w:
Forum Filologiczne Ateneum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
“While my name is remembered, I teach”: Oodgeroo Noonuccal and cross-cultural storytelling for children
Kwapisz Williams, Katarzyna
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Ludoznawcze
Australian Indigenous writing
children’s literature
cross-cultural communication
Focusing on Stradbroke Dreamtime (1972), the first prose book of an Australian Indigenous poet, activist and educationalist, Oodgeroo Noonuccal (also known as Kath Walker), I reflect on questions which arise around cross-cultural communication and translation. Prompted by the unfinished project aimed at translating Stradbroke Dreamtime into Polish, I deliberate on challenges to respond appropriately to Australian Indigenous writing, particularly if it is influenced by white editing and publishing practices which often privilege Eurocentric views. Situating Stradbroke Dreamtime in the broader context of Noonuccal’s life, political activism and pedagogical efforts, I read her work as an intergenerational, inclusive and transformative project, and an act of solidarity between generations and cultures. In the context of Indigenous Australia, the concept of solidarity is often associated with reconciliation. I explore this nexus, arguing that Stradbroke Dreamtime reflects Walker’s strategy for reconciliation which includes empowering children through storytelling.
Literatura Ludowa; 2018, 62, 3
Pojawia się w:
Literatura Ludowa
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
„Wyjść z cienia, wydostać się z szafy i piwnicy”1 – międzynarodowy program literacko- -tłumaczeniowy TransStar Europa i jego wpływ na recepcję literatury niemieckojęzycznej XX i XXI wieku w Polsce
„To get out of the shade, wardrobe and cellar” – an international literary translation programme „TransStar Europa” and its influence over the reception of German- -speaking literature of the 20st and the 21st centuries in Poland
„Aus dem Schatten heraustreten, aus dem Schrank und Keller kommen“ – das internationale Literatur- und Übersetzungsprojekt TransStar Europa und sein Einfluss auf die Rezeption der deutschsprachigen Literatur des 20. und 21. Jahrhunderts in Polen
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Humanistyczno-Przyrodniczy im. Jana Długosza w Częstochowie. Wydawnictwo Uczelniane
Projekt TransStar Europa
języki środkowo- i wschodnioeuropejskie
tłumaczenie literackie
literatura niemieckojęzyczna
zarządzanie kulturą
project TransStar Europe
Central- and Southeastern languages
literary translation
German-speaking literature
cultural management
Projekt TransStar Europe
Mittel- und osteuropäische Sprachen
literarische Übersetzung
deutschsprachige Literatur
Autorka artykułu prezentuje europejski program TransStar Europa, wspierany przez Komisję Europejską i współfinansowany ze środków programu Unii Europejskiej „Uczenie się przez całe życie” oraz powstały w jego ramach projekt Tłumaczeniowa Kostka Rubika – literatura europejska i przekład w sześciu odsłonach, w których uczestniczyła jako stypendystka w latach 2013–2015. Oba przedsięwzięcia miały na celu promocję języków należących do obszaru Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej i Południowej oraz bogactwa jej literatur i kultur. Do programu przystąpili studenci i tzw. young professionals wyłonieni w ramach konkursów rozpisanych w ośmiu państwach: Austrii, Czechach, Chorwacji, Niemczech, Polsce, Słowenii, Szwajcarii i na Ukrainie. Zgłębiali oni tajniki tłumaczeń literackich oraz przeszli szkolenia z zarządzania kulturą, pracowali indywidualnie, w grupach, tandemach językowych, współpracowali też z mentorami – np. Sławą Lisiecką – co zaowocowało wydaniem antologii z przełożonymi przez uczestników fragmentami tekstów niemieckojęzycznej literatury współczesnej. Liczne spotkania, odczyty, prezentacje i wieczorki autorskie oraz obecność stypendystów na targach książki w Lipsku pogłębiały ich wiedzę z zakresu przekładu i literaturoznawstwa. Autorka zwraca uwagę na fakt, że wymagająca i czasochłonna praca nad przekładami urozmaicona była szerokim wachlarzem imprez kulturalnych, otwartych również dla osób spoza programu, wykazujących zainteresowanie tłumaczeniami literackimi. Udział w programie TransStar Europa był ubogacający zarówno dla stypendystów, jak i organizatorów.
The author presents TransStar Europe, a new European project and its part „Translating Cube: Six Sides of European Literature and Translation“ from her own perspective like participant in the years 2013-2015. This project has been funded by the EU program called „Lifelong Learning“ and with support from the European Commission. It placed its focus on smaller Central- and Southeastern languages, its literatures and cultures and involved students and young professionals of Austria, Germany, Poland, the Czech Republic, Croatia, Slovenia, Switzerland and Ukraine who got the opportunity to become acquainted with literary translation and the basics of European cultural management. They have worked individually, in groups, in tandems and each participant had received mentoring on his translations – e.g. from Sława Lisiecka. The result is among other things an anthology containing translated texts of contemporary German-speaking literature. TransStar Europe participants have gained new knowledge thanks to seminars, discussions, cultural events, evenings with authors and the presence at the Leipzig Book Fair.
Die Autorin des Artikels stellt das neue europäische Programm TransStar Europa dar, das von der Europäischen Kommission unterstützt und mit den Mitteln des EU-Programms „Lifelong learning“ gefördert wurde sowie das in seinem Rahmen entstandene Projekt „Über-setzungswürfel: Sechs Seiten europäischer Literatur und Übersetzung“, an denen sie als Stipendiatin 2013–2015 teilgenommen hat. Die beiden Unternehmen hatten zum Ziel, jene Sprachen zu fördern, die dem ostmittel- und südosteuropäischen Raum gehören sowie die Vielfalt seiner Literatur und Kultur. Am Programm haben Studierende und die sogenannten young professionals teilgenommen, die sich in acht Ländern beworben haben: in Deutschland, Kroatien, Österreich, Polen, der Schweiz, Slowenien, Tschechien und der Ukraine. Sie hatten dann die Möglichkeit, sich in das literarische Übersetzen und in die Grundlagen des europäischen Kulturmanagements einzuarbeiten. Sie arbeiteten individuell, in Gruppen, in Sprachtandems und auch mit ihren Mentoren – z. B. mit Sława Lisiecka, was dann Erträge brachte u. a. in Form einer Anthologie übertragener Passagen aus der deutschsprachigen Gegenwartsliteratur. Zahlreiche Treffen, Autorenlesungen, Vorführungen sowie die Teilnahme der Stipendiaten an der Buchmesse in Leipzig haben ihr translatorisches und literarisches Wissen erweitert. Die Autorin betont die Tatsache, dass die oft mühselige und zeitaufwendige Arbeit an den Übersetzungen dank der angebotenen Veranstaltungen, an denen sich jeder beteiligen konnte, abwechslungsreich wurde. Die Teilnahme am Programm TransStar Europa war zweifelsohne eine Bereicherung sowohl für Stipendiaten als auch Organisatoren.
Transfer. Reception studies; 2016, 1; 255-271
Pojawia się w:
Transfer. Reception studies
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Bucharkin, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Łódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe
18th century Russian literature; baroque; literary position; gallant literature; style; translation; V.K. Trediakovsky; Ezda v Ostrov Ljubvi, cultural synonymy
Русская литература 18-го века, барокко, литературная позиция, галантная литература, стиль, перевод, В. К. Тредиаковский, Езда в остров любви, культурная синонимия
The article considers the literary position of V.K. Trediakovsky in 1730–1735, which centered upon the idea of the sufficiency of Westernization gained by Russian literature in the epoch of Peter the Great. Initially, Trediakovsky held that the literary movement should promote the development of existing fundamentals rather than revolutionizing renovation. However, after having successfully incarnated his ideas in concrete artistic texts, namely – Ezda v Ostrov Ljubvi (A Journey to the Island of Love) and Pindaric ode Oda Torzhestvennaya o Sdache goroda Gdanska (Triumphant Ode on the Surrender of the City of Gdansk) – Trediakovsky drastically changed his literary position and started to demand that artistic discourse should be radically changed.
The article considers the literary position of V.K. Trediakovsky in 1730–1735, which centered upon the idea of the sufficiency of Westernization gained by Russian literature in the epoch of Peter the Great. Initially, Trediakovsky held that the literary movement should promote the development of existing fundamentals rather than revolutionizing renovation. However, after having successfully incarnated his ideas in concrete artistic texts, namely – Ezda v Ostrov Ljubvi (A Journey to the Island of Love) and Pindaric ode Oda Torzhestvennaya o Sdache goroda Gdanska (Triumphant Ode on the Surrender of the City of Gdansk) – Trediakovsky drastically changed his literary position and started to demand that artistic discourse should be radically change
Prace Polonistyczne; 2018, 73; 207-220
Pojawia się w:
Prace Polonistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
<i>Emerson in Iran: The American Appropriation of Persian Poetry</i> by Roger Sedarat (A Book Review)
Jahromi, Sara Khalili
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Ralph Waldo Emerson
cultural appropriation
book review
Roger Sedarat
Sederat, Roger. Emerson in Iran: The American Appropriation of Persian Poetry, SUNY Press, 2019. ISBN13: 978-1-4384-7485-4 -- a book review by Sara Khalili Jahromi
Review of International American Studies; 2020, 13, 1; 279-284
Pojawia się w:
Review of International American Studies
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kozik, Albert
Data publikacji:
Łódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe
Zenon Przesmycki; Paul Verlaine; Langueur; Niemoc; the Decadent movement; fin-desiècle; cultural transfer; translation studies; Kazimierz Wyka; Maria Podraza-Kwiatkowska; Andrzej Z. Makowiecki
Zenon Przesmycki; Miriam; Paul Verlaine; Langueur; Niemoc; dekadentyzm; fin-de-siècle; koniec wieku; transfer kulturowy; translatologia; Kazimierz Wyka; Maria Podraza-Kwiatkowska; Andrzej Z. Makowiecki
The article examines the most significant semantic changes and transpositions that can be found in Zenon Przesmycki’s translation of the seminal sonnet Langueur written by Paul Verlaine in the second half of the nineteenth century. It closely analyzes the way in which the translation was used by Polish scholars of literary history. Having influenced the vision of culture nurtured by the so-called Decadent Movement in fin-de-siècle Europe, Verlaine’s poem was then employed in numerous academic studies as an illustration of the philosophy and the attitude towards society that were dominant in the period under discussion. In Poland, Przesmycki’s translation played an important role in defining the very term “decadent,” as several influential researchers used it in their analyses in order to provide their readers with Polish equivalents of the original French terms. As a result, Przesmycki’s version of Verlaine’s sonnet, although intended just as a poetic translation, served a different purpose from the ones that its translator could have ever imagined. It helped define and describe the culture of “decadent” Europe as a whole. The terminology Przesmycki used to translate the French words, such as langueur and decadence (“niemoc” and “wielkie konanie” respectively), was thus introduced into the Polish scholarly debate on European modernism. Premised upon the idea of cultural transfer (transfert culturel), the analysis presented in the article helps determine the extent to which Przesmycki’s translation shaped the Polish perception of fin-de-siècle Europe.
The article examines the most significant semantic changes and transpositions that can be found in Zenon Przesmycki’s translation of the seminal sonnet Langueur written by Paul Verlaine in the second half of the nineteenth century. It closely analyzes the way in which the translation was used by Polish scholars of literary history. Having influenced the vision of culture nurtured by the so-called Decadent Movement in fin-de-siècle Europe, Verlaine’s poem was then employed in numerous academic studies as an illustration of the philosophy and the attitude towards society that were dominant in the period under discussion. In Poland, Przesmycki’s translation played an important role in defining the very term “decadent,” as several influential researchers used it in their analyses in order to provide their readers with Polish equivalents of the original French terms. As a result, Przesmycki’s version of Verlaine’s sonnet, although intended just as a poetic translation, served a different purpose from the ones that its translator could have ever imagined. It helped define and describe the culture of “decadent” Europe as a whole. The terminology Przesmycki used to translate the French words, such as langueur and decadence (“niemoc” and “wielkie konanie” respectively), was thus introduced into the Polish scholarly debate on European modernism. Premised upon the idea of cultural transfer (transfert culturel), the analysis presented in the article helps determine the extent to which Przesmycki’s translation shaped the Polish perception of fin-de-siècle Europe.   
Prace Polonistyczne; 2019, 74; 175-193
Pojawia się w:
Prace Polonistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
An Andalusian View of Death in Translation: ‘Clamor’ by Federico García Lorca and its Polish Translation
Jamka, Anna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
linguistic worldview
translation studies
Federico García Lorca
cultural concept
Death, an essential part of life, is a mesmerizing topic for a number of reasons. Without a shadow of a doubt, it is a universal phenomenon. Nevertheless, the variety of death rites as well as myths and beliefs related to the act of passing, suggest certain differences in its understanding among individuals, communities, and cultures. Are such differences manifested in language? And if so, can they be examined in an analysis of translations of highly artistic, poetic texts?In this study I seek to reconstruct the linguistic view of death in ‘Clamor’ by Federico García Lorca and its latest Polish translation (2019) by Jacek Lyszczyna. Having in mind that language constitutes the raw material of literature (Pajdzińska, 2013), I believe that analyzing poetry in light of the linguistic worldview is crucial for its deeper understanding and, as a consequence, delivering a good translation. What is more, I am convinced that applying the analytical tools developed by cultural linguistics, and in particular, the Ethnolinguistic School of Lublin, in translation studies may be useful not only in an assessment of translation quality, but also as very telling of the role of translated texts in the target language, culture and literary system. Therefore, I intend to analyse Lyszczyna’s translation in view of the linguistic worldview to assess its quality and determine what such an ‘infected’ view of death may tell us about our own (Polish) take on this concept.Firstly, I will analyse García Lorca´s poem to identify the key linguistic exponents of death and reconstruct its non–standard linguistic view (Gicala, 2018) in ‘Clamor’. Secondly, I will capture the key linguistic exponents of death in the form of holistic cognitive definitions following the principles established by Bartmiński et al. (1988, 1996, 2006, 2010, 2013, 2018). Furthermore, I will do the same with their Polish equivalents used in Lyszczyna’s translation. On the basis of the outcomes of the study, I will reconstruct the ‘translated’ linguistic view of death and answer the research questions.
New Horizons in English Studies; 2020, 5; 48-62
Pojawia się w:
New Horizons in English Studies
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Antroponimy we współczesnych tłumaczeniach rosyjskich tekstów literackich
Personal names in contemporary translation o f Russian literatury texts
Jóźwiak, Jolanta
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie
personal names
cultural background
literatury translation
imagination in translation
The aim of the paper is to present the problem of transmitting cultural-determined personal names in literatury translation. The study focuses on various groups of such lexems: personal names, which were created onthe base of the model: name + patronimicum + surname; diminutive names; meaning names; folkand historical names and personal names of intertextual relationships. The emphasis is put on imagination of the translator and creative individual approach to each lexical element and its function in the text. The very important thing is the perspective of recipients with a different cultural background.
Acta Polono-Ruthenica; 2013, 1, XVIII; 175-183
Pojawia się w:
Acta Polono-Ruthenica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Attendre le laitier, suivre l’ouvreuse, ces métiers d’antan ont-ils un but linguistique/didactique dans l’acquisition du FLE?
Waiting for the Milkman, Following the Usherette, Do These Old Crafts and Professions Have a Linguistic/Didactic Purpose in the Acquisition of the FLE?
Martinez, Christine
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
akwizycja; leksykultura; zawód; tłumaczenie; wiedza o kulturze; aspekt historyczno-kulturowy
acquisition; lexiculture; profession; translation; cultural knowledge; historico-cultural aspect
OCZEKIWANIE NA MLECZARZA, PODĄŻAĆ ZA BILETERKĄ, CZY TE DAWNE ZAWODY MAJĄ CEL JĘZYKOWY/DYDAKTYCZNY W AKWIZYCJI FRANCUSKIEGO JAKO JĘZYKA OBCEGO? To badanie w środowisku uniwersyteckim, w dwóch różnych instytucjach – w Warszawie i Białymstoku, z rozbieżnymi celami certyfikacji jest eksperymentalne, ale przynosi innowacyjne rezultaty. Tekst ten ma na celu wykazanie, że nauczanie i poznawanie terminologii dotyczącej dawnych zawodów, tj. terminów dawnych lub nawet archaicznych, ma cel językowy i dydaktyczny w nauce języka francuskiego jako języka obcego. Nasi uczniowie, którzy brali udział i aktywnie uczestniczyli w tym badaniu, wykazali mocne zainteresowanie tą terminologią, aby zdobyć wiedzę na temat kultury, specjalistyczne słownictwo, a także mieć przewagę językową. Attendre le laitier, suivre l’ouvreuse, ces métiers d’antan ont-ils un but linguistique/didactique dans l’acquisition du FLE? Cette étude en milieu universitaire, dans deux établissements différents – Varsovie et Białystok, avec des buts certificatifs divergents se veut expérimentale mais révélatrice quant aux résultats. En effet, ce texte vise à démontrer que la terminologie des métiers d’antan, p.ex. des termes vieillis voire archaïques ont un but linguistique et didactique dans l’apprentissage du français langue étrangère. Nos apprenants, après avoir assisté et participé très activement à cette étude, ont dévoilé un intérêt certain pour la terminologie des métiers d’antan afin d’acquérir un savoir culturel, un lexique spécialisé et aussi posséder un avantage langagier.
This study in an academic environment, in two different institutions – universities of Warsaw and Białystok, with divergent certification aims is experimental but revelatory in terms of results. Indeed, this text aims to show that the terminology of the old crafts and professions, i.e. aged or even archaic terms have a linguistic and didactic purpose in learning French as a foreign language. Our students, having attended and participated very actively in this study, have revealed a strong interest in this terminology in order that they acquire a cultural knowledge, a specialized vocabulary and also to have a lingual advantage.
Roczniki Humanistyczne; 2019, 67, 8; 171-184
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Humanistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Autobiograficzny tekst Andruchowycza Tajemnica. Zamiast powieści. Kultura ukraińska w przekładzie
Andrukhovych’s Autobiographical Text Mystery. Instead of a Story. Ukrainian Culture in Translation
Korostatevych, Lesia
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
cultural elements
The aim of this article is to describe the definition of a “cultural element” and to provide an analysis of the methods used in the translation of Yurii Andrukhovych’s autobiographical text The Secret. Instead of a Novel. The work was published in 2007 by the publishing house Folio in Kharkiv (Ukraine), and it was translated into the Polish language by Michał Petryk. “Cultural elements” mean here those elements of the text that are a part of the culture of a given country. These include such elements as personal and generic titles, phrases, fragments of texts from a country’s literature, statements by famous people related to the important events that happened in the country. They also include the social, political, scientific, and cultural environment, including music, cinematography, and more. Yurii Andrukhovych outlines many of the details that were characteristic for the USSR and tries not to distort the facts. The Secret is an autobiographical novel; therefore, it contains many reminiscences about the Soviet Union, Ukrainian culture, and literature. An autobiography becomes a kind of time machine for him, an attempt to reconstruct the past. Therefore, he pays a lot of attention to the smaller things and tries to convey the details of the atmosphere of the time described. Because of this, the work is saturated with cultural elements that may cause untranslatability. The cultural elements mentioned in Yurii Andrukhovych’s text and the correlation of translation have not been often analysed in the past scientific studies; hence, this creates a need for scientific research. The scope of this study is limited to the group of literary-political cultural elements. The article analyses the methods chosen by the translator and compares the level of equivalence of the translated text to the original; also, it finds the causes of untranslatability of the novel.
Studia Polsko-Ukraińskie; 2020, 7; 223-232
Pojawia się w:
Studia Polsko-Ukraińskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Autour de la réception de la littérature polonaise dans la belgique francophone de l’entre-deux-guerres
Some aspects of the reception of Polish literature in French-speaking Belgium between WW1 and WW2
Béghin, Laurent
Data publikacji:
Łódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe
Backvis Claude
Flambeau (le)
Grégoire Henri
Iwaszkiewicz Jarosław
Journal des poètes (le)
Klupta Zenitta
Lednicki Wacław
Polish literature
Pen Club
Cultural transfer
Vivier Robert
Dwudziestolecie Międzywojenne
literatura polska
transfer kulturowy
French-speaking Belgium between WW1 and WW2 was very interested in the new states that emerged in Central and Eastern Europe after the fall of the German, Austrian and Russian Empires. Poland in particular was the subject of much attention. Examples include the creation, under the auspices of the Polish government, of the first Belgian chair of Slavic studies in 1926, which was held by a Pole, Wacław Lednicki; Polish writers’ visits to Brussels (Jarosław Iwaszkiewicz, Jan Lechoń) as part of the activities organized by the Belgian PEN Club; the presence of Polish authors, classical or contemporary, in several French-speaking Belgian journals such as Le flambeau and Journal des poètes; the mediation work done by the writer Robert Vivier — to whom we owe some translations of contemporary Polish poets — or the hellenist Henri Grégoire, who sometimes put aside his own discipline — Byzantine studies — to translate and present Polish writers (among others Adam Mickiewicz and Juliusz Słowacki). In this article, I study and relate these events — which arguably prepared the ground for post-war years marked by the presence in Brussels of well-known polonists such as Claude Backvis and Alain Van Crugten — in order to sketch a picture of the reception, in the 1920’s and the 1930’s, of Polish literature in French-speaking Belgium.
Prace Polonistyczne; 2015, LXX; 31-50
Pojawia się w:
Prace Polonistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Bal-kan means penis
Goworski, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Instytut Studiów Międzynarodowych i Edukacji Humanum
gender studies
cultural translation
Oedipus complex
Balkan literature
The character of alter ego of Ivana Sajko – croatian playwright – in the text a „Bomb Woman“, sends e-mails with a question “What would you do if you had twelve minutes and thirty seconds more?” to her friends and receives twenty-one replies. Among the answers there are eleven male and ten female voices. In my opinion, the proportion between male and female voices may be a significant interpretational clue. Does not it prove that the author aimed at maintaining political correctness in the text? The aim of this paper is to indicate gender inclinations of the contemporary Balcan authors basing on, among others, the following texts: „Bomb Woman“ by Ivana Sajko, „The other letter from 1920“ by Muharem Bazdulj and „Sahib“ by Nenad Veličković. Is not the protagonist’s detonationreferring again to Sajko’s text – on the symbolic level, an attempt to break with the myths of woman-mother and woman-mistress? Moreover, my goal is to demonstrate that the decisions concerning social interactions taken by the characters of the discussed texts, may be explained in psychoanalysis criteria, e.g. Oedipus complex.
Humanum. Międzynarodowe Studia Społeczno-Humanistyczne; 2012, 2(9); 107-111
Pojawia się w:
Humanum. Międzynarodowe Studia Społeczno-Humanistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Bariery kulturowe w przekładzie artystycznym na przykładzie słoweńskiego przekładu "Pana Tadeusza" Rozki Štefan
Kulturne bariere v literarnem prevodu na podlagi slovenskega prevoda "Pana Tadeusza" Rozke Štefan
Cultural barriers in a literary translation on the basis of the Slovenian translation of "Pan Tadeusz" by Rozka Stefan
Jež, Nikolaj
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Rozka Štefan
Pan Tadeusz w słoweńskim przekładzie
Adam Mickiewicz
bariery kulturowe w przekładzie
metryka i wersyfikacja w przekładzie
Gospod Tadej v slovenskem prevodu
kulturne bariere v prevodu
metrika in verzifikacija v prevodu
Pan Tadeusz in the Slovenian translation
cultural barrier in the translation
metrics and versification in the translation
Historiat slovenske recepcije Pana Tadeusza na eni strani razkriva značilne kulturne bariere, ki so zaznamovale razumevanje poljskega romantičnega epa pri Slovencih, na drugi pa razkriva, da je Mickiewiczeva težnja po oddaljitvi od visokega romantičnega stila izvirnik že ob izidu približevala slovenski kulturni tradiciji. Sodbe slovenskega učenjaka in teoretika Matija Čopa o pesnitvi so eleminirale bariere, navzoče pri bralcih izvirnika, začrtale so okvire slovenske recepcije poljskega romantizma in ustvarile podlago za oblikovanje slovenske različice poljskega romantičnega literarnega kanona. Zavest o barierah pri prevajanju poljske romantične poezije je bila pri Slovencih osredotočena predvsem na vprašanje metrike in verzifikacije. R. Štefan je v prevodu pesnitve (1974) upoštevala načelo nadomeščanja trinajstercev s silabotonično jambsko strukturo (z odstopi v cezuri in zvočnih figurah). Pan Tadeusz predstavlja bariero tudi na ravni leksike in stilistike, ekvivalenti „staropoljskih vrlin” se v pesnitvi kažejo v rabi osebnih imen, retoričnih figurah, poimenovanju realij. Prevajalka je večinoma ohranjala izvirna imena, ki so kot antroponimi sicer funkcionalni, vendar z omejeno denotativno vrednostjo (Podkomornik, Vojski, Vozni). Pri izboru leksikalnih ekvivalentov je v prevodu opazna tendenca k zniževanju statusnega položaja, skladnem s kmečko-podeželskim okoljem, značilnem za slovensko ruralno skupnost. Načelo, naj prevod ohranjanja specifike izvirnika, prevajalka uresničuje, kolikor ji dopuščajo leksikalne in strukturne lastnosti slovenskega jezika. Poljske oblike imen pri osrednjih osebah dobijo značilno slovensko fonetično podobo (Tadej, Zosja, Matej, Gervazij), imena stranskih oseb ostanejo v izvirni obliki (Rymsza). Značilna nevtralizacija prevoda je vezana na zgodovinske izraze, povezane s sarmatsko-plemiškim kulturnim modelom, ki v prevodnem jeziku nimajo ustreznikov. Prevajalka je kulturne bariere reševala na tri načine: s substitucijo leksemov, z nevtralizacijo zaznamovanih izrazov in citatno.
On the one hand, the overview of the Slovene reception of "Pan Tadeusz" reveals typical cul¬tural barriers which have marked the comprehension of the Polish Romantic Epic by the Slovene public, while on the other hand it also reveals that the tendency of Mickiewicz to distance him¬self from the style of High Romanticism brought the original, on its very publication, closer to the Slovene cultural tradition. The evaluation of the poem by Matija Čop, Slovene scholar and theoretician, has eliminated the barriers experienced by readers of the original and outlined a framework for the Slovene reception of Polish Romanticism, as well as creating a basis for the formation of a Slovene version of the Polish Romantic literary canon. In the Slovene environment, the awareness of barriers in the translation of Polish Romantic poetry has been focused mainly on the questions of metrics and versification. In her translation of the poem (1974), R. Štefan applied the principle of the substitution of thirteen-syllable verse with the syllabotonic iambic structure (with deviations in caesura and sound figures). Pan Tadeusz also constitutes a barrier on the levels of lexis and style; „Old Poland virtue” equivalents are manifest in the use of personal names, rhetorical figures, and in the naming of realia. For the most part, the translator preserved the original names, which, being anthroponyms, are functional but of a limited denotative value (Podkomornik, Vojski, Vozni). In selecting lexical equivalents, one observes in the translation a noticeable tendency towards lowering the status pertaining to the rural-country environment typical of the Slovene rural community. The principle of preserving the specifics of the original is respected to the extent permitted by the lexical and structural features of the Slovene language. The Polish name forms of the central characters acquire distinctive Slovene phonetic features (Tadej, Zosja, Matej, Gervazij), while the names of minor characters retain their original form (Rymsza). As a characteristic translation strategy, neutralisation is adopted in historical expressions related to the cultural model of Sarmatian nobility, having no translation equivalents in the target language. The translator aimed to resolve the cultural barriers in three ways: lexeme replacement, neutralisation of stylistically marked expressions, and preservation of original expressions.
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich; 2012, 3, 1; 63-74
Pojawia się w:
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Bariery kulturowe w słowackim przekładzie "Ferdydurke" Witolda Gombrowicza
Kultúrne bariéry v slovenskom preklade "Ferdydurke" Witolda Gombrowicza
Cultural barriers in the slovak translation of Witold Gombrowicz’s "Ferdydurke"
Buczek, Marta
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Witold Gombrowicz
literatura polska w słowackich przekładach
bariery kulturowe w tłumaczeniu
umelecký preklad
poľská literatúra v slovenskom preklade
kultúrne bariéry v preklade
Polish literature in Slovak translations
cultural barriers in translation
Príspevok predstavuje problém kultúrnych bariér v slovenskom preklade románu Ferdydurke Witolda Gombrowicza, ktorý bol publikovaný v novom prijímacom horizonte v roku 2004. Roman bol preložený dobré známym slovenským prekladateľom Jozefom Marušiakom. Autorka článku popisuje prekladateľské stratégie, ktoré boli využité prekladateľom, aby prekonať kultúrnu bariéru a rekonštruovať cudzie mentálne mechanizmy vpísané v cudziu kultúru. Používané v procese reinterpretácie významov originálu stratégie sú: stratégia doslovnosti, ktorá sa spája so stratégiou neutralizácie cudzích kultúrnych faktorov. Otázkou sa stáva, čí je možne preložiť komplikovanú prózu Witolda Gombrowicza do slovenčiny a reinterpretovať implikované v texte kultúrne faktory, čí nie sú bariérou v procese prekladu.
The article presents the problem of cultural barriers in Slovak translation of Witold Gombrowicz’s Ferdydurke which was published in a new translation horizon in 2004. The roman was translated by a very well known Slovak translator — Jozef Marušiak. The author of the article shows the translation strategies which were used by him to overcome cultural barriers and reconstruct foreign mental mechanisms as part of different culture. The strategies exploited in the process of reinterpretation of the original meanings were the literal strategy combined with the strategy of neutralization of foreign cultural facts. The question is if it is possible to translate complicated prose of Witold Gombrowicz to Slovak and reinterpret implicated in the original text cultural facts and whether they constitute the cultural barrier in the process of translation.
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich; 2012, 3, 1; 164-183
Pojawia się w:
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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