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Tożsamość Čefura w polskim przekładzie powieści Gorana Vojnovicia pt. "Čefurji raus!"
Identiteta Čefurja v prevodu romana Gorana Vojnovića "Čefurji raus!"
Čefur’s identity in translation of Goran Vojnovic’s novel entitled "Čefurji raus!"
Gawlak, Monika
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
bariery kulturowe w tłumaczeniu
tożsamość w przekładzie
Goran Vojnović
polskie przekłady literatury słoweńskiej
Tomasz Łukaszewicz
kulturne bariere v prevodu
identiteta v prevodu
poljski prevodi slovenske literature
cultural barrier in the translation
identity in the translation
Polish translations of the Slovenian literature
Roman Gorana Vojnovića "Čefurji raus!" v poljskem prevodu Tomasza Łukaszewicza je za poljskega bralca nedvomno priložnost za soočenje s kulturno drugačnostjo, hkrati pa pred njim odpira pomembno problematiko iskanja identitete v okvirih večkulturnosti. Prevajalec se je lotil zelo težke in ambiciozne naloge. Težave, s katerimi se je moral soočiti, so v primeru prevajanja romana, ki se loteva problematike večkulturnosti in subkulture, multiplicirane. Primerjalna analiza izvirnika in prevoda romana je pokazala, da dobiva identiteta čefurja v prevodu univerzalnejše poteze kot v izvirniku. Do tega je prišlo predvsem zaradi kulturne bariere, ki jo predstavlja za prevajalca v primeru tega romana velika raznolikost jezika, pač glede na narodnostno pripadnost literarnih junakov. Ta diferenciacija je nosilka bistvenih informacij in izvir identifikacije junakov, kar pa je v prevodu zreducirano. Žal ni se prevajalec potrudil, da bi individualiziral govorico junakov z raznimi rejestri jezika in različno močjo slenga, komizma ali vulgarizma. Nekatere prevajalčeve odločitve tudi ali zaostrujejo opozicijo svoji — tuji, na podlagi katere junaki definirajo svoj odnos do okolice in oblikujejo lastno identiteto, ali pa poudarjajo familiarni značaj relacij, obstoječih na obrobju čefurske družbe. Na stilistični ravni je jezik junakov vulgarnejši in skromnejši glede števila komičnih elementov, zaradi česar se zdi čefur v poljski recepciji bolj obscen in manj senzibilen. Omenjene premike signalizirajo nezadostljive retorično-pragmatične kompetence prevajalca. Zaradi nastalih pomenskih izgub postanejo izrazitejše univerzalne lastnosti junaka, roman pa se zdi za sekundarnega sprejemnika atraktiven — saj se z obravnavano problematiko lažje poistoveti.
Goran Vojnovic’s novel "Čefurji raus!" in Tomasz Łukaszewicz’s Polish translation is undoubtedly an opportunity to commune with cultural otherness, and, simultaneously, it touches upon the issue of seeking one’s identity in the face of multiculturalism. The translator undertook a very difficult and ambitious task. In the translation of the novel, which deals with the issue of multiculturalism and subculture, the difficulties the translator is confronted with are being multiplied. The comparative analysis of the original and the translation of the novel reveals that Čefur’s identity in the translation has gained more universal frames than in the original. It is mainly because of the cultural barrier which, for the translator, is a strong differentiation between main characters’ language in terms of their nationality. It is a means of conveying vital information as well as a source of characters’ identification which in the original is reduced. Unfortunately the translator did not make an attempt to individualize the characters’ speech using, for example, different language registers or elements of slang, humour, or vulgarity. At the same time, some of the translator’s choices either sharpen the opposition friend-stranger on the basis of which the characters define their attitude to the surroundings and shape their own identity or enhance the familiar character of the relations which take place within Čefurian community. At the stylistic level, the main characters’ language is more crude and limited in comic elements. And thus, in the Polish context, Čefur appears to be more obscene and less sensitive. These displacements give evidence to the translator’s inefficient rhetorical and pragmatic abilities. Despite the fact that, as a consequence of semantic losses the universal features of the main character’s identity are clearer, the novel may become attractive to secondary readers because of the possibility of identification with the analysed issue.
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich; 2012, 3, 1; 13-31
Pojawia się w:
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Bariery kulturowe w przekładzie artystycznym na przykładzie słoweńskiego przekładu "Pana Tadeusza" Rozki Štefan
Kulturne bariere v literarnem prevodu na podlagi slovenskega prevoda "Pana Tadeusza" Rozke Štefan
Cultural barriers in a literary translation on the basis of the Slovenian translation of "Pan Tadeusz" by Rozka Stefan
Jež, Nikolaj
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Rozka Štefan
Pan Tadeusz w słoweńskim przekładzie
Adam Mickiewicz
bariery kulturowe w przekładzie
metryka i wersyfikacja w przekładzie
Gospod Tadej v slovenskem prevodu
kulturne bariere v prevodu
metrika in verzifikacija v prevodu
Pan Tadeusz in the Slovenian translation
cultural barrier in the translation
metrics and versification in the translation
Historiat slovenske recepcije Pana Tadeusza na eni strani razkriva značilne kulturne bariere, ki so zaznamovale razumevanje poljskega romantičnega epa pri Slovencih, na drugi pa razkriva, da je Mickiewiczeva težnja po oddaljitvi od visokega romantičnega stila izvirnik že ob izidu približevala slovenski kulturni tradiciji. Sodbe slovenskega učenjaka in teoretika Matija Čopa o pesnitvi so eleminirale bariere, navzoče pri bralcih izvirnika, začrtale so okvire slovenske recepcije poljskega romantizma in ustvarile podlago za oblikovanje slovenske različice poljskega romantičnega literarnega kanona. Zavest o barierah pri prevajanju poljske romantične poezije je bila pri Slovencih osredotočena predvsem na vprašanje metrike in verzifikacije. R. Štefan je v prevodu pesnitve (1974) upoštevala načelo nadomeščanja trinajstercev s silabotonično jambsko strukturo (z odstopi v cezuri in zvočnih figurah). Pan Tadeusz predstavlja bariero tudi na ravni leksike in stilistike, ekvivalenti „staropoljskih vrlin” se v pesnitvi kažejo v rabi osebnih imen, retoričnih figurah, poimenovanju realij. Prevajalka je večinoma ohranjala izvirna imena, ki so kot antroponimi sicer funkcionalni, vendar z omejeno denotativno vrednostjo (Podkomornik, Vojski, Vozni). Pri izboru leksikalnih ekvivalentov je v prevodu opazna tendenca k zniževanju statusnega položaja, skladnem s kmečko-podeželskim okoljem, značilnem za slovensko ruralno skupnost. Načelo, naj prevod ohranjanja specifike izvirnika, prevajalka uresničuje, kolikor ji dopuščajo leksikalne in strukturne lastnosti slovenskega jezika. Poljske oblike imen pri osrednjih osebah dobijo značilno slovensko fonetično podobo (Tadej, Zosja, Matej, Gervazij), imena stranskih oseb ostanejo v izvirni obliki (Rymsza). Značilna nevtralizacija prevoda je vezana na zgodovinske izraze, povezane s sarmatsko-plemiškim kulturnim modelom, ki v prevodnem jeziku nimajo ustreznikov. Prevajalka je kulturne bariere reševala na tri načine: s substitucijo leksemov, z nevtralizacijo zaznamovanih izrazov in citatno.
On the one hand, the overview of the Slovene reception of "Pan Tadeusz" reveals typical cul¬tural barriers which have marked the comprehension of the Polish Romantic Epic by the Slovene public, while on the other hand it also reveals that the tendency of Mickiewicz to distance him¬self from the style of High Romanticism brought the original, on its very publication, closer to the Slovene cultural tradition. The evaluation of the poem by Matija Čop, Slovene scholar and theoretician, has eliminated the barriers experienced by readers of the original and outlined a framework for the Slovene reception of Polish Romanticism, as well as creating a basis for the formation of a Slovene version of the Polish Romantic literary canon. In the Slovene environment, the awareness of barriers in the translation of Polish Romantic poetry has been focused mainly on the questions of metrics and versification. In her translation of the poem (1974), R. Štefan applied the principle of the substitution of thirteen-syllable verse with the syllabotonic iambic structure (with deviations in caesura and sound figures). Pan Tadeusz also constitutes a barrier on the levels of lexis and style; „Old Poland virtue” equivalents are manifest in the use of personal names, rhetorical figures, and in the naming of realia. For the most part, the translator preserved the original names, which, being anthroponyms, are functional but of a limited denotative value (Podkomornik, Vojski, Vozni). In selecting lexical equivalents, one observes in the translation a noticeable tendency towards lowering the status pertaining to the rural-country environment typical of the Slovene rural community. The principle of preserving the specifics of the original is respected to the extent permitted by the lexical and structural features of the Slovene language. The Polish name forms of the central characters acquire distinctive Slovene phonetic features (Tadej, Zosja, Matej, Gervazij), while the names of minor characters retain their original form (Rymsza). As a characteristic translation strategy, neutralisation is adopted in historical expressions related to the cultural model of Sarmatian nobility, having no translation equivalents in the target language. The translator aimed to resolve the cultural barriers in three ways: lexeme replacement, neutralisation of stylistically marked expressions, and preservation of original expressions.
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich; 2012, 3, 1; 63-74
Pojawia się w:
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
    Wyświetlanie 1-2 z 2

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