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Zasady legalizacji pobytu cudzoziemców i struktura cudzoziemców w Polsce
(The Principles of Legalization of Foreign Nationals’ Residence in Poland – a Structural Overview
Zdanowicz, Mieczysława
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
zasady legalizacji pobytu
struktura cudzoziemców w Polsce
foreign nationals
legalization of residence
The status of foreign nationals residing in the Republic of Poland is far from uniform. Individuals seeking refuge, to whom assistance should be offered in pursuance of international obligations or nationwide legislation, make up an unique group in many respects. As of May 1, 2015, foreign nationals on the Polish territory are eligible for the following forms of statutory protection: 1) refugee status, 2) subsidiary protection, 3) political asylum, or 4) temporary protection. Yet another privileged group of foreign nationals comprises all individuals benefiting from the freedom of movement of persons within the European Union. The rules applicable to the citizens of EU Member States who reside in Poland, as well as to members of their families, are subject to regulations originating in two legal systems, namely the national legislation and that adopted by the European Union. The EU Directive 2004/38/EC was transposed into the Polish legal system through an act of parliament of 2006. The rules of residence pertaining to EU citizens and members of their families vary, depending on the length of stay: 3 months, over 3 months, and permanent residence. In view of the actual length of residence of an EU citizen (a third-country national) in Poland, the formal requirements regarding the legalization of stay, vary. By far the least formalized approach applies to a foreigner intending to stay in Poland up to 3 months, whereas a stay of over 3 months requires a temporary residence permit. Apart from that, there is still an option of obtaining a permanent residence permit, and a long-term EU residence permit. Low-level cross-border traffic is a legal instrument meant to facilitate cross-border co-operation of local communities with the visa regime between the two neighbouring countries still in place. It makes crossing the border considerably easier in terms of the formalities actually entailed, while tangibly assisting in the development of cooperation between the neighbouring communities in the domain of culture, family relations, social interaction, etc. The total number of foreign nationals residing in Poland is relatively small. The group is well diversified in terms of individual status and the actual length of stay. Out of the group of persons clearly intending to enjoy the benefits offered by an internationally warranted protection status in Poland, a higher proportion satisfies the requirements for a subsidiary protection rather than the bona fide refugee status. EU citizens residing in Poland constitute a varied group with respect to their actual length of stay. By far, the most numerous is the group staying for up to 3 months. In the remaining group of foreign nationals, there are ones who have received a temporary residence permit. Much smaller is the number of persons who have received a permanent residence permit and a long-term EU residence permit. The opportunity to engage in low-level cross-border traffic is highly appreciated by the local communities.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 2016, XXXVIII; 441-458
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Cudzoziemcy jako sprawcy poważnych przestępstw w Polsce – raport z badań
Foreigners as the perpetrators of serious crimes in Poland – research report
Woźniakowska-Fajst, Dagmara
Data publikacji:
Akademia Bialska Nauk Stosowanych im. Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej
Artykuł przedstawia fragment raportu z najnowszej analizy statystyk przestępczości cudzoziemców (obejmującej lata 2000-2012). Podstawą raportu są statystyki Komendy Głównej Policji oraz Ministerstwa Sprawiedliwości. Przestępczość cudzoziemców w Polsce charakteryzuje duża dynamika. Po 1989 r. przestępczość cudzoziemców w Polsce rosła aż do roku 1997, a od 1998 następuje widoczny spadek. Do roku 2006 spadek ten jest dość gwałtowny, a później następuje stabilizacja. Analiza statystyk cudzoziemców podejrzanych o popełnienie przestępstwa i skazanych za te czyny pokazuje, że obecnie w Polsce zagrożenie przestępczością obcokrajowców jest znikome. W latach 2004-2012 udział cudzoziemców w ogóle przestępczości wynosi nieco ponad 1%. Odsetek skazań za najpoważniejsze przestępstwa pozostaje jeszcze niższy.
The article presents the fragment of the report on the latest analysis of the statistics of foreigner crime (2000-2012). The basis of the report are the statistics of the Police Headquarters and the Ministry of Justice. Foreigner crime in Poland is characterized by high dynamics. After 1989 criminality of foreigners in Poland increases until 1997, and since 1998 seriously declines. By 2006 this decline is quite rapid but later one can observe a stabilization. Analysis of the statistics of suspects and sentenced foreigners show that currently in Poland a threat of foreigner crime is insignificant. In the years 2004-2012, percentage of foreigners in the general number of suspects is just over 1%. The proportion of convictions for the most serious crimes remains even lower.
Rozprawy Społeczne; 2016, 10, 1; 44-56
Pojawia się w:
Rozprawy Społeczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Cudzoziemcy jako sprawcy znęcania się i zgwałcenia w kontekście przemocy „honorowej”
Foreign Nationals as Perpetrators of Physical Abuse and Rape in the Context of Honour Based Violence
Woźniakowska-Fajst, Dagmara
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
sprawca znęcania się
sprawca zgwałcenia
foreign nationals
physical abuse
The number of foreign nationals convicted of physical abuse in the period spanning 2004–2012 was around a dozen cases a year. The percentage of convicted foreign nationals in comparison with Poles indicted with the offence described in the provisions of Article 207 of the Polish Penal Code, was very low, i.e. 0.1%, throughout all the years studied. In the years 2004–2012, foreign nationals in Poland were convicted of 145 physical abuse offences. The perpetrators originated from 34 countries. Most of them came from Ukraine (24%), followed by Russia (12%) and Germany (7%). In the period under study, 8 convictions were secured for Armenian nationals, and 6 for Rumanian and Turkish, respectively. It should be noted that in the case of physical abuse, the aggrieved parties were mainly family members, spouses, and partners, but also children and the elderly, as well as the persons physically dependent on others for assistance in their activities of daily living (e.g. persons with disabilities). The relevant statistical data may readily be augmented by the materials gathered in the course of analysing the court’s records. Among the persons indicted for physical abuse, women are seldom the perpetrators, as only two were found in the cases analysed (28 offenders were male). The aggrieved parties were not their partners, though, but dependent individuals. The most numerous groups of perpetrators found in the court files included Russians (7 offenders) and Ukrainians (5). 7 offenders were EU citizens. Single cases were represented by other nationalities (2 Armenians, 2 Azerbaijanis, 2 Tunisians, 1 Belarussian, and 1 Iraqi). Much as in the case of other aggressive acts, numerous instances of physical abuse were related to their perpetrators’ inebriation. 18 offenders (i.e. almost 2/3 of the indicted ones) were under the influence of alcohol. The main motive of domestic violence was (besides alcohol abuse which seemed to directly trigger the outbursts of violent behaviour), some sort of conflict between family members in conjunction with an inability to alleviate it or resolve by other means. In the case of persons applying for a refugee status, long-term frustration was also found to be a contributing factor. Immediate family members of, i.e. wife, partner, children, and stepchildren aged 1–17 usually fall victim to domestic violence. In the case files under examination, a majority of the wronged women were of Polish nationality (23), 4 were Chechens, and one was an Azeri woman. In the majority of cases, where the perpetrator came from a country where Islam is the dominant religion (the perpetrator’s religious denomination was not mentioned in all the cases) and the victim was a Polish woman, it was hard to determine whether domestic violence has cultural reasons. These cases in no way differed from those in which the perpetrators were men of European origin. The actual percentage of foreign nationals convicted of rape in relation to the total number of convictions secured in pursuance of the provisions of Article 197 of the Polish Penal Code varies in the respective years of the period under study, ranging from 0.5% (in 2008) to over 2% (in 2012). The number of such convictions with regard to Polish nationals has been steadily decreasing, while remaining fairly stable in the case of foreign nationals (ranging from 4 to 17 per year). In the period spanning 2004–2012, foreign nationals in Poland were convicted of 88 rapes, their perpetrators originating from 29 countries. Over nine years, usually only one or two instances of convictions for rape were related to respective nationalities. Most convictions involved Ukrainians (20%), Bulgarians (17%), and Germans (8%). Romanian citizens were convicted in five cases, while Armenians and Russians 4 times each. A rich source of data on the perpetrators are the court records of criminal cases. In those studied, 18 perpetrators were revealed, all men. It would be rather hard to speculate, though, on any apparent regularity regarding their nationality. In that particular group, the most numerous were the Ukrainians (3). Otherwise, the group comprised single representatives of Russia (Chechen extraction), Tunisia, Morocco, Belarus, Syria, Algeria, Iran, Armenia, and the United States. Six offenders were EU citizens. The reason for a sexual assault was primarily the drive to satisfy one’s sexual desire, which in more than half of the cases was also related to alcohol abuse by the perpetrator. The statistics on the total number of rape offences committed by foreign nationals also differ in terms of the actual location where the rape was perpetrated. The majority (10) of offences described in the records studied took place in apartments and houses (as indeed it usually happens in all cases of reported rape in Poland), but open public spaces (e.g. streets, fields, woodland areas) made up an equally significant category (10 cases). In all cases the aggrieved parties were women, all of them of Polish nationality. They were mostly young or very young women. The youngest victim (of attempted rape) was 11 years old, while the oldest was 32. As with most cases of rape, one rule seemed to prevail throughout, i.e. first and foremost the victims of rape were personally known to the perpetrator. Out of the 20 identified victims, 12 knew the rapist, and 6 of them were members of the perpetrator’s family. In terms of the analysed records, minor victims appeared relatively numerous, also in view of the fact that the two perpetrators raped several girls. In no instance of rape of very young girls was the cultural aspect ever mentioned. In none of those cases was a young girl forced into marriage, or was cultural consent granted to having a sexual intercourse with a minor. Summing up the issue of foreign nationals as the perpetrators of physical abuse and rape, especially in the context of honour based violence, it is clear that currently such acts do not seem to have been committed mainly by the Muslims. Since foreign nationals residing in Poland mostly come from the neighbouring countries (predominantly Ukraine), they are by far the most visible as offenders. As far as the cases of rape are concerned, as referenced in the criminal records under study, the perpetrators’ mode of operation did not differ with respect to their nationality. In the case of foreign offenders, a substantial number of rape victims were very young girls, although this was in no way related to cultures that accept and promote child marriage or forced unions. All the perpetrators originated from our own cultural background.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 2016, XXXVIII; 321-345
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Polacy i Litwini, oficerowie Armii Czerwonej w latach 1922-1941 : słownik biograficzny
Wojtkowiak, Jakub (1968- ).
Centrum Polsko-Rosyjskiego Dialogu i Porozumienia (Warszawa). pbl
Data publikacji:
Warszawa : Centrum Polsko-Rosyjskiego Dialogu i Porozumienia
Litwini za granicą ZSRR 1917-1941 r.
Polacy za granicą
Słownik biograficzny
Bibliogr. s. 651-660 oraz przy biogramach.
Dostawca treści:
Bibliografia CBW
O przestępczości cudzoziemców i przestępczości wobec cudzoziemców w Polsce na podstawie statystyki policyjnej
Immigrants crime and victimization in Poland based on police statistics
Włodarczyk-Madejska, Justyna
Kopeć, Maria
Goździk, Gabriela
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
przestępczość cudzoziemców
wiktymizacja cudzoziemców
etiologia przestępczości
statystyka policyjna
immigrants and crime
victimization of immigrants
etiology of crime
police statistics
Niniejszy artykuł przedstawia problematykę przestępczości cudzoziemców w Polsce oraz zjawisko ich wiktymizacji w oparciu o statystyki policyjne. Podjęto w opracowaniu próbę omówienia etiologii pokrzywdzenia cudzoziemców przestępstwem oraz ukazano trudności i osiągnięcia związane z badaniem tego zjawiska. Przedstawiono także możliwe przyczyny zaangażowania imigrantów w działalność przestępczą. W kluczowej części opracowania ukazano, w oparciu o statystyki policyjne, dane liczbowe dotyczące skali przestępczości imigrantów w Polsce, struktury tego zjawiska oraz samych sprawców. Następnie omówione zostały dane na temat skali pokrzywdzenia imigrantów przestępstwem w Polsce oraz dotyczące osób pokrzywdzonych.
This article presents the issue of crimes committed by immigrants in Poland and the issue of their victimization based on police statistics. Authors describe the etiology of victimization of immigrants and show the problems and the achievements related to the study of this phenomenon. The article presents the possible causes for committing crimes by immigrants. In the main part, based on police statistics, authors present the size and structure of crimes committed by immigrants and analyze who are the offenders. They also show the size of crime victimization on the immigrants in Poland and data about victims.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 2021, XLIII/2; 267-314
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Czynności służbowe kuratora rodzinnego z udziałem cudzoziemców – studium przypadku
Wirkus, Łukasz Krzysztof
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
kurator sądowy, cudzoziemcy, praca, zadania kuratorów,
W opracowaniu przedstawiono analizę przypadku pracy kuratora rodzinnego z obcokrajowcami w kontekście współczesnych wyzwań cywilizacyjnych, jakie stoją przed polskim społeczeństwem. Jednym z nich jest proces asymilacji obcokrajowców przyjeżdżających do Polski i osiedlających się tutaj z różnych powodów. Coraz częściej problemy społeczne z udziałem cudzoziemców – rodzin oraz nieletnich, stają się obszarem ingerencji sądu rodzinnego. W badaniu wykorzystano jakościowe studium przypadku, które jest szczególnie  przydatne, gdy chodzi o eksplorację specyfiki mało poznanych zagadnień. Celem badań było poznanie podstawowych problemów kuratora rodzinnego w pracy z podopiecznym, który jest obcokrajowcem.
Lubelski Rocznik Pedagogiczny; 2019, 38, 2
Pojawia się w:
Lubelski Rocznik Pedagogiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Polityka karna wobec cudzoziemców przebywających w Polsce
Penal Policy Toward Foreign Nationals Residing in Poland
Wiktorska, Paulina
Rychlik, Maria
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
polityka karna
penal policy
foreign nationals
The paper focuses on penal policy, or to be more accurate, on its part related to “the operation of the courts of law with a view to preventing and reducing the crime rate through the application of criminal law,”1 though with regard to a selected group only, i.e. foreign nationals who reside in Poland. In very simple terms, it addresses the policy of punishments and punitive measures pursued with respect to foreign nationals who have committed offences expressly prohibited by Polish criminal law, and were subsequently embraced by a formal system of social supervision. The studies at issue were conducted on the basis of statistical data collected by the Ministry of Justice. They comprise information on the kinds of punishment and punitive measures applied to foreign nationals for committing respective types of criminal offences, as revealed and discovered by Polish justice system throughout the country, in the period spanning 2004–2012. It appears that an 8-year period of scrutiny regarding the application of penal policy to foreign nationals allows for the identification of all attendant key trends, as well as any portents of forthcoming changes. An appraisal of the structure of criminal offences committed by foreign nationals reveals that they fall most frequently (87% in total) within 5 key categories, i.e. 21% of convictions against the credibility of documents, 20% against public order, 18% against the safety of transportation, 15% fraud, 13% against property. Criminal offences falling within the scope of other legislative constraints that serve as the conviction basis against foreign nationals are encountered much less frequently and comprise primarily offences against: human life and health, the justice system, family and family care, sexual freedom, public security, environment, commercial endeavours, and against the Republic of Poland. There are also criminal offences whose characteristics fall within the scope of other legal classifications than those comprised in Polish Criminal Code, usually the following ones: the Polish Fiscal Penal Code of September 10, 1999 (Journal of Laws of 1999, No. 83, Item. 930), the Promotion of Sobriety and Prevention of Alcohol Abuse Act of October 26, 1982 (Journal of Laws of 1982, No. 35, Item. 230), the Health Protection Against the Consequences of Consumption of Tobacco and Tobacco Products Act of November 9, 1995 (Journal of Laws of 1996, No 10, Item 55), and finally, the Industrial Property Act of June 30, 2000 (Journal of Laws of 2001, No. 49, Item 508). The current policy of criminal convictions against foreign nationals does not substantially differ from the general trends in Polish penal policy. By far, most frequently the courts of law opt for a term of imprisonment with conditional suspension of its execution as a penal measure. The next option in line comprises a fine, and then comes an immediate custodial sentence, occasionally a restriction of personal liberty.2 It is clear that the key category of criminal offences for which foreign nationals ended up in Polish prisons were offences against property. In this particular category, most offenders had been convicted in pursuance of the provisions of Article 278 § 1, Polish Penal Code (theft), Article 279 §1, Polish Penal Code (burglary with forced entry), and Article 280 §1, Polish Penal Code (aggravated theft). The legislation in place provides for an opportunity to apply a diversity of punitive measures apart from the penalty itself, also as probation measures, or as preventive measures. The legislators clearly aimed for generally increasing the role and overall significance of punitive measures within the penal policy, although an overall body of convictions meted out against foreign nationals over the years 2004–2012 in Poland demonstrates that the courts of law were not particularly forthcoming in this respect, rather seldom ordering punitive measures against the perpetrators, and if so, they would usually reach out for the option of ordering fines and a driving ban, or a forfeiture of property. Statistical data taking into account the lawfully convicted foreign nationals, stratified by a specific type of criminal offence, gender, and punishment meted out for the principal offence, reveal that in 2005 there was a significant reduction in the number of punitive measures ordered by the courts. In fact, compared with 2004, their number decreased fivefold, and remained approximately at the same level throughout the following four years, whereas in 2010, a penal measure was ordered only once, none in 2011, and in 2012 – twice. The sentencing and penal measures policy pursued by the Polish courts, as addressed in the present study, was assessed not only at the level of statistical data made available by the Ministry of Justice, but also through meticulous research conducted on the court’s case files pertaining to foreign nationals whose cases had lawfully been closed, randomly sampled. Both the sampling methodology applied and the number of the records brought under study makes the results of this research project fully representative. Examination of the court’s case files yielded the results fully consistent with the results obtained on the basis of the statistical data obtained from the ministerial records, including in terms of the actual application of the penal policy against foreign nationals committing criminal offences in Poland, although certain exceptions were encountered with regard to the policies applied to the perpetrators of specific types of criminal offences. On the other hand, though, those seem to have much more in common with a particular type and nature of the offence itself, rather than the fact that it was committed by a foreign national. The conclusions drawn from the statistical data under study, as supplemented by a detailed appraisal of the court records, give sufficient grounds to believe that in its essence, the penal policy applied to foreign nationals residing in Poland does not differ from that applied in Poland at large.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 2016, XXXVIII; 61-91
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Polityka karna wobec cudzoziemców przebywających w Polsce
Wiktorska, Paulina
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
polityka karna
wymiar kary
penal policy
Przedmiotem rozważań artykułu jest fragment polityki karnej państwa obejmujący działalność sądów w celu przeciwdziałania i ograniczania przestępczości w drodze stosowania przepisów prawa karnego wobec cudzoziemców przebywających w Polsce. W szczególności poruszane jest zagadnienie polityki wymierzania kar i środków karnych cudzoziemcom, którzy dopuścili się czynów zabronionych przez polskie prawo karne i trafili do systemu formalnej kontroli społecznej. Celem analizy jest ustalenie, w jaki sposób na przestrzeni lat 2004-2012 kształtowała się polityka sądowego wymiaru kary cudzoziemcom, jakie kary i środki karne były wobec nich najczęściej stosowane w odpowiedzi na popełnienie poszczególnych rodzajów przestępstw oraz sprawdzenie czy, a jeśli tak, to w jakim kierunku i zakresie, polityka ta odbiega od polityki karnej stosowanej wobec polskich obywateli.
Biuletyn Kryminologiczny; 2015, 22; 27-37
Pojawia się w:
Biuletyn Kryminologiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Migracja Ukraińców do Polski w latach 2007-2016. Podstawy prawne, przejawy i skutki tego zjawiska
Migration of the Ukrainians to Poland from 2007 to 2016. Legal Basis, Symptoms and Consequences of the Phenomenon
Wawryniuk, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
traktat miedzynarodowy
umowa miedzynarodowa
pobyt czasowy
international treaty
international agreement
temporary residence
Migracja Ukraińców do Polski uległa znacznemu zwiększeniu z chwilą odzyskania niepodległości przez Ukrainę. Sprzyjała temu polityka wewnętrzna tego państwa, w wyniku której ułatwiono dostęp obywateli do paszportów. Ponadto podpisanie stosownych umów z Polską stało się podstawą do masowych wyjazdów Ukraińców na szeroko rozumiany Zachód, w tym przede wszystkim do Rzeczypospolitej. Szczególne nasilenie migracji zaobserwować można po próbach zmian społeczno-politycznych u naszego wschodniego sąsiada, a największa liczba migrantów z Ukrainy ma związek z zajęciem Krymu przez Federację Rosyjską oraz sytuacja w Donbasie. Znaczna liczba Ukraińców przebywających do Polski z różnych powodów, w tym podejmujących pracę, studiujących, czy uprawiających tzw. turystykę handlową, ma wpływ na zwiększoną ilość dokonanych przestępstw. Na podstawie danych otrzymanych z Centralnego Zarządu Służby Więziennej wynika, że ich udział w ogólnej liczbie osadzonych lub aresztowanych w Polsce jest stosunkowo niewielki. Należy też zauważyć, że pomimo dużych ułatwień w przekraczaniu granicy, każdego roku polska Straż Graniczna z różnych przyczyn formalnych (podrobione dokumenty podróży, wizy, paszporty, stemple) odmawia pozwolenia na wjazd do RP znacznej liczbie obywateli Ukrainy.
Migration of the Ukrainians to Poland has significantly increased after Ukraine gain its independence. It was favored by the internal policies, which simplified gaining passports by the citizens of this country. Moreover, signing fitting agreements with Poland had became basis for mass departures of the Ukrainians to Western Europe, especially to the Republic Poland. A large intensification of migration had been noticed after socio-political changes attempts and the huge amount of migrants is connected with the situation in Donbass and establishing Russian control over Crimea. A large quantity of Ukrainians residing in Poland by different reasons, including working, studying and practicing so-called „mercantile tourism”, has an influence on higher crime rate. Based on data from Central Board of Prison Service, the number of Ukrainians imprisoned or arrested is relatively low. It should also be noted that despite many facilitations of the crossing the border, the Polish Border Guard ,for different formal reasons (forged travel papers, visas, passports, stamps), decline to enter Poland a large number of the Ukrainians every year.
Roczniki Nauk Prawnych; 2017, 27, 3; 109-126
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Nauk Prawnych
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wychodzenie z wiktymizacji osób pokrzywdzonych handlem ludźmi. Analiza przypadków cudzoziemskich ofiar zidentyfikowanych w Polsce
Recovering from the victimization of people affected by human trafficking. Cases analysis of foreign victims identified in Poland
Wanicka, Olga
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
La Strada Foundation against trafficking in persons and slavery
law enforcement
handel ludźmi
Fundacja przeciwko Handlowi Ludźmi i Niewolnictwu La Strada
organy ścigania
trafficking in human beings
Artykuł ukazuje wysiłki cudzoziemskich ofiar handlu ludźmi, które w Polsce próbują przezwyciężyć skutki własnej wiktymizacji. Celem tekstu jest próba przybliżenia odbiorcy wszystkich aspektów związanych z wiktymizacją w wyniku handlu ludźmi oraz zwrócenie uwagi na bariery w skutecznej integracji, jakie napotykają pokrzywdzeni. Artykuł stanowi prezentację wyników badań własnych prowadzonych na podstawie wywiadów z cudzoziemskimi pokrzywdzonymi – beneficjentami Fundacji La Strada w 2019 roku. Bariery w skutecznej integracji zostaną ukazane z dwóch perspektyw. Po pierwsze w tekście zaprezentowane zostaną osobiste trudności leżące po stronie pokrzywdzonych handlem ludźmi, wynikające z ich osobistych doświadczeń takich jak: trauma, poczucie samotności i wyobcowania, obawy o bycie dyskryminowanym, konieczność utrzymania rodziny w kraju pochodzenia czy nieznajomość języka. Artykuł charakteryzuje również bariery instytucjonalne, niezależne od usposobienia pokrzywdzonych, które wpływają na ich wtórną wiktymizację takie jak: stosunek organów ścigania, skomplikowana procedura legalizacyjna czy krzywdząca forma przekazu medialnego.
The article presents efforts of foreign victims of trafficking in human beings who are trying to overcome the effects of their victimisation in Poland. The text aims to familiarise the audience with all aspects related to victimisation as a result of trafficking in human beings and to draw attention to the barriers to effective integration that victims face. The article presents research conducted on the basis of interviews with foreign victims – beneficiaries of the La Strada Foundation against Trafficking in Persons and Slavery in 2019. The barriers to effective integration are shown from two perspectives. Firstly, the text presents the personal difficulties of victims of trafficking in human beings, resulting from their personal experiences, such as trauma, a sense of loneliness and alienation, a fear of being discriminated against, the need to keep a family in the country of origin, or unfamiliarity with the language. The article also explores institutional barriers, independent of the disposition of the victims, which can lead to their secondary victimisation, such as the attitude of law enforcement agencies, a complicated legalisation procedure, or a harmful form of media coverage.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 2020, XLII/2; 175-206
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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