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Wyszukujesz frazę "criminal offences" wg kryterium: Temat

Zawłocki, Robert
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Penal Code
criminal substantive law
prescription of offences
prescription of the enforcement of sentence
communist crimes
abuse of power
kodeks karny
prawo karne materialne
przedawnienie karalności
przedawnienie wykonania kary
funkcjonariusz publiczny
zbrodnia komunistyczna
nadużycie władzy
The paper features the issue of the prescription of offences and the enforcement of a sentence for homicide, grievous bodily harm, severe impairment to health or deprivation of liberty entailing particular suffering committed by a functionary in connection with the performance of his or her duties (art. 105 § 2 Penal Code). This institution of criminal law has been analysed in the context of intergenerational solidarity. It may be concluded that the ‘no prescription’ institution in respect of serious offences committed by functionaries under article 105 § 2 of the Penal Code is an unquestionable and obvious example of intergenerational solidarity understood as social solidarity and justice. In this very case, pursuant to tightly interrelated axiological and praxeological premises, the state’s right to punish clearly constitutes a particular element of implementation of the idea of intergenerational solidarity.
Artykuł dotyczy problematyki wyłączenia przedawnienia karalności i wykonania kary kryminalnej za umyślne przestępstwo zabójstwa, ciężkiego uszkodzenia ciała i uszczerbku na zdrowi lub pozbawienia wolności łączonego ze szczególnym udręczeniem, popełnione przez funkcjonariusza publicznego w związku z pełnieniem obowiązków służbowych (art. 105 § 2 k.k.). Analiza tej instytucji karnoprawnej została przeprowadzona w kontekście zagadnienia solidarności międzypokoleniowej. Należy stwierdzić, że instytucja nieprzedawnienia się ciężkich przestępstw popełnionych przez funkcjonariuszy PRL z art. 105 § 2 k.k., choć wyjątkowo, to jednak bezspornie stanowi karnoprawny przejaw solidarności międzypokoleniowej, rozumianej jako przejaw solidarności i sprawiedliwości społecznej. W tym wypadku państwowe prawo karania, opierając się na ściśle powiązanych przesłankach aksjologicznych i prakseologicznych, bez wątpienia stanowi szczególny element realizacji idei solidarności międzypokoleniowej.
Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny; 2012, 74, 3; 111-121
Pojawia się w:
Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Circumstances Which are the Basis Of Exemption of a Person From Criminal Liability for Corruption Offences in the Field of Professional Activities Related to Public Service
Viktorovich, Shevchyshen Artem
Data publikacji:
Wyższa Szkoła Policji w Szczytnie
exemption from criminal responsibility
corruption offences in the field of service activities related to the provision of public services
The article examines the peculiarities of proving circumstances, which are the basis for the release of a person from criminal responsibility for corruption offences in the field of service activities related to the provision of public services. Substantive and procedural legal basis for such release has been found and the peculiarities of proving circumstances which are the grounds for the release of a person from criminal responsibility on the basis of article 49 and part 5 of article 354 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine have been analysed.
Internal Security; 2019, 11(2); 201-210
Pojawia się w:
Internal Security
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Orzecznictwo sądowo-psychiatryczne w świetle 4200 ekspertyz szpitalnych
Results of forensic-psychiatric examinations of 4200 offenders
Uszkiewiczowa, Lidia
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
orzecznictwo sądowo-psychiatryczne
ekspertyzy szpitalne
sprawy karne
obserwacja kliniczna
szpital psychiatryczny
niedorozwój umysłowy
forensic-psychiatric examinations
mental hospitals reports
criminal cases
psychiatric hospital
mental deficiency
The present contribution discusses the results of 4200 forensic-psychiatric  reports given, in the years 1953 to 1957, by twenty-one mental hospitals and the Department of Forensic Psychiatry of the Psychoneurological Institute, where copies of such reports, given by all the major mental hospitals in Poland, are collected. The present contribution does not take into consideration 300 reports in which no symptoms of a disease have been found with the subjects investigated, nor yet any mentally abnormal states, as well as 460 reports concerning reactive psychoses and 80 cases of simulation which arose only after the arrest of the investigated. (Cases of reactive psychoses and simulation will be dealt with separately, because of the altogether peculiar problems involved). Even though the leaving out of the account of the psychiatric examinations carried out in the Public Prosecutors’ Offices and the Courts of Law does not allow us to draw conclusions with regard to all those offenders suffering from mental disorders who have been submitted to examination, nevertheless, the large number of hospital reports available would seem to constitute valuable psychopathological and criminological material. 1. In investigating the cases sent by the Public Prosecutors’ Offices and the Courts to mental hospitals for psychiatric observation, we find, on the basis of available material, that the percentage of psychoses – setting aside reactive psychoses – is small, as it does not exceed 22 per cent. Three items: psychopathy, mental deficiency (most frequently a light feeble-mindedness or moronity) and alcoholism jointly account for a total of 50.8 per cent of the cases, and if, over and above that, we take into consideration post-traumatic mental disorders, epilepsy, post-encephalitic disorders and such like cases, it will appear that as many as over three-fourths of the reports given concern non-psychotic  states. Psychopathy accounts for 27.4 per cent of the cases, alcoholism and mental deficiency for 15.8 per cent each, post-traumatic disorders for 5.9 per cent, epilepsy for 4.7 per cent, and post-encephalitic disorders for 1.5 per cent. In the material under investigation cases of psychopathy amount, in reality, to more than 27.4 per cent, since cases of reactive psychoses and simulation, in which psychopaths figure extremely often, have been left out of the account. Similarly, there are probably more post-encephalitic states, which, having failed to be properly diagnosed, figure in cases which come under other heads, because of the lack of reliable interviews and the negative result of the neurological examination (in particular, in the mental deficiency and psychopathy groups). Cases of alcoholism, too, are less numerously represented in the material under investigation than would seem to result from the diagnoses contained in the reports. There can subsist no doubt that, apart from cases where the diagnosis reads ,,chronic (or else habitual) alcoholism", we also meet with alcoholism with a great many of such of the investigated with whom other pathological states have been diagnosed, and where alcoholism merely constitutes an additional factor, as a complication of other mental disorders. Altogether, the percentage of alcohol addicts amounts to at least 28. Among psychoses, schizophrenia is the one most numerously represented (510 cases). Only 29 delinquents suffered from manic-depressive psychosis, 62 from general paralysis, 30 – from involutional psychosis, 28 - from senile dementia. There were 19 cases of delusional psychosis, and 14 cases of paranoia. The number of cases with cerebral arteriosclerosis was 49, and that of cases of cerebral syphilis - only 20. In 44 cases it was a matter of twilight states with non-epileptics; here belong 30 cases of pathological drunkenness, 7 cases of pathological affect, 3 cases of ,,short-circuiting" (the so-called „Kurzschlusshandlungen” in German), and 4 cases of twilight states with an obscure etiology. 87.1 per cent of the reports concern men, 12.9 per cent - women. For every 100 men investigated there were only 14.9 women, while in the 1955 judicial statistics there were as many as 30 convicted women to every 100 convicted men. Cases of psychopathy, mental deficiency and schizophrenia constitute 61.3 per cent of the total of reports concerning women, while with men the above three items only amounted to 63.8 per cent after cases of alcoholism were added to them. Women are relatively most numerously represented in involutional disorders and manic-depressive psychosis. 2. When we examine the data concerning delinquency, it is obvious that it is the perpetrators of manslaughter, sexual offences and arson that are particularly numerously represented in the judicial psychiatric material. The most common offences against property, which constitute 33 per cent of the total number of offences in the material under investigation, reach the highest percentages in those cases which are not psychoses. On the other hand, among the offences perpetrated by persons suffering from psychoses there are relatively more offences against life and health, and, in particular, of manslaughter. Manslaughter amounts to 14 per cent of the offences committed by the persons investigated suffering from involutional psychosis, to 12.2 per cent of those committed by sufferers from schizophrenia, to 11.1 per cent of those committed by sufferers from paranoia, to 10 per cent, with sufferers from senile dementia, while with psychopaths the figure is only 5.7 and with oligophrenics - 4.7. Altogether, there were 288 cases of manslaughter or murder in the material investigated, and of these 77.4 per cent were divided between cases of psychopathy (67 cases), schizophrenia (67 cases), alcoholism (51 cases), and mental deficiency (28 cases). Among the 179 cases of sexual offences the bulk were cases of misconduct with persons under 15 years of age (93 cases), there were 43 cases of rape, 21 cases of incest, 12 cases of exhibitionist acts. Nearly 70 per cent of the sexual offences have been committed by psychopaths (55), oligophrenics (41) and alcohol addicts (28). On the other hand, the relatively highest percentage of such offences is to be met with those suffering from senile dementia, cerebral arteriosclerosis, and with mental deficiency. As far as arson is concerned, which in the material under investigation amounted to 3.3 per cent of the total number of offences, percentages higher than average ones are to be met with in cases of involutional psychosis, senile dementia, schizophrenia and mental deficiency. Out of a total number of 146  cases of arson, 53.4 per cent were accounted for by schizophrenia (40) and mental deficiency (38). With psychopaths and alcoholics comprised by the material under investigation cases of arson are extremely rare. Examining the delinquency of 158 epileptics, we establish that both the percentage of manslaughter and the number of cases of arson are small. What is worth while noting beside that is the fact that only in 24 cases the offence was perpetrated in a twilight state. The data concerning the delinquency of 510 schizophrenics bear witness to the fact that it was only a mere 8 per cent of the investigated that committed the offence during the first year of their illness, while the majority of cases the latter has been going on for above three years. When we analyze the 67 cases of manslaughter we find that it was only in two cases that the manslaughter was committed in the initial stage of the disease and constituted, as it were, the first visible sign of the schizophrenic process. In delusional psychoses cases of manslaughter were frequent, differently from cases of paranoia. In the few (29) cases of manic-depressive psychosis only one offence was committed in the depressive phase, white all the others were committed in the maniac phase or else in the hypomanic state. Deserving our attention is the lack of any more serious offences against life and health in this group. In the 30 cases of involutional psychosis more than one half of the offences consisted of those against life and health. Among the offences committed by the 49 persons with symptoms of cerebral arteriosclerosis, one-third consisted of offences of a serious character, while with the 25 patients suffering from senile dementia as many as one-half of the offences belonged to the category of serious offences. The delinquency of the 62 sufferers from general paralysis is almost exclusively reduced to offences of small importance of similar character as were the offences committed by the 20 sufferers from cerebral syphilis. In the 44 cases of twilight states (pathological drunkenness, pathological affect, and others) still 50 per cent of the offences consist of offences against life and health; 18 people fell victim to manslaughter. 3. The Polish Criminal Code, in force since 1932, contains provisions concerning, both in cases with mentally abnormal states, a state of irresponsibility and of diminished responsibility. A state of irresponsibility occurs when, at the time of committing the offence, the accused did not understand the significance of the deed he was perpetrating, or else was unable to direct his conduct because of psychosis, mental deficiency or other psychical disorders. A diminished responsibility occurs when, because of one of the reasons mentioned above, the ability of the accused to grasp the significance of the offence committed by him, and to direct his conduct was considerably limited. With regard to such and offender the Court may apply an extraordinarily mitigated penalty, while with regard to an offender who has been declared irresponsible, of course, no penalty at all may be applied. The offenders declared irresponsible are, by virtue of the Court's decision, transferred to a general mental hospital, if their staying at large could be dangerous for the legal order. They cannot be released from the hospital by the Court earlier than after the lapse of one year. An offender with regard to whom a diminished responsibility has been decreed and who is dangerous to the legal order may also be placed in a mental hospital (he, too, can be released from there by the Court not earlier than after the lapse of one year at the least). If the Court has sentenced such an offender to serve a term of imprisonment, the question of whether or not the penalty decreed is to be served is decided by the Court after the offender's release from the mental hospital. In cases of psychosis, forensic psychiatrists always decree irresponsibility. In cases of mental deficiency their decree depends on the degree of such deficiency, while in the cases, most frequent in judicial practice, of mild subnormality (morons, debils) –  also on the, category of the offence which has been committed. Psychopaths are, in principle, considered to be fully responsible. Altogether, out of a total of 3900 delinquents examined 24.7 per cent of the cases have been pronounced by experts to be irresponsible, 23.1 per cent of the cases – to have a diminished responsibility, while 50.7 per cent of the offenders have been declared to be fully responsible. 4. As far as experts' opinions are concerned with regard to the application of internment in mental hospitals of offenders pronounced to be dangerous for the legal order, as well as irresponsible, out of a total number of 946 offenders declared irresponsible, a mere 34 per cent have been pronounced to be dangerous. Moreover, in 31 per cent of the cases, experts have pronounced for the necessity of hospital treatment under ordinary circumstances. Finally, 35 per cent of the offenders pronounced to be irresponsible have been described as not standing in need of any hospital treatment. A diminished responsibility has been decreed by the experts in a total of 855 cases, but only 6.4 per cent of the latter number have been pronounced to be dangerous to the legal order and to stand in need of internment in a mental hospital. Apart from the above, only in 10 per cent of the cases, experts have pronounced in favor of the need for hospital treatment. In the remaining 83.5 per cent of the cases the experts have confined themselves to stating that the responsibility of the offenders in question was diminished which, in result, comes merely to a possibility of an extraordinary mitigation of the penalty being decreed by the law-court. It is evident from the analysis of the judicial sentences which we have just carried out that experts a[ too unfrequently declare in favor of the need of applying security measures. The result is an irrational punitive policy with regard to such offenders who ought to be approached first and foremost, from a psychiatric point of view. The Criminal Code provisions concerning security measures are obsolete and demand essential alterations, which can only be done by means of codification. Quite independently of the need for extending the network of ordinary mental hospitals, there also exists a necessity of creating a special type of establishments, of a psychiatric-cum-penitentiary character, for a certain category of offenders who exhibit abnormal mental peculiarities and tendencies to recidivism. Equally needed is the establishing of treatment homes for offenders who are alcohol addicts. As it ensues clearly from experiments made in various countries, the application of ordinary penalties to delinquents who require a special treatment from a psychiatric point of view is altogether inefficacious.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 1960, I; 297-359
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kradzież jako przestępstwo materialne ścięte – jak ustalić czas skutku?
Tyburcy, Tomasz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
criminal offences against property
result of criminal offence
consequence of theft
przestępstwo materialne
przestępstwo skutkowe
przestępstwa przeciwko mieniu
Theft is committed at the moment of seizure of a movable property (taking the actual control over it), if the performance of such action is accompanied by the intention of its misappropriation; therefore the consequence of the theft occurs regardless of the perpetrator’s ability to realize the intention to dispose of property in question as its actual owner. The degree of consolidation of the control over the stolen property does not belong to the constituent elements of theft. The misappropriation is merely the objective of the perpetrator; it can be fully realized only after the factual seizure. In some instances determining the time of theft raises a serious controversy, for example in case of theft occurring in an apartment of the victim or a self-service shop. The doctrine has widely accepted that theft is an offence with criminal consequences. It seems, however, that when it comes to this particular offense so called “time curdling” occurs – the identity of time and location of the act and its consequences. That is the reason why, in contrast to other types of offenses, in this case it is not possible to distinguish the act and its consequence.
Kradzież jest dokonana z chwilą zawładnięcia rzeczą ruchomą (objęcia jej w faktyczne władanie), jeżeli temu działaniu towarzyszy cel jej przywłaszczenia. Skutek przestępstwa kradzieży następuje więc niezależnie od tego, czy sprawca zdoła zrealizować zamiar rozporządzania rzeczą tak, jak właściciel. Stopień utrwalenia władztwa nad skradzioną rzeczą nie należy do znamion kradzieży. Fakt przywłaszczenia jest jedynie celem działania sprawcy. Może on być zrealizowany dopiero po dokonaniu zaboru. Ustalenie czasu dokonania kradzieży w niektórych przypadkach budzi jednak kontrowersje, np. w przypadku kradzieży rzeczy z mieszkania pokrzywdzonego. W doktrynie powszechnie przyjmuje się, że kradzież jest typem materialnym. Wydaje się natomiast, że w przypadku tego przestępstwa zachodzi „ścięcie czasowe”, tzn. tożsamość czasowa i miejscowa działania oraz skutku. Dlatego właśnie, w przeciwieństwie do innych typów czynów zabronionych, nie jest możliwe odróżnienie działania od skutku.
Studenckie Zeszyty Naukowe; 2016, 19, 31
Pojawia się w:
Studenckie Zeszyty Naukowe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Obligation to Report Cases of Child Sexual Abuse – Comparison of Legal Regulations in Poland, Austria, and the Federal Republic of Germany
Tuora-Schwierskott, Ewa
Bień-Węgłowska, Iwona Magdalena
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
przestępstwa seksualne
sexual offences
criminal offender
failure to notify
Przedmiotem opracowania jest porównanie regulacji prawnych w zakresie obowiązku zgłoszenia przypadków wykorzystania seksualnego dzieci w Polsce, Austrii i Republice Federalnej Niemiec. Autorki skupiły się na analizie sposobu realizacji zgłoszenia przestępstwa pedofilii, konsekwencji prawnych i społecznych niezawiadomienia oraz na różnicach w podejmowanych działaniach ustawodawczych, administracyjnych, społecznych i wychowawczych służących ochronie dobra dziecka.
The subject matter of this work constitutes the comparison of the legal regulations governing the obligation to report cases of child sexual abuse in Poland, Austria, and the Federal Republic of Germany. The authors have focused on the analysis of the method of reporting the crime of paedophilia, the legal and social consequences of the failure to notify of that kind of offence, and the differences in the legislative, administrative, social, and educational measures taken to protect a child’s welfare.
Review of European and Comparative Law; 2023, 54, 3; 221-238
Pojawia się w:
Review of European and Comparative Law
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Corporate criminal liability in English law
Sepioło-Jankowska, Iwona
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
corporate criminal liability
english law
corruption offences
Juridical regimes have been created in order to punish corporate wrongdoing. Although the imposition of criminal liability on corporations, as opposed to managers or employees, has generate considerable debate, commentators have not comprehensively analyzed why corporate criminal liability exists. Furthermore, it is not clear that corporate criminal liability is the best way to influence corporate behavior. Following sections will try to find answers to the above mentioned questions.
Adam Mickiewicz University Law Review; 2016, 6; 135-143
Pojawia się w:
Adam Mickiewicz University Law Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zapobieganie przestępczości cudzoziemców w Polsce
Preventing the Perpetration of Criminal Offences by Foreign Nationals Residing in Poland
Rzeplińska, Irena
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
zapobieganie przestępczości
criminal offences
foreign nationals
It has been for several decades now that criminological literature has addressed the issue of crime prevention in societies. Helena Kołakowska-Przełomiec argued in 1984: “While trying to formulate a definition of crime prevention, on no account should we disregard the fact that a criminal offence may be committed only by an individual who lives in a certain specific setting, in a society. Crime prevention can therefore be associated with the conditions of the external world in which a person lives, the constraints of social interactions, interpersonal relations, as well as with the person’s own identity, selfdevelopment, lifetime experience, attitudes, aspirations, and the scope of individual activities. Accordingly, crime prevention may be associated with all that effectively makes up the fabric of an outside world in which the person lives, with the overall diversity of human activity, groups of people, and individuals. Indeed, such activity may be closely linked to crime prevention, or only indirectly related to it, or it may also be very far removed from crime prevention. Crime prevention may also exist objectively, without any human activity linked to it whatsoever (e.g. in a mountainous area devoid of roads it is effectively impossible to commit traffic offences).” The author formulated the following definition: “crime prevention is construed as any and all actions which might lead, be that directly or indirectly, to inhibiting the incidence of criminality at large, of criminal offences, and the development of criminal phenomena all over the world.” Ten years later, another definition of crime prevention was proposed by Janina Czapska: “crime prevention should to be construed as all measures aimed at reducing the overall crime incidence and load, either by limiting the circumstances conducive to committing criminal offences, or by exerting an impact on a potential perpetrator, as well as on all members of a society.” In a document of 2002 promulgated by the UN Economic and Social Council, crime prevention is construed as a set of policies and measures that “seek to reduce the risk of crimes occurring, and their potential harmful effects on individuals and society, including the fear of crime.” Modern Europe is a world of people who keep migrating, moving between countries. The presence of foreign nationals (i.e. those who are not the nationals of a particular country) in each of the EU Member States is a natural phenomenon, as they are the EU citizens and the third-country nationals. Criminal offences committed by foreign nationals are also natural enough, from random offences to fully premeditated ones, from minor offences to serious crimes, from common offences to criminal offences specific to foreign nationals in a particular country and during a specific period, committed under certain social, economic and political conditions. In Poland, police crime statistics have taken due note of foreign nationals as suspects since 1984. The proportion of foreign nationals to suspects in total in the period spanning 1984–1988 ranged from 0.1% to 0.5%. This proportion increased throughout the 1990s, from 0.8 in 1991 to 1.8% in 1996, and then to 2.02% in 1997. A decrease in this proportion was noted – 1.6% in 1998, 1.3% in 2000, 0.67% in 2004, and 0.43% in 2012. Foreign nationals suspected of committing criminal offences in Poland in the first decade of the 21st century come from 61 countries. 30% of them are EU citizens. The most numerous are citizens of Germany, Lithuania, Romania, Bulgaria and the Czech Republic. Foreign nationals from non-EU countries constitute 70% of all foreign national suspects, among which the most numerous come from the neighbouring countries: Ukraine, Belarus, the Russian Federation and Armenia. In short, foreign nationals suspected of committing criminal offences in Poland originate from the neighbouring countries: Ukraine, Belarus, Germany, Lithuania, and Russia. The overall picture of criminal offences committed by foreign nationals in Poland in the first decade of the 21st century is as follows: a negligible share of foreign suspects in the human crime category, a high proportion in the specific offences category, i.e. driving while under the influence of alcohol or drugs, whereupon, in the absence of a natural person victim, the only ‘aggrieved’ party is public order, i.e. road traffic safety. The high share of foreign suspects in the offences against the credibility of documents means that foreign nationals who hold residence in Poland, or who enter Poland, make use of forged IDs or travel documents. The overall picture that emerges from the police crime statistics still needs to be supplemented by such rare events as terrorist crime, crime committed in organized groups, or hard to detect crimes, e.g. illegal cigarette or illicit drug manufacturing. In line with the definitions cited above, with regard to each particular type of criminal offence committed by foreign nationals, an appropriate strategy needs to be determined. In each individual case and for each type of crime a separate listing of crime risk factors should be compiled. Smuggling (duly registered by the Customs Service) seems one of the ‘favourite’ types of a criminal offence committed by foreign nationals in Poland (even though Polish nationals also perpetrate this kind of crime). Smuggling takes place both at border crossings and elsewhere, along usually rather desolate, woodland areas straddling a state border, not subject to heavy patrolling by border guard troops. Moving contraband across the border stands to bring substantial profits to all parties involved. In 96% of cases, the contraband commodity of choice are the tobacco products. Foreign nationals are also registered in Poland as the perpetrators of business-related crimes: criminal offences aimed at obtaining material benefits at the expense of other parties involved in business activity. Judicial statistics indicate that foreign nationals are convicted for breaching the Industrial Property Act, including its provisions pertaining to trademark protection, followed by offences under the Copyright and Related Rights Act; here, for the most part, crimes involve illicitly replicated software, music, and movies on the market. The perpetrators of these offences are mostly Bulgarian, Romanian, Ukrainian, Belarussian, Armenian, Slovakian, and Georgian citizens. In the area of business crime, organized criminal groups appear to dominate. As may be gleaned from the case records, most groups dealt with violations of the trademark protection provisions, copyright, money counterfeiting, capital fraud, including bank loan fraud, offences related to ATM cards and Internet accounts, followed by insurance fraud and the offences related to trading in liquid fuels. The groups comprised criminals from nearly 20 nationalities, mostly from Bulgaria, Lithuania, Romania, Ukraine, and Armenia, and less frequently the citizens of the UK, Vietnam, China, Moldova, and Georgia. In the period spanning 2015–2016, a brand-new type of crime was uncovered, i.e. professionally organized illicit manufacture of cigarettes in Poland. The report on the status of national security in Poland for 2014 draws attention to the involvement of foreign nationals in criminal activities. Tax fraud committed by foreign nationals from EU countries appears to be on the rise. Foreigners register business ventures in Poland and then proceed to abuse the Polish tax system with a view to benefiting from undue VAT refunds. Combating business crime, as referenced in the Report, requires fostering closer cooperation between various departments, authorities, and statutory bodies involved in preventing and combating crime. This approach has already spawned a government programme for the prevention and combating business crime for 2015–2020, in which the key principles of the actual action plan have been laid down. Research on organized crime groups, including those involving foreign nationals, reveals that all groups intended to profit from criminal activities, were managed by strong leaders, with ethnicity being of much lesser importance in their operations. They are mobile, moving both across the territory of Poland and beyond its borders. Organized crime groups involving foreign nationals are multi-disciplinary; they are involved in drug-related offences, business crime, and other types of criminal pursuits. Variability in the actual type of criminal activity pursued is always dictated by the principal objective – the achievement of material gain. Prevention and combating terrorist threats in Poland is provided for in the National Counter-Terrorism Programme for 2015–2019. There is no single system for preventing and combating crimes committed by foreign nationals, and hence we are not going to formulate its objectives here. Prevention, i.e. the identification of risk factors for criminal offences committed by foreigners, may be pursued in relation to a particular type of crime committed at any one time (types of criminal offences vary over time). Combating or controlling the criminal behaviours of foreign nationals, to express it in modern lingo, may be pursued through obtaining adequate insight into the actual aetiology of various kinds of criminal offences committed by foreign nationals, and an appropriate penal policy.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 2016, XXXVIII; 5-13
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Prawo karne środowiska. Część II. Struktura polskiego prawa karnego środowiska
Environmental criminal law. Part II Structure of the Polish environmental criminal law
Radecki, W.
Data publikacji:
Górnośląska Wyższa Szkoła Pedagogiczna im. Kardynała Augusta Hlonda
prawo karne
ochrona środowiska
kodeks karny
przestępstwa pozakodeksowe
criminal law
environmental protection
criminal code
non-code offences
Przedmiotem artykułu jest przedstawienie struktury polskiego prawa karnego środowiska sensu stricto, na które składają się przepisy o przestępstwach przeciwko środowisku zamieszczone: - w specjalnym rozdziale XXII kodeksu karnego z 6 czerwca 1997 r., - w innych rozdziałach tegoż kodeksu, - w kilkunastu ustawach z zakresu prawa środowiska zawierających przepisy karne; z uzupełnieniem teoretycznymi uwagami o metodach legislacyjnego ujęcia typów przestępstw przeciwko środowisku.
The paper presents the structure of the Polish criminal law sensu stricto which consists of the regulations on criminal offences against the environment included in: a dedicated chapter XXII of the Criminal Code of 6 June 1997, other chapters of this Code, several acts concerning environmental law which include criminal provisions. Some theoretical comments are also provided concerning a legislative approach to criminal offences against the environment.
Journal of Ecology and Health; 2011, R. 15, nr 4, 4; 182-187
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Ecology and Health
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Olesiuk-Okomska, Magda
Data publikacji:
Międzynarodowy Instytut Innowacji Nauka – Edukacja – Rozwój w Warszawie
zbrodnie międzynarodowe
przestępstwa międzynarodowe
międzynarodowe trybunały karne
międzynarodowe sądy karne
international crimes
international offences
international criminal tribunals
international criminal courts
jurisdiction of international criminal courts
Chociaż tradycyjnie odpowiedzialność w prawie międzynarodowym należała do państw, wraz z zaangażowaniem się jednostek w konflikty między państwami i dopuszczaniem się przez nie zbrodni na masową skalę, pojawiła się potrzeba kryminalizacji takich czynów i pociągnięcia do odpowiedzialności karnej sprawców najpoważniejszych naruszeń prawa międzynarodowego. Właśnie z potrzeby urzeczywistnienia idei sprawiedliwości na arenie międzynarodowej, ustanowiono międzynarodowe trybunały karne. Rozwój międzynarodowego sądownictwa karnego odzwierciedla różnice m. in. w podejściu do kwestii jurysdykcji przedmiotowej wykonywanej przez poszczególne trybunały. Celem niniejszego opracowania jest wskazanie i omówienie przestępstw międzynarodowych podlegających rozpoznaniu przez międzynarodowe trybunały karne. Przedstawiono typologię międzynarodowych trybunałów karnych i wskazano najważniejsze z nich. Omówiono jurysdykcję przedmiotową Międzynarodowego Trybunału Wojskowego w Norymberdze i Międzynarodowego Trybunału Wojskowego dla Dalekiego Wschodu w Tokio, jako pierwszych trybunałów międzynarodowych powołanych do osądzenia przestępców wojennych, oraz Międzynarodowego Trybunału Karnego, jedynego stałego organu w systemie międzynarodowego sądownictwa karnego, posiadającego jurysdykcję uniwersalną. Omówiono także cztery kategorie najpoważniejszych zbrodni wagi międzynarodowej i zasygnalizowano istniejące wątpliwości odnośnie jurysdykcji przedmiotowej Międzynarodowego Trybunału Karnego, jak i szerzej – jego funkcjonowania
Although in international law responsibility traditionally had belonged to states, along with involvement of individuals in conflicts between states and committing by them crimes on a massive scale, a need to criminalize such acts and to bring offenders guilty of the most serious violations of international law to justice - arose. Establishment of international criminal courts resulted from the need to fulfill internationally the idea of justice. Development of international criminal courts reflects differences in inter alia attitude towards ratione materiae of particular courts and tribunals. The purpose of this article is to present and discuss international crimes within the jurisdiction of international criminal courts and tribunals. A typology of international criminal courts was indicated and the most important courts and tribunals were presented in detail. The paper discusses subject jurisdiction of International Military Court in Nuremberg and International Military Tribunal for the Far East in Tokio, the first international courts established to bring war criminals to justice; as well as the subject jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court, the only permanent court in international criminal court system, having universal jurisdiction. Four categories of the most serious crimes of international concern were considered, and doubts concerning subject jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court, as well as its functioning in general, were signalized.
International Journal of Legal Studies (IJOLS); 2017, 2(2); 73-86
Pojawia się w:
International Journal of Legal Studies (IJOLS)
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
On the Need to Repeal or Change Art. 87 of the Criminal Code
Nowosad, Aleksandra
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
restriction of liberty
sequence of the penalties
aggregate penalty
concurrent sentence
amendments to the Criminal Code
concurrent offences, mixed punishment
kara ograniczenia wolności
kara pozbawienia wolności
sekwencja kar
kara łączna
wyrok łączny
reforma prawa karnego
zbieg przestępstw
łączenie kar różnorodzajowych
kara mieszana
The author postulates that as a consequence of introducing in the Act of 20 February 2015 the institution of simultaneous adjudication of imprisonment and restriction of liberty, the legislator should repeal Art. 87 of the Criminal Code. According to Art. 87 § 1 of the C.C., in the case of conviction for concurrent offences for penalties of deprivation of liberty and restriction of liberty, the court shall impose an aggregate penalty, assuming that one month of restriction of liberty is equal to 15 days of deprivation of liberty. The sequence of penalties introduced in Art. 37b of the C.C. undermines the purpose of Art. 87 § 1 of the C.C. Since the legislator introduced a new concept of sequential execution of penalties, he should not preserve the obligation to convert restriction of liberty into imprisonment.
Wprowadzając reformą z dnia 20 lutego 2015 r. możliwość jednoczesnego orzeczenia kar ograniczenia wolności i pozbawienia wolności, ustawodawca powinien konsekwentnie uchylić art. 87 Kodeksu karnego nakazujący w razie skazania za zbiegające się przestępstwa na kary pozbawienia wolności i ograniczenia wolności wymierzenie obligatoryjnie kary łącznej pozbawienia wolności. Przewidziane w art. 37b k.k. sekwencyjne wykonanie kar dezaktualizuje ratio legis unormowania art. 87 § 1 k.k. Skoro bowiem ustawodawca uznał za słuszną ideę kolejnego wykonania obu kar, nie powinien utrzymywać obowiązku zamiany kary ograniczenia wolności na karę pozbawienia wolności przy karze łącznej.
Studia Iuridica Lublinensia; 2017, 26, 2
Pojawia się w:
Studia Iuridica Lublinensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Machlańska, Joanna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
continuous crime
concurrence of offences
Russian criminal law
criminal law
reduction mechanism.
przestępstwo ciągłe
zbieg przestępstw
rosyjskie prawo karne
prawo karne
mechanizm redukcyjny.
Summary One of the striking features of contemporary Russian criminal law is the fact that the ruling of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the USSR of 4th March 1929 defining ‘continuous crime’ is still the introduction to the deliberations on this institution, which from the Polish point of view is remarkable, because none of the court decisions issued in Poland in the Communist period has been attributed such importance. It should also be noted that even though in the current Russian Penal Code (1996) there is no regulation for the construction of continuous crime, which is explained by the fact that a common position has still not been set forth on its premises or shape, which in turn raises concern from the point of view of the principle of nullum crimen sine lege.
StreszczenieZnamiennym dla współczesnego rosyjskiego prawa karnego jest fakt, że do tej pory postanowienie Plenum Sądu Najwyższego ZSRR z 4 marca 1929 r., które  definiuje przestępstwo ciągłe, stanowi wstęp do rozważań o tej instytucji, co z polskiego punktu widzenia stanowi fenomen, gdyż żadnemu z judykatów wydanych w okresie PRL nie przypisywano tak ogromnego znaczenia. Należy także podkreślić, że również w obecnie obowiązującym rosyjskim Kodeksie karnym z 1996 r. nie uregulowano konstrukcji przestępstwa ciągłego, co tłumaczone jest tym, że po dzień dzisiejszy nie wypracowano wspólnego stanowiska odnośnie do jego przesłanek czy kształtu, co jednakże budzi zastrzeżenia z punktu widzenia zasady nullum crimen sine lege.
Zeszyty Prawnicze; 2017, 17, 2
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Prawnicze
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Właściwość funkcjonalna sądu do rozstrzygania sporów kompetencyjnych w sprawach karnych w świetle nowelizacji z 19 lipca 2019 roku
Łukowiak, Bartosz
Data publikacji:
Uczelnia Łazarskiego. Oficyna Wydawnicza
nowelizacja procesu karnego
spór kompetencyjny
właściwość sądu
zasada samodzielności jurysdykcyjnej
postępowanie karne w sprawach podlegających orzecznictwu sądów wojskowych
postępowanie w sprawach o wykroczenia
proces karny
amendment of the criminal proceedings
disputes of competence
competence of the court
principle of independence of jurisdiction
criminal proceedings in cases subject to the jurisdiction of military courts
proceedings in minor offences
criminal proceedings
W pracy podjęto próbę oceny zmiany przepisów dotyczących rozstrzygania sporów kom-petencyjnych w procesie karnym, wprowadzonej w drodze nowelizacji z 19 lipca 2019 roku. W pierwszej kolejności zaprezentowano dorobek doktryny procesu karnego oraz orzecznictwa sądów karnych ukształtowany jeszcze na gruncie poprzedniego brzmienia art. 38 § 1 Kodeksu postępowania karnego, a następnie poddano analizie celowość zmian wprowadzonych w dro-dze nowelizacji z 19 lipca 2019 roku, jak również samo brzmienie tego przepisu w jego nowym kształcie, wskazując na jego oczywistą wadliwość, a w konsekwencji postulując powrót do poprzedniej wersji tego unormowania. Równocześnie w tekście znajdują się propozycje zasto-sowania określonych zabiegów interpretacyjnych, które de lege lata pozwoliłyby na chociaż częściowe zniwelowanie negatywnych skutków wprowadzenia opisywanej reformy.
This work attempts to assess the change in the provisions on the settlement of competence disputes in a criminal proceedings, introduced by way of amendment of 19 July 2019. Paper analyze the views of the literature of polish criminal proceedings and of the jurisprudence of criminal courts shaped under the previous wording of Article 38, § 1 of Polish Code of Criminal Procedure, and then the purposefulness of the changes introduced by the amendment of 19 July 2019, as well as the very wording of this provision in its new shape, indicating its obvious defectiveness, and as a consequence postulating a return to the previous version of this regulation. At the same time, the text includes proposals for the use of specific interpretative measures that de lege lata would allow for at least partial mitigation of the negative effects of introducing the described reform.
Ius Novum; 2021, 15, 3; 67-80
Pojawia się w:
Ius Novum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Prawnokarna ochrona funkcjonariuszy publicznych. Zakres podmiotowy ochrony
Scope of Legal and Criminal Protection with Regard to Public Officials
Liszewska, Agnieszka
Data publikacji:
Najwyższa Izba Kontroli
public official
official performing public function
public instititution
local self-government
legal and criminal protection
liability for individual offences
Within the legal and criminal protection of the activity of public institutions and local self-governments, the legislator has rightly connected the special protection of public officials with their liability for individual offences. Such liability does not, however, apply to persons subject to the protection foreseen for the officials that are not listed in Article 115 (13) of the Criminal Code and this, justifiably, raises doubts. What should be also criticised is the lack of correlation between the specific liability that applies to both officials and other persons who perform public functions, while the other do not have the same protection provided. In her article, the author also discusses the issue of the scope to which the special protection applies to persons not being public officials, related to an unlawful attempt due to the job performed or the position occupied (Criminal Code, Article 231a)
Kontrola Państwowa; 2016, 61, 6 (371); 8-20
Pojawia się w:
Kontrola Państwowa
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Criminal Law Protection of the Autonomy of Patients in Ukraine: Analysis of Possible Grounds for Criminal Liability. Part 2
Prawnokarna ochrona autonomii pacjenta na Ukrainie – analiza możliwych podstaw odpowiedzialności karnej. Część druga
Likhova, Sofiya
Mozgawa, Marek
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
patient’s autonomy
criminal liability
medical personnel
criminal law protection
autonomia pacjenta
odpowiedzialność karna
personel medyczny
ochrona prawnokarna
The aim of the article is to analyze the phenomenon of “patient’s autonomy” as an object of criminal law protection. The article is divided into two parts. In this part, attention is focused on discussing possible grounds for criminal liability in case of violation of patient’s autonomy. It should be stressed that, of course, only some of the behaviors violating the legal good of patient’s autonomy is regulated by criminal law and may therefore result in criminal liability. The authors analyze offences whose commission by medical personnel may violate patient’s autonomy. In addition, they present statistics on the number of medical crimes for 2019.
Celem artykułu jest analiza zjawiska „autonomii pacjenta” jako przedmiotu ochrony prawnokarnej. Artykuł został podzielony na dwie części. W tej części uwagę skupiono na omówieniu możliwych podstaw odpowiedzialności karnej w przypadku naruszenia autonomii pacjenta. Należy podkreślić, że oczywiście tylko część zachowań naruszających dobro prawne, jakim jest autonomia pacjenta, jest regulowana przez prawo karne, a zatem może skutkować odpowiedzialnością karną. Autorzy dokonują analizy przestępstw, których popełnienie przez personel medyczny może naruszać autonomię pacjenta. Dodatkowo przedstawiają statystyki dotyczące liczby przestępstw medycznych obejmujące rok 2019.
Studia Iuridica Lublinensia; 2021, 30, 5; 391-41
Pojawia się w:
Studia Iuridica Lublinensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Obligatoryjny zakaz prowadzenia pojazdów mechanicznych . za przestępstwa przeciwko bezpieczeństwu w komunikacji popełnione . w związku z prowadzeniem pojazdów niemechanicznych oraz . przez osoby piesze – Niektóre wątpliwości konstytucyjne
The obligatory disqualification from driving motor vehicles for the traffic offences committed while driving non – motor vehicles and by pedestrians – some of the constitutionary doubts
Krawczyk, Tomasz
Data publikacji:
Łódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe
Prawo karne
Zakaz prowadzenia pojazdów mechanicznych
Przestępstwa przeciwko bezpieczeństwu w komunikacji
Criminal Law
Disqualification from driving motor vehicles
Traffic offences
The article focuses on the relation between a disqualification from driving motor vehicles for the traffic offences committed while driving non – motor vehicles or by pedestrians (obligatory in the polish penal law) and the constitutionary citizen’s rights. In the author’s opinion, the obligatory character of disqualification from driving motor vehicles is an excessive form of punishment for the traffic offences committed while driving non – motor vehicles and by pedestrians due to the lack of connection between the committed crime and the type of disqualification. In consequence, it infringes disproportionately such constitutionary freedoms and rights like: right to a self – decision about a personal private life, freedom of choosing a profession, freedom of movement. It also unduly reduces courts in their judicial discretion. This type of disqualification should be facultative at most. A possibility to sentence such a culprit for even a 10-years disqualification is also criticized in this article.
Studia Prawno-Ekonomiczne; 2010, LXXXI (81); 65-92
Pojawia się w:
Studia Prawno-Ekonomiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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