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Lip traces recognition based on lines pattern
Smacki, Ł.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Śląski. Wydział Informatyki i Nauki o Materiałach. Instytut Informatyki. Zakład Systemów Komputerowych
ślad warg
wydruk wargi
identyfikacja kryminalna
rejestracja obrazu
lip trace
lip print
criminal identification
image recognition
This paper presents a method for automatic lip traces recognition based on lip furrows arrangement. First, lip trace is scanned and subjected to image processing and feature extraction. Then, identification is performed by comparing lip trace characteristics with a collection of comparative lip prints characteristics stored in a database. The proposed solution gives a satisfactory level of identification accuracy. After further improvement, it can be used as part of a system performing analysis of traces recovered from crime scenes.
Journal of Medical Informatics & Technologies; 2010, 15; 53-60
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Medical Informatics & Technologies
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Znaczenie „dowodu naukowego” dla sytuacji oskarżonego i realizowanej taktyki obrończej – rozważania na podstawie badań empirycznych
Importance of ˮscientific evidence” for the defendant’s situation and the implemented defense tactics – considerations based on empirical research
Kazimierska, Diana
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Kryminalistyczne
taktyka obrończa
procesy poszlakowe
dowody poszlakowe
badania identyfikacyjne
identyfikacja kryminalistyczna
dowody naukowe
defense tactics
defense attorney
circumstantial trial
circumstantial evidence
identification examination
criminal identification
scientific evidence
Dowody, które można określać mianem „dowodów naukowych”, mają coraz większe znaczenie w procesach karnych ze względu na dynamiczny rozwój kryminalistyki i nauk sądowych. Mogą one stanowić silnie obciążające poszlaki i przesądzić o wyniku procesu. W artykule zwrócono uwagę na znaczenie „dowodu naukowego” dla sytuacji oskarżonego i wskazano na przesłanki skutecznej taktyki obrończej w procesach, w których tego rodzaju dowód może mieć kluczowe znaczenie. W publikacji wykorzystane zostały badania własne, przeprowadzone w celu napisania rozprawy doktorskiej poświęconej taktyce obrończej. W artykule zwrócono uwagę na to, iż niewłaściwa interpretacja znaczenia wyników badań identyfikacyjnych bądź błędna konkluzja opinii identyfikacyjnej może stanowić realne niebezpieczeństwo dla oskarżonego, tj. doprowadzić do skazania niewinnej osoby.
Evidence that can be described as ˮscientific evidence” is of increasing importance in criminal trials due to the dynamic development of forensics. These evidences can be highly damaging circumstantial evidence and prejudge the outcome of the trial. The article highlights the importance of ˮscientific evidence” for the defendant’s situation and indicates the premises of an effective defense tactics in trials where such evidence may be of key importance. The publication uses own research carried out in order to write a doctoral dissertation on defense tactics. The article points out that an incorrect interpretation of the meaning of the results of identification tests or a wrong conclusion of the identification opinion may constitute a real danger for the accused, i.e. lead to the conviction of an innocent person.
Problemy Współczesnej Kryminalistyki; 2020, XXIV; 49-60
Pojawia się w:
Problemy Współczesnej Kryminalistyki
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
O dopuszczalności prowadzenia czynności operacyjno-rozpoznawczych w jednostkach penitencjarnych
The Acceptability of Conducting Operational-Identification Activities in Penitentiary Units
Herbowski, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
prawo karne
criminal law
penitentiary units
operational-identification activites
For many years, a number of concerns in Poland have been raised about thepossibility of conducting operational-identification activities in police custody andpenal institutions by services responsible for public order. Sometimes even alarmingviewpoints have been formulated about the lack of such activities since the end of the1980s. Appearing in connection with this are postulates about renewed adoption ofthese activities in the Polish prison system. However, this testifies above all to a lack offamiliarity with the field of interest in services eligible for operational activities. Thisalso leads to introducing wider scientific analysis which cannot however restrict itselfto only easily accessible aspects of this topic.Besides the supporters of such activities, there are also determined opponents, andtheir counter accusations are very serious. Operational-identification activities carriedout in penitentiary institutions, in their opinion, adversely affect the achievement of thegoals of imprisonment, as well as the course of the criminal process, and even violate therights of the incarcerated. However, the authors of such statements do not support themwith factual arguments. It seems they result to some extent from negative experiencesendured during the communist era. But one cannot compare the circumstancesand conditions under which activities were carried out in penitentiaries before andafter 1989. So there is no question of returning to practices from the communist era.The sources of this attitude should also be sought, amongst others, in the mistakenperception of operational activities carried out by officers of the prison services. It isnot currently possible, as this would result in a lack of confidence of the condemned inpsychologists and educators, and would consequently thwart their rehabilitation efforts. There currently does not exist any legal basis in the executory penal code allowingthe exclusion of imprisoned individuals from the circle of interest of law enforcementagencies which may exhibit an eagerness to use them in the character of sources of personal information. Nor is there a completely voluntary, above all secret, methodof co-operation for those temporarily arrested and imprisoned with national services,that would rely predominantly on conveying information that interests them, thusdiscerning a contradiction in the rules of the performance of a punishment. The reported postulates for introducing limits in the course of completingoperational-identification activities in penitentiary units have a very generalcharacter and indicate only theoretical acquaintance with the issue. It also seemsthey groundlessly assume ill will and non-observance of the rules of law and orderin the activities for their implementation by police and special services. Operationalactivities are sometimes ethically questionable, but also necessary to fight crime effectively, especially the organised variety. Nor can one forget that the activities of lawenforcement agencies seeking to uncover culprits demand making use of others, whoare often less loyal than in the proceedings of criminal methods. Poland’s constitutionallows for the limiting of the use of rights and civic freedoms when it is essential in thedemocratic state for its safety or to maintain public order, be it for the protection of theenvironment, health and public morality, or for the freedom and rights of other people. Operational-identification activities carried out in penitentiary units satisfactorily passso-called tests of legality, appropriateness and necessity as well as fulfilling a statutoryrequirement for a legal basis for authorising interference in the rights and freedoms ofcitizens.It should be explicitly stated that currently there is a lack of any limits linked tothe location of carrying out operational-identification activities. In connection withthis, all authorised services can also carry them out in penitentiary units, both prisonsand detention centres, without the prison services mediating. This mainly results fromduties put into place by legislators for police and special services that protect the formsand methods used in the course of operational-identification activities. Even if thisduty did not exist, operating officers would certainly not be willing to work with prisonservice officers, fearing the unmasking of their undertaken actions. Among the operational methods used by services authorised to carry them out,the greatest collection of knowledge about criminal groups, including their activitiesand plans, can be gained thanks to co-operation with personal sources of information.It is precisely this method that serves in most cases when acquiring information inpenitentiary units. In practice, however, working with informants sitting in detentioncentres and penal institutions has a subsidiary character, since information is onlyacquired when doing it any other way would be very difficult or even impossible. This iscaused above all by essential problems connected to the appropriate selection, drawingup and carrying out of recruitment or the handling of sources. Therefore, operationalwork in penitentiary units does not have the nature of permanent surveillance.The essential benefits associated with obtaining information from incarceratedpeople have also been demonstrated for many years in countries with establisheddemocracies, such as the US and Canada. This is something which has unfortunatelyescaped the attention of Polish critics of such activities.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 2015, XXXVII; 347-368
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Przestępstwo kradzieży tożsamości po zmianach wprowadzonych ustawą z 31 marca 2020 r. nowelizującej przepisy w sprawie COVID-19
Budyn-Kulik, Magdalena
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
kodeks karny
kradzież tożsamości
dane osobowe
Criminal Code
identity theft
personal data
Ustawa z dnia 31 marca 2020 r. o zmianie ustawy o szczególnych rozwiązaniach związanych z zapobieganiem, przeciwdziałaniem i zwalczaniem COVID-19, innych chorób zakaźnych oraz wywoływanych nimi sytuacji kryzysowych zmieniła treść przepisu art. 190 a § 2 k.k. W pierwotnym brzmieniu tego przepisu kryminalizowane było zachowanie polegające na podszywanie się pod inną osobę z wykorzystaniem jej wizerunku lub innych danych osobowych w celu wyrządzenia jej szkody majątkowej lub osobistej. Wizerunek jest pojęciem niełatwym do zdefiniowania. Przyjmuje się, że obejmuje obraz człowieka oraz inne cechy postrzegalne zewnętrznie pozwalające na jego identyfikację. Pojęcie danych osobowych zostało zdefiniowane w rozporządzeniu Parlamentu Europejskiego i Rady (UE) jako wszelkie informacje o możliwej do zidentyfikowania osobie fizycznej. Obecnie ustawodawca wprowadził dodatkowe znamię – „inne dane, za pomocą których jest ona publicznie identyfikowana”. Zasadność wprowadzenia tego znamienia oraz sposób jego ukształtowania budzi wątpliwości; w szczególności określenia „publicznie” oraz „jest identyfikowana”. Zarówno pojęcie wizerunku, jak i danych osobowych, mieszczą się w znamieniu „innych danych”.
The Act of March 31, 2020 changed, inter alia, the content of the provision of Art. 190 a § 2 of the Polish Criminal Code. In the original wording of this provision, conduct consisting of impersonating another person using his/her image or other personal data in order to inflict material or personal harm on her/ him was criminalized. Image is not an easy concept to define. It is assumed to include the appearance of a person and other externally perceptible features that allow for their identification. The concept of personal data has been defined in the Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council (EU) as any information relating to an identifiable natural person. Currently, the legislator has introduced an additional element - 'other data by means of which it is publicly identified'. The legitimacy of introducing this characteristic and the way it was shaped raise doubts; in particular, the terms 'in public' and 'is identified'. Both the concept of image and personal data fall under the term 'other data'.
Studia Prawnicze; 2020, 2(222); 23-38
Pojawia się w:
Studia Prawnicze
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Eyewitness Identification Evidence: Photo Lineups — Commentary on the Polish Supreme Court Ruling of 14 March 2019, V KK 11/19 (approving)
Data publikacji:
Wyższa Szkoła Policji w Szczytnie
photo array
photo lineup
eyewitness identification procedures
eyewitness testimony
probative value
miscarriages of justice
polish criminal procedure
In the commented ruling, the Supreme Court considered some of the problematic aspects of the Polish photo lineup procedure, stating that improprieties in organising or conducting identifi cation procedures do not necessarily render eyewitness identifi cation evidence inadmissible. This commentary discusses the assessment of the probative value of identification evidence, as well as critically analyses the current laws regarding photo lineup practices in Poland. Finally, the commentary argues that significant and research-based changes in the Polish legal standards for eyewitness identifi cation are necessary to prevent potential miscarriages of justice, briefly discussing the most urgent of them.
Przegląd Policyjny; 2020, 140(4); 303-314
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Policyjny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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