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Epilog zbójnickiego żywota
The Epilogue of the Robber’s Life
Janicka-Krzywda, Urszula
Data publikacji:
Muzeum "Górnośląski Park Etnograficzny w Chorzowie"
court cases
ethnography of the Carpathians
sprawy sądowe
etnografia Karpat
Robbery in the Carpathians and the Carpathian Foothills region lasted from the early 16th till the mid-19th century, causing problems first for Poland and next, after the Partitions of Poland, for the Austrians who struggled with this phenomenon with varying success., In times before the Partitions, the person responsible for the prosecution of crime was called Starosta Grodowy. However, the best results were achieved by summary courts called Standrecht, introduced in the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy in late 18th century. In cases of robbery courts sentenced to the so-called qualified death, which meant quartering, tortures on a breaking wheel, impalement or dismemberment by horses, often preceded by mutilation: cutting arms, legs or ears, gouging eyes out or flaying. The most “deserving” criminals were sentenced to death by hanging on a hook by the inferior rib. The executions took place in the city markets or more often in special places of execution, located outside the settlements usually on a nearby hill. The convict was accompanied to the place of execution by members of judicial panel and priests.
Zbójnictwo trwało na obszarze całych Karpat i Pogórza Karpackiego mniej więcej od początku XVI po połowę XIX stulecia i było problemem nie tylko dla Rzeczpospolitej, ale również dla austriackiego zaborcy, który z różnym skutkiem zmagał się z tym zjawiskiem. Do ścigania przestępstw w Polsce przedrozbiorowej powołani byli z urzędu starostowie grodowi. Najlepsze efekty przyniosły jednak ustanowione pod koniec XVIII wieku w monarchii austro-węgierskiej sądy doraźne, tzw. Standrecht. W sprawach o zbójectwo sądy prawie wyłącznie orzekały wyrok śmierci tzw. kwalifikowanej, a więc ćwiartowanie, łamanie kołem i wplatanie w koło, wbijanie na pal, rozrywanie końmi, poprzedzane często okaleczeniem: ucięciem rąk, nóg, uszu, wykluciem oczu, darciem pasów. Dla najbardziej „zasłużonych” wymiar sprawiedliwości przewidywał powieszenie na szubienicznym haku za poślednie żebro. Egzekucje odbywały się na rynkach miast lub częściej na miejscach straceń położonych poza granicami osad zwykle na pobliskim wzniesieniu. Skazańcowi na miejsce kaźni towarzyszyli członkowie kolegium sędziowskiego i duchowni.
Rocznik Muzeum "Górnośląski Park Etnograficzny w Chorzowie"; 2013, 1, 1; 75-82
Pojawia się w:
Rocznik Muzeum "Górnośląski Park Etnograficzny w Chorzowie"
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Accidents in Malaysian Construction Industry: Statistical Data and Court Cases
Chong, H. Y.
Low, T. S.
Data publikacji:
Centralny Instytut Ochrony Pracy
statistical data
court cases
construction industry
dane statystyczne
Safety and health issues remain critical to the construction industry due to its working environment and the complexity of working practises. This research attempts to adopt 2 research approaches using statistical data and court cases to address and identify the causes and behavior underlying construction safety and health issues in Malaysia. Factual data on the period of 2000–2009 were retrieved to identify the causes and agents that contributed to health issues. Moreover, court cases were tabulated and analyzed to identify legal patterns of parties involved in construction site accidents. Approaches of this research produced consistent results and highlighted a significant reduction in the rate of accidents per construction project in Malaysia.
International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics; 2014, 20, 3; 503-513
Pojawia się w:
International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Materiały tatarskie w zbiorach Władysława Syrokomli vel Ludwika Kondratowicza
Bairašauskaitė, Tamara
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Historii im. Tadeusza Manteuffla PAN w Warszawie
Tatarzy litewscy
kobieta tatarska
sprawy sądowe
życie codzienne
Władysław Syrokomla
Lithuanian Tatars
Niemież (Nemėžis)
Tatar women
court cases
everyday life
W artykule omówiono odnalezioną niedawno kolekcję dokumentów tatarskich ze zbiorów rodziny Kondratowiczów, przechowywaną w Litewskim Archiwum Literatury i Sztuki (Lietuvos literatūros ir meno archyvas). Kolekcja składa się z 38 dokumentów z okresu od połowy XVII do początku XVIII w. oraz jednego dokumentu z połowy XVI w. Dotyczą wyłącznie wspólnoty tatarskiej z okolicy Niemieży w województwie wileńskim. Są to akta nadania dóbr, dzierżawy, transakcje ziemskie, testamenty, sprawy sądowe, różne poświadczenia wydane Tatarom służącym w wojsku. Najcenniejsze informacje zawierają dokumenty o życiu codziennym, relacjach wewnątrz wspólnoty, położeniu majątkowym i prawnym kobiet tatarskich.Analiza kolekcji pozwoliła ustalić, że w jej skład wchodzą dokumenty, które tylko w niewielkiej części zostały wykorzystane w znanym utworze Władysława Syrokomli Wycieczki po Litwie w promieniach od Wilna, wydanym w połowie XIX w. W artykule szczególną uwagę zwrócono więc na dokumenty przez autora Wycieczek pominięte. The article presents a recently found set of Tatar documents from the collection of the Kondratowicz Family, preserved in the Lithuanian Archives of Literature and Art (Lietuvos literatūros ir meno archyvas). The set is made up of thirty-eight documents from the period between the mid-seventeenth to the early eighteenth century, and one document from the mid-sixteenth century. They all concern the Tatar community from the neighbourhood of Niemież (Nemėžis) in the palatinate of Wilno (Vilnius). They include, among others, charters containing grants of land, land leases, and other land transactions, last wills, court cases, various certificates for Tatars serving in the army. The most valuable information is included in documents pertaining to everyday life, relations within the community, and a financial and legal position of Tatar women.An analysis of the documents made it possible to establish that the set is made up of documents only in their small part employed by the well-known text by Władysław Syrokomla text Wycieczki po Litwie w promieniach od Wilna (Travels in Lithuania around Wilno), published in the mid-nineteenth century. Thus, special attention is paid to the documents omitted by Syrokomla.
Rocznik Lituanistyczny; 2017, 3
Pojawia się w:
Rocznik Lituanistyczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Dzień Pański w nauczaniu św. Cezarego z Arles w świetle studium jego Kazań do ludu
The Lord’s day in teaching of st. Caesar of Arles in the light of study on his Sermons for people
Pochwat, Józef
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
dzień Pański
Msza św.
sprawy sądowe
The Lord’s Day
Holy Mass
court cases
the Eucharist
Speaking about the Lord’s Day, saint Caesar of Arles († 543) explains to the faithful the importance of this day and other religious holidays. Going to church has a social dimension and clearly distinguishes Christians from Pagans. Bishop of Arles attaches much importance to the fact that Christians systematically and regularly attend church services, care about punctuality and do not leave the church before the end of the Mass. St Caesar, being an experienced pastor, instructs the faithful how to behave in the church. He shows the difference between Christianity and Paganism. Christians celebrate on Sunday, Pagans on Thursday in honour of Jupiter. He asks the faithful not to conduct any court cases on Sunday and abstain from work. Bishop of Arles put the Eucharist in the centre of the Lord’s Day. He teaches that the Eucharist is true Body and Blood of Christ. He points out that the Holy Communion is like medicine for a human being, for his body and his soul, hence the concern of the Bishop so that faithful receive the Eucharist with a pure heart. A necessary condition for receiving of the Eucharist is to forgive a neighbour.
Vox Patrum; 2013, 60; 245-262
Pojawia się w:
Vox Patrum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Przegląd istotnego dla obrotu gospodarczego orzecznictwa Sądu Najwyższego wydanego w 2021 r.
Review of the Supreme Courts jurisprudence of importance for business transactions, issued in 2021
Szczurowski, Tomasz
Data publikacji:
Polskie Wydawnictwo Ekonomiczne
Sąd Najwyższy
sprawy gospodarcze
The Supreme Court
economic cases
Celem niniejszego artykułu jest prezentacja najważniejszego orzecznictwa Sądu Najwyższego wydanego w 2021 r. w sprawach o istotnym znaczeniu dla obrotu gospodarczego. Orzeczenia te nie mają, co prawda, mocy powszechnie obowiązującej, niemniej siłą autorytetu Sądu Najwyższego mogą wpływać na rozstrzygnięcia wydawane przez sądy powszechne w podobnych sprawach. Przytoczone orzeczenia dotyczą tak istotnych zagadnień jak: wykładnia Prawa zamówień publicznych, sposób liczenia terminów przedawnienia, zagadnienia dotyczące Prawa własności przemysłowej w zakresie znaków towarowych, dopuszczalność kwestionowania konstytutywnych wpisów w księdze wieczystej, a także kary umowne czy kwestie związane z postępowaniami upadłościowymi i restrukturyzacyjnymi. Autor najpierw przytacza treść orzeczenia wraz z fragmentem uzasadnienia, a następnie opatruje je komentarzem.
The article presents the most important judgments of The Supreme Court issued in 2021 in economic cases. Because of the position of The Supreme Court they may influence judicial settlements in similar causes. Jurisprudence has been established as major issues as the Public Procurement Law, time limits for bringing actions, interpretation of the Act on industrial property law referring to trademarks, undermining the entry in the land and mortgage register, penalties laid down in the contract, insolvency proceedings. The author quotes the judgments and comments on them.
Przegląd Ustawodawstwa Gospodarczego; 2022, 3; 53-60
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Ustawodawstwa Gospodarczego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
BGHSt 20, 22 und die Neubürger-Klausel des deutschen Strafanwendungsrechts – ein deutsch-polnischer Fall schreibt Rechtsgeschichte bis heute
The judgment of the Bundesgerichtshof (Federal Court of Justice) from the 4th September 1964 and the "New Citizenship Clause" as part of the German law of jurisdiction in criminal cases – a German-Polish case and its implications for the legal development
Heger, Martin
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
Federal Court of Justice
New Citizenship Clause
criminal cases
German-Polish case
In its judgment of the 4th September 1964 the German Federal Court of Justice had to deal with a German-Polish case of murder. The accused persons were members of the German minority in Poland and lived in the Western part of Poland, when German troops occupied that territory in the autumn of 1939. Short after the invasion they killed the members of a Jewish family living in the same territory. Both, the perpetrators as well as the victims were Polish nationals, when the crime was committed. The perpetrators have got the German nationality in the following. It is not clear, whether they have been naturalized by German authorities during WW II, but if not, they were seen as German nationals with the Getting-into-Force of the German Basic Law (Constitution), because they were refugees from Poland to Germany. Therefore, Article 116 § 1 Basic Law naturalized them as German nationals. For the criminal case it was crucial whether the later naturalization can give the German Justice system jurisdiction over a case which happened before the perpetrator has reached the German nationality, as it was (and still is) stated in section 4 (resp. today section 7) of the German Criminal Code. The paper should deal with the implications of this so-called "New Citizenship Clause" and with the circumstances of the case and the following cases at Western German Courts against German people for committing murder in the occupied Polish territories during WWII. Shortly after the named case, the Auschwitz trial started in Frankfurt. On that background, the paper reflects on the situation between West and East Germany as well.
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica; 2020, 19, 2; 141-160
Pojawia się w:
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Orzecznictwo Sądu Najwyższego w sprawach rehabilitacyjnych w latach 1988–1991
Decisions of the Supreme Court in Cases for Rehabilitation in the Years 1988–1991
Stanowska, Maria
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
Sąd Najwyższy
sprawy rehabilitacyjne
przestępcy polityczni
Supreme Court
cases for rehabilitation
political offenders
Analysed in the paper have been decisions of the Criminal and Military Departments of the Supreme Court in cases for rehabilitation of political offenders convicted in the years 1944–1988. The material under analysis consisted of 531 cases examined due to extraordinary appeal which concerned the total of 1.276 persons, and 9 cases  (of 33 persons) in which proceedings were reinstituted. On the whole,  rehabilitation proceedings concerned 1.309 persons. Among the decisions appealed against in both the above modes, those passed in the years 1944–1956 form the largest group (56.7%); the second largest are decisions passed after December 13, 1981. The prevalence of cases from before 1956 is caused, amng other things, by the extreme repressiveness of penal policy of that period when state terror was lavishly applied and the fundamental principles of legality commonly infringed. The persons involved in  rehabilitation proceedings before the Supreme Court are but a slight percentage of those convicted in the years 1944–1956. Also the penalties imposed in that period were  extremely severe.  Of the 702 persons now involved in rehabilitation proceedings (and formerly convicted in the years 1944–1956), as many as 86 were originally  sentenced to death; 9 were sentenced to life,  and 289 – to over 5 years impisonment. The most frequently quoted ground for extraordinary appeal was misapplication of substantial law (230 cases). It is also worth stressing that many a time, error as to the established facts also resulted in such misapplication of substantial law. Of the 540 rehabilitation proceedings, as few as two yielded negative results. The most frequent decision was acquittal or discontinuance of proceedings basing on Art. 11point 1 of the code of criminal procedure (i.e. for the reasons identical to those that lead to acquittal). Such decisions were passed with respect to over 90% of persons involved in rehabilitation preceedings. As many as 73 persons were rehalilitated posthumously (as the death penalty had been duly executed in their case). The most frequently quoted ground for acquittal in the mode of extraordinary appeal was absence of the statutory features of a prohibited act  (272 cases) and of the factual ground for indictment (151 cases). Additionally, defendants  had been convicted in 46 cases despite of the fact that their acts had not been punishable at the time of commission and, in 24 cases, despite of circumstances that excluded criminal responsibility. Therefore, as many as 493 cases ended with conviction despite of explicit grounds for acquittal (only the formal definition of an offence taken into account at that). In cases in which proceedings were reinstituted, the main ground for acquittal was non-punishability of the act at the time of its commission. Thus verifying the sued decisions that had actually infringed legal provisions, the Supreme Court acted mainly as defender of the law. In 52 cases, defendants were acquitted due to absence of social danger of the act. What should be stressed here is the crucial importance of such decisions where absence of social danger is quoted as the sole ground for acquittal. This  removes the collision between a concrete provision of penal law and the basic human, values, and affords possibilities for a proper assessment of an act from the viewpoint of such fundamental rights and values (and not political or other criteria dictated by a current situation). The unjustly convicted could therefore be fully rehabilitated but their actual contribution to the act for which they had originally been convicted was not belittled. A characteristic tendency of the Supreme Court’s decisions in cases for rehabilitation was a full approval for non-violent struggle against violence: for peaceful means of opposing totalitarianism. As has been confirmed by the present analysis, penal law was a peculiar instrument of the totalitarian rule; the trials of that period aimed at disposing of the real or imagined political opponents. Owing to the rehabilitating decisions, many of those formerly convicted could now receive full moral satisfaction; additionally, those decisions rehabilitate the judicial system to some extent and speak up for law based on the basic human values. Attached to the paper is an appendix which contains data on persons once convicted to capital punishment and life imprisonment and rehabilitated by the Supreme Court, as well as lists of the judges who imposed such extremely severe penalties and of persons who decided on the execution of death penalties.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 1993, XIX; 133-190
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Procedura rozstrzygania spraw wpadkowych w kanonicznym procesie małżeńskim
Resolve of incidental cases in canonical proces of nullity of marriage
Pawluk, Łukasz
Data publikacji:
Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne im. św. Jana Pawła II Diecezji Siedleckiej
sprawy wpadkowe
proces o nieważność małżeństwa
strony procesowe
urzędnicy sądowi
incidental cases
proces of nullity of marriage
court officials
In the will of Christ a marriage of baptized is a sacrament. It is therefore subject to special protection of canon law. The Church is guarding the institution of marriage which is inseparable from the will of God. One of the way of this protection are the norms for the conduct the cases of nullity of marriage. This process does not exist to declare nullity of marriage but to reach the objective truth about a particular marriage, and therefore to declare whether the marriage was ever concluded in a valid way. The subject of the article is about the incidental cases that may occur in the process of nullity of marriage. Incidental cases are some of the issues that are not considered as the main issue but they appear during the process and require clarification so that the main issue can continue. Incidental cases are not one of the most important elements of the marriage nullity process. However, they are helpful for the ultimate clarification of the truth about a given marriage. The lawmaker presents two situations that can be resolved in canonical processes as in-cidental cases. Namely, the absence of the litigant and the intervention of a third person in case. There may also be other incidental cases in the process of nullity of marriage. These are, among others, the following situations: the exclusion of a judge or other church officials from the case, a finding of a judge's inability to settle a case, the determination of the party's ability to appear in court and the appointment of a curator, acceptance or exclusion the evidence, correcting the error in the judgment, the death declaration of one of the parties, and the question of existence of the bond of marriage. These are not the only things that can be resolved by the mode of incidental cases but only the most possible to occur and indicated by the canonists.
Teologiczne Studia Siedleckie; 2017, XIV/14; 275-295
Pojawia się w:
Teologiczne Studia Siedleckie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
An Employer as a Party to an Employment Court Case
Baran, Krzysztof W.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
public authority’s entity
customs service
employment court
employment law cases
droga sadowa
sprawa z zakresu prawa pracy
kognicja sądów pracy
The aim of this paper is to analyze the employer as a party to an employment court case. According to the Polish legal system status of such a party can have not only a commercial entity (e.g. a company) but also a public authority’s entity. To exemplify this problem should be pointed out not only administrative authorities but also police and customs ones. Entities employing volunteers possess the status of an employer as a party to a labor court case too.
Artykuł został poświęcony problematyce pojęcia pracodawcy w znaczeniu procesowym. Ma ono istotne znaczenie zwłaszcza w sprawach z zakresu prawa pracy na tle zatrudnienia cywilnoprawnego, społeczno-prawnego oraz administracyjnoprawnego. W opracowaniu zostały przedstawione konkretne – inne niż pracodawcy z art. 3 k.p. – podmioty biernie legitymowane do uczestnictwa w postępowaniu przed sądami pracy.
Studia Iuridica Lublinensia; 2015, 24, 3
Pojawia się w:
Studia Iuridica Lublinensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Jurisdiction of Administrative Courts and Common Courts in the Industrial Property Cases from a Historical Perspective
Sieńczyło-Chlabicz, Joanna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
Supreme Administrative Tribunal
Supreme Administrative Court
Patent Office
delimitation of competence of common and administrative courts
jurisdiction of administrative courts in the industrial property cases
IP courts
The origins of the administrative court system go back to the period of building of the system of government in the Second Republic after Poland’s partitions and are associated with the establishment of the Supreme Administrative Tribunal (SAT) in 1922. Significant changes were made to the administrative court system by the Polish Constitution of April 2, 1997, which, in Article 175(1), stipulates that administrative courts – in addition to common courts and military courts – administer justice. Administrative courts are therefore a separate part of the judiciary based on a two-instance adjudication system. In this paper, the author presents the origins of the administrative court system, including the Supreme Administrative Tribunal, the Supreme Administrative Court (SAC). The author indicates the models of the administrative court system, its essence, and the role it plays in the justice system. Then she analyzes the jurisdiction of administrative courts in industrial property cases from a historical perspective An interesting issue in this context is the existing dualism of the consideration of industrial property cases by administrative courts and by common courts. An important change that came into effect on July 1, 2020 pursuant to the Act of February 13, 2020 on amendments to the Code of Civil Procedure (CCP) was the introduction of separate proceedings in the intellectual property cases and the establishment of the so-called IP courts (intellectual property courts), and the impact of these changes on the development of relations in terms of the jurisdiction of administrative courts and common courts.
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica; 2023, 22, 2; 103-123
Pojawia się w:
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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