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About Certain Semantic Annotation in Parallel Corpora
Koseska-Toszewa, Violetta
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Slawistyki PAN
direct approach to semantics
semantic annotation
perfective aspect
inperfective aspect
Petri nets
parallel corpora
contrastive linguistics
About Certain Semantic Annotation in Parallel CorporaThe semantic notation analyzed in this works is contained in the second stream of semantic theories presented here – in the direct approach semantics. We used this stream in our work on the Bulgarian-Polish Contrastive Grammar. Our semantic notation distinguishes quantificational meanings of names and predicates, and indicates aspectual and temporal meanings of verbs. It relies on logical scope-based quantification and on the contemporary theory of processes, known as “Petri nets”. Thanks to it, we can distinguish precisely between a language form and its contents, e.g. a perfective verb form has two meanings: an event or a sequence of events and states, finally ended with an event. An imperfective verb form also has two meanings: a state or a sequence of states and events, finally ended with a state. In turn, names are quantified universally or existentially when they are “undefined”, and uniquely (using the iota operator) when they are “defined”. A fact worth emphasizing is the possibility of quantifying not only names, but also the predicate, and then quantification concerns time and aspect.  This is a novum in elaborating sentence-level semantics in parallel corpora. For this reason, our semantic notation is manual. We are hoping that it will raise the interest of computer scientists working on automatic methods for processing the given natural languages. Semantic annotation defined like in this work will facilitate contrastive studies of natural languages, and this in turn will verify the results of those studies, and will certainly facilitate human and machine translations.
Cognitive Studies; 2013, 13
Pojawia się w:
Cognitive Studies
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Analyzing Use of<i>Thanks to You</i>: Insights for Language Teaching and Assessment in Second and Foreign Language Contexts
Lanteigne, Betty
Crompton, Peter
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
thanks to you
pragmatic failure
expression of gratitude
American and British English corpora
language teaching and testing
This investigation of thanks to you in British and American usage was precipitated by a situation at an American university, in which a native Arabic speaker said thanks to you in isolation, making his intended meaning unclear. The study analyzes use of thanks to you in the Corpus of Contemporary American English and the British National Corpus to gain insights for English language instruction /assessment in the American context, as well as English-as-a-lingua-franca contexts where the majority of speakers are not native speakers of English or are speakers of different varieties of English but where American or British English are for educational purposes the standard varieties. Analysis of the two corpora revealed three functions for thanks to you common to British and American usage: expressing gratitude, communicating "because of you" positively, and communicating "because of you" negatively (as in sarcasm). A fourth use of thanks to you, thanking journalists/guests for being on news programs/talk shows, occurred in the American corpus only. Analysis indicates that felicitous use of thanks to you for each of these meanings depends on the presence of a range of factors, both linguistic and material, in the context of utterance.
Research in Language; 2011, 9, 2; 29-50
Pojawia się w:
Research in Language
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Application of multilingual corpus in contrastive studies (on the example of the Bulgarian-Polish-Lithuanian parallel corpus)
Dimitrova, Ludmila
Koseska-Toszewa, Violetta
Roszko, Danuta
Roszko, Roman
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Slawistyki PAN
multilingual electronic corpora
parallel and comparable corpora
corpus annotation
lexical databases
multilingual electronic dictionaries
Application of multilingual corpus in contrastive studies (on the example of the Bulgarian-Polish-Lithuanian parallel corpus)In this paper we present applications of a trilingual corpus in language research. Comparative and contrastive studies of Polish and Bulgarian as well as Polish and Lithuanian have been already conducted, but up to the best of our knowledge no such studies exist for Bulgarian and Lithuanian. On the one hand, it is interesting to note that two Slavic languages are compared to a Baltic language (Lithuanian). On the other hand, the three languages are marginally present in the EU because of the later ascension of the three countries to the EU. The paper shortly describes the first electronic Bulgarian–Polish–Lithuanian experimental corpus, currently under development only for research. We also focus our attention on the morphosyntactic annotation of the parallel trilingual corpus according to the Corpus Encoding Standard: we present a review of the Part-of-Speech (POS) classification of the participle in the three languages – Bulgarian, Polish, and Lithuanian in comparison to another POS, the adjective. We briefly discuss tagsets for corpus annotation from the point of view of possible unification in the future with some examples.
Cognitive Studies; 2010, 10
Pojawia się w:
Cognitive Studies
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Asimmetrie nella codifica dell’informazione deittica: italiano vs russo
Asymmetries in the Encoding of Deictic Reference: Italian versus Russian
Benigni, Valentina
Ruvoletto, Luisa
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
deictic asymmetries
second-language acquisition
contrastive grammar
parallel corpora
asimmetrie deittiche
apprendimento / acquisizione della seconda lingua
grammatica contrastiva
corpora paralleli
This paper aims to analyse, through a contrastive approach, the asymmetries between Italian and Russian in the encoding of deictic reference. Some complex and divergent instances of deictic anchoring are discussed in relation to the notion of deictic centre (or zero-point, in Lyons’ terms). Different types of asymmetry can be identified according to structural and functional criteria: a) overcoding versus undercoding of deictic information (e.g., Italian tra and dopo versus Russian čerez); b) different internal articulation of the deictic reference (such as in the sequence of tenses, which is governed by mood and tense in Italian and solely by tense in Russian); c) the adoption of a different perspective in the deictic conceptualisation of space, time, and person (as in conversive predicates). All of these types of asymmetry seem to affect learners’ acquisition of L2. For this reason, a systematic analysis of errors committed in deictic reference can be a useful tool for second-language teaching.
Il presente contributo si pone l’obiettivo di indagare, mediante un approccio contrastivo, alcuni casi di asimmetria tra l’italiano e il russo nella codifica del riferimento deittico. In relazione al concetto di centro deittico (zero-point, secondo la terminologia proposta Lyons, 1977), sono analizzati alcuni esempi complessi di differente ancoraggio deittico nelle due lingue, raggruppati in base a criteri strutturali e funzionali: a) casi di ipercodifica vs ipocodifica (come nell’uso di tra e dopo vs čerez), b) casi di diversa articolazione interna di un analogo riferimento deittico (come nell’uso di modo e tempo del verbo vs solo tempo nella consecutio temporum) e c) casi in cui il riferimento deittico viene concettualizzato secondo prospettive diverse (come nei predicati conversivi). Tali forme di asimmetria risultano particolarmente complesse per gli apprendenti delle due lingue, motivo per cui l’analisi degli errori prodotti nella codifica della deissi può rivelarsi un utile strumento anche in una prospettiva didattica.
Italica Wratislaviensia; 2019, 10.1; 31-58
Pojawia się w:
Italica Wratislaviensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Badania aspektu w językach polskim, czeskim i rosyjskim za pomocą korpusów i baz danych (pierwsze podsumowanie tematu)
Wiemer, Björn
Wrzesień-Kwiatkowska, Joanna
Łaziński, Marek
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
verbal prefixes
aspect triples
electronic corpora
The article is connected to the project “DiAsPol250” in which Polish is compared to Czech and Russian from the perspective of the evolution of their aspect systems ( We make use of existing synchronic and diachronic electronic corpora and are building a corpus of our own with annotated aspect pairs; we also create a database of aspect triplets whose role we consider as particularly important for the system. We want to assess which changes have occurred since the mid-18th century in prefixing and suffixing strategies of verb stems, both in general and by comparing particular prefixes and suffixes, especially so-called natural (vs. specialized) prefixes (according to Janda et al., 2013). The article supplies a sketch of the general premises of the project, and it summarizes our experience with existing large corpora and databases which we have been employing. We also present a case study in order to demonstrate a procedure designed to compare the distribution of the Czech prefix z- in triplets and in the corpus. This procedure is meant to check more general tendencies; it also illustrates why electronic corpora cannot be replaced in research on distributional properties and why their role does not consist simply in providing examples for the illustration of hypotheses.
Forum Lingwistyczne; 2020, 7; 45-58
Pojawia się w:
Forum Lingwistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Budowa i zastosowania korpusu monitorującego MoncoPL
Pęzik, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
monitor corpus
diachronic corpora
This paper introduces the methodology of compiling and maintaining MoncoPL, a large monitor corpus of web-based Polish. Furthermore, an overview of the search engine of the same name is provided to show how the size and composition of the corpus, currently reaching over 5.6 billion word tokens, facilitates research on distributional properties of rare words, neologisms and phraseological units. Finally, the article exemplifies some advantages of using a densely-sampled diachronic corpus for the purposes of observing frequency trends and cycles of various constructions in online media discourse.
Forum Lingwistyczne; 2020, 7; 133-150
Pojawia się w:
Forum Lingwistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Bulgarian-Polish parallel digital corpus and quantification of time
Dimitrova, Ludmila
Koseska-Toszewa, Violetta
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Slawistyki PAN
digital language resources
parallel and aligned corpora
quantification of time
Bulgarian-Polish parallel digital corpus and quantification of timeThe paper presents the current state of the first Bulgarian-Polish parallel and aligned corpus, prepared in the frame of the joint research project “Semantics and Contrastive linguistics with a focus on a bilingual electronic dictionary” between the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Slavic Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences, coordinated by L. Dimitrova and V. Koseska-Toszewa. In particular, problems related to tense quantification are also discussed
Cognitive Studies; 2012, 12
Pojawia się w:
Cognitive Studies
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Can Corpus Consultation Compensate for Lack of Knowledge in Legal Translation Training?
Giampieri, Patrizia
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
corpora offline
pratica traduttiva
traduzioni giuridiche
traduzioni basate su consultazione di corpora
corpora fai-da-te
DIY corpora
offline corpora
translation training
legal translations
corpus-based translations
It is generally assumed that a good knowledge of the legal field is a prerequisite to deliver legal translations. This paper will challenge this assumption by presenting a case study with third-year bachelor's students who participated in a translation project. The students, enrolled in a course in translation practice, were trained in corpus consultation at the beginning of the academic year. Nearly at the end, they translated an extract of a supply contract without being trained in the legal field. They consulted a pre-compiled offline corpus and online bilingual dictionaries. The paper findings highlight that knowledge of the legal field would have certainly helped the students make more informed decisions and avoid some mistranslations. However, the major shortcomings were actually due to ineffective corpus or dictionary consultation. In particular, formulaic expressions and collocations were neglected. In light of the paper findings, it can be speculated that in translation training, effective corpus consultation may help users deliver high-quality legal translations. It also seemed that thorough knowledge of the legal field is not a prerequisite, at least as far as short texts are concerned.
Una certa conoscenza dell'ambito giuridico è generalmente considerato un requisito essenziale per poter tradurre testi giuridici. Il presente articolo mette in discussione questo principio presentando un caso di studio che ha coinvolto studenti iscritti ad un corso di laurea triennale in traduzione. Durante l'anno accademico, i partecipanti hanno ricevuto formazione in linguistica computazionale e nella consultazione di corpora per finalità traduttive. Alla fine dell'a.a., hanno tradotto un testo giuridico di 130 parole senza tuttavia aver ricevuto formazione in ambito legale. Al fine di svolgere le traduzioni assegnate, si sono avvalsi di un corpus offline pre-compilato e di dizionari online bilingue. L'articolo evidenzia come la conoscenza dell'ambito giuridico avrebbe certamente aiutato gli studenti nella scelta dei traducenti e nell'ovviare a traduzioni inesatte. Tuttavia, l'articolo evidenzia come la maggior parte delle imprecisioni commesse riguardano una inefficace consultazione del corpus e dei dizionari. Ad esempio, le espressioni formulaiche e collocazioni presenti nel corpus sono state trascurate. Alla luce dei risultati conseguiti, è possibile supporre che nella pratica e formazione traduttiva una consultazione efficace dei corpora specialistici possa aiutare nel processo traduttivo. Se i testi sono brevi, inoltre, si potrebbe ipotizzare che esperienza nel settore legale non sia strettamente necessaria.
Comparative Legilinguistics; 2021, 46; 5-35
Pojawia się w:
Comparative Legilinguistics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
SCOTT, Juliette
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
tłumaczenie prawnicze
korpusy terminologii prawnej i prawniczej
język prawny
język prawniczy
tłumacz specjalistyczny
legal translation
legal translator
legal terminology corpora
legal subgenres
This paper presents a study aimed at examining whether DIY corpora compiled by professional legal translators can assist them in their role as learners of legal sublanguages, particularly those translators working into non-native target languages. A procedural DIY corpus methodology has been developed, involving the framed retrieval of authoritative legal texts from Internet repositories or other sources by legal translators themselves, according to their specific needs or those of particular projects, bearing in mind at all times feasibility in the workplace. Target audience expectations and requirements are also an important consideration in the project.A pilot study performing some initial testing with professional legal translators in certain legal genres and different languages has been completed and will be reported on. Results so far seem to indicate that compilation of such corpora can be achieved in an average of 30-45 minutes, in line with users' expressed criteria. It is posited that these highly specialised corpora may provide translators with some additional reference material that they are sorely lacking due to the absence or shortage in many language combinations of legal dictionaries or thesauri, in particular as regards collocations. It is hoped that a contribution may be made to professional practice in the long term.
Artykuł przedstawia wyniki badań przeprowadzonych w celu określenia czy korpusy tekstów tworzone przez zawodowych tłumaczy testów prawa, zwłaszcza tych tłumaczących na języki obce, mogą pomagać im w uczeniu się odmian języka prawa. Stworzono metodologię dotyczącą samodzielnego tworzenia korpusu wykorzystującego pozyskiwanie wiarygodnych tekstów z internetu lub innych źródeł przez tłumaczy. Badanie pilotażowe dotyczące wybranych gatunków tekstów prawa oraz różnych języków dowodzi, że kompilacja takiego korpusu zgodnego z kryteriami użytkowników, może zająć 30-45 minut. Zakłada się, że te wysoko wyspecjalizowane korpusy stanowią dla tłumaczy dodatkowe źródło informacji, zwłaszcza, że w wielu językach brakuje słowników prawnych, szczególnie jeśli chodzi o kolokacje.
Comparative Legilinguistics; 2012, 12, 1; 87-100
Pojawia się w:
Comparative Legilinguistics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Combinatoire collocationnelle et linguistique de corpus dans l’apprentissage lexical du FLE
Collocational Combinatorics and Corpus Linguistics in Lexical Learning in French as a Foreign Language
Kazlauskienė, Vitalija
Data publikacji:
Komisja Nauk Filologicznych Oddziału Polskiej Akademii Nauk we Wrocławiu
lexical competence
L2 French
language corpora
learner’ corpora
The importance of stereotypical uses of language, especially in the area of collocational combinatorics, is decisive in language teaching and learning. This type of lexical relationship is difficult for non-native learners to acquire because of its complexity, not only in terms of lexical use, but also in terms of particular linguistic awareness. Learners’ collective corpora can be revealing in describing their transitional competence. The diagnostic of interlanguage specific difficulties makes it possible to evaluate the progression of a target language, to describe it, to identify its hegemonic variety and to create the most effective activities. In this article, we will discuss the issue of interlanguage in the learner corpora and language corpora for use in lexical learning in French as a foreign language lessons. We address questions that a learner of L2 French has, which are sometimes difficult to find answers to in scholarly grammars or L2 French workbooks.
Academic Journal of Modern Philology; 2023, 20; 95-106
Pojawia się w:
Academic Journal of Modern Philology
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Contemporary Contrastive Studies of Polish, Bulgarian and Russian Neologisms versus Language Corpora
Satoła-Staśkowiak, Joanna
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Slawistyki PAN
language corpora
parallel corpora
contrastive studies
Polish language
Bulgarian language
Russian language
Contemporary Contrastive Studies of Polish, Bulgarian and Russian Neologisms versus Language CorporaIn the field of Slavonic linguistics contrastive studies of neologisms occupy little place, the newest words are insufficiently described and classified. The aim of this article is to draw attention to the need for contrastive description of the newest lexis and checking exclusively one of many possibilities of obtaining Polish, Bulgarian and Russian neologisms. Language corpora, as this possibility is in question, are not the only source from which the author obtains her research material, yet a growing interest in corpora has inspired her to also use this method. The author wants to show the reader to what degree language corpora can help in building the thesaurus of Polish, Bulgarian and Russian neologisms. Making an attempt to confront a collection of neologisms of contemporary Polish, Bulgarian and Russian language, the author points out the need to standardize the description (identical for each of the analysed languages), which she intends to propose in another publications on neologisms in Polish, Bulgarian and Russian language. The application of contrastive method to three different but related languages from the Slavonic group will help, in her opinion, to discover more mechanisms of new words coming into existence and examine the newest derivative processes and their productivity.
Cognitive Studies; 2013, 13
Pojawia się w:
Cognitive Studies
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Corpora amylacea from multiple sclerosis brain tissue consists of aggregated neuronal cells
Selmaj, Krzysztof
Pawłowska, Zofia
Walczak, Agata
Koziołkiewicz, Wiktor
Raine, Cedric
Cierniewski, Czesław
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Biochemiczne
neuronal aggregates
corpora amylacea
multiple sclerosis
In this report, we describe proteomic analysis of corpora amylacea collected by postmortem laser microdissection from multiple sclerosis (MS) brain lesions. Using low level protein loads (about 30 µg), a combination of two-dimensional electrophoresis with matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry and database interrogations we identified 24 proteins of suspected neuronal origin. In addition to major cytoskeletal proteins like actin, tubulin, and vimentin, we identified a variety of proteins implicated specifically in cellular motility and plasticity (F-actin capping protein), regulation of apoptosis and senescence (tumor rejection antigen-1, heat shock proteins, valosin-containing protein, and ubiquitin-activating enzyme E1), and enzymatic pathways (glyceraldehyde-3-dehydrogenase, protein disulfide isomerase, protein disulfide isomerase related protein 5, lactate dehydrogenase). Samples taken from regions in the vicinity of corpora amylacea showed only traces of cellular proteins suggesting that these bodies may represent remnants of neuronal aggregates with highly polymerized cytoskeletal material. Our data provide evidence supporting the concept that biogenesis of corpora amylacea involves degeneration and aggregation of cells of neuronal origin.
Acta Biochimica Polonica; 2008, 55, 1; 43-50
Pojawia się w:
Acta Biochimica Polonica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Corpus-based and corpus-driven research on translation and interpreting in Russian: the past, the present and the future
Badania korpusowe nad tłumaczeniem pisemnym i ustnym na materiale tekstów w języku rosyjskim: przeszłość, teraźniejszość i przyszłość
Корпусные исследования письменного и устного перевода на материале текстов на русском языке: прошлое, настоящее и будущее
Dayter, Daria
Grabowski, Łukasz Michał
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Rusycystyczne
устный перевод
письменный перевод
корпусная лингвистика
русский язык
языковой корпус
przekład ustny
przekład pisemny
lingwistyka korpusowa
język rosyjski
korpus językowy
corpus linguistics
Russian language
language corpora
Abstract (English) Recently, there has been a growing interest in descriptive and applied studies on translation conducted with the use of methodologies grounded in corpus linguistics. In this paper, we present an overview of state-of-the-art research in corpus-based and corpus-driven translation and interpreting studies conducted with the use of Russian corpora, notably parallel and comparable ones. In contrast to research conducted on other European languages (English, French, German, Spanish etc.), the considerable research tradition in Russian remains relatively unknown to a wider scholarly audience. We outline the scope of research conducted so far, present the most important parallel and comparable corpora with a Russian subcorpus used in translation and interpreting studies, discuss the state-of-the-art research methods, including descriptive and inferential statistics, and summarize selected studies of considerable impact in the discipline. Finally, we identify research gaps and outline avenues for future research.
Корпусные исследования письменного и устного перевода на материале текстов на русском языке: прошлое, настоящее и будущее   В последнее время растет интерес к описательным и прикладным исследованиям перевода, проводимым с использованием методологий, основанных на корпусной лингвистике. В этой статье мы представляем обзор современных исследований в области письменного и устного перевода, проведенных с использованием корпусов русского языка, особенно параллельных и сопоставимых. В отличие от исследований, проводимых на других европейских языках (английском, французском, немецком, испанском и т. д.), значительная исследовательская традиция на русском языке остается относительно неизвестной широкой научной аудитории. Мы очерчиваем объем недавно проведенных исследований, представляем наиболее важные параллельные и сопоставимые корпуса с русским подкорпусом, используемые в исследованиях письменного и устного перевода, обсуждаем современные методы исследования, включая описательную и индуктивную статистику, и резюмируем избранные исследования, имеющие большое значение в дисциплине. Наконец, мы выявляем пробелы в исследованиях и намечаем направления будущих исследований.
Badania korpusowe nad tłumaczeniem pisemnym i ustnym na materiale tekstów w języku rosyjskim: przeszłość, teraźniejszość i przyszłość   W ostatnich latach coraz większą popularnością cieszą się badania opisowe i stosowane nad tłumaczeniem, wykonane z wykorzystaniem metod korpusowych. W niniejszym artykule omawiamy założenia i przykłady najnowszych badań korpusowych nad tłumaczeniem pisemnym i ustnym wykonane na materiale zaczerpniętym z korpusów języka rosyjskiego, zwłaszcza równoległych i porównywalnych. W przeciwieństwie do badań nad innymi językami europejskimi (angielski, francuski, niemiecki, hiszpański itp.), pokaźny dorobek rosyjskich badaczy jest stosunkowo mało znany szerszemu gronu naukowców. Przedstawiamy zatem zakres dotychczasowych badań, przybliżamy najważniejsze korpusy równoległe i porównywalne z podkorpusem tekstów rosyjskich wykorzystane w badaniach nad tłumaczeniem ustnym i pisemnym, omawiamy najnowsze metody badawcze, w tym wykorzystanie statystyki opisowej i wnioskowania statystycznego, a także przybliżamy wybrane badania, które wywarły znaczący wpływ na dyscyplinę. Na koniec podejmujemy próbę określenia luk badawczych oraz kierunków dalszych badań.
Przegląd Rusycystyczny; 2022, 1(177); 76-96
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Rusycystyczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Création et dénomination – traduction et re-dénomination: deux démarches cognitives assimilables. Analyse comparative de dénominations de perruches en français, allemand et polonais
Creation and Denomination—Translation and Re-Denomination: Two Assimilable Cognitive Approaches. Analysis of Denominations of Budgerigars in French, German and Polish
Tworzenie i nazywanie – tłumaczenie i ponowne nazywanie: dwa zbieżne ujęcia poznawcze. Analiza porównawcza nazw papug w języku francuskim, niemieckim i polskim
Bernez, Célia
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
porównanie trzech języków
wyrazy złożone
relacja semantyczna
ujęcie nazwotwórcze
trudności w tłumaczeniu
trilingual comparable corpora
compound terms
semantic relation
denominative approach
specialized terminology
translation difficulties
Cet article en se basant sur les résultats d’une analyse comparative des dénominations de perruches en français, allemand et polonais met en relief les difficultés d’un traducteur, notamment lors de choix qu’il doit faire. Pour sélectionner un terme équivalent dans la langue cible, il retrace le chemin dénominatif que le créateur du mot de la langue source a suivi jusqu'à la lexicalisation pour reconnaître la représentation conceptuelle à laquelle il associera la dénomination de la langue cible. La démarche pragmatique du traducteur se rapproche ainsi de celle du créateur.
This article based on the results of a comparative analysis (French, German, Polish) of denominations of budgerigars points out some difficulties translators have to face, especially when they need to choose between several terms, in either the source language or the target language. To select an equivalent term they ‘redraw’ the way that the creators of words in the compared languages follow right up to lexicalization. The pragmatic process during the search for an equivalent term is thus similar to the search leading to the creation of the word : translation is a kind of re-denomination.
Na przykładzie analizy porównawczej francuskich, niemieckich i polskich nazw papug ukazane są trudności tłumacza w dokonywaniu wyboru odpowiedniego ekwiwalentu. Aby dokonać wyboru właściwego terminu w języku docelowym, odtwarza przebieg tworzenia nazwy przez jej kreatora w języku wyjściowym, aż do jej leksykalizacji, aby odczytać reprezentację konceptualną do której przypisana będzie nazwa w języku docelowym. Owo ujęcie pragmatyczne tłumacza zbieżnie jest w z ujęciem kreatora nazwy.
Roczniki Humanistyczne; 2016, 64, 8; 55-74
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Humanistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Czasowniki maksymalnej i nadmiernej efektywności w Narodowym Fotokorpusie Języka Polskiego – rekonesans
Verbs of the maximum and excessive effectiveness in the Na onal Photocorpus of the Polish Language (NFJP) – reconnaissance
Dzienisiewicz, Daniel
Data publikacji:
Towarzystwo Kultury Języka
National Photocorpus of the Polish Language (NFJP)
National Corpus of Polish (NKJP)
language corpora
corpus linguistics
verbs effectiveness
The purpose of this article is to analyse the resources of the National Photocorpus of the Polish Language (NFJP) in terms of presence of verbs of maximum and excessive effectiveness. The author endeavours to answer the following questions: 1) which verbs of maximum and excessive effectiveness are recorded by the NFJP, 2) to what extent the verbs recorded in the NFJP are present in the networks of entries in the 19th-century dictionaries of Polish, 3) whether words not recorded in dictionaries of Polish are present in the resources of the National Corpus of Polish (NKJP). The conducted examinations showed that 279 verbs of maximum and excessive effectiveness, including lexemes with prefi xes do-, na-, nad(e)-, o-||ob(e)-, prze-, roz(e)-, u-, wyand za- in their morphological structures and aspectual derivatives, can be found in the NFJP. The analysis evidences that over 15% of verbs have not been recorded in the examined dictionaries of Polish. However, out of 42 verbs, which are unique to the NFJP, 13 words have been found in the NKJP resources. The findings of the study lead to the conclusion that the NFJP could serve as a valuable source for the research on the 20th-century lexis of Polish, e.g. by complementing the knowledge of the vocabulary that is “distributed” in various types of texts and has not been covered by research to this date.
Poradnik Językowy; 2023, 800, 1; 12-28
Pojawia się w:
Poradnik Językowy
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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