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Cooperation of universities with business in Poland and the USA – perspective of scientific environment
Czerwińska-Lubszczyk, Agnieszka
Grebski, Michalene
Jagoda-Sobalak, Dominika
Data publikacji:
university-business cooperation
determinants of cooperation
universities cooperation
University and business cooperation offers many benefits not only for the parties involved. It translates into innovation and competitiveness of the economy. The relationship encounters many barriers that are related to the environment (both internal and external) in which it is implemented. The aim of the article is to identify the determinants of university-business cooperation (areas of cooperation, barriers, motivations) and to point out recommendations from the perspective of scientists in Poland and the United States (USA). The experience of USA researchers can be used as a background for considerations about cooperation between universities and business in Poland, and as an example of good practices for the purpose of supporting and improving the analyzed relationships. The article focuses on selected determinants of university and business cooperation: areas of cooperation, barriers limiting it, motivations for cooperation and the possible options for its improvement (recommendations of researchers). In order to achieve the assumed goals, an individual, in-depth interview was conducted with the use of a questionnaire as the research tool. The presented results of the research showed significant differences between the models of university and business cooperation in Poland and the USA.
Management Systems in Production Engineering; 2020, 1 (28); 40-46
Pojawia się w:
Management Systems in Production Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
How Firms Cooperate in Business Groups? Evidence from Poland
Mierzejewska, Wioletta
Dziurski, Patryk
Data publikacji:
Akademia Leona Koźmińskiego w Warszawie
business group
area of cooperation
direction of cooperation
Purpose: The study aims to identify the main directions of intragroup cooperation, along with crucial areas of cooperation in business groups, and develops theoretical models of cooperation in a business group. Methodology: The qualitative approach is applied in the study that is based on the cross-case analysis of four business groups operating in Poland. Findings: Results indicate that business groups cooperate mainly vertically (cooperation between the core company and affiliates) in operations. Horizontal (among affiliates) and vertical cooperation in other areas – marketing, R&D, finance, and human resources – are not so intense. The study enables us to propose a theoretical framework of cooperation models in business groups based on two dimensions – the direction of cooperation and the number of cooperation areas. It leads to the identification of four models: two-sided loose cooperation, two-sided tight cooperation, multi-sided loose cooperation, and multi-sided tight cooperation. Implications: Identification of main directions of cooperation in business groups, along with areas of cooperation have implications for both researchers and managers. Findings of the study and the theoretical framework of cooperation models in business groups can be used as a basis for the further theoretical exploration of the organization and functioning of business groups in the economy and a strategic decision guideline for managers. Originality: The literature focuses mainly on the interorganizational cooperation between dispersedly owned standalone entities. Studies on intraorganizational cooperation in business groups are limited. The study aims to provide a better understanding of cooperation between entities in business groups
Central European Management Journal; 2021, 29(2); 63-88
Pojawia się w:
Central European Management Journal
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Potentials in the Integration of Planning Enterprise Activity
Tubis, Agnieszka
Data publikacji:
Międzynarodowa Wyższa Szkoła Logistyki i Transportu
internal cooperation
external cooperation
Planning, including planning in logistics, consists the primary function of management, as it is logically and chronologically first in the management process. The efficiency of the subsequent activities in the company depends on the proper realization of this stage. Therefore, finding possibilities of improving this part of management process, aimed at reducing the risk of undertaken planning decisions, creates an important issue in the research activity. One of the possible ways of improving planning process is to integrate it within internal company’s activity, as well as to include it to cooperation with partners. As a result, the aim of this article is to identify needs and opportunities of integration for selected planning levels in company’s work.
Logistics and Transport; 2010, 10, 1; 105-112
Pojawia się w:
Logistics and Transport
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
EUPOS - a new European inititive
Śledziński, J.
Graszka, W.
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Warszawska. Wydział Geodezji i Kartografii
EUPOS project
international cooperation
scientific cooperation
EUPOS (European Position Determination System) is a new European initiative of establishment of the multifunctional reference station system in Central and Eastern countries as an international project to establish a uniform groun based GNSS augmentation system of multifunctional permanently operating reference stations creating a satellite positioning infrastructure in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE). The Project EUPOS was initiated by the Berlin Senate Department for Urban Development and European Academy of the Urban Development Berlin. The Project consists in establishment of about 800 multifunctional satellite reference stations in Central and Eastern Europe. Fifteen countries (Bulgaria, Czech republic, Estonia,Germany, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Russian Federation, Serbia &Montenegro, Slovakia, Slovenia and Ukraine) intend to participate in the project. On common project standard set wiil be observed by all countries, however the project will include the existing or developed infrastructure in participating countries. Experiences of all participating countries in establishing and operating satellite systems will also be used. The system will be compatible with the German network SAPOS and in future will use as main signal the signal of the European system Galileo. The network of reference stations will provide services for both positioning of the geodetic control points and for land, air and marine navigation. several levels of positioning acuracy will be offered. The participating countries decided to form a Steering Commitee. nine working conferences of the Steering Commitee were help up to now. The conferences were devoted to discussions on practical aspects of realisation of establishment of the network, the standards and possible sources of financial support realisation of the Project. EUPOS is a member of the International Comitee on Global Navigation Satellite Systems (ICG) and the Radio Technical Commision for Maritime Services Special Commitee 104 (RTCM SC 104). In August 2006 the Head Office of Geodesy and Cartography of Poland has signed with the Polish Ministry of Economy the agreement on financial support for establishment of EUPOS reference stations in Poland.
Reports on Geodesy; 2006, z. 2/77; 29-37
Pojawia się w:
Reports on Geodesy
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Cross border economic cooperation between Poland and the Kaliningrad Oblast of the Russian Federation
Tansgraniczna współpraca gospodarcza Polski z obwodem kaliningradzkim Federacji Rosyjskiej
Palmowski, T.
Kondratowicz, K.
Data publikacji:
Akademia Pomorska w Słupsku
economic cooperation
Kaliningrad Oblast
Russian Federation
border cooperation
international cooperation
Kaliningrad Oblast is a Russian exclave lying by the Baltic Sea. In the best interest of Baltic countries, including Poland, is for the Baltic Sea region to be a stable and trustworthy region benefiting from multifaceted international cooperation. In view of the above, the Kaliningrad Oblast of the Russian Federation and its relations with EU states, and especially the closest neighbours have an important role to play. Trading between Poland and Kaliningrad Oblast is developing relatively well, but capital involvement remains well below the potential capacity. The scope of economic cooperation is relatively small. Work on providing security and services to Polish investors in Kaliningrad also remains unsatisfactory.
Obwód Kaliningradzki to rosyjska eksklawa położona nad Bałtykiem, której najważniejszym miastem jest Kaliningrad, gdzie koncentruje się 46% ludności i 60% potencjału przemysłowego. W obwodzie znajduje się stosunkowo dobrze rozwinięty kompleks transportowy. Region zyskał w 1992 r. status wolnej strefy ekonomicznej, a w 1996 r. specjalnej strefy ekonomicznej. Rozszerzenie Unii Europejskiej w 2004 r. wpłynęło na specyfikę i unikatowe geostrategiczne położenie Obwodu Kaliningradzkiego, stanowiącego część Federacji Rosyjskiej, położonej wewnątrz Zjednoczonej Europy. Od tego czasu zaczęto określać go mianem „bramy do Rosji”. Polska jest trzecim najważniejszym dostawcą towarów do Obwodu Kaliningradzkiego po Niemczech i Chinach. Polskie przedsiębiorstwa zaopatrują eksklawę Rosji przede wszystkim w żywność oraz chemię gospodarczą. Do głównych grup towarów importowanych z Polski do obwodu należą ponadto: wyroby przemysłu maszynowego, inne produkty przemysłu chemicznego: tworzywa sztuczne i pochodne, odzież, obuwie, papier, materiały budowlane oraz meble. Do najczęściej wysyłanego asortymentu należą mieszanki warzywne, warzywa suszone, mrożone truskawki, a także świeże jabłka, wiśnie i śliwki. Z Obwodu Kalinigradzkiego sprowadza się głownie ropę naftową i produkty ropopochodne, wentylacyjne, oświetlenie, drewno, nawozy, miedź i celulozę. Polskie towary widoczne są w kaliningradzkich sklepach, podobnie jak komponenty budowlane i wyposażenie nowych obiektów, takie jak: stolarka okienna i drzwiowa, meble, zabudowy wnętrz, armatura sanitarna, urządzenia elektryczne i klimatyzacyjne. Ponadto artykuły papiernicze, gospodarstwa domowego, wyposażenie domów i ogrodów są towarem, którym zainteresowane są większe sieci sklepów, w tym rosyjski potentat „Wester”. Szacuje się, iż około 30% polskich firm działających w Obwodzie Kaliningradzkim pochodzi z Warmii i Mazur. Większość artykułów rolno-spożywczych eksportowanych do obwodu pochodzi z województwa warmińsko-mazurskiego. Niespełna milionowy rynek Obwodu Kaliningradzkiego, z uwagi na zróżnicowany poziom dochodów ludności, można uznać za stosunkowo mało chłonny, ale okazuje się on bardzo ważny dla polskich przedsiębiorstw. Ich liczebność jest większa niż firm z Niemiec – największego importera w tym regionie. W 2006 r. wśród największych inwestorów w obwodzie było dwóch jego bezpośrednich sąsiadów. Największym inwestorem bezpośrednim są firmy litewskie, które skutecznie konkurują na rynkach obwodu z polskimi firmami. Polskie towary są powszechne w Kaliningradzie, wiele polskich marek jest dobrze znanych i rozpoznawalnych od kilku lat.
Baltic Coastal Zone. Journal of Ecology and Protection of the Coastline; 2009, 13 part II
Pojawia się w:
Baltic Coastal Zone. Journal of Ecology and Protection of the Coastline
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
European Union – Police and Customs cooperation. A historical perspective
Valente, Isabel Maria Freitas
Data publikacji:
Wyższa Szkoła Bezpieczeństwa Publicznego i Indywidualnego Apeiron w Krakowie
European Union
Police Cooperation
Customs Cooperation
The aim of this essay is to present the development and current state of Police and customs cooperation within the EU. Therefore, we present the subject in chronological order since the creation of the European Atomic Energy Community and the European Economic Community (1957) until the Treaty of Lisbon (2007). And we argue that the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice can only make sense when the three components are present, without detriment to any.
Security Dimensions; 2013, 10(10); 39-45
Pojawia się w:
Security Dimensions
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Defence Diplomacy of Selected States – Searching for a Universal Model of Defence Diplomacy
Drab, Lech
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
defence diplomacy
bilateral cooperation
multilateral military cooperation
Defence diplomacy is increasingly important in modern states’ foreign and security policies. The ever-expanding circle of issues of interest fosters the strengthening of the role and importance of defence diplomacy. Alongside the traditional areas of military cooperation based on dialogue and support, other areas of interaction serving international security are becoming more visible. Each state has a different set of instruments at its disposal, and they try to shape defence diplomacy in their own way, taking into account the specificities of their own national interests and the environments in which they operate. Despite their natural differences, there is a common understanding that defence diplomacy can enhance trust and transparency in international relations. Nevertheless, with all the similarities in states or international security organisations, it is not easy to talk about a universal model of defence diplomacy. The wide range of diplomatic instruments allows each state to select and adapt them to the specific situation and the conditions dictated by geopolitics or geo-economics in the relevant international policy areas.
Polish Political Science Yearbook; 2023, 3(53); 95-108
Pojawia się w:
Polish Political Science Yearbook
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kształtowanie relacji między elementami sieci innowacyjnych
Creating relations within innovation networks elements
Surówka-Marszałek, Danuta
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie
companies cooperation
One of the most common determinants of the companies' mutual cooperation is creating the innovation networks. There are lots of benefits stemming from active participation within them. Such networks are, among others, having access to diverse but complementary knowledge resources, reducing risk through its sharing, entering new markets and discovering new technologies or making use of other complementary assets or competences. That is only one of the reasons for which companies are eager for mutual cooperation. It enables them broadening their access towards key assets creating innovations. Their external dimensions are shaped by companies' relations with their clients, suppliers or other market partners, which in effect can succeed in the process of creating new values.
e-mentor. Czasopismo naukowe Szkoły Głównej Handlowej w Warszawie; 2014, 3 (55); 62-71
Pojawia się w:
e-mentor. Czasopismo naukowe Szkoły Głównej Handlowej w Warszawie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Book Review: Sławomir Czech, Od konfliktu do kooperacji [From conflict to cooperation]
Recenzja książki: Sławomir Czech, Od konfliktu do kooperacji [From conflict to cooperation]
Biernacka, Maja
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie
This is a review of a book by Sławomir Czech titled Od konfliktu do kooperacji. Instytucjonalizacja konfliktu interesów zbiorowych w szwedzkim modelu gospodarczym [From conflict to cooperation. Institutionalisation of the conflict of collective interests in the Swedish economic model]. The book deals with the so-called 'Swedish model' of the economy. The author claims that while the significance of trade unions is usually magnified in its construction, the role of business organisations is underestimated. He analyses pivotal conflicts between the Swedish Social Democratic Party, the trade unions and the employers' organisation. In the book he puts forward a hypothesis that constructing Swedish economic institutions in concordance with the principles of cooperation and seeking a compromise between the most important pressure groups fostered solutions that were beneficial in terms of economic growth.
Jest to recenzja książki Sławomira Czecha pod tytułem Od konfliktu do kooperacji. Instytucjonalizacja konfliktu interesów zbiorowych w szwedzkim modelu gospodarczym, która ukazała się w 2019 roku nakładem Wydawnictwa Naukowego Scholar. Dotyczy ona tak zwanego "szwedzkiego modelu" gospodarki. Autor twierdzi, że w procesach jego budowy zazwyczaj wyolbrzymiane jest znaczenie związków zawodowych, a zarazem niedoceniana jest rola organizacji biznesowych. Poddaje on analizie kluczowe konflikty między: Szwedzką Socjaldemokratyczną Partią Robotniczą, związkami zawodowymi i organizacją pracodawców. W książce wysuwa hipotezę, że budowanie szwedzkich instytucji gospodarczych zgodnie z zasadami współpracy oraz szukanie kompromisu między najważniejszymi grupami nacisku sprzyjało rozwiązaniom, które przyczyniły się do wzrostu gospodarczego.
Studia z Polityki Publicznej; 2020, 7, 1(25); 123-127
Pojawia się w:
Studia z Polityki Publicznej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Współpraca nauczycieli z rodzicami uczniów – przez pryzmat nauczycielskich narracji
Zalewska-Bujak, Małgorzata
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
cooperation of teachers with parents
forms of cooperation
barriers of cooperation
The paper aims to present the issues related to the cooperation between teachers and pupils’ parents. Considering the importance and legitimacy of its occurrence in various forms and manifestations, the author conducted a qualitative study in an attempt to answer the following question: What is the image of this collaboration emerging from the teachers’ narrations as a partof the qualitative interviews conducted with them? The picture reveals teachers’ perspective on their pupils’ parents and cooperation with them, indicating some discrepancy and inadequacy in this area.
Kwartalnik Pedagogiczny; 2020, 65(2 (256)); 154-176
Pojawia się w:
Kwartalnik Pedagogiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Współpraca polityczno-wojskowa Japonii i Australii w latach 1990-2009
Political and Military Cooperation between Japan and Australia 1990-2009
Bartosiński, Paweł
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie. Instytut Nauk Politycznych
Political cooperation
Military cooperation
Australia and Japan were called as two anchors of US political and military presence in West Pacific during Cold War. Despite several decades of indirect alliance between these two countries through hub and spokes system, bilateral relations were lacking in intensity and strategic substance before 1990s. Revival of mutual cooperation was marked in 1990 by visit of commander-in-arms of Australian Defence Force in Tokyo and Japanese Defence Minister in Canberra. Breaking animosities brought to regular and broad political and military partnership which began in 1996. Cooperation through UN peace-keeping missions in Cambodia (1992-1993) and East Timor played crucial role in strengthening Japanese-Australian friendship. Canberra and Tokyo worked out beneficial and complementary cooperation (Australia as military factor, Japan as civilian contributor). War on terror since 11th September 2001 and US led operations in Afghanistan (2001) and Iraq (2003) made a trial of common values and mutual assistance on the battlefield. Trilateral Strategic Dialogue between USA, Japan and Australia established in 2001 has been an attempt to replace hub and spokes system. Some constraints of multilateral relations resulted from different stands on North Korean missile tests, Chinese threats against Taiwan and embargo on arms trade with PRC. Australian „soft" policy towards China which becomes a major trade partner of Canberra weakens trilateral and bilateral partnership. However Japan and Australia stressed the importance of their relations by signing Joint Declaration on Security Cooperation in 2007. For both Tokyo and Canberra this declaration is, next to the treaties with US, first security agreement with foreign country. Future architecture of Asian security is a challenge for both Australia and Japan. This issue developed particularly since Kevin Rudd's presentation of the idea of Asia Pacific Community and Japanese government policy of „Return to Asia" disclosed by new prime minister Yumio Hatoyama in 2009.
Forum Politologiczne; 2010, 11 - Chiny i państwa azjatyckie - karty z historii i wyzwania współczesności; 395-415
Pojawia się w:
Forum Politologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Enhanced Cooperation in the EU: Its Evolution and Position of the Czech Republic
Malíř, Jan
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Centrum Europejskie
European Union;
Closer Cooperation;
Enhanced Cooperation;
Czech Republic;
Enhanced cooperation (originally closer cooperation) was inserted into the EU institutional and legal system by the Amsterdam Treaty in a response to political calls for establishment of a mechanism that would allow for deeper integration of only some Member States (“coalitions of the willing”) in the ever-enlarging EU. As such, this step meant a break with the unity dogma the European integration had been traditionally built upon and provided for institutionalised differentiation in the EU. Redesigned by both the Treaty of Nice and the Treaty of Lisbon, enhanced cooperation has materialized in 5 cases since 2010. Apart from that, possibility of a recourse to enhanced cooperation has played a role in negotiation strategies within the EU decision-making process and in reflections on the future of the EU. While enhanced cooperation is not a magic panacea to divergences of opinions on the European integration between individual Member States, in particular, middle-sized and small Member States including the Czech Republic shall not underestimate the potential this mechanism might have.
Studia Europejskie - Studies in European Affairs; 2019, 1; 89-112
Pojawia się w:
Studia Europejskie - Studies in European Affairs
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Comprehensive overview of the Polish-Ukrainian cross-border cooperation
Kompleksowy przegląd polsko-ukraińskiej współpracy transgranicznej
Parlinska, A.
Zamora, O.
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie. Wydawnictwo Szkoły Głównej Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie
cross-border cooperation
socioeconomic analysis
The article is dedicated to the comprehensive analysis of the cross-border cooperation between Polish and Ukrainian border regions, which are involved in euroregions, established on their basis. The analysis covers theoretical aspects, financial issues of the cross-border collaboration, as well as socio-economic aspects research of the investigated territories development. Authors’ aim is to compare the principles and tendencies of territories development within cross-border Polish-Ukrainian regions in order to provide a comprehensive vision of the cross-border cooperation between Ukraine and Poland within Carpathian Euroregion and Euroregion Bug.
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki szczegółowej analizy i oceny transgranicznej współpracy regionów przygranicznych Polski i Ukrainy, w którą zaangażowane są euroregiony. Analiza obejmuje zarówno aspekty teoretyczne, kwestie finansowe współpracy transgranicznej, jak i aspekty społeczno-ekonomiczne rozwoju badanego terytorium. Celem autorów jest porównywanie zasad i tendencji rozwoju terytoriów w polsko-ukraińskich regionach transgranicznych w celu zapewnienia całościowej wizji współpracy transgranicznej między Ukrainą i Polską w ramach Euroregionu Karpackiego i Euroregionu Bug.
Acta Scientiarum Polonorum. Oeconomia; 2013, 12, 4
Pojawia się w:
Acta Scientiarum Polonorum. Oeconomia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Chosen factors influencing coopetition in western Poland in the 2009-2011 period
Wybrane czynniki wpływające na koopetycję w zachodniej Polsce w latach 2009-2011
Tomaszewski, M.
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie. Wydawnictwo Szkoły Głównej Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie
innovative cooperation
2009-2011 period
Analysing the literature dealing with coopetition on both national and international levels, one cannot help but notice that this notion has recently become increasingly more popular. The same cannot be said however, of the notion of coopetition from a practical point of view. Apprehension related to coopetition have to do with the so-called limited confi dence principle, applied by Polish entrepreneurs to other commercial entities. This principle has worked out well up until recently. However, the ongoing globalisation and increasing pace of technological progress are forcing, especially small- and medium-sized enterprises, to pay closer attention to quite a different strategy of “sleeping with the enemy”. The empirical part of the article indicates, how the chosen factors influence establishing coopetition. The list of factors include: PKD (Polska Klasyfikacja Działalności – Polish Classifi cation of Economic Activities) section, where the company customers come from, the distance from other delivery network participants, relations with those participants and technological class applicable to the company’s technological process.
Analiza literatury z zakresu koopetycji zarówno na poziomie krajowym, jak i ponadnarodowym wskazuje, że problematyka ta staje się coraz bardziej popularna. Nie można jednak tego samego stwierdzić w odniesieniu do oceny znaczenia koopetycji z praktycznego punktu widzenia. Obawa związana z koopetycjami jest zbieżna z zasadą ograniczonego zaufania, która jest stosowana przez polskich przedsiębiorców w odniesieniu do innych podmiotów. Ta zasada funkcjonowała dobrze aż do niedawna. Postępująca globalizacja i wzrastające tempo postępu technicznego zmuszają jednak – szczególnie małe i średnie przedsiębiorstwa – do zwrócenia większej uwagi na zupełnie odmienną strategię „sypiania z wrogiem”. Empiryczna część artykułu wskazuje, jak wybrane czynniki wpływają na podjęcie koopetycji. Lista czynników obejmuje: sekcję PKD (Polska Klasyfikacja Działalności), pochodzenie klientów, odległość do innych uczestników sieci dostaw oraz klasę technologiczną odpowiadającą procesom technologicznym w firmie.
Acta Scientiarum Polonorum. Oeconomia; 2013, 12, 4
Pojawia się w:
Acta Scientiarum Polonorum. Oeconomia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Sports, home and health as motives for German-Polish school cooperation
Cornelia, Müller,
Data publikacji:
Akademia Pedagogiki Specjalnej im. Marii Grzegorzewskiej. Wydawnictwo APS
school cooperation
health promotion
intercultural competences
international cooperation
The following paper contains a report on an international school project – GESZKO ‒, that had been taking place in the border area of Saxony and Poland in the school years 2011/12, 2012/13 and 2013/14. The main theme of the activities at 13 schools were health, sport and home region. After the end of the project the team at the University of Applied Science in Zittau/Görlitz is evaluating the entire project and is going to publish a manual for German-Polish school partnerships.
International Journal of Pedagogy, Innovation and New Technologies; 2017, 4(2); 48-57
Pojawia się w:
International Journal of Pedagogy, Innovation and New Technologies
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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