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Geneza przepisów o dożywociu małżeńskim w projektach kodyfi kacyjnych II połowy XVIII w. Zarys problemu
The origins of the legal regulations of conjugal life estate in codification projects of the second half of the eighteenth century. General outline of the problem
Głuszak, Marcin
Data publikacji:
Krakowska Akademia im. Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego
matrimonial property law
advitalitas inter coniuges
life estate
Zamoyski Code
Stanislaw August Code
codification projects
contract forms
widow laws
prawo małżeńskie majątkowe
dożywocie małżeńskie
Zbiór Praw Sądowych
Kodeks Stanisława Augusta
projekty kodyfikacji
formularze umów
prawa wdowy
Towards the end of the First Republic, attempts were made to comprehensively codify Polish law twice: within the framework of Zamoyski Code and Stanisław August Code. The draft ed projects contained, among other issues, the regulation of the institution of conjugal life estate (an agreement between the spouses, granting the widow to remain living in the estate after the husband’s death), commonly used in the law of the land. And although the proposals mentioned were not used in practice, they stressed the importance of life contracts in everyday life of the Polish nobility. It is reasonable to examine the detailed provisions gathered in these projects, and the extent to which their authors grasped from the solutions previously known. The source of the provisions of the Code should be found primarily in the old Polish common law. What is more, life sentence forms, compendia and elaboration of land law and foreign law used in court practice, may be beneficial in the research as well.
U schyłku I Rzeczypospolitej dwukrotnie: w ramach Zbioru Praw Sądowych Andrzeja Zamoyskiego oraz Kodeksu Stanisława Augusta, podjęto próbę kompleksowej kodyfikacji polskiego prawa sądowego. Przygotowane projekty zawierały, między innymi, regulację powszechnie stosowanej dotychczas w prawie ziemskim instytucji dożywocia małżeńskiego. I choć propozycje te nie zostały wykorzystane w praktyce, wskazują na doniosłą rolę, jaką umowy dożywocia odgrywały w życiu codziennym polskiej szlachty. Zasadne jest zbadanie, co legło u podstaw szczegółowych przepisów zawartych w wymienionych projektach, w jakim stopniu ich autorzy skorzystali z rozwiązań znanych wcześniej, w jakim natomiast – propozycje te miały charakter pionierski. Źródeł przepisów kodeksowych należy upatrywać przede wszystkim w dawnym polskim prawie zwyczajowym. Ponadto przydatne w badaniach mogą okazać się stosowane w praktyce sądowej formularze umów dożywocia, kompendia i opracowania prawa ziemskiego oraz prawa obce.
Studia z Dziejów Państwa i Prawa Polskiego; 2017, 20; 51-60
Pojawia się w:
Studia z Dziejów Państwa i Prawa Polskiego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Stosunek administracyjnoprawny w niemieckiej doktrynie prawa publicznego
Administrative Relationship In The German Doctrine Of Public Law
Sancewicz, Paweł
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
legal relationship
legal forms of administrative activity
administrative procedure
public subjective rights
administrative contract
The notion of the administrative-legal relationship is the basis of the dogmatics of Polish administrative law. Over the years, the doctrinal framework of this concept has been established by the doctrine of public law. At the same time, an extremely fruitful dogmatics discussion about this concept both in German law and practice has taken place. Therefore, the article attempts to present discoveries of the German doctrine of public law in this area. The review of the German literature conducted in the article shows that, despite some disputes, the German authors currently believe that the administrative-legal relationship is a useful tool for the analysis of rights and obligations in comprehensive legal relations, as well as cooperative frameworks. Contemporary German scholars, who do not distinguish the concept of a legal situation, unlike in Poland, believe that as part of the modernization processes in administration, the concept of the administrative-legal relationship can be used to solve complex legal issues.The above-mentioned discoveries made by German scholars could act as significant inspiration for the Polish doctrine of public law, especially in the context of the draft to introduce an administrative agreement into Polish law. Of particular importance here is the fact that in Germany there is a different system of the legal forms of administration activity, of which an administrative agreement is a vital component. It is indicated in the paper that Polish scholars see the possibility of describing complex legal constructions by the notion of the administrative-legal relationship in the simultaneous or complementary use of the concept of the administrative-legal situation. One should consider whether the same or better effects cannot be achieved much more easily, namely by modifying the understanding in the doctrine of the notion of administrative-legal relationship, more appropriate to the analysis of cooperative frameworks in administration.
Studia Prawa Publicznego; 2020, 1, 29; 27-47
Pojawia się w:
Studia Prawa Publicznego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Umowa jako prawna forma działania administracji publicznej w polskiej i niemieckiej doktrynie prawa publicznego
Agreement As A Legal Form Of Operation Of Public Administration In Polish And German Doctrine Of Public Law
Sancewicz, Paweł
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
legal forms of operation
administrative agreement
contract law in administration
general provisions of administrative law
Within the administrative construction of legal forms of public administration activity developed by the doctrine of administrative law, one may distinguish both a civil-law contract (private-law), as well as an agreement having certain features of a public-law contract. The German doctrine of public law, has long been struggling with problems of legal qualification of contracts used as legal forms of action by public administration entities. As part of the work undertaken by the German doctrine of public law, a two step theory, a concept of contract law in administration and a model administrative contract have been developed. Approximation of these theories allowed the Polish doctrine of public law to identify the most important features, which should characterise the theoretical construction of a public-law contract concluded with a citizen or an administrative contract. First of all, it should be concluded by a public administration entity on the basis of its competence. The administrative agreement should concern the relationship between the administration and the citizens. Secondly, the subject matter of the contract should be governed by public law and relate exclusively to the performance of public administration tasks. Thirdly, disputes arising from an administrative agreement should be submitted to the jurisdiction of administrative courts. The article shows that from the point of view of legal protection of the individual this is a crucial matter. Although the legislator has not decided to introduce an administrative agreement into the Polish legal system, many of the contracts already in operation under Polish law have certain features which at least in part resemble the administrative agreement described above. Such an administrative agreement often concerns the relationship between public administration and the citizen and is concluded in connection with the performance of public tasks. De lege ferenda the conclusion of an administrative contract should be subject to review by the administrative courts.
Studia Prawa Publicznego; 2019, 1, 25; 55-79
Pojawia się w:
Studia Prawa Publicznego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wymóg zatrudnienia w formie umowy o pracę w Prawie zamówień publicznych
Obligation to employ a worker as a standard form in Public Procurement Law
Pawlonka, Cezary
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu
Prawo zamówień publicznych
rynek pracy
umowa o pracę
formy zatrudnienia
Public Procurement Law
labor market
contract of employment
non-typical contract of employment
forms of employment
Zjawisko powszechnego zatrudniania w Polsce w ramach umowy-zlecenia niezgodne jest ze strategią rynku pracy Unii Europejskiej – flexicurity. Liczne przykłady nadużyć wobec pracowników pracujących w ramach umów niekodeksowych obrazują niską jakość zatrudnienia w tej formie. W związku z powyższym ustawodawca wprowadził zakaz zatrudniania na podstawie umowy-zlecenia w momencie wystąpienia stosunku pracy – jak przy umowie o pracę, osób realizujących usługi lub roboty budowlane przy zamówieniach publicznych, nawet w przypadku chęci zawarcia takiej umowy przez pracownika. Przepis ten ma zmniejszyć segmentację polskiego rynku pracy. W artykule zbadano historię i znaczenie umowy o pracę w naukach społecznych, zaprezentowano istotę pracy niestandardowej oraz dokonano szczegółowego porównania polskiego rynku pracy z unijnymi celami polityki zatrudnienia. Zaprezentowane w artykule badania jakościowe autora przeprowadzone zostały wśród osób młodych, pracujących w ramach zatrudnienia cywilnoprawnego.
Common work under the civil law agreement in Poland is incompatible with the flexicurity strategy of the European Union labor market. Numerous examples of abuse against employees working under non-standard work agreement in Poland illustrate the low quality of employment in this form. In connection with the above, the legislator implement a prohibition of employing workers performing services or construction works on public contracts under the civil law contract, even if the employee wishes to conclude such an agreement. This provision has aim to reduce the segmentation of the Polish labor market. The article examines the stories and significance of the employment contract in social sciences. Furthermore has been presented the essence of non-standard work and a detailed comparison of the Polish labor market with the EU employment policy objectives. The author’s qualitative research presented in the article was conducted among young people working under civil law employment.
Prace Naukowe Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu; 2018, 540; 116-132
Pojawia się w:
Prace Naukowe Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Standard Forms of Shipping Documents. BIMCO Contribution to their Creation and Development
Wzorcowe formularze dokumentów żeglugowych. Wkład BIMCO w ich tworzenie i rozwój
Łuczywek, Cezary
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
standard forms
shipping documents
contract templates
contract clauses
BIMCO shipping KPI system
Chamber of Shipping
formularze wzorcowe
dokumenty żeglugowe
wzorce umów
klauzule umowne
Nauki Humanistyczne i Społeczne
Wzorce dokumentów żeglugowych, takie jak konosamenty, umowy czarterowe, umowy o zarządzanie statkiem lub deklaracje ładunkowe, przygotowywane są w celu ułatwienia międzynarodowego obrotu morskiego. Ich stosowanie usprawnia proces ustalania treści różnego rodzaju umów, co ma istotne znaczenie wobec narastającego tempa obrotu gospodarczego. Bałtycka i Międzynarodowa Rada Morska (BIMCO) odgrywa wiodącą rolę w opracowywaniu tego rodzaju dokumentów. Tworzone przez nią dokumenty żeglugowe, a także pojedyncze klauzule umowne, są szeroko wykorzystywane międzynarodowej żegludze morskiej. Działalność BIMCO, w tym jej wkład w tworzenie reguł, ogólnych warunków i wzorców umów dla obrotu międzynarodowego jest fundamentalny, a samą BIMCO można uznać za najważniejszą w tym zakresie międzynarodową morską organizację pozarządową.
Standard shipping documents such as bills of lading, charter parties, ship management contracts or cargo declarations are prepared to facilitate international maritime traffic. Their application improves the process of determining the content of various types of contracts, which is important in view of the increasing pace of economic turnover. The Baltic and International Maritime Council (BIMCO) plays a leading role in the development of such documents. The shipping documents it creates, as well as individual contractual clauses, are widely used in global shipping. BIMCO's activity, including its contribution to the creation of rules, general terms and standard contracts for international trade, is fundamental, and BIMCO itself can be considered the most important international maritime non-governmental organization in this respect.
Prawo Morskie; 2020, XXXVIII; 21-43
Pojawia się w:
Prawo Morskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Umowne formy realizacji zadań przez samorząd terytorialny – zagadnienia teoretyczno-prawne
Contractual forms for the implementation of tasks by local government – theoretical and legal issues
Popowska, Bożena
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
legal forms of action of local government bodies
privatization of local government tasks
principle of freedom of contract
principle of subsidiarity
"organizational independence of local government units”
The discussion in the article takes into account two aspects: the specific nature of contracts as legal forms of action of local government bodies, and the special rela- tionship of two branches of law, i.e. administrative law and public economic law. Both directions of this discussion entail a civil law aspect with a extended theory on contracts and the freedom of contract. The study assumes that the element linking the above threads is the principle of the social market economy as one of the foundations of the system of the Republic of Poland, which does not exclude state economic activity, subject to Article 1, Article 2 and Article 5 of the Constitution of the Republic of Poland. This field includes the regulations of the Law on Municipal Management, whose addressees are local government bodies. For the implementation of the tasks assigned to local government in the field of economy, local government bodies enter into contracts; this is one of the legal forms that allows them to take into account the complexity of administration-economy relations (relationships), and therefore third parties: entrepreneurs, contractors, competitors and consumers. An area of study related to the issues stated in the title and which is significant for both theoretical and practical reasons is the regulation of Article 3 of the Law on Municipal Management. This provision provides a specific legal basis for concluding contracts “for the purpose of entrusting the performance of tasks” in the field of municipal management. The article points to the issue of the legal determination of contractual entrustment of such tasks, taking into account the constitutional principle of binding the administration to the law (Article 7 of the Constitution of the Republic of Poland) and the civil law principle of freedom of contract (Article 353¹ of the Civil Code). The scope of freedom enjoyed by local government units in the use of the form of contract in the doctrine is also considered as an element  of “organizational independence” of these units, and whose theoretical expression is the constitutional principle of subsidiarity. The article emphasizes the lack of a general and common statutory basis in the Polish legal order that would regulate the transfer of public tasks, as well as the lack of a statutory regulation providing a template(s) for the contract, which is most often referred to in the doctrine as a public-legal contract.
Studia Prawa Publicznego; 2023, 3 (43); 9-33
Pojawia się w:
Studia Prawa Publicznego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
    Wyświetlanie 1-6 z 6

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