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The Effect Of Omitted Spatial Effects And Social Dependence In The Modelling Of Household Expenditure For Fruits And Vegetables
Łaszkiewicz, Edyta
Dong, Guanpeng
Harris, Richard
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
social interaction
consumption behavior
spatial multilevel model
As is well known, ignoring spatial heterogeneity leads to biased parameter estimates, while omitting the spatial lag of a dependent variable results in biasness and inconsistency (Anselin, 1988). However, the common approach to analysing households’ expenditures is to ignore the potential spatial effects and social dependence. In light of this, the aim of this paper is to examine the consequences of omitting the spatial effects as well as social dependence in households’ expenditures. We use the Household Budget Survey microdata for the year 2011 from which we took households’ expenditures for fruits and vegetables. The effect of ignoring spatial effects and/or social dependence is analysed using four different models obtained by imposing restrictions on the core parameters of the hierarchical spatial autoregressive model (HSAR). Finally, we estimate the HSAR model to demonstrate the existence of spatial effects and social dependence. We find the omitted elements of the external environment affect negatively the estimates for other spatial (social) effect parameters. Especially, we notice the overestimation of the random effect variance when the social dependence is omitted and the overestimation of the social interaction effect when the spatial heterogeneity is ignored.
Comparative Economic Research. Central and Eastern Europe; 2014, 17, 4; 155-172
Pojawia się w:
Comparative Economic Research. Central and Eastern Europe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Features of behavior, diet, alcohol consumption, smoking, and psychological state and their relationships with the academic performance of junior medicine students
Cechy zachowania, dieta, spożycie alkoholu, palenie papierosów oraz stan psychologiczny i ich związek z osiągnięciami naukowymi studentów niższych lat medycyny
Korovina, L.
Zaporozhets, T.
Boyechko, F.
Data publikacji:
Akademia Bialska Nauk Stosowanych im. Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej
alcohol consumption
academic success
Background. Peculiarities of behavior and nutrition, living conditions, consumption of alcohol, smoking, and psychological state are factors that can influence students’ academic performance. Material and methods. 327 healthy 1-2-year students aged 18.8±0.1 years were interviewed about lifestyle, consumption of various types of foods and alcohol, intensity and duration of smoking, fasting experience, satisfaction with their degree of wealth and family relationships, sleep duration and sleep disorders, and the number of physical and psychological traumas. Anxiety, self-esteem, academic ability, and academic performance were determined. Results. Students’ nighttime sleep duration was 7.1±0.1 hours; sleep disorders were observed in 40.1% of students. Vegetables were consumed daily by 31.4% students. 70.8% of males and 57.8% of females were satisfied with wealth. The females’ academic performance was higher. Alcohol consumption was higher among females from wealthy families, but lower than among males. Conclusions. Academic performance was negatively related to the weekly dose of alcohol consumed. The academic ability level of abstainers was higher than that of alcohol users. Alcohol users showed an inverse relationship between alcohol consumption and anxiety. Differences were found in factors contributing to alcohol use by young men and women. Academic performance was lower in individuals who fasted for more than one day.
Wprowadzenie. Osobliwości zachowania i odżywania, warunków życia, spożycia alkoholu, palenie papierosów, a także stan psychologiczny są czynnikami wpływającymi na osiągnięcia studentów. Materiał i metody. W badaniu wzięło udział 327 zdrowych studentów I i II roku medycyny w wieku 18,8±0,1 lat. Zostali zapytani o styl życia, spożycie różnych pokarmów i alkoholu, intensywność i długość palenia papierosów, poszczenie, stopień zadowolenia ze zdrowia i relacji rodzinnych, długość i zaburzenia snu oraz doświadczenie traum fizycznych i psychologicznych. Określono na tej podstawie stopień niepokoju, poczucia własnej wartości, zdolności i osiągnięć akademickich. Wyniki. Czas snu studentów wynosił 7,1±0,1 godziny, a zaburzenia snu zaobserwowano u 40,1% studentów. 31,4% studentów spożywało codziennie warzywa. 70,8% mężczyzn i 57,8% kobiet było zadowolonych z własnego statusu materialnego. Osiągnięcia akademickie kobiet były wyższe. Większe spożycia alkoholu zanotowano u kobiet z zamożnych rodzin, niższe jednak niż wśród mężczyzn. Wnioski. Osiągnięcia były negatywnie skorelowane z tygodniową dawką spożywanego alkoholu. Poziom zdolności akademickich był wyższy u abstynentów niż u osób spożywających alkohol. U osób spożywających alkohol wystąpiło sprzężenie zwrotne pomiędzy spożyciem alkoholu a stopniem niepokoju. Zaobserwowano różnice w czynnikach przyczyniających się do spożywania alkoholu przez młodych mężczyzn i kobiety. Mniejsze osiągnięcia wykazały osoby poszczące dłużej niż jeden dzień.
Health Problems of Civilization; 2021, 15, 1; 4-11
Pojawia się w:
Health Problems of Civilization
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Collaborative consumption in consumer behawior of Polish young people
Zalega, Tomasz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Katowicach
Collaborative consumption
Consumer behavior
Young people
Aim/purpose – On the basis of a critical analysis of related literature, the article attempts to explain the concept and essence of collaborative consumption, a dynamically developing consumer trend. The principal goal is to demonstrate that young people in Poland are distrustful of sharing goods with strangers, and thus are much more willing to engage in collaborative consumption when they know the people with whom they make transactions. Following the analysis of the research material, it was also possible to confirm that a key reason for young people to participate in collaborative consumption lies in financial benefits and access to a wide range of goods and services. Design/methodology/approach – The tool used to conduct the research was my original questionnaire comprising 50 closed-ended questions regarding alternative consumer trends, including collaborative consumption. The survey was carried out from 10th May to 10th June 2017. The participants were recruited via the website and social media such as Facebook, WhatsApp, Messenger, and e-mail. In order to partake in the survey, those interested had to visit a specific website containing the questionnaire. It was also distributed across special forums, university and private school fanpages. 240 people aged 18-34, belonging to Generations Y and Z, took part in the survey. Findings – The research shows that the higher the value of goods, the less likely younger consumers are to share them. Respondents most frequently exchange goods such as books, clothing and games. Their disposable income is a crucial factor influencing their interest in collaborative consumption. The most important advantages of collaborative consumption include the possibility of earning money and unhampered access to a wide range of goods and services. On the other hand, the central disadvantages are distrust and possible fraudulent transactions on the part of strangers. Research implications/limitations – Given the limited financial capacity, the study of collaborative consumption in consumer behavior of young people was confined to an online survey. Originality/value/contribution – This article is one of few publications in Poland that seek to provide some insight into collaborative consumption in the purchasing behavior of young people living in Poland and into the most important factors influencing respondents’ participation in the examined consumer trend.
Journal of Economics and Management; 2018, 33; 136-163
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Economics and Management
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zmiany w sferze konsumpcji w wybranych krajach
Changes in consumption in selected European countries
Danielak, Wiesław
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wydziału Zarządzania
economic crisis
consumer behavior
changes in consumption
W artykule ukazano złożoną naturę zachowań konsumentów, które w warunkach kryzysu gospodarczego ulegają zmianom, oddziałując na zachowania ekonomiczne jednostki. Realizacji powyższego celu sprzyjało ukazanie roli konsumenta jako podmiotu ekonomicznego oraz przykładów empirycznych odnoszących się do zmiany jego zachowań w wybranych krajach europejskich w warunkach kryzysu gospodarczego.Przeprowadzone analizy wskazują, iż kryzys w różnym stopniu oddziałuje na zachowania konsumentów i innych uczestników rynku, powodując ich zmiany. Oznaki kryzysu uwidaczniają się w decyzjach konsumentów, którzy dostrzegając niepewną sytuację i możliwości wystąpienia różnych rodzajów ryzyka, podejmują bardziej lub mniej przemyślane decyzje, ponadto poszukują sposobów przezwyciężenia kryzysu. Skutki kryzysu mogą być bardziej dotkliwe dla jednych konsumentów, a mniej uciążliwe dla innych.
In the article a folded nature of behavior of consumers was shown, which, in the conditions of an economic crisis is undergoing changes, influencing “economic behavior of the individual”. The realization of the above purpose was supported by the presentation of the role of the consumer as the “economic subject” as well as empirical examples relating to the change in his behavior in selected European countries in economic crisis. Conducted analyses show that the crisis, to a different extent, has an influence on the consumers’ and other market participants’ behavior, causing changes. Indications of the crisis are seen in consumers’ decisions, who, noticing the precarious situation and possibilities of the appearance of different risks, make their decisions, more or less thought through. Moreover, they seek ways to overcome the crisis. Effects of crisis can be more severe for some consumers and less troublesome for others.
Problemy Zarządzania; 2013, 1/2013 (40) t.1; 11-22
Pojawia się w:
Problemy Zarządzania
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Consumption Habits Regarding Movies
Horváth, Ádám
Gyenge, Balázs
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
consumer behavior
movie consumption
Purpose – This paper aims to explore the main characteristics of the home cinema as well as to study the various influences on the choices regarding watching movies at home. All the while the paper also seeks the answer to find out what opportunities could be pursued for the sake of leading the consumers back to the legal territory.Methodology – Apart from the literature review, the study contains a secondary research that was conducted by collecting torrent tracker data from an aggregating website for a five-year period, from which the user base data was separated and highlighted.Findings – The paper presents an overview of some literature regarding movie consumption and points out the main classical behavior tropes that are also applicable to the case of watching movies as well as some potential alternative method – which could prove to be viable even with users who commonly tend to use illegal downloads to obtain movies – that could switch up the current ones.Research limitations – The goal is to expose the main theoretical correlations, while the primary research is not part of the paper, thus, further primary research is needed in the future to provide more insight into the thought process behind the choices of movie consumers.Value –  The paper explores the movie related decision making process as well as it tries to gain an understanding about the main mechanisms behind movie industry related phenomena.Classification – Conceptual paper.
International Journal of Synergy and Research; 2015, 4, 2
Pojawia się w:
International Journal of Synergy and Research
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Trends of Evolution in Consumer Behavior in the Contemporary World
Kierunki ewolucji zachowań konsumentów we współczesnym świecie
Włodarczyk, Katarzyna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wydziału Zarządzania
consumer behavior
trends in consumer behavior
zachowania konsumentów
trendy w zachowaniach konsumentów
Purpose: Consumer behavior and decision making are changing along with civilization and cultural changes, socio-economic development, increase of quality of life and production growth. Consumers change their attitudes and habits in the evolving market conditions. The aim of the article is to present the changes in the behavior of contemporary consumers. Design/methodology/approach: In the article, theoretical considerations are undertaken based on the related literature as well as the results of Euromonitor International reports for the years 2015–2019. Therefore, in the article, the classic method of literature analysis consisting in determining the state of research with critical reflection over it is applied (critical literature review). Findings: In the future, we will be dealing with consumers conscious of their choices, minimizing consumption, caring for the environment and natural resources, individualists – focused on their own needs, proper diet, rest and caring for their health and safety. Research limitations/implications: Consumer market behavior resulting from the changes occurring all around us is still undergoing transformations. It is difficult to fully predict which of the trends will continue evolving and which will disappear. Most certainly, their mutual relations and co-existence will contribute to further changes in attitudes, consumer patterns and adaptive actions. Originality/value: In the paper, current trends observed in consumer behavior in the market are presented and an attempt is made at defining the directions in which such behavior will evolve.
Cel: wraz z rozwojem społeczno-gospodarczym, wzrostem stopy życiowej, rozwojem produkcji, pojawianiem się nowych i nieznanych dóbr i usług, przemianami cywilizacyjno-kulturowymi, zmieniają się wzorce postępowania konsumenta i podejmowane przez niego decyzje. Celem artykułu jest prezentacja zmian, jakie zachodzą w zachowaniach współczesnych konsumentów. Metodologia: w opracowaniu podjęto rozważania teoretyczne w oparciu o literaturę przedmiotu oraz wyniki raportów Euromonitor International za lata 2015–2019. Wyniki: dla przyszłości rysuje się konsument świadomy swoich wyborów, minimalizujący konsumpcję, dbający o środowisko i zasoby naturalne, indywidualista – skupiony na swoich potrzebach, prawidłowej diecie, odpoczynku i dbający o swoje zdrowie i bezpieczeństwo. Ograniczenia/implikacje badawcze: zachowania konsumentów na rynku, wynikające z zachodzących wokół zmian nadal ulegają przeobrażeniom. Trudno w pełni przewidzieć, które z tendencji nadal będą ewoluować, a które zanikną. Na pewno ich wzajemne zależności i współwystępowanie przyczyniać się będą do dalszych zmian postaw, wzorców konsumpcyjnych oraz działań adaptacyjnych. Oryginalność/wartość: w opracowaniu przedstawiono aktualne trendy widoczne w zachowaniach konsumenta na rynku oraz podjęto próbę określenia kierunków, w jakich te zachowania będą ewoluowały.
Problemy Zarządzania; 2021, 19, 1/2021 (91); 39-50
Pojawia się w:
Problemy Zarządzania
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Znaczenie konsumpcji w życiu studentów. Analiza porównawcza opinii studentów krajów Grupy Wyszehradzkiej
The significance of consumption in the students’ life. The comparative analysis of opinions of students from Visegrad Countries
Żak, Monika
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
świadomość ekonomiczna
zachowania konsumenckie
economic awareness
consumer behavior
The subject of this article is an analysis of the results of research which were conducted among students from the Visegrad Countries. This is part of a larger research project which explored issues related to the economic awareness of the young generation. The attitude to shopping and to consumption in general is one of the elements that create the economic awareness. The author will present the conclusions about students’ consumer attitudes. These attitudes – contrary to popular opinion – as the results of this research has shown are quite rational. The young generation has a rational attitude to consumption and adjusts the scope, frequency, and ways of meeting their various needs to the resources and capabilities which they have.
Przedmiotem niniejszego artykułu jest analiza wyników badań przeprowadzonych wśród studentów krajów Grupy Wyszehradzkiej. Jest to fragment większego projektu badawczego, który obejmował zagadnienia dotyczące świadomości ekonomicznej młodego pokolenia. Stosunek do zakupów i konsumpcji w ogólności jest jednym z elementów świadomości ekonomicznej. Zaprezentowane zostaną konkluzje dotyczące postaw konsumenckich studentów, które wbrew obiegowym opiniom – jak wykazały badania – są dosyć racjonalne. Młode pokolenie podchodzi do kwestii konsumpcji z namysłem, dostosowując zakres, częstotliwość i sposoby zaspokajania swoich różnorakich potrzeb do środków i możliwości, jakimi dysponuje.
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Sociologica; 2017, 61; 25-41
Pojawia się w:
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Sociologica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Disadvantageous behavior for archieving sustainable food consumption according to consumer opinions
Zachowania niekorzystne dla równoważenia konsumpcji żywności w opiniach konsumentów
Gorynska-Goldmann, E.
Data publikacji:
The Polish Association of Agricultural and Agribusiness Economists
sustainability consumption
food market
równoważenie konsumpcji
rynek żywności
The purpose of the article is to specify behavior considered to be disadvantageous for achieving sustainable consumption by consumers. Sustainable consumption, in economics usually derived from the consumer usefulness theory, is, on the one hand, inseparably linked to the effectiveness of a food supply chain, and on the other, a phenomenon significantly less identifiable and much more difficult to verify. In research, factual material gained through a personal interview survey, conducted in the Greater Poland Voivodship was used. Respondents were chosen with the use of quota and purposive sampling. It was found that consumers are able to see some behavior that are unfavorable for achieving sustainable consumption. The average level of unfavorable behavior (2.25) proves that consumers see such behavior with a relatively low level of disadvantages for achieving sustainable food consumption (in the economic, ecologic and social aspect). Consumers see unfavorable behavior for achieving sustainable consumption as behavior of a low level of disadvantages, including behavior stemming from the cost of moving from a previous model to a sustainable model, which demands spending more time on planning and shopping and creates a need to control personal behavior in terms of shopping logistics, i.e. planning, organizing, storing, buying and consuming products, as well as waste disposal. A very low level disadvantage of achieving sustainable food consumption is connected, according to consumers, with some behavior demanding self-control and self-discipline (e.g. avoiding excessive, disadvantageous consumption), engagement in the life of the local society and spending more time on looking for local products (in order to exchange, borrow, share and foster the community). Information concerning behavior unfavorable for achieving sustainable food consumption can be used for planning and implementing actions aimed at disseminating the idea and increasing consumer awareness.
Celem artykuły jest określenie zachowań, które są postrzegane jako niekorzystne dla równoważenia konsumpcji żywności przez konsumentów. Zrównoważona konsumpcja, w ekonomii najczęściej wyprowadzana z teorii użyteczności konsumenta, z jednej strony, jest zjawiskiem nierozerwalnie związanym z efektywnością łańcucha dostaw żywności, a z drugiej – zjawiskiem znacznie mniej rozpoznawalnym i trudnym do weryfikacji. W badaniach wykorzystano materiał faktograficzny uzyskany w drodze badania ankietowanego wykonanego techniką bezpośrednich wywiadów osobistych na terenie Wielkopolski. Respondentów dobrano w sposób kwotowo-celowy. Stwierdzono, że konsumenci w swoim otoczeniu dostrzegają występowanie zachowań niekorzystnych dla równoważenia konsumpcji żywności. Uzyskany średni stopień niekorzyści (2,25) wskazuje, że konsumenci oceniali podane zachowania jako te o stosunkowo niskim stopniu niekorzyści dla równoważenia konsumpcji żywności (w aspekcie ekonomicznym, ekologicznym i społecznym). Konsumenci dostrzegali niską niekorzyść dla równoważenia konsumpcji żywności w obrębie zachowań wynikających z kosztów przejścia z wcześniejszego modelu do zrównoważonego, poświęcania większej ilości czasu planowaniu oraz realizacji zakupów, konieczności kontrolowania własnych zachowań w zakresie logistyki zakupowej, tj. planowania, organizowania, przechowywania, nabywania, spożycia oraz pozbywania się odpadów. Bardzo niską niekorzyść (niedogodność) z tytułu równoważenia konsumpcji żywności, konsumenci wiązali z zachowaniami wymagającymi samokontroli i samodyscypliny (np. unikając nadmiernej niekorzystnej konsumpcji), zaangażowania w życie lokalnej społeczności, poświęcania większej ilości czasu ( na poszukiwanie lokalnych produktów, aby móc dokonywać wymiany, pożyczać, współdzielić się i podtrzymywać wspólnotowości). Informacja o zachowaniach uznanych za niekorzystne dla równoważenia konsumpcji żywności może być wykorzystana do planowania jak i wdrażania działań zmierzających do upowszechniania idei i podnoszenia świadomości konsumentów.
Annals of The Polish Association of Agricultural and Agribusiness Economists; 2019, 21, 3; 102-111
Pojawia się w:
Annals of The Polish Association of Agricultural and Agribusiness Economists
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Spożycie napojów alkoholowych w Polsce w 1985 r. Część I: Wzory zachowań
Consumption of alcohol in Poland in 1985. Part I: Patterns of behaviour)
Jasiński, Jerzy
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
prawo karne
criminal law
                        THE SURVEYS Two consecutive alcohol consumption surveys were carried out in Poland in 1980 and 1985. In both of them quota samples of population 16 years of age and over were used, and the sizes of the samples were 1972 and 1808 respectively. The surveys were sponsored by the Institute of Psychiatry and Neurology which is responsible for funding research on a broad range of topics related to alcohol, its effects, use and misuse. The fieldwork was carried our by specially trained  interviewers of the Centre for Public Opinion Survey and Programme studies of the state Committee for Radio and TV in Warsaw, a well established public opinion poll institute working already for more than 30 years.             The majority of items included in the questionnaires used in each survey were identical, only some were altered, dropped entirely, or substituted for by other formulations. The preliminary part of both questionnaires concerned the relations of the respondents with other people. This was followed by a group of several questions related to the last drinking occasion: place and company of drinking, kind and amount of alcohol consumed, and the reason for drinking. In the 1985 survey more detailed information on the last occasion of drinking was collected, viz. separate questions were asked in relation to the last occasion of consumption of spirits and that of the consumption of wine, as well as on the duration of these occasions. The persons who had not consumed alcohol during the twelve months preceding the interview were asked whether they had ever drunk before, and what the reasons were for their being teetotallers.             All the respondents were requested to tell about their pleasant and unpleasant experiences with alcohol, and whether alcohol helped them or caused trouble in some situations listed in the questionnaire, and pertaining to their social and professional life. Apart from that, the respondents were asked to express their approval or disapproval of several statements concerning good and bad consequences of drinking. In this part of the questionnaire, in the 1985 survey several alterations were introduced in comparison with the former survey. What remained unchanged in the questions were those on being victimized during the last twelve months while drunk, or by a drunk person.             The questions on drinking in excess or more often than desired, or binge drinking-asked in the 1980 survey - were replaced in the 1985 survey by questions forming the CAGE questionnaire. Other questions asked in both surveys concerned the consumption of moonshine alcohol and drinking at work. The concluding part of the questionnaires was designed to obtain information on the respondents age, sex, education, place of residence, kind of work, etc.             In the above surveys, the-last-occasion approach was applied in order to estimate the size and the pattern of alcohol intake by the respondents. This approach is adopted in the majority of Polish alcohol consumption surveys, following the example of a Finnish researcher P. Kuusi.             Both surveys were carried out in mid-September, i.e. after-summer holidays, during a normal working month, without any important religious or national festivities, which would have changed to some extent the ordinary drinking practices.                                     THE BEVERAGES             During the years 1980-1985, the size of the apparent consumption of alcoholic beverages changed considerably. According to the official data derived from the statistics on sales of commodities, in 1980 the per capita consumption amounted to 8.4 litres of pure alcohol, of which 71 per cent was drunk in spirits,15 per cent- in wine, and 14 per cent -in beer. The 1985 figures were: 6,8 litres, 67, 15 and 18 per cent respectively. It looks as if the total consumption decreased substantially (by 19 per cent), but the structure of beverages consumed remained fairly stable. However , according to the opinion shared by the majority of specialists on the subject, the drop in the officially recorded consumption was associated with a marked increase in moonshine alcohol, which resulted in raising the total consumption to at least the 1980 level.             The results of the survey seem to support this assertion. The per capita self-reported consumption of alt alcoholic beverages amounted to 5.6 and  5,9 litres of pure alcohol in 1980, and 1985 respectively. Thus, instead of the 1985 drop, a slight increase occurred (by 5 per cent). Moreover, while. the self-reported consumption of the majority of the beverages remained stable a large increase was noted in the home-made beverages: the illegally distilled moonshine alcohol (spirits) and the legally made fruit wine. The consumption of moonshine spirits was in 1985 higher than that in 1980 by 130 per cent and the consumption of fruit wine was higher by 60 per cent. In1985,one-scventh of all alcoholic beverages consumed were home-made, while in 1980 - only one-thirteenth. As a result, the share of spirits in the total amount of alcohol consumed – whether legally or illegally distilled in 1985 exceeded the 71 per cent level of 1980.             Between the years 1980 and 1985 the proportion of consumers of fruit wine and spirits within the population remained stable, and that of other beverages increased. In particular, the number of those who drank moonshine spirits doubled. With the exception of fruit wine drunk in 1985 by nearly one-third of men as well as women 16 years of age and over, other beverages were consumed by far more men than women. This was particularly the case as regards beer which was drunk by 70 per cent of men and only 20 per cent of women, and moonshine spirits which were drunk by 30 per cent of men and 11 per cent of women. Spirits, which in Poland means mostly vodka, were consumed by 85 per cent of men and 62 per cent of women, and wine by 46 and 39 per cent respectively.                         FREQUENCY AND AMOUNT             The-last-occasion approach adopted in the surveys consists not only in asking the respondents of how much and of how long ago they had drunk for the last time each of, the alcoholic beverages enumerated in the questionnaire, but also in assuming that the occasions reported were typical for the ways the respondents drank.             Frequency of drinking depends heavily, among other things, on the kind of' beverage. In the Polish culture, wine is the less frequently drunk alcoholic beverage. Two-thirds of its consumers drink it at most once a month, and half of all its consumers - at most once every three months. Home-made fruit wine is being drunk even less often. Only one in five or six wine consumers drink it once a week or more often.             The consumers of spirits seem to be divided into two distinct groups, one formed by occasional drinkers (at most once a month) and the other by frequent drinkers (several times a month or even several times a week). The first group consists of one-third, and the other one of more than half of all spirits drinkers. One in five of them drinks spirits several times a week.             Most evenly distrributed on the frequency scale of drinking were the consumers of beer. Nearly as many drank it every day, every week, every month or every three months.             Similar picture emerges in respect of the amount drunk on one occasion. Regardless of the beverage, most consumers drink small quantities only. But there are also heavy drinkers who consume on one occasion at least a quarter of a litre of spirits, one litre of wine or more than one litre of beer. Those drinkers constituted one in five of spirits' consumers, even one in two of moonshine spirits consumers, and one in five of wine or beer consumers, less heavy drinkers are only among home-made fruit wine drinkers (one in ten).             The information concerning the frequency of drinking and the amount of alcohol consumed makes it possible to separate four patterns of drinking: heavy and frequent, heavy and infrequent,  moderate and frequent, moderate and infrequent. Among consumers of different beverages, the group of persons drinking moderately and infrequently was the most numerous  particularly as regards the consumers of wine, and smaller degree the consumers of spirits and moonshine spirits, and to the smallest degree-the consumers of beer. Also the group of persons drinking heavily and infrequently were relatively numerous, apart from consumers of beer, among whom the second most numerous group was that of persons drinking moderately and frequently. Every fourth or fifth consumer of beer, every seventh consumer of home-made frit wine drank much and frequently. As regards persons, who drank any two of the above-mentioned beverages, a convergence  of their drinking parents could be noticed which consisted in the following regularity: if one of the beverages was consumed according to one of the patterns, the other beverage was generally also consumed according to the same pattern.             The above results were very similar in both surveys. However, in the 1985survey, a slight shift towards greater concentration of consumption could be noticed.             One of the effects of drinking alcohol, and for some consumers probably also one of the aims of drinking, is to get drunk. Using the information from the 1985 survey on such factors as the kind and amount of beverages consumed, the duration of the drinking occasion, and the sex and weight of the respondent, the blood alcohol concentration was estimated for every drinking occasion reported. In about one quarter of drinking occasion this estimate could not be done due to the lack of some of the necessary data, most often that of the weight of the respondents.             Only one in every five events of drinking spirits and one in three events of drinking wine have not caused a rise in blood alcohol concentration above the physiological level of 0,2 per mille. Getting drunk, i. e. overstepping the blood alcohol concentration of 1.5 per mille, occurred in 13 per cent of incidents of drinking spirits, 7 per cent of drinking wine, and 5 per cent of drinking home-made fruit wine. If related to the total number of drinking occasion of the above beverages this  means that in Poland every day about 600 thousand persons would get drunk.             Persons getting drunk were significantly more numerous among men than women, and as far as men are concerned among young (up to 40 years of age), less educated, blue-collar workers describing themselves as non-believers or non-worshiping believers. Among women only those who felt to be better off than average would drink significantly more often than others.                         DRINKING OCCASION             One of the characteristic features of drinking alcohol in Poland is using the existing occasions or inventing them. Alcohol happens to be drunk in order to celebrate such events as family festivities (like name-days or birthdays), religious ceremonies (like baptism, confirmation or - in particular - wedding), national holidays, government ceremonies (like opening a factory, a museum'' new railway station or a bridge), other happy events (tike winning a match by a favourite soccer team, passing important examinati.ons by the son or daughter, their entrance to the high school or the university). Drinking occasion may be called for while looking for some comfort caused by losing a march by a favourite soccer team a set-back at work, or misfortune in personal matters. Alcohol is served and drunk in order to show hospitality, to emphasize the importance of a guest or an unusual, lofty, or particular character of the meeting, etc. This list could be easily extended, but it does not seen necessary as its aim is only to show that drinking alcoholic beverages - probably with the exception of beer only – is perceived as an event calling for special justification. This justification should not be equated with causes of drinking, deeply rooted and often not understood and realized clearly by the person in question. Therefore, the justification for drinking provides an insight not so much into the reasons of drinking as into its cultural context.             Using the information on the kind and amount of alcohol drunk, on the place of drinking, character of the occasion, and, in the 1985 survey, also on the duration of the drinking incidence, three main types of spirits and wine consumption occasions were distinguished: a family celebration, a friendly social meeting, and a drinking-for-purpose event.             The family celebration comprised nearly half of all drinking occasions described in the replies of the respondents. These occasions lasted longer than others, namely about 4 to 5 hours, with many persons taking part, the amount of alcohol drunk was smaller by half than the average amount and in more than 90 per cent of cases they took place in private quarters.             The friends-meeting social type of drinking occasions were less numerous, they comprised about one-third of the total number of the last occasions reported. Half of them occurred in friends appartments, one-fourth on the respondents flats, and one in seven in a bar or restaurant. The meeting lasted about 2-3 hours, and the amount of spirits or wine drunk was somewhat larger than the average. Most often 4 to 5 persons took part in these encounters.             One in five of the last occasions described by the respondents was of the drinking-for-purpose type. The most often stated justification for such a drinking occasion was that ,,it just happened this way" or ,,without any special reason, and the second in the row was that the drinking tock place in order to handle some business which made it necessary to have a drink’’.  These occasions lasted usually l-2 hours and the company consisted of about 3-4 persons. Most often the meeting took place in a bar or a restaurant at work; relatively rarely in private appartments, and  occasionally in a park or another commonly frequented place. Persons drinking on these type of occasions consumed twice as much alcohol as the average. The types and characteristics of drinking occasions did not change between 1980 and 1985; only few exceptions were noted, such as those with more alcohol drunk in private apartments and less in bars and restaurants. The same types of drinking occasions were fund in respect of consumption of spirits and wine, only home-made fruit wine did not seem to be drunk ,,for purpose’’             DRINKING AT WORK             One of the special features of drinking practices in Poland is the consumption of alcohol at work. It takes place against the provisions of the labour law and in some circumstances also against criminal law. Every few years the authorities launch a campaign against drinking at work only to learn that it brings about temporary results. In order to understand the reasons for limited effects of such endeavours a closer look at a socialist enterprise is necessary' fn a state-controlled economy, a socialist enterprise is not. only a place where employees provide work in order to produce some  commodities or services. One of the Polish leading sociologists described such an enterprise as a combination of an industrial plant, an office, and  charity. Its  peculiar social life stems from all the above factors, and it is only against this background that an appraisal of the data on drinking at work can be made.             The 1980 survey revealed that two of every three respondents employed in the state-owned enterprises and offices had in the course of the last year prior to the interview drunk alcohol while at work. The results of the 1985 survey were markedly different since the affirmative answers to the question of drinking at work was given by one in every two such respondents. On the assumption of the last occasion approach an attempt was made at amount of drinking events at work. The numbers of such events in1980 and 1985 were 14.6 and 7.3 per one employee respectively. It seems to be a marked decrease, but is has to be seen whether it will be a lasting one.             Drinking at work seems to be very common also in another respect. When looping at the characteristics of the consumer of alcohol at work they correspond closely to the characteristics of all drinking persons.             The justification for drinking at work is very similar to that described above, only the family celebration and friends-meeting social types seen to merge into one. In 1980 nearly half, and in 1985 one-third  the persons who drank at work did it while celebrating name-days or birthdays. One in five of those who drank at work did it ,,with no special reason" or because alcohol was offered by somebody, which corresponds to the drinking-for-purpose type.                         ALCOHOL DEPENDENCE             Alcohol dependence is a very complex concept and it is debatable whether tackling it in a survey research can produce conclusive results. In the 1985 survey it was approached by means of one of the questionnaires used by medical practitioners. After reviewing several of such questionnaires, like MAST, SMAST, CAGE, MALT, Reich, the CAGE questionnaire was selected as the most suitable, among other things, because of its brevity. A common feature of all the above instruments is that they are in fact screening tests, and their aim is to spot out in a pool of patients those who might have an alcohol problem. These patients are referred afterwards to a qualified specialist for a proper examination and diagnosis.             The use of such a questionnaire in a survey conducted in a general population is an extention of its application far beyond the limits of its original design, because in such a situation it is expected to provide a final ,,diagnosis" instead of pointing to persons suspected of being addicted to alcohol. In the circumstances both the sensitivity and specificity of the questionnaire become of utmost importance.             The low specificity of the CAGE questionnaire makes it impossible to estimate- within the known limits of errors - the size of the group of alcohol dependent persons in the general population because a number of persons likely to be classified on its basis as being alcohol dependent in fact are not dependent. The size of the latter (i. e. those incorrectly classified as alcohol dependent) is partly a function of the size of the group of the alcohol dependent in the general population.             The percentage of respondents who in the 1985 survey said ,,yes" to al1 the four questions of the CAGE questionnaire was 4.4, to three questions - 11.8, to two questions - I2.1, and to one question - 15.1. The results of the previous applications of the CAGE test show that four ,,yes" answers to the questionnaire questions were given only by alcohol dependent persons, and no such answers were given by persons not dependent. Hence it can be assumed that in the cases of all four ,,yes" answers one deals with alcohol dependent persons, without fear of making a serious error. As to the persons who gave three ,,yes" answers) one can assume among them a higher cumulation of alcohol dependent persons, and as regards those who said ,ryes" to two questions it can be hypothesised that there are few such persons among them.             On the basis of the results obtained, the probable number of persons in 1985 in Poland in the age group of 16 years and over, who were alcohol dependent, has been estimated as somewhat higher than number of persons who said  ,,yes’’ to all the four questions in the CAGE questionnaire, i. e. approximately 1,500 000, the error limits of this estimate, unfortunately, cannot be specified. The persons who gave a higher number of ,,yes’’ answers to the test questions drank largel quantities of alcohol. More answers of this kond were given by men, middle-aged persons and elderly (but not old), living in villages, not well-off, non-worshipping believers and non-believers.                         THE ABSTAINERS AND TEETOTALLERS             Abstainers are referred to here as those who do not drink a particular alcoholic beverage, and teetotalers as those who according to themselves  do not drink alcohol at all (1980 survey) or who did not consume alcohol during the last twelve months prior to the interview.             Only 25 per cent of the respondents abstained from drinking spirits, about 25 per cent-from wine, 58 per cent (in 1980)and 50 per cent (in 1985)-from beer, 70 per cent (in 1980)  and 64 per cent (in1985)-from home-made fruit wine, and 89 per cent (in 1980) and 79 per cent (in 1985)-from moonshine spirits.             The were 14.8 per cent teetotalers in 1980 and 16.1 per cent in 1985, however, the difference in those percentages is statistically insignificant. In general population the fraction of teetotalers is probably a few points higher because in both the 1980 and 1985 samples the persons aged 16-19 and 60 and more, namely those among whom the non-drinkers are most numerous, were underrepresented.             Less than half of the teetotalers never drank alcohol and the share of those who stopped drinking increased between the years 1980 and 1985. This result would have looked promising were it not for the reasons for not drinking given by the respondents. Most often old age, poor health, lack of money, and similar justification were offered, and only one in seven non-drinking alcohol respondent mentioned that drinking alcohol would interfere with his studies or work, or against his beliefs or cherished values.             Also the social characteristics of teetotalers give reason for worry: among these overrepresented are very young and elderly, women, poorly educated, blue-collar workers, poor-in general those who belong to the lower social strata of the population.             To be a teetotaler in Poland is unenviable.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 1989, XVI; 7-100
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Świadomość kredytowa w polskich gospodarstwach domowych w świetle badań własnych
Credit awareness in Polish households in the view of own research
Wachowski, Michał
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Katowicach
Gospodarstwo domowe
Zachowania konsumpcyjne
Consumer behavior
W artykule zwrócono uwagę na problem świadomości kredytowej gospodarstw domowych w Polsce. Głównymi celami artykułu są poznanie i ocena poziomu świadomości kredytowej w polskich gospodarstwach domowych. Na cele poboczne artykułu składają się rozpoznanie motywów wykraczania przez gospodarstwa domowe poza ramy ich bieżących dochodów oraz prezentacja wyników badań własnych przeprowadzonych techniką wywiadu bezpośredniego wspomaganego komputerowo (CAPI – Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing). Badania pozwoliły scharakteryzować poziom świadomości kredytowej gospodarstw domowych w Polsce. Coraz więcej polskich gospodarstw domowych decyduje się na sfinansowanie swojej konsumpcji bieżącej z przyszłych dochodów. Podjęcie takiej decyzji bez wymaganego poziomu świadomości finansowej grozi nadmiernym zadłużeniem, niewypłacalnością, a w ostateczności nawet bankructwem gospodarstw domowych. Opracowanie składa się ze wstępu, trzech części oraz zakończenia. W pierwszych dwóch częściach podjęto próbę charakterystyki konsumpcji finansowanej z przyszłych dochodów oraz pojęć związanych ze świadomością finansową. Trzecia część prezentuje wyniki badań własnych dotyczące świadomości kredytowej gospodarstw domowych w Polsce.
In the article, the problem of household credit awareness was elaborated on. The main objective of the article is to understand and assess the level of awareness of credit in Polish households. Secondary goals are to identifying the motives of households going beyond their current income and to present the results of direct research carried out using the Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing (CAPI) technique. The research allowed to characterize the level of credit awareness of households in Poland. More and more Polish households are deciding to finance their current consumption from future income. Undertaking such a decision without the required level of financial awareness leads to excessive indebtedness, insolvency and, ultimately, even bankruptcy of households. The structure of the article can be divided into an introduction, three parts and a conclusion. The first two parts attempt to characterize consumption financed from future income and concepts related to financial awareness of households. The third part presents the results of direct research regarding the credit awareness of households in Poland.
Studia Ekonomiczne; 2020, 394; 104-124
Pojawia się w:
Studia Ekonomiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Sustainable Consumption and the Fair Trade Idea Versus the Consumption Behavior of Young Singles in Poland
Zrównoważona konsumpcja i idea Sprawiedliwego Handlu a zachowania konsumpcyjne młodych singli w Polsce
Zalega, Tomasz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wydziału Zarządzania
sustainable consumption
conscious consumption
fair trade
consumer behavior
young singles
zrównoważona konsumpcja
świadoma konsumpcja
Fair Trade
zachowania konsumpcyjne
młodzi konsumenci
Purpose: The article is a research paper. The aim of this study is to provide some insight into the consumption behavior of young Polish singles that conform to the idea of sustainable consumption and the fair trade movement. Design/methodology: The methodological part synthetically discusses the conceptualization of research and selection of the research sample. The empirical part, based on the research conducted by the author, examines young Polish singles’ pro-environmental behaviors that can be defined as sustainable consumption and are aligned with the fair trade idea. The analysis is based on a survey questionnaire administered from 1 October to 30 March 2022 in a sample of 2587 young singles who made independent decisions in the market. Findings: The methodological part synthetically discusses the conceptualization of research and selection of the research sample. The empirical part, based on the research conducted by the author, examines young Polish singles’ pro-environmental behaviors that can be defined as sustainable consumption and are aligned with the fair trade idea. The analysis is based on a survey questionnaire administered from 1 October to 30 March 2022 in a sample of 2587 young singles who made independent decisions in the market. The information from the survey shows that young Polish singles implement the idea of fully sustainable consumption to a small extent and that some of them interpret the essence of sustainable consumption incorrectly. The proportion of young respondents who declared that they acted in line with the idea of sustainable consumption was much higher among women than men as well as among university graduates, those earning a monthly income of more than PLN 4000.00, and mostly living in large urban agglomerations. Furthermore, the information obtained reveals that sustainable consumption is not fully understood by the respondents, as evidenced by the fact that nearly half of young singles indicated financial costs as the main barrier to sustainable consumption. In turn, for those with the highest income, the main obstacle in this respect was a lack of time. The results of the survey have confirmed that young singles have poor knowledge of labels referring to eco-friendliness, the environment and fair trade, showing that the sample surveyed is characterized by low awareness of eco-labeling, that is the idea of placing green labels on products that are least harmful to the environment. Research limitations/ implication: Given the limited financial capacity, the study of sustainable consumption and fair trade in the consumption behavior of young singles was confined to an online survey. This affected the research sample (N = 2587). Thus, the conclusions should not be treated as representative of the population of young Polish singles. They only provide some insight into their actual consumption behaviors as part of sustainable consumption and fair trade. Originality/value: Despite the indicated limitations, the obtained results allowed for partially filling the gap ensuing from the lack of primary research on sustainable behavior of young Polish singles.
Cel: artykuł ma charakter badawczy. Celem opracowania jest uchwycenie zachowań konsumpcyjnych młodych polskich singli wpisujących się w ideę zrównoważonej konsumpcji i ruchu Fair Trade. Metodologia: artykuł składa się z trzech części: teoretycznej, metodologicznej i empirycznej. W pierwszej z nich omówiono pojęcie i istotę zrównoważonej konsumpcji i ruchu Fair Trade. W części metodologicznej, w sposób syntetyczny, omówiono konceptualizację badań i dobór próby badawczej. Natomiast w części empirycznej, na podstawie wyników badań własnych, skoncentrowano się na przeanalizowaniu zachowań proekologicznych młodych polskich singli wpisujących się w ideę zrównoważonej konsumpcji i idę Sprawiedliwego Handlu. Podstawą analizy jest kwestionariusz ankiety przeprowadzony w okresie od 1 października 2021 r. do 30 marca 2022 r. na próbie 2587 młodych singli, którzy podejmowali suwerenne decyzje na rynku. Wyniki: z informacji uzyskanych z przeprowadzonego badania wynika, że młodzi polscy single w niedużym stopniu ulegają w pełni zrównoważonej konsumpcji, a część z nich niewłaściwie pojmuje istotę zrównoważonej konsumpcji. Odsetek respondentów identyfikujących się ze zrównoważoną konsumpcją był dużo większy wśród kobiet niż mężczyzn, a także wśród osób legitymujących się wykształceniem wyższym i dysponujących miesięcznym rozporządzalnym dochodem powyżej 4000,00 zł, mieszkających najczęściej w dużych aglomeracjach miejskich. Ponadto z pozyskanych informacji można wnioskować, że zrównoważona konsumpcja nie jest w pełni zrozumiała przez respondentów, czego dowodem było wskazywanie przez prawie połowę młodych singli kosztów materialnych jako głównej bariery w prowadzeniu zrównoważonej konsumpcji. Z kolei dla badanych o najwyższych dochodach zasadniczą przeszkodą w prowadzeniu zrównoważonej konsumpcji okazał się brak czasu. Wyniki przeprowadzonych badań potwierdziły także słabą znajomość wśród młodych singli oznaczeń związanych z ekologią, środowiskiem i uczciwym handlem, pokazując, że badaną próbę cechuje niski poziom świadomości w dziedzinie ekolabellingu, czyli idei wprowadzania towarowych oznaczeń ekologicznych na produktach, które najmniej szkodzą środowisku. Implikacje badawcze: ze względu na ograniczone możliwości finansowe, uchwycenie zrównoważonej konsumpcji i ruchu Fair Trade w zachowaniach konsumpcyjnych młodych singli ograniczyło się wyłącznie do badań online. Miało to istotny wpływ na próbę badawczą (N = 2587). Z tego też względu, wniosków płynących z przeprowadzonego badania nie należy traktować jako reprezentatywnych dla populacji polskich młodych singli. Pozwalają one jedynie przybliżyć rzeczywiste zachowania konsumpcyjne respondentów, wpisujące się w założenia zrównoważonej konsumpcji i ideę Sprawiedliwego Handlu. Oryginalność/wartość: pomimo wskazanych ograniczeń, uzyskane wyniki pozwoliły na częściowe wypełnienie luki stanowiącej konsekwencję braku pierwotnych badań zrównoważonych zachowań konsumenckich młodych polskich singli.
Problemy Zarządzania; 2022, 20, 4(98); 28-67
Pojawia się w:
Problemy Zarządzania
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Globalne tendencje współczesnej konsumpcji a racjonalność zachowań konsumentów w Polsce
Global Trends in Consumption and the Rationality of Consumer Behavior in Poland
Bretyn, Agnieszka
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Katowicach
Dochody ludności
Racjonalność zachowań
Zachowania konsumenta
Consumer behaviour
People's income
Rationality of behavior
The article attempts to present changes in consumption, in terms of the rationality of consumer behavior in Poland, compared to selected global trends in the years 2003- -2011. The main sources of data used in paper were information published by the Central Statistical Office, Eurostat, CBOS, Pentor and reports commissioned by various centers.
Studia Ekonomiczne; 2013, 139; 69-82
Pojawia się w:
Studia Ekonomiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wpływ dekoniunktury gospodarczej na konsumpcję gospodarstw domowych. w regionie lubelskim (w świetle badań ankietowych)
Sobczyk, Genowefa
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
household survey
changes in consumer behavior
badania gospodarstw domowych
zmiany zachowań konsumpcyjnych
The focus of the author’s article is the impact of the crisis in the economy (since 2008) for household consumption. This paper presents an assessment of material situation of households surveyed in Lublin province and their adaptation to the conditions of crisis. The author drew attention to the relationship between changes in consumer buying behavior and the characteristics of the households.
Brak abstraktu w języku polskim
Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, sectio H – Oeconomia; 2013, 47, 1
Pojawia się w:
Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, sectio H – Oeconomia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wirtualizacja zachowań konsumentów a zjawisko domocentryzmu
Virtualization of consumer consumersand home-centrism
Tarapata, Jolanta
Krzepicka, Alicja
Data publikacji:
Wojskowa Akademia Techniczna im. Jarosława Dąbrowskiego
zachowania konsumentów
wirtualizacja konsumpcji
trendy zachowań
consumers behaviors
consumption virtualization
trends of behavior
Możliwość wykorzystania zaawansowanych technologii informacyjnych, Internetu oraz urządzeń mobilnych ma ogromny wpływ na zmianę zachowań współczesnych konsumentów. Zmiany te dotyczą nie tylko sposobu dokonywania zakupów w ramach stacjonarnych form handlu, ale przede wszystkim przyczyniają się do wirtualizacji zachowań nabywczych konsumentów. Celem artykułu jest identyfikacja przejawów oraz rozpoznanie skali wirtualizacji wybranych elementów zachowań konsumentów, a także przybliżenie istoty zjawiska domocentryzmu, jego powszechności w polskim społeczeństwie. Jako metodę badawczą służącą do realizacji tego celu wybrano badania wtórne polegające na analizie informacji z zakresu marketingu, zarządzania i psychologii oraz wyników badań niezależnych agencji badawczych.
The possibility of using advanced information technologies, the Internet and mobile devices has a huge impact on changing the behavior of modern consumers. These changes concern not only the method of making purchases as a part of stationary forms of trade, but above all they contribute to the virtualization of consumer purchasing behavior. The aim of the article is to identify manifestations and recognize the scale of virtualization of selected elements of consumer behavior and to bring the essence of home-centrism, its popularity among Polish society. As a research method used to achieve this goal, secondary research was selected consisting of the analysis of information in the field of marketing, management and psychology as well as research results of independent research agencies.
Nowoczesne Systemy Zarządzania; 2018, 13, 2; 93-106
Pojawia się w:
Nowoczesne Systemy Zarządzania
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Konsumpcja kolaboratywna jako nowy trend konsumencki
Collaborative consumption as a new consumer trend
Wardak, Paulina
Zalega, Tomasz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wydziału Zarządzania
alternatywne trendy konsumpcyjne konsumpcja kolaboratywna gospodarstwa domowe
zachowania konsumpcyjne
alternative consumer trends collaborative consumption households
consumer behavior
Celem artykułu jest wykazanie, że młodzi ludzie zamieszkujący duże miasta Polski są nieufni w stosunku do współdzielenia dóbr z nieznajomymi, a co za tym idzie, zdecydowanie chętniej korzystają z konsumpcji kolaboratywnej, gdy znają osoby, z którymi dokonują transakcji. Ponadto w artykule podjęto się próby wykazania, że jednym z kluczowych motywów uczestniczenia młodych ludzi w konsumpcji kolaboratywnej są względy finansowe. Struktura artykułu jest następująca. Po wyjaśnieniu pojęcia konsumpcji kolaboratywnej i jej podstawowych form, skoncentrowano się na omówieniu zjawiska i narzędzi wspierających rozwój konsumpcji współpracującej oraz istoty zaufania do tego alternatywnego trendu konsumenckiego. Po omówieniu metodologii badania oraz krótkim opisie próby badawczej, skoncentrowano się na analizie konsumpcji współpracującej w zachowaniach nabywczych ankietowanych konsumentów, a w szczególności na stosunku ludzi młodych, zamieszkujących duże miasta Polski, do konsumpcji kolaboratywnej oraz najistotniejszych czynników kształtujących uczestnictwo respondentów w tym nowym trendzie konsumenckim. Podsumowanie rozważań i ważniejsze wnioski kończą niniejszy tekst.
The purpose of this article is to demonstrate that young people living in large Polish cities are distrustful of sharing different goods with strangers, and therefore, they are much more likely to benefit from collaborative consumption when they know the people with whom they make the transaction. Furthermore, the article is an attempt to show that financial reasons are one of the key factors for young people to participate in collaborative consumption. The structure of the article is as follows. The presentation of the concept of collaborative consumption and its basic forms is followed by a discussion about different tools supporting the development of collaborative consumption and the meaning of trust in such an alternative consumer trend. The next section of the article presents research methodology and a brief description of the study sample. Subsequently, the analysis focuses on collaborative consumption in the buying behavior of young people living in big Polish cities and on the most important factors influenacing the participation of the respondents in this alternative consumer trend. The article ends with a summary of the discussion and major conclusions.
Studia i Materiały; 2013, 2013 (16); 7-32
Pojawia się w:
Studia i Materiały
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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