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Rozwój uzależnienia a zmiany społecznych zachowań młodocianych toksykomanów
The Progress of Dependence and Changes in the Social Behavior of Young Adult Drug Addicts
Zakrzewski, Paweł
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
toksykomania młodzieżowa
środki narkotyczne
zależność społeczna
zależność psychiczna
zależność fizyczna
zmiany osobowości
youth toxicomania
narcotic drugs
social dependence
psychological dependence
physical dependence
personality changes
In the present study the changes in behavior of young adult drug addicts are described, which occurred as their dependence has developed since the beginning of taking drugs. We regard as scientifically fruitless frequent general statements concerning young adult (as well as adult) drug addicts irrespective of their age and the stage of dependence. The research on which the present study is based was a part of multidisciplinary studies of young adult drug addicts which were conducted by the Department of Mental Health of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Łódź in the years 1974-76. It concerned all patients aged 15-23 registered in the out-patient clinics for young drug addicts and in district out-patient clinics for adults in the city of Łódź because of the repeated taking of narcotic drugs. It is important to note that the discussed population consisted of 102 young adults, of which 23% were girls. Three detailed interviews were carried on in relation to each case: one with the mother of the given boy or girl (in exceptional cases with another adult member of the family), the second one at school with the tutor and the teachers, and the third one with the drug addict himself . The questionnaires on which the interviews were based took into account, to a high degree, the family conditions of the addicts, their behavior at home , from their earliest childhood up to the latest months, their school history, ways of spending their leisure time, the outset and circumstances of taking drugs, the use of alcohol, the peer groups, living problems in the period preceding the taking of drugs and in subsequent years, delinquency etc. Data were also collected concerning the criminal records of the addicts and the history of various diseases treated in different out-patient clinics. The study was conducted by a team of several persons working under supervision of the author of the present paper. Estimation of the degree of dependence was based on medical diagnosis. Among the addicts, the following three stages of dependence were distinguished: the stage of social dependence, that of mental dependence and the stage of physical dependence. The greatest part (50%) of the addicts were in the stage of mental dependence. The addicts were noticed to move to the more advanced stages of dependence in course of time. The mean duration of the period of taking drugs was: with young adults socially dependent 5 months, with those mentally dependent 1 year 5 months, and with those physically dependent 2 years 8 months. There are, however, limitations to this regularity. Some individuals withdrew from talking drugs within the first 12 months of social dependence. Others reached the stage of mental dependence very rapidly, so to say cutting down or even skipping the first stage of dependence. There were also those who remained for a long time in the preliminary stage of the illness, that is, that of mental dependence, revealing no symptoms of physical dependence even after one or two years. It is thus apparent that the progress of dependence and its rapidity are not the derivative of the length of the period of taking drugs only. An important role is also played by the intensity of taking drugs, by their peculiarities and by the individual immunity of the central nervous system of a given person. The notion of the so-called social dependence is controversial to a certain degree and as such used only by some of the authors. However, the results of the present study speak in its favor as the term defining the first, and so to say preliminary stage of dependence, preceding the next stages of dependence in the medical sense. In the present study the notion of social dependence is of a very broad range, i.e., its criteria are not limited to the pressure of the peer  group and the boy’s or girl’s eagerness to adjust themselves to this group. On the basis of the collected material, we included in the notion social dependence also the cases in which the addicts communicated with loose society circles, e.g. in cafés, which was accompanied by the predominant trend to adjust themselves to the fashion and customs of such circles, as well as the cases of an influence of individual persons of different sex attracted to each other. The notion of social dependence is worthy of separation, particularly, as the patterns of taking drugs have now become generally accepted among the youth. Taking certain drugs several times, or even once, caused a considerable improvement of mood of the individuals inclined to experience conflicts intensely, who had a low tolerance to frustration and a poor ability to overcome obstacles, if they only happened upon the drug which changed their mental stale favourably from their point of view. Phenmetrazine was good for some of the persons examined to suppress their mental inhibitions, while others used sedatives to suppress states of tension and excitement, still others - morphine and its derivatives to experience something new and to get away from the dullness of the everyday life. The process of social dependence turning into mental dependence among the addicts consisted in the fact that - as they were experimenting with various drugs in the company of others - they soon found that not only the interpersonal ties were hereby fortified, but also their hitherto only poorly tolerated mental state could undergo a favorable change. As this belief grew stronger and proved true in all next instances of taking the drug, they experienced the more and more intense desire to take such drugs whenever the state of tension, discouragement or irritation had reached a considerable degree of intensity. However, after some time the hitherto felt desires were dominated by additional and extremely trying sensations of not only mental but also physical nature which occurred in the periods of the break in drug taking. The addicts tried at any price to get rid of withdrawal symptoms. Most frequent were the complaints about the sensation of irritation, restlessness, inability to concentrate on anything, lack of energy, anxiety, insomnia or nightmares, headache and melalgia, hand tremor and other annoying and exhausting symptoms. The examined persons with these symptoms had already found themselves in the stage of physical dependence. In the diversity and variability of drugs taken by the addicts as their dependence developed, a following essential regularity could be noticed: the comparatively greatest diversity of drugs taken was usually found at the stage of social dependence. In that of mental dependence, morphine and the specimens approximal to it more and more prevailed among the drugs taken by a given individual, thus reducing the role of other drugs. The transition to physical dependence meant further concentration on the opiates (mainly morphine), while other drugs – including alcohol- became substitutes and were taken when the individual did not possess the favorite drug and thus felt  withdrawal symptoms. The danger of conversion to morphine and other opiates, with all its consequences, thus grew as the taking of drugs continued. It is a matter of course that, as the individual gradually needed drugs more and more difficult to obtain (that, is, those from the morphine group), which were sold at a higher price, and as he needed more and more of the drug and found it more and more difficult to do without - the ways of obtaining it had to change. A phenomenon occurs which can be called escalation not only of the drugs taken, but also of the means of obtaining them. The means in question become more and more ruthless, one counts less and less both with one’s own hitherto existing line of conduct and ambitions and with the probable reactions of the environment. The means of obtaining drugs grow also more and more absorbing, they engage more and more time and efforts. Simultaneously followed the process of diminution of individual interests and of the disappearance of ambitions in the addicts. It was more and more difficult for them to acquit themselves of the hitherto performed social roles. And thus, for instance, within the range of the role of a pupil, the following symptoms could be found among the addicts beginning from the stage of mental dependence: considerable difficulties of concentration, the slowing down of the run of thought, passiveness and drowsiness during the classes, increasing absence from school, being far away with thought even if physically present at school, regular remiss in doing homework, indifference to school failures, reluctance to undertake efforts to overcome them - that is, greater and greater slackness in the school duties. School, usually quitted in the advanced stages of dependence, gave place to irregular and chance periods of working, which did not in the least lead to any professional promotion of a given individual. All the hitherto existing forms of activity which satisfied their former interests and life plans were - as the dependence developed - replaced by the efforts to obtain every now and again new doses of the longed-for drug. Parallel to this process new specific elements appeared in the life of the addicts: contacts with out-patient clinics, stays in detoxication centres and mental hospitals, which repeated from time to time, and in a considerable number of the cases – court appearances ending more than once with imprisonment. In general, it must be stated that the progress of dependence has led to intense degradation changes in the lives of the addicts. The whole of those changes were composed of the following: increasing problems and failure at school, quitting school, aggravating conflicts at home, participation in youth groups and circles out of control which were characterized by socially negative patterns of behavior, giving up one’s professional ambitions, staying for months in hospitals, undergoing detoxication treatment, gradual limitation of one’s aims and interests to obtaining and taking drugs, court appearances every now and again.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 1982, VIII-IX; 363-388
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Effect of the pectinolytic preparation Pektopol PT on the quality of strawberry juice intended for concentration
Badanie wpływu działania preparatu pektolitycznego Pektopol PT na jakość soku truskawkowego przeznaczonego do zagęszczania
Irzyniec, Z.
Klimczak, J.
Niedzielski, Z.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Rozrodu Zwierząt i Badań Żywności Polskiej Akademii Nauk w Olsztynie
pectinolytic preparatión
organoleptic changes in juices
strawberry juice
The effect of temperature and of the pectinolytic preparation. Pektopol PT on the quality of strawberry juice was investigated. No changes in the juice were found when it was treated with Pektopol PT for 2 h at 20°C. Juice yield after pressing increases by 30% and viscosity decreases by 80% and this latter phenorhenon considerably aids subsequent cryoconcentration. The storage of juices without the preparation for 48 h leads to an increase of vitamin C loss and to a weakentng of the natural aroma. In juices containing the preparation the smell and taste intensities after 48 h were found to decrease by 0.5 and 0.2 points respecti vely.
W celu polepszenia klarowności soków truskawkowych zagęszczanych metodą kriokoncentracji oraz obniżenia ich lepkości truskawki poddano obróbce enzymatycznej za pomocą preparatu pektolitycznego. Z uwagi na to, że truskawki są szczególnie wrażliwe na działanie wysokiej temperatury, zwłaszcza ich barwa i aromat, badano wpływ działania preparatu w niższej temperaturze, tj. 40 i 20°C, niż zalecane 60°C. Truskawki odmiany Faworytka po rozmrożeniu do 20°C poddawano działaniu preparatu Pektopol PT w ilości 1 g/kg o aktywności 50000 °PM/g. Badano wpływ następującego czasu działania preparatu: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 h w temp. 20°C, 0,5, 1, 1,5, 2, 2,5 h w 40°C oraz 0,25 i 0,5 h w 60°C. Soki truskawkowe otrzymywano z truskawek poddanych działaniu preparatu i bez dodatku preparatu, tłocząc je przez tkaninę filtracyjną. Jako kryterium jakości przyjęto: zawartość barwników antocyjanowych, barwę (wg CIE i iloraz umownych jednostek czerwieni do brązu), zawartość witaminy C (KA+ KDA, KA), kwasowość czynną i bierną, sensoryczną ocenę smaku i zapachu, lepkość otrzymywanych soków i wydajność. Na podstawie prowadzonych badań stwierdzono, że temperaturę działania preparatu można obniżyć do 20°C przedłużając czas działania do 2 h w porównaniu z zalecanym - 0,5 h. Te parametry pozwalają na uzyskanie soków o prawie niezmienionej zawartości kwasu askorbinowego (rys. 3) i antocyjanów (rys. 4). Soki z preparatem charakteryzowały się wyższą intensywnością barwy (rys. 9, 10) i aromatu (rys. 12), natomiast nieznacznie niższą zawartością witaminy C (rys. 8). Ponadto obróbka enzymatyczna pozwoliła na zwiększenie wydajności soku o 30% (rys. 1) i obniżenie lepkości o 80% (rys. 2, 6), co znacznie ułatwi proces kriokoncentracji.
Acta Alimentaria Polonica; 1986, 12, 3-4; 161-175
Pojawia się w:
Acta Alimentaria Polonica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Seasonal variation of autoproteolytic activity in the Antarctic krill, Euphausia superba Dana
Kołakowski, Edward
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
autoproteolytic activity
seasonal changes
Polish Polar Research; 1986, 7, 3; 275-282
Pojawia się w:
Polish Polar Research
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Cold and warm years in South Spitsbergen coastal marine ecosystem
Węsławski, Jan Marcin
Adamski, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
climatic changes
marine biocenoses
Polish Polar Research; 1987, 8, 2; 95-106
Pojawia się w:
Polish Polar Research
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Storage selected sort of processed meat product at cryoscopic temperature - an attempt at energy conservation. Chenges in proteins, amino acid balance and in vitro digestibility of cured smoked raw pork-loin
Przechowywanie wybranego asortymentu wyrobu mięsnego w temperaturze krioskopowej. próba oceny możliwości zmniejszenia energochłonności magazynowania przetworów mięsnych. Zmiany w białkach, bilansie aminokwasów i w strawności in vitro peklowanych, wędzonych, surowych polędwic
Szmanko, T.
Duda, Z.
Kajdan, L.
Kubis, B.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Rozrodu Zwierząt i Badań Żywności Polskiej Akademii Nauk w Olsztynie
cured raw pork-loin
cryoscopic temperature
changes in proteins
The effect of storage at -3°C of cured smoked raw pork-loin on changes in proteins, amino acids balance and in vitro digestibility was investigated. Long-term storage of the experimental product at near-cryoscopic temperature does not substantially affect the amino acids content. In vitro digestibility was found to improve during storage. Two new electrophoretically separated fractions of protein after 8 and 12 weeks of pork-loin storage were determined, this being regarded as an interesting finding reflecting both qualitative and quantitative changes in the experimental product's protein.
Przedmiotem badań były zmiany w białkach, składzie aminokwasowym i strawności in vitro zachodzące w surowych, peklowanych, wędzonych polędwicach wieprzowych, przechowywanych w stanie głębokiego schłodzenia, tj. w temperaturze bliskiej punktowi krioskopowemu soków tkankowych charakterystycznemu dla tego asortymentu przetworu mięsnego. Materiałem doświadczalnym było 48 polędwic wyprodukowanych w warunkach przemysłowych, w trzech powtórzeniach doświadczalnych, z mięśni najdłuższych grzbietu (Longissimusdorsi) o wyjściowym pH= 6,3-6,4. Po ukończeniu procesu produkcyjnego polędwice opakowano w woreczki z termokurczliwego tworzywa syntetycznego (Cryovac) i przechowywano w temp. 270K ( -3°C) przez 0,4, 8 i 12 tygodni. Ocenę endo- i egzogennych proteolitycznych zmian przechowalniczych frakcji białkowej polędwic oparto na oznaczeniach: indeksu miofibrylarnej fragmentacji (MFI), jakościowych i ilościowych przemian elektroforetycznie rozdzielanych frakcji białek w żelu poliakrylamidowym z SDS, składu aminokwasowego i dynamiki nagromadzenia się wolnych aminokwasów i azotu niebiałkowego, strawności białek in vitro oraz ocenę organoleptyczną. Wśród 16 elektroforetycznie rozdzielonych frakcji białek zmiany statystycznie istotne stwierdzono jedynie w odniesieniu do frakcji o cięż. cząst.: 200000, 161000, 37000 i 16000 daltonów. Po 8 tyg. przechowywania polędwic oznaczono dwie nowe frakcje białek, tj. o cięż. cząst. 13000 i 10000 daltonów. Ilościowe i jakościowe proteolityczne degradacyjne zmiany przechowalnicze przejawiały się postępującą fragmentacją włókienek mięśniowych i nagromadzaniem się wolnych aminokwasów i azotu aminowego. Nie obserwowano istotnych zmian w ogólnej ilości aminokwasów. Przechowywanie polędwic przez 12 tyg. w temperaturze krioskopowej nieznacznie zwiększyło strawność białek in vitro. Dane doświadczalne wskazują, że długoterminowe przechowywanie finalnych peklowanych, wędzonych, surowych przetworów mięsnych w temperaturze bliskiej krioskopowej dla danego asortymentu, w miejsce praktykowanego zamrażania i zamrażalniczego magazynowania może przyczynić się do znacznych oszczędności energii i zmniejszenia kosztów produkcji przy zachowaniu dobrej jakości składowanych przetworów.
Acta Alimentaria Polonica; 1988, 14(38), 2; 145-156
Pojawia się w:
Acta Alimentaria Polonica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Niektóre koncepcje kryminologiczne a problem przestępczości kobiet
Some criminological concepts and the problem of female crime
Błachut, Janina
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
płeć żeńska
przestępstwo przeciwko mieniu
przestępczości kobiet
crime against property
female crime
In 1975, two books dealing with female crime appeared. They aroused many controversies and polemics and inspired many empirical studies. They were Freda Adler's Sisters in Crime and Rita James Simon's Women and Crime. Both works attempted to explain the changes their authoresses believed were taking place in female crime with the influence of the women's lib movements. The two approaches, though similar in many points, show different patterns of connections between women's lib and female crime from which the latter's extent and direction of changes result.               F. Adler assumes that the women's lib movements of the 1960's and 1970's decidedly influenced changes in women's behaviour - the criminal behavior included. These changes resulted in an increase in the number and weight of offences committed by women. If such social movements continue –according to F. Adler - female crime will keep increasing and becoming similar to its male counterpart. Women will commit a greater number of the traditionally ,,masculine’’offences, i.e.offences against person, the more aggressive among offences against property, and the so-called ,,white-collar crimes’’ Contrary to  F. Adler, R. J. Simon focuses not on the ideology of women's lib but mainly on the increasing  professional activity of women which no doubt results largely from that movement. According to R. J. Simon, the women's increased professional activity will have twofold consequences: on the one hand women will get better opportunities to commit offences against property, and on the other hand, their greater material independence will lessen their frustration thus limiting the number of violent offences committed by women.                Empirical research aimed at explaining the trend and structure of female crime basing on F. Adler’s and R. J. Simon's conceptions tended in-two separate directions. In the first group of studies, the trend and structure of female crime were estimated. The other group included studies in which the interdependences were analysed between the changes that took place in the women's social status as a result of the women’s lib movement on the one hand, and the changes in female crime on the other han. Generally speaking, none of those studies aspired at verifying the whole of either F. Adler’s or R. J. Simon’s conception being limited  to verification of some theses only.                The present paper includes a discusson of studies carried out by D. J. Steffensmeier, M J. Hindenlang, V. D. Young, P. C. Giordano, S. Kerbel and S. Dudley, N. K. Wilson, J. G. Gory, and M. D .Lynes. Their findings were as follows.                No major changes could be observed in female crime after 1970. Instead, such changes had taken place in earlier years. What did change slightly after 1970 was the number of offences against property, and not all of them at that; namely an increase took place. The number of offences against the person was stable or showed a slight upward tendency which was, however, also found in the case of men. The grounds of liking women’s lib with female crime are questioned, as the latter changed prior to the rise of women’s movements. The notion of ,,women’s liberation’’ is not operational; moreover, professional activity is considered insufficient as the index basing on which to estimate the social changes which many have resulted from women’s lib. Female crime should be analysed in the context of the social changes that concerned women-to do it, however, appropriate indices of those changes ought to be chosen.                F. Adler’s and R.J. Simon’s conceptions still arouse many controversies today. The following objections can be raised to them: both authoresses estimated female crime basing on statistics of detentions by the police. As is well know, official statistics are the reflection not only crime itself but also of the functioning of administration of justice. Thus a single source is insufficient if the causes of changes in female crime are to be explained.                Two of F. Adler’s assumptions arouse certain doubts. The first of them is that women's lib included ail women and had a large effect on all of them: actually the movement only concerned the middle classes. Moreover, there is no evidence of the existence in American society of an actual social equality of men and women resulting from the equality of legally recognized chances. The other disputable assumption is that ,,masculinity" increases the likelihood of delinquency: it is uncertain whether and to what extent the social changes actually influenced women's different behaviour, and if they did, whether women really adopted masculine patterns of behaviour.                The conception of R. J. Simon, although more complete and better verified, includes a disputable contention that the increased professional activity of women lessens their frustration thus reducing the resulting violent offences. Admittedly, the new professional roles the women assume may improve their self-image and thus level stress; but on the other hand, the fact that they have to perform several social roles at the same time may give rise to frustration resulting from inability to perform all of those roles equally well. Therefore, if we follow this path of reasoning, the number of violent offences committed by women should remain stable as professional activity may influence the women's minds differently not only lessening but also deepening their frustration.                The discussion of female crime, taking place in literature, gave rise to the question whether and to what extent that phenomenon changed in Poland. Basing on court statistics, an analysis was carried out of the extent of female crime in the years 1946-1986 and of its structure in the years 1977-1986.                 The number of convictions of women and their proportion in the total number of convictions underwent significant changes over the forty years from 1946 till 1986. In the forties and the early fifties, the number of convictions of women went up rapidly at a rate greater than that of convictions of men. In the late fifties, that upwards tendency still persisted but was less marked than was the case with men. In the sixties, the number of convictions of women went down markedly, to remain stable with a slight upward tendency in the seventies. The legislative changes in penal law and the several amnesty acts in the eighties make an appraisal of the extent of crime in that period rather difficult. In the years l980-1983, there was a drop in the number of convictions of women, followed by an increase in the years 1984-1986 which no doubt resulted from the introduction of two acts: on education in sobriety and the fighting of alcoholism, and on the fighting of profiteering. If we consider the above-mentioned conceptions, that of R. J. Simon in particular, in relation to female crime in Poland, the years, 1946-1955 seem especially to confirm the hypothesis as to the connections between professional activity of women and female crime. In those years, a rapid increase of women's employment took place, and their social status changed greatly.                Female offences are mainly those against property. Convictions of women for such offences constitute over 70 per cent on the average of all convictions of women the respective percentage being over 50 in the case of men, while the average 11 pet cent of women are convicted for offences against the person (as compared to over 30 per cent of men).                The changes in female crime in Poland in the years 1977-1986 differ greatly from what F. Adler and R. J. Simon anticipated. There was a drop in the number of convictions for offences against property in the years l977-1984,while as regards offences against the persons, the number of convictions was stable or showed a slight upward tendency; there was an increase in the respective numbers in that same period as regards convictions of men. A rise in the number of convictions of women in the years 1984-1986 issued mainly from changes in penal legislation and from the resulting practice of prosecution.                As shown by the analysis of female crime in Poland based on court statistics, the available data were greatly insufficient to interpret the changes observed. Several different sources of information about crime ale necessary, as well as several standards or estimation (numbers of detected offences, of persons found guilty, of convictions).               Professional activity of women, the impact it has on their social situation, and its possible connections with the change in female crime, indicated by R. J. Simon, may also help explain that phenomenon in the Polish conditions but only together with many other factors which may influence the extent and structure of female crime.
              In 1975, two books dealing with female crime appeared. They aroused many controversies and polemics and inspired many empirical studies. They were Freda Adler's Sisters in Crime and Rita James Simon's Women and Crime. Both works attempted to explain the changes their authoresses believed were taking place in female crime with the influence of the women's lib movements. The two approaches, though similar in many points, show different patterns of connections between women's lib and female crime from which the latter's extent and direction of changes result.               F. Adler assumes that the women's lib movements of the 1960's and 1970's decidedly influenced changes in women's behaviour - the criminal behavior included. These changes resulted in an increase in the number and weight of offences committed by women. If such social movements continue –according to F. Adler - female crime will keep increasing and becoming similar to its male counterpart. Women will commit a greater number of the traditionally ,,masculine’’offences, i.e.offences against person, the more aggressive among offences against property, and the so-called ,,white-collar crimes’’ Contrary to  F. Adler, R. J. Simon focuses not on the ideology of women's lib but mainly on the increasing  professional activity of women which no doubt results largely from that movement. According to R. J. Simon, the women's increased professional activity will have twofold consequences: on the one hand women will get better opportunities to commit offences against property, and on the other hand, their greater material independence will lessen their frustration thus limiting the number of violent offences committed by women.                Empirical research aimed at explaining the trend and structure of female crime basing on F. Adler’s and R. J. Simon's conceptions tended in-two separate directions. In the first group of studies, the trend and structure of female crime were estimated. The other group included studies in which the interdependences were analysed between the changes that took place in the women's social status as a result of the women’s lib movement on the one hand, and the changes in female crime on the other han. Generally speaking, none of those studies aspired at verifying the whole of either F. Adler’s or R. J. Simon’s conception being limited  to verification of some theses only.                The present paper includes a discusson of studies carried out by D. J. Steffensmeier, M J. Hindenlang, V. D. Young, P. C. Giordano, S. Kerbel and S. Dudley, N. K. Wilson, J. G. Gory, and M. D .Lynes. Their findings were as follows.                No major changes could be observed in female crime after 1970. Instead, such changes had taken place in earlier years. What did change slightly after 1970 was the number of offences against property, and not all of them at that; namely an increase took place. The number of offences against the person was stable or showed a slight upward tendency which was, however, also found in the case of men. The grounds of liking women’s lib with female crime are questioned, as the latter changed prior to the rise of women’s movements. The notion of ,,women’s liberation’’ is not operational; moreover, professional activity is considered insufficient as the index basing on which to estimate the social changes which many have resulted from women’s lib. Female crime should be analysed in the context of the social changes that concerned women-to do it, however, appropriate indices of those changes ought to be chosen.                F. Adler’s and R.J. Simon’s conceptions still arouse many controversies today. The following objections can be raised to them: both authoresses estimated female crime basing on statistics of detentions by the police. As is well know, official statistics are the reflection not only crime itself but also of the functioning of administration of justice. Thus a single source is insufficient if the causes of changes in female crime are to be explained.                Two of F. Adler’s assumptions arouse certain doubts. The first of them is that women's lib included ail women and had a large effect on all of them: actually the movement only concerned the middle classes. Moreover, there is no evidence of the existence in American society of an actual social equality of men and women resulting from the equality of legally recognized chances. The other disputable assumption is that ,,masculinity" increases the likelihood of delinquency: it is uncertain whether and to what extent the social changes actually influenced women's different behaviour, and if they did, whether women really adopted masculine patterns of behaviour.                The conception of R. J. Simon, although more complete and better verified, includes a disputable contention that the increased professional activity of women lessens their frustration thus reducing the resulting violent offences. Admittedly, the new professional roles the women assume may improve their self-image and thus level stress; but on the other hand, the fact that they have to perform several social roles at the same time may give rise to frustration resulting from inability to perform all of those roles equally well. Therefore, if we follow this path of reasoning, the number of violent offences committed by women should remain stable as professional activity may influence the women's minds differently not only lessening but also deepening their frustration.                The discussion of female crime, taking place in literature, gave rise to the question whether and to what extent that phenomenon changed in Poland. Basing on court statistics, an analysis was carried out of the extent of female crime in the years 1946-1986 and of its structure in the years 1977-1986.                 The number of convictions of women and their proportion in the total number of convictions underwent significant changes over the forty years from 1946 till 1986. In the forties and the early fifties, the number of convictions of women went up rapidly at a rate greater than that of convictions of men. In the late fifties, that upwards tendency still persisted but was less marked than was the case with men. In the sixties, the number of convictions of women went down markedly, to remain stable with a slight upward tendency in the seventies. The legislative changes in penal law and the several amnesty acts in the eighties make an appraisal of the extent of crime in that period rather difficult. In the years l980-1983, there was a drop in the number of convictions of women, followed by an increase in the years 1984-1986 which no doubt resulted from the introduction of two acts: on education in sobriety and the fighting of alcoholism, and on the fighting of profiteering. If we consider the above-mentioned conceptions, that of R. J. Simon in particular, in relation to female crime in Poland, the years, 1946-1955 seem especially to confirm the hypothesis as to the connections between professional activity of women and female crime. In those years, a rapid increase of women's employment took place, and their social status changed greatly.                Female offences are mainly those against property. Convictions of women for such offences constitute over 70 per cent on the average of all convictions of women the respective percentage being over 50 in the case of men, while the average 11 pet cent of women are convicted for offences against the person (as compared to over 30 per cent of men).                The changes in female crime in Poland in the years 1977-1986 differ greatly from what F. Adler and R. J. Simon anticipated. There was a drop in the number of convictions for offences against property in the years l977-1984,while as regards offences against the persons, the number of convictions was stable or showed a slight upward tendency; there was an increase in the respective numbers in that same period as regards convictions of men. A rise in the number of convictions of women in the years 1984-1986 issued mainly from changes in penal legislation and from the resulting practice of prosecution.                As shown by the analysis of female crime in Poland based on court statistics, the available data were greatly insufficient to interpret the changes observed. Several different sources of information about crime ale necessary, as well as several standards or estimation (numbers of detected offences, of persons found guilty, of convictions).               Professional activity of women, the impact it has on their social situation, and its possible connections with the change in female crime, indicated by R. J. Simon, may also help explain that phenomenon in the Polish conditions but only together with many other factors which may influence the extent and structure of female crime.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 1989, XVI; 211-244
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zagadnienia psychopatii i resocjalizacji przestępców-psychopatów w dziejach polskiej myśli kryminologicznej
The problems of psychopathy and resocialization of psychopathic offenders in the history of polish criminological thought
Nelken, Jan
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
              The notion of psychopathy as deficiency of emotions, will, and drives was shaped in the late  19th and early 20th century (Koch, Birnbaum, Kraepelin, Schneider). In Poland between the two world wars, studies of psychopathy were carried out by outstanding psychiatrists (Radziwiłłowicz, Wachholz, Nelken, Łuniewski) whose works initiated the development of criminal psychopathology in our country. Their opinions were as follows: the basic trait of a psychopathic character is a pathological moral defect the intensity of which rnay differ in different individuals. Against that background, many other disorders exist, most frequent being a pathological increase of affectivity. The pathological moral defect results from the psychopaths deficient emotions. The pathological mental changes are quantitative and not qualitative which is why psychopathy cannot be considered a mental illness. The opinion prevailed that psychopathy has constitutional grounds as opposed to pathological changes of character caused by other factors (e. g. brain lesions). It was also believed, that external factors, the social environment, alcohol and drugs above all, contribute to the shaping of a psychopathic character.                Psychopathy was considered a highly crime-generating factor and the ground of many cases of alcoholism and drug addiction. As a constitutional and permanent condition psychopathy is not susceptible to psychiatric treatment; the researchers believed that imprisonment creates the proper conditions of resocialization of psychopathic offenders. The type of prison for psychopaths who commit offences was discussed, the question being whether they should be kept in normal prisons with other prisoners, or in special penal institutions. In the 1930's, a criminal-biological examination of prisoners starred, initiated by the Ministry of Justice, with psychiatric and psychological examination playing the leading part. The aim was mainly to work out a system of segregation of  prisoners who were to be put in appropriate prisons with different rules. The outbreak of World War II stopped the project.                The postwar Polish publications usually point to the crime-generating faculties of psychopathy which result from its being a deficiency of emotions, will, and drives and an individual's permanent condition although it may be lessened or aggravated in various stages of life according to physiological processes and external conditions. As manifested by studies carried out in Poland, mainly the psychiatric ones, there is a considerable number of psychopaths among the perpetrators of various types of offences. Among those guilty of murder, 29.4 per cent of psychopaths were found (Fleszar-Szumigajowa it al.), among thieves of public property-26.19 and of private properly - 28.12 per cent (Malik). There were 48 per cent of psychopaths among recidivists ( Ostrihanska). The above proportions do not include offenders with psychopathological traits similar to psychopathy but resulting from a disease or lesion of brain (the so-called characteropaths).                Among the different types of psychopaths, particular attention should be drawn to unqualified psychopaths (emotionless according to Schneider’s classification) and to schizoidal psychopaths. Representatives of both these types can be found among serious criminals, murderes in particular, and among recidivists. As follows from psychiatric examination of murderers, sex murderers ale usually unqualified or schizoidal psychopaths (Szymusik). Despite their common characteristic, i. e. the deficient emotions, there two typ.. of psychopaths differ from each other to some extent which is important from the point of view of criminal psychopathology. An unqualified psychopath is usually characterized by a more marked deficiency of emotions and behaviour his environment frequently perceives as contradictory to the rules of social life. Instead, the emotional deficiency of a schizoidal psychopath is accompanied by his tendency to conceal his real emotions and intentions from the environment and to ambivalence, making this type of psychopath more difficult to diagnose as dangerous to others. The above findings have been obtained from specially selected groups  i. e. persons suspected of offences or convicted, who were subjected to psychiatric examination because of their unusual behaviour as a rule.                As regards the problem of criminal responsibility of psychopaths, an opinion prevails that such persons are accountable in principle. This follows from the fact that psychopathy is not a mental disease, a psychopath retaining his ability to understand the nature of his act as he is not mentally deficient and usually has a normal I.Q.A psychopaths is also able to control his conduct: as shown in practice by a number of cases, psychopaths. usually desist from the intended act if they find the conditions to be unpropitious; they also retain critical judgement of the separate elements of a given situation, thus to secure for themselves the necessary conditions and to be safe after the act. Thus in such psychopaths, intellect is able to control the deficient emotions and will to the extent that they discern the chances of a temporary gain. A psychopath may be found to have diminished accountability in particular cases only, and to be non-accountable -exceptionally. This takes  place if his ability to control his own conduct was largely limited or entirely supressed due to the type of psychopathy (e. g. in depressive or vehement psychopaths), the particular, circumstances of the act which increased the psychopathic reaction,  or the additional mental complications (e. g. mental deficiency found jointly with psychopathy).               Resocialization of psychopathic offenders proved a difficult problem in practice due to their abnormal personality and reaction to imprisonment. Psychopaths serve their terms in special prisons for persons in need of particular medical and educational measures. Among   their inmates who deviate from the mental norm, psychopaths constitute 40 per cent. They are resocialized through initiation into discipline, order and work, and through additional general or professional schooling if necessary.  They also undergo psychocorrective treatment individually or in groups with specialized prison staff; the treatment is aimed at arousing in them a critical attitude towards their own conduct. Having served their term, psychopathic recidivists are subjected to protective supervision of a court-appointed curator, the aim of which is their further resocialization and prevention or their relapse into crime. If a recidivist evades supervision on release, he is placed in a social adjustment centre by a court's decision. In the centre, psychopaths should receive a treatment conducive to their resacialization. Psychopaths receive postpenitentiary assistence, if necessary, which consists mainly in finding a job and lodgings (e. g. in a worker’s hostel) for them. Yet many psychopaths relapse into crime despite that assistance. To end with, the fact is stressed in the paper that small differences in the definitions of psychopathy given by the  separate authors and the sometimes found diagnostic differences- are not sufficient grounds for the term ,,psychopathv’’ to be replaced with other terms leading to considerable ambiguity. ,,Psychopathy’’ is a diagnostically established term and its replacement with ,, personality disorders’’ or ,,abnormal personality’’ only makes the problem obscure, blurring the difference between psychopathy and characteropathy, and between psychopathy and conditions such as neuropathic disposition and pathological character changes resulting from alcoholism or drug addiction. An explicit definition of the differences between these psychopathological conditions is most important for  judicial decisions and forensic psychiatry, for defining the chances and methods of treatment, and for criminological prognosis.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 1989, XVI; 245-276
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Chemical changes in the fat fraction during storage of long life sweet baked products
Zmiany chemicznych wskaźników tłuszczu w procesie przechowywania trwałego pieczywa cukierniczego
Sroczyński, A.
Wieczorek, C.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Rozrodu Zwierząt i Badań Żywności Polskiej Akademii Nauk w Olsztynie
fat changes
long life sweet baked products
Changes in the fat fraction of durable sweet baked products were assessed by determining contents of peroxides, cinnamic and malonic aldehydes, fatty acids, and the ester number. Three kinds of biscuits and one kind of wafer were studied in various temperature and air humidity conditions over a period of four months.
Zbadano zakres zmian chemicznych zachodzących w lipidach trwałego pieczywa cukierniczego, to jest trzech rodzajach herbatników, przekładanych, czekoladowanych i laminowanych oraz waflach przekładanych. Badania przeprowadzono w okresach jednego, dwóch, trzech i czterech miesięcy przy różnych parametrach przechowywania, tzn. w temp. 10, 20, 30°C i wilgotności względnej powietrza od 50% do 90%. Zmiany zachodzące we frakcji tłuszczowej wymienionych wyrobów kontrolowano na podstawie analizy zawartości nadtlenków, aldehydów cynamonowego i malonowego, wolnych kwasów tłuszczowych, składu wszystkich kwasów tłuszczowych oraz liczby estrowej. Badane wskaźniki chemiczne tłuszczu ujawniły częściowo korelację z postępującymi w czasie przechowywania pieczywa cukierniczego procesami degradacyjnymi. zawartość nadtlenków (rys. 1) i liczba benzydynowa wyrażona zawartością aldehydu cynamonowego (rys. 2) wykazały z upływem czasu przechowywania tendencje wzrostowe, tym większe im wyższa temperatura i wilgotność względna powietrza. Charakterystyczne są małe zmiany liczby tiobarbiturowej wyrażonej zawartością aldehydu malonowego (tab. 1), liczby kwasowej tłuszczu (tab. 2) oraz składu ilościowego wszystkich kwasów tłuszczowych (tab. 3).
Acta Alimentaria Polonica; 1990, 16(40), 3-4; 129-136
Pojawia się w:
Acta Alimentaria Polonica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Numbers of pinnipeds during 1994 in Admiralty Bay, King George Island, South Shetland Islands
Ciaputa, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
multiyear changes
Polish Polar Research; 1996, 17, 3-4; 239-244
Pojawia się w:
Polish Polar Research
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Przegląd literatury o problematyce przemian krajobrazu w zbiorach Biblioteki Instytutu Geografii Fizycznej i Kształtowania Środowiska Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Landscape changes. The rewiew of the literature from the Library of the Institute of Physical Geography of Łódź University
Majchrowska, Anna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
landscape changes
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Geographica Physica; 1997, 1
Pojawia się w:
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Geographica Physica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Spatial variation of air temperature in the Arctic in 1951-1990
Przybylak, Rajmund
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
air temperature changes
spatial relations
correlation analysis
Polish Polar Research; 1997, 18, 1; 41-63
Pojawia się w:
Polish Polar Research
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Statistical analysis of two important chemical features (TDS and (HCO3-) content) in Sudetic therapeutic waters
Analiza statystyczna dwóch podstawowych własności chemicznych (mineralizacji i zawartości jonu HCO3-) w wodach leczniczych Sudetów
Kozłowski, Jacek
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Geologiczne
chemical compositon changes
therapeutic waters
statistical analysis
Two important chemical features of therapeutic waters from 57 intakes in 13 Sudetic health resorts, i.e. total dissolved solids (TDS) and bicarbonate ion (HCO3-) content, tested with the Kolmogorov test at the significance level α=0.05, during the whole exploitation period, reveal normal distributions. It bears evidence of little variability of these features. Intervals of the most frequent (normal) [HCO3-] content values in individual intakes, determined using the three standard deviations method (3σ) are in most cases concordant with real values. These intervals can be used for verification of monitoring measurements (elimination of incorrect determinations) and/or can indicate sudden changes of chemical composition of exploited therapeutic waters.
Dwie podstawowe własności wód leczniczych w 57 ujęciach z 13 miejscowości uzdrowiskowych Sudetów: suma substancji rozpuszczonych (TDS) i zawartość jonu wodorowęglanowego (HCO3-), przetestowane testem Kołmogorowa na poziomie istotności α=0.05 na przestrzeni całego okresu eksploatacji, wykazują rozkłady normalne, co świadczy o ich dużej stałości. Wyznaczone metodą trzech odchyleń standardowych (3σ) przedziały wartości najczęściej występujących dla zawartości (HCO3-) w poszczególnych ujęciach pokrywają się zwykle z wartościami rzeczywistymi. Uzyskane przedzialy normalnych zawartości anionu wodorowęglanowego mogą być wykorzystywane do weryfikacji prowadzonych obserwacji stacjonarnych (eliminowanie błędnych oznaczeń) i/lub sygnalizacji gwał- townych zmian skladu chemicznego eksploatowanej wody leczniczej.
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae; 1998, 68, 4; 287--294
Pojawia się w:
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The intercalation of imidazoacridinones into DNA induces conformational changes in their side chain.
Mazerski, Jan
Muchewicz, Karolina
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Biochemiczne
molecular dynamics simulations
conformational changes
structure of intercalation complex
antitumor drugs
Imidazoacridinones (IAs) are a new group of highly active antitumor compounds. The intercalation of the IA molecule into DNA is the preliminary step in the mode of action of these compounds. There are no experimental data about the structure of an intercalation complex formed by imidazoacridinones. Therefore the design of new potentially better compounds of this group should employ the molecular modelling techniques. The results of molecular dynamics simulations performed for four IA analogues are presented. Each of the compounds was studied in two systems: i) in water, and ii) in the intercalation complex with dodecamer duplex d(GCGCGCGCGCGC)2. Significant differences in the conformation of the side chain in the two environments were observed for all studied IAs. These changes were induced by electrostatic as well as van der Waals interactions between the intercalator and DNA. Moreover, the results showed that the geometry of the intercalation complex depends on: i) the chemical constitution of the side chain, and ii) the substituent in position 8 of the ring system.
Acta Biochimica Polonica; 2000, 47, 1; 65-78
Pojawia się w:
Acta Biochimica Polonica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Influence of morphology changes on flow and water exchange in the Odra Estuary
Jasińska, E.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Budownictwa Wodnego PAN
morphology changes
flow exchange
water exchange
Odra estuary
Knowledge of the hydrodynamic conditions and the exchange of water in estuaries is important for ecological, navigational and water management reasons. The morpho-logy, river flow, sea level and local winds constitute important factors that influence the water currents and rate and extent of the mixing of salt and fresh water. The influence of the morphology changes on flow conditions, on the penetration of salt into the estuary and on the water exchange in the estuaries in this paper are analysed on the example of the Odra Estuary. The morphology of the Odra Estuary, and specially the Świna Strait, has changed immensely since the beginning of the XVIII century. The analyses were performed on the basis of data from in situ measure-ments and results of calculations. For the calculation the three-dimensional model ESTURO was used, because of the complexity of the hydrodynamic regimes and their three-dimensional character. The calculations were performed for the three different hydro-meteorological conditions for each of the five analysed morphological situations of the Odra Estuary. Some results of calculations have been presented.
Archives of Hydro-Engineering and Environmental Mechanics; 2001, 48, 3; 33-57
Pojawia się w:
Archives of Hydro-Engineering and Environmental Mechanics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Integrative Efforts in Occupational Safety and Health in the European Union
Horst, A.
Data publikacji:
Centralny Instytut Ochrony Pracy
European Union
common European social policy
changes in working life
new changes for safety and health
Unia Europejska
polityka społeczna
życie zawodowe
The European Union has had a long tradition in developing a common European social policy from its beginning. A milestone to European social policy in the field of occupational safety and health was the Single European Act in 1986. With this Single European Act the improvement of the work environment became an explicit objective of the community. Since that starting point several legislative and nonlegislative actions have been taken to face the huge challenges of globalisation with a targeted social policy. The aim of this policy is to reconcile the interests of the employers in productive and competitive workplaces with the interests of the employees in healthy working conditions.
International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics; 2001, 7, 4; 449-461
Pojawia się w:
International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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