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“According to the Whole:” the ‘Catholicity’ of the Church in the Theology of Henri de Lubac
"Według całości". Przymiot "katolickości" Kościoła w teologii Henriego de Lubaca
Persidok, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu
Henri de Lubac
This study has as its subject the meaning of the ‘catholicity’ of the Church in the works of Henri de Lubac. The French theologian, drawing his inspiration mainly from the Fathers of the Church, recovers the complete meaning of the adjective ‘Catholic,’ as containing in itself the true universality as well as the strictest unity. In his works he also tries to show that it is a multifaceted reality: the Church is Catholic in her social, historical and internal aspects. Only all three make up the full picture of her ‘catholicity.’ This study attempts to explain each of the three closely related aspects on the basis of a selection of de Lubac’s works. Although the French theologian does not belong to the most recent authors, it seems to us that his concept of the ‘three-dimensional’ character of Catholicism can help to develop the proper attitude of the Church towards today’s world – so that it will be possible to avoid both the loss of identity and the closed, sectarian mentality.
Tematem niniejszego studium jest znaczenie „katolickości” Kościoła w dziele Henriego de Lubaca. Francuski teolog, czerpiąc inspirację przede wszystkim od Ojców Kościoła, wydobywa na światło dzienne pełne znaczenie przymiotnika „katolicki”, zawierającego w sobie jednocześnie autentyczną powszechności oraz najściślejszą jedność. W swoich pracach stara się pokazać, że jest to rzeczywistość wieloaspektowa: Kościół jest katolicki w aspekcie społecznym, historycznym oraz wewnętrznym. Dopiero wszystkie trzy wymiary dają pełen obraz „katolickości”. Niniejsze studium jest próbą wyjaśnienia każdego z tych trzech wymiarów na podstawie wyboru prac de Lubaca. Choć francuski teolog nie należy do najnowszych autorów, wydaje się, że jego wizja „trójwymiarowej” natury katolicyzmu może pomóc w wypracowaniu właściwej postawy Kościoła wobec współczesnego świata – tak, by uniknąć zarówno utraty tożsamości, jak i mentalności zamkniętej.
Wrocławski Przegląd Teologiczny; 2020, 28, 1; 133-153
Pojawia się w:
Wrocławski Przegląd Teologiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
„Cień Kaina”. Temat wojny w wypowiedziach papieża Franciszka
„The Shadow of Cain”. The theme of war in the statements of Pope Francis
Okupnik, Małgorzata
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Roman Catholicism
Pope Francis
Christians feel that they should not be indifferent to war, and that it is their duty to react to harm, particularly done to civilians. Catholics expect their greatest authority, the Pope, to have a firm say about war and peace. May people, however, have had the impression that Pope Francis is erratic and assesses the situation in a wrong way. Although he follows the beaten track paved by the Church’s social science and Vatican diplomacy, some of his statements (and things left unsaid) caused and still are causing controversy. The article attempts at understanding the position of Pope Francis. It analyses his utterances regarding war, taken from sources such as the book titled Against War, speeches and social media (Twitter).
Człowiek i Społeczeństwo; 2022, 54; 151-167
Pojawia się w:
Człowiek i Społeczeństwo
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
„Czwarta droga”. Radykalizm chrześcijański w Drugiej Rzeczypospolitej
Tomasiewicz, Jarosław
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
Second Republic, social Catholicism
Druga Rzeczpospolita, katolicyzm społeczny
The subject of this article is the ideology of Christian radicalism in interwar Poland. The method applied is text analysis in the sociopolitical context. The essence of the Christian radicalism was the synthesis of social reforms program and defense of democracy on the basis of Catholicism. The author aims to answer the question: What was the reason for the weakening of this tendency. The main cause was the elite character of the Christian-radical movement embodied by some academic associations (e.g. “Odrodzenie”) and intellectual magazines (e.g. “Verbum”).
Artykuł omawia ideologię chrześcijańskiego radykalizmu egzystującego w okresie międzywojennym w Polsce. Do jej zbadania wykorzystano analizę tekstów programowych i publicystycznych tego nurtu w ich kontekście społeczno-politycznym. Cechą charakterystyczną polskiego chrześcijańskiego radykalizmu było połączenie obrony ustroju demokratycznego i postulatu reform społecznych na fundamencie katolicyzmu. Autor stara się odpowiedzieć na pytanie o przyczyny słabości chrześcijańskiego radykalizmu w Polsce. Jak się wydaje, wynikała ona z elitarnego charakteru tego nurtu, który był reprezentowany przede wszystkim przez organizacje akademickie i intelektualne periodyki.
Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, sectio K – Politologia; 2020, 27, 1
Pojawia się w:
Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, sectio K – Politologia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
„Dziwaczna sekta” w oczach habsburskich dyplomatów. Przyczynek do historii mariawityzmu w latach 1906–1914
The phenomenon of Mariavites in the light of the reports of the Austro-Hungarian Warsaw consuls of 1906–1914
Szlanta, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Archiwum Główne Akt Dawnych
Stephan von Ugron
Ernst Maurig von Sarnfeld
Leopold von Andrian
Królestwo Polskie
Mariavite religious movement
Kingdom of Poland
W 1906 r. dyplomaci habsburscy w Warszawie z uwagą obserwowali narodziny ruchu religijnego mariawitów. Ich zdaniem rozłam w Kościele rzymskokatolickim i powstanie Niezależnego Starokatolickiego Kościoła Mariawitów stanowiły zagrożenie dla jedności mariawitów. W raportach konsulowie określali mariawitów mianem „dziwacznej sekty” lub „fałszywie nauczającej”. Zarazem faworyzowali hierarchię rzymskokatolicką. Z drugiej strony władze rosyjskie na różne sposoby (np. wydając zezwolenia na budowę świątyń czy udzielając przywódcom mariawitów audiencji u cara) wspierały nowo powstały Kościół. W ten sposób liczyli na pogłębienie podziałów w społeczeństwie polskim. Ale już w 1907 r. można było zaobserwować gwałtowny spadek dynamiki rozwoju mariawitów i liczby członków nowego Kościoła. Spadek ten został odnotowany z satysfakcją przez konsulów, a z rozczarowaniem przez Rosjan. Zainteresowanie konsulów mariawitami wynikało po części z ich obawy o rozprzestrzenienie się tego ruchu wśród biedoty chłopskiej w Galicji.
Habsburg diplomats in Warsaw watched closely the birth of Mariavite religious movement in Russian-Poland in 1906. In their opinion the split within the dominant Roman-Catholic Church and the establishment of the Independent Old Catholic Church of Mariavite posed a threat to the unity of the Polish nation. Consuls, in their reports, labeled Mariavites as a “bizarre sect” or “false teaching”. The consuls despite their conflict with the Roman Catholic hierarchy unambiguously favored the latter. On the other hand, the Russian authorities in different ways (for example by giving permissions for erecting new churches or granting Mariavite leaders audiences with the tsar) supported a newly established church. In doing so they hoped it would deepen divisions among Polish society. But already in 1907 one could observe the sharp decline in the dynamics of Mariavites and the number of members of the new church. This decline was noted with satisfaction by the consuls and with disappointment by the Russians. The consuls’ interest in Mariavites came partly from their anxiety of a possible spread of the movement among the poor peasants in Austrian-Poland.
Miscellanea Historico-Archivistica; 2022, 29, 29; 227-241
Pojawia się w:
Miscellanea Historico-Archivistica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
„Jak to się stało, że masz syna z nowym Bondem?” – kobiece, męskie i boskie w poezji Justyny Bargielskiej
“You have a son with new Bond! How did it happen?” – feminine, masculine and divine in Justyna Bargielska’s poetry
Fazan, Jarosław
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
women’s poetry
The paper applies to the work of one of the most important Polish writers of the last decade. Bargielska combines bold poetic experiments with a keen testimony of an ordinary life of a young woman, who experiences life in the beginning of the 21st century in Poland. On the one hand, the poet declares a conservative worldview (her value system is based on the “trinity”: Catholicism, heterosexuality, motherhood), on the other hand, she brutally and mercilessly uncovers the subjugation of a woman in the world of a male-dominated language. Her writing deconstructs this system, as it discovers the literature as a space for the practice of personal freedom beyond the slogans and ideological divisions; she manages to create her own independent form of existence. The poet renews feminine way of being through the deconstruction of religious myths and cultural stereotypes, confronted with the physiological and social reality.
Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne. Seria Literacka; 2018, 33; 29-40
Pojawia się w:
Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne. Seria Literacka
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
„Każdy przeżywa wiarę na swój sposób”. Modele religijności w paryskiej parafii katolickiej
„To Each His Own Way to Live His Faith”. Models of Religiosity in Parisian Catholic Parish
Głowacki, Antoni
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
socjologia relacyjna
socjologia religii
relational sociology
sociology of religion
Artykuł przedstawia modele religijności występujące w paryskiej parafii katolickiej, rekonstruowane na podstawie różnic w organizacji mszy obserwowanych między trojgiem animatorów liturgicznych. Analiza różnic preferencji religijnych jest zagadnieniem szczególnie istotnym w przypadku badań parafii. Często są to wspólnoty wewnętrznie zróżnicowane, co wynika z arbitralnego (a nie dobrowolnego) przyporządkowania wiernych. Proponowana analiza odwołuje się do teorii religii Simmla oraz teorii aktora-sieci, sytuując się w nurcie socjologii relacyjnej, podkreślającej konieczność brania pod uwagę specyfiki zjawisk religijnych. W konsekwencji głównym zadaniem jest opisanie kluczowej dla nich relacji między wierzącymi a rzeczywistością duchową. Preferencje liturgiczne zostały opisane jako wynikające z odmiennego postrzegania centralnej dla katolicyzmu relacji między wiernymi a ich Bogiem.
The article shows distinct types of religiosity coexisting in a Parisian catholic parish, as evident in differences in organization of the mass observed between three liturgical animators. The analysis of differences of religious preferences is especially pertinent in case of studies made in parishes, as they are often heterogenous communities due to the arbitrary (and not voluntary) assignment of their members. The analysis proposed in the article draws from Simmel’s theory of religion as well as from the actor-network-theory, in the paradigm of relational sociology, which aims to take into account the specifics of religious phenomena. Therefore, the main task is to represent crucial relation between believers and the spiritual realm. Preferences regarding liturgy are shown as resulting from different ways of conceptualizing relation between the faithful and their God.
Przegląd Socjologii Jakościowej; 2019, 15, 1; 116-134
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Socjologii Jakościowej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
„Nawracam się nie dla katolików, ale na katolicyzm” (Sigrid Undset). Literacko-medialny wizerunek norweskiego konwertyty
Królczyk Bremer, Józefa
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Catholicism in Norway
conversions to Catholicism
Sigrid Undset
media in Norway
In the paper, the author attempts to reconstruct the image of a Catholic convert as conveyed in Norwegian media. The text first reconsiders the historical factors which affected the presence of Catholicism in Norway (Christianisation, Reformation, ban on Catholic religious practices, and the change of laws granting freedom of denomination). Subsequently, the author discusses several instances of famous Norwegian converts, including writer and Nobel prize winner Sigrid Undset, and reconstructs the social and intellectual climate which accompanied conversions in the interwar years. The article shows the specificity of Norwegian Catholicism, which consists in an exceptionally high share of people with university degrees and members of the Norwegian intellectual elite among the converts. Taking into account these particular conditions, the author describes the singular social climate and media coverage which surrounds the conversions.słowa klucze
Studia Europaea Gnesnensia; 2015, 11; 201-213
Pojawia się w:
Studia Europaea Gnesnensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
“Opoka w Kraju” (The Bedrock in a Country). The magazine’s monograph
Szwed, Anna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
national thought
Latin civilization
The periodical “Opoka w  Kraju” may be classified into the mainstream of national magazines. Such a  view can be corroborated by the magazine’s references to the Catholic ethics, perception of the nation as the highest value, historicism, the role of a  family in maintaining one’s identity and a  life in accordance with the Latin civilization. In its columns, the magazine presented the role of the nation, the national vision of the state, foreign policy, and the importance of religion. The essence of the national identity and culture was being emphasized, part and parcel of which was the stereotype of a  Pole as a  Catholic. The magazine was also moralistic in its character. It presented the effects of actions incompatible with the Catholic ethics and described some political formations which were not concerned about the Polish national interests. An important aspect within the scope of ideas presented in “Opoka w  kraju” was a  dichotomousview of the world, consisting of potential allies and disclosed enemies.“Opoka w  Kraju” was a  family magazine. Its predecessor “Opoka w  Kraju” was published in exile, in London between 1963 and1988 by Jędrzej Giertych. A  year after his death in 1993, the magazine started to be published in Poland by Jędrzej’s son – Maciej Giertych. “Opoka w  Kraju” was based mainly on the political thought of Roman Dmowski, Felix Koneczny and Jędrzej Giertych. For this reason, its programme policy has not changed since 1969.
Artykuł nie zawiera abstraktu w języku polskim
Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, sectio K – Politologia; 2013, 20, 1
Pojawia się w:
Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, sectio K – Politologia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
„Polak-katolik”? O związkach między deklarowaną religijnością a poczuciem tożsamości narodowej Polaków
Wysocki, Artur
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Religioznawcze
national identity
The article presents an analysis of the relationship between the degree of declared religiosity and the sense of national identity among Poles. By adopting the perspective of the sociology of nation and drawing on its achievements, it aims to answer two questions: what is the place of Catholicism in the socially defined criteria of belonging to Polishness, and determine the extent to which the degree of declared religiosity influences the sense of national identity in Poles. Empirical data for the analysis originates from representative polls on the social criteria of Polishness conducted by CBOS and Kantar Public (formerly OBOP, TNS) between 1988 and 2018. In theoretical terms, the study draws on the model of public opinion proposed by Zbigniew Bokszański to conceptualize and research collective national identity. The conducted analysis demonstrates for instance that the Catholic faith is at the bottom of the hierarchy of social criteria of Polishness; it also reveals an increasingly conspicuous polarization of attitudes of people admitting varying degrees of religiosity towards the preferred model of national identity.
Przegląd Religioznawczy; 2022, 2/284; 125-140
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Religioznawczy
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
„Povrat h krščanskemu mišljenju in življenju” Cilji in metode Krekovega krščansko socialnega gibanja
Šuler-Galos, Jasmina
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Slawistyki PAN
domestic imagery
political Catholicism
Janez Evangelist Krek
„Return to Christian thought and life”: the objectives and methods of Janez Krek's Christian-social movementThe turn of the twentieth century in Slovenian culture was marked by a movement, later dubbed “political Catholicism.” The cultural and economic narrative which arose from the movement was in the long term of much greater importance than the political objectives of the Catholic movement itself. The aim of this article is to describe the narrative from the point of view of its most prominent representative, Janez Evangelist Krek (1865–1917).Doctor Krek’s conservative social reforms were able to become one of the pillars of the Slovenian collective consciousness solely because they could be bent to conform to the recurring cultural templates used by the Slovenian society to accept and reshape changes since as early as the beginning of nineteenth century. The imagery constituted by these templates is termed domestic in the article. This is to mean that it is based upon pre-modern cultural capital and traditional survival strategies. Doctor Krek’s work is proof of the ease with which domestic imagery “swallowed” modernity and “spat it out” onto the fringe of society, into the sphere of technical developments, which was then used to protect conservative values and institutions. Paradoxically, it was only in this form that the domestic imagery allowed for the relatively easy acceptance of socialism after World War II. „Powrót do chrześcijańskiego myślenia i życia”. Cele i metody chrześcijańsko-społecznego ruchu Janeza Evangelisty Kreka Na przełomie XIX i XX wieku w kulturze słoweńskiej silnie zaznaczył się ruch później nazwany politycznym katolicyzmem. Bardziej niż postulaty polityczne tego ruchu na rozwój kolektywnej świadomości Słoweńców wpłynęła towarzysząca mu narracja łącząca wątki gospodarcze z kulturowymi. Celem artykułu jest opisanie tej narracji z punktu widzenia jej najważniejszego przedstawiciela – Janeza Evangelisty Kreka (1865–1917).Konserwatywne i prowadzone w duchu społeczno-chrześcijańskim reformy doktora Kreka mogły stać się konstytutywną częścią słoweńskiej świadomości kolektywnej tylko dlatego, że zostały one dopasowane do powtarzających się wzorców, za pomocą których społeczeństwo słoweńskie przynajmniej od początku XIX wieku przyjmowało i adaptowało nowe idee. Imaginarium ukształtowane przez takie wzorce jest w artykule nazwane „swojskim”, ponieważ opiera się na przednowoczesnym kapitale kulturowym i tradycyjnych strategiach przetrwania. Z zadziwiającą łatwością imaginarium „swojskości”, obserwowane w artykule z punktu widzenia działalności doktora Kreka, odsunęło na bok znaczące postulaty nowoczesności, skupiając się na osiągnięciach techniki, które często służyły do przechowywania konserwatywnych wartości i instytucji. W postaci „swojskiej nowoczesności” imaginarium to, paradoksalnie, umożliwiło stosunkowo bezkonfliktowe przyjęcie socjalizmu po II wojnie światowej.
Slavia Meridionalis; 2017, 17
Pojawia się w:
Slavia Meridionalis
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
„Thomas Mann – langweilig und ohne dramaturgische Spannung“. Deutschsprachige Literatur in Nikodem Cieszyńskis Zeitschrift Roczniki Katolickie
“Thomas Mann – Boring and Without Dramatic Suspense” German Literature in Nikodem Cieszyński’s Roczniki Katolickie
Jakubów, Marek
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Nikodem Cieszyński
Catholicism and literature
German-Polish literary transfer
The periodical Roczniki Katolickie, published in the 1920s and 1930s, was part of an anti-modernist project created in European Catholic circles. The information about German literature, which can be found in the magazine, on the one hand, served as a means of reinforcing feelings of belonging to a borderless confessional community and, on the other hand, constituted an element of German-Polish cultural transfer. Analyzing its content helps determine the extent of influence of the forms and aesthetic and literary categories disseminated within the Catholic milieu as well as the transformations of the image of the stereotypical German that was dominant in Poland at that time.
Studia Germanica Posnaniensia; 2018, 39; 195-209
Pojawia się w:
Studia Germanica Posnaniensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Drogi duchowe katolicyzmu polskiego XVII wieku, a cura di Alina Nowicka-Jeżowa, Seria “Kultura Pierwszej Rzeczpospolitej w dialogu z Europą” – Hermeneutyka wartości, t. VII, Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, Warszawa 2016
Brogi, Giovanna
Data publikacji:
Associazione Italiana Polonisti (AIP)
Catholicism in Poland
Źródło: / rassegna italiana di argomenti polacchi; 2016, 7; 200-203
Pojawia się w: / rassegna italiana di argomenti polacchi
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
[Rev.:] Richard Griffith, The Pen and the Cross : Catholicism and English Literature, 1850-2000, London ; New York : Continuum, 2010. xii, 260 p.
Słyszewska, Aleksandra
Zgierska, Roksana
Data publikacji:
Fundacja Naukowa Katolików Eschaton
English literature
the Roman Catholic Church
Christian literature
It is beyond any doubt that Richard Griffiths’ The Pen and the Cross is an interestingly written and a rather fascinating book, which certainly is a valuable addition to the study of Catholic writing. It provides a very basic insight into the development of Catholicism and Catholic literature in England between 1850 and 2000, which includes many notable, yet still forgotten novelists and poets. An attempt to discuss such a vast number of writers was very ambitious and certainly involved artistic as well as critical skill, and yet Mr. Griffiths manages to provide the reader with a quite clear and comprehensible description of Catholic writing. The main focus of the study seems to be the influence of Roman Catholicism on the writers (recusants, converts and even, in some cases, nonbelievers) and their works. It attempts to examine the importance of religious experience in shaping the intellectual vision conveyed in texts of most notable English writers including, among others, Hopkins, Greene, Waugh, Sparks or Lodge. Mr. Griffiths acknowledges the fact that quite frequently Catholic committed literature is on the verge of propaganda, but when it is done well, as in case of the aforementioned authors, it may provide an extremely profound outlook not only on religion but also modern culture, human behavior and original literary themes and techniques. He also raises the question whether the understanding of Catholic novels and poems is at all possible without specific knowledge connected with religion. There are, however, elements of Mr. Griffiths’ work that need some explanation. One of them is the title. More often than not authors of various critical works, including those which deal mainly or exclusively with Catholic writers, try to convey in the title as much as they can about the subject of their inquiry or the attitude taken by them. The results of this are, among many others, Some Catholic Writers by Ralph McInerny, Literary Giants, Literary Catholics by Joseph Pearce, The Catholic Revival in English Literature by Ian Ker, or Catholic Literature: An Introduction by Margaret Sum-mitt. It seems, however, that Mr. Griffiths decided to go against this tendency. He chose not to provide (at least not in a straightforward way) any specific information on the scope of literature that he is interested in nor in the attitude taken by him in his investigation. Mr. Griffiths himself must have considered his title as not very informative, as he supplemented it. Only through the second part of the title is the reader informed that the work is concerned with Catholicism and English literature in the period 1850-2000. Still, it does not say much about the content. Catholicism in English Literature would be more suggestive, not mentioning other obvious options such as English Catholic Literature, Catholic Literature in England or, what seems also applicable, English Catholic Writers. All these suggestions address the issue straightforwardly and provide a sound frame of reference. Meanwhile, Mr. Griffiths refuses to include a term crucial to his work, and one that he otherwise uses quite frequently and discusses openly in the first section as the basis for further investigation; that is, “Catholic literature”. It is understandable that he avoids the term “Catholic writers” as some of the authors renounce it and consider it inappropriate. It is also understandable that he does not want to limit his investigation to English writings alone, as a substantial part of his comments involve French literature and he successfully presents the two as closely related and, at times, even inseparable. It is confusing, however, that he avoids calling his subject what it actually is, considering that his arguments supporting the validity of the term “Catholic literature” are very convincing. One reason for this eva-sion may be, of course, the marketing. “The Pen and the Cross” surely stands out among many other titles of works devoted to similar issues and may be considered appealing to the reading public. It is also possible that Mr. Griffiths does not want to impose anything on his readers but only suggests certain tendencies, leaving much space for speculation on the subject of the relationship between Catholicism and English literature in the period given. Also, he might have considered this title the only possible way of encapsulating all the social, historical and cultural elements which influenced what can be (and by Griffiths is) called the English Catholic literature. There is one interesting implication of the combination of “the Pen” with “the Cross” which maybe did not immediately occur to some of Mr. Griffiths’ readers. “The Pen” as a symbol of poetry and prose (specifically novels of a different kind) is combined with “the Cross” which indicates a specific religious commitment. However, bearing in mind Griffiths’ comments on the turbulent history of Catholicism in England, cultural and social difficulties that Catholic believers, and above all Catholic writers must have overcome, and finally the “pitfalls” of writing Catholic literature without falling into sentimentality, it becomes apparent that producing Catholic works involved many sacrifices and may indeed be seen in terms of bearing ones’ Cross. Thus, the title can be a general statement as to the situation of English Catholic literature throughout the ages. What is also very unusual about Mr. Griffiths work is the fact that his presentation of the Catholic writers seems to be strongly influenced by his personal views and likings which are clearly visible through the tone of his descriptions. Even though he recognizes the importance and influence of all the writers he examines, it is apparent that he is fonder of some of them over others. He directs his attention especially to three outstanding figures: Graham Greene, Evelyn Waugh and David Jones. His admiration for them is convincingly argued and certainly well-deserved. However, while Greene is described as “a pivotal figure in the history of the Catholic novel in Britain” and Jones is treated as a highly original and forward-looking poet, Waugh is presented primarily as a re-constructor of the already existing patterns, “entrenched in a last ditch defense of traditional values” and his works, in spite of their great value, are seen as “a dead-end”. The last statement, although preceded by words of praise, seems unjust. Mr. Griffiths refers primarily and quite understandably to Brideshead Revisited as Waughs’ best work. He indicates a number of interesting ways in which traditional Catholic themes are arranged and constitute a substantial part of fictional reality. However, he seems not to notice a whole range of new, original and often surprising elements which, if carefully analyzed, may indicate new paths for the development of Catholic literature. First of all, the extensive use of satire, characteristic of Waugh’s early works, in Brideshead Revisited gains new meaning. It seems that for the first time the satire is aimed at the secular, modern way of life and religious elements alike. The reader smiles at political discussions of Rex Mottram and his friends, the adventures of homosexual Anthony Blanche as well as at Cordelia’s novenas for pigs and her collection of little black Cordelias somewhere in Africa. Bursting with laughter may occur especially at the account of Cordelia making fun of Rex about the rules of Catholic faith which supposedly include sleeping with one’s feet pointing east, sending people to hell for just a pound or keeping sacred monkeys in Vatican. All this is presented to stress how different and confusing Catholic faith is for the non-believers, and yet Waugh seems to be the first to exaggerate and distort religious truths for this purpose. He is also the first to create Catholic characters who are simply unlikeable. It seems a part of a convention to present Catholic way of life as full of difficulties and unattractive to the modern man, as it is with the Riversdales in Mrs. Wilfrid Ward’s One Poor Scruple. However, in Brideshead Revisited the reader feels no sympathy for Bridey or Lady Marchmain, the two most pious members of the family, not so much due to their sacrifice or ascetic life but their personality traits and their attitude towards other people. The potential saints are, quite surprisingly, short-sighted and egoistic. This is a strange novelty, and yet Waugh has a purpose in it. The two characters, especially when compared to other members of the Flyte family, make the reader understand that piety, devotion and knowledge of religious truths are nothing when compared to the sincere desire to act according to God’s will, however mysterious it may be. Also, Waugh reveals here his fascination with the act of conversion which he clearly values very highly. This, however, the readers may find in earlier works by G.K.Chesterton, Charles Péguy or François Mauriac. More thorough investigation would reveal a number of other innovative elements involving the creation of characters and spaces within which they function. This review, however, is not concerned with Waugh exclu-sively. The purpose, therefore, is just to signal that some important aspects of Waugh’s novels, Brideshead Revisited in particular, may not have been recognized by Mr. Griffiths. Otherwise, however, his remarks are very interesting and insightful. In his defense it should be admitted that the creative potential of Waugh’s works has not yet been fully explored by other writers. However engaging The Pen and the Cross is, it should be treated most of all as a good starting point for more careful research, since for some readers the overall character of the work may not present a sufficient examination of the topic. One simply cannot pass over in silence the very peculiar omission of such highly important figures as J.R.R. Tolkien, Rumer Godden, Geoffrey Hill and some others. Their absence at least demands an explanation as it does not allow for a fully comprehensive picture of the topic. Nevertheless, The Pen and the Cross, due to its briefness, may actually succeed in encouraging some of the readers to conduct their own examination of presented novels, poems and their creators.
Religious and Sacred Poetry: An International Quarterly of Religion, Culture and Education; 2013, 2(2); 171-174
Pojawia się w:
Religious and Sacred Poetry: An International Quarterly of Religion, Culture and Education
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
An Icon from the Orthodox Church in Tatаurоvо (Eastern Siberia)
Panasiuk, Joanna
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Slawistyki PAN
An Icon from the Orthodox Church in Tatаurоvо (Eastern Siberia)In the Orthodox church in Tataurovo (Татаỳрово), a settlement in Eastern Siberia, consecrated in 2013, there is a noncanonical old icon with features of eastern and western painting. Ikona z cerkwi prawosławnej z Tataurowa (wschodnia Syberia)W miejscowości Tataurowo (Татаỳрово), znajdującej się we wschodniej Syberii, w prawosławnej cerkwi konsekrowanej w 2013 roku znajduje się niekanoniczna stara ikona nosząca cechy zarówno wschodniego, jak i zachodniego malarstwa.
Colloquia Humanistica; 2017, 6
Pojawia się w:
Colloquia Humanistica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Anglikanizm i odrodzenie katolicyzmu na tle sytuacji religijnej w XIX-wiecznej Anglii
Anglicanism and the revival of catolicism. Religious situation in the 19th-century England
Kantyka, Przemysław
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
John Henry Newman
Oxford Movement
Anglo- Catholicism
The article describes the religious situation in the 19th-century England with special emphasis on the position of Anglicanism and Catholicism. First, it examines the situation of the Church of England with its rise of the Oxford Movement and transformation of Anglicanism into a worldwide community. Subsequently, the paper describes the renaissance of Catholicism in the new circumstances following the enactment of Catholic Emancipation Bill . Finally, it mentions the first attempts at a dialogue between Anglicans and Catholics. All these historical developments are shown in the context of life and conversion of John Henry Newman.
Studia Europaea Gnesnensia; 2016, 13; 89-98
Pojawia się w:
Studia Europaea Gnesnensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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