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Rev. prof. Jonas Totoraitis MIC: Ideas and Conceptions
Katilius, Algimantas
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum
Jonas Totoraitis
social activities
Catholic clergy
The topic of this article is devoted to the discussion of the ideas of cultural and social activities propounded by Professor of History, Rev. Jonas Totoraitis (1872-1941). It also deals with a question of what conditions were present for their implementation in the early twentieth century. The first idea to establish the Society to Investigate the History of Lithuania was largely predicated on his professional background as historian. Another idea was indebted to his perception of the duty of the priest. It manifested itself in the aspiration to set up a special organization (association) of Roman Catholic clergy to tackle world-view issues of society at large. Another field of Rev. Totoraitisʼ activities was organizing youth in the countryside. His most significant contribution was theoretical: a study entitled “Catholic Youth Associations”, published in the journal “Vadovas” (Leader), and some time later republished in a separate booklet “The Guardianship of Youth and Its Associations”.
Studia Ełckie; 2020, 22, 1; 45-59
Pojawia się w:
Studia Ełckie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kapłani diecezji łuckiej w Elblągu po 1945 roku
Priest of the Diocese of Łuck in Elbląg after 1945
Zawadzki, Wojciech
Data publikacji:
Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne Diecezji Elbląskiej w Elblągu
diocese of Warmia
diocese of Lutsk
catholic clergy
In 1939 the Soviet army occupied Wołyń, devastating there the structures of Catholic Church. A lot of priests from the sites of the pre-war diocese of Lutsk arrived to the diocese of Warmia. Between 1945 and 1987 eight from those priests were staying in Elbląg. Two of them, Wacław Hipsz and Aleksander Iwanicki had a big influence on the social-religious life in post-war Elbląg.
Studia Elbląskie; 2013, 14; 7-19
Pojawia się w:
Studia Elbląskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Fall of the Chorupnik Parish. A Contribution to the History of the Reformation in Poland
Szady, Bogumił
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
Chełm Diocese; Chorupnik; Reformation; Counter-Reformation; Catholic clergy; Church benefices; nobility
The Polish version of the article was published in “Roczniki Humanistyczne,” vol. 61 (2013), issue 2. The article addresses the question of the fall of the Latin parish in Chorupnik that belonged to the former diocese of Chełm. The parish church in Chorupnik was taken over by Protestants in the second half of the 16th century. Unsuccessful attempts at recovering its property were made by incorporating it into the neighbouring parish in Gorzków. The actions taken by the Gorzków parish priest and the bishop together with his chapter failed, too. A detailed study of such attempts to recover the property of one of the parishes that ceased to exist during the Reformation falls within the context of the relations between the nobility and the clergy in the period of Counter-Reformation. Studying the social, legal and economic relations in a local dimension is important for understanding the mechanisms of the mass transition of the nobility to reformed denominations, and then of their return to the Catholic Church.
Roczniki Humanistyczne; 2018, 66, 2 Selected Papers in English; 31-42
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Humanistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ks. Franciszek Pietrzkiewicz (1858-1929)
Rev. Franciszek Pietrzkiewicz (1858-1929)
Walicki, Bartosz
Zych, Sławomir
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
duchowieństwo katolickie
ks. Pietrzkiewicz Franciszek
Catholic clergy
Rev. Pietrzkiewicz Franciszek
Rev. Franciszek Pietrzkiewicz was born on 5 September 1858 in Zarszyn, in the Sanok district, where he graduated from a folk school. Then he attended gymnasium in Jasło, with a three-year break for military service. In 1884 he entered the Theological Seminary in Przemyśl. On 22 July 1888, he was ordained a priest and became an assistant curate in Miżyniec in the deanery of Mościce (the Przemyśl district). After two years, on 21 September 1890, he was entrusted with the duties of a vicarius dirigens. In 1892 he passed a competitive exam for a parish priest, and from 20 October 1894 onwards, he ran the parish in Miżyniec as an administrator and later as a parish priest. For a short time, Rev. Pietrzkiewicz also managed the parish in Czyszki. The outbreak of World War I brought an end to his pastoral work in Miżyniec. Due to the danger from the Ukrainians, he moved to the parish of Zgłobień in the deanery of Rzeszów. In the spring of 1919, he became a successor of the late parish priest Rev. Mikołaj Dzierżyński. In spite of difficult financial conditions, he managed to complete numerous investment projects in Zgłobień related to the equipment and decoration of the church, the construction of the church tower and the cemetery fence, a presbytery and outbuildings. At the same time, Rev. Pietrzkiewicz was concerned about the living conditions and morality of the parish inhabitants. He also took care of his own priestly formation and supported numerous pious works. In addition, this priest was active in the social sphere. He was, among others, the head of the board in Kasa Stefczyka (a savings and loan association) in Zgłobień, chaired the Farmers’ Association, supported founding the Voluntary Fire Brigade. His efforts were appreciated by church authorities which awarded him expositorium canonicale. He was also an associate dean of Mościce and a school supervisor. Rev. Franciszek Pietrzkiewicz died on 2 January 1929 at the age of 70, 40 years after his ordination.
Archiwa, Biblioteki i Muzea Kościelne; 2017, 108; 287-306
Pojawia się w:
Archiwa, Biblioteki i Muzea Kościelne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Громадянсько-політична позиція волинського та подільського римо-католицького духовенства у польських повстаннях 1830-31 та 1863 років
Шостак, Інна
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Naukowe w Żytomierzu
the Roman Catholic clergy,
the November rebellion,
the January rebellion,
Społeczno-polityczna postawa wołyńskiego i podolskiego duchowieństwa rzymskokatolickiego w polskich powstaniach 1830-31 i 1863 roku
Studia Politologica Ucraino-Polona; 2015, 5; 233-239
Pojawia się w:
Studia Politologica Ucraino-Polona
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Codzienność w parafialnym zaścianku. Uwagi na marginesie książki Krzysztofa Lewalskiego Odsłony codzienności. Rzymskokatolickie duchowieństwo parafialne na prowincji Królestwa Polskiego na przełomie XIX i XX wieku. Wybrane zagadnienia, Gdańsk 2019, s. 324
Daily life in the parish church. Margin notes in Krzysztof Lewalski’s book Odsłony codzienności. Rzymskokatolickie duchowieństwo parafialne na prowincji Królestwa Polskiego na przełomie XIX i XX wieku. Wybrane zagadnienia, Gdańsk 2019, pp. 324
Kiper, Daniel
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
nowożytna historia Kościoła katolickiego
Królestwo Polskie
Catholic clergy
Kingdom of Poland
archival documentation
Archiwa, Biblioteki i Muzea Kościelne; 2020, 113; 517-525
Pojawia się w:
Archiwa, Biblioteki i Muzea Kościelne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
„A najprzód Najwyższemu Stwórcy za wszystkie dobrodziejstwa składam dzięki…” Duchowieństwo eparchii przemyskiej wobec Boga i religii w świetle testamentów 1817–1827
“In the first place, I give thanks to the Supreme Creator for all the blessings...” The attitude of clergy of the Przemyśl Eparchy towards God and religion in the light of last wills from 1817–1827
Lecyk, William
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Rzeszowski. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego
duchowieństwo greckokatolickie
eparchia przemyska
last wills
Greek Catholic clergy
Przemyśl eparchy
Artykuł odnosi się do religijności duchowieństwa greckokatolickiego z terenu eparchii przemyskiej. Analizę oparto na testamentach duchownych z lat 1817–1827 z zasobu Archiwum Państwowego w Przemyślu. Elementy religijne występują najczęściej w formie inwokacji dewocyjnej, krótkiej refleksji, będącej pozostałością staropolskiej arengi, w dyspozycjach pogrzebowych oraz w postaci motywu „sądu boskiego” i błogosławieństwa. Analiza wykazała, że wspomniane elementy nie są powszechne w badanych testamentach, a treść z reguły ograniczona. Autor stara się odpowiedzieć na pytanie, jakie są powody tego zjawiska oraz co analizowane testamenty przekazują na temat religijności tej grupy społecznej.
The article focuses on the religiousness of the Greek Catholic clergy in the area of the Przemyśl Eparchy. The analysis is based on the last wills of clergy members from the years 1817– 1827, sourced from the State Archive in Przemyśl. Religious elements appear most frequently in the form of devotional invocations, brief reflections reminiscent of old Polish arengae (preambles), funeral dispositions, and references to the “divine judgment” motif and blessings. The analysis reveals that these elements are not common in the examined wills, and their content is usually limited. The author seeks to answer the question of the reasons behind this phenomenon and what insights the analyzed last wills provide about the religiousness of this social group.
Galicja. Studia i materiały; 2023, 9; 74-94
Pojawia się w:
Galicja. Studia i materiały
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Krąg rodzinny dziekana bytowskiego ks. kan. Jakuba Antoniego Chrabkowskiego (1756-1813)
The Family Circle of the Dean of Bytow, Rev. Canon Jakub Antoni Chrabkowski, (1756-1813)
Rembalski, Tomasz
Data publikacji:
Gdańskie Seminarium Duchowne
Diocese of Wloclawek
Catholic clergy
Diecezja włocławska
duchowieństwo katolickie
W końcu XVIII i na początku XIX w. w kilku parafiach katolickich na Kaszubach posługę kapłańską pełniło trzech księży o nazwisku Chrab(p)kowski: Jakub Antoni, Tomasz Józef i Kazimierz. Dotychczas tylko pierwszy z nich doczekał się biogramów w pracach naukowych. O pozostałych dwóch niewiele było wiadomo. Odnalezienie testamentu ks. Jakuba Antoniego Chrabkowskiego w Archiwum Państwowym w Szczecinie oraz kwerenda w zachowanych księgach metrykalnych, pozwoliła na ustalenie powiązań rodzinnych pomiędzy tą trójką księży. Okazało się, że Jakub Antoni i Tomasz Józef to bracia, zaś Kazimierz to ich bratanek. Wszyscy oni urodzili się w królewskiej wsi Tuszkowy na Kaszubach, w rodzinie wolnych sołtysów.     
At the end of the 18th century and the beginning of the 19th century, three priests called Chrab(p)kowski served as priests in several Catholic parishes in Kashubia: Jakub Antoni, Tomasz Józef and Kazimierz. So far, only the first of these priests has been described in scholarly works. Little was known about the other two. By finding the last will and testament of Father Jakub Antoni Chrabkowski in the State Archive in Szczecin, and by searching in the registry books, it was possible to establish family connections between these three priests. It turned out that Jakub Antoni and Tomasz Józef were brothers, while Kazimierz was their nephew. They were all born in the royal village of Tuszkowy in Kashubia, to a family of village leaders.
Studia Gdańskie; 2023, 52; 98-111
Pojawia się w:
Studia Gdańskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Duchowieństwo katolickie diecezji płockiej w okresie powstania styczniowego
Grzybowski, Michał Marian
Data publikacji:
Towarzystwo Naukowe Płockie
powstanie styczniowe
rok 1863
duchowieństwo katolickie
diecezja płocka
the January Uprising
year 1863
the Catholic clergy
Plock Diocese
Narodowy zryw powstańczy w 1863 r. odbił się szerokim echem nie tylko w Królestwie, ale także na Litwie i Białorusi. Wzięły w nim udział wszystkie warstwy społeczne Polaków. Do tego niezwykłego zrywu włączyło się także duchowieństwo katolickie diecezjalne i zakonne. W diecezji płockiej około 180 duchownych za swoją działalność patriotyczną i narodową w różny sposób było represjonowanych. Wielu z nich skazanych było na katorgi syberyjskie, osiedlenie w odległych regionach cesarstwa, więzienie i inwigilację. Także duchowieństwo zakonne doznało represji, zwłaszcza przez kasatę wielu klasztorów. Wszystko to utrudniało realizowanie misji Kościoła, choć nie złamało woli i ducha w walce o prawa Kościoła i Narodu.
The author described the participation and role of the Catholic clergy of Plock Diocese in the January Uprising.
Rocznik Towarzystwa Naukowego Płockiego; 2013, 5; s. 25-42
Pojawia się w:
Rocznik Towarzystwa Naukowego Płockiego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Duchowieństwo unickie eparchii przemysko-samborskiej w latach 1596–1609
Greek-Catholic clergy of Przemyśl-Sambor eparchy from 1596 to 1609
Krochmal, Jacek
Data publikacji:
Archiwum Główne Akt Dawnych
diecezja przemyska
eparchia przemysko-samborska
unia brzeska
Greek-Catholic clergy
Przemyśl-Sambor Eparchy
Union of Brest
Orthodox bishop of Przemysl and Sambor Michał Kopysteński (1591-1609) did not join the union of Brest in 1596. Therefore, the Przemyśl-Sambor Emparchy did not have Greek-Catholic bishop until 1609, when Atanazy Krupecki was nominated.The article presents the history of the first phase of the church union in Przemyśl-Sambor eparchy (1596-1609). This issue has been poorly explored in historiography. Many historians thought that before 1609, the Eparchy of Przemyśl-Sambor had no Greek-Catholic priests and Greek-Catholics. This view has been verified. Also the myth that the Greek-Catholic Church initially consisted only of bishops, and was deprived of ecclesiastical structures and followers was challenged. The Church Union of Brest was supposed to combine the two Churches - Catholic and Orthodox. As a result of non-acceptance of the Union by the two bishops and a large part of the Orthodox faithful, there were formed two parallel structures of the Eastern Church: Orthodox and Greek-Catholic. This complex legal and religious situation forced the Orthodox popes of the Przemyśl-Sambor Eparchy to face the choice between the Ortodox Church or acceptance of ecclesiastical union. The latter was equivalent with the conversion from the Orthodox to the Greek Catholic denomination. Following the adoption of the Union of Brest state authorities outlawed the Orthodox Church, and recognized as the only legitimate one the Greek-Catholic Church. Pope recognizing the authority of the Metropolitan of Kiev, which was of Greek-Catholic denomination, had to object to his hitherto Orthodox bishop. Moreover, the bishops and priests who did not accept the union of church, were excommunicated by metropolitan of Kiev. An important role in determining denomination of a particular parish had landowners of lands where churches were located. The landowner (the king, the nobles and the clergy) was called. "Ktitor", and had the right to choose a pope. After 1596, decisions on filling the church by the Orthodox and Greek-Catholic priests were taken in accordance with the principle of cuius regio, eius religio. Union developed gradually throughout the Przemyśl-Sambor Eparchy thanks to the support of ktitors. This graduall evolutionary development of the union was followed by natural generational changes that took place in the individual parishes. No information was found on Orthodox priests forcibly removed and replaced by the Greek-Catholics. From 1598 to 1609 Greek-Catholic popes are confirmed in seven decanates of the eparchy, mostly in the towns and villages belonging to the king and Stanisław Stadnicki from Żmigród. Identified were 22 known by name Greek-Catholic priests, plus four popes who were probably of Greek-Catholic denomination. Recognized popes accounted for only about 2% of all priests (both Greek-Catholics and Orthodox) from the eparchy. However, for all Greek-Catholic churches operating at that time this is a significant percentage of the Greek-Catholics parishes. These figures have not been known in historiography yet. During this period, the vast majority of churches and clergy of the Przemyśl-Sambor Eparchy remained Orthodox. Nevertheless, only 19 known by the name Orthodox priests and eight who were probably Orthodox were identified as a result of a query. The number of identified Greek-Catholic and Orthodox priests are comparable, although on the Orhodox should be much more information in the sources. There was also found information about 12 known by name popes who lived by 1596 but there was no hints about their attitude to the union and 18 popes from the period after 1596, whose denomination can not be determined. Orthodox churches served by popes known by name were of a minor percentage of the total number of operating the Orthodox and Greek-Catholic churches. So far, historians have failed to determine the number of churches that existed in that period in the Przemyśl-Sambor eparchy and all data are based on estimations. Therefore, creation of an inventory of the Orthodox and Greek-Catholic churches is an important research proposal. Another objective should be to determine the number of priests serving in those churches. The article shows religious specificity of Przemyśl-Sambor Eparchy over 13 years (1596-1609). Most of the processes had not been completed in that period, so they should be considered in the long term. The final adoption of the church union between 1691 and 1693 ended disputes among Orthodox and Greek-Catholics in the Eparchy of Przemyśl-Sambor.
Miscellanea Historico-Archivistica; 2013, 20; 135-167
Pojawia się w:
Miscellanea Historico-Archivistica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Udział duchowieństwa rzymskokatolickiego diecezji kieleckiej w kampanii wyborczej Stronnictwa Narodowego w wyborach 1930 roku
The role of the Roman Catholic Clergy of the Diocese of Kielce in the National Party election campaign of 1930
Ospara, Łukasz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Rzeszowski. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego
Stronnictwo Narodowe
diecezja kielecka
Kościół katolicki
wybory 1930
duchowieństwo rzymskokatolickie
National Party
Diocese of Kielce
Catholic Church
1930 Polish parliamentary elections
Roman Catholic Clergy
Udział duchowieństwa katolickiego diecezji kieleckiej w kampanii wyborczej Stronnictwa Narodowego, podczas wyborów parlamentarnych w roku 1930 przybierał różne formy. Jedynym kandydatem do Sejmu z listy SN był ksiądz Adam Błaszczyk z Kielc. Jego działalność w partii, a także propagowanie SN wśród mieszkańców diecezji wspierał ksiądz Antoni Sobczyński. Duża część duchowieństwa organizowała spotkania agitacyjne dla potencjalnych wyborców oraz udostępniała plebanie dla polityka SN. Największe poparcie politycy SN otrzymali w dniu wyborów 16 listopada 1930, kiedy to większość księży diecezji namawiała wyborców do głosowania na SN, wykorzystując do tego celu ambonę. Duchowni tego dnia zamiast kazania propagowali SN jako jedyną partię broniącą katolicyzmu w Polsce.
Roman Catholic Clergy from the Diocese of Kielce campaigned for the National Party during the 1930 parliamentary elections in a variety of ways. The Reverend Adam Blaszczyk from Kielce was one of the candidates to become a Member of Parliament. His political activities, namely, agitation for the National Party among inhabitants of the diocese, were endorsed by the Reverend Antoni Sobczynski. The vast majority of the Catholic Clergy organized political meetings aimed at recruiting potential voters. They also made use of buildings belonging to the Church such as presbyteries or they made churchyards available for the National Party’s politicians. The greatest endorsement from Roman Catholic Clergy came on the Election Day – November 16th 1930, when the majority of priests agitated from the pulpit for voting for the National Party. Instead of giving sermons, priests were campaigning for the National Party hailing it as the only defender of the Catholic Church in Poland.
UR Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences; 2020, 14, 1; 66-87
Pojawia się w:
UR Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Schematyzmy Kościołów katolickich obrządków wschodnich przechowywane w Archiwum Archidiecezjalnym w Gnieźnie
Schematisms of the Catholic Churches of the Eastern rites stored in the Archdiocesan Archive in Gniezno
Krucki, Łukasz
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Kościoły katolickie obrządków wschodnich
Kościół greckokatolicki
Kościół ormiański
duchowieństwo greckokatolickie
duchowieństwo ormiańskie
the Catholic Churches of the Eastern rite
the Greek Catholic Church
the Armenian Church
the Greek Catholic clergy
the Armenian clergy
Among the schematisms stored in the Archdiocesan Archive in Gniezno (these are prints prepared for the Archdiocese of Gniezno, other Polish and foreign Roman Catholic dioceses, and religious orders) are three elenchus reports produced for the Catholic Churches of the Eastern rites, existing in the former Eastern Borderlands. Two of them relate to the organization of the Greek Catholic Church: Archdiocese of Lviv (1858) and the Diocese of Stanisławów (1938), while the third one presents the structure and operation of the Armenian Archdiocese of Lviv before the outbreak of World War II (1939). All of those prints, in their structure and content, resemble schematisms prepared for the Roman Catholic Church. They are thus valuable sources from which we can learn about history, political system, organization, and people working in different institutions and parishes of the Greek Catholic Church and the Armenian Church in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.
Archiwa, Biblioteki i Muzea Kościelne; 2015, 104; 121-131
Pojawia się w:
Archiwa, Biblioteki i Muzea Kościelne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kapłani diecezjalni Żuław Wielkich i Małych oraz Powiśla w latach 1525‒1945
Diocesan priests of Great and Small Lowlands and the Powiśle area in the years 1525‒1945
Zawadzki, Wojciech
Data publikacji:
Gdańskie Seminarium Duchowne
duchowieństwo katolickie
Prusy Królewskie
Prusy Zachodnie
Żuławy Elbląskie
Żuławy Malborskie
Catholic clergy
Elbląg Lowlands
Malbork Lowlands
Royal Prussia
West Prussia
W 1525 r. przestała istnieć diecezja pomezańska. Dalsze religijne dzieje terenu Żuław i Powiśla związane były z diecezją chełmińską, od 1821 r. z diecezją warmińską, a od 1925 r. także z diecezją gdańską. Artykuł prezentuje uwarunkowania polityczne, duszpasterskie, międzywyznaniowe, obyczajowe i ekonomiczne życia kleru katolickiego na omawianym terenie od XVI w. do zakończenia II wojny światowej.
In 1525 the Pomezanian diocese ceased to exist. Further religious history of the area of the Vistula Lowlands and Powiśle was associated with the diocese of Chelmno, since 1821 the diocese of Warmia and since 1925 also with the diocese of Gdansk. The article presents the political, pastoral, interreligious, moral and economic conditions of life of the Catholic clergy inhabiting the region from the sixteenth century to the end of World War II.
Studia Gdańskie; 2010, 27; 152-164
Pojawia się w:
Studia Gdańskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Duchowni i duszpasterstwo polskiej emigracji w krajach Europy Zachodniej w I połowie XIX wieku. Przegląd problematyki badawczej
Pastoral care of Polish emigration in countries of Western Europe in the first half of 19th century. Current state of research and postulates
Kuzicki, Jerzy
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Rzeszowski. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego
wielka emigracja
duszpasterstwo polonijne
Europa Zachodnia
Polish emigration in the 19th century
Polish Catholic clergy
emigration ministry
Western Europe
Artykuł podejmuje temat obecności polskiego duchowieństwa i duszpasterstwa w środowisku emigracji z ziem polskich w okresie porozbiorowym. Jego celem jest zarysowanie problematyki badawczej dotyczącej roli duchowieństwa wśród polskiej diaspory oraz pokazanie stanu i kierunków badań. Ramy chronologiczne obejmują okres od początku XIX w. do upadku powstania styczniowego. Autor artykułu zbadał działalność duchowieństwa polskiego we Francji w okresie Wielkiej Emigracji. Przeprowadzona kwerenda archiwalna i biblioteczna pokazała, że poza Francją księży polskich można było spotkać na Wyspach Brytyjskich, w Austrii, krajach włoskich, Hiszpanii, Belgii i innych państwach, gdzie dotarły kolejne fale wychodźstwa. W odniesieniu do konkretnych krajów Europy Zachodniej przedstawione zostaną następujące kwestie: 1) zarys emigracji po rozbiorach; 2) liczebność duchowieństwa; 3) inicjatywy duszpasterskie i społeczne polskich księży; 4) stan badań; 5) postulaty dalszych prac naukowych.
The article deals with the subject of pastoral care and the presence of the Polish clergy among emigrants from Poland in the post-partition period. Its purpose is to outline the research issues regarding the role of the clergy among the Polish Diaspora and to present the current state and directions of research. The chronological framework covers the period from the beginning of the 19th century until the failure of the January Uprising. The author of the article studied the activity of the Polish clergy in France during the Great Emigration period. An archival and library inquiry showed that, apart from France, Polish priests could be found in the British Isles, Austria, the Italian countries, Spain, Belgium, and other countries where subsequent waves of emigration had arrived. The following issues will be presented in the respective Western European countries: 1) an outline of emigration after the partitions; 2) the number of clergy; 3) pastoral and social initiatives of Polish priests; 4) the state of research; 5) postulates for further scientific researches.
UR Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences; 2019, 11, 2; 5-30
Pojawia się w:
UR Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Upadek parafii w Chorupniku. Przyczynek do dziejów reformacji w Polsce
The fall of the Chorupnik parish. A contribution to the history of reformation in Poland
Szady, Bogumił
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
diecezja chełmska
duchowieństwo katolickie
beneficja kościelne
Chełm diocese
Catholic clergy
Church benefices
The article takes up the question of the fall of the Latin parish in Chorupnik that belonged to the former Chełm diocese. The parish church in Chorupnik was taken away by Protestants in the second half of the 16th century. Attempts at recovering its property possessions by incorporating it into the neighboring parish in Gorzków, and then actions taken both by the Gorzków parish priest and the bishop and his chapter were unsuccessful. A detailed study of the attempt to recover the property of one of the parishes that disappeared during the Reformation, is situated within the context of the relations between the nobility and the clergy in the Counter-Reformation period. Research on the social, legal and economic relations in a local dimension is important for understanding the mechanisms of the mass departure of the nobility to reformed denominations, and then of their return to the Catholic Church.
Roczniki Humanistyczne; 2013, 61, 2; 135-145
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Humanistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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