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Benthic foraminifera in Hornsund, Svalbard: Implications for paleoenvironmental reconstructions
Zajączkowski, Marek
Szczuciński, Witold
Plessen, Birgit
Jernas, Patrycja
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
benthic foraminifera
oxygen and carbon stable isotopes
Polish Polar Research; 2010, 4; 349-375
Pojawia się w:
Polish Polar Research
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Habitat and hydrocarbon potential of the Kimmeridgian strata in the central part of the Polish Lowlands
Więcław, D.
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
Polish Lowlands
source rock
hydrocarbon potential
carbon stable isotopes
The quantity, genetic type and maturity of organic matter dispersed in the Kimmeridgian strata of the central part of the Polish Lowlands were determined on the basis of results of Rock-Eval, stable carbon isotope composition of bitumen, their fractions and kerogen, biomarker distribution in saturate and aromatic hydrocarbon fraction, elemental composition of kerogen, vitrinite reflectance and maceral composition analyses of 225 rock samples collected from 32 boreholes. The study was conducted separately for Lower and Upper Kimmeridgian rocks in the Szczecin-Miechów and Kościerzyna-Puławy synclinoriums and Mid-Polish Anticlinorium. The best source rocks with TOC up to 6.8 wt.%, were found in the vicinity of Gostynin in the Mid-Polish Anticlinorium. Generally, the Upper Kimmeridgian strata are fair and good potential source-rocks whereas the Lower Kimmeridgian strata have much lower hydrocarbon potential. Gas-prone, terrigenous Type-III kerogen predominates in the Lower Kimmeridgian strata. The contribution of oil-prone, marine Type-II kerogen increases in the Upper Kimmeridgian rocks. In the whole profile, only low-sulphur kerogen was recorded, although the situation, when high-sulphur Type-IIS kerogen was mixed with re-worked, non-generative Type-IV kerogen supplied to the sedimentary basin with rocks from eroded land, cannot be excluded. Sedimentary conditions of organic material were variable, usually anoxic and suboxic with domination of siliclastic material in mineral matrix. The maturity of the dispersed organic matter refers mostly to the final phase of the microbial process, or to the initial phase of the low-temperature thermogenic process (oil window). The most mature rocks, corresponding up to 0.75% in the vitrinite reflectance scale, were recognised in the deepest buried parts of the basin (axial part of the Mogilno-Łódź Segment of the Szczecin-Miechów Synclinorium). The most prospecting source rocks were recognised in this area.
Geological Quarterly; 2016, 60, 1; 192--210
Pojawia się w:
Geological Quarterly
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Changes in paleo-circulation and the distribution of ammonite faunas at the Coniacian–Santonian transition in central Poland and western Ukraine
Remin, Z.
Gruszczyński, M.
Marshall, J. D.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
Coniacian–Santonian transition
carbon stable isotopes
oxygen stable isotopes
izotopy węgla
izotop tlenu
Ammonite distribution patterns and carbon and oxygen stable isotopes from the Lipnik-Kije (Poland) and Dubovcy (Ukraine) sections allow us to propose a model of sea water paleo-circulation in central Europe for the Coniacian-Santonian interval. The tectonic evolution of the south-eastern part of Poland, and expansion of the Krukienic Island areas, appears to have been one of the most important factors affecting paleotemperatures and the distribution of ammonite faunas in the shallow, epicontinental sea in this part of Europe. In the Lipnik-Kije section, low-latitude Tethyan ammonites, especially of the genera Nowakites, Parapuzosia and Saghalinites, are mixed with the cold water loving ammonite genus Kitchinites in the Lower Santonian. In the Dubovcy section (western Ukraine), Tethyan ammonites disappear abruptly in the earliest Santonian, giving place to temperate ammonites of the Kitchinites group in the early Early Santonian and to Boreal belemnites of the genus Gonioteuthis in the Middle and Late Santonian. Despite evidence for the effects of diagenesis in both sections, bulk-rock δ18O records from the limestones support higher seawater paleotemperatures in the Polish sea and cooler conditions in the western Ukraine. The proposed paleo-circulation model and paleotemperature distribution across Europe is supported independently by changes in faunal and nannoflora evidence (ammonites, foraminifera and nannoplankton), and rather unexpectedly with the bulk δ18O data. These data allow the recognition of the end-Coniacian–Early Santonian cooling event, resulting from cold currents flowing from the north, which is traceable, with different magnitude, in several European sections. Facies changes in both sections are related to the input of terrigenous material, and linked to Subhercynian tectonic movements which affected the eastern (Ukrainian) and central (Holy Cross) segment of the Mid Polish Trough at different times. Uplift and sediment input moved westwards through time. Clastic input is detectable at the Coniacian–Santonian boundary in the Ukrainian segment. Similar facies changes reached the Holy Cross segment in Poland distinctly later, somewhen in the Middle Santonian. It is likely that tectonics together with paleo-circulation changes markedly restricted or even cut-off the western Ukraine area from Tethyan ocean influences in the Early Santonian.
Acta Geologica Polonica; 2016, 66, 1; 107-124
Pojawia się w:
Acta Geologica Polonica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Origin and maturity of oils in the Ukrainian Carpathians and their Mesozoic basement
Więcław, D.
Kotarba, M. J.
Kowalski, A.
Koltun, Y. V.
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
Ukrainian Carpathians
Carpathian Foredeep
stable carbon isotopes
Geochemical characteristics of 25 oils collected from Skiba Unit of the Outer Carpathians, Boryslav-Pokuttya Unit of the Carpathian Foredeep and their Mesozoic basement in the western Ukraine are presented in the paper. The first recognised oil family consists of almost all oils accumulated in the flysch sequence of the Outer Carpathians and the Carpathian Foredeep which have very similar geochemical characteristics. These oils were generated from Type II or II/III kerogen deposited in clastic sediments. They are low-sulphur and migrated short distances. Slight biodegradation processes are visible only in oils accumulated in shallow deposits in the Skiba Unit. Their source rocks are the Oligocene Menilite Shales from the Boryslav-Pokuttya Unit. Oils from the Kokhanivka and Orkhovychi deposits (the Mesozoic basement of the Carpathian Foredeep) constitute the second family. These oils are extremely heavy, high-sulphur and were generated from high-sulphur Type IIS kerogen deposited in the carbonate environment. The most probable source rocks for these oils are the Upper Jurassic strata. Oil collected from the Vola Blazhivska deposit (the Boryslav-Pokuttya Unit) shows intermediate parameters between the oil families described above. It is characterized by the presence of oleanane and high sulphur content. It was generated from the Menilite Shales containing high-sulphur kerogen. All oils were generated at an early stage or the peak of oil window.
Geological Quarterly; 2012, 56, 1; 158-168
Pojawia się w:
Geological Quarterly
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Stable isotope composition of carbonates in loess at the Carpathian margin (SE Poland)
Łącka, Bożena
Łanczont, Maria
Komar, Maryna
Madeyska, Teresa
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
authigenic carbonates
carbon and oxygen stable isotopes
Sam ples for the study were col lected from, known from the lit era ture, out crop pro files in Zar zecze, Ra dymno, Dybawka, Tarnawce and Pikulice- Nehrybka, situ ated at the Car pa thian bor der, in the vi cin ity of the Prze myoel town, close to the San River val ley (SE Po land). They rep re sent the Vis tulian loess- palaeosol se quences. Car bon ates oc cur mainly in the lo esses rep re sent ing OIS 2 and 3. Pol len analy sis, car ried out for two pro files (Tarnawce, Ra dymno), throws light on pa laeoe co logi cal con di tions of loess cover for ma tion and trans for ma tion. Iso topic analy sis of authigenic car bon ates was car ried out on car bon ate ce mented bod ies dis persed through out the loess in forms of nod ule, rhi zolith and rhi zo cre tion and on bio clasts, mainly snail shells, os tra cod valves, and sparse glob ules (proba bly the in ter nal shells of the na ked snails). In the suc ces sions stud ied, the up per Vistulian loess de pos ited in en vi ron ment with poor veg e ta tion, con tains rhizoliths and rhizocretions mainly, while in the mid dle and lower Vistulian loess with well de vel oped soils, gley ho ri zons, and in ter ca la tions of sub aque ous sed i ments, re mains of snail shells and ostracod valves pre vail. The two main forms of car bon ates dif fer mark edly in iso to pic com po si tion from one an other. These dif fer ences seem to be more im por tant than those be tween sam ples of one form of car bon ates along par tic u lar sec tions. That is the re sult of nu mer ous fac tors af fect ing the frac tion ation of car bon and, in par tic u lar, ox y gen sta ble iso topes in the en vi ron ment of pre cip i ta tion of authigenic cal cite. The iso to pic com po si tion of car bon ates ce ment ing sed i ments is con trolled mainly by biomineralization of or ganic mat ter and lo cal cli ma tic pa ram e ters which were rather slightly dif fer en ti ated dur ing the for ma tion of the stud ied sed i ments. The d13C val ues for bioclasts vary in a broader range than for calcitic ce ments. Usu ally the snail shell car bon ate is more en riched with heavier car bon iso tope than that from ostracod valves, re sult ing from the iso to pic equi lib rium with pre cip i ta tion and with sur face wa ters, re spec tively. Bas ing on our study we can con clude that fluc tu a tions of iso tope com po si tion of authigenic car bon ates make it hard to ap ply as a paleoclimatic in di ca tor. How - ever, the gen eral trend of d18O vari a tion in ana lysed car bon ate frac tions from leoss-palaeosol se quences dis plays some con nec tions with cli ma tic fluc tu a tions.
Studia Quaternaria; 2008, 25; 3-21
Pojawia się w:
Studia Quaternaria
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Depth of the water column in relation to carbon isotope ratios in methane in fresh water sediments
Jędrysek, M. O.
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
stable carbon isotopes
fresh water sediments
environmental record
Methane was collected from the surficial sedimentary layer (0 to about 20 cm) in 45 fresh water lakes in Poland. Sampling was also carried out at various depths of the over lying water column (0.15 to 12 m) between noon and early after noon, on a seasonal basis, between 1992 and 1996. A positive correlation between the depth of the lake water, the δ13 C (CH4) value (from ca. -l.4 to -2.3% per l m depth) and the wider δ13 C (CH4) variation over the thermocline are probably due to: the time of sinking of organic particles resulting in more in tense acetate fermentation in shallower portions of the lake; the temperature variation; differences in the precursors of methane, the diffusion effect, and an increase of bioavailable DIC (dissolved inorganic carbon) at greater depths. Non-seasonal variation of isotope ratios in methane and the depth-isotope ratio correlation show that the lake system is in dynamic equilibrium on a scale of hours and days. Therefore, earlier models of methanogenesis relating and the atmospheric methane isotopic budget, proposed by other authors and based on sampling of methane from sediments, need to be revised. More over, δ13 C (CH4) values higher during seasonal over turn (mixing of benthic and surface waters) than during stagnation, have been observed. This is probably due to the fact that during over turn periods some organic compounds (methane precursors) and methane in the surficial part of sediments, are oxidized with a resalting kinetic isotope effect. It is proposed that oxidation of methane and other organic compounds during seasonal over turn may be responsible for post-depositional lamination observed as pale (autumn over turn) and dark (summer organic-rich unoxic stagnation) millimetres-thick layers in fresh water lake sediments.
Geological Quarterly; 2005, 49, 2; 151-164
Pojawia się w:
Geological Quarterly
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes and elemental composition and origin of organic matter from the Neogene Euphrates, Injana and Dibdibba formations in Iraq : discrimination between marine and terrestrial environments
Awadh, S. M.
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
stable carbon isotopes
stable nitrogen isotopes
organic matter
marine environment
terrestrial environment
Three Neogene sedimentary formations reflecting different depositional environments have been investigated for the purpose of diagnosing the isotopic source of the sedimentary organic matter and their palaeoenvironmental significance in discriminating between marine and terrestrial environments. One of these formations is composed of carbonate and marl of a shallow-marine environment (Euphrates Formation), and the other formations are composed of a clastic terrestrial (fluviatile) deposits with some differences in the depositional conditions (Injana and Dibdibba formations). The isotopic δ13C%, δ15N% values, organic carbon (OC) and total nitrogen contents, and atomic C/N ratios are used as evidence of depositional environment. Average δ13C values (in ‰) for the Dibdiba, Injana and Euphrates formations are –25.4, –25.7 and –24.5, respectively; average δ15N values (in ‰) are 4.44, 5.24 and 7.24 and average OC (in wt.%) is 0.13, 0.3 and 1.1, respectively. A significant variation in the stable carbon and nitrogen isotope compositions between fluvial and marine deposits was recorded. The δC, δ15N and C/N values indicate that the organic matter in the Euphrates Formation is of marine origin, whereas it is of terrestrial origin (fluviatile) in the Injana and Dibdibba formations. The C/Natomic values are mostly high in the Injana (37) and Dibddiba formations (51), suggesting greater input and/or preservation of terrestrial organic matter derived from land plants; the shallow-marine environment (Euphrates Formation) was characterized by a low C/N ratio (9) due to the algal-derived organic matter with limited input of terrestrial organic matter.
Geological Quarterly; 2014, 58, 4; 729--736
Pojawia się w:
Geological Quarterly
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Origin of natural gases in the autochthonous Miocene strata of the Ukrainian Carpathian Foredeep and its Mesozoic basement
Kotarba, M. J.
Koltun, Y. V.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Geologiczne
microbial gases
thermogenic gases
stable carbon isotopes
stable hydrogen isotopes
carbon dioxide
Miocene strata
Mesozoic strata
Methane concentrations in natural gases accumulated in the Lower and Upper Badenian and Lower Sarmatian reservoirs of the Bilche-Volytsia Unit in the western part of the Ukrainian Carpathian Foredeep usually exceed 96 vol%. Methane was generated by microbial reduction of carbon dioxide in the marine environment. Microbial methane and ethane were produced mainly during sedimentation of Miocene clays and muds. It is possible that this microbial process continues today. Higher light hydrocarbons (ethane in part, and mainly propane, butanes and pentanes) were generated during the diagenesis and the initial stage of the low-temperature, thermogenic processes from Type III and III/II kerogen deposited in Miocene strata and/or Middle and Upper Jurassic basement rocks. Limited variations in the values of geochemical hydrocarbon indices and stable isotope ratios of methane, ethane and propane with the depth indicate similar gas generation conditions within the whole Miocene succession. The microbial gases (methane and partly ethane) generated during microbial processes within the Miocene strata later migrated to the Upper Jurassic and the Upper Cretaceous (Cenomanian) reservoirs of the Mesozoic basement, and to the bottommost Lower Badenian reservoirs of the analysed Letnia, Orkhovychi, Rudky and Vereshchytsia fields. The low hydrogen concentrations within the Miocene strata as well as within the Upper Jurassic and the Upper Cretaceous (Cenomanian) reservoirs of the Mesozoic basement, and within the bottommost Lower Badenian reservoirs are also related to microbial processes. Carbon dioxide and nitrogen, which are common minor constituents, were generated by both microbial and low-temperature thermogenic processes. Moreover, CO2 also underwent secondary processes, mainly dissolution in water, during migration. At least part of the nitrogen accumulated in the Rudky field, which is remarkably high in N2 (96.9 vol%), is probably of atmospheric origin and was introduced to the reservoir by secondary recovery methods.
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae; 2011, 81, No 3; 425-441
Pojawia się w:
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Origin of oils accumulated in the Middle Cambrian reservoirs of the Polish part of the Baltic region
Kowalski, A.
Więcław, D.
Kotarba, M. J.
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
Baltic Region
Lower Paleozoic
oil origin
stable carbon isotopes
oil-oil correlation
We have examined 21 samples of crude oils accumulated in the Middle Cambrian sandstone reservoirs from the Polish part of the Baltic region. All the crude oils have similar parameters and indices, which suggests generation from the same source rock. Evaporative fractionation and biodegradation processes were detected in oil collected from the B4-N1/01 borehole. All crude oils have high gravities and low-sulphur contents, less than 0.3 wt.%, which suggests that their source rock contained low-sulphur kerogen deposited in a clastic environment. A low asphaltenes content (below 0.3 wt.%) and high saturate/aromatic hydrocarbon ratios indicate long migration distances or high thermal maturities. The longest migration distance was probably attained by oils from the arnowiec and B16 deposits. The biomarker data indicate an algal origin for the source organic matter deposited under conditions of clastic sedimentation. The stable carbon isotope data support this observation. The maturity of the oils analysed varies from ca. 0.75 to ca. 1.05% on the vitrinite reflectance scale. Unlike the B6, B16, Dbki and arnowiec accumulations, oils from the B3 and B4 accumulations reveal the lowest maturity.
Geological Quarterly; 2010, 54, 2; 205-216
Pojawia się w:
Geological Quarterly
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Origin and migration of oil from the Ukrainian Outer Carpathians to their Mesozoic basement: a case of Lopushna traps
Radkovets, N. Y.
Kotarba, M.
Koltun, Y.
Kowalski, A.
Kosakowski, P.
Więclaw, D.
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
Ukrainian Carpathians
Lopushna oil field
oil origin
stable carbon isotopes
migration pathways
Lopushna oil field has been discovered in Mesozoic-Paleogene strata of the platform basement under the Ukrainian Outer (Flysch) Carpathians. Oils from two main accumulations, occurring in the Upper Cretaceous sandstone and Upper Jurassic limestone reservoirs, have been analysed in order to identify their origin and relation to the known petroleum systems in the region of the Outer Carpathians and the basement of the Carpathian Foredeep. Results of geochemical investigations of oils, including biomarker and isotopic data, show a good correlation with oils, accumulated in the Carpathian flysch strata. Oils are low-sulphur and did not undergo significant degradation. They were generated from Type II or II/III kerogen, deposited in anoxic environments in clastic sediments. Generation occurred at the peak of “oil window”, probably in the temperature range of 122 to 126oC. The presence of oleanane indicates the Cretaceous or younger source rocks. Good correlation on biomarker and isotopic data with the organic matter dispersed in Oligocene Menilite Beds, occurring at the top of the Carpathian flysch succession, allowed authors to identify them as source rocks for oils of the Lopushna field, which thus can be regarded as an oil family of the Outer Carpathians. The migration distance for both Lopushna oils and oils accumulated in the Carpathian flysch strata was similar. A number of sub-vertical dislocations, on which the subsided flysch strata occur at the same depth level with the Jurassic and Cretaceous rocks of the platform, can be assumed as possible migration pathways from the mature source rocks of the Oligocene Menilite Beds of Boryslav-Pokuttya, Skyba or Krosno units to the Lopushna type traps, which suggests the possibility of existence of other hydrocarbon accumulations of this type. The Lopushna field so far is unique containing this type of oil found in the basement of the Ukrainian Carpathian Foredeep.
Geological Quarterly; 2016, 60, 1; 133--148
Pojawia się w:
Geological Quarterly
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Origin of liquid hydrocarbons accumulated in the Miocene strata of the Polish Carpathian Foredeep and its Palaeozoic–Mesozoic basement
Więcław, D.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Geologiczne
oil origin
stable carbon isotopes
oil-oil correlation
Palaeozoic–Mesozoic basement
Polish Carpathian Foredeep
Petroleum geochemical data of 34 oils and condensates accumulated in the Carpathian Foredeep and its Mesozoic and Palaeozoic basement were used to assess their origin and genetic type. The analysed liquid hydrocarbons are characterized by variable densities and sulphur contents. No relationship between these parameters and the reservoir rock age has been found. Secondary processes of evaporative fractionation and biodegradation are evidenced for some oils. These processes proceeded most intensively on the oil from Góra Ropczycka-1K well. The oils from Opaka-1, Lubaczów-157 and Góra Ropczycka-1K wells were generated from organic matter deposited in the Upper Jurassic carbonates. The oil from the inflow in Załazie-2 well originated from the Cambrian strata, but also contains biomarkers characteristic of Miocene strata. The next family, genetically connected with the Silurian and Ordovician source rocks, consists of oils accumulated in the Lower Carboniferous carbonates in Nosówka deposit and in the Upper Jurassic in the inflow into Łękawica-1 well. The condensates collected from the Miocene (Łękawica-1, Pilzno-37, Tarnów-39 and -45 wells) and Upper Jurassic strata (Łąkta-27 and Tarnów-5 wells) were generated by organic matter dispersed in the Middle Jurassic or Lower Carboniferous clastic facies. The remaining oils, from Grobla-Pławowice, Wierzchosławice, Jastrząbka Stara, Partynia-Podborze, Dąbrowa Tarnowska, Brzezówka and Zagorzyce deposits, and the inflows into Tarnów-47 and Pilzno-12 wells were generated from kerogen enriched in organic sulphur usually dispersed in carbonate rocks. Such a type of sediments occurs in the Devonian and Lower Carboniferous strata. Also, these strata as well as the underlying Silurian rocks have sufficient maturity for generation of the discussed oils. The oleanane in the discussed oils most probably originates from kerogen of the Upper Cretaceous or Miocene strata, through which these oils migrated and eluted this biomarker.
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae; 2011, 81, No 3; 443-458
Pojawia się w:
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Biological markers and stable carbon isotope studies of bitumen impregnating Quaternary sediments at Starunia palaeontological site and vicinity (Carpathian region, Ukraine)
Kotarba, M. J.
Fabiańska, M.
Więcław, D.
Kowalski, A.
Zych, H.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Geologiczne
stable carbon isotopes
bitumen content
oil origin
woolly rhinoceros
Starunia palaeontological site
Carpathian region
Biological markers and stable carbon isotopic compositions of bitumen impregnating the Pleistocene and Holocene sediments around the Starunia palaeontological site (Carpathian region, Ukraine) near discovered remnants of a mammoth and three woolly rhinoceroses, and one almost completely preserved rhinoceros carcass found in 1907 and 1929, were investigated. The research was carried out to assess genetic connections between the bitumen and oils from the nearby deep accumulations of the Boryslav-Pokuttya and Skyba units of the Carpathians. Another aim of these geochemical studies was to reveal the secondary geochemical processes (oxidation and biodegradation) influencing the bitumen, and to determine which environments have been favourable or unfavourable for the preservation of large Pleistocene vertebrates. Bitumen included within the near-surface rocks are not genetically connected with residual organic matter present in Quaternary sediments. Geochemical features, such as distributions of pentacyclic triterpanes and steranes, biomarker parameters and isotope composition indicate that all bitumens originate from oil-prone, Type II kerogen with insignificant admixture of terrestrial Type III kerogen in the middle stage of catagenesis. The oils occurring in deep accumulations in the Starunia area were the sole source of bitumen found in the near-surface sediments. Input of immature organic matter to bitumen from Pleistocene and Holocene sediments has not been found. The main factors differentiating the bitumen were: biodegradation, water washing and/or weathering. Additional influence of transport of bitumen by brine was found. The most favourable conditions for preservation of large, extinct mammals within the Pleistocene muds exist in the vicinity of Nos 22 and 23 boreholes, where bitumen is best preserved. The worst conditions were found in the vicinity of Nos 1, 4, 4' and 15 boreholes. Intensification of biodegradation and weathering effects were followed by intensive, chaotic changes of the remnants of large Pleistocene mammals.
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae; 2009, 79, No 3; 463-480
Pojawia się w:
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Origin of natural gases in the autochthonous Miocene strata of the Polish Carpathian Foredeep
Kotarba, M. J.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Geologiczne
microbial methane
stable carbon isotopes
thermogenic hydrocarbon gases
carbon dioxide
sulphide hydrogen
autochthonous Miocene strata
Polish Carpathian Foredeep
Methane concentrations in natural gases accumulated in the autochthonous Miocene strata of the Polish Carpathian Foredeep (between Kraków and Przemyśl) usually exceeded 90 vol%. Methane and part of the ethane were generated during microbial reduction of carbon dioxide in the marine environment, mainly during the sedimentation of Miocene clays and muds. It is possible that this microbial process has continued even recently. Higher light hydrocarbons (mainly propane, butanes and pentanes) were generated during the diagenesis and the initial stage of the low-temperature thermogenic process. Very small changes in the values of geochemical hydrocarbon indices and stable isotope ratios of methane, ethane and propane with depth are evidence for similar gas generation conditions within the whole Badenian and Lower Sarmatian successions. Only in a few natural gas accumulations within the Upper Badenian and Lower Sarmatian reservoirs are thermogenic gases or thermogenic components present, both generated from mixed, type III/II kerogen. These thermogenic gases, now accumulated mainly in the bottom part of Miocene strata, probably resulted from thermogenic processes in the Palaeozoic– Mesozoic basement and then migrated to the Miocene strata along the fault zones. The presence of low hydrogen concentrations (from 0.00 to 0.26 vol%) within the Miocene strata is related to recent microbial processes. Carbon dioxide and nitrogen, which are common minor constituents, were generated in both microbial and low-temperature thermogenic processes. However, CO2 has also undergone secondary processes, mainly dissolution in water during migration. Hydrogen sulphide, which occurs in natural gases of Lower Badenian strata, was most probably generated during microbial sulphate reduction of the Lower Badenian gypsum and anhydrites.
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae; 2011, 81, No 3; 409-424
Pojawia się w:
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Habitat and hydrocarbon potential of the Palaeozoic source rocks in the Kraków–Rzeszów area (SE Poland)
Więcław, D.
Kotarba, M. J.
Kowalski, A.
Kosakowski, P.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Geologiczne
source rock
hydrocarbon potential
Rock-Eval pyrolysis
stable carbon isotopes
Palaeozoic basement
Małopolska Block
Polish Carpathian Foredeep
The quantity, genetic type and maturity of organic matter dispersed in Ordovician, Silurian, Devonian and Lower Carboniferous strata in the basement of the Carpathian Foredeep between Kraków and Rzeszów were determined based on the results of organic geochemical analyses of 600 rock samples collected from 44 wells. The best source rocks were found in the Silurian strata where the total organic carbon (TOC) content is up to 6.6 wt% and the median value equals ca. 1.5 wt%. The median values of the initial organic carbon contents in individual wells vary from 1.2 to 3.5 wt%. The Ordovician, Lower Devonian and clastic facies of the Lower Carboniferous strata can be considered as an additional source of hydrocarbons with the median TOC values of 0.27, 0.56 and 0.53 wt%, respectively. The Middle and Upper Devonian strata as well as the carbonate facies of the Lower Carboniferous strata have much lower quantities of organic carbon, although in these strata levels with elevated TOC contents were observed. In the Lower Palaeozoic and Lower Devonian strata, the oil-prone, low-sulphur Type II kerogen is present, whereas in the younger divisions presence of the gas-prone Type III kerogen is visible. In the Lower Carboniferous clastics gas-prone kerogen dominates. The Silurian and clastic facies of the Lower Carboniferous strata have been deposited in the normal marine conditions, whereas the Ordovician, Devonian and carbonate facies of the Lower Carboniferous strata usually experienced reducing conditions. The source rocks are mostly at the initial and middle phase of the low-temperature thermogenic processes. Locally, immature (in the Lower Carboniferous carbonates in the vicinity of Łąkta gas-condensate field) or late-mature (in the Middle and Upper Devonian strata in the area of Grobla–Pławowice oil field) source rocks were observed.
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae; 2011, 81, No 3; 375-394
Pojawia się w:
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Inkluzje fluidalne w halicie oraz bituminy w solach ewaporatów mioceńskich ukraińskiego Przedkarpacia jako wskaźnik występowania nagromadzeń węglowodorów w niżej leżących utworach
Fluid inclusions in halite and bitumens in rock salt from Miocene evaporites in the Ukrainian Fore-Carpathian region: as indicators of hydrocarbon accumulations in the underlying strata
Więcław, D.
Lytvyniuk, S. F.
Kovalevych, V. M.
Peryt, T.M.
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
inkluzje fluidalne
trwałe izotopy węgla
zapadlisko przedkarpackie
fluid inclusions
stable carbon isotopes
Carpathian Foredeep
Fluid inclusions in halite from Miocene rock salt of the Ukrainian Carpathian Foredeep Basin in locations where evaporites overlie oil and gas reservoir rocks are characterized by their high methane content and the presence of oil droplets in some of them. They are thus similar to fluid inclusions reported from geochemical aureoles around oil and gas accumulations in the Zechstein (Upper Permian) of western Poland (Kovalevych et al., 2008). Geochemical analyses of bitumen in bulk samples of rock salt (including content and distribution of n-alkanes and isoprenoids, carbon isotope ratios) suggest a varied origin: hydrocarbon extracted from halite from boreholes located in proximity (proved or assumed) of oil and gas deposits (Lopushna-7, Grynivka-525) are probably related to organic material dispersed within the rock salt itself, and those from the barren areas (Verkhniy Strutyn-29) are most probably cogenetic with oil accumulated in the deposits of the Boryslav-Pokuttya Nappe.
Przegląd Geologiczny; 2008, 56, 9; 837-841
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Geologiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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