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Improving back office efficiency with business process management system
Waszkowski, R.
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Poznańska. Wydawnictwo Politechniki Poznańskiej
business process management
business analysis
back office
The paper outlines the concept for using the Business Process Management System (BPMS) to improve back office processes in an organization. The BPM system allows organization of all back-office tasks into processes that could be measured and improved. The aim of the paper is to prepare reference business process models for common back office activities. The process models were prepared in accordance with the BPMN (Business Process Model and Notation). The results of the conducted research prove that the measured business processes may be not only managed, but also subsequently improved.
Research in Logistics & Production; 2018, 8, 2; 189-201
Pojawia się w:
Research in Logistics & Production
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Access control system for RFID-tagged documents in supply chain management
Nowicki, T.
Kiedrowicz, M.
Waszkowski, R.
Chodowska, A.
Lach, A.
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Poznańska. Wydawnictwo Politechniki Poznańskiej
business process management
business analysis
access control
The paper presents the concept and design models of the access control system for RFID tagged documents in supply chain management. The access control system allows to assign privileges to particular persons or groups of persons for specific documents. When implementing the processes related to the handling of documents, the required privileges are verified. Existence or lack of such privileges affects further development of such processes.
Research in Logistics & Production; 2017, 7, 2; 143-157
Pojawia się w:
Research in Logistics & Production
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Access control system for RFID-tagged documents in supply chain management
System kontroli uprawnień do dokumentów w oparciu o RFID w obrębie łańcucha dostaw
Nowicki, T.
Kiedrowicz, M.
Waszkowski, R.
Chodowska, A.
Lach, A.
Data publikacji:
Wyższa Szkoła Logistyki
business process management
business analysis
access control
zarządzanie procesem biznesowym
analiza biznesowa
kontrola dostępu
Background: The information exchange process within the supply chain management is considered key to managing physical product flow and improving cost and service performance of enterprises. There are many different types of information that can be shared within the supply chain. In some cases, the information shared has to be strongly secured. The aim of the paper is to prepare appropriate models and design of the RFID-based access control system, as well as its architecture, including the domain model, requirements, business process models, and user interfaces. Methods: The paper presents the concept and design models of the access control system for RFID-tagged documents in supply chain management. The system architecture and design models, including the domain model, requirements, business process models, and user interfaces were described. Results: The access control system allows to assign privileges to particular persons or groups of persons for specific documents. When implementing the processes related to the handling of documents, the required privileges are verified. Existence or lack of such privileges affects further development of such processes. Conclusions: The module of privileges (using the functionalities of the Aurea BPM and Archer-DMS systems) including the user authorization to handle the documents at different sensitivity levels was developed.
Proces wymiany informacji w obrębie łańcucha dostaw jest używany za kluczowy czynnik w przepływie materiałów jak również dla poprawy jakości zarządzania kosztami i poziomem obsługi klienta w przedsiębiorstwie. Istnieje kilka różnych typów informacji, których wymiana następuje w obrębie łańcucha dostaw. W niektórych przypadkach informacja ta musi być szczególnie chroniona. Celem tej pracy było przygotowanie odpowiednich modeli oraz zaprojektowanie systemu kontroli dostępu w oparciu o technologię RFID jak również jego architektury, w tym modele domeny, wymagań, modelu procesu biznesowego oraz interfejsów użytkownika. Metody: Zaprezentowano koncepcję oraz modele projektowe systemu kontroli dostępu w oparciu o technologię RFID w zarządzaniu łańcuchem dostaw. Opisano architekturę systemu i modele projektowe w tym modele domeny, wymagań, modelu procesu biznesowego oraz interfejsów użytkownika. Wyniki: System kontroli dostępu umożliwia nadawanie uprawnień poszczególnym użytkowników lub ich grupom dostępu do poszczególnych dokumentów. W trakcie realizacji procesów pozyskiwania dokumentów, następuje weryfikacja uprawnień. Brak tych uprawnień ma wpływ na dalsze postępowanie w trakcie analizowanego procesu. Wnioski: Opracowano moduł uprawnień (przy zastosowaniu funkcjonalności systemów Aurea BPM oraz Archer-DMS), w tym autoryzacji użytkownika, w celu zarządzania dostępem do dokumentów na wymaganym poziomie.
LogForum; 2017, 13, 1; 91-101
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Bank business model as a supervisory perspective. Conditions and influences
Nosowski, Adam
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu
bank business model
business model analysis
supervisory review and evaluation process
Analysing the banking business model as a supervisory perspective is a new way of monitoring the actions of supervised institutions, which significantly increases control. An additional analysis of banking business models can supply useful tools for understanding the nature of risks related to a given banking business model, and its influence on systemic risk. These tools are useful to market participants and regulation and supervisory institutions. The main goal of this article is an identification of contexts and conditions of the banking business model as a supervisory perspective. This approach allows to perceive its characteristics, aims, and methodology requirements. The supervisory perspective on business models was also compared to other practical and theoretical approaches, creating analytical context. An analysis of European guidelines for business models as a supplementary supervision practice, and their implementation in Poland was performed as well
Financial Sciences. Nauki o Finansach; 2017, 2(31); 66-78
Pojawia się w:
Financial Sciences. Nauki o Finansach
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Adamowicz, Elżbieta
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie
koniunktura gospodarcza
cykle koniunkturalny
analiza koniunktury
badania empiryczne
business tendency
business cycles
business cycles analysis
empirical research
Praca omawia wyniki badań nad cyklami koniunkturalnymi w wybranych krajach UE. Wahania cykliczne stwierdzone w przebiegu PKB ujawniły się mniej więcej tym samym czasie w różnych obszarach aktywności gospodarczej. Najwyższe wartości współczynniki korelacji jednoczesnych i krzyżowych przyjmowały dla inwestycji, produkcji przemysłowej, handlu i konsumpcji. Najniższe dla wskaźników koniunktury w przemyśle i handlu. Z kolei wskaźniki koherencji, wskazujące na dopasowanie wahań poszczególnych zmiennych, najwyższe wartości przyjmowały dla inwestycji, produkcji przemysłowej i handlu, najniższe dla wskaźnika koniunktury w handlu i wskaźnika nastrojów gospodarczych. Stwierdzono znaczną, rosnącą w czasie, synchroniczność wahań cyklicznych w Polsce i krajach członkowskich strefy euro. Potwierdzają ją zarówno wyniki analizy statystycznej, jak i charakterystyki głównych cech morfologicznych wahań. Występujące różnice wynikają najprawdopodobniej z odmienności struktur poszczególnych gospodarek i różnej reakcji na szoki. Stwierdzono również, że zmienne jakościowe z wyprzedzeniem w stosunku do zmiennych ilościowych sygnalizowały zmianę kierunków aktywności gospodarczej.
The paper discusses the results of the research on business cycles in selected EU economies. Cyclical fluctuations of GDP were found to be simultaneously accompanied by cyclical fluctuations in a number of sectors. The highest correlation (with GDP) were noted for investments, industrial production, retails trade and private cinsumption and the lowest for confidence indicators in the manufacturing industry and retail trade. On the other hand, coherence, which is the measure of spectral correlation, were found the highest for investments, industrial production and retail sales and the lowest for the retail confidence indicator and the economic sentiments index. Furthemore, we found high and increasing synchronicity of business cycles around the European Union. This was confirmed by both statistical analysis and main morphological features of cyclical fluctuations. Any differences between particular economies are probably due to structural divergence and varied robustness to exogenous shocks. We also found that, on the whole, BTS indicators were leading upturns and downturns of business activity.
Prace i Materiały Instytutu Rozwoju Gospodarczego SGH; 2012, 89: Wahania cykliczne w Polsce i w strefie euro; 201-209
Pojawia się w:
Prace i Materiały Instytutu Rozwoju Gospodarczego SGH
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Opis procesu badawczego
Methods of research
Adamowicz, Elżbieta
Dudek, Sławomir
Pachucki, Dawid
Walczyk, Konrad
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie
analiza koniunktury
analiza szeregów czasowych
dekompozycja szeregów czasowych
business cycles analysis
time series analysis
time series decomposition
Praca opisuje metody analizy statystyczno-ekonometrycznej stosowane w celu: identyfikacji wahań cyklicznych zmiennych makroekonomicznych, zbadania cech morfologicznych wahań koniunkturalnych, obejmującego identyfikację punktów zwrotnych, czas trwania zarówno całego cyklu jak i poszczególnych jego faz, wartości ekstremalne, amplitudy i intensywność zachodzących zmian, analizy synchronizacji wahań cyklicznych (chronologii punktów zwrotnych, korelacji jednoczesnych, korelacji krzyżowych, korelacji rekursywnych, koherencji i przesunięcia fazowego), analizy graficznej i analizy zbieżności reakcji gospodarek na szoki podażowe i popytowe zidentyfikowane za pomocą modeli SVAR.
The paper presents the statistical and econometrical methods used to: (1) identify cyclical components of economic aggregates, (2) examine morphological characteristics of cyclical fluctuations, including turning points, duration of cycles and their phases, maximum and minimum values, amplitudes and intensity, (3) analyse synchronicity of cyclical fluctuations, including leads/lags of turning points, correlation and cross-correlation, recursive correlation, coherence and mean delay), (4) perform graphical analysis and (5) examine coincidence of economies’ reactions to supply and demand shocks identified by SVAR modelling.
Prace i Materiały Instytutu Rozwoju Gospodarczego SGH; 2012, 89: Wahania cykliczne w Polsce i w strefie euro; 11-22
Pojawia się w:
Prace i Materiały Instytutu Rozwoju Gospodarczego SGH
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Integrating general and local context-dependent factors into a framework for analysing business sectors in Bottom-of-the-Pyramid emerging markets
Broeksma, Maaike
Pennink, Bart Jan Willem (Bartjan)
Data publikacji:
Wyższa Szkoła Bankowa we Wrocławiu
Bottom-of-the-Pyramid (BoP)
multinational enterprises (MNEs)
emerging markets
market entry
business sector analysis
context dependency
Abstract: Aim: This paper investigates how a framework for analysing business sectors in emerging markets looks like when taking into account the local context-dependent and general factors of The Bottom-of-the-Pyramid (BoP). The BoP segment in emerging markets represents a major growth potential for firms, including multinational enterprises (MNEs) from developed countries. However, the continued lack of success of MNEs in these markets has shown that generic one-size-fits-all strategies for the BoP are not appropriate as BoP contexts differ between countries. Design / Research methods: The sample that was selected for the research includes two non-governmental organizations (NGOs) related to the BoP and eight managers at MNEs with activities in the BoP have been interviewed in a semi-structured manner to collect rich data. Conclusion / findings: By interviewing eight managers at MNEs with activities in the BoP and two NGOs related to the BoP, an additional analysis, BoP-orientation, and further extensions to the original analyses are being presented. This results in an advanced framework for analysing business sectors in emerging markets. Originality / value of the article: Current frameworks for analysing business sectors in emerging markets do take into account inter-country differences but fail to recognize intra-country differences, which causes them to fall short on their applicability to the BoP. This paper fills the gap how frameworks for analysing business sectors in emerging markets can be made applicable for the BoP by taking into account both the local context-dependent and general factors of a BoP-market to analyse it for opportunities, threats, and eventually and strategic entry mode.
Central European Review of Economics and Management; 2021, 5, 2; 85-118
Pojawia się w:
Central European Review of Economics and Management
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Evaluation of economic potential of business environment development by comparing sector differences: perspective of SMEs in the Czech Republic and Slovakia
Belas, Jaroslav
Gavurova, Beata
Cepel, Martin
Kubak, Matus
Data publikacji:
Instytut Badań Gospodarczych
business environment
business risks
business support
correspondence analysis
sector analysis
Research background: Improving business conditions and SME development are signs of a country's macroeconomic stability. The issue of identifying and removing barriers to the development of firms in the SME segment is a priority in all countries with developed economies and its importance is currently increasing. Purpose of the article: The main aim of this paper is to explore possible differences in entrepreneurs' perception of the business environment based on the industry in which the company operates. The analysis contains also a national view, where a comparison between the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic is performed. Methods: Correspondence analysis was used to achieve the research objectives in order to examine the relations between the categorical variables. Its application is beneficial in cases where the graphic output is clearer than the numerical one. Findings & Value added: The presented research makes it possible to identify problematic aspects of doing business in each sector and to create support mechanisms for the creation of effective structural policies. Entrepreneurs from the Czech Republic's Production and Transport sectors agree with the statement that the business environment in the country is suitable for starting a business. As for business environment's suitability for doing business, neither Slovak nor Czech entrepreneurs sector-wide agreed with the given statement. Czech entrepreneurs from the Services, Trade and Construction sectors, respectively, agree, fully agree with the statement that the business environment in the country is reasonably risky and allows for doing business. In the case of entrepreneurs from Slovakia, no significant correspondence is observed. Findings regarding the statement that the business conditions in the country have improved over the past five years are the following: In the Czech Republic, there is a perfect correspondence of the Transport sector and the agreement with the given statement. In the Slovak Republic, agreement was found with the given statement in the Transport sector and neutral position in the Production sector.
Oeconomia Copernicana; 2020, 11, 1; 135-159
Pojawia się w:
Oeconomia Copernicana
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Business Models of Sanitary Inspection Operations
Nowicki, T.
Waszkowski, R.
Chodowska, A.
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Poznańska. Wydawnictwo Politechniki Poznańskiej
business processes
company analysis
The paper presents a method of modeling processes connected with the activities of sanitary inspection during the development of the epidemic of food-borne diseases. There is also shown a way of testing the basic characteristics of the development of the epidemic and how to examine the dynamic properties of the epidemic processes. Examined processes can be studied, among others, from the point of view of time and cost of sanitary inspection activities.
Research in Logistics & Production; 2015, 5, 4; 347-359
Pojawia się w:
Research in Logistics & Production
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Is Uruguay More Resilient This Time? Distributional Impacts of a Crisis Similar to the 2001–02 Argentine Crisis
Cabanillas, Oscar Barriga
Lugo, Maria Ana
Rodríguez-Castelan, Carlos
Nielsen, Hannah
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wydziału Zarządzania
Business cycles
distributional analysis
The 2001–02 Argentine crisis had a profound impact on Uruguay’s economy. Uruguay’s gross domestic product shrank by 17.5 percent, and the proportion of people living below the poverty line doubled in only two years. It took almost 10 years for the poverty rate to recover to its precrisis level. This paper uses a macro-micro simulation technique to simulate the impact of a similar crisis on the current Uruguayan economy. The simulation exercise suggests that Uruguay would now be in a better place to weather such a severe crisis. The impact on poverty would be considerably more moderate; inequality would not change significantly; and household incomes would be 8 percent lower than in the absence of a crisis (almost 9 percent lower among households in the bottom 40 percent of the income distribution). The paper also explores the changes in social welfare policy that took place in the last decade that are protecting vulnerable groups from new macroeconomic shocks. We find that, despite the new policies, young individuals, woman-headed households, residents of Montevideo, and people who have not completed secondary education are more vulnerable to falling into poverty were the crisis to strike.
Journal of Banking and Financial Economics; 2015, 2(4); 64-90
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Banking and Financial Economics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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