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Analysis of genetic structure of Silesian horses from Ksiaz National Stud
Analiza struktury genetycznej populacji koni śląskich ze Stada Ogierów Książ
Kania-Gierdziewicz, J.
Galka, E.
Gierdziewicz, M.
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie. Wydawnictwo Szkoły Głównej Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie
Ksiaz Stallion Herd
Silesian breed
animal breeding
animal genetics
genetic structure
genetic analysis
genetic variability
active population
Analysis of genetic structure of Silesian horses from National Stud. The aim of the study was to analyze the genetic composition of Silesian horses bred in "Książ" National Stud basing on their pedigreesand to try to answer the following question: is the subdivision of Silesian horse population really necessary to prevent local horse breed? As the material 72 pedigrees of brood mares and stallions, born between 1991 and 2009 were used. On average, 93.1% of animals were inbred, there were 96.55% inbred stallions and 90.70% inbred mares. The mean inbreeding coefficient for all horses was 2.3%, for inbred horses it reached 2.5%. There were more inbred mares (39) than stallions (28). All 72 Silesian horses from "Książ" State Stud were related with the average relationship coefficient of 8.5%. The total and effective number of founders were 458 and 163, respectively. The total andeffective number of ancestors were 64 and 22, respectively. Among the founding breeds Thoroughbred horses predominated, the next were Oldenburg and Silesian horses, whereas among ancestors there were much more Silesian horses than Thorougbreds. All in all, the genetic diversity of the Silesian horses from "Książ" National Stud was satisfactory, however its monitoring is required because of both upward inbreeding and 100% related animals. Because the population of Silesian horses is small, less than 2,000 animals and sligtly over 1,000 animals included in conservation programme, the artifical subdivision of this population as proposed in the new breeding programme, which would result in creation of two subpopulations: “old-type” and “new-type” Silesian horses, is not recommended. For maintaining genetic diversity, it could be also possible to carefully import of semen or stallions of similar breeds, i.e. German Alt-Oldenburger horses or German Heavy Warmblood horses. The plan should also include the matings recommended within the population of all available Silesian horses of both types. The authors consider introducing such a program essential. It should be also clearly stated in the plan how large proportion of the Silesian mares population could be each year mated to Thoroughbredstallions. Division into two types implies that some fraction of new-type Silesian horses and their progeny would not be regarded as potential parents of individuals for the conservation programme.
Analiza struktury genetycznej populacji koni śląskich z SO Ksiaż. Celem pracy była analiza struktury genetycznej koni rasy śląskiej hodowanych w Stadzie Ogierów Książ na podstawie danych rodowodowych oraz wypracowanie odpowiedzi na pytanie: czy słuszny jest założony w Programie hodowlanym koni rasy śląskiej podział na stary i nowy typ konia śląskiego z osobnymi wymogami dotyczącymi wpisu do ksiąg. Materiał: rodowody 72 koni zakwalifikowanych jako konie hodowlane (populacja aktywna). Populacją referencyjną do analiz stanowiły 72 konie należące do populacji aktywnej urodzone w latach 1991-2009. Udział osobników zinbredowanych w populacji aktywnej wynosił 93,1%, przy czym więcej było zinbredowanych ogierów niż klaczy. Średnie zinbredowanie dla wszystkich koni wynosiło 2,3%, natomiast w grupie koni zinbredowanych było równe 2,5%. Bardziej zinbredowane były klacze niż ogiery. Wszystkie badane 72 konie śląskie były ze sobą spokrewnione a średni współczynnik spokrewnienia dla nich = 8,5%. Ogólna liczba założycieli wyniosła 458, zaś przodków – 64. Efektywna liczba założycieli wynosiła 163 a przodków – 22. Wśród ras założycielskich przeważała pełna krew angielska, a następnie konie oldenburskie i śląskie. Wśród przodków występowały przeważnie konie śląskie, a udział koni pełnej krwi był niewielki. Ogólnie można stwierdzić, że zmienność genetyczna wśród koni śląskich ze SO Książ pozostaje jeszcze na zadowalająco dobrym poziomie, ale wymaga monitorowania ze względu na tendencję do wzrostu inbredu przy jednoczesnym spokrewnieniu wszystkich osobników. Ze względu na małą liczebność populacji koni śląskich (poniżej 2000 osobników, w tym nieco ponad 1000 osobników w programie ochrony zasobów genetycznych rasy) wprowadzenie bardziej restrykcyjnego podziału na dwie subpopulacje koni starego i nowego typu będzie dla rasy bardzo niekorzystne. Aby utrzymać zmienność genetyczną koni śląskich na zadowalającym poziomie korzystne byłoby również posłużenie się reproduktorami ras mających te same korzenie co rasa śląska, np. Oldenburgami w starym typie czy końmi rasy ciężkiej gorącokrwistej niemieckiej. Wprowadzenie indywidualnego planu kojarzeń w obrębie całej populacji koni śląskich jest, według autorów, niezbędne. Plan taki powinien jasno określić jaka część populacji klaczy śląskich corocznie mogłaby być ewentualnie krzyżowana z ogierami pełnej krwi angielskiej. Powinien on uwzględniać, jako sugestie dla hodowców, możliwości kojarzeń w obrębie całej dostępnej populacji koni śląskich bez podziałów na stary i nowy typ. Podział taki powoduje, że pewna część koni śląskich nowego typu i ich potomstwo nie jest brana pod uwagę jako ewentualni rodzice koni, które będą spełniały warunki programu ochrony. Na przykład pozwoliłoby to wykorzystać konie śląskie nowego typu, u których udział genów rasy śląskiej jest większy niż 75%, i które stworzyłyby „grupę wstępną programu ochrony". Ich kojarzenie z końmi starego typu mogłyby dać potomstwo (dzieci, wnuki), które spełniały by w przyszłości warunki programu ochrony, powiększając tym samym dostępną pulę genów.
Annals of Warsaw University of Life Sciences - SGGW. Animal Science; 2018, 57[1]
Pojawia się w:
Annals of Warsaw University of Life Sciences - SGGW. Animal Science
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Annual reproductive cycle in two free living populations of three-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus L.): patterns of ovarian and testicular development
Sokolowska, E.
Kulczykowska, E.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Oceanologii PAN
free living population
environment change
reproductive cycle
wild population
Oliva Stream
natural habitat
fresh water
Vistula River
Gasterosteus aculeatus
The annual reproductive cycle in two wild populations of three-spined stickleback was studied. Sticklebacks from the Dead Vistula River (Martwa Wisła) (brackish water) and the Oliva Stream (Potok Oliwski) (freshwater) were exposed to annual environmental changes in their natural habitats. Ovaries and livers (females), and testes and kidneys (males) were collected during 1–2 years. The gonadosomatic IG, hepatosomatic IH, nephrosomatic IN indices, kidney epithelium height (KEH) and size of oocytes were calculated. The number of mature oocytes and percentage of ovulating females were determined during the spawning season. Histological changes in the ovaries and testes were described throughout a year. Annual reproductive cycles were similar in both populations of sticklebacks. This is the first histological and morphological study carried out throughout a year, simultaneously in two wild populations of three-spined sticklebacks inhabiting different environments. An improved scale of gonadal development in conjunction with the determined indices and fecundity give a comprehensive description of the reproductive cycle. These newobserv ations, in combination with previously reported features, provide a universal scale that can be successfully used to distinguish all phases of gametogenesis in sticklebacks in different habitats.
Oceanologia; 2006, 48, 1
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Assessment of the height growth of Picea abies as related to the geographical regions of Krutzsch (IPTNS-IUFRO 1964-68, years 1969-1988)
Sabor, J
Stanuch, H.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Dendrologii PAN
international conference
forest ecosystem
plant breeding
Norway spruce
Picea abies
genetic reactivity
selection value
height growth
geographic region
Beskid Sadecki Mountains
plant population
species range
The juvenile height growth of Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) was studied in 1095 spruce provenances included in the IUFRO inventory provenance test of 1964/68. Trees growing on the experimental site established in Krynica in the Beskid Sądecki Mts. (Carpathians) were measured at ca. 3-year intervals in the period 1969-1988, from the age of 6 years (i.e. 2 years of planting) to 25 years. The variability of tree height in this spruce population was assessed on the basis of the means expressed in units of standard deviation, calculated for each provenance and each geographical region of Krutzsch in successive years of measurement. Using the standardised units made it possible to characterise the dynamics of spruce growth in provenances from 95 geographical regions representing the whole European range of the species. The effects of geographical region, tree age and their interaction on the variability of height growth within this range were estimated using multi-way analysis of variance with replicated measurements. The regions showing similar spruce growth trends were grouped by using hierarchical cluster analysis. The results on the juvenile dynamics of height growth showed that spruce provenances from various geographical regions of Krutzsch differ significantly in their genetic reactivity. Based on this, several groups of regions were identified: (1) regions with average or weak but stable spruce growth characterised by no significant effects of age or genotype × age interaction in the whole measuring period, or regions with height growth improving with age; (2) regions of spruce provenances constituting a selection elite, with very good height growth in the whole measuring period or in its later part, characterised by no G × A interaction; (3) regions with varied genetic reactivity of height growth dynamics in the juvenile period, and regions of Scandinavian populations with poorest height growth in the whole measuring period. The studies proved that spruce provenances from the regions of Štiavnické Pohorie, Low Tatras (Slovakia), Masurian Lakeland, Augustów Lakeland, Podlasie, Silesian Beskid Mts., Beskid Żywiecki Mts. (Poland), Jutland (Denmark), Bihor Mts., Transylvania, and Eastern Carpathians (Romania) have a high selection value.
Dendrobiology; 2009, 61 Supplement
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Climate change influences on Antarctic bird populations
Korczak-Abshire, M.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
climate change
Adelie penguin
Pygoscelis adeliae
gentoo penguin
Pygoscelis papua
chinstrap penguin
Pygoscelis antarctica
animal population
sea bird
breeding area
Rapid changes in the major environmental variables like: temperature, wind and precipitation have occurred in the Antarctic region during the last 50 years. In this very sensitive region, even small changes can potentially lead to major environmental perturbations. Then the climate change poses a new challenge to the survival of Antarctic wildlife. As important bioindicators of changes in the ecosystem seabirds and their response to the climate perturbations have been recorded. Atmospheric warming and consequent changes in sea ice conditions have been hypothesized to differentially affect predator populations due to different predator life-history strategies and substantially altered krill recruitment dynamics.
Papers on Global Change; 2010, 17
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Papers on Global Change
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Gene conservation and breeding programmes for Picea abies in Lithuania: present-day achievements
Danusevicius, J
Gabrilavicius, R.
Danusevicius, D.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Dendrologii PAN
international conference
forest ecosystem
plant breeding
Norway spruce
Picea abies
breeding programme
gene conservation
genetic resource
plant population
At present, Norway spruce stands occupy 22% of the total forest area in Lithuania. Most of them are located in the northeastern highland (Žemaitija) and the central part of the country. 25% of the spruce-dominated stands are pure, the rest are mixed. Natural calamities like storms, droughts, and pests cause substantial damage and occur quite frequently. About 40 thousand ha of stands are cut after each storm. The mean wood yield of the spruce stands is 304 m3 ha-1, and the current annual increment is 6.2 m3 ha-1. The climatic conditions of Lithuania are variable enough to cause differentiation of habitats. For Norway spruce, 6 provenance regions have been established. The national gene conservation programme is based on (a) in situ genetic reserves, seed collection stands, and selected genotypes, and (b) ex situ clonal archives, seed orchards, experimental plantations, and gene bank collections. The present-day breeding of Norway spruce comprises family tests of populations for individual and population selection, and plans for inter-population hybrids. A strategy for Norway spruce breeding has been approved for the years 2004-2013. There is a genetically diverse material for future breeding: long-distance provenance tests, and population and family tests. Assessments of two provenance tests (aged 9 and 17 years) in central Lithuania revealed superior performance of central and northeastern Polish provenances: superior height, good stem quality, and late bud-burst in spring. This may be attributed to the favourable effect of transfer: avoidance of spring frosts (late bud-burst and good stem quality), and utilisation of the later part of the growing period for growth (late bud-set and superior height). Norway spruce is a climax species with different domestic and Darwinian fitness. Therefore, we suggest that the domestic fitness of local genotypes may be improved by introducing a few Polish clones in Lithuanian breeding populations.
Dendrobiology; 2009, 61 Supplement
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Genetic aspects of racing performance in Polish pure bred Arab horses. II. Genetic trends
Sobczynska, M
Kownacki, M
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
racing performance
pure breed
animal breeding
genetic trend
animal model
purebred Arabian breed
The objective of this study was to estimate genetic trends in the Polish Arab horses population. Annual earnings and rank at finish in fiat races of Polish Arab horses from 1951 to 1993 were analysed with a BLUP animal model. The collected data included 2,234 records of 1,640 4- and 5-year old horses from 143 sires. Only races, in which horses of at least two mentioned age groups took part, were taken into consideration. The model included an individual additive genetic effect as random, the year of race, herd, sex, age, number of starts and the year of race X age effects as fixed effects. Genetic trends were estimated from differences between horses belonging to different age groups and racing in the same year. The annual genetic gains from 1951 to 1993 were 3.5% and 12.3% of the genetic standard deviation for the log of earnings and rank at finish, respectively. Although the main role in breeding Arab horses is played by beauty and exterior, small genetic progress in the log of earnings and rank at finish was obtained.
Journal of Applied Genetics; 1997, 38, 3; 303-308
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Applied Genetics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Genetic structure of Picea abies populations growing on extreme sites as revealed by isoenzyme markers: a case study from Slovenia and Bosnia and Herzegovina
Ballian, D
Bogunic, F.
Bozic, G.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Dendrologii PAN
international conference
forest ecosystem
plant breeding
Norway spruce
Picea abies
plant population
genetic structure
extreme site
isoenzyme marker
genetic variation
gene polymorphism
forest tree
Bosnia and Herzegovina
forest community
Sphagno-Piceetum community
Three populations of Norway spruce from ecologically extreme environments in Slovenia and Bosnia and Herzegovina were examined for genetic polymorphism. The spruces there grow in specific forest communities (Sphagno-Piceetum) which represent the remnants of the post-glacial vegetation. The aim of the study was to search for similarities in the genetic variation among populations adapted to such conditions. In total, 10 isoenzyme systems involving 16 gene loci were analysed. The results showed differences in genetic differentiation at loci Got-B, Skdh-A and 6-Pgdh-C between the two Slovenian populations and the Bosnian population, but also indicated an interestingly close relationship between the Slovenian population Pohorje and the Bosnian population Nišići.
Dendrobiology; 2009, 61 Supplement
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Genetic value of the Silesian Beskid populations of Norway spruce Picea abies (L.) Karst. in the IUFRO 1972 provenance experiment
Matras, J
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Dendrologii PAN
Silesian Beskids Mountains
Norway spruce
Picea abies
genetic value
plant population
plant breeding
The paper presents the results of research concerning the genetic variation in the growth traits and phenotypic plasticity of Norway spruce populations from the Silesian Beskid Mts and compares them with those of twenty Polish spruce provenances planted on thirty plots established in Europe and Canada in the IUFRO 1972 provenance experiment. The Silesian Beskid spruce is represented by six populations from the Wisła and Ujsoły Forest Districts. The variation in the growth traits of all populations discussed (data from all plots) is 6.009 standard deviation units. At population level this variation is also comparatively high and ranges between 4.674 for the Kartuzy spruce and 2.1920 for the Rycerka Zwardoń spruce. The Silesian Beskid spruce populations are not homogeneous but they belong to the populations with a high or moderate growth rate. The Istebna Bukowiec spruce performed the best on most plots. Only on Finnish and Canadian plots the growth traits of this population were below the average.
Dendrobiology; 2004, 51 Supplement
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Genetics of deoxynivalenol (DON) contamination caused by Fusarium head blight in hybrid rye.
Miedaner, T.
Wortmann, H.
Geiger, H. H.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Hodowli i Aklimatyzacji Roślin
Fusarium culmorum
hybrid breeding
population parameters
Secale cereale
Head blight caused by Fusarium culmorum or F. graminearum affects all cereals including winter rye (Secale cereale L.). Besides yield and quality losses, grain is contaminated with the mycotoxin deoxynivalenol (DON) that is harmful to animals and humans. We analysed 76 self-fertile S2 lines and their corresponding testcrosses for head blight resistance and DON concentration in the grain by inoculating them with an aggressive isolate of F. culmorum at two locations in Southwestern Germany in 2000. Disease severity at both locations was low with mean ratings from 2.7 to 3.4 on a 1-9 scale (1=healthy), but still DON occurred in considerable amounts (11.4 - 15.0 mg kg-1). Genotypic variance was significant (P=0.01) in all instances, genotype-location interaction and error variances were more important for DON concentration resulting in a lower heritability of this trait. No association between S2 lines and their testcrosses was found for head blight rating or DON concentration (r = 0.33 and 0.19, respectively). The coefficient of correlation between head blight rating and DON concentration was low for the S2 lines and medium for the testcrosses (r=0.24 and 0.60, P=0.05 and P=0.01, resp.). The hybrid rye breeder should select predominantly on testcross performance. Selection for low head blight ratings should result in lower DON concentrations in the grain also. In later generations, DON should be analysed additionally to exploit the maximum selection gain possible.
Plant Breeding and Seed Science; 2003, 48; 69-78
Pojawia się w:
Plant Breeding and Seed Science
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Historia badań nad wolierową hodowlą cietrzewia (Tetrao tetrix L., 1758) przeprowadzonych w Ośrodku Hodowli Zwierzyny Parzęczewo
History of research on black grouse breeding in pens (Tetrao tetrix L.,1758) carried out by Parzeczewo Breeding Centre
Kielczynski, C.
Data publikacji:
Wyższa Szkoła Zarządzania Środowiskiem w Tucholi
Nadlesnictwo Trzcianka
hodowla zwierzat
Tetrao tetrix
hodowla wolierowa
liczebnosc populacji
Black grouse
population size
animal breeding
aviary breeding
Parzeczewo Game Breeding Centre
W 1974 roku na terenie Nadleśnictwa Trzcianne (Bagna Biebrzańskie) były prowadzone badania nad wolnożyjącymi cietrzewiami. Analizowano ich przydatność jako materiału hodowlanego do hodowli wolierowej. Populacja ta została wybrana ze względu dobre rozpoznanie jej przez profesora Fruzińskiego. Od roku 1975 w Ośrodku Hodowli Zwierzyny w Parzęczewie hodowano cietrzewie z jaj pozyskanych w wymienionym Nadleśnictwie. Woliery zostały usytuowane w pobliżu miejsca ostatniego występowania tego gatunku w dolinie Obry. Badaniami objęto tempo wzrostu, rozwój osobników, reakcje naturalne i wymuszone, zwyczaje godowe oraz preferencje pokarmowe. Istotną część badań stanowiła profilaktyka zdrowotna.
In 1974 on the area of Trzcianne Forest District (Bagna Biebrzańskie) there was conducted research about free-living black grouses. Usefulness of birds population to breeding experiment was analyzed. Trzcinne population was selected due to good information from professor Fruziński. Since 1975 in Parzęczewo Breeding Centre birds were bred from eggs found in the forest. Pens were situated close to last refuge of black grouse in Obra river valley. Research was conducted about: growth rate, birds development, natural reactions, extortion reactions, mating habits and feeding habits. Preventive treatment was also an important part of research.
Zarządzanie Ochroną Przyrody w Lasach; 2015, 09
Pojawia się w:
Zarządzanie Ochroną Przyrody w Lasach
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Importance of investigations carried out by Professor Bolesław Suszka in population genetics of forest trees
Sabor, J
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Dendrologii PAN
selection programme
gene bank
selection breeding
forest nursery
plant genetics
Suszka Boleslaw
forest tree
population genetics
Modern forest selection programs concern natural and protected populations of trees characterized by a great genetic variability and also production stands frequently deformed by human activity. In the latter, artificial regeneration is prevailing. Forest nurseries working in the organizational structures of State Forests can guarantee the proper provenance (genotype)of seeds and the quality of seedlings obtained from them. The condition, however, is a close uniformity in the conservation of forest gene resources, and selection breeding of forest trees. The success of the program depends also on the development of modern infrastructure for forest nurseries and applied technologies. The latter task was the field of activity of Professor Bolesław Suszka, Ph.D., and his many-year research and organizational and didactic activity in Poland and abroad. The methods in long-term storage and their pretreatment in case of dormant seeds, developed by Professor Suszka, created the theoretical and practical basis for the conservation of forest gene resources not only in Poland.
Dendrobiology; 2002, 47 Supplement
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Intra-population variability of Picea abies from Zwierzyniec Lubelski and Blizyn (Poland)
Kowalczyk, J
Markiewicz, P.
Matras, J.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Dendrologii PAN
international conference
forest ecosystem
plant breeding
Norway spruce
Picea abies
intrapopulation variability
family variation
plant population
Zwierzyniec Lubelski region
Blizyn region
Kutno Forest District
The study investigates the intra-population variability of the growth and quality traits of Norway spruce populations from Bliżyn and Zwierzyniec Lubelski. The two populations are included in the IUFRO 1972 experiment and exhibit a high growth dynamics and a narrow crown form. The research was carried out on the experimental plot established in 1996 in Chrosno (Kutno Forest District) using 8228 two-year-old seedlings planted in a single-tree plot design at a spacing of 1.5 × 1.5 m. The seedlings represent 191 open-pollinated families, among them 93 families of Norway spruce from the Bliżyn region and 98 families from the Zwierzyniec Lubelski region. The height, height increment and DBH of trees were measured periodically, and some quality traits were assessed. The last results come from the measurements done on the trees aged 10 years. It was found that the differences between the two populations of Norway spruce are statistically nonsignificant but both of them show wide within-population variability. This suggests that they have the potential to flexibly respond to future changes in the growth conditions or to seed transfer to other seed zones. Survival in the environmental conditions of the experiment was independent of family.
Dendrobiology; 2009, 61 Supplement
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Biblioteka Nauki
Management of hunting animals population as breeding work. Part I: Impact of hunting and breeding work on animal conditions
Gospodarowanie populacjami zwierząt łownych jako hodowla. Część I: Wpływ prac łowiecko-hodowlanych na kondycję zwierząt
Tajchman, K.
Drozd, L.
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie. Wydawnictwo Szkoły Głównej Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie
game management
animal breeding
game animal
roe deer
roe deer population
animal population
population management
rational management
animal condition
breeding work
breeding treatment
The paper shows that rational management of game populations is a set of breeding practices. These mainly involve creation of appropriate conditions that will be most beneficial for normal development and reproduction of animals. However, game breeding is considerably more difficult and hunters face problems that differ from those encountered by breeders of domesticated animals. This part is focused on hunting work that can determine and primarily improve the ontogenic quality of animals. Unlike in livestock breeding, the size of the home range and living conditions of game animals can be improved by enrichment of the feed and shelter base, regulation of the population size by culling weak/diseased individuals, and minimization of stress factors. The results confirming the impact of the hunting and breeding treatments are illustrated in a population of roe deer.
W pracy wykazano, że racjonalne gospodarowanie populacjami zwierząt łownych to zespół zabiegów hodowlanych. To przede wszystkim tworzenie odpowiednich warunków, najbardziej korzystnych, odpowiadających w możliwie największym stopniu właściwemu rozwojowi i rozmnażaniu się zwierzyny. Hodowla zwierząt łownych jednak jest o wiele trudniejsza, a myśliwi napotykają się na problemy zupełnie inne niż hodowcy zwierząt udomowionych. W części tej zwrócono uwagę na prace łowieckie, dzięki którym można kształtować, a przede wszystkim poprawiać kondycję osobniczą zwierząt. Porównując hodowlę zwierząt dzikich do udomowionych areały osobnicze zwierząt dzikich można poprawiać poprzez wzbogacanie bazy żerowej i osłonowej, regulowaniu liczebności poprzez odstrzał osobników słabych/chorych czy też minimalizowanie czynników stresogennych. Wyniki potwierdzające wpływ zabiegów łowiecko-hodowlanych przedstawiono na populacji sarny.
Annals of Warsaw University of Life Sciences - SGGW. Animal Science; 2018, 57[2]
Pojawia się w:
Annals of Warsaw University of Life Sciences - SGGW. Animal Science
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Mitochondrial and nuclear DNA differentiation of Picea abies populations in Poland
Nowakowska, J A
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Dendrologii PAN
international conference
forest ecosystem
plant breeding
Norway spruce
Picea abies
mitochondrial DNA
nuclear DNA
plant population
microsatellite marker
post-glacial migration
The natural stands of Norway spruce in Poland are split between the southern and the northeastern parts of the country. Two so-called "spruceless" zones separate the northern spruce locations from those in the south, one "spruceless" zone is situated in Central Poland, and the other one in the Beskid Mts. Mitochondrial (STS) and nuclear (SSR) markers were used to perform the genetic identification of Norway spruce. Four different variants of haplotypes, "a", "b", "c" and "d", were found to occur in the nad1 locus of STS markers. Populations from the northern range of Picea abies distribution in Poland harboured exclusively haplotypes "c" and "d", except for the Białowieża population which had haplotypes "a" and "c". Populations from the "spruceless" zones contained four types of haplotypes whilst those from southern Poland were mostly composed of haplotype "a". High mean gene diversity was observed for both STS and SSR markers (HT = 0.529, and HT = 0.851, respectively). The total genetic differentiation of Norway spruce populations was very low (FST= 0.088). Two main groups of populations were distinguished in the dendrogram defined by Nei's genetic distances based on microsatellite markers. The distribution of the genotypes was scattered and did not show any connection with the spatial distribution of P. abies in Poland. Only the mtDNA markers were able to differentiate the northern populations of Norway spruce from the southern ones, proving the historical separation between the Baltico-Nordic and the Hercyno-Carpathian ranges of P. abies in Poland. By contrast, the microsatellite data suggested an overlap between the genotypes due to the human manipulation of Norway spruce stands in the past.
Dendrobiology; 2009, 61 Supplement
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ocena postępu biologicznego w hodowli rzepaku (Brassica napus L.)
Evaluation of biological progress in rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) breeding
Ogrodowczyk, M.
Bartkowiak-Broda, I.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Hodowli i Aklimatyzacji Roślin
postep biologiczny
hodowla roslin
Brassica napus
odmiany populacyjne
odmiany mieszancowe
wiek odmian
wskaznik aktywnosci rejestracyjnej odmian
biological progress
plant breeding
population cultivar
hybrid cultivar
plant cultivar
Celem przedstawionej pracy była ocena postępu biologicznego w hodowli rzepaku ozimego. Materiałem, który posłużył do wykonania analizy postępu były wyniki badań rejestrowych i porejestrowych COBORU oraz wyniki doświadczeń wstępnych i przedwstępnych z materiałami hodowlanymi pochodzącymi ze Spółek Hodowli Roślin Strzelce i Smolice. Stwierdzono znaczny postęp biologiczny w odniesieniu do plonowania odmian populacyjnych i mieszańcowych. Potencjał plonotwórczy odmian mieszańcowych w stosunku do odmian populacyjnych jest około 10% większy. Jednocześnie oba typy odmian zachowują dobrą jakość nasion – niską zawartość glukozynolanów. Obserwuje się powolny wzrost zawartości tłuszczu w nasionach nowo wyhodowanych odmian. Prawie o połowę niższe plony uzyskiwane w warunkach produkcyjnych w porównaniu do plonów z doświadczeń porejestrowych wskazują na duże możliwości zwiększenia produkcji nasion rzepaku w Polsce poprzez lepsze wykorzystanie zdolności plonotwórczych odmian, stosując optymalne zabiegi agrotechniczne.
The aim of the present paper was the evaluation of biological progress in winter rapeseed breeding. The material for investigations consisted of the data obtained from registration and post registration trials conducted by Research Centre for Cultivar Testing (COBORU) in years 2001–2013 as well as preliminary and pre-preliminary trials with breeding materials of winter rapeseed of Polish Plant Breeding Companies Strzelce and Smolice. Considerable biological progress regarding yield of open pollinated as well as hybrid varieties has been observed. The yielding ability of hybrid varieties was higher by about 10%, as compared with yield of open pollinated varieties. Simultaneously, both types of varieties retain good seed quality – low glucosinolate content. Slow progress in the increase of fat content in seeds of new varieties was observed. Nearly 50% lower yield gained in production as compared to yield from postregistration trials indicated large possibilities of increasing of rapeseed seed production in Poland by better exploitation of yielding ability of varieties using optimal agrotechnic methods.
Rośliny Oleiste - Oilseed Crops; 2013, 34, 2
Pojawia się w:
Rośliny Oleiste - Oilseed Crops
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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