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Poważny brak rozeznania oceniającego co do istotnych praw i obowiązków małżeńskich a nieważność małżeństwa (kan. 1095, n. 2)
"Defectus discretionis iudicii" circa i diritti e i dovieri matrimoniali essenziali e nullità del matrimonio (can. 1095, n. 2)
Góralski, Wojciech
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
poważny brak rozeznania oceniającego
prawa i obowiązki małżeńskie
nieważność małżeństwa
kanon 1095, n. 2 KPK
grave defect of discretion of judgment
matrimonial rights and duties
nullity of marriage
canon 1095 n. 2 CIC/1983
Nel contrarre matrimonio non basta il semplice uso della ragione ma occorre "sufficiens discretio iudicii" seu "iudicii maturitas contractui proportionata" (Gasparri). Il grado di "discretio" sufficiente e necessario per poter contrarre validamente si detentiina in riferimento ai diritti ed obblighi essenziali che si debbono scambievolmente dare e ricevere nel porre in essere il matrimonio. La "discretion iudicii"non e che la capacità di intendere e di volere il matrimonio, e quindi di "eligere e deliberare" liberamente di porre in essere quest'atto. Il "defectus discretionis iudicii" pub essere causato delle nevrosi (neurastenia, psicastenia, isteria) o dalle psicopatie (nelle sue diverse forme). La giurisprudenza rotale ha sempre considerato che soltanto la nevrosi o la psicopatia grave pub impedire la "discretio iudicii" proporzionata al matrimonio. Tra le prove della mancanza della "discretio iudicii" un ruolo molto omportante si deve attribuire alle "peritio iudicia- lis" con la quale tuttavia il giudice non può essere determinato.
Ius Matrimoniale; 1990, 1; 33-57
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Ius Matrimoniale
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Biblioteka Nauki
Brak rozeznania oceniającego - przyczyną nieważności małżeństwa w świetle wyroku Roty Rzymskiej z 16 X 1988 r. c. Bruno
„Defectus discretionis iudicii” come causa di nullità del matrimonio nella sentenza della Rota Romana del 16 XII 1988 c. Bruno
Góralski, Wojciech
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
brak rozeznania oceniającego
nieważność małżeństwa
defect of discretion of judgment
nullity of marriage
L’autore presenta e commenta la sentenza definitiva del turno rotale (pronunciata in terza istanza) c. Bruno il 16 dicembre 1988 in causa Meliten, di nullità del matrimonio „ob gravem defectum discretionis indicii” dal convenuto. Le nozze delle parti furono celebrate il 12 agosto 1944. Dopo il divorzio civile (1976) l’attrice aveva accusato la nullità del suo matrimonio presso il tribunale di prima istanza „ob gravem defectum discretionis iudicii” nonché „ob exclusionem boni fidei” dal marito. Il 15 aprille 1980 il tribunale si è prounciato „pro invaliditate”ma solo „ob gravem defectum discretionis iudicii”. L’appello interposto alla Rota Romana provcó la sentanza negativa - dai due titoli di invalidità - il 1 marzo 1984. Apellato il nuovo turno rotale ha dichiarato la nullità del matrimonio, come è stato detto sopra. La sentenza definitiva è stata dunque pronunciata perfino dopo 44 anni dalla celebrazione delle nozze.
Ius Matrimoniale; 1991, 2; 88-101
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Ius Matrimoniale
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Biblioteka Nauki
Poważny brak rozeznania oceniającego (kan. 1095, n. 2) w wyroku Roty Rzymskiej „pro vinculo” z 26 VI 1984 r. c. Huot
Il grave difetto della discrizione di giudizio (can. 1095, n. 2) nella sentenza della Rota Romana („pro vinculo”) del 26 VI 1984 c. Huot
Góralski, Wojciech
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
poważny brak rozeznania oceniającego
kanon 1095, n. 2 KPK
grave defect of discretion of judgment
canon 1095, n. 2 CIC/1983
Il turno rotale (D.M. Huot, ponente, E.M. Egan, A. Stankiewicz) il 26 giugno 1984 ha emanato la sentenza con la quale è stata infirmata la decisione del tribunale metropolitano di New York dichiarante la nullità del matrimonio J.A. - A.J. dal titolo del grave difetto della discrezione di giudizio dal attore.L’autore presenta e commenta la suddetta sentenza del tribunale della Rota Romana esponendo i momenti più importanti sia della parte „in iure”, sia di quella „in facto”.
Ius Matrimoniale; 1992, 3; 80-88
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Biblioteka Nauki
Poważny brak rozeznania oceniającego w świetle wyroku Roty Rzymskiej c. Colagiovanni z 10 III 1992 r.
Il grave difetto di discrezione di giudizio alla luce della Rota Romana c. Colagiovanni del 10 marzo 1992
Góralski, Wojciech
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
poważny brak rozeznania oceniającego
grave defect of discretion of judgment
Il 10 marzo 1992 il turno rotale /in III istanza/ c. Colagiovanni ha pronuziato /in causa Parisien./ La sentenza definitiva con la quale il matrimonio delle parti /G. - L./, celebrato il 24 giugno 1978 é stato dichiarato nullo “ob gravem defectum discretionis iudicii” dalla convenuta. La parte “in iure” della sentenza espone la dottrina e la giurisprudenza rotale a proposito del can. 1095. n. 2 del “Codex luris Canonici”, invece nella parte “in facto” si presenta le prove provenienti dalle testimonianze dei testimoni e le opinioni dei periti, chiamati durante il processo nella prima e nella terza istanza. Come la causa del grave difetto di discrezione di giudizio é stata indicata l’immaturità psico-emotiva della convenuta.
Ius Matrimoniale; 1994, 5; 76-86
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Biblioteka Nauki
Wpływ ograniczenia wolności wewnętrznej na brak rozeznania oceniającego co do istotnych praw i obowiązków małżeńskich w świetle wyroku Roty Rzymskiej c. Pompedda z 19.5.1994 r.
L’influenza della limitazione di libertà interna al diffeto di discrezione di giudizio circa i diritti e i doveri matrimoniali essenziali da dare e accettare reciprocamente nella luce della sentenza di Rota Romana c. Pompedda del 19.05.199
Dzierżon, Ginter
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
ograniczenie wolności wewnętrznej
brak rozeznania oceniającego
prawa i obowiązki małżeńskie
wyrok Roty Rzymskiej
restriction of internal liberty
invalidity of a judgment
matrimonial rights and duties
case-law of the Roman Rota
Si trata di una sentenza rotale negativa, emanata dal titolo del can. 1095 n. 2. Il ponente rotale ha concentrato la sua attenzione alla questione di libertà interna dei contraenti. In questo studio si presenta e commenta tutte le parti suddetta sentenza sia „in iure” che „in facto”.
Ius Matrimoniale; 2000, 11, 5; 217-223
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Ius Matrimoniale
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Biblioteka Nauki
Wyrok Sądu Kościelnego we Włocławku (c. Grzęźlikowski) z 13.10.1997 r. w sprawie o nieważność małżeństwa z tytułu poważnego braku rozeznania oceniającego co do istotnych praw i obowiązków małżeńskich (kan. 1095, n. 2 KPK)
Sentence of church court in Wloclawek coram Gręźlikowski in case for nullity of marriage in virtue of lack of judging discernment regarding matrimonial rights and duties (can. 1095,2)
Grzęźlikowski, c.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
nieważność małżeństwa
poważny brak rozeznania oceniającego
prawa i obowiązki małżeńskie
kanon 1095, n. 2 KPK
nullity of marriage
defect of discretion of judgment
matrimonial rights and duties
canon 1095 n. 2 CIC/1983
Plaintiff brought a suit against his matrimony contracted with N. on 22nd of January 1984 in Saint Patrick's Cathedral in Auckland in New Zealand. N. in virtue of lack of judging discernment regarding matrimonial rights and duties on his side (can. 1095, 2 Code of Canonical Proeedings) suggesting that in was caused by fact that being on emigration in New Zealand, missing the country of origin and family, being mentally woebegone and being depressed, he had restricted will and critical cognizance and was not able to have evaluotion of matrimonial agreement subject and its free choice. He also thought that because of arisen situation and due to his individualistic immaturity in moment of contracting the matrimony, he had lack of judging discernment regarding the matrimonial rights and dubes. He lodged a complaint for nullity of marriage to the tribunal of his place of residence in March 1996. Defendant was living in England in that time. Tribunal Włocławek obtained - acco rding to canonic regulations 1673, 4 Code of C nonical Proceedings - a permission to wunduct a case from the tribunal of defendant's place of residence. Hearing of evidence induded hearing of the parties, witnesses and examination of the plaintiff by psychologist expert appointed by the wurt, who issued an opinion. Confronting the legal motives submitted in case with actual real motives, after taking the cognizance of plaintiffs notes after publishing the files of a case and before – sentence notes of the defender of matrimonial union, the board of judges passed a sentence in favour of validity of appealed marriage. It was found that: 1. plaintiff could be really actually mentally depressed, emotionally trembling, he missed his country and family, however that state was not as strong and serious to make him not to realize the fact of what the marriage was; 2. facts that he left Poland by himself and chose emigration by himself indicate that he was self-dependent and individualistically mature; 3. lack of discernment was not confirmed by testimonies of defendant and witnesses as well as circumstances of marriage contracting, its course and actual reasons of marriage breakdown; 4. expert appointed by the court found the plaintiff individualistically mature and found no reasons that would cause the plaintiff to have of ability of due judgment of what the matrimony is and which obligations it put him under as well as ability to express matrimonial consent; 5. plaintifs cognitive and volitive powers were able to evaluate correctly the resulted situation, correctly express matrimonial consent and express matrimonial consent in correct and volid way. Second Instance Tribunal from Gniezno confirmal a sentence of Tribunal form Włocławek suggesting the plaintiff to possibly lodge a complaint for nullity of marriage in virtue of simulation of matrimonial condent on his side.
Ius Matrimoniale; 2003, 14, 8; 231-241
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Ius Matrimoniale
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Biblioteka Nauki
Wpływ psychozy maniakalno-depresyjnej na poważny brak rozeznania oceniającego w świetle wyroku Coram Turnaturi z 20 lutego 1998 r.
Leszczyński, Grzegorz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
psychoza maniakalno-depresyjna
rozeznanie oceniające
brak rozeznania oceniającego
manic-depressive psychosis
assess understanding
defect of discretion of judgment
L’incidenza di psicosi maniaco-depressiva sul difetto di discrezione di giudizio alla luce della sentenza coram Turnaturi del 28 febbraio 1998. Il can. 1095, primo tra i vizi del consenso matrimoniale, riguarda l’incapacità proveniente dalle mancanze d’inteletto e di volontà. Come causa di questa incapacità, in presente articolo, viene segnata la psicosi maniaco- epressiva. Questa psicosi di carattere bipolare, cioè di presenza di due episodi diversi, quello maniacale e quello depressivo, viene considerata sotto l’aspetto che riguarda la sua incidenza sull’incapacità descritta nel can. 1095, 2° CIC.L’analisi fatta, in particolare quella che riguarda la sentenza coram Turnaturi del 28 febbraio 1998 ci permette di formulare una conclusione che la psicosi maniaco-depressiva è la causa dell’incapacità consensuale di cui parla il can. 1095 per quanto riguarda la mancanza del discrezione di giudizio. Questo succede nei casi di mania e di depressione grave, i quali sono presenti nel soggetto prima di compiere l’atto di matrimonio.Bisogna sottolineare che è sempre il compito del giudice di esaminare gli atti della causa e di decidere se in ogni singolo caso la psicosi è stata così grave da impedire il valido consenso matrimoniale. Per prendere ogni decisione il giudice usa le prove tra cui quella periziale, fondamentale, accanto alle dichiarazioni delle parti e dei testi, per provare l’influsso della psicosi  aniaco-depressiva sull’incapacità consensuale del nubente.
Ius Matrimoniale; 2009, 20, 14; 171-185
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Ius Matrimoniale
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Biblioteka Nauki
Błąd co do przymiotu osoby (kan. 1097 § 2 KPK), brak rozeznania oceniającego (kan. 1095, n. 2) i niezdolność do podjęcia istotnych obowiązków małżeńskich (kan. 1095. n. 3 KPK) w świetle wyroku Roty Rzymskiej c. De Angelis z 16 czerwca 2006 roku
L’errore circa una qualità della persona (can. 1097 § 2), il difetto di discrezione di giudizio (can. 1095, n. 2) e l’incapacità ad assumere gli obblighi essenziali del matrimonio (can. 1095, n. 3) alla luce della sentenza della Rota Romana c. De Angelis
Góralski, Wojciech
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
przymiot osoby
błąd co do przymiotu osoby
rozeznanie oceniające
brak rozeznania oceniającego
kanon 1097 § 2 KPK
kanon 1095, n. 2 KPK
niezdolność do podjęcia obowiązków małżeńskich
obowiązek małżeński
quality of person
error as to the quality of person
discretion of judgment
defect of discretion of judgment
canon 1097 § 2 CIC/1983
canon 1095, n. 2 CIC/1983
conjugal duty
incapacity to fulfil conjugal duty
L’autore presenta e commenta la sentenza della Rota Romana c. De Angelis nella causa Reg. Apuli seu Baren. Nullitatis matrimonii del 16 giugno 2006, giudicata dai cinque titoli di invalidità, tra i quali i due sono stati introdotti dopo l’appello dalla sentenza della prima istanza. Nella sua sentenza il turno rotale ha pronunciato – come tribunale di prima istanza –l’invalidità del matrimonio solo dal titolo l’incapacitas assumendi dalla parte dell’attore.
Ius Matrimoniale; 2012, 23, 17; 139-159
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Ius Matrimoniale
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Biblioteka Nauki
Poważny brak rozeznania oceniającego co do istotnych praw i obowiązków małżeńskich (kan. 1095 n. 2 KPK) w świetle wyroku Roty Rzymskiej "coram" Erlebach z 16 października 2008 r.
A serious lack of the evaluative analysis regarding significant marital rights and obligations (can. 1095, n.2 of the Code of Canon Law) in view of a decision of the Roman Rota c. Erlebach of 16 October 2008
Góralski, Wojciech
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
rozeznanie oceniające
prawo i obowiązek małżeński
poważny brak rozeznania oceniającego
prawa małżeńskie
obowiązek małżeński
kanon 1095 n. 2 KPK
marital rights
conjugal duty
grave defect of discretion of judgment
canon 1095 n. 2 CIC/1983
The author presents and comments on the Rotal decision (negative) issued in the second instance after appealing against the decision (positive) issued in the first instance (by one-man tribunal) by the respondent due to a serious lack of the evaluative analysis of both parties. The Rotal judge, after a thorough interpretation of the code-based expression discretio iudicii (including three elements), emphasizes that not always the lack of such analysis constitutes inability to come to a marital agreement. This inability shall constitute exclusively the serious lack of discretio iudicii, both in its internal and external aspects.
Ius Matrimoniale; 2013, 24, 18; 219-232
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Ius Matrimoniale
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Biblioteka Nauki
Poważny brak rozeznania oceniającego (kan. 1095 n. 2 KPK) oraz wykluczenie nierozerwalności małżeństwa (kan. 1101 § 2 KPK) w świetle wyroku Trybunału Roty Nuncjatury Apostolskiej w Hiszpanii c. Morán Bustos z 9 lipca 2007 r.
Grave defect of discretion of judgment concerning (can. 1095 n 2 CCL) and exclude indissolubility marriage (can. 1101 § 2 CCL) under sentence of the Tribunal of the Rota of the Apostolic Nunciature in Spain c. Morán Bustos of 09 July 2007
Białobrzeski, Tomasz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
rozeznanie oceniające
nierozerwalność małżeństwa
wykluczenie nierozerwalności małżeństwa
poważny brak rozeznania oceniającego
kanon 1095 n. 2 KPK
kanon 1101 § 2 KPK
discretion of judgment
indissolubility marriage
exclusion of indissolubility of marriage
grave defect of discretion of judgment
canon 1095 n. 2 CIC/1983
canon 1101 § 2 CIC/1983
Presented sentence of the Tribunal of the Rota of the Apostolic Nunciature in Spain adjudicate definitely in II instance adjudication nulitatis matrimonii by virtue of grave defect of discretion of judgment concerning by both parties (can. 1101 § 2 CCL) and lack of the freedom internal also by both parties (can. 1095 n 2 CCL). The question which was considering concerned matrimony which was got in 15.03.1972. The libellus was lodged in 26.04.1996. Tribunal I instance in sentence of 15.11.2000 declared that there was no proved the nullity of the marriage. The petitioner lodged appeal to the Rote of the Spain. In 09.07.2009 the Rote declared the validity of the marriage.
Ius Matrimoniale; 2013, 24, 18; 233-246
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Ius Matrimoniale
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Biblioteka Nauki
Gravis defectus discretionis iudicii w opublikowanych wyrokach Roty Rzymskiej z 2005 r. Część I
Gravis defectus discretionis iudicii in published sentancees of the Roman Rota of 2005 Part I
Góralski, Wojciech
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
brak rozeznania oceniającego
gravis defectus discretionis iudicii
defect of discretion of judgment
On the basis of analysis of 20 sentencees of the Roma Rota of 2005 the author presents an issue of discretio iudicii, which is considered a prerequisite element of marital consensus, being a human act, assuming both an act of mind and will, thus, ability to understand, evaluate and choose freely. He also discusses essential elements of this discernment (sufficient intellectual recognition of the subject of marital consensus; sufficient critical evaluation as regards marriage as such, as well as reasons of contracting marriage and reasons of contracting marriage with a particular person; sufficient inner freedom in view of the said reasons and overcoming inner impulses). Next, he focuses on an issue of evaluative discernment (essential marital rights and obligations) and serious lack of this discernment.
Ius Matrimoniale; 2014, 25, 3; 57-76
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Ius Matrimoniale
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Biblioteka Nauki
Gravis defectus discretionis iudicii w opublikowanych wyrokach Roty Rzymskiej z 2005 r. Część II
Gravis defectus discretionis iudicii in published sentancees of the Roman Rota of 2005 Part II
Góralski, Wojciech
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
gravis defectus discretionis iudicii
brak rozeznania oceniającego
discretion of judgment
A serious lack of evaluative discernment, as regards essential marital rights and obligations arises from a serious disruption of a cognitive, critical, evaluative, consideration act or an act regarding choice – as regards essential marital rights and obligations. As far as intellectual acts are concerned, a serious lack of evaluative discernment results in dysfunctions of cognitive and critical acts, that is evaluative ones, which prevent from correct cognition and proper evaluation of essential marital rights and obligations; as regards an act of will, its lack results from dysfunction of volitional act, which destruct freedom of choice. In proving a serious lack of evaluative discernment as far as essential marital rights and obligations are concerned, all evidence determined in CIC and Dignitas connubii Instruction are used, and the Rota decrees give the greatest attention to direct evidence, which are evidence of experts.
Ius Matrimoniale; 2014, 25, 4; 27-44
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Ius Matrimoniale
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Biblioteka Nauki
Poważny brak rozeznania oceniającego (kan. 1095, n. 2 KPK) w wyroku Roty Rzymskiej c. Mckay z 14.10.2004 r.
Gravis defectus discretionis iudicii in the judgment c. McKay of 14.10.2004
Góralski, Wojciech
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
poważny brak rozeznania oceniającego
kanon 1095, n. 2 KPK
grave defect of discretion of judgment
canon 1095, n. 2 CIC/1983
In the Lafayetten. case regarding a declaration of the marriage (which lasted 25 years) due to gravis defectus discretionis iudicii of both parties, the judgment declaring the marriage invalidity was issued in the first instance (the lack of discernment of the spouses was declared). After the appeal brought by the defendant (the woman) to the Roman Rota the case was examined (by tumus c. McKay) in the ordinary proceedings and resulted in the negative judgment, thus, the invalidity of the challenged marriage was not proved. The judgment of the Roman Rota is an example of a thorough evaluation of evidence, and the critical valuation of experts’ opinion in particular.
Ius Matrimoniale; 2014, 25, 1; 107-114
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Ius Matrimoniale
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Biblioteka Nauki
Poważny brak rozeznania oceniającego (kan. 1095 n. 2 KPK) w świetle wyroku Trybunału Roty Nuncjatury Apostolskiej w Hiszpanii c. Ponce Gallén z dnia 25 marca 2007 r.
Grave defect of discretion of judgment concerning (can. 1095 n 2 CC L) under sentence of the Tribunal of the Rota of the Apostolic Nunciature in Spain c. Ponce Gallén of 25 March 2007
Białobrzeski, Tomasz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
nieważność małżeństwa kanonicznego; poważny brak rozeznania oceniającego; Trybunał Roty Nuncjatury Apostolskiej w Hiszpanii
the invalidity of canonical marriage; grave defect of discretion of judgment; the Trubunal of the Rota of the Apostolic Nunciature in Spain
The presented sentence of the Tribunal of the Rota of the Apostolic Nunciature in Spain resolves the case for nullity of marriage in the third instance for grave defect of discretion of judgment concerning on the part of the woman. The parties entered into a marriage in 1990. After seven years, their relationship broke up. In 1998, the woman filed a lawsuit for nullity of marriage. The case was considered in the first instance for the following titles: grave defect of discretion of judgment concerning on both sides of the process (CCL, can. 1095 n 2); inability to assume the essential obligations of marriage for causes of a psychic nature on both sides of the process (CCL, can. 1095 n 3). In 2000, the negative sentence was passed on all the titles mentioned. In the same year, the case went to the Spanish Rote. In the second instance, in addition to the mentioned titles, the fifth was added: awe of esteem on the side of the woman (CCL, can. 1103). In the judgment, which was passed in 2005, the court declared the marriage nullity only for grave defect of discretion of judgment concerning on the part of the woman. In the third instance (2006-2007) this title was also found to be proven. On the basis of the presented sentence, the question of compatibility of nullity marriage grounds to be considered. In the discussed sentence, it concerned the grounds: grave defect of discretion of judgment concerning view, these grounds are incompatible and must be considered in a subsidiary way. In the absence of internal freedom (one of the elements of the discretion of judgment), the judgment of the evaluator does not exist in human act, and thus in marital agreement. In the case of coercion, the person who gives consent to marital induces human act, because by entering into a relationship he wants to be released from coercion, through the only way, which is marriage. By law, however, this will is flawed and legally ineffective.
Ius Matrimoniale; 2018, 29, 1; 109-129
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Ius Matrimoniale
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Biblioteka Nauki
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