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Biofiltration of Contaminated Air – Current Status, Development Trends
Biofiltracja zanieczyszczonego powietrza – stan aktualny, trendy rozwojowe
Turała, Anita
Wieczorek, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Koszalińska. Wydawnictwo Uczelniane
air biofiltration
biofiltration of air pollutants
development trends
biofiltracja powietrza
biofiltracja zanieczyszczeń powietrza
trendy rozwojowe
The study presents a description of both the main problems of biofiltration as well as the new research directions. Discussion of the first subject covered the area of biofiltration applied in purification of exhaust gases. The method traditionally used for the purification of waste gases from biological processes is also suitable for the treatment of hot and dry air, contaminated with substances of high toxic concentrations. According to the literature reports, hydrocarbons belonging to all groups: compounds containing oxygen in the molecule such as aldehydes, ketones and esters, compounds containing nitrogen and sulphur in the molecule like amines, thiols or organic sulphides can all be filtered out. Chlorinated hydrocarbons and some inorganic compounds like ammonia and hydrogen sulphide can also be removed. All these substances can be present individually or in multicomponent mixtures. The biofilters have been divided into conventional ones provided with a wet bed and the ones fitted with a biotrickling bed. A set of information on the materials used to compose a bed with a division into natural and synthetic has been given. The division of natural beds has been described as biodegradable, like peat, compost, wood chips and non-biodegradable as volcanic rocks. Among the synthetic beds mention are the ones made of mineral types of expanded clay aggregates and other minerals, as well as synthetic organic plastics, for example polyurethane foams. Factors influencing the biofiltration process, such as gas flow rate, concentration of pollutants, their type and properties, temperature, humidity of gases and sediments, structure a bed, oxygen availability, salinity and pH of the bed, as well as the availability of nutrients not found in treated gases, were presented in the paper. An extensive chapter was devoted to the microorganisms colonizing the bed of biofilter, which are responsible for the decomposition of filtered out pollutants. They can be introduced to the biofilter as microorganisms that naturally inhabit given building material or placed on a bed in the form of a vaccine. A consortium of microorganisms, formed during the start-up of a biofilter (adaptation), composed of bacteria and fungi, undergoes constant changes caused by the influx of new microorganisms along with purified air and the influence of environmental factors. These changes can be both quantitative and qualitative, manifested by the occurrence of genetic mutations. The microorganisms that colonize the bed belong to many species, such as Pseudomonas, Pseudoxanthomonas, Xanthomonadales, Ralstonia, Mycobacterium, Exophiala i Candidia. They metabolize environmental pollutants. This most often takes place during the catabolic process initiated by enzyme-assisted oxygen attack per molecule. As a result, appropriate alcohols are first formed, which than undergo successive transformations to aldehydes, fatty acids and further down to water and CO2. The chapter devoted to additives improving the bioavailability of pollutants such as methanol, silicone oils and surfactants, was included in the paper. New products in the field of construction solutions and hybrid systems were explained. Solutions such as rotary biofilters and cylindrical beds aim to reduce problems with even gas flow and excessive flow resistance. Among the hybrid systems, pre-filter solutions with active carbon and a UV pre-treatment module were presented. The idea of a biofilter combining the removal of pollutants with the generation of electric current in microbial fuel cells is also presented.
W opracowaniu przedstawiono opis zarówno podstawowych zagadnień biofiltracji jak i nowych kierunków badawczych. Omawiając pierwsze z zagadnień zakreślono obszar zastosowań biofiltracji w oczyszczaniu gazów odlotowych. Metoda tradycyjnie przydatna do oczyszczania gazów odlotowych z procesów biologicznych nadaje się również do obróbki powietrza gorącego i suchego oraz zanieczyszczonego substancjami o wysokich toksycznych stężeniach. Zgodnie z doniesieniami literaturowymi odfiltrowywane mogą być węglowodory przynależne do wszystkich grup, związki zawierające tlen w cząsteczce jak aldehydy, ketony i estry, związki zawierające azot i siarkę w cząsteczce jak aminy, tiole czy siarczki organiczne. Usuwane są także chlorowcopochodne węglowodorów oraz niektóre związki nieorganiczne jak amoniak i siarkowodór. Wszystkie wymienione substancje mogą występować pojedynczo oraz w wieloskładnikowych mieszaninach. Podzielono biofiltry na klasyczne zaopatrzone w złoże utrzymywane w stanie wilgotnym oraz te ze złożem przepłukiwanym. Podano zbiór informacji o materiałach wykorzystywanych do komponowania złóż z podziałem na naturalne i syntetyczne. Podział naturalnych uściślono na biodegradowalne jak torf, komposty, zrębki drewna i naturalne nie biodegradowalne jak skały wulkaniczne. Wśród syntetycznych wymieniono mineralne typu poryzowane glinki i inne minerały oraz syntetyczne organiczne jak tworzywa sztuczne, przykładowo pianki poliuretanowe. Zaprezentowano czynniki wpływające na bieg biofiltracji takie jak natężenie przepływu gazów, stężenie zanieczyszczeń, ich rodzaj i właściwości, temperatura, wilgotność gazów i złoża, tekstura złoża, dostępność tlenu, zasolenie i pH złoża, a także dostępność składników pokarmowych nie występujących w oczyszczanych gazach. Obszerny rozdział poświęcono mikroorganizmom zasiedlającym złoża biofiltrów odpowiedzialnym za rozkład odfiltrowywanych zanieczyszczeń. Mogą być one wprowadzane do biofiltra jako mikroorganizmy naturalnie zasiedlające dany materiał budulcowy złoża lub wprowadzane na złoże w formie szczepionki. Uformowane w okresie rozruchu biofiltra (adaptacji) konsorcjum mikroorganizmów złożone z bakterii i grzybów ulega nieustannym zmianom wywoływanym napływem nowych mikroorganizmów wraz z oczyszczanym powietrzem oraz wpływem czynników środowiskowych. Zmiany te mogą mieć charakter zarówno ilościowy jak i jakościowy przejawiający się występowaniem mutacji genetycznych. Mikroorganizmy zasiedlające złoża należą do wielu gatunków takich jak np. Pseudomonas, Pseudoxanthomonas, Xanthomonadales, Ralstonia, Mycobacterium, Exophiala i Candidia. Metabolizują one zanieczyszczenia środowiska. Najczęściej ma to miejsce w procesie katabolicznym zapoczątkowanym wspomaganym enzymami atakiem tlenu na cząsteczkę. W efekcie najpierw powstają odpowiednie alkohole ulegające kolejno zachodzącym przemianom do aldehydów, kwasów tłuszczowych i dalej aż do wody i CO2. Zawarto dział poświęcony dodatkom poprawiającym biodostępność zanieczyszczeń takim jak metanol, oleje silikonowe czy surfaktanty. Omówiono nowości w zakresie rozwiązań konstrukcyjnych oraz układy hybrydowe. Rozwiązania takie jak biofiltry obrotowe i ze złożem cylindrycznym mają ograniczać problemy z równomiernym przepływem gazów i nadmiernymi oporami przepływu. Wśród układów hybrydowych zaprezentowano rozwiązania z przedfiltrem z węglem aktywnym oraz modułem wstępnej obróbki promieniami UV. Przedstawiono też ideę biofiltra łączącego usuwanie zanieczyszczeń z generacją prądu elektrycznego w mikrobiologicznych ogniwach paliwowych.
Rocznik Ochrona Środowiska; 2019, Tom 21, cz. 2; 1001-1020
Pojawia się w:
Rocznik Ochrona Środowiska
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Reduction of Odors from Composting Processes Using an Ecological Method
Gałwa-Widera, Monika Iwona
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Inżynierii Ekologicznej
The complete elimination of odorants from the gases released into the atmosphere is a practically impossible task. This is mainly due to the fact that they are released not only during the technological process itself, but also during unloading, reloading, and transport, which are components of the technological line and also sources of emissions. It is not always possible to encapsulate these stages. Many gases belonging to the group of odorous compounds, characterized by unpleasant odors, have a very low detection threshold. Thus, for the odor to be imperceptible, the compound must be completely removed from the exhaust gas. This task would involve the necessity to take into account the complete air-tight sealing already at the stage of design and construction of the installation. This article concerns the tests carried out in the composting plant in the field of protection against odors. In the experiment, a biofilter with a permanent filling with full process monitoring was used. The research was carried out to determine the process parameters for the real object.
Journal of Ecological Engineering; 2021, 22, 5; 88-95
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Ecological Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The use of surfactant from the Tween group in toluene biofiltration
Miller, Urszula
Sówka, Izabela
Adamiak, Waldemar
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
Due to the lower energy consumption and waste production compared to traditional methods, the environmental bioremediation methods based on natural processes have been gradually becoming more prevalent in environmental engineering. Biological methods are used in waste management, wastewater treatment, gas treatment or soil remediation. For the low solubility of some pollutants and lower bioavailability, the use of biological methods may be hampered. This problem might be mitigated with the use of surfactants. This paper presents the results of studies regarding the effect of dosing a selected surfactant from the Tween group (Tween 20) on the efficiency of toluene elimination from the air by biofiltration. The obtained maximum biofiltration rate was 21.2 g/m3/h and 19.8 g/m3/h for the control bed and for the bed to which the Tween 20 solution was dosed, respectively. The effect of Tween was neutral (the effectiveness of toluene removal was insignificantly comparable to the effectiveness of the control series), it did not affect the effectiveness or limited the development of the biofilter microflora.
Archives of Environmental Protection; 2020, 46, 2; 53-57
Pojawia się w:
Archives of Environmental Protection
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Biofiltracja powietrza w okresie od uruchomienia biofiltra do ustalenia warunków procesowych
Gas purification in a biofilter bed from the biofiltration beginning to the stabilization of process conditions
Kawalec-Pietrenko, B.
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Inżynierów i Techników Mechaników Polskich
warunki nieustalone
szybkość biofiltracji
unsteady state conditions
biofiltration rate
Stwierdzono, że po uruchomieniu biofiltracji na świeżym złożu, rząd bioreakcji zachodzących w cieczy pokrywającej elementy złoża jest różny na różnych jego wysokościach i zależy od czasu, jaki upłynął od rozpoczęcia procesu. Przeprowadzono eksperymentalną weryfikację modelu wymiany masy w warunkach nieustalonych. Wyznaczono sprawność i szybkość biofiltracji.
It was confirmed that the order of bioreaction is dependent on biofiltration time from the beginning of the process and a place in the biofilter bed. The unsteady state mass transfer model was verified taking into account the time- and bed height-dependent propanol concentration distribution in air stream during biofiltration. The efficiency and the rate of biofiltration were determined.
Inżynieria i Aparatura Chemiczna; 2009, 5; 49-50
Pojawia się w:
Inżynieria i Aparatura Chemiczna
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zastosowanie biofiltrów do dezodoryzacji uciążliwych gazów
The use of biofilters for deodorisation of the noxious gases
Wierzbińska, M.
Modzelewski, W E
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Inżynierii Ekologicznej
Jedną z metod dezodoryzacji uciążliwych gazów jest metoda biofiltracji, polegająca na biodegradacji zanieczyszczeń z udziałem mikroorganizmów, w wyniku czego powstają związki nietoksyczne i nieuciążliwe dla środowiska. Metoda ta jest stosunkowo tania i praktycznie bezodpadowa, stanowi więc alternatywę dla klasycznych metod oczyszczania gazów z zanieczyszczeń odorotwórczych. W laboratoriach naukowych przeprowadza się wiele badań w zakresie optymalizacji procesu biofiltracji oraz podwyższania efektywności metody. W warunkach przemysłowych zastosowanie biofiltrów nadal jednak stwarza duże problemy. W artykule opisano mechanizm procesu biofiltracji, parametry i warunki, jakie muszą spełniać gazy poddawane oczyszczaniu, budowę instalacji do biofiltracji gazów, obszar zastosowań metody oraz przykłady eksploatowanych biofiltrów z uwzględnieniem praktycznych wytycznych eksploatacyjnych.
One of the methods of deodorization of noxious gases is biofiltration. This method consists of pollutants biodegradation by using micro-organisms, what leads to the formation of nontoxic and innoxious compounds. In comparison with conventional techniques, bio-filtration requires lower investments and exploitation costs, moreover it is nature friendly. This technique is still developing. Scientists have carried out research on the optimization of biofiltration process, biofilters and selecting parameters of purified gases or improving the method of efficiency. However, industrial application of biofilters is still difficult for many reasons. In this paper we present the mechanism of biofiltration process, the parameters and conditions which have to be fulfilled by purified gases, installation structure for gases biofiltration, application field of this method and specific example of exploited biofilters, including practical operational guidelines.
Inżynieria Ekologiczna; 2015, 41; 125-132
Pojawia się w:
Inżynieria Ekologiczna
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The use of oak chips and coconut fiber as biofilter media to remove vocs in rendering process
Tymczyna, Leszek
Chmielowiec-Korzeniowska, Anna
Paluszak, Zbigniew
Dobrowolska, Magadalena
Banach, Marcin
Pulit, Jolanta
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Biochemiczne
rendering plants
oak bark
coconut fiber
The study evaluated the effectiveness of air biofiltration in rendering plants. The biofilter material comprised compost soil (40%) and peat (40%) mixed up with coconut fiber (medium A) and oak bark (medium B). During biofiltration average VOCs reduction reached 88.4% for medium A and 89.7% for medium B. A positive relationship of aldehyde reduction from material humidity (r = 0.502; α<0.05) was also noted. Other biomaterial parameters did not affect the treatment efficiency.
Acta Biochimica Polonica; 2013, 60, 4; 747-751
Pojawia się w:
Acta Biochimica Polonica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Application of Mineral Sorbents to Remove Volatile Organic Compounds from the Gases Emitted from the Composting Processes
Wierzbińska, Monika
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Inżynierii Ekologicznej
mineral sorbent
The disposal of organic waste in processes such as composting is related to the emission of malodorous compounds. Owing to their character and low odour detection threshold, there is often a need for a hundred percent elimination of the contaminants from waste gases. One of alternative methods of treating the waste gases from malodorous contaminants, occurring in low concentrations in post-process air, is the biofiltration method. Most often, the method uses an organic filtration material. However, this method of air purification is still developing; therefore, there is a search for new sorbents among mineral materials, which would be an alternative for organic sorbents. The article presents the research into the application of aluminosilicate sorbents, including halloysite, for deodorization of the gases emitted from the processes of composting municipal waste. The semitechnical scale research was conducted for several weeks in a municipal waste composting plant, passing real gases through two biofilters filled with mineral sorbents. In spite of the fact that some problems occurred and the research cycle was not completed, the experiment proved that halloysite removes odours to a much higher extent than the other examined aluminosilicate sorbent. While the VOCs reduction on a bed with halloysite was 88%, the reduction on a bed with a second aluminosilicate reached 35%. The process conditions were very unstable; therefore, the efficiency of the VOCs removal process varied widely. However, halloysite has always been a better sorbent than the other aluminosilicate.
Journal of Ecological Engineering; 2021, 22, 2; 98-110
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Ecological Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Usuwanie azotu amonowego z wód podziemnych w procesie dwustopniowej biofiltracji na złożach chalcedonitowych
Removal of ammonia nitrogen from groundwater on chalcedony deposits in two-stage biofiltration process
Papciak, D.
Kaleta, J.
Puszkarewicz, A.
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Koszalińska. Wydawnictwo Uczelniane
usuwanie azotu
wody podziemne
water treatment
This paper presents an evaluation of the effectiveness of the removal of ammonia nitrogen from the water with oversize content of iron and manganese. The study was conducted using a two-stage biofiltration process on chalcedony beds. Biofilters operated in series, with counter-gravity flow at the first stage and the second stage gravity biofiltration. The chalcedony bed working at first stage was pre-activated with 0,3% KMnO4 in order to increase the efficiency of manganese removal. The test system was supplied with model solution made on the basis of a tap water with the addition of iron(II) 1g Fe/m3, manganese(II) 1 g Mn/m3, and ammonium 1,15-3,6 g N/m3 The results obtained during the study confirm that the biological processes of water treatment using a two-stage biofiltration through the chalcedony bed are effective in the removal of ammonia nitrogen from groundwater. Despite the diversification of mechanisms to remove these pollutants, the results indicate that the removal of ammonia nitrogen and manganese from water are competitive processes. The presence of manganese affects on the process of nitrification and ammonia nitrogen removal efficiency, and nitrification process may interfere with the effectiveness of manganese removal from water during formation of nitrification deposits. It was found that the presence of both iron and manganese affects the efficiency of the removal of ammonium and formation time of biofilm. Chemical activation biofilter of first stage had an impact on the efficiency of removal of ammonium and manganese ions, and the analysis of content of these pollutants shows that up to 10 day the chemical oxidation processes were dominated in working bed. It is difficult, however, explain the fact that in the second step of biofiltration manganese was removed with high efficiency from the outset of experiment, despite the lack of chemical activation. Previous studies have shown little effectiveness in removing manganese on the type chalcedony. A single-stage of biofiltration used in study was insufficient to carry out the nitrification process and obtain potable water for human consumption. After the first stage biofiltration water did not satisfy the requirements in terms of nitrite, and manganese. The increase in contact time through the use of second-stage of biofiltration allowed to obtain water that meets all the requirements for drinking water. Time for nitrifying chalcedony biofilter to reach full capacity was 64 days. The balance of nitrogen compounds and oxygen consumption shows the complexity of biofiltration. The real oxygen consumption was significantly lower than suggested by stoichiometric calculations and amounted to about 2 mg O2/dm3 per each mg of nitrogen removed, which can suggest that the removal of ammonia nitrogen on researched bed can occur not only in the process of nitrification. The Anammox process as well as the assimilation may have the contribute in the removal of ammonia nitrogen in the biofiltration process.
Rocznik Ochrona Środowiska; 2013, Tom 15, cz. 2; 1352-1366
Pojawia się w:
Rocznik Ochrona Środowiska
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Buffer Effects in Submersed Denitrifying Biofilter
Gevod, V. S.
Chernova, A. S.
Zhumadulayeva, A. I.
Dossybayeva, G. N.
Syzdykova, M.
Shymelkova, R. Zh.
Issayeva, A. U.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Inżynierii Ekologicznej
microflora activity
system stability
The high content of nitrates in drinking water leads to serious diseases. The creation of biofiltering devices with the longest time of their operation between preventive flushes is extremely important. The purpose of this study was to investigate the features of the functioning of the developed U-shaped submersible denitrifying biofilter during its long-term operation in the piston filtration mode. The denitrification of water by using the method of displacement (piston) biofiltration in a submersible small U-shaped biofilter with immovable carriers of attached microflora in its filter load was studied. As a result, clogging of the pore space of the biofilter in the zone of excess bacterial nutrition is prevented and the vital activity of bacteria is maintained in places where there is no nutrient substrate. It has been shown that, due to adaptive mechanisms, denitrifying bacteria convert nitrate ions into gaseous nitrogen, consuming extracellular polymeric substances. The rate constants of the reaction of reduction of nitrates to molecular nitrogen in different zones of the biofilter under different filtration modes were determined. The activity of the microflora inside the biofilter quickly returns to its original level when a full-fledged external nutrition is resumed. The efficiency of nitrate to nitrogen conversion in the studied biofilter is 94.2±8.9%.
Journal of Ecological Engineering; 2022, 23, 4; 145--154
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Ecological Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Sposoby eliminacji odorów w procesie kompostowania
Methods for Elimination of Odor in the Composting Process
Gałwa-Widera, M.
Kwarciak-Kozłowska, A.
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Koszalińska. Wydawnictwo Uczelniane
Composting is a process that allows the elimination of pathogenic microorganisms, and includes biological sludge stabilization in aerated heaps or in sealed chambers with the addition of supplementary substances. An organic substance that is converted into compost is a good product for soil improvement and land reclamation. Compost is a good organic fertilizer used as manure in rural agglomerations. Organic matter included in the compost affecst the properties of the soil, improves the relationship between water and air, as well as soil rich in nutrients. Compost has the additional properties for improving the structure of light and heavy soils. The temperature of the resulting compost pile can reach up to 70°C. Hight temperature affects the removal of pathogenic microorganisms. In wastewater treatment plants, where the processing of sludge includes dewatering process and fermentation composting can be used as the final sludge processing operation, which is a valuable material intended to be used in nature (assuming that it meets the requirement pertaiting to heavy metal content). Treatment processes significantly influences the type of emitted odorant. During the anareobic process different and more intense odors are produced than under aerobic conditions. Odors are often emitted furing the biological treatment processes. They may be released during storage and transportation of raw materials, during the compost and- in each phase of the composting process.
Rocznik Ochrona Środowiska; 2016, Tom 18, cz. 2; 850-860
Pojawia się w:
Rocznik Ochrona Środowiska
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Biofiltration as an effective method for reduction of pollutant emissions
Janas, M.
Zawadzka, A.
Data publikacji:
Centrum Badań i Innowacji Pro-Akademia
malodorous gases
gazy złowonne
The development of industry and municipal infrastructure is a cause of increased emissions of malodorous substances into the atmosphere. These substances have a negative impact on human health and the environment. To protect the natural environment and human health, innovative methods of reducing emissions to the atmosphere are sought. These methods should be part of sustainable development principles. The work was carried out to assess the effectiveness of biofiltration in the reduction of odorous gas concentrations based on the measurements of biofilter efficiency in a sewage treatment plant. A mathematical simulation of the pollutant emission range in the environment was made to verify its change resulting from the use of a biofilter.
Acta Innovations; 2017, 23; 43-50
Pojawia się w:
Acta Innovations
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Determination of the Air Purification Efficiency when Using a Biofilter
Krivolapov, Ivan
Astapov, Andrej
Akishin, Dmitrij
Korotkov, Artemij
Shcherbakov, Sergej
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Inżynierii Ekologicznej
hydrogen sulfide
purification efficiency
filtering material
The work presents the results of experimental studies on the air purification efficiency after accelerated composting of a mixture of cattle manure and straw in a chamber-type biofermenter. The operation of an experimental plant that simulates this process was described. A process optimization criterion was established, its values were determined for each of the pollutants – ammonia and hydrogen sulfide. The maximum purification efficiency for ammonia was 92%, achieved at 47% moisture content of the filtering material and 58% compost weight parts at 30 °C. For hydrogen sulfide, the maximum purification efficiency was 95%, achieved at 50% moisture content of the filtering material and 52% compost weight part at 28 °C.
Journal of Ecological Engineering; 2019, 20, 11; 232-239
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Ecological Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Use of Biofiltration Process to Remove Organic Matter From Groundwater
Papciak, D.
Kaleta, J.
Puszkarewicz, A.
Tchórzewska-Cieślak, B.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Inżynierii Ekologicznej
biofiltration process
total organic carbon (TOC)
water treatment
The article describes the research on the removal of organic matter from natural underground water using biofiltration process. The study was carried out in semi-technical scale on a model filter composed of activated carbon WD-extra. The development of biological activity in a biosorption bed, as well as observations on the relationship between the processes of sorption and biodegradation was evaluated based on the Eberhardt, Madsen, Sontheimer (EMS) test. Leading operation control parameters of biologically active carbon filter BAF included: change of TOC content, dissolved oxygen and permanganate index. To evaluate the colonization of granular carbon determination of ATP value was used. The presence of the biofilm was found by observation using light and scanning microscopes. The organic compounds in the water taken were adsorbed 100% and 70% biodegradable. The combination of sorption process with biodegradation until depletion of activated carbon adsorption capacity allowed in the initial phase of coalbed work for the removal of organic matter in approx. 100%. Formation of biofilm at the right time allowed to extend the filtration cycle and helped lower the TOC by 70%, i.e. from 10 mg C/l to 3–4 mg C/l.
Journal of Ecological Engineering; 2016, 17, 3; 119-124
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Ecological Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rola biofiltracji w kontroli emisji gazu składowiskowego w świetle zaleceń dyrektywy UE w sprawie składowania odpadów
Biofiltration role in landfill gas emission control in light of the EU directive on the landfill of waste
Pawłowska, M.
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Koszalińska. Wydawnictwo Uczelniane
składowanie odpadów
gaz składowiskowy
landfill gas
Dyrektywa 1999/31/WE [4] zobowiązuje Polskę do ograniczania ilości materiału podatnego na biodegradację, aż do osiągnięcia w 2020 r., przyjętego w Krajowym Planie Gospodarki Odpadami (KPGO, 2010), poziomu 35% masy tych odpadów wytworzonych w roku 1995. Redukcja ta będzie następowała poprzez upowszechnienie selektywnej zbiórki i procesów mechaniczno-biologicznego przetwarzania odpadów. Jak wskazują badania [1, 2, 10], różnego rodzaju procesy mechaniczno-biologicznego przetwarzania odpadów prowadzą do zmniejszenia produkcji biogazu z pozostałej frakcji odpadów w zakresie od 50 do >90%, w stosunku do wartości uzyskiwanej z odpadów nieprzetwarzanych. Można więc przewidywać, że planowane zmiany w gospodarce odpadami spowodują istotne obniżenie potencjału biogazowego odpadów deponowanych na składowiskach, co w znacznym stopniu organiczny możliwość energetycznego wykorzystania gazu składowiskowego. Mimo to problem tworzenia się i emisji gazu ze składowisk nie zostanie rozwiązany. Nawet przy bardzo skutecznych systemach segregacji odpadów pewna ilość materii podatnej na biodegradację nadal trafiać będzie na składowiska [2], przyczyniając się do tworzenia gazowych produktów fermentacji. Jednak sposób utylizacji gazu tworzącego się z odpadów o małej zawartości materii organicznej będzie musiał zostać dostosowany do parametrów ilościowych i jakościowych gazu. Celem pracy jest analiza wpływu wdrożenia zaleceń dyrektywy 1999/31/WE [4], dotyczących obniżenia zawartości materii biodegradowalnej w odpadach, na produkcję gazu składowiskowego oraz ocena możliwości zastosowania biofiltracji jako metody ograniczenia emisji metanu ze składowisk odpadów o niskiej zawartości materii organicznej. W badaniach założono, że zawartość tej materii zostanie obniżona o 65% w stosunku do wartości 489 kg/Mg odpadów, uznanej za stan wyjściowy. Wyliczona na podstawie modelu ilość biogazu produkowanego w poszczególnych latach była podstawą do oszacowania czasu trwania fazy, w której energetyczne wykorzystanie gazu będzie ekonomicznie uzasadnione. W dalszej części pracy oszacowano wielkość złoża metanotroficznego, niezbędnego do usunięcia metanu z gazu składowiskowego, tworzącego się w fazie, gdy produkcja spada poniżej wartości uzasadniającej wykorzystanie energetyczne (50 m3h-1) oraz w fazie, gdy przepływ gazu będzie zbyt niski (<10 m3h-1), aby możliwe było jego spalanie w pochodni.
Legislation of the EU obligates Poland to gradual decrease in deposition of material susceptible to biodegradation, until reaching in 2020 the level of 35% of the organic waste deposited in 1995. This will reduce the biomethanization potential of waste, and significantly limit the possibility of landfill gas use for energy production. So the approach to the problem of landfill gas utilization should be changed. The results of model studies regarding the influence of biodegradable matter content in waste deposited in a hypothetical landfill on gas production were presented in the paper. The multi-phase model of landfill gas production Afvalzorg was used. It was found that 65% of biodegradable matter decline in the waste will shorten the time during which the landfill gas can be used for energy recovery, by about 40%, and lower amounts of the gas by about 70%. The paper also presents biofiltration method for the treatment of landfill gas, formed from the waste with low organic matter content. This method bases on the use of microorganisms for the removal of methane and numerous trace gases that are susceptible to biodegradation during landfill gas flow through the porous filter bed. Microorganisms use these compounds as sources of carbon and energy, which results in a production of simple minerals compounds, such as CO2 and H2O. It was calculated that the area of the biofilter bed (1 m high) necessary to ensure the efficient removal of methane emitted from the landfill (where 900 thousand Mg of waste deposited) ranged from 170 to 1714 m2, depending on gas load and type of filter bed aeration. The largest filter bed is needed in the case of passively aerated biofilter when gas production drops below the level of profitability of energetic use of biogas (below the gas production of 50 m3 h-1), and the smallest in the case of actively aerated biofilter used after flare uninstalling (when the quantity of biogas is below 10 m3h-1).
Rocznik Ochrona Środowiska; 2011, Tom 13; 303-314
Pojawia się w:
Rocznik Ochrona Środowiska
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Tubular biofilter treatment of isobutanol emissions under various organic loading rates
Chen, Hong
Peng, Liang
Wei, Yanxiao
Yu, Lie
Jiang, Bo
Wang, Hong
Yu, Guanlong
Zhang, Guijin
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Wrocławska. Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej
pollutants removal
volatile compounds
usuwanie zanieczyszczeń
związki lotne
Isobutanol in waste gas streams was treated by a tubular biofilter (TBF) which continuously operated for 364 days under various organic loading rate (OLR) from 11 g·m–3·h–1 to 66 g·m–3·h–1. Results show that within 60 days, the TBF successfully started up even after changing the OLR from 31.3 to 15.6 g·m–3·h–1. The average removal efficiencies (REs) were totally higher than 90% when OLRs ranged from 12.14 to 66.45 g·m–3·h–1. Two distinct performance deterioration periods were observed at days 186–253 and days 280–334, both of which recovered without additional measurement. During these periods, the larvae and adult moth flies, been identified as Psychodinae infested the TBF, greatly affected the TBF performance. When the number of adult Psychodinae decreased, TBF performance recovered. The elimination capacity (EC) was 60.42 g·m–3·h–1 at the inlet OLR of 66.45 g·m–3·h–1, with the critical EC being around 50 g·m–3·h–1. Even under a low gas empty bed residence time of 15 s, the preferable REs and ECs under middle or low OLRs were still obtained by the TBF.
Environment Protection Engineering; 2020, 46, 1; 15-29
Pojawia się w:
Environment Protection Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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