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Middle Triassic evolution of the Tatricum sedimentary basin : an attempt of sequence stratigraphy to the Wierchowa Unit in the Polish Tatra Mountains
Jaglarz, P.
Szulc, J.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Geologiczne
basin analysis
sequence stratigraphy
late Scythian-Ladinian
Tatra Mts.
The paper focuses on paleoenvironmental reconstruction and sequence stratigraphy of the Tatricum Basin for the late Scythian-Ladinian interval. The reconstruction is based on observations carried out in the Kominiarski Wierch section, situated in the Polish part of the Tatra Mts. Sedimentological and geochemical studies indicate that during middle Triassic time the Tatricum Basin was situated upon an isolated and restricted carbonate platform dominated by shallow water carbonate and evaporitic sedimentation. The basin was a tectonically stable area controlled by eustatic fluctuations. Incipient tectonic movements first occurred in late Ladinian time only. The studied sedimentary succession is composed of several stacked, shallowing-upward cycles that are interpreted as 3rd order depositional sequences. The constructed sedimentary sequence framework corresponds well with the sequence stratigraphic scheme of the Northern Alpine Triassic and enables a better chronostratigraphic resolution of the Triassic in the Tatra Mts.
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae; 2003, 73, No 3; 169-182
Pojawia się w:
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Petroleum Provinces in Poland
Karnkowski, P. H.
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
ropa naftowa
petroleum provinces
basin analysis
petroleum play
The scheme in which the Carpathians, Carpathian Foredeep and Polish Lowland are distinguished as the hydrocarbon prospective zones was used hitherto in Poland. Good geological diagnosis of Poland area enables to distinguish the petroleum provinces in terms of basin analysis (methodology). This procedure are based on an integration of multidisciplinary geological and geophysical data with into a petroleum play concept. Results of drillings and petroleum play procedures allow to predict boundaries of petroleum provinces. Effects of basin analysis with regards to the stratigraphy of hydrocarbon-bearing areas are presented in Figure 1. All these prospective areas (Fig. 1) have been matched into five independent units (Fig. 2) which could be defined as following petroleum provinces: Pomerania, Wielkopolska, Ma3opolska, Lublin and Gdansk. These petroleum provinces are only the parts of sedimentary basins the individual development of which enabled generation, migration and preservation of hydrocarbons. Location of the above mentioned petroleum provinces is also brightly reflected on the map of crustal consolidation (Fig. 3): every province in Poland has its own individual geologic history.
Przegląd Geologiczny; 2007, 55, 12/1; 1061-1067
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Geologiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Middle Triassic evolution of the northern Peri-Tethys area as influenced by early opening of the Tethys Ocean
Ewolucja środkowotriasowa północnej Paratetydy i jej związki z rozwojem Oceanu Tetydy
Szulc, J.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Geologiczne
late Scythian-Carnian
basin analysis
sequence stratigraphy
During Middle Triassic times, the Germanic or northern Peri-Tethys Basin pertained to the western Tethys Ocean. The basin was closed from the north and open toward the Tethys by tectonically controlled depressions (gates). The gates were opened in different times. The marine incursions broke first (as early as in late Scythian time) through the eastern gates and from the Polish Basin advanced gradually to the west. Semiclosed disposition of the basin resulted in its distinctive environmental diversification. Open marine environments developed along the southeastern margins which should be regarded as an integrate part of the Tethys Ocean rather than the epicontinental sea. Northward and westward from the Silesian and Carpathian domains the environments became more restricted. This resulted in significant facies diachronity between the western and eastern parts of the basin. As indicated by the faunal diversity, facies variability and geochemical properties of the sediments, during almost entire Anisian time the open marine sedimentation dominated in the eastern part while the western part displayed restricted circulation, typical for the semi-closed, evaporitic basin. The circulation reversed in Ladinian time when the westward shift of the tethyan spreading center gave rise to opening of the western gate. Meanwhile, the eastern and northern parts of the basin were uplifted and underwent emersion by the end of the Ladinian. Evolution of the southern parts of the Germanic Basin (Silesia, Holy Cross Mts., SW Germany) has been directly influenced by the Tethys rifts. The crustal motion was transmitted from the Tethys rift onto its northern periphery by reactivated Hercynian master faults. The Northern Germany and the North Sea basins were controlled by the North Atlantic-Arctic rift system. The central part of the basin was dominated by thermal subsidence. Despite of the intense synsedimentary tectonism affecting the basin, the distinguished 3rd order depositional sequences resulted from eustatic controls. The concordance between the tethyan and peritethyan sequence stratigraphy argues for the overregional, eustatic nature of the sequences. Faunal migration from the Tethys into its northern periphery followed generally the rift-controlled opening of the seaways within the Tethys. The first tethyan faunas which appeared in the south-eastern part of the Polish Basin as early as in Induan time came from the eastern branch of the Tethys Ocean (Paleo-Tethys). The next migration waves proceeded by western branches of the spreading ocean (Neo-Tethys) and entered the Germanic Basin through the Silesian-Moravian Gate (in Anisian time) and through the Western Gate from Ladinian time onward.
W czasie środkowego triasu basen germański należał do północnego obrzeżenia Oceanu Tetydy nazywanego północną Perytetydą. Taka pozycja paleogeograficzna wskazuje że basen germański należy traktować raczej jako integralną część zachodniej Tetydy niż jako typowy basen epikontynentalny. Bezpośrednie połączenie między obszarem germańskim a Tetydą utrzymywane było przez system tektonicznie generowanych obniżeń (bram) rozwiniętych w obrębie speneplenizowanego lądu windelicko-bohemskiego stanowiącego strukturalną barierę między otwartym oceanem i jego strefą peryferyjną. Przez większą część środkowego triasu basen germański wykazywał cechy basenu półzamkniętego o ograniczonej i jednokierunkowej cyrkulacji. Taki układ hydrologiczny powodował ewaporacyjny wzrost zasolenia wód basenu w miarę oddalania się od strefy dopływu wód oceanicznych. Znajduje to potwierdzenie w wyraźnym ubożeniu zespołów fauny zasiedlającej zbiornik jak i w zapisie izotopów stabilnych węgla i tlenu. Otwieranie bram miało charakter diachroniczny i postępowało ze wschodu na zachód. Najwcześniej, bo już w środkowej części wczesnego triasu otwarta była tzw. Brama Wschodniokarpacka. W anizyku głównym połączeniem była Brama Morawsko-Śląska a w ladynie Brama Zachodnia. Diachronizm w otwieraniu bram był pochodną migracji głównej strefy spreadingu tetydzkiego, która przemieszczała się ze wschodu na zachód. Wyróżnione dla basenu germańskiego sekwencje depozycyjne trzeciego rzędu wykazują dobrą korelację z sekwencjami z basenów alpejskich co pozwala stwierdzić, że cykle transgresywno-regresywne w basenie germańskim kontrolowane były głównie przez wahania eustatyczne. Subtropikalna pozycja paleogeograficzna północnej Perytetydy warunkowała jej gorący i półsuchy klimat. Okresowe zwilgotnienia w późnym ladynie i w karniku były pochodną przebudowy tektonicznej i intensywnej działalności wulkanicznej w obrębie Tetydy.
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae; 2000, 70, 1; 1-48
Pojawia się w:
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Geneza i ewolucja polskiego basenu czerwonego spągowca
Karnkowski, P. H.
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
polski basen
czerwony spągowiec
analiza basenów sedymentacyjnych
system naftowy
Polish Basin
basin analysis
petroleum play
Polski basen czerwonego spągowca (PBCS) jest częścią wielkiego basenu sedymentacyjnego zwanego południowym basenem permskim, leżącym w zachodniej i centralnej Europie. Historia rozwoju polskiego basenu czerwonego spągowca rozpoczęła się na przełomie karbonu i permu. Jednak w jego rozwoju można odnaleźć pewne elementy zakorzenione w już przedpermskim paleozoiku. Rozwój sedymentacji w polskim basenie czerwonego spągowca był kontrolowany głównie przez tektonikę i klimat. Wyraźna zmiana klimatyczna, z warunków wilgotnych na suche, nastąpiła dopiero w górnym czerwonym spągowcu (i to nie w jego najniższej części). Ruchy tektoniczne zaznaczały się natomiast poprzez tworzenie miąższych kompleksów zlepieńców. Takie spojrzenie na opracowywaną sukcesję osadów czerwonego spągowca umożliwiło wyróżnienie kilku sekwencji. Ewolucja polskiego basenu czerwonego spągowca nie skończyła się wraz z transgresją cechsztyńską. Wypełnienie PBCS podlegało dalszej ewolucji związanej z rozwojem polskiego basenu permsko-mezozoicznego. Aby móc śledzić ewolucję wypełnienia PBCS wykonano dla tego obszaru analizę historii pogrążania i analizę historii termicznej. Historia subsydencji basenu polskiego na omawianym obszarze pokazuje, że okres późnego permu i triasu były główna fazę ryftowania, a późniejszy rozwój basenu wynika głównie z relaksacji termicznej. Analizując historię termiczną basenu polskiego widać, że w czerwonym spągowcu występowały tam wielkie anomalie geotermiczne. Anomalie te charakteryzowały się wysoką wartością strumienia cieplnego (100-150 mWm-2) w czasie późnego permu i triasu. Tak wysokie wartości odpowiadają przeważnie synryftowemu etapowi rozwoju basenu. W czasie późnego triasu i jury wystąpiło pewne schłodzenie pola cieplnego, ale punktem zwrotnym w historii termicznej basenu polskiego było pogranicze jury i kredy, kiedy południowo-zachodnia część omawianego basenu została znacznie wyniesiona i zerodowana. Wtedy to wartość powierzchniowego strumienia cieplnego w południowo-zachodniej Polsce istotnie zmalała, a wyraźne cechy termiczne poprzedniej epoki zostały zatarte. Występowanie złóż gazu w osadach czerwonego spągowca ograniczone jest do najwyższej części sekwencji osadowej. Skład gazu ziemnego wykazuje niekiedy znaczne zaazotowanie oraz istotne wzbogacenie w hel. Najwyższe koncentracje helu w gazie ziemnym, tak pod względem objętościowym jak i ilościowym, są zlokalizowane w tym samym miejscu, co permsko-jurajska wysoka anomalia geotermiczna i jednocześnie tutaj najpłycej występuje powierzchnia Moho w Polsce. Wyniki analizy historii pogrążenia i historii termicznej analizowanej części basenu polskiego, jak również konfiguracja powierzchni Moho i związane z nią anomalie paleogeotermiczne oraz wysokie koncentracje helu wskazują na asymetryczny model budowy basenu. Strefa wysokich anomalii paleogeotermicznych, rozciągająca się od obszaru między Wrocławiem i Poznaniem i dalej na zachód, była zapewne głównym obszarem ryftowania. Pierwszym etapem rozwoju polskiego basenu ryftowego był wulkanizm, a następnie sedymentacja w czasie czerwonego spągowca.
Polish Geological Institute Special Papers; 1999, 3; 1-93
Pojawia się w:
Polish Geological Institute Special Papers
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Experimental method for estimation of compaction in the Oxfordian bedded limestones of the southern Kraków-Częstochowa Upland, Southern Poland
Kochman, A.
Matyszkiewicz, J.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
differential compaction
oedometer test
basin analysis
Upper Jurassic
Kraków-Częstochowa Upland
badania edometryczne
jura późna
Wyżyna Krakowsko-Częstochowska
The Upper Jurassic carbonates exposed in the southern part of the Kraków-Częstochowa Upland are well known for their significant facies diversity related to the presence of microbial and microbial-sponge carbonate buildups and bedded detrital limestone in between. Both the buildups and detrital limestones revealed differential susceptibility to compaction which, apart from differential subsidence of the Palaeozoic basement and synsedimentary faulting, was one of the factors controlling seafloor palaeorelief in the Late Jurassic sedimentary basin. The compaction of the detrital limestones has been estimated with an experimental oedometric method in which specially prepared mixtures made of ground limestones from a quarry in the village of Żary were subjected to oedometer tests. The diameters of the detrital grains and their percentages in the limestones were determined by microscopic examinations of thin sections. The diameters were assigned to predetermined classes corresponding to the Udden-Wentworth scale. The rock samples were then ground down to the grain sizes observed in thin sections. From such materials, mixtures were prepared of grain size distributions corresponding to those observed in thin sections. After adding water the mixtures were subjected to oedometer tests. Analysis of the compression of such mixtures under specific loads enabled preparation of a mathematical formula suitable for the estimation of mechanical compaction of the limestone. The obtained values varied from 27.52 to 55.53% for a load corresponding to 300 metres burial depth. The most significant effect of mechanical compaction was observed for loads representing only 2 metres burial depth. Further loading resulted in a much smaller reduction in sample height. The results of the oedometer tests cannot be used directly to determine compaction of the detrital limestones. Mainly because microscopic observations of thin sections of the experimental material show that chemical compaction was also an important factor influencing thickness reduction of the limestones.
Acta Geologica Polonica; 2013, 63, 4; 681-696
Pojawia się w:
Acta Geologica Polonica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
A comparative assessment of meteorological drought in the Tafna basin, Northwestern Algeria
Bougara, Hanane
Baba-Hamed, Kamila
Borgemeister, Christian
Tischbein, Bernhard
Kumar, Navneet
Data publikacji:
Instytut Technologiczno-Przyrodniczy
meteorological drought indices
Tafna basin
trend analysis
The drought ranked first in terms the natural hazard characteristics and impacts followed by tropical cyclones, regional floods, earthquakes, and volcanoes. Drought monitoring is an important aspect of drought risk management and the assessment of drought is usually done through using various drought indices. The western region in Algeria is the most affected by the drought since the middle of the 70s.The current research focuses on the analysis and comparison of four meteorological drought indices (standardized precipitation index – SPI, percent of normal index – PN, decile index – DI, and rainfall anomaly index – RAI) in the Tafna basin for different time scales (annual, seasonal, and monthly) during 1979–2011. The results showed that the SPI and DI have similar frequencies for dry and wet categories. The RAI and PN were able to detect more drought categories. Meanwhile, all indices have strong positive correlations between each other, especially with Spearman correlation tests (0.99; 1.0), the meteorological drought indices almost showed consistent and similar results in the study area. It was determined in 1982 as the driest year and 2008 as the wettest year in the period of the study. The analysis of the trend was based on the test of Mann–Kendall (MK), a positive trend of the indices were detected on a monthly scale, this increasing of indices trend represent the increasing of the wet categories which explains the increasing trend of the rainfall in the last 2000s. These results overview of the understanding of drought trends in the region is crucial for making strategies and assist in decision making for water resources management and reducing vulnerability to drought.
Journal of Water and Land Development; 2021, 51; 78-93
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Water and Land Development
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The application of fault seal analysis at the Solokha field, Dnieper-Donets Basin, Ukraine – case studies
Okrepkyi, O.
Tiapkina, A.
Data publikacji:
Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica w Krakowie. Wydawnictwo AGH
Dnieper-Donets Basin
Fault Seal Analysis (FSA)
hydrocarbon traps
The Solokha gas field is one of the most valuable hydrocarbon fields in the central axial part of the Dnieper-Donets Basin (DDB). Every new exploration well there has to be highly validated in order to reduce possible drilling risks. In this study, the characteristics of faults, as possible seals, are analysed, based on the latest well and 3D seismic data. Evaluating fault seal risk is a constitutive factor in hydrocarbon exploration and production. For this reason, to reduce uncertainty in the faults’ leaking facilities, we used a couple of known approaches, such as juxtaposition analysis, with building Allan diagrams, to determine the relationship between sand-sand juxtaposition and the occurrence of hydrocarbons-bearing sands. We used the Shale Gouge Ratio (SGR) calculation with prediction of clay content distribution along the faults, pressure data analysis, seismic at tributes modelling and self-organized map clustering analysis for accurate delineation of sand bodies shape. This represents a complex research method of integration of high-quality depth processing with seismic structural and stratigraphic interpretation and, also, geological modeling. In this paper, we assessed the Jurassic and Visean faults of the Solokha gas field, according to their fluid cross-flow facilities. This research will provide valuable information about the presence of prospective places for hydrocarbon accumulation and will likely impact the well staking process for the upcoming drilling.
Geology, Geophysics and Environment; 2015, 41, 3; 275-283
Pojawia się w:
Geology, Geophysics and Environment
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Middle Bronze Age social networks in the Carpathian Basin
Społeczne sieci kontaktów w środkowej epoce brązu na terenie Kotliny Karpackiej
Przybyła, Marcin S.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Jagielloński. Instytut Archeologii
Middle Bronze Age
Carpathian Basin
network analysis
pottery style
The paper discusses the development of pottery traditions in the Carpathian Basin around 1600 BC. Set of data describing decoration of vessels originating from 94 archaeological sites is analysed using tools developed by so called network science. Results of this investigation are confronted with the current discussion concerning the cultural change at the transition of Middle and Late Bronze Age. In the last part of the paper I try to draw more general conclusions as regard the nature of social networks in prehistory.
Celem artykułu jest przeanalizowanie stopnia podobieństwa tradycji ceramicznych rozwijających się w Kotlinie Karpackiej mniej więcej pomiędzy XVIII i XII stuleciem p.n.e. W tym celu wyselekcjonowane zostały 94 stanowiska, które dostarczyły wystarczająco licznej serii dekorowanej ceramiki. Pochodzący z nich materiał został poddany klasyfikacji, a następnie przeanalizowany z użyciem narzędzi statystycznych, w tym zwłaszcza techniki analizy sieci. W rezultacie możliwe było określenie stopnia pokrewieństwa pomiędzy poszczególnymi stanowiskami, wyróżnienie grup o zbliżonych „recepturach” dekoracji ceramiki oraz zbadanie zależności pomiędzy podobieństwem stylistycznym i bliskością geograficzną. Analiza ta dostarczyła jednocześnie obserwacji wspierających pogląd o chronologicznym zazębianiu się tradycji kultur tellowych oraz licznej grupy zjawisk kulturowych pojawiających się w Kotlinie Karpackiej po XVII–XVI stuleciu p.n.e., które tutaj łącznie określane są jako tradycja mogiłowa. Ostatnia część artykułu poświęcona jest ogólniejszej dyskusji nad charakterem społecznych sieci kontaktów w prehistorii. Miedzy innymi konfrontuję w niej obraz sieci manifestujący się w stylu ceramicznym z kontaktami wyznaczanymi przez reguły deponowania przedmiotów brązowych i wzorce w zakresie architektury.
Recherches Archéologiques Nouvelle Serie; 2016, 8; 47-84
Pojawia się w:
Recherches Archéologiques Nouvelle Serie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Large-scale deformations in Neogene deposits near Dobrzyń on the Vistula (central Poland) – thrusting from N/NE or valley-side glaciotectonics in the Płock Basin?
Roman, Małgorzata
Żuk, Rafał
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
soft-sediment deformations
Structural analysis
Płock Basin
The article is focused on the most recent investigations of glaciotectonic structures in high escarpment exposures of the Vistula valley from Dobrzyń to Kuzki in the western part of the Płock Basin. Deformations involve Neogene and occasionally the Lower Pleistocene deposits and they are not expressed as landforms. Structural investigations and analysis of archival geological data provided new information on the origin of large-scale shear structures. Results obtained are clearly contrary to the concept of Brykczyński (1982) regarding valley-side glaciotectonics in the Płock Basin. An emergence of the extensive zone of serial thrust structures of significant amplitude (up to 100–150 m) was found to have not been controlled by a palaeovalley. A driving mechanism is interpreted as a gravity spreading in front of ice sheets advancing from north-northeast during the South Polish Complex (Dorst-Elsterian).
Studia Quaternaria; 2019, 36; 147-159
Pojawia się w:
Studia Quaternaria
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The intramontane Orava Basin - evidence of large-scale Miocene to Quaternary sinistral wrenching in the Alpine-Carpathian-Pannonian area
Ludwiniak, Mirosław
Śmigielski, Michał
Kowalczyk, Sebastian
Łoziński, Maciej
Czarniecka, Urszula
Lewińska, Lena
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
Orava Basin
Central Carpathian Palaeogene Basin
structural analysis
strike-slip related basin
transrotational basin
joint pattern analysis
Western Carpathians
Kotlina Orawska
paleogeński basen centralno-karpacki
paleogeńskiego basen Karpat centralnych
analiza strukturalna
basen przesuwczy
basen transrotacyjny
Karpaty Zachodnie
The Carpathian Orava Basin is a tectonic structure filled with Neogene and Quaternary deposits superimposed on the collision zone between the ALCAPA and European plates. Tectonic features of the south-eastern margin of the Orava Basin and the adjoining part of the fore-arc Central Carpathian Palaeogene Basin were studied. Field observations of mesoscopic structures, analyses of digital elevation models and geological maps, supplemented with electrical resistivity tomography surveys were performed. Particular attention was paid to joint network analysis. The NE-SW-trending Krowiarki and Hruštinka-Biela Orava sinistral fault zones were recognized as key tectonic features that influenced the Orava Basin development. They constitute the north-eastern part of a larger Mur-Mürz-Žilina fault system that separates the Western Carpathians from the Eastern Alps. The interaction of these sinistral fault zones with the older tectonic structures of the collision zone caused the initiation and further development of the Orava Basin as a strike-slip-related basin. The Krowiarki Fault Zone subdivides areas with a different deformation pattern within the sediments of the Central Carpathian Palaeogene Basin and was active at least from the time of cessation of its sedimentation in the early Miocene. Comparison of structural data with the recent tectonic stress field, earthquake focal mechanisms and GPS measurements allows us to conclude that the Krowiarki Fault Zone shows a stable general pattern of tectonic activity for more than the last 20 myr and is presently still active.
Acta Geologica Polonica; 2019, 69, 3; 339-386
Pojawia się w:
Acta Geologica Polonica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Late Carboniferous thin-skinned deformation in the Lublin Basin, SE Poland: Results of combined seismic data interpretation, structural restoration and subsidence analysis
Kufrasa, Mateusz
Stypa, Agata
Krzywiec, Piotr
Słonka, Łukasz
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Geologiczne
quantitative modelling
burial analysis
structural interpretation
Late Carboniferous deformation
Lublin Basin
The aim of this study was to investigate the factors, which controlled the lateral change of structural style in the southeastern part of the Lublin Basin (Poland). Five selected seismic reflection profiles were interpreted with a focus on structural interpretation. Along the representative seismic reflection profile, a geological cross-section was constructed and restored. The structural model was supplemented/refined with core analysis to characterize the deformation mode affecting Silurian strata at a sub-seismic scale (i.e. below the seismic vertical resolution). Published palaeothickness maps were used to estimate the pre-deformation thickness of partly eroded Carboniferous rocks. The results of cross-section restoration were then compared to the subsidence modelling carried out for one deep well. The study revealed that during Late Carboniferous shortening, a thick layer of Silurian shales played the role of detachment level, above which brittle Devonian-Carboniferous strata were folded and thrust. The lateral extent of thin-skinned deformation was controlled by the presence of a step in the basement and the pinching out of the Silurian strata. In the northwestern part of the Lublin Basin, the Kock Fault Zone acted as a region of strain concentration, where Silurian shales were tectonically thickened, and shows a ductile style of deformation resembling the mushwad structures of the Appalachian fold-and-thrust belt.
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae; 2019, 89, 2; 175-194
Pojawia się w:
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Trend analysis of flood peaks in lower reaches of Satluj River, Himachal Pradesh, India
Kumar, S.
Santosh, ---
Data publikacji:
Przedsiębiorstwo Wydawnictw Naukowych Darwin / Scientific Publishing House DARWIN
flood peaks
mann-kendall test
satluj river basin
trend analysis.
Climate change arising from anthropogenic driven emissions of greenhouse gases has emerged as one of the most important environmental issues in the last two decades. One of the most significant potential consequences of climate change may be alteration in regional hydrological cycle and river flow regimes. Increased temperature is expected to increase the peak flows in snowfed rivers of Himalayas. The changing pattern of regional temperature on flood peaks deserves urgent and systematic attention over a basin which provides an insight view of historical trends. Lower reaches of Satluj River is selected for the present study. Testing the significance of observed trends in flood peaks has received a great attention recently, especially in connection with climate change. The data series available was 48 years (1967-2010). The records were subjected to trend analysis by using both non-parametric (Mann-Kendall test) and parametric (linear regression analysis) procedures. For better understanding of the observed trends, flood peaks were computed into standardised flood peak indices (SFPI). These standardised data series were plotted against time and the linear trends observed were represented graphically. The analysis of flood peaks at different observation stations in lower reaches of Satluj River showed a large variability in the trends and magnitudes. The trend analysis results of flood peaks and gauge heights indicate that the flood peaks at all sites i.e. Rampur, Suni and Kasol show increasing but statistically insignificant trends. The trends in gauge height at all sites are also showing increasing trend but Kasol is statistically significant at 95% confidence level. The fast melting of glaciers, incessant monsoon rainfall and the synchronisation of the discharge peaks are the main causes of river floods. The past flood peaks will help us to observe the frequency of occurrence of floods in certain region and to determine whether the flood peaks in the past have been same with that of the present or whether there is any deviation in the trend in relation to climate change. Such studies will help in designing mitigation and adaptation strategies towards extreme hydrological events.
International Letters of Natural Sciences; 2015, 46
Pojawia się w:
International Letters of Natural Sciences
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Kock Fault Zone as an indicator of tectonic stress regime changes at the margin of the East European Craton (Poland)
Tomaszczyk, M.
Jarosiński, M.
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
seismic interpretation
borehole core analysis
Kock Fault Zone
Lublin Basin
Integrated tectonic interpretation of seismic data and core samples from boreholes in the vicinity of the Kock Fault Zone (KFZ) allowed us to identify several tectonic deformation events that were responsible for creating its complex structure. The KFZ is an example of a mechanically weak regional-scale tectonic structure that accumulated deformation over hundreds of millions of years and therefore is a good indicator of stress regime changes in a broader area. The KFZ is here regarded as a combination and superposition of two genetically and temporally different faults: the older Kock Fault, which is an inverted normal fault, and the younger, low-angle Kock Thrust. The first, Silurian stage of KFZ evolution occurred in a tensional stress regime that gave rise to the activation of a deeply rooted normal-slip precursor to the Kock Fault. Subsequently, this fault underwent inversion during the Late Famennian compressive/transpressive event. In the Early Carboniferous, the tectonic stress regime changed into tension/transtension, leading to extrusion of basalt magma and abundant mineralisation in the vicinity of the inverted Kock Fault, followed by tectonically relaxed sedimentation of Carboniferous strata. The deposition was terminated by a compressional event at the end of the Westphalian. Contraction resulted in the formation of the low-angle Kock Thrust decoupled in Silurian shale that cut across the upper part of the Kock Fault and displaced it towards the NE, over the East European Craton foreland.
Geological Quarterly; 2017, 61, 4; 908--925
Pojawia się w:
Geological Quarterly
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Investigation of the Applicability of Data-Driven Techniques in Hydrological Modeling: The Case of Seyhan Basin
Turhan, Evren
Keleş, Mümine Kaya
Tantekin, Atakan
Keleş, Abdullah Emre
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Koszalińska. Wydawnictwo Uczelniane
artificial neural networks
drought analysis
data mining
Multilayer Perceptron
Seyhan Basin
Proper water resources planning and management is based on reliable hydrological data. Missing rainfall and runoff observation data, in particular, can cause serious risks in the planning of hydraulics structures. Hydrological modeling process is quitely complex. Therefore, using alternative estimation techniques to forecast missing data is reasonable. In this study, two data-driven techniques such as Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) and Data Mining were investigated in terms of availability in hydrology works. Feed Forward Back Propagation (FFBPNN) and Generalized Regression Neural Networks (GRNN) methods were performed on rainfall-runoff modeling for ANN. Besides, Hydrological drought analysis were examined using data mining technique. The Seyhan Basin was preferred to carry out these techniques. It is thought that the application of different techniques in the same basin could make a great contribute to the present work. Consequently, it is seen that FFBPNN is the best model for ANN in terms of giving the highest R2 and lowest MSE values. Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) algorithm was used to predict the drought type according to limit values. This system has been applied to show the relationship between hydrological data and measure the prediction accuracy of the drought analysis. According to the obtained data mining results, MLP algorithm gives the best accuracy results as flow observation stations using SRI-3 month data.
Rocznik Ochrona Środowiska; 2019, Tom 21, cz. 1; 29-51
Pojawia się w:
Rocznik Ochrona Środowiska
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Evolution of a sedimentary infill of a palaeovalley at a distal margin of the peripheral foreland basin
Nehyba, Slavomír
Gilíková, Helena
Tomanová-Petrová, Pavla
Otava, Jiří
Skácelová, Zuzana
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
peripheral foreland basin
confined valley
facies analysis
provenance study
The entrenched Odra palaeovalley, cut into the bedrock of the distal margin (forebulge basal unconformity) of the Moravian Carpathian Foredeep (peripheral foreland basin) is filled with an almost 300 m thick pile of Miocene deposits. The directon of the valley (NW-SE to NNW-SSE) has been controlled by faults subparallel with the system of “sudetic faults“. The sedimentary succession consists of 5 facies associations/depositional environments, which are interpreted (from bottom to top, i.e. from the oldest to the youngest) as: 1 - colluvial deposits to deposits of alluvial fan, 2 - deposits of alluvial fan, 3 - fan-delta deposits, 4 - shallow water delta to nearshore deposits and 5 - open marine deposits. This fining-up and deepening-up succession reveals the following: the formation of the new flexural shape of the basin; deep erosion connected with uplift and tilting of the forebulge and reactivation of the NW-SE trending basement faults; the Early/Middle Miocene sea level fall; alluvial deposition mostly driven by tectonics and morphology; forebulge flexural retreat; Middle-Miocene sea level rise; back-stepping of valley infill; marine invasion during the Early Badenian with shift of the coastline further landward of the pallaeovalley. Tectonics related to contemporary thrusting processes in the Western Carpathians are assumed to be the dominating factor of the studied deposition at the expense of eustatic sea level changes. Provenance studies have proven that the pre-Neogene basement (i.e. the Early Carboniferous clastic “Culmian facies” ofthe Moravian-Silesian Paleozoic) represents an important source for the conglomerates and sands, which volumetrically dominate in the palaeovalley infill. However, they also showed, that the deposits of the earlier Carpathian Foredeep Basin sedimentary stage (Karpatian in age?) covered the area under study and were eroded and resedimented into the palaeovalley infill.
Geological Quarterly; 2019, 63, 2; 319--344
Pojawia się w:
Geological Quarterly
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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