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Die Katechumenatsmethode in der Vorbereitung auf das Sakrament der Firmung (Katechumenat in engeren und weiteren Sinne nach dem II. Vatikanischen Konzil)
The Use of the Catechumenal Method in Preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation (the Catechumenate in the Narrow and Broad Sense of the Word after the Second Vatican Council)
Wykorzystanie metody katechumenalnej w przygotowaniu do sakramentu bierzmowania (Katechumenat w węższym i szerszym znaczeniu po Soborze Watykańskim II)
Krakowiak, Czesław
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
katechumenat chrzcielny
włączenie dorosłych do Kościoła
metody formacji
baptismal catechumenate
including adults in the Church
methods of formation
Przygotowanie kandydatów do bierzmowania dla wielu duszpasterzy i katechetów stanowi obecnie poważny problem. Stosowane dotąd metody dalszego i bliższego przygotowania są coraz bardziej mało skuteczne. Odwołując się do nauczania Kościoła od Dyrektorium Ogólnego o katechizacji, adhortacji Pawła VI Evangelii nuntiandi, Katechizmu Kościoła Katolickiego i rytuału Obrzędy chrześcijańskiego wtajemniczenia dorosłych, autor najpierw charakteryzuje metodę formacji dorosłych do przyjęcia sakramentów inicjacji chrześcijańskiej, a następnie wskazuje na możliwości jej zastosowania w przygotowaniu kandydatów do bierzmowania. Tak jak formacja katechumenów odbywa się w ramach wspólnoty parafialnej, podobnie również w przygotowaniu do bierzmowania powinni być zaangażowani przynajmniej jej przedstawiciele. Formacja dorosłych katechumenów do sakramentów obejmuje ich ewangelizację (kerygma i katecheza), będącą przekazem treści wiary Kościoła i zasad życia moralnego, oraz liczne celebracje liturgiczne, związane z przechodzeniem kandydatów na wyższy stopień przygotowania. Tę metodę można z powodzeniem wykorzystać, przygotowując młodzież do sakramentu bierzmowania. Wzorem takiej formacji kandydatów może być IV rozdział rytuału „Przygotowanie do bierzmowania i Eucharystii dorosłych, którzy przyjęli chrzest jako dzieci, ale nie otrzymali pouczenia w wierze”. Ponieważ kandydaci są już ochrzczeni, w ich przygotowaniu należy ciągle odwoływać się do tego sakramentu. W ten sposób prowadzi się ich do osobistego przyjęcia wiary, w której zostali ochrzczeni, i do nawrócenia potwierdzonego przyjęciem sakramentu pokuty i pojednania. Do sakramentu chrztu nawiązują sprawowane w tym czasie celebracje typowe dla katechumenatu, a zwane traditiones: znaczenie znakiem krzyża na czole, przekazanie Symbolu wiary, Modlitwy Pańskiej i Ewangelii. Nie można jednak stosować obrzędu wybrania (electio) i namaszczenia olejem katechumenów ani egzorcyzmów (zastępują je celebracje pokutne). W zakończeniu autor proponuje następujące celebracje w okresie przygotowania w parafii młodzieży do bierzmowania: obrzęd włączenia kandydatów do grupy formacyjnej przygotowującej do sakramentu bierzmowania we wspólnocie parafialnej i obrzęd przyjęcia prośby o udzielenie sakramentu bierzmowania.
Preparation of the candidates for Confirmation is at present a serious problem for many priests and catechists. The methods of farther and nearer preparation that has been used up till now are getting less and less efficient. Referring to the teaching of the Church the author first characterizes the method of formation of adults for receiving sacraments of Christian initiation, and then points to the possibilities of using it in preparing candidates for Confirmation. Formation of catechumens is done in the parish community and in a similar way, in preparation for Confirmation at least its representatives should be involved. Formation of adult catechumens in preparation for sacraments comprises their evangelization (kerygma and catechesis), that is transmission of the contents of the Church’s faith and principles of moral life, as well as numerous liturgical celebrations connected with the candidates passing to a higher level of preparation. This method may be successfully used in preparing young people for the Sacrament of Confirmation. Chapter IV of the ritual “Preparation for Confirmation and the Eucharist of adults who received Baptism as children, but did not receive the teaching in the faith” may be a model for such formation. Since the candidates are already baptized, this sacrament should be constantly referred to. In this way they are conducted to personal acceptance of the faith in which they were baptized, and to conversion confirmed by accepting the Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation.
Roczniki Liturgiczno-Homiletyczne; 2012, 3; 21-30
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Liturgiczno-Homiletyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Imiona chrzestne wśród katolików i ewangelików w Toruniu w XIX i początku XX wieku
Baptismal Names of Catholics and Evangelicals in the 19th and at the beginning of the 20th Centuries
Katholische und Evangelische Taufnamen in Thorn im 19. Jh. und am Anfang des 20. Jhs.
Zielińska, Agnieszka
Data publikacji:
Towarzystwo Miłośników Torunia
Imiona chrzestne
XIX i początek XX wieku
Baptismal Names
19th and at the beginning of the 20th Centuries
19. Jh. und am Anfang des 20. Jhs
Rocznik Toruński; 2012, 39; 161-193
Pojawia się w:
Rocznik Toruński
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Mosiężne misy norymberskie w zbiorach Muzeum Archidiecezjalnego w Poznaniu
Nuremberg Brass Bowls in the Collection of the Archdiocesan Museum in Poznań
Bartkowiak, Bogumiła
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
artisctic handicraft
brass bowls
brass bowl coppersmith
decorative motifs
inscriptions on dishes
baptismal bowls
collection of bowls
Bowls as artistic metal vessels were already known in antiquity. But only in the Middle Ages the art of Islam gave them an independent artistic expression. In European art we can distinguish two groups of richly decorated metal bowls. Indication of Nuremberg as the centre of producing such bowls follows from the position of the city in those times - a European centre of artistic han- dicraft. The brass bowls from Nuremberg reached wherever the merchant trading in them could get on foot or horseback. They served as interior decorations and rich burghers used them for practical purposes. But they were also sometimes used for collecting alms. They started to be used for sacral purposes, mostly as baptismal bowls, as late as the 17th century. Among an abundance of motifs and decorative representations three dominated both in terms of frequency and length of time when they were in use. Those were: „The Original Sin", „The Annunciation" and a whirling rosette. Since 1500 inscriptions became an indispensable element of the bottom and its decoration. The year 1543 marks the beginning of a decline in the production of brass dishes. In 1550 the production of matrices stopped and in 1618 the craft of brass bowl coppersmith became extinct.
Ecclesia. Studia z Dziejów Wielkopolski; 2012, 7; 333-348
Pojawia się w:
Ecclesia. Studia z Dziejów Wielkopolski
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Dawny kościół ewangelicki w Pogorzeli1. Z dziejów przekształceń architektury ewangelickiej w Wielkopolsce
The Former Evangelical Church in Pogorzela. From the History of Architectural Transformations in Greater Poland
Krzyślak, Bolesława
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Pogorzelscy - the owners
Tyszkiewiczowie - estate owners
Wojciech Kossak - painter
Paul Bernstein - minister
quotations from the Scripture
baptismal font
prayer house
F. W. Butzke - architect
F. A. Stuler - architect
The first dissenters arrived in Pogorzela during the time of the Reformation, but the first prayer house of the evangelical settlers was set up much later. For this purpose they rebuilt a wooden barn from 1778. In this building services were presided over by the parson from the nearby Kobylin, and once a week the teacher from Gumienice preached sermons. In 1853 the first local parson was appointed and so it was possible to establish a separate parish. The construction of the present church lasted from 1860 until October 1861, and on 24 July 1862 it was solemnly consecrated. The church in Pogorzela was built by Friedrich Wilhelm Butzke according to a typical government design by F.A. Stüler. In 1904 the parsonage was built.
Ecclesia. Studia z Dziejów Wielkopolski; 2013, 8; 237-281
Pojawia się w:
Ecclesia. Studia z Dziejów Wielkopolski
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Imiona chrzestne dzieci chłopskich okolic Fajsławic w drugiej połowie XVIII wieku
Baptismal Names in Peasant Families of the Fajslawice Area in the Second Half of the 18th Century
Adamiak, Kazimierz
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
onomastyka historyczna
imiona chrzestne
kult świętych w Kościele katolickim
wieś lubelska w XVIII wieku
historical onomastics
baptismal names
cult of saints in the Catholic Church
villages in the Lublin region in the 18th century
First names given to children depend on many factors: ethnic background, religion, geographic location, societal status or time period. This article deals with the name-giving pattern and its evolution in peasant families during the period 1757-1809 in four villages within the realm of the parish of Fajsławice in the Lublin Region. The four villages in question were: Fajsławice, Siedliska, Suchodoły and Wola Idzikowska. At the beginning of the period under analysis, the pool of baptismal names was rather small: only 33 different male and 26 female names were used. The distribution of these names was hardly homogenous: 8.3% of all boys were named Wojciech, 19.8% of girls – Marianna, while some other names were used only once. A similar pattern was also observed in the other regions of Poland at that time. In order to identify what motivated parents as regards name selection, a few factors have been investigated: birth near the patron saint day, name inheritance from parents, and inspiration from the local cult of saints. The statistical analysis of the annual distribution of given names over the first 13 years of the parish’s existence proved to be most strongly affected by the date of birth: 95.8% of all boys were given the name of a saint, whose patron date was in the period of 4 weeks before or 4 weeks after the boy’s birth date; 81.6% for those who were born two weeks before or one week after the patron date. In most cases, the name was selected after a patron whose day was after the birth date. For girls’ names, the effect of the birth date on the baptismal name was slightly weaker, but still dominant: 86.9% of all girls born during the period between 4 weeks before and 4 weeks after the saint day received the name of the patroness. The analysis has also shown that the children’s names were practically not affected by the parents’ names or the names of a parish patron saint. The same name was given to siblings only if the previous one had died. In the period of 50 years under analysis, the naming pattern underwent a significant change: 76 new names were introduced (44 for boys and 32 for girls). Practically all of them followed the calendar rule, but the crucial role in their selection was played by the parish priests: some of them were more conservative and introduced practically no new names; some others were very creative, although some of the names they suggested did not stay in the pool of active names for a long time. The tradition of giving two names was not very significant, but, some parish priests tended to give double names more often than others. Many new names, both single and double ones, were inspired by new saints canonized in the 17th and the 18th century, especially those, who were Jesuits.
Roczniki Historii Kościoła; 2013, 5; 139-180
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Historii Kościoła
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Liturgia sakramentu bierzmowania w pracach nad „Ordo Confirmationis” 1971
The liturgy of confirmation sacrament in the works on ordo confirmationis of 1971
Krakowiak, Czesław
Data publikacji:
Towarzystwo Naukowe Franciszka Salezego
Liturgia bierzmowania
Ordo Confirmationis
prezentacja kandydatów
odnowienie przyrzeczeń chrztu
Pierwsza Komunia św
Msza św
liturgia słowa Bożego
Coetus a Studiis XX
Paweł VI
Kongregacje Rzymskie
Confirmation liturgy
presentation of candidates
renewal of baptismal promises
the First Holy Communion
the Holy Mass
the Liturgy of the Word
Paul VI
Roman Congregations
The article deals with the works carried out on the reformation and renewal of Confirmation sacrament, Ordo Confirmationis, promulgated in 1971. The reform of the book was postulated in votes and suggestions by bishops, Roman Congregations and catholic universities and presented to the Holy See before the Council. Editorial works on Ordo Confirmationis were carried out by Consilium ad exsequendam Constitutionem de Sacra Liturgia and a special work team appointed especially for this task, namely, Coetus a Studiis XX, which consisted of experts on Confirmation liturgy history, theology and legal issues. The team prepared successive schemes of De Confirmatione, which were then discussed and consulted with the members of relevant Congregations and submitted to Pope Paul VI for assessment. Ordo Confirmationis is mainly the work of Coetus a Studiis XX, whereas Praenotanda were prepared by The Congregation for Divine Worship in cooperation with other discasteria of the Holy See. The final version of Ordo Confirmationis was preceded by a special Apostolic Constitution, Divinae consortiun naturae, in which the Pope approved of the rites and defined a significant sacramental sign of Confirmation (substance and formula). Since then, Confirmation is usually bestowed during the Holy Mass and, in other cases, it is always combined with the Liturgy of the Word.
Seminare. Poszukiwania naukowe; 2014, 35, 2; 47-59
Pojawia się w:
Seminare. Poszukiwania naukowe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Unikalne znaczenie wody chrzcielnej i jej wykradanie do praktyk magicznych przyczyną ewolucji formy chrzcielnicy i jej zabezpieczenia
Baptismal font form evolution and protection of the place of baptism celebration resulting from the growing importance of baptismal water and instances of its stealing for sorcery rituals
Nowiński, Janusz
Data publikacji:
Towarzystwo Naukowe Franciszka Salezego
zabezpieczenie chrzcielnicy
woda chrztu
profanacja sakramentów
czarna magia
praktyki magiczne
magiczne figurki z wosku
The growing importance of baptismal water since the 3rd c
emphasized in the ceremony of its blessing with holy oils (benedictio fontis) which occurred in the Early Middle Ages and Carolingian ceremonies
developed the perception of baptismal water as a res sacra
a holy item category
turning it into unique matter
Its presence in the baptismal font influenced the development of the shape and decoration of the baptismal vessel
primarily by compositionally exposing the basin which clearly dominated the pedestal
The holiness and the sanctifying power of the Sacrament matter were illustrated in the font basin decoration
In the Middle Ages
the sacramental matter of baptismal water was used in sorcery practices related to the so-called effigy magic (invultuatio)
In order to enhance the magic power and identification with sorcery addressees
wax figurines that represented them underwent a rite of sorcery Baptism being given the name of an individual a magic ritual was targeted at
As a result
baptismal water together with the consecrated oil of Chrism and oil of the Catechumens were stolen from churches
Those sacrilege practices made the Church issue an order to keep baptismal fonts locked (sub clave)
the latter resulting in various forms of preventing access to the baptismal font
from simple lids strengthened with metal ferrules
up to impressive conic ones
with time becoming more and more artistically elaborate
The problem of securing fonts remained open also in the post-Tridentine period
Rituale Romanum issued in 1614 instructed to lock the fonts and fence them off with a closing balustrade
Magdalena Iwińska
baptismal font
baptismal font protection
baptismal water
Sacrament profanation
black magic
sorcery practices
sorcery wax figurines
The growing importance of baptismal water since the 3rd c., emphasized in the ceremony of its blessing with holy oils (benedictio fontis) which occurred in the Early Middle Ages and Carolingian ceremonies, developed the perception of baptismal water as a res sacra, a holy item category, turning it into unique matter. Its presence in the baptismal font influenced the development of the shape and decoration of the baptismal vessel, primarily by compositionally exposing the basin which clearly dominated the pedestal. The holiness and the sanctifying power of the Sacrament matter were illustrated in the font basin decoration. In the Middle Ages, the sacramental matter of baptismal water was used in sorcery practices related to the so-called effigy magic (invultuatio). In order to enhance the magic power and identification with sorcery addressees, wax figurines that represented them underwent a rite of sorcery Baptism being given the name of an individual a magic ritual was targeted at. As a result, baptismal water together with the consecrated oil of Chrism and oil of the Catechumens were stolen from churches. Those sacrilege practices made the Church issue an order to keep baptismal fonts locked (sub clave), the latter resulting in various forms of preventing access to the baptismal font: from simple lids strengthened with metal ferrules, up to impressive conic ones, with time becoming more and more artistically elaborate. The problem of securing fonts remained open also in the post-Tridentine period. Rituale Romanum issued in 1614 instructed to lock the fonts and fence them off with a closing balustrade.
Seminare. Poszukiwania naukowe; 2014, 35, 2; 175-191
Pojawia się w:
Seminare. Poszukiwania naukowe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Chrzty szlacheckie w parafii Luzino w drugiej połowie XVIII wieku
Baptisms of nobles in the parish church of Luzino in the second half of the 18th century
Stachowska-Krzyżankowska, Anna
Data publikacji:
Towarzystwo Naukowe w Toruniu
the Old Polish demography
the family of minor noblemen
the Early Modern age
minor noblemen
metrical registration
Old Polish baptismal certificates
This article is the fruit of research on the Kashubian genealogy and demography of a family of minor noblemen in the Early Modern period. Birth and baptismal certificates constitute a rich source of research material, whose thorough analysis enables us to observe the demographic changes taking place in a given community. Despite the fact that the obligation of regular birth and baptismal registration was introduced in the mid-16th century by the Council of Trent, in Poland birth and baptismal books did not become common until the first half of the 18th century. The source basis of the article is the book of baptisms in the parish church of Luzino from the years 1758–1797. Most villages belonging to the parish constituted the property of minor Kashubian noblemen. Out of 3075 baptisms recorded in the book, over 15% concerned the offspring of noble people. The aim of the article is to discuss those demographic elements, which could be captured in the process of the thorough analysis of birth and baptismal records. The research allowed us to define the average annual number of baptisms for subsequent five-year-long periods, to discover seasonality in conceptions and births, and to learn about the time and place of baptisms. The article also touches upon the issue of non-marital births in individual families and attempts to look at the onomastic trends among the 18th century Kashubian noblemen and to reveal the rules they followed while chosing names and godparents for their children.
Zapiski Historyczne; 2015, 80, 3; 121-150
Pojawia się w:
Zapiski Historyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Duchowość nowego człowieka w perspektywie tajemnicy sakramentu chrztu
The spirituality of the new man in the perspective of the mystery of the sacrament of baptism
Piasecki, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Christian spirituality
baptismal spirituality
the new man's spirituality
St. Paul's spirituality
homo novus
new creation
submission to the Holy Spirit
inclusion into Christ
inclusion into the Church
multidimensionality of Christian spirit
duchowość chrześcijańska
duchowość chrzcielna
duchowość nowego człowieka
duchowość św. Pawła
nowe stworzenie
uległość Duchowi Świętemu
włączenie w Chrystusa
włączenie w Kościół
wielowymiarowość duchowości chrześcijańskiej
Chrześcijanin może odnaleźć się we współczesnym świecie i aktywnie wpływać na jego przyszłość realizując swoje powołanie tylko w oparciu o określoną duchowość. Najogólniej możemy ją określić jako duchowość chrzcielną. Posługując się pawłową dychotomią: stary i nowy człowiek; śmierć i zmartwychwstanie, wyłania się pełne dynamizmu pojęcie duchowości nowego człowieka. Koncentruje się wokół nowości Chrystusa i nowego życia, którego On jest źródłem. Nowość życia ochrzczonego zasadza się na bezpośredniej, i wciąż budzącej pełen ekscytacji niedosyt relacji, jaka wywiązuje się pomiędzy człowiekiem a Chrystusem, obecnym i działającym w Kościele. Duchowość nowego człowieka jest organiczna, bowiem można mówić o jej integralności w wieloaspektowości. Obejmując duchowość krzyża, zmartwychwstania, śmierci i nowego życia, uległości Duchowi Świętemu, modlitwy, misyjną, antropologiczną oraz włączając się w nurt eklezjologii, trynitologii i eschatologii, dlatego stanowi innowacyjny wkład do właściwego postrzegania duchowości chrześcijańskiej.
Christians can find themselves in the modern world and actively influence their future, fulfilling their vocation only with the foundation in a particular spirituality. It is spirituality which can most generally be denominated ‘baptismal spirituality’. Making use of Paul's dichotomy: the old man and the new man; death and resurrection, a dynamic notion of the new man's spiritually is emerging. It focuses on the novelty of Christ and the new life of which He is the source. The novelty of the life of a baptized is based on a direct, full of excitement yet never satisfied, relation between man and Christ, who is present and active in the Church. The spirituality of the new man is organic because its integrity is multifaceted, as it encompasses the spirituality of: the Cross, the Resurrection, the death and the new life, submission to the Holy Spirit, prayer, and also missionary and anthropological one, as well as it falls within ecclesiology, trinitology, and eschatology. That is why such comprehension of the spirituality of the new man constitutes an innovative contribution to adequate perception of Christian spirituality.
Teologia i moralność; 2015, 10, 1(17); 45-59
Pojawia się w:
Teologia i moralność
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Egzorcyzmy chrzcielne w liturgii rzymskiej
Baptismal Exorcism in the Roman Liturgy
Krakowiak, Czesław
Data publikacji:
Towarzystwo Naukowe Franciszka Salezego
baptismal exorcism, baptism, catechumenate, Satan, scrutiny, Gelasian Sacramentary, Rituale Romanum, Collectio rituum, Ordo baptismi pueororum, Ordo baptismi adultorum, Ordo initiationis christianae adultorum, baptism of infants, baptism of the adults
egzorcyzm chrzcielny, chrzest, katechumenat, szatan, skrutynia, Sakramentarz Galazjański, Rituale Romanum, Collectio rituum, Ordo baptismi pueororum, Ordo baptismi adultorum, Ordo initiationis christianae adultorum, chrzest dzieci, chrzest dorosłych
The author analyses and describes the prayers of baptismal exorcisms, starting from the Gelasian Sacramentary, through the following editions of the Roman Rite from 1614 to 1972. Baptismal exorcisms are supplicatory prayers for the liberation from the dominion, influence and traps of Satan. Until Vaticanum II, baptismal exorcisms consisted mainly of commanding formulas, frequently repeated, uttered directly to Satan called as maledictus diabolus, damnatus maledictus, immunde spiritus, maledictus satana, inimicus. Today, they are mainly a humble prayer directed to God the Father and to Jesus Christ for the liberation from satanic influence. During the catechumenate these are called the first or the minor exorcisms (primi, seu minores). Of more importance are those exorcisms that are made during the cleansing and enlightment periods, that is, on the 3rd, 4th and 5th Sunday of Lent, inspired by the Gospel about the Samaritan woman, about the healing of the man born blind and about the rising of Lazarus from death.
Seminare. Poszukiwania naukowe; 2015, 36, 4; 27-39
Pojawia się w:
Seminare. Poszukiwania naukowe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Pastoralny wymiar przygotowania rodziców do chrztu dziecka
Pastoral aspect of parental preparation for their child’s baptism
Bohdanowicz, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
the sacrament of initiation
baptismal preparation.
sakramenty wtajemniczenia
formacja chrzcielna.
Wśród siedmiu sakramentów chrzest św. zajmuje szczególne miejsce gdyż jest udzielany na wyraźne polecenie samego Chrystusa. Nazywa się go także sakramentem wprowadzającym do wspólnoty Kościoła, gdyż od jego przyjęcia uzależnione jest otrzymanie innych sakramentów. Potrzeba przybliżenia dzisiaj wiernym tajemnicy chrztu św. wynika z pewnych braków w poznaniu i pojmowaniu tego sakramentu wśród samych ochrzczonych. Dlatego należy ponownie zastanowić się nad rolą i formą przygotowania do chrztu. W odniesieniu do przygotowania rodziców do chrztu dziecka w artykule przedstawiono propozycję trzyetapowego procesu obejmującego etap dalszy, bliższy i bezpośredni. Autor apeluje o odwołanie się do formacji neokatechumenalnej w duszpasterstwie tradycyjnym związanym z udzielaniem tego sakramentu, ponowne odkrycie wartości Eucharystii i Chrztu Św. szczególnie w okresie Wielkiego Postu, a na końcu omawia bezpośrednie przygotowanie obrzędu chrztu św. i jego liturgiczne celebrowanie.
Among the seven sacraments Baptism has a special place since the Church has been ordered to perform it by Christ himself. It is also called the sacrament of initiation which introduces a person into the community of Catholics and the first sacrament since the reception of the other sacraments depends on it. There seems to be a strong need to explore its nature and meaning to raise consciousness among the baptized. For this reason a role and form of baptismal preparation should be reconsidered. In the case of parents’ preparation for their infant baptism a three stage process has been presented, both gradual and permanent, comprising three phases: remote, proximate and immediate. The author calls for applying the neo-catechumenal way in the traditional pastoral practice associated with baptizing, rediscovering the value of the sacraments of Baptism and the Eucharist, especially in the Lent and finally discusses preparation of the Sacrament itself and its liturgical celebration.
Teologia i moralność; 2015, 10, 1(17); 117-130
Pojawia się w:
Teologia i moralność
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Teologiczny i antropologiczny wymiar obrzędów chrzcielnych w Kościele IV wieku
Theological and anthropological significance of baptismal rites in Church of the 4th century
Czyżewski, Bogdan
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
chrzest św.
ryty chrzcielne
Cyryl Jerozolimski
Jan Chryzostom
Ambroży z Mediolanu
Teodor z Mopsuestii
Holy Baptism
Baptismal Rites
Cyril of Jerusalem
John Chrysostom
Ambrose of Milan
Theodor Mopsuestia
The Holy Baptism in Church in period of the first centuries was considered as an extra ordinary and important event, both in life of the baptized person, as well as in the entire Church community. Almost exact information on baptism in Church of the 4th century is available in existing documents of empathetical discourses on baptism by four great Fathers of the Church: St. Cyril of Jerusalem, St. John Chrysostom, St. Ambrose of Milan, and Theodor, bishop of Mopsuestia. Thus in this paper I have decided to present only the Baptismal Rites and their theological and anthropological significance. In terms of the mentioned authors’ writings, we can find two parts of the baptismal liturgy where they consist of particular Rites. The first part is devoted to so called the rites preceding a ceremony of baptism, It means to surrender Satan, take off cloths and apply the holy oil before one’s baptism. Another Rite, i.e. taking off clothes of the candidates to be baptized, was significant for the new way of life of a certain human being, and rejection of the old man with his all affairs and matters. Authors of baptismal discourses also paid their attention to application of the holy oil. The second part of Baptismal Rites was related to baptismal immersion itself. First of all, there was the following order: to reach the baptismal tank, immerse in waters three times, then leave it and put on the white clothes. The theological interpretation of particular Baptismal Rites in writings of the Church of the 4th century was rather compact. Even in case of some differences available, they were not concerned with the principal aspects, but strictly devoted to the baptism itself in order to understand the ceremony, and all particular order of the Baptismal Rites.
Vox Patrum; 2015, 63; 113-127
Pojawia się w:
Vox Patrum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
A.D. 966. Chrzest księcia Mieszka. Dylematy naukowe i znaczenie tego aktu dla przemian kulturowych na ziemiach polskich. Zagadnienia wybrane
A.D. 966. The Baptism of Duke Mieszko. Research Dilemmas and the Importance of the Act for Cultural Transformations in Poland
Wyrwa, Andrzej Marek
Data publikacji:
Muzeum Pierwszych Piastów na Lednicy
chrzest księcia Mieszka I
Bolesław Chrobry
rok 966
księżna Dobrawa
biskup Jordan
chrystianizacja ziem polskich chrystianizacja Pomorzan
chrystianizacja Prusów
św. Wojciech
św. Bruno z Kwerfurtu
św. Otton z Bambergu
św. Wulfram z Sens
Ethelbert władca Kentu
św. Metody
Włodzimierzksiążę Rusi
Gall Anonim
Jan Długosz
burzenie bałwanów
baseny chrzcielne na ziemiach polskich
Ostrów Lednicki
1050. rocznica symbolicznego chrztu Polski
baptism of Duke Mieszko I
Bolesław the Brave
Duchess Dobrawa,
Bishop Jordan
Christianization of the Polish lands
Christianization of the Pomeranians
Christianization of Prussia
St Adalbert
St Bruno of Querfurt
St Otto of Bamberg
St Wulfram of Sens
king Æthelbert of Kent
St Methodius
Prince Vladimir of Rus
Gall Anonymous
demolition of idols
baptismal fonts in Poland
anniversary of the symbolic baptism of Poland
This paper provides a general overview of selected sources and ideas functioning in Polish historiography on the baptism of Duke Mieszko I and the early stages of the Christianization of the Polish lands. The issue has long been debated by historians specialising in different fields, and new hypotheses and interpretations are still formulated. As part of this unfinished discussion, this paper seeks to make some general comments on some of the most lively discussed questions. Understandably, the hypotheses presented in the paper do not unravel all the mysteries and issues are still pending further research. The baptism of Duke Mieszko I, and thus the symbolic baptism of Poland, coincided with a moment of an intense expansion of Christianity in Europe (Fig. 1). Regardless of its religious, political and cultural significance for the next generations of rulers, nobles, prelates, chroniclers, historians, writers, artists and many others, the baptism has always been a great inspiration for various creative undertakings. The origins of historical reflections on this act can be found, e.g., in the chronicles of Thietmar or Gallus Anonymous. The latter rendered the events of this Holy Saturday of 966 in a very colourful and symbolic way, approximately 150 years later. In his chronicle, Gallus Anonymous noted, e.g., that just as Duke Mieszko was healed from blindness as a child, so having married a Bohemian Duchess Dobrawa, Mieszko — as a prudent and foresighted ruler — accepted baptism. The baptism freed him and his subjects from the blindness and darkness of paganism, giving them in return the clarity and truthfulness of the new faith. Although the very act, its exact date and location, as well as its cultural and civilization- bearing role are still subjects of heated debate among historians specialising in various fields, there is no doubt that it marked the beginning of a new phase in the connection between the Polish lands and the European cultural circle. At first, the process of Christianization involved merely a small circle of the society. The establishment of Christianity in the whole area of Poland was a very long process, characterised by varying dynamics and completed — using a variety of means — not earlier than at the end of the thirteenth century. Nevertheless, Mieszko I’s baptism inscribed our lands into the circle of Christian Europe in perpetuity. What did the adoption of Christianity mean for Poland? Through the introduction of the Christian faith, regardless of its initial kinks (in the 1030s), the Church strengthened the position of the ruler, offered him a divine legitimacy and made him an equal partner in the family of the Christian rulers of Europe. Christianity introduced also new, previously unknown cultural elements. These were, for example: — a new concept of God, the world and the place of humans within it; — the opening of expanded international contacts in the secular and ecclesiastical sphere; — bringing religious orders, such as the Benedictines, later Cistercians, Canons Regular, mendicant orders and others. These, as in Europe, actively participated in the shaping of the new economic and cultural image of the Polish lands, irrespective of their spiritual duties; —Latin, a universal language and alphabet associated with the circle of the clergy, and the princely chancellery; — a new way of measuring time (a calendar and related holidays and liturgical celebrations); — the inclusion of Christian symbols into the native cultural space, including the symbolism of colours, signs and gestures, the symbols of the natural world, etc.; — scriptoria, book and wall painting; — various worship and liturgy-related objects, such as, e.g., frescoes, the statues of saints and patron saints, reliquary boxes, liturgical combs, signs of episcopal dignity, patens, chalices, bowls, crosses, bells, suspended canopy lighting, etc.; — new architecture, and canons of style and workshops (the mastery of stone processing, techniques of construction and the preparation of mortars and mosaics); — inhumation took over from cremation as the dominant burial rite, etc. And other things. Slowly but consequently, these elements replaced and sometimes demolished the hitherto prevailing way of perceiving and ordering the world and its evaluation. Therefore, there is no exaggeration in the statements of the ‘revolutionary’ nature of the new faith formulated by scholars. Due to the enigmatic nature of the written sources and an unsatisfactory state of knowledge of, e.g., the earliest architecture related to the Christianization of the Polish lands (especially its more precise chronology), some issues addressed in this paper remain unresolved. However, despite many shortcomings and unexplained hypotheses, there is no doubt that an area in Europe, which since c.1000 came to be called Polonia, became permanently linked to the European Christianitas in the second half of the tenth century. All this started in 966, following previous preparations, due to Duke Mieszko I of the Piast dynasty.
Studia Lednickie; 2016, 15; 19-72
Pojawia się w:
Studia Lednickie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Czy nadawane współcześnie „stare” imiona prawosławne zawsze są zamierzonym przejawem powrotu do tradycji?
Old-style Orthodox first names given in modern times - do they always reflect an intentional return to tradition?
Mordań, Michał
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie
first names
baptismal names
modern trends in name-giving
This paper deals with Orthodox baptismal names different from the first names given to the child at the Registry Office. Analysis of source material demonstrated that the number of baptismal names different from those given at the Registry Office constitutes a significant percentage (26.3%) of anthroponyms in the contemporary Orthodox name-giving trend. The choice of baptismal names was motivated by various reasons, but the most popular were names phonetically similar to the names used in the secular world (e.g. Алим - Alan, Анисия - Inesa, Илария - Laura, Кириена - Karina, Мелания - Milena, Христофор - Krystian, etc.). The quoted material shows that the presence of old-style Orthodox names in parish birth records is not necessarily the consequence of an intended return to a forgotten name-giving tradition. It is instead an attempt to combine religious tradition with modern trends in namegiving.
Acta Polono-Ruthenica; 2016, 1, XXI; 51-65
Pojawia się w:
Acta Polono-Ruthenica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Imiona chrzestne nadawane w wybranych miejscowościach rzymskokatolickiej parafii Pruchnik w okresie przedautomicznym
Baptismal names given in the selected localities of the Roman Catholic parish of Pruchnik in the pre-autonomous period
Romanik, Paweł
Kiper, Daniel
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
parish of Pruchnik
Baptismal names
the Polish-Russian border
the Latin rite
The purpose of the following article is to examine the practice of giving baptismal  names in the Catholic parish of the Latin rite in Pruchnik – situated in an area of the Polish- Russian border, which was part of the Habsburg monarchy after 1772. The research was narrowed down to the selected localities of the parish of Pruchnik – a small urban centre and surrounding villages in the period of 1776-1866. In the studied population, the catalogue of male names was more extensive than the female one. The vast majority of names were the Christian ones, especially biblical ones, the names of new Christian martyrs and saints of the Middle Ages. The most popular male names were: Jan, Antoni, Michał, Józef, Wojciech, Marcin, Jakub, Franciszek, Walenty, Andrzej. The female names most often given were as follows: Maria and Marianna, Katarzyna, Magdalena, Agnieszka, Anna, Franciszka, Zofia, Antonina, Jadwiga, Salomea.
Archiwa, Biblioteki i Muzea Kościelne; 2016, 105; 235-274
Pojawia się w:
Archiwa, Biblioteki i Muzea Kościelne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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