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Jan Edmund Jurkowski as a composer compared to other composing guitarists in Poland after 1944
Jan Edmund Jurkowski jako kompozytor na tle innych komponujących gitarzystów w Polsce po 1944 roku
Gurgul, Wojciech
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Humanistyczno-Przyrodniczy im. Jana Długosza w Częstochowie. Wydawnictwo Uczelniane
Jan Edmund Jurkowski
Silesian contemporary music
Polish guitar music
composing guitarists
Silesian Guitar Autumn Festival
śląska muzyka współczesna
polska muzyka gitarowa
Śląska Jesień Gitarowa
Związany z ośrodkiem śląskim Jan Edmund Jurkowski odegrał znaczącą rolę w historii powojennej polskiej gitarystyki. Jego działalność jako pedagoga, organizatora życia muzycznego i lutnika-konstruktora (jako twórcy 8-strunowej gitary polskiej) jest powszechnie znana, wielokrotnie bowiem była omawiana na kartach różnego rodzaju publikacji. Mniej powszechna jest świadomość działalności kompozytorskiej Jurkowskiego, która, choć niezbyt obfita (14 zachowanych kompozycji oraz 3 opracowania), zajmuje istotne miejsce w rozwoju polskiej literatury gitarowej. Niniejszy tekst przybliży jego spuściznę twórczą, zarówno tę przeznaczoną na gitarę, jak i pomyślaną na inne składy wykonawcze, przedstawiając ją na tle innych gitarowych kompozytorów, działających w Polsce po drugiej wojnie światowej. Ukazane zostanie znaczenie jego dorobku jako kompozytora w historii polskiej gitarystyki – był bowiem pierwszym wykształconym w zakresie kompozycji gitarzystą w Polsce.
Associated with the Silesian musical circle, Jan Edmund Jurkowski played a significant role in the history of post-war guitar music in Poland. His activity as a teacher, music event organiser and designer of string instruments (as the creator of the eight-string Polish guitar) is widely known, as it has been repeatedly discussed in various publications. What is less common is the knowledge of his creative work, which – while not very prolific (14 preserved compositions and 3 compilations) – occupies a prominent place in the development of Polish guitar literature. The present text offers an insight into his creative legacy, both in terms of pieces intended for the guitar as well as performing ensembles consisting of different instruments, presenting it against the backdrop of other guitar composers working in Poland after the II World War. It demonstrates the importance of his achievements as a composer in the history of Polish guitar music, for he was the first guitarist in Poland to receive formal education in the field of composition.
Edukacja Muzyczna; 2022, 17, 17; 65-119
Pojawia się w:
Edukacja Muzyczna
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Guitar in the works of Edward Bogusławski
Gitara w twórczości Edwarda Bogusławskiego
Gurgul, Wojciech
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Humanistyczno-Przyrodniczy im. Jana Długosza w Częstochowie. Wydawnictwo Uczelniane
Edward Bogusławski
Polish guitar music
Silesian contemporary music
Silesian Guitar Autumn
Polish music after 1945
polska muzyka gitarowa
śląska muzyka współczesna
Śląska Jesień Gitarowa
muzyka polska po 1945 roku
W niniejszym artykule omówione zostały gitarowe utwory śląskiego kompozytora Edwarda Bogusławskiego. Jego twórczy dorobek związany z gitarą klasyczną obejmuje jedynie trzy kompozycje, które dowodzą, że traktował on gitarę bardzo wszechstronnie, komponując z jej udziałem zarówno muzykę symfoniczną (w postaci Concerto per chitarra e orchestra), kameralną (Trio per flauto, oboe e chitarra), jak i solową (Musica per chitarra solo). W niniejszej pracy podjęto również próbę naszkicowania znaczenia i roli gitarowej twórczości Bogusławskiego w kontekście rozwoju polskiej twórczości na ten instrument.
The present article discusses the guitar pieces of the Silesian composer Edward Bogusławski. His artistic achievements in the field of classical guitar include only three compositions, which prove that that his treatment of the instrument was very comprehensive; he employed it in composing orchestral music (in the form of Concerto per chitarra e orchestra), chamber music (Trio per flauto, oboe e chitarra) as well as solo pieces (Musica per chitarra solo). I shall also present the importance of Bogusławski’s guitar works for the development of Polish guitar literature. Moreover, this article attempts to outline the importance and role of Boguslawski’s guitar pieces in the context of the development of Polish guitar music.
Edukacja Muzyczna; 2021, 16; 47-78
Pojawia się w:
Edukacja Muzyczna
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Fryderyk Chopin i Łesia Ukrainka. Per me
Fryderyk Chopin and Lesya Ukrainka. Per Me
Trofymuk, Myroslav
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Frédéric Chopin
Lesya Ukrainka (Larysa Petrivna Kosach)
Marche funèbre (Piano Sonata No. 2 in B-flat minor, Op. 35)
Чи пам’ятаєте, коли я говорила… (Do you remember when I said …) – Lesya Ukrainka’s cycle Осінні співи (Autumn songs)
The key word of the essay is per me, as I present in it my own reminiscence from my childhood and youth, which was when I first came into contact with the works of two exceptional maestros: Frédéric Chopin and Lesya Ukrainka (the pen name of Larysa Kosach). Chopin created musical poetry, while Lesya – a rhythmic and melodic verbal poetry. The dialogue of the two authors sounds amazing, uncovering an optimistic apotheosis of survival and the trauma of loss – the states expressed in Chopin’s Marche funèbre and by Lesya Ukrainka in her poetry cycle devoted to this composition.The temporarily mature understanding of per me in both these creations also resulted from the trauma caused by the loss of close relatives (first, the grandad at a very young age) and hence became the drive for discovering the content of art and the means of expression characteristic to various branches of art.
Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne. Seria Literacka; 2021, 41; 95-105
Pojawia się w:
Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne. Seria Literacka
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Biskup Konstantyn Dominik (1870-1942) – święty kapłan
Bishop Konstantyn Dominik (1870-1942) – the holy priest
Galanciak, Dawid
Data publikacji:
Wyższe Seminarium Misyjne Księży Sercanów
biskup Konstantyn Dominik
biskup chełmiński
krwawa jesień pelplińska
sługa Boży
Bishop Konstantyn Dominik
the Bishop of Chełmno
Bloody Autumn in Pelplin
God’s servant
Człowiek potrzebuje świadków wiary na drodze ku świętości. Jednym z nich jest żyjący w latach 1870-1942 Konstantyn Dominik, biskup chełmiński. Postać Biskupa, który jest kandydatem na ołtarze, została ukazana w artykule w kontekście jego związków ze Swarzewem, Pelplinem, Chełmnem i Gdańskiem. Trudne czasy drugiej wojny światowej, na które przypada posługa biskupia Konstantyna, ukazują go jako prawdziwego świadka wiary. Chrystologiczno-maryjny aspekt kapłańskiej i biskupiej posługi, jego prostota i zwyczajność oraz jego droga na ołtarze są pięknym świadectwem świętości osiąganej przez realizowanie życia zgodnie z zamysłem Boga.
A human being needs to meet witnesses of faith on the way to achieving holiness. One of them can be Bishop Konstantyn Dominik (1870-1942) – the Bishop of Chełmno. The figure of Bishop, who is a candidate for canonisation, was shown in the article in the context of his relations with Swarzewo, Pelplin, Chełmno and Gdańsk. The difficult time of the Second World War during which the Bishop served, present him as a real witness of faith. Christological and Marian aspects of Konstantyn’s pristly and episcopal service, his simplicity and commonness, as well as his path to sanctification, create a beautiful testimony that can be achieved by living one’s life according to God’s vision.
Sympozjum; 2019, 2(37); 215-234
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rozmieszczenie zimujących stadiów przedimaginalnych osnui gwiaździstej Acantholyda posticalis Mats. w drzewostanach sosnowych będących ogniskami gradacyjnymi szkodnika
Distribution of wintering pre-imaginal stages of the great web-spinning pine sawfly Acantholyda posticalis Mats. in Scots pine stands being the outbreak centres
Sławski, M.
Mokrzycki, T.
Perliński, S.
Rutkiewicz, A.
Sławska, M.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
drzewostany sosnowe
szkodniki roslin
osnuja gwiazdzista
Acantholyda posticalis
larwy zimujace
rozmieszczenie przestrzenne
autumn survey
scots pine pests
distribution variability
Acantholyda posticalis Mats. for over twenty years increases the extent of occurrence and causes defoliation of Scots pine stands. The population size is estimated annually based on the autumn surveys of phytophagous insects, but accuracy of these prognoses is far from satisfactory. The aim of the study was to describe the spatial distribution of pre−imaginal stages of A. posticalis wintering in the litter and soil to improve the methods of survey currently applied in Polish forestry. The research was carried out in four forest district located in different regions of Poland. In each forest stand three following zones were outlined: the belt of trees on the edge of the stand adjoining to young plantation or thicket, the belt 15−20 m from the stand edge and the belt in the forest interior at least 30−40 m from the edge of a stand. 152 trees were examined and 1540 plots of size 1×0.5 m were established under their canopy. The pre−imaginal stages were searched within each of these plots in the litter and soil to the depth of 20 cm. Later on they were divided into eonymphae and pronymphae, and counted. The significant differences in number of pre−imaginal stages of A. posticalis between studied forest stands in different forest districts were found. The spatial distribution of larvae wintering in the litter and soil was highly variable in scale of both stand and single tree. The abundance of larvae depended on the distance from the forest edge, but the values of this parameter calculated for trees in the same zone also varied substantially. The lowest mean abundance of pre−imaginal stages of A. posticalis denoted under pines growing at the edges of trees stand. Within the canopy projection on forest floor, the distribution of larvae was significantly dependent on the distance from the tree trunk. The highest abundance was observed within one meter from the trunk. The survey method currently used for primary pine pest assessment in Polish forests bases on ten plots and five of them are located 1.5 m from the tree trunk. In the light of presented results, the assessment of A. posticalis number could be inaccurate, because half of these plots in which scrutiny of litter and soil take place, omit the areas of higher concentration of wintering stages of the pest.
Sylwan; 2019, 163, 07; 556-563
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wiersz jesienny jako przedmiot badań: propozycja genologiczna
Research on the Autumn Poem: Proposal within Genology
Mikołajczak, Małgorzata
Data publikacji:
Łódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe
autumn poems, literary genre, poetics, genology, prototype, polytypic model
The article is concerned with the status and features of the autumn poem as a poetic form well-known to both authors and readers. This poem does not fit the traditional genological taxonomy and it can be characterized from both the perspective of thematic criticism and from poetics based on the prototype concept of the genre. The author focuses on this second way and suggests that the autumn poem should be considered as a polytypic concept. It includes a set of types separated according to criteria that refer to different planes of text. She proves that such an approach may be useful in studying both the communications situation and phenomena of popularity of the phenomenon.
Zagadnienia Rodzajów Literackich; 2019, 62, 3; 65-80
Pojawia się w:
Zagadnienia Rodzajów Literackich
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Lisa Jakelski, Making New Music in Cold War Poland. The Warsaw Autumn Festival, 1956–1968, Oakland 2017 (= California Studies in 20th Century Music) University of California Press, ss. 272. ISBN 9780520292543
Bolesławska-Lewandowska, Beata
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Sztuki PAN
festiwale muzyczne
Warszawska Jesień
kultura muzyczna
muzyka polska
music festivals
Warsaw Autumn Festival
musical culture
Polish music
Muzyka; 2018, 63, 2; 149-153
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The effect of supplemental assimilation lighting with HPS and LED lamps on the cucumber yielding and fruit quality in autumn crop
Kowalczyk, K.
Gajc-Wolska, J.
Bujalski, D.
Mirgos, M.
Niedzińska, M.
Mazur, K.
Żolnierczyk, P.
Szatkowski, D.
Cichoń, M.
Łęczycka, N.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Lublinie. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Przyrodniczego w Lublinie
plant cultivation
fruit quality
harvest quality
yield increment
autumn crop
led light
HPS lamp
supplementary lighting
The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of HPS and LED assimilation lighting and LED interlighting on the yielding and as cucumber fruit quality in autumn cultivation cycle. The possibilities of increasing the density of plants due to the use of LED technology were also assessed. The study was conducted in three compartments: I with HPS top light only; II with top light HPS + 2 line LED interlight, III with 100% LED, top LED + 2 line LED interlight. Light level was in every compartment kept at the level of ~320 µmol m–2 s–1. PAR. The number and weight of cucumber fruits were investigated. The harvest was carried out every day. To assess the harvest quality for the plants grown in the two terms fruits were then examined for the chemical quality attributes of cucumber fruit, such as the content of total soluble solids (TSS), total sugars (TS), ascorbic acid and nitrate (NO3) P, K and Ca. Another part of fruits was subjected to sensory analysis performed with the scaling method. The cucumber grown in the autumn growing cycle gave higher yield and the quality of fruits produced appeared more balanced for the plants lighted with HPS+LED or 100% LED as compared to the traditional, overhead HPS lighting. The above, together with the results from the rate of buds’ abortion assessment seem to legitimate the increase in the cucumber crop density when applying LED lighting.
Acta Scientiarum Polonorum. Hortorum Cultus; 2018, 17, 4; 193-200
Pojawia się w:
Acta Scientiarum Polonorum. Hortorum Cultus
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Chapichadze, Khatuna
Data publikacji:
Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu i Przedsiębiorczości w Ostrowcu Świętokrzyskim
developing countries
Sub-Saharan Africa
consolidated democracy
Democratic Peace Theory
anticorruption education
community integrity building (CIB) activities
social accountability activities
Integrity Action
“GTU Students’ Integrity Autumn Camp/School and CIB & Social Accountability Activities”
“Improving Education in Kenya” project
Integrity Action’s Community Integrity Building programme (CIB)
integrity club
Library-Cultural Center for People with Disabilities ”TANADGOMA”
National Taxpayers Association (NTA)
Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC)
Consolidated democracy as already well-established and, to our belief, predominantly endogenous setting, represents one of the influential arguments in favor of ensuring peace and stability in more developed countries, obviously perceived as such not only in economic or social sense. There is even much stronger evidence on the global scale to almost confirm that democratic states are not conducting war against each other as also quite popular liberal perspective suggests through the Democratic Peace Theory in the theory of international relations. Democratic transition or democratization processes taking place mainly in developing countries that can be seen through the lenses whether of organized Westernization, or of a mimicry in the same context (however both are conventionally referred as exogenous efforts), may provide less clear guarantees for safeguarding security within the considered societies and in their foreign policies. Nonetheless, democratizing trends are assessed in any case more positively than other tendencies, especially, apparently of antagonistic, i.e. non-democratic nature. Another question is how lasting and viable such positive results eventually would be, which seems to essentially depend on the success of democratization itself. The article addresses the issues concerning education on corruption, efficient anti-corruption strategies and integrity among one of the most significant segments of a society – students, youth and other social groups in Georgia and Kenya, as well as targets community integrity building (CIB) and social accountability activities in the respective countries from the point of view of more needs-oriented, and at the same time advanced, thus, greatly significant democratization components in the mentioned states, particularly important for the long-run efficiency perspectives. Therefore, in the paper there are analyzed success stories of implemented at the Georgian Technical University in 2015-2016 project entitled, “GTU Students’ Integrity Autumn Camp/School and CIB & Social Accountability Activities” on one hand, and on the other, “Improving Education in Kenya” project and other relevant initiatives being undertaken in the Sub-Saharan African country. These projects in both countries have been financed by the Integrity Action, the international non-governmental organization (INGO), based in the United Kingdom.
Ante Portas – Studia nad Bezpieczeństwem; 2017, 2(9) Security Issues in Sub-Saharan Africa; 155-162
Pojawia się w:
Ante Portas – Studia nad Bezpieczeństwem
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Filmowa Łódź Jadwigi Andrzejewskiej
Jadwiga Andrzejewska’s Łódź films
Włodek, Roman
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Jadwiga Andrzejewska
Polish film
Polish theatre
And If Will be Autumn…
Before WWII, Jadwiga Andrzejewska 1915–1977) was among the most popular actresses in Polish cinema. During WWII she acted in the Dramatic Theatre of the Polish Second Corps. Returning to her hometown Łódź in 1947 Andrzejewska was initially perceived by the Polish authorities as politically uncertain. Her notable theatrical roles included the heroine in A Woman of Wonder and the heroine in Mother Courage and Her Children. Although she lived in Łódź – a capital of Polish cinema – her film career languished after the war. She had bit parts in about thirty feature films (among them television films). Her biggest and most notable post-war role was in a political propaganda film produced for television, And if Will be Autumn…
Images. The International Journal of European Film, Performing Arts and Audiovisual Communication; 2017, 20, 29; 179-202
Pojawia się w:
Images. The International Journal of European Film, Performing Arts and Audiovisual Communication
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Plonowanie pszenżyta ozimego a warunki meteorologiczne okresu jesienno-zimowego w rejonie warmińsko-mazurskim
Yielding of winter triticale in relation to meteorological conditions in autumn-winter period in the Warmia and Mazury region
Grabowski, J.
Pozarska, K.
Grabowska, K.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Agrofizyki PAN
region Warminsko-Mazurski
pory roku
warunki meteorologiczne
pszenzyto ozime
Warmia-Mazury region
meteorological condition
winter triticale
Wielkość i jakość plonu zbóż w znacznym stopniu jest uzależniona od warunków pogodowych okresu wegetacji, jak i kształtowania się wskaźników meteorologicznych w okresie jesienno-zimowym. Warunki te, zwłaszcza w Polsce, wpływają na dużą zmienność plonowania wynoszącą średnio 30-40%. Celem niniejszej pracy była ocena wpływu wskaźników meteorologicznych w okresie jesienno-zimowym na plonowanie pszenżyta ozimego w latach 1993-2013 w rejonie Warmińsko-Mazurskim. Pszenżyto jest jedną z głównych roślin zbożowych uprawianych w Polsce. Jego udział w strukturze zasiewów wynosi ok. 10%, a średnie plony wahają się w granicach 3-4 t·haˉ¹. W badaniach uwzględniono następujące wskaźniki meteorologiczne: liczbę dni od siewu do okresu zimowego, średnie dobowe temperatury od siewu do początku zimy, sumę opadów od siewu do okresu zimowego, długość okresu zimowego, sumę średnich dobowych temperatur zimy, sumę opadów okresu zimowego, długość zalegania pokrywy śnieżnej, liczbę dni z odwilżami atmosferycznymi. Wpływ badanych wskaźników meteorologicznych okresu jesienno-zimowego na plonowanie pszenżyta ozimego oceniono statystycznie, wykorzystując analizę korelacji i regresji dla jednej lub wielu zmiennych niezależnych. W analizowanym 21-letnim okresie badań plony pszenżyta ozimego wynosiły średnio 5,97 t·haˉ¹. Najmniejsze były w 1998 roku – 3,78 t·haˉ¹, największe 8,83 t·haˉ¹ w 2004 r. Z przeprowadzonych analiz wynika, iż wielkość plonu pszenżyta ozimego istotnie zależała tylko od liczby dni z odwilżami atmosferycznymi. O łącznym wpływie na plon decydowały głównie: liczba dni z odwilżami atmosferycznymi w okresie zimy, wartości średniej dobowej temperatury od siewu do okresu zimowego i sumy opadów okresu zimowego.
The quantity and quality of yields of cereals are dependent to a large extent on the weather conditions during the vegetation season, as well as on the development of the meteorological indicators in the autumn-winter period. These conditions, especially in Poland, cause a large variability of yielding, on average at the level of 30-40%. The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of meteorological indicators which occurred in the autumn-winter period on the yielding of winter triticale in 1993-2013 in the region of Warmia and Mazury. Triticale is one of the main cereal plants cultivated in Poland. Its participation in the total crop structure is approx. 10%, and average yields are in the range of 3-4 t·haˉ¹. The following meteorological indicators were included in the study: number of days from sowing to winter period, average daily temperature from sowing to winter period, total precipitation from sowing to winter period, duration of winter period, total average daily temperature in winter period, total precipitation in winter period, duration of snow cover retention, number of days with atmospheric thaws. The impact of the examined meteorological indicators in autumn-winter period on the yielding of winter triticale was analysed statistically using the analysis of correlation and regression for one or more independent variables. In the analysed 21-year period the yields of winter triticale averaged 5.97 t·haˉ¹. The lowest were in 1998 – 3.78 t·haˉ¹, the highest – 8.83 t·haˉ¹ – in 2004. The conducted analyses indicate that the yield of winter triticale significantly depended only on the number of days with atmospheric thaws. The total impact on yield was mainly determined by the number of days with atmospheric thaws in winter period, average daily temperature from sowing to winter period and total precipitation in winter period.
Acta Agrophysica; 2016, 23, 2
Pojawia się w:
Acta Agrophysica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Thermal specification of the Dendrological Garden in Glinna against the conditions of the mesoregion in the Szczecin coastal region
Specyfika termiczna Ogrodu Dendrologicznego w Glinnej na tle warunków występujących w mezoregionie Pobrzeża Szczecińskiego
Nidzgorska-Lencewicz, J.
Makosza, A.
Kubus, M.
Nowak, G.
Data publikacji:
Akademia Pomorska w Słupsku
thermal specification
Dendrological Garden in Glinna
Szczecin region
coastal region
maximum temperature
minimum temperature
cold day
spring frost
autumn frost
Pomeranian coast
The paper is an attempt to assess thermal conditions in the Dendrological Garden in Glinna against the conditions of the mesoregion of the Szczecin Coastal Region, as represented by five stations (Lipnik, Ostoja, Szczecin, Świnoujście, Kołobrzeg) in a study period of two years (May 2014- April 2016), based on measurements of air temperature taken at 200 cm a.g.l. Spatial variation of thermal conditions of the analysed area was found to be very large and was statistically confirmed. Mean air temperature in the analysed period in Glinna was 10.2°C which, in comparison with the other stations, proved to be the highest value. The absolute minimum, i.e. -12.7°C, was recorded in Glinna in January 2016 and the absolute maximum of 35.6°C in August 2015. It was shown that for the purpose of the assessment of thermal conditions in Glinna on the basis of mean air temperature from the 24-hour period, it is justified to refer to multiannual data from IMGW station in Szczecin. On the grounds of minimum temperature, amplitude, time of occurrence of spring and autumn frosts, as well as the number of days with frost and cold days, it was shown that the Dendrological Garden in Glinna has more favourable thermal conditions than the neighbouring areas.
Praca jest próbą oceny warunków termicznych Ogrodu Dendrologicznego w Glinnej w porównaniu z panującymi w mezoregionie Pobrzeża Szczecińskiego, reprezentowanym przez pięć stacji (Lipnik, Ostoja, Szczecin, Świnoujście, Kołobrzeg), przeprowadzoną na podstawie dwuletniej serii (V 2014 - IV 2016) pomiarowej temperatury powietrza z 200 cm n.p.g. Stwierdzono bardzo duże przestrzenne zróżnicowanie warunków termicznych na badanym obszarze, potwierdzone statystycznie. Średnia wartość temperatury powietrza w analizowanym okresie w Glinnej wyniosła 10,2°C i w porównaniu z pozostałymi stacjami była to wartość najwyższa. Absolutne minimum wynoszące -12,7°C zarejestrowano w Glinnej w styczniu 2016 roku, a absolutne maksimum o wartości 35,6°C w sierpniu 2015. Wykazano, że przy ocenie warunków termicznych w Glinnej na podstawie średniej dobowej temperatury powietrza, uzasadnione jest odwoływanie się do danych wieloletnich ze stacji IMGW w Szczecinie. Na podstawie temperatury minimalnej, amplitudy, czasu wystąpienia przymrozków wiosennych i jesiennych oraz liczby dni przymrozkowych i mroźnych wykazano termiczne uprzywilejowanie Ogrodu Dendrologicznego w Glinnej w stosunku do obszarów sąsiadujących.
Baltic Coastal Zone. Journal of Ecology and Protection of the Coastline; 2016, 20
Pojawia się w:
Baltic Coastal Zone. Journal of Ecology and Protection of the Coastline
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Xylem-fed maple sap accelerates balsam fir needle abscission and but can delay water loss in spring and autumn
MacDonald, M.T.
Lada, R.R.
West, R.R.
Nelson, K.L.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Dendrologii PAN
abscisic acid
Abies balsamea
fir tree
balsam fir tree
water content
water uptake
water loss
Postharvest balsam fir trees are known to suffer a number of problems that may be linked to abscission rates, such as dehydration or wounding. By definition, postharvest balsam fir trees are also detached from roots and will no longer be supplied certain root derived factors normally translocated via the xylem. Resupplying those root derived factors may delay abscission. The objective of this experiment was to take sap from a root intact species (i.e. Acer saccharum L) and add it to the water supply of balsam fir branches. Further, the effect of reverse osmosis and autoclaving the sap supply will be explored. The experiment was conducted once in spring and again in autumn to examine seasonal changes in needle abscission. The only hormones found in the maple sap were ABA and its metabolites, with PA (163.0 ng g–1) being the primary metabolite present. Needle retention was higher in branches harvested in autumn, as long as they were provided a sap that did not undergo RO. If the sap had undergone RO, then needle retention was slightly decreased in autumn. Needle retention generally decreased as the concentration of maple sap in the water supply increased and this trend was accelerated if the sap had undergone RO. Autoclaving the sap successfully delayed the length of time for water consumption to decrease, but this unexpectedly did not translate into improved needle retention.
Dendrobiology; 2016, 76
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Distances covered above and below the anaerobic threshold by professional football players in different competitive conditions
Chmura, Paweł
Konefał, Marek
Kowalczuk, Edward
Andrzejewski, Marcin
Rokita, Andrzej
Chmura, Jan
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Szczeciński. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego
anaerobic threshold
autumn round
covered distance
spring round
In modern endurance training information about an athlete’s performance below and above the anaerobic threshold is crucial. The aim of the present study was a comparative analysis of the total distance covered by football players in two rounds of the 2013/1014 playing season. Furthermore, the study also assessed the performance of elite Bundesliga players during competitive matches, above and below the running speed of 4 m·s –1, corresponding to the level of anaerobic threshold (AT). The players’ mean body height was 183.00 ±6.44 cm, body mass 78.19 ±7.42 kg, and mean age was 27.99 ±3.47 years. The analysis was carried using the Impire AG motion analysis system on the basis of official match reports from the Deutscher Fußball-Bund (DFB). The study revealed that the total distance covered by the players in match-play was significantly shorter in the second round of the playing season. The distance covered by the players below the AT is significantly shorter in the spring round than in the autumn round, while the distance covered above the AT shows a reverse, although non-significant tendency. In the spring round the volume of players’ work performed above the anaerobic threshold is greater than the volume of exercise performed below the AT.
Central European Journal of Sport Sciences and Medicine; 2015, 10, 2; 25-31
Pojawia się w:
Central European Journal of Sport Sciences and Medicine
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Trzeci okres życia człowieka. Stagnacja czy szansa na rozwój?
The Third Period of Human Life. Stagnation or a Chance to Develop?
Pryba, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie
old age
autumn of life
the fullness of life
jesień życia
proces starzenia
pełnia życia
Punktem wyjścia do analiz zawartych w tym artykule są badania socjologiczne i psychologiczne dotyczące późnej dojrzałości współcześnie żyjącego człowieka. Ten punkt widzenia posłużył do dalszych badań nad zagadnieniem funkcjonowania człowieka w okresie jesieni życia. Najpierw podjęto próbę zdefiniowania pojęcia „proces starzenia” oraz zaprezentowania różnych typów postaw ludzkich wobec tego zjawiska. Następnie została przeprowadzona analiza dotycząca roli rodziny w życiu ludzi starszych oraz podjęto próbę odpowiedzi na pytanie postawione w tytule artykułu. Okazało się, że rodzina jest dla ludzi starszych gwarantem akceptacji, bezpieczeństwa i opieki. To w niej można najskuteczniej rozwiązywać różne ludzkie problemy charakterystyczne dla ludzi w jesieni życia. Człowiek winien rozwijać się na wszystkich poziomach swojej osobowości przez całe życie, również w okresie późnej dojrzałości. Aby ten rozwój mógł osiągnąć poziom dobrostanu, człowiek powinien mieć jasno sprecyzowany cel i sens życia. Celem ostatecznym człowieka, według antropologii teologicznej, jest Osoba Absolutna, jaką jest Bóg. Osiągnięcie tego celu jest możliwe na poziomie osobowego dialogu prowadzącego człowieka do pełni życia.
The starting point for the analysis of this article are sociological and psychological studies on late maturity of a man living today. This point of view was used to further research on the issue of human functioning in the autumn of life. First, an attempt was made to define the concept of “aging process” and to present various types of human attitudes towards the phenomenon of aging. Then the analysis was conducted on the role of family in the lives of older people and attempts were made to answer the question posed in the title of the article. It turned out that for the elderly the family is the most important reference plane. It guarantees acceptance, safety and care. This is where you can most effectively solve various human problems inherent in the people in the autumn of life. Man should develop on all levels of his personality throughout his life so also in the period of the late maturity. So that this development could reach the level of well-being, a person should have a clearly defined purpose and meaning of life. Theological anthropology reveals the truth about man and God – the Absolute Person who is the ultimate goal. The realization of this objective made authentically, on the level of personal dialogue leads man to the fullness of life.
Polonia Sacra; 2015, 19, 4(41); 175-191
Pojawia się w:
Polonia Sacra
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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