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Recognition of the atmospheric contamination source localization with the Genetic Algorithm
Wawrzynczak, A.
Jaroszynski, M.
Borysiewicz, M.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczo-Humanistyczny w Siedlcach
genetic algorithm
source characterization
atmospheric dispersion model
We have applied the Genetic Algorithm (GA) to the problem of the atmospheric contaminant source localization. The algorithm input data are concentrations of given substance registered by sensor network. To achieve rapid-response event reconstruction,the fast-running Gaussian plume dispersion model is adopted as the forward model. The proposed GA scans 5-dimensional parameters space searching for the contaminant source coordinates (x,y), release strength (Q) and the atmospheric transport dispersion coefficients. Based on the synthetic experiment data the GA parameters like population size, number of generations and the genetic operators best suitable for the algorithm performance are identified. We demonstrate that proposed GA configuration can successfully point out the parameters of abrupt contamination source. Results indicate the probability of a source to occur at a particular location with a particular release rate. The shapes of the probability distribution function of searched parameters values reflect the uncertainty in observed data.
Studia Informatica : systems and information technology; 2015, 1-2(19); 27-42
Pojawia się w:
Studia Informatica : systems and information technology
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Discharges of dust from NORM facilities: Key parameters to assess effective doses for public exposure
Kunze, Christian
Schulz, Hartmut
Ettenhuber, Eckard
Schellenberger, Astrid
Dilling, Jorg
Data publikacji:
Główny Instytut Górnictwa
dust discharge
public exposure
high temperature processes
atmospheric dispersion model
odprowadzenie pyłu
ekspozycja publiczna
procesy wysokotemperaturowe
model dyspersji atmosferycznej
In transposing Directive 2013/59/Euratom (European Basic Safety Standards or EU BSS) into national law, it was necessary to identify industrial sectors which involve naturally occurring radioactive materials (NORM) which may lead to public exposure that cannot be disregarded from a radiation protection point of view. A research project was implemented that resulted in a comprehensive survey of all potentially relevant industrial sectors operating in Germany. Major efforts were made to determine source terms of airborne discharges, atmospheric dispersion models, and dose calculations. The study arrived at the conclusion that the discharge and the settlement of dust in agricultural and horticultural areas is the most relevant dispersion and exposure pathway, while discharges of radon are of minor importance. The original study used a number of rather complex models that may distract from the fact that very few key parameters and assumptions determine the effective dose of members of the public. This paper revisits the study and identifies those parameters and assumptions and provides a simplified, generic, yet sufficiently reliable and robust assessment methodology to determine the radiological relevance of dust discharges from NORM industries under the typical geographical and meteorological conditions of Germany. This paper provides examples of dose estimates for members of the public for selected industries operating in Germany. Due to its simplicity and robustness, the methodology can also be used to assess effective doses resulting from discharges in other industries in Germany, and it can be adapted to conditions in other countries in a straightforward way.
Journal of Sustainable Mining; 2019, 18, 1; 31-37
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Sustainable Mining
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Three months of “Cumbre Vieja” : analysis of consequences of volcano eruption
Trzy miesiące “Cumbre Vieja” : analiza skutków erupcji wulkanu
Mazur, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
volcano eruption
atmospheric dispersion
Eulerian model
eulerowski model
związki siarki
zanieczyszczenie powietrza atmosferycznego
The work describes the methodology and results of analysis for the consequences assessment of eruption from Cumbre Vieja volcano in Canary Islands. The preliminary analysis of dispersion of emitted pollutants was performed using Lagrangian trajectories model. To estimate long-term outcomes of eruption in terms of deposition and concentration of eruption products the Eulerian model of air dispersion was used. The model uses data from Global Forecasting System meteorological model launched at the NCEP-NOAA centre. The average concentration and deposition of sulfur compounds as well as the probability and time of the pollution cloud reaching all European capitals were examined. In 90 days a cloud of pollutants (SO2, volcanic ashes) spread over the northern hemisphere. Pollution reached Africa, North Sea and Europe. With an average emission of 15,000 tons of SO2/day, the maximum calculated deposition to the Earth’s surface reached 0.8g/m2, while overall deposition – 35 kilotons in the domain area.
W pracy opisano metodykę i wyniki oceny skutków erupcji wulkanu Cumbre Vieja na Wyspach Kanaryjskich. Wstępną analizę dyspersji emitowanych zanieczyszczeń przeprowadzono z wykorzystaniem modelu trajektorii Lagrange’a. Do oszacowania długoterminowych skutków erupcji pod względem osadzania i koncentracji produktów erupcji wykorzystano eulerowski model dyspersji powietrza. W modelu wykorzystano dane z modelu meteorologicznego Global Forecasting System uruchomianego w ośrodku NCEP-NOAA. Zbadano średnie stężenie i depozycję związków siarki oraz prawdopodobieństwo i czas dotarcia chmury zanieczyszczeń do wszystkich stolic europejskich. W ciągu 90 dni chmura zanieczyszczeń (dwutlenek siarki, popioły wulkaniczne) rozprzestrzeniła się na półkuli północnej. Zanieczyszczenia dotarły do Afryki, Morza Północnego i Europy. Przy średniej emisji 15 000 ton dwutlenku siarki na dobę maksymalna wyliczona depozycja na powierzchni Ziemi osiągnęła 0,8 g na metr kwadratowy, a ogólna depozycja 35 kiloton w obszarze domeny.
Archives of Environmental Protection; 2022, 48, 3; 99--108
Pojawia się w:
Archives of Environmental Protection
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ocena modelu dyspersji zanieczyszczeń powietrza OSPM: studium przypadku, Polska, Kraków
Evaluation of the OSPM Air Pollutants Dispersion Model: Case Study, Krakow, Poland
Rzeszutek, M.
Bogacki, M.
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Koszalińska. Wydawnictwo Uczelniane
ocena modelu
modelowanie dyspersji atmosferycznej
kanion uliczny
zanieczyszczenie powietrza
evaluation of model
modeling of atmospheric dispersion
street canyon
air pollution
The study represents the evaluation of the OSPM model on the basis of the simulation results carried out for the street canyon located in the Zygmunt Krasinski alley in Krakow. Road emission was estimated based on the data from 2012 in regard to the traffic volume and the types of vehicles. Meteorological data were acquired from the station located in the vicinity of the examined canyon. Ambient air quality was determined based on the monitoring data from the urban background station in Krakow. The calculation results were compared with the 1-hour concentration measurements from the traffic station located on the green belt between the two lanes of the analysed canyon. The analysis was restricted to the nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and the PM10 and PM2.5 particulate matter concentrations. Model evaluation was carried out according to the methodology of the air quality models assessment. Values of OSPM model statistical evaluation parameters fall within the range of “good models”, which indicates a very good quality of this model calculation results. A very strong correlation between the results of calculations and the observations was found, particularly for the particulate matter PM10 and PM2.5. Correlation coefficient values for these pollutants are 0.90 and 0.91, respectively. A detailed analysis revealed that the overall quality of the model is better with respect to nitrogen dioxide than for the analysed dust pollutants. However, this model is burdened with a tendency to underestimate 1-hour concentrations of particulate matter, which can be associated with: negligence of the lifting effect of the dust deposited on the road surface, the effect of removing the particulate filters from vehicles and the adequate ambient air quality for the analysed monitoring site. Very good agreement of the simulation results and observations indicates that the OSPM modelling system can be successfully applied to support the air quality management system in Krakow.
Rocznik Ochrona Środowiska; 2016, Tom 18, cz. 2; 351-362
Pojawia się w:
Rocznik Ochrona Środowiska
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Determination of Optimal Spatial Databases for the area of Poland to the Calculation of Air Pollutant Dispersion Using the CALMET / CALPUFF Model
Określenie optymalnych baz danych przestrzennych dla obszaru Polski na potrzeby obliczeń rozprzestrzeniania się zanieczyszczeń w powietrzu atmosferycznym z zastosowaniem modeli CALMET / CALPUFF
Oleniacz, R
Rzeszutek, M.
Data publikacji:
Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica w Krakowie. Wydawnictwo AGH
air pollution
atmospheric dispersion models
spatial database
zanieczyszczenie powietrza
model dyspersji atmosferycznej
bazy danych przestrzennych
This paper presents a methodology for the preparation of three-dimensional spatial data and land use data for the purpose of modeling pollutant dispersion in the ambient air using a group of geophysical preprocessors of the CALMET / CALPUFF modeling system and the GIS software. Some space information data sources available to Poland were specified and their characteristics and availability were discussed. Particular attention was turned to the SRTM3 and GTOPO30 elevation data as well as the CLC2006 and GLCC land use data, for the preparation of computational grids of different resolutions. Groups of programs which can be used in order to form computational grids based on the above-mentioned databases were identified. The discussed spatial data preparation procedure was used for the area of the city of Krakow and the surrounding area. As a result of the conducted activities, processed information on the terrain in the adopted computational area, possible to be used in the calculation of a three-dimensional meteorological grid (CALMET) and in the calculation of pollutant dispersion in the ambient air (CALPUFF) was obtained.
W pracy przedstawiono metodykę przygotowania trójwymiarowych danych przestrzennych i użytkowania terenu na potrzeby modelowania rozprzestrzenia się zanieczyszczeń w powietrzu atmosferycznym z zastosowaniem grupy preprocesorów geofizycznych systemu modelowania CALMET / CALPUFF i oprogramowania typu GIS. Wskazano niektóre dostępne dla terenu Polski źródła danych informacji o przestrzeni oraz omówiono ich charakterystykę i dostępność. Szczególną uwagę zwrócono na dane wysokościowe SRTM3 i GTOPO30 oraz dane użytkowania terenu CLC2006 i GLCC pod kątem przygotowania siatek obliczeniowych o różnej rozdzielczości. Wskazano grupy programów możliwych do zastosowania w celu utworzenia siatek obliczeniowych w oparciu o wyżej wymienione bazy danych. Omówiony sposób przygotowania danych przestrzennych został zastosowany dla obszaru miasta Krakowa i okolic. W efekcie przeprowadzonych działań uzyskano przetworzoną informację o terenie w przyjętym obszarze obliczeniowym możliwą do wykorzystania w obliczeniach trójwymiarowej siatki meteorologicznej (CALMET) oraz w obliczeniach rozprzestrzenia się zanieczyszczeń w powietrzu atmosferycznym (CALPUFF).
Geomatics and Environmental Engineering; 2014, 8, 2; 57-69
Pojawia się w:
Geomatics and Environmental Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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