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Artefakt kulturowy w humanistyce
A cultural artifact in the humanities
Grodecka, Aneta
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
cultural analysis
literary and cultural comparison
analiza kulturowa
komparatystyka literacko-kulturowa
This article is devoted to the concept of an artifact, as derived from older methodological knowledge (J. Białostocki and E. Panofsky), which has been broadened to include new indicators, such as changes of the virtual era as well as the categories of experience and reflections on narration. By reconstructing the phenomenon of artifacts, the author refers to the category of ‘reality’ accordingto Heidegger and W. Toporow as well as the ideas of a ‘sign’ and ‘theme’, and Polish artistic practice (T. Kantor and Z. Herbert). The concept is situated within the arts as well as within a contextualized area of the social sciences (an actant) and aims to offer new perspectives on the study of culture.
Przestrzenie Teorii; 2015, 23; 53-69
Pojawia się w:
Przestrzenie Teorii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wie Texte die Kultur codieren und wie die Kultur Texte ´stilisiert´. Makrokultur in Mikrotexten am Beispiel von literarischen Titeln
Makowska, Magdlena
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski i Uniwersytet Rzeszowski
analiza tekstu, mikroteksty, lingwistyka kulturowa
Tematem artykułu staje się analiza relacji, w jakich pozostają wobec siebie kultura i tekst. Na podstawie tytułów tekstów literackich, traktowanych jako mikroteksty, poszukiwana jest odpowiedź na pytanie, czy współczesne (mikro)teksty są zdeterminowane kulturowo i czy mogą być traktowane jako ‘świadectwo kultury’. Analiza tytułów literackich ma również wykazać, na ile ważnym wyznacznikiem współczesnego (mikro)tekstu może stać się jego styl i czy uprawnione jest twierdzenie, że kształtuje się on pod wpływem szeroko rozumianej kultury.
tekst i dyskurs - text und diskurs; 2011, 4; 157-171
Pojawia się w:
tekst i dyskurs - text und diskurs
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Gdy umiera duch, czyli o śmierci ciała w amerykańskiej poezji gejowskiej na przykładzie wierszy Meskalina Allena Ginsberga oraz [skarbie czy mnie udusisz: poduszką w myszki mickey] Douglasa A. Powella
When the spirit dies, or the death of body in contemporary American gay poetry. The case of two poems: Mescaline by Allen Ginsberg and [darling can you kill me: with your mickeymouse pillows] by Douglas A. Powell
Górecki,, Przemysław
Data publikacji:
Fundacja Pro Scientia Publica
poezja amerykańska
analiza genderowa
analiza językowa
analiza kulturowa
Beat Generation
American poetry
gender analyse
linguistic analyse
cultural analyse
comparative literature
Komparatystyczna analiza dwóch współczesnych wierszy poezji amerykańskiej, uruchamiająca mechanizmy analizy językowej (porównywanie różnych przekładów i tekstów oryginalnych), kulturowej (rozwijanie wątków religijnych, filozoficznych, kontrkulturowych – bitnicy, kultura gejowska USA), prowadzonej w perspektywie tanatologicznej i genderowej. Próba ukazania zakorzenienia tej poezji w tradycji liryki amerykańskiej i przedstawienia nowatorstwa tak ujmowanej problematyki. Symultaniczna interpretacja akcentuje miejsca wspólne podmiotów lirycznych oraz tropi pozornie marginalne sygnały kulturowe.
The paper is a comparative analysis of two contemporary American poems which activates mechanisms of linguistic (comparing diff erent translations and confronting them with the source texts), and cultural (elaborating on the religious, philosophical and countercultural issues concerning the Beat Generation and gay culture in the US) analyses from a thanatological and gender perspective. It is an att empt to show the affi liations between these literary works and the tradition of American poetry as well as their novelty. Simultaneous interpretation highlights loci communes of lyrical subjects and discerns seemingly marginal cultural signs.
Ogrody Nauk i Sztuk; 2014, 4; 187-201
Pojawia się w:
Ogrody Nauk i Sztuk
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Między autonomią a epifanią. Art based research, badania jakościowe i teoria sztuki
Between autonomy and epiphany. Art based research, qualitative research and the theory of art.
Kosińska, Marta
Data publikacji:
Akademia Sztuk Pięknych w Gdańsku
art based research, badania jakościowe, analiza kulturowa, teoria sztuki, epifania, heuretyka, aktywizm, qualitative research, cultural analysis, theory of art, epiphany, heuretics, activism
The subject of the article is an analysis of the most important contexts of emergence and the crucial tendencies apparent in the field of contemporary art based research. The author reconstructs the historical coincidence in the humanities and social sciences, which enabled the emergence of art based research. The author analyzes the changes within the field of qualitative research and cultural studies, especially those being conducive to searching the qualities of socio-cultural phenomena through artistic practices. An analysis of the methodological tendencies and the basic aesthetic categories of that field is undertaken and a question about the value of the qualities gained in the course of the artisticly based research is posed. The article inscribes the art based research in the context of the fourth historical phases of qualitative research by the discerned Yvonne S. Lincoln and Norman K. Denzin, and also in the democratic and postmodern flow of cultural studies. It underlines the importance of the reflexive turn in anthropology, but most of all, the role of the cultural analysis of literature and the narrative turn. It punctuates as the most important in the field of art based research – the modern dichotomy between knowledge and emotion. From that dichotomy the basic ways of defining the cognitive possibilities of art has emerged. Artistic practices are treated here as evocative, revealing emphatic experience. Finally, the author undertakes a comparative analysis of the modern theory of art and the activity of symbolization in the conception of Susanne K. Langer with the conception of evocative, epiphanic genres and identifies them as the two crucial tendencies in the field of art based research. They are analyzed as defining differently the cognitive qualities of art, resulting in distinct ethical and political consequences.
Sztuka i Dokumentacja; 2016, 14; 12-27
Pojawia się w:
Sztuka i Dokumentacja
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Sekcja 1. Badania inspirujące się sztuką: sztuka i humanistyka. Wstęp
Art Based Research: Arts and Humanities. Introduction
Kosińska, Marta
Data publikacji:
Akademia Sztuk Pięknych w Gdańsku
art based research, badania jakościowe, analiza kulturowa, teoria sztuki, epifania, heuretyka, aktywizm, qualitative research, cultural analysis, theory of art, ephiphany, heuretics, activism
Contemporary discussion on the main tendencies in the field of art based research for qualitative research is based on the already accepted belief that art is also the cognitive practice. The discourse about artistic as cognitive should be then moved forward, and the questions about the concrete examples of synergy of artistic and qualitative research should be posed. The profits resulting from this contract should be evaluated, and the inventory of the real democratic equivalence of artistic and humanistic tools should be done. How the balance between competences and roles in the artistic-qualitative research is maintained? Can we speak about them as of art based, or maybe it would be better to cautiously think of them as of arts informed? Are these projects the most experimental and critical bridgehead of the qualitative research, or rather trade trend of proffesionals? Should we treat them as examples of the interdisciplinary practices, or rather as exemplars of the transdisciplinary cultural analysis? The last mentioned will serve here as the axis of deliberations: from the perspective of cultural analysis we will evaluate the role of art in the field of qualitative research. Articles gathered in this issue represent the wide range of the possible approaches to the art based research. The introductory article of my authorship, „Between authonomy and ephiphany. Art based research, qualitative research and the theory of art”, attempts the analysis of the main tendencies within the field of art based research in the historical, methodological and aesthetical terms. It draws the historical coincidence in the social sciences and the humanities which enabled the emergence of the artistic qualitative research, and emhasizes the special role of the narrative turn. It reveals the slits within the cultural analysis and the qualitative research which became the new places for the artistic-research practices. It also reveals the entanglement of these practices in the dichotomies founded on the modern theories of art and analyzes the most important of them: between the autonomy of artistic symbolical forms and the epiphanic evocativeness of art. The last mentioned emerges on the foundation of the presence and experience, and in the consequence, opens the social spaces for the ethics of care. An article of Dariusz Brzostek, „Black Science – Black Magic. Afrofuturism, narrative and cognition”, can serve as an example of the classical cultural analysis in the semiotic-critical spirit, representative for this version of cultural studies which was explicitly conducive for the growing tendencies of art based research. An analysis of afrofuturism as the narrative formation and speculative fiction which are formative for the specific socio-cultural groups, realizes an assumption of Paul Willis of searching the creative action in the practices of everyday life. The democratic impetus of cultural studies has diminished the historical burden of an autonomy of art, treating it as the one of many cultural practices, as a place of production of socially important meanings, and in the same time, has strenghtened the labourious practices of cultivation of every day – accentuating its creative aspects in the terms of art living. In the Brzostek’s cultural analysis which can be defined as artistically informed, one can also notice the clue of the narrative turn. The productive and formative aspects of the popular narrations are crucial in this analysis: they tie together the two records of the qualitative research – biographies and social structures. In the consequence, an analysis of afrofuturism reminds the best years of the cultural studies, as from the Paul Willis’ projects Learning to Labour: How Working Class Kids Get Working Class Jobs. The clue of the disciplinary thinking, attempting to situate the art based research in the front of, within, and besides other social sciences and the humanities is continued in the article of Dorota Łuczak, „The Iconology of X-Ray Images”. Łuczak analyzes the history of the process of including X-ray photography in the area of the interest of the history of art, especially in the project conducted by Horst Bredekamp, Das Technische Bild in years 2000-2012 in Hermann von Helmholtz–Zentrum für Kulturtechnik at the University in Berlin. In the epistemological and metodological aspect, the project raised the problem of the subject of the visual research and the role of technical images in the social process of construction of knowledge. The subject of the inquiry was rather not the prove of the social construction of the visual reality (as in the anglo-saxian visual studies) but rather an analysis of the reciprocial determination between systems of knowledge and the conventions of representation of technical images. Finally, in the conclusion an author points out, that it is not necassary to resign from the rigours of the art historian analysis (style, iconology, comparative studies), that they can be productive for the research of the bodily, perceptual, subjective and habitual contexts of the technical images. Most of all, the subjectivitizing category of style can be refferred to the mental constructs constituting the processes of knowing. The usage of drawing, sketching and doodling in the practice of the organizational development is the subject of consideration of Adam Dzidowski in his article „The formative role of art and organisational aesthetics – visualisation and drawing in organisational development”. Dzidowski analyzes drawing as an expressive medium, enabling to reveal the creative and innovative solutions. Drawing and sketching can be seen as a cognitive tools, resolving problems, representing the stage of the organizational development, diagnozing, searching for the creative solutions. In those areas their usage in the organizational development inscribes itself into the heuretic tendencies in the field of art based research – as the practices of creation of the generative formulas, resulting with the creative scripts of action. The achievement of these goals can be supported by the artictic practices changing the models of organizations and breaking the prevailing schemes of thinking. Dzidowski refers to the dychotomy between functionalism and the cultural and interpretive studies, outlining the situation in which the management practice is still founded on the functional paradigm and the artistic tool of drawing is intended to „soften” this quantitative and formal attitude. He refers to the old dychotomy between the structuralism and ethnography, the scientific heritage of Emile Durkheim and the sociological writings of Georg Simmel – revealing in the same time the deep entanglement of the art based research in the series of various oppositions. The most solid of them is the opposition between knowledge and emotion, from which the whole current Issue of Art and Documentation begins. The two articles in this Issue: of the duo Joanna Bielecka-Prus and Aneta Pepaś and an article of Karolina Sikorska, represent the activist tendency in the field of art based research. The perspective of Bielecka-Prus and Pepaś is the precise reconstruction of the realized by them project Where the cocs crow – the wedding ethnoperformance. This was the animation-research enterprise, organized by the City Culture Centre in Dynów, realized with the cooperation with ethnographers, anthropologists, ant socio-cultural animators. This two-voice reconstruction is then the record of the interdysciplinary art based research project. The aim of this ethnoperformative action was the reconstruction and play of the the wedding ceremony characteristic of the Dynów Foothill, for which the point of departure was a scenario of the wedding from Ulanica. It was not the accuracy of the ethnographic reconstruction at the stake of this action, but rather the mediation of tensions and relations in the local communities through the common, performative action. The wide range of the qualitative research has been centered around the scenario of the wedding ceremony, scenario negotiated with the local community. The final version of the ethnodrama, the performative scipt built on the basis of data gathered in the research, was the common decision of the inhabitants of the Dynów Foothill. An article of Karolina Sikorska, „Female artists in work and about work. The cognitive dimensions of art” reveals this version of the activist tendency in the field of art based research which does not exist without the critical theory. This perspective takes often the critically based form of detailed case studies. Sikorska in the context of the subject matter of this Issue draws the specific map of the problems specific for the cultural and political contexts of work of women artists at Academies and Universities. She poses fundamental questions for the practice of the art based research: what makes impossible and what enables being the artist-researcher functioning in the institutional structure and not in the partisan field beyond that. Finally Sikorska points out three concrete artistic-cognitive strategies taken by women making art about other women work. Paula Milczarczyk, an author of an article „Omnis natura artificiosa est. Project The Symbiosity of Creation” in the light of the theory of paraartistic values” analyzes the artistic practice of Jarosław Czarnecki/Elvin Flamingo in the context of an aesthetics of reality and the conception of paraartistic values of Maria Gołaszewska. Finally, Sebastian Dudzik and Marek Glinkowski in the dialogue „The graphic art as a cognitive tool. The two voices about the matrix” convey the conversation of the artist and art historian considering the cognitive aspects of the ways of thinking and action in the graphic art. They represent the graphic thinking as the paradigmatic for the media art, they define the notion of the matrix, the matrix thinking, the cultural matrix, the matrix trancoding, analyzing the transitivity of these notions from the classic graphical techniques to the new media art. Using the cultural matrix notion, they define graphic art as the medial tool of the cultural analysis. We were opening this section on art based research with the assumption of the qualitatively directed cultural analysis of Paul Willis, that the symbolical wholeness of the expressive human life is the sort of art, and its research demands aesthetic tools. Similarily, in the aesthetics of paraartistic values, artistic structures are treated as usable to the reality. Artist become in this context an accoucher, revealer, finder of the hidden aspects of the reality, who helps to see and analyze its qualities.
Sztuka i Dokumentacja; 2016, 14; 5-10
Pojawia się w:
Sztuka i Dokumentacja
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Analiza klasowa na rozdrożu? W stronę kulturowej koncepcji klas P. Bourdieu
Class Analysis at a Crossroads? Towards the Cultural Approach to Classes of P. Bourdieu
Cebula, Michał
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
analiza klasowa
przestrzeń społeczna
śmierć klas
badania empiryczne
kulturowa analiza klas
class analysis
social space
the death of class
empirical research
cultural class analysis
Analiza klasowa przechodzi obecnie głęboką zmianę spowodowaną falą krytyki. Z jednej strony teoria klas jest podważana przez teoretyków głoszących nadejście nowej fazy nowoczesności lub ponowoczesności, która czyni z „klasy” pojęcie przestarzałe. Z drugiej strony jesteśmy świadkami narastającego niezadowolenia z dominujących schematów klasowych (np. EGP) z powodu ich niezdolności do uchwycenia kulturowych i symbolicznych wymiarów struktury klasowej. Te okoliczności spowodowały zwrot ku nowemu paradygmatowi, tzw. kulturowej analizie klas, w dużej mierze inspirowanej pracami Pierre’a Bourdieu. Celem artykułu jest diagnoza aktualnego stanu analizy klasowej i zbadanie, jak koncepcja Bourdieu może przyczynić się do jej fundamentalnego przemyślenia.
The field of class analysis is currently undergoing profound change spawned by the wave of criticism, both externally and internally. On the one hand, the class theory was challenged by theorists hailing the coming of a new phase of modernity or postmodernity which renders „class” an obsolete concept. On the other hand we are witnessing mounting dissatisfaction with the dominant class scheme (e.g. EGP) because of its inability to adequately illuminate the cultural and symbolic dimensions of class structure. These circumstances have prompted a turn towards new class paradigm, so-called „cultural class analysis” largely inspired by the works of Pierre Bourdieu. The aim of the article is to diagnose the state of art in class analysis and scrutinize how the work of Bourdieu can provide a more foundational rethinking of it.
Studia Socjologiczne; 2017, 3(226); 33-69
Pojawia się w:
Studia Socjologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rytuał – od antropologii kulturowej do analizy transakcyjnej
Ritual – from Cultural Anthropology to Transactional Analysis
Motyl, Karol
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Humanistyczno-Przyrodniczy im. Jana Długosza w Częstochowie. Wydawnictwo Uczelniane
analiza transakcyjna
antropologia kulturowa
transactional analysis
cultural anthropology
In the first part of the article the traditional meaning of the ritual is analysed. Then, the ritual is presented in the light of transactional analysis. Finally, the author discusses similarities and differences in different concepts of the ritual. The article does not attempt to address the complexity of this concept; its aim is to contribute to the discussion on the interdisciplinary nature of transactional analysis. The author’s aim is to exemplify the possibilities of applying this theory in humanities and social sciences.
Edukacyjna Analiza Transakcyjna; 2014, 3; 65-78
Pojawia się w:
Edukacyjna Analiza Transakcyjna
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Sociocultural diversity in Sweden as presented in Swedish language textbooks
Kowal, Iwona
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu. Collegium Novum. Polskie Towarzystwo Neofilologiczne
sociocultural diversity
textbooks analysis
sociocultural situa-tion in Sweden
różnorodność społeczno-kulturowa
analiza podręcznika
sytuacja społeczno-kulturowa Szwecji
The paper discusses specific features of the Swedish sociocultural reality and the way the sociocultural diversity of the country is presented in language textbooks for Swedish language learners. The analysis is longitudinal in nature i.e. it concerns two editions of textbooks published in Sweden between 1996 and 2014. The presentation of Swedish sociocultural diversity is both explicit and implicit in nature, with changes in ethnic diversity, household diversity, and family diversity being the most dynamic ones. However, a number of differences between both textbooks are noticeable: in the older version information is presented mainly in an explicit form while its newer counterpart demonstrates the diversity of Swedish society both explicitly and implicitly.
Neofilolog; 2016, 46/2; 245-258
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Światopogląd bohaterów powieści Ihara Babkoua „Minutka. Trzy historie“
Slivkova, Ivana
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
Belarusian culture, Ihar Babkov, Three Stories, literary analysis, cultural identity
kultura białoruska, Ihar Babkou, Minutka. Trzy historie, analiza literacka tożsamość kulturowa
беларуская культура, Ігар Бабкоў, тры гісторыі, літаратурны аналіз, культурная ідэнтычнасць
This article provides a literary analysis and interpretation of Ihar Babkov’s novel A Minute. Three Stories in the context of issues related to national identity and self-identification in Belarusian culture. The starting point of the author’s deliberations is the theory of intercultural communicationand the definition of cultural identity from a diachronic and contemporary point of view. The system of values presented in the novel is interpreted both in relation to the historical period and geographical area, and from the perspective of an individual involved in interpersonal relations and existing in a specific time and space. Although the dominant feature of the novel are the philosophical views and aesthetic principles professed by the protagonists, the indefinite and supranational dimension of time and space in the work allows for an interpretation in the context of cultural identity and identity in general (being a human means being...). The study is carried out using the comparative method, based on the theory of linguistic communication. The analysis proves that the plot of the novel is founded in the intertwining of different places and events, the concealing of the protagonists, and the combination of elements from both the real and the unreal. Further study showed that that one of the components of the Belarusian context in the novel is the philosophical pursuit of happiness by an individual in both a national and personal dimension.
Artykuł został poświęcony analizie literackiej oraz interpretacji powieści Ihara Babkoua Minutka. Trzy historie w kontekście zagadnień związanych z tożsamością narodową i samoidentyfikacją jednostki w kulturze białoruskiej. Punktem wyjścia rozważań autorki jest teoria komunikacji interkulturowej oraz definicja tożsamości kulturowej w ujęciu diachronicznym i współczesnym. Przedstawiony w powieści system wartości interpretowano zarówno w odniesieniu do epoki historycznej i obszaru geograficznego, jak i z perspektywy historii człowieka uwikłanego w relacje interpersonalne oraz egzystującego w określonym czasie i przestrzeni. Chociaż dominantę literacką powieści stanowią poglądy filozoficzne i zasady estetyczne wyznawane przez bohaterów, to jednak czas i przestrzeń, posiadające w utworze wymiar nieokreślony i ponadnarodowy, pozwalają interpretować tekst przez pryzmat pojęcia tożsamości kulturowej i tożsamości w ogóle (być człowiekiem znaczy być...). Badanie zostało przeprowadzone metodą porównawczą, przy wykorzystaniu teorii komunikacji językowej. W wyniku analizy udowodniono, że fabuła powieści opiera się na splocie różnych miejsc i zdarzeń, mistyfikacji bohaterów oraz łączeniu elementów świata realnego i nierealnego. Ustalono także, że jednym z komponentów kontekstu białoruskiego w powieści jest filozoficzne poszukiwanie przez jednostkę szczęścia o wymiarze narodowym oraz indywidualnym.
У артыкуле аналізуецца і інтэрпрэтуецца раман Ігара Бабкова Хвілінка. Тры гісторыі з пункту гледжання спецыфікі нацыянальнай ідэнтычнасці і самаідэнтыфікацыі ў беларускай культуры. Аўтарка зыходзіць з тэорыі міжкультурнай камунікацыі, а таксама з гістарычных ідэалогій і жыццёвых праяваў культурнай ідэнтычнасці. Ідэйная аснова аповеду інтэрпрэтуецца не толькі як характарыстыка эпохі і краіны, але таксама як гісторыя чалавека (у часе і прасторы) і запавет чалавека чалавеку. Філасофскія і эстэтычныя прынцыпы, прэзентаваныя галоўнымі персанажамі, ствараюць дамінантную частку твора. Няпэўнасць і неакрэсленасць часу і прасторы ўтварае наднацыянальную лінію тэкстуі абагульняе такім чынам прынцыпы нацыянальнай ідэнтычнасці ў напрамку ідэнтычнасці культурнай і ідэнтычнасці агульначалавечай (быць чалавекам – значыць быць...). Выкарыстоўваюцца метады: літаратурная інтэрпрэтацыя, параўнанне, прымяненне тэорыі міжкультурнай камунікацыі. Вынікам інтэрпрэтацыі, сярод іншага, з’яўляецца факт, што перапляценне месцаў і часавых падзей, містыфікацыя персанажаў, змешванне рэальнага і нерэальнага ўтварае ў аповедзе базавую лінію. Далейшы аналіз паказвае, што культурнай спецыфікай беларускага кантэксту з’яўляецца філасофская канцэпцыя імкнення данацыянальнага і асабістага шчасця.
Studia Białorutenistyczne; 2018, 12
Pojawia się w:
Studia Białorutenistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Telewizja publiczna „narzędziem” w konstruowaniu tożsamości kulturowej mniejszości narodowych i etnicznych w Polsce
Public Television as a “Tool” for the Formation of Cultural Identity of National and Ethnic Minorities in Poland
Gruchoła, Małgorzata
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
analiza zawartości
analiza ilościowa
tożsamość kulturowa
media publiczne
telewizja publiczna
polityka programowa
content analysis
quantitative analysis
cultural identity
public media
public television
programs policy
Celem publikacji jest weryfikacja polityki programowej telewizji publicznej oraz analiza audycji dla mniejszości narodowych i etnicznych oraz społeczności posługującej się językiem regionalnym w programach ogólnokrajowych Telewizji Polskiej S.A.: TVP1 i TVP2, TVP3 Regionalna, TVP Info, TVP Regionalna oraz na antenach ośrodków regionalnych TVP w 2003 oraz w 2013 r. Po wstępnych rozważaniach terminologicznych (tożsamość kulturowa, mniejszości narodowe, mniejszości etniczne, język regionalny) przedstawiono podstawy prawne ochrony dostępu mniejszości narodowych i etnicznych do programów telewizji publicznej. Następnie dokonano ilościowej analizy zawartości oraz jakościowej analizy treści wspomnianych audycji w programach telewizji publicznej w 2003 oraz 2013 r. Odrębne analizy ilościowe i jakościowe zostały przeprowadzone dla audycji nadawanych w programach ogólnopolskich (Program 1, Program 2 TVP S.A.) oraz TVP Info (w tym pasmo wspólne oraz oddziały regionalne telewizji publicznej). Przedstawiono także wyniki monitoringu w zakresie przedmiotowych audycji, wyemitowanych w OTV Białystok oraz w OTV Gdańsk. Artykuł kończą podsumowujące wnioski. W artykule zastosowano metodę analityczno-opisową, ilościową analizę zawartości oraz jakościową analizę treści.
The aim of the publication is a verification of public television program policy and analysis content of broadcasts for national and ethnic minorities and community using the regional language in nationwide programs of Polish Television: TVP1 and TVP2, TVP3 Regional, TVP Info, TVP Regional and regional TVP centers in 2003 and 2013. After a preliminary discussion of terminology (cultural identity, national minorities, ethnic minorities, regional language), the article presents the legal basis for the protection of access to public television of national minorities and ethnic minorities. Subsequently, the paper analyzes the share of the aforementioned broadcasts in the public television programs in 2003 and 2013. Separate analyzes are conducted for broadcasts in 2004 and 2013, in nationwide programs (Program 1, Program 2 of TVP S.A.) and TVP Info (including the common band and regional branches of public television). The article presents also the results of the monitoring program of the broadcasts in question, issued by Polish Television TVP Gdańsk and TVP Białystok. The article ends with summary conclusions. The method of the paper involves descriptive analytical, content analysis and quantitative analysis.
Roczniki Kulturoznawcze; 2014, 5, 2; 59-84
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Kulturoznawcze
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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