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Dis/Connection: Multisensuality and Shame’s Touch in the Work of Gabrielle Goliath
(Roz)łączność: wielozmysłowość i element wstydu w twórczości Gabrielle Goliath
Wiese, Abigail
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
performance art
Gabrielle Goliath
embodied meaning-making
sztuka performansu
nadawanie fizycznego znaczenia
This article opens a consideration around what the embodied, immersive and live exchange of live performance might make us feel and in turn how this multisensual engagement awakens the feeling body, specifically around notions of touch and shame. The discussion centralises the work of South African visual artist and performance artist, Gabrielle Goliath with a critical reading of Stumbling Block (2011/2017). In Goliath’s durational piece the body both of the performer and the audience member are carefully centralised in the production and engagement of the performance. The centralisation of the body in Goliath’s works points towards and facilitates an empathetic engagement during the performance as live event. Some points of departure in the article are how the performance curates relationality between bodies which offer potential affective spaces of touch. Furthermore, this multisensual “unspoken” engagement between bodies reminds us how the body is a communicative instrument. This contemplation therefore critically positions modes of multisensual “felt-seeing” which often fall into the “gaps” of academic spaces and thinking as central bridges in opening humans to new ways of consciously “seeing”.  I consider the encounter outside of text, the multisensual encounter, and ask what this might possibility necessitate.
Autorka artykułu snuje rozważania na temat uczuć wywoływanych u odbiorcy w kontakcie z fizycznym, absorbującym i żywym performansem, a także doznań fizycznych wywoływanych przez takie wielozmysłowe zaangażowanie, szczególnie w odniesieniu do sfery dotyku i uczucia wstydu. Dyskusja koncentruje się na twórczości południowoafrykańskiej artystki i performerki, Gabrielle Goliath, poddając krytycznej analizie pracę Stumbling Block (2011/2017), która ma charakter nietrwały, a ciało zarówno performera i widza stanowią centrum performansu w zakresie wywoływanego efektu i zaangażowania patrzącego. Takie umiejscowienie ludzkiego ciała w pracach artystki wywołuje u odbiorcy empatię sprawiającą, że angażuje się w pokaz na żywo. Artykuł pokazuje także, jak performans kształtuje relacje pomiędzy ciałami, które stanowią potencjalnie dotykalną przestrzeń. Dodatkowo taka „niewypowiedziana” interakcja między ciałami przypomina nam, że nasze ciało to narzędzie komunikacji, a w takim ujęciu „widzenie-czucie” wielozmysłowe odgrywa znaczącą rolę, ponieważ często rekompensuje niedoskonałą wiedzę naukową i braki w naszym myśleniu, otwierając nas na nowe sposoby świadomego „widzenia”. Autorka analizuje taki rodzaj postrzegania pozatekstowego i wielozmysłowego, a także pyta, co możemy dzięki niemu zyskać.
Roczniki Kulturoznawcze; 2024, 15, 1; 107-125
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Kulturoznawcze
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
“No Time, Make, or Reason”: The Affective Forms of Portishead’s “Only You” Music Video
„No Time, Make, or Reason”. Afektywne formy teledysku „Only You” zespołu Portishead
Rachubińska, Klaudia
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Sztuki PAN
struktury czasowe
radykalny formalizm
temporal structures
radical formalism
Sigmund Freud famously distinguished normal mourning and pathological melancholy by the affects’ duration and persistence. This temporal perspective paves the way for reading affect beyond its expressivity and considering it a question of form. In the article, this radical formalist approach is used to examine the way depressive affect manifests itself in the structure of the music video to Portishead’s Only You (dir. Chris Cunningham, 1998), in particular concerning tempo and rhythm. Eugenie Brinkema’s remarks on grief as an affective form marked by heaviness and inertia serve as the basis for analysing tempo. The exploration of rhythm is rooted in Peter Kivy’s assertion that reading musical expression is mediated by understanding the affective properties of the human voice. This makes way for applying Julia Kristeva’s concept of the depressive discourse, understood as a set of particular speech patterns and qualities indicative of depression/melancholy.
Zygmunt Freud rozróżnił normalną żałobę i patologiczną melancholię w oparciu o czas trwania i trwałość afektu. Spojrzenie na afekt z perspektywy czasowości pozwala odczytywać go nie przez pryzmat treści, ale formy. W artykule perspektywa radykalnego formalizmu została wykorzystana do zbadania sposobu, w jaki depresyjny afekt przejawia się w strukturze teledysku do utworu Portishead Only You (reż. Chris Cunningham, 1998), w szczególności w odniesieniu do tempa i rytmu. Teoretyczną podstawę analizy tempa stanowią uwagi Eugenie Brinkemy na temat żalu jako afektywnej formy naznaczonej ciężkością i bezwładnością. Eksploracja rytmu jest zakorzeniona w stwierdzeniu Petera Kivy’ego, że odczytywanie ekspresji muzycznej jest zapośredniczone przez rozumienie afektywnych właściwości ludzkiego głosu. Umożliwia to zastosowanie koncepcji dyskursu depresyjnego Julii Kristevej, rozumianego jako zestaw określonych wzorców i prozodycznych właściwości mowy wskazujących na depresję/melancholię. [artykuł opublikowany w języku angielskim jako: “No Time, Make, or Reason”: The Affective Forms of Portishead’s “Only You” Music Video]
Kwartalnik Filmowy; 2023, 123; 75-96
Pojawia się w:
Kwartalnik Filmowy
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Affective Rhythms: Experience of Trauma in Alan Clarke’s Films from the 1980s
Afektywne rytmy. Doświadczenie traumy w filmach Alana Clarke’a z lat 80.
Kosińska, Karolina
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Sztuki PAN
Alan Clarke
kino brytyjskie
Irlandia Północna
British cinema
Northern Ireland
Alan Clarke’s films from the 1980s are usually characterized as radical tests of the boundaries of social realism and narrative minimalism. As such, they have been described as highly political, although their political potential relates primarily to form rather than content (plot or story). Clarke’s critical approach to current affairs in Britain leads not only to a stark and pessimistic diagnosis of the state of the nation and the country but also to an analysis of the national and social traumas of the 1980s. Specific formal and narrative strategies employed by the director are highly affective – he uses intersecting patterns of different, persistent, and repetitive rhythms, visual, aural, and temporal, not to convey an intellectual meaning but rather to affect the viewer, to immerse them in a kind of trance-like experience. The author uses Jill Bennett’s reflections on trauma and affect in art to analyse the rhythmic designs of two of Clarke’s films: Road (1987) and Contact (1985).
Filmy Alana Clarke’a z lat 80. zwykle postrzega się jako radykalne testy granic realizmu społecznego i narracyjnego minimalizmu. Traktuje się je więc jako szczególnie polityczne, choć potencjał ten odnosi się przede wszystkim do formy, a nie treści (fabuły czy historii). Konsekwencją krytycznego podejścia Clarke’a do bieżących wydarzeń w Wielkiej Brytanii jest nie tylko surowa i pesymistyczna diagnoza stanu narodu i kraju, ale także analiza narodowych i społecznych traum lat 80. Specyficzne strategie formalne i narracyjne zastosowane przez reżysera są wysoce afektywne – wykorzystuje on nakładające się na siebie rozmaite natrętne i repetytywne układy rytmów, zarówno wizualnych, dźwiękowych, jak i czasowych, nie po to, by wyrazić znaczenia intelektualne, ale by działać na widza afektywnie, wciągnąć go w pewne transowe doświadczenie. Autorka wykorzystuje refleksje Jill Bennett na temat traumy i afektu w sztuce do analizy rytmicznych układów w dwóch filmach Clarke’a – Road (1987) i Contact (1985). [artykuł opublikowany w języku angielskim jako: Affective Rhythms: Experience of Trauma in Alan Clarke’s Films from the 1980s]
Kwartalnik Filmowy; 2023, 123; 50-73
Pojawia się w:
Kwartalnik Filmowy
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Anorektyczki jako homo nekroperformerki. Afektywno sprawcze podmiotki
Anorectic women as homo necroperformers. Affective-causal subjects
Krzywonos, Wiktoria
Data publikacji:
Instytut im. Jerzego Grotowskiego we Wrocławiu
homo necroperformance
The article is a proposal to look at anorexics as performers and an interpretation of the spectacle they make of their own bodies in the context of homo necroperformance in which the subversive and affective causality of the liminal subject (half-living being) and emaciated bodies becomes important. The article places the problems of the representation of a certain kind of disorder in the field of cultural experience. The article is an excerpt from a master’s thesis written under the supervision of Professor Katarzyna Fazan.
Didaskalia. Gazeta Teatralna; 2023, 175-176; 194-235
Pojawia się w:
Didaskalia. Gazeta Teatralna
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Etnografia afektywnych poruszeń: coaching i neoliberalna psyche
An ethnography of affective movements: coaching and neoliberal psyche
Mokrzan, Michał
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Gdański. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego
affect theory
rhetoric culture theory
positive psychology
neoliberal psyche
anthropology of well-being
The article seeks to defamiliarize coaching practices based on the premises of positive psy- chology that were the focus of the author’s inquiry during ethnographic research among the Polish community of professional coaches and their clients: managers, entrepreneurs and university teachers. The author argues that coaching practices equip individuals with tools to cope with the social and personal risks associated with living conditions of late-capitalism. These practices are also a space within which we fase the circulation of affects and the power of desires that support capitalist regimes of productivity and, consequently, produce a neoliberal psyche (neoliberal type of subjectivity). In this paper, the author aims to answer the following questions: how do people participating in a coaching process govern themselves (construct, negotiate or contest their own self) by means of affective movements? What is the persuasive dimension of the affective work on self undertaken by coachees that results in subjectification and/or objectification along the lines of neoliberal rationality? And finally: how is the affective-rhetorical process of embodying the neoliberal type of governance manifested in coaching? The answers to these questions have been developed based on the findings of affect theory and rhetoric culture theory.
Etnografia. Praktyki, Teorie, Doświadczenia; 2023, 8; 133-147
Pojawia się w:
Etnografia. Praktyki, Teorie, Doświadczenia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Nowa humanistyka służebna
Servile new literary studies
Pertek, Grzegorz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
new literary studies
modern theory
nowa humanistyka
teoria nowoczesna
The paper is devoted to the theoretical foundation of the new humanities that have been recently developing in Poland. They result mainly from the need  to surpass the theoretical and methodological horizon that was outlined by modern theory, especially by structuralism. The author argues that the more the new humanities attempt to revoke the modern theory, the more they are faithful to its premises. By analyzing the latest works of Ryszard Nycz, one of the main founders of the theoretical bases of the new humanities in Poland, the author shows i.a. how the main concepts of the main theory (in this case – mainly the concept of sounding out) work at its behalf.
Przestrzenie Teorii; 2023, 40; 297-320
Pojawia się w:
Przestrzenie Teorii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
O bezpośrednim wpływie na cenę towarów lub usług, czyli kiedy dotacja, subwencja lub dopłata są wliczane do podstawy opodatkowania w podatku od towarów i usług
About direct affect on the price of goods or services that is, when grant, subsidy or surcharge are included in the taxable amount in tax on goods and services
Stankiewicz, Patryk
Ołdak, Wiktor
Data publikacji:
Instytut Studiów Podatkowych Modzelewski i wspólnicy
podatek od towarów i usług
podatek od wartości dodanej
podstawa opodatkowania
dopłata o podobnym charakterze
bezpośredni wpływ na cenę towarów dostarczanych lub usług świadczonych przez podatnika
tax on goods and services
value added tax
taxable amount
similar surcharge
direct affect on the price of goods or services supplied by a taxable person
W artykule autorzy zbadali, kiedy otrzymana przez podatnika kwota będąca dotacją, subwencją bądź dopłatą o podobnym charakterze jest wliczana do podstawy opodatkowania w podatku od towarów i usług. W tym celu najpierw scharakteryzowali pojęcia dotacji, subwencji i dopłaty na gruncie art. 29a ust. 1 ustawy z dnia 11 marca 2004 r. o podatku od towarów i usług1. W dalszej kolejności przeanalizowali, jak w orzecznictwie Trybunału Sprawiedliwości Unii Europejskiej (TSUE) oraz polskich sądów administracyjnych rozumiane jest pojęcie „bezpośredniego wpływu na cenę”, by określić kryteria, według których należy oceniać, czy taki wpływ wywiera dana dotacja, subwencja lub dopłata otrzymana przez podatnika na cenę dostarczanych przez niego towarów lub usług.
In the article, the authors examined when an amount received by a taxable person that has the character of grant, subsidy or similar surcharge VAT will be included in taxable amount in tax on goods and services. For this purpose, the terms of grant, subsidy and surcharge on the grounds of Article 29a (1) of the VAT Act were first characterised. Next, the notion of “direct affect on the price” was analysed in the jurisprudence of the Court of Justice of the European Union and Polish administrative courts in order to determine the criteria to assess whether a particular grant, subsidy or surcharge received by taxable person has a direct affect on the price of goods or services supplied by a taxable person.
Doradztwo Podatkowe Biuletyn Instytutu Studiów Podatkowych; 2023, 10(326); 40-45
Pojawia się w:
Doradztwo Podatkowe Biuletyn Instytutu Studiów Podatkowych
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Polska adaptacja i walidacja Kwestionariusza indywidualnej wydajności w pracy (IWPQ)
Polish adaptation and validation of the Individual Work Performance Questionnaire (IWPQ)
Jasiński, Arkadiusz M.
Derbis, Romuald
Koopmans, Linda
Data publikacji:
Instytut Medycyny Pracy im. prof. dra Jerzego Nofera w Łodzi
indywidualna wydajność w pracy
zaangażowanie w pracę
afekt w pracy
polska wersja IWPQ
wypalenie zawodowe
zachowania kontrproduktywne w pracy
individual work performance
work engagement
affect at work
Polish version of IWPQ
job burnout
counterproductive work behavior
Wstęp Celem badań była adaptacja polskiej wersji Kwestionariusza indywidualnej wydajności w pracy (Individual Work Performance Questionnaire – IWPQ). Materiał i metody Badania przeprowadzono na 3 niezależnych próbach pracowników zatrudnionych w 3 różnych sektorach: N1 (N = 1582), N2 (N = 581) i N3 (N = 40). Strukturę narzędzia badano za pomocą eksploracyjnej i konfirmacyjnej analizy czynnikowej. Przeprowadzono analizę równoważności konstruktu w podgrupach. Rzetelność określono przy użyciu miary α Cronbacha i metodą test–retest. Trafność teoretyczną oszacowano za pomocą zmiennych kryterialnych: zaangażowania w pracę, afektu pozytywnego i negatywnego w pracy oraz wypalenia zawodowego. Wyniki Za pomocą eksploracyjnej analizy czynnikowej wykryto 3 czynniki. Podskale wykazały wysoką spójność wewnętrzną. Wyniki konfirmacyjnej analizy czynnikowej potwierdziły adekwatne dopasowanie modelu 3-czynnikowego do danych. Równoważność konstruktu między grupami została potwierdzona. Wydajność zadaniowa ujemnie łączyła się z negatywnym afektem w pracy i wypaleniem zawodowym a dodatnio – z zaangażowaniem w pracę i afektem pozytywnym w pracy. Wydajność kontekstowa istotnie ujemnie łączyła się z zachowaniami kontrproduktywnymi i negatywnym afektem w pracy, a dodatnio – z zaangażowaniem w pracę. Stabilność czasowa pomiaru była wysoka dla wszystkich 3 podskal. Wnioski Biorąc pod uwagę ograniczenia badania, polska wersja IWPQ jest trafnym i rzetelnym narzędziem do zastosowań naukowych i praktycznych. Jest też pierwszym w polskich warunkach kompleksowym kwestionariuszem do pomiaru indywidualnej wydajności w pracy.
Background The objective of this study was to test the psychometric properties of the Polish version of the Individual Work Performance Questionnaire (IWPQ). Material and Methods The study was conducted on 3 independent samples of 1582, 581 and 40 individuals employed as manual workers, social service and white collar workers. To test the IWPQ structure an exploratory factor analysis was conducted. Multigroup confirmatory factor analysis and invariance test were carried out among subgroups. The reliability was assessed by means of Cronbach’s α coefficient (internal consistent) and test–retest (stability over time) method, with a 4-week follow-up. The construct validity of the IWPQ was tested by means of correlation analysis, using work engagement, positive and negative affect at work, and job burnout as the criterion variables. Results The Polish version of the IWPQ displays very good internal consistency, theoretical validity, and test–retest stability. The results of the factor analysis confirmed a 3-factor structure of the questionnaire. Construct invariance across subgroups was confirmed. Task performance was negatively correlated with negative affect at work, job burnout and positively correlated with work engagement and positive affect at work. Contextual performance was negatively related with counterproductive work behaviors, negative affect at work and positively related with work engagement. Conclusions The Polish version of the IWPQ – like the original scale – consists of 18 items and has 3 subscales. Despite certain limitations the Polish version of the IWPQ shows good psychometric properties and it can be used to measure individual work performance in Polish conditions.
Medycyna Pracy. Workers’ Health and Safety; 2023, 74, 5; 389-398
Pojawia się w:
Medycyna Pracy. Workers’ Health and Safety
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Carving and Healing of a Wound: Linguistic Homelessness and Disidentification as Survival
Rodriguez A., Daniela
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Ośrodek Studiów Amerykańskich
affect theory
brown feelings
linguistic homelessness
Building on the work of chicana theorist Gloria Anzaldúa and queer theorist José Esteban Muñoz this paper analyses and discusses the affective component of language for those whose first language has been overshadowed by a second language. I ask how language affects the self’s sense of identity/belonging, the possibility for communicating/accessing queerness, and what linguistic or poetic tools can be employed to empower the self. Following the tradition of feminist thought that assumes that the personal is political, I write from personal experiences. As a Colombian-born migrant in Sweden, I explore how the overshadowing of my mother tongue (Spanish) by Swedish (as the language with the perceived highest social and cultural value in Swedish society) has impacted on my self-image, sense of identity, self-worth and queerness. Gloria Anzaldúa inspires me to mix languages and push the boundaries of the academic text format. Confronting it with a poetic, violent and desbordado language, I challenge normative ideas of academic writing, but I also hope that others might find beauty in the decisive ambiguity and the mixing of languages. I engage with what Gloria Anzaldúa (2012, 1984) and Cherrie Moraga (1984) call theorizing from the flesh and turn to concepts such as linguistic terrorism, while also approaching José Esteban Muñoz’s brown feelings (2020). Furthermore, I build on Torres (2017) who argues that the emotional bonds bilinguals have to different languages intersect with their sense of identity and place, thus evoking various emotions and memories. From here, I conclude that having one’s first language be overshadowed by a second one creates ambiguity and confusion about the self’s identity. Feeling homeless in language translates into an uncertainty about one’s claim to any citizenship or cultural identity, thus leading to anxiety, sadness and sense of non-belonging. I contrast this with the concept of disidentification (Muñoz 1999), which opens practices of survival through entering queer temporality and embracing ambiguity. Accordingly, the confusion about a defined identity (going along with a particular language) can become useful for negotiating the self’s queerness. For Muñoz, neither opting for assimilation nor counteridentification, but disidentifying allows the self to (re)construct a sense of identity and belonging.
InterAlia: Pismo poświęcone studiom queer; 2023, 18; 101-115
Pojawia się w:
InterAlia: Pismo poświęcone studiom queer
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Afektywne granice i niesmaczna sztuka polityczna: «Pierwszy upadek europejskiego muru» Centrum Politycznego Piękna
Affective Boundaries and Unsavoury Political Art: «The First Fall of the European Wall» by the Center for Political Beauty
Tabak, Wiktoria
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Sztuki PAN
Center for Political Beauty
public sphere
political art
affect theory
Berlin Wall
Centrum Politycznego Piękna
sfera publiczna
sztuka polityczna
teaoria afektów
mur berliński
Artykuł stanowi analizę skandalu, jaki w niemieckiej sferze publicznej wywołała interwencja Centrum Politycznego Piękna zatytułowana Pierwszy upadek europejskiego muru (2014). Kampania przygotowana tuż przed dwudziestą piątą rocznicą upadku muru berlińskiego miała na celu obnażenie hipokryzji niemieckich polityków, którzy jednocześnie świętują likwidację starych granic i współfinansują powstawanie nowych. Autorka przedstawia przebieg tej artywistycznej akcji i analizuje jej negatywną recepcję, w szczególności komentarze grupy odbiorczej, którą określa mianem publiczności zniesmaczonej. W analizie wykorzystano koncepcje pamięci rywalizacyjnej i wielokierunkowej (Michael Rothberg), teorię afektów (Sara Ahmed) i teorię wstrętu (Winfried Menninghaus), by pokazać, w jaki sposób ukonstytuowała się publiczność deprecjonująca projekt za pomocą kategorii smaku i uruchamiająca różne mechanizmy obronne służące blokowaniu dyskusji nad politycznymi problemami, na które zwrócili uwagę opinii publicznej artyści.
This article analyzes the scandal caused in the German public sphere by the Center for Political Beauty’s intervention The First Fall of the European Wall (2014). Prepared just before the twenty-fifth anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, the campaign aimed to expose the hypocrisy of German politicians, who celebrated the dismantling of old borders and at the same time co-financed the emergence of new ones. The author presents the course of this artivist action and analyzes its negative reception, focusing on comments from a group of recipients which she categorizes as “disgusted audience.” The analysis draws on the concepts of competitive and multidirectional memory (Michael Rothberg), affect theory (Sara Ahmed), and theory of disgust (Winfried Menninghaus) to show how an audience constituted itself to depreciate the project based on the category of taste and to activate various defense mechanisms blocking the discussion about political issues brought to public attention by the artists.
Pamiętnik Teatralny; 2022, 71, 3; 109-127
Pojawia się w:
Pamiętnik Teatralny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Affect and psychological well-being in spouses of cancer patients: the mediating role of meaning in life and self-efficacy
Krok, Dariusz
Gerymski, Rafał
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Opolski. Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego
spouses of cancer patients
families of cancer patients
psychological well-being
meaning in life
The examination of the psychological functioning of cancer patients’ spouses implies that affect and personal resources play an important role in their psychological well-being. This is a consequence of the severe stress caused by the medical conditions of a spouse and of responsibilities related to caregiving. This study aimed to examine the role of affect and purpose-oriented personal resources (meaning in life and self-efficacy) in shaping psychological well-being in the spouses of cancer patients. The participants were 214 spouses of gastrointestinal patients who were either undergoing medical treatment in hospital units or attending scheduled clinic appointments at outpatient medical clinics. The Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS-X), Psychological Well-Being Scale (PWB), Meaning in Life Questionnaire (MLQ), and General Self-Efficacy Scale (GSES) were used. The results indicated that positive affect was positively correlated with meaning in life, self-efficacy, and psychological well-being. In contrast, negative affect was negatively correlated with positive affect, meaning in life, self-efficacy, and psychological well-being. The mediation analyses demonstrated that meaning in life and self-efficacy were mediators between positive and negative affect and psychological well-being. The mediating function of meaning in life and self-efficacy revealed the significant role of personal resources based on purpose and self-motivation in the relationship between affect and psychological well-being. Positive and negative affect can influence motivational processes that enable patients and their families to constructively deal with challenging and illness-related situations. Caregivers and medical staff could take into account the important role of purpose-oriented resources as they affect the functioning of both patients and their families.
Family Forum; 2021, 11; 267-286
Pojawia się w:
Family Forum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Affectivity and Self-Forgiveness. The Role of Control of Negative Emotions: Short Report
Mróz, Justyna
Kaleta, Kinga
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
positive affect
negative affect
control of emotions
anger control
Self-forgiveness is a process in which emotions, thoughts, and behaviours towards oneself are changed from negative to neutral or positive. In this study, we examined affectivity and emotional control (of anger, depression, anxiety) as emotional factors promoting or discouraging self-forgiveness. We examined self-forgiveness among Polish adults (N = 380, Mage = 36.26). Respondents completed the Polish version of the Positive Affect Negative Affect Scale, the Courtauld Emotional Control Scale (CECS), and the self-forgiveness subscale of Touissant’s Forgiveness Scale. In our cross-sectional study, we tested the moderating role of emotional control in the relationship between affectivity and self-forgiveness. Our results showed that positive affect was positively correlated with self-forgiveness, whereas negative affect was inversely correlated with self-forgiveness. Additionally, emotional control (anger, depression) was negatively correlated with self-forgiveness. Finally, total control of emotions and control of anger were found to be buffers between negative affect and self-forgiveness, the effect of negative affect on self-forgiveness being weaker among individuals who were more anger-controlling. The obtained results are a prelude to further research into the relationship between affectivity and self-forgiveness.
Roczniki Psychologiczne; 2022, 25, 3; 239-249
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Psychologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Alcoholism as a way of dealing with emotions and transformation in relational family therapy
Simonič, Barbara
Cvetek, Robert
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Opolski. Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego
affect regulation
Alcoholism, which is a major public health and social problem, can be viewed from several perspectives, as its occurrence is a multifaceted phenomenon in terms of its development (causes), effects, and maintenance. The Relational Family Therapy paradigm looks at alcoholism and its dynamics in relation to dysfunctional affect regulation. Dysfunctional affect regulation and the general inability to manage emotions are often mentioned in relation to the development and maintenance of alcohol addiction. The mechanism of affect regulation generally refers to internal processes that allow an individual to maintain their emotions to a degree that feels still bearable for them. According to these assumptions, alcoholics drink in order to cope with difficult emotions, either because they have more negative emotional states than others do, or because they lack the internal resources to cope with these negative emotions. For them, consuming alcohol is a series of repeated attempts to regulate heavy emotions, which often stem from painful past experiences. The process of Relational Family Therapy, therefore, as treatment of addiction, focuses on identifying and transforming the dysfunctional regulation of affect, which is behind addictive behavior. By means of action research methodology, this paper presents the approach of Relational Family Therapy in working with an alcoholic client, with an emphasis on the aspects of affect regulation. We show how the client’s alcohol use appeared as a dynamic of inappropriate regulation of a painful core affect. In the process of Relational Family Therapy, a more functional regulation of the core affect was established, thereby reducing symptomatic behavior (alcoholism) in the client.
Family Forum; 2022, 12; 121-138
Pojawia się w:
Family Forum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Assessment of worklife areas, trust in supervisor and interpersonal trust as conditions of severity of stress at work
Chudzicka-Czupała, Agata
Grabowski, Damian
Czerw, Agnieszka
Stasiła-Sieradzka, Marta
Data publikacji:
Instytut Medycyny Pracy im. prof. dra Jerzego Nofera w Łodzi
worklife areas
trust in supervisor
trust in co-workers
cognition-based trust
affect-based trust
Objectives The aim of the paper is to present the findings from a study of the relationships between perception of worklife areas and trust in supervisor and interpersonal trust on the one hand, and assessment of the severity of stress at work on the other hand. Material and methods The study involved 1113 individuals working in different Polish organizations. The Perceived Stress Scale (PSS-10) was used to measure stress severity. Assessments of worklife areas were measured using the Areas of Worklife Survey, while trust was measured using the Trust in Supervisor Scale and the Interpersonal Trust Measures, a tool for measuring trust in co-workers. Results The regression analysis results prove that stress severity depends to the largest extent on the assessment of worklife areas (workload, reward, and values), as well as trust in the skills and competencies of the supervisor and trust in co-workers, based on cognitive factors. The role of trust in the supervisor, emphasizing the latter’s benevolence and the belief in their integrity and of trust in co-workers, based on emotions, and the relationships of these variables with stress require clarification. The model turned out to be statistically significant, the variables included in the model explain 45% of the variability of the dependent variable. Conclusions Assessment of worklife areas is more significant for stress level prediction than the trust dimensions studied. Conclusions concerning the relationships between trust and stress must be cautious, and the matter should be studied further.
International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health; 2022, 35, 6; 719-730
Pojawia się w:
International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Does Dispositional Positive and Negative Affect Predict Late-Career Entrepreneurial Intention? A Theory of Planned Behavior Perspective
Lam, Melanie
Purc, Ewelina
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
entrepreneurial intention
theory of planned behavior
Late-career entrepreneurship can be a good answer to the problems of an aging population—age discrimination experienced by mature workers or inadequate pensions. For this reason, it is gaining increasing interest among researchers and policymakers. However, to date, very little is known about the factors that favor or hinder intentions to become entrepreneur at the late-career stage, especially those taking a psychological perspective. The current study aims to fill this gap by testing whether dispositional affect is related to entrepreneurial intention at the late-career stage. To explain the mechanism of this relationship, we use the theory of planned behavior. We conducted a study that included 292 non-self-employed people aged 45–81. The results showed that neither positive affect nor negative affect are directly related to entrepreneurial intention, but these relationships are rather indirect and go through components of the theory of planned behavior. This provides insights into explanation of late-career entrepreneurial intention and can be used by researchers, policymakers and practitioners, for example in programs supporting business start-ups by people approaching retirement age.
Roczniki Psychologiczne; 2022, 25, 4; 349-366
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Psychologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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