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Difficulties and prospects for change among drug addicts before and after withdrawal treatment
Anna, Chmielewska,
Data publikacji:
Akademia Pedagogiki Specjalnej im. Marii Grzegorzewskiej. Wydawnictwo APS
drug addiction
withdrawal treatment
addiction treatment centre
social worker
The purpose of the article is to show the life situation of drug addicts before the start of the withdrawal treatment in an addiction treatment centre and after all stages of the treatment have been completed. It is important to show the difference in perception of a person’s life status before and after treatment. Despite similar potential problems, for example in the housing, professional, health and family situation, there is a fundamental change in the way they are assessed and how to solve them. The reason is the confrontation with the disease that occurs during the stay in the centre. Thanks to it, it is possible to think about what to change in the person’s life. The broadly understood change is possible thanks to appropriate support after leaving the centre. This support, provided, among others, by social workers, consists in accompanying such a person in the implementation of subsequent challenges and in solving emerging problems. It is associated with motivating, indicating resources and strengthening the sense of agency in life.
Praca Socjalna; 2020, 35(3); 24-41
Pojawia się w:
Praca Socjalna
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kryminogenność alkoholizmu
The Role of Alcoholism in Generating Crime
Mazur, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
badania katamnestyczne
leczenie uzależnień
generating crime
catamnestic research
addiction treatment
The sample consisted of 718 men diagnosed as alcoholics and subjected to disaccustoming treatment at a mental hospital in Łódź in the years 1971-1975. They constituted over 98 per cent of hospital patients in that period, and over 87 per cent of them were sent to hospital treatment by the court. During the treatment on the disaccustoming ward, which lasted about three months on the average, extensive biographical material about each of the patients was gathered. In 1985, a follow-up examination was carried out with the aim to estimate the effects of treatment. All of the men were found to have relapsed into alcoholism at different times, mostly during several weeks after discharge. The examined sample included 429 men (59.7 per cent) with criminal records; in the case of 396 of them (92.3 per cent), their first conviction was preceded by the average of eight years of excessive drinking (from one to twenty-six years). Thus the men in the sample infringed the law at a much older age as compared with the total male population in Poland in the discussed period. The material presented in this paper concerns the role of alcoholism as an individual person’s illness rather than the role of alcohol as a crimegenerating factor. As shown by an analysis of a number of comparative data, biographies of the sample from before the emergence of the alcohol problem reflected the phenomena and processes taking place in the country. This concerns in particular migration to towns, advancement of the succeeding generations, the level of professional qualifications at the peak of economic activity, and the level of education. Also as regards behaviour, the men in the sample probably had not differed, before being subjected to disaccustoming treatment, from typical male representatives of excessively drinking circles, and particularly from alcoholics. The study included a comparison of the sample’s criminal records with the records of men in Poland in the years 1954-1985: the proportion of persons with criminal records among alcoholics proved nearly twice higher. Still more drastic differences were revealed by means of comparison of the incidence of the separate penalties and the numbers of convictions: penalties not involving deprivation of liberty were imposed over twice less frequently upon alcoholics, who instead were conicvted to over two years of imprisonment 4.5 time more often. Finally, the proportion of alcoholics convicted only once was twice lower, and of those convicted at least six times – 3.3 times higher than in the total population of convicted persons. This accumulation of multiplicities made it possible to estimate the threat of alcoholics’criminal acts at five to six times the index for the total male population. Further comparisons, this time concerning the types of offences committed, led to distinguishment of two such types which are typical of alcoholics: namely, offences against family, guardianship, and young persons, and those against private property. The number of convictions of alcoholics for offences against family was three times larger, and for those against private property – 1.3 larger; instead, convictions for offences against life and health, honour and bodily inviolobility, and public property were as frequent among alcoholics as in the total male population, and the number of alcoholics convicted for all of the remaining types of offences was 2.5 times smaller. An attempt was also made to identify the dominant crimegenerating factors in life histories of the men in the sample which provided a rich documentary evidence. Seven such factors were distinguished. Next, a matrix was constructed of their coincidence in pairs, and five factors were determined which are most strongly related to crime. The were: 1) excessive drinking under 19; 2) lack of permanent employment for at least 40 per cent of the time since leaving school; 3) an interval of at least one year from ending or leaving school till the first job; 4) lack of professional qualifications both of the examined man and of his father. Obviously, the latter factor results from chance and escapes any preventive activities. The remaining three, instead, concern the sphere of behaviour which may be subjected to appropriate preventive treatment, chiefly in the case of young persons threatened with alkoholism who  still have no criminal record and maintained by their famikies despite  having finished or left school, Since a long time, category of young persons living in a specific subculture has been pointed to as a crimegenerating group. Those, instead, who regularly evade permanent work and confine themselves to odd jobs, unlicensed trade, or simply sponge on  their families, require an entirely different preventive treatment.  
Archiwum Kryminologii; 1991, XVII; 287-338
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Postawy rodziców i opiekunów wobec zażywania środków uzależniających przez młodych pacjentów poradni odwykowych
Parents’ Attitudes Towards Drug Addiction of Young Patients of Disaccustoming Clinics
Zakrzewski, Paweł
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
środki uzależniające
badania socjologiczne
badania kryminologiczne
leczenie uzależnień
addictive substances
drug addiction
sociological research
criminological research
addiction treatment
The paper presents the finding of a longitudinal study of two problems: the addicts’ prospects of quitting drugs, and  the psycho-social factors conducive to success in this respect. The first study (conducted in the years 1974–1976) concerned all patients aged 15–28 treated in that period for repeated taking of drugs, at the disaccustoming clinic for young persons and at district clinics for adults in the city of Łódź. The total of 107 patients were examined (23 per cent of girls and 77 per cent of young men). According to medical diagnosis, 21 per cent of them suffered from a social, 50 per cent – from a psychological, and 29 per cent – from a physical dependence. After about 10 years, a catamnesis was carried out which concerned 80 patients. The methods applied in both parts of the study were: detailed interviews with the patients and their families; medical examination; and  analysis of a variety of documents. For the estimation of the fates of the sample, the following issues were of the key importance: persistence in or abandonment of addiction; permanence of abstinence; and the extent of self-dependence achieved. This complexity of the examined persons’ situation taken into account, the following criteria of improvement have been adopted: a) medical (persistence in abstinence); b) psychological (psychological acceptance of abstinence and the resulting change of lifestyle); and c) social (active engagement in the appropriate social roles). Basing on the above criteria, the following categories were distinguished within the sample:1) persons who persisted in addiction; 2) deceased in consequence of addiction; 3) those who quit taking drugs but still had various problems resulting from their former addiction; and 4) those who quit and had no special problems. Against previous expectations, persons who kept taking drugs (26 per cent) did not constitute the mos tnumerous group. Their mean period of taking drugs was 13.6 years. Their interests and social contacts were narrowed to problems related to the taking and production or obtaining drugs. They were generally emaciated and had increasing withdrawal symptoms. Persons of this group went through several months’periods of abstinence due to treatment, imprisonment, or a favourable occurrence in their lives. All of them, however, relapsed into addiction quite promptly, particularly when faced with unavoidable difficulties. Family life or married persons in this group was unhappy, and most marriages broke up: only those between two addicts still lasted. Biographies similar to those discussed above were also found in the case of persons (9 per cent) who died during catamnesis in circumstances that pointed to their death’s relationship with the taking of drugs and with addiction, interpreted also as a certain lifestyle. All persons of this group had been taking drugs for a long time (over five years), and their death was due either to serious diseases combined with emaciation, or occurred in unexplained circumstances as a border-line case between accident, suicide, and homicide. 3.The largest group (46 per cent) consisted of persons who admittedly quit taking drugs but still had various health and social problems related to their previous addiction. Their main problems were as follows: in the sphere of physical health, chronic gastritis, entero-gastric disorders. diseases of liver, heart probiems, reduced physical endurance, disturbances of sleep, and in the sphere of mental health: anxiety, hypersensibility, difficulties in establishing relations with others, depression, low selfesteem, lack of self-confidence, high emotional instability, latent inward anxiety, etc. The most important and frequent social problems included leaving secondary school and the related subsequent lack of professional qualifications, a more difficult start into adult life, the need to relinquish certain professional aspirations and a more interesting job, and a lack of prospects of promotion. In most respondents, this caused a sense of instability and inevitably gave rise to frustrations, increasing their passiveness and apathy. This situation was particularly painful for persons whose intellligence had been rather high before they started taking drugs and who used to have various interests and aspirations. The coincidence of the ahove circumstances also negatively affected their family and marital situation. The fates of persons who quit after several years of taking drugs seem to indicate that those persons’ tolerance to stress and ability to overcome difficulties had been greatly impaired during the period of addiction: as a consequence, they were subsequently unable to cope even with everyday matters which they perceived as great problems. The last group consisted of persons (19 per cent) who had been taking drugs for a shorter period as a rule (not longer than five years in general), and who were not only able to persist in abstinence during catamnesis but also met the psychological and social criteria of improvement. A high proportion of girls in this group (over 50 per cent) seems characteristic. Moreover, nearly all those persons were married: their marriages, happy as a rule, were a great assistance to them. Therefore, the total of 65 per cent of the sample succeeded to quit addiction. What was crucial here was not exactly the form of dependence (social, psychological, physical) but rather the length of the period of taking drugs. If a person has been taking drugs for over five years, his prospects of improvement diminish greatly, and favourable results can only be obtained in the course of a prolonged rehabilitation. The reasons that made most persons in the sample abandon their addiction were seeked both in their personality traits and family environments. What is characteristic is that a considerable portion of respondents come from the intelligentsia, with an average or even high social status and good material situation (in which respect they differ greatly from e.g. juvenile delinquents or young alcoholics). There is in such families a rather small extent of pathology such as alcoholism, crime, or prostitution. In most cases, the parents’ attitude to their children’s taking of drugs should be estimated as proper. The parents played an effective role, fighting for their children to quit as a general rule. Aware of the dangers related to drugs, they took energetic steps which consisted among others in changing the child’s environment (e. g. moving with him to another town), inducing him to undergo treatment and organizing that treatment, supervising his leisure activities, etc. Parents’ improper attitudes such as scenes, turning the child out, etc., were most seldom. The analysis of the reasons which made about two-thirds of respondents quit addiction included their character and intellectual traits defined in the course of psychiatric examination. There was in the sample a rather large number of individuals with the so-called immature personality, who at the age of about 25 were still characterized by traits such as a passive attitude to life; inconsideration for their own future; a poorly developed critical attitude towards themselves and their situation; emotional immaturity; dependence on others (e.g. the mother or friends); inabitity to act effectively, to overcome obstacles and to achieve distant aims; easy discouragement when faced with difficulties, etc. It was only during catamnesis, at the age of about 25, that the respondents’ former, largely childish attitudes were transformed with delay into normal traits of young persons. This development and the crystallization of personality, connected with the parents’ activities and their proper attitude towards the children’s addiction, were conducive to abandonment of addiction by, a considerable portion of the sample. Other factors which played this favourable role in the respondents’ biographies were: a rather high intellectual level; the “psychological shock” caused e.g. by detoxification at a mental hospital or the death of a close friend due to overdose; and imprisonment and going through the withdrawal syndrome in such conditions, etc. To interpret the findings, the conception of American alcohologist J. Ewing has been used: it speaks of inducing and protecting factors in the development of alcoholism. According to Ewing, an individual who starts taking drugs regularly is influenced by a number of biological, psychological, and social factors, some of them conducive to the development of addiction and others protecting the individual against it. Despite the opinions of some researchers, “protecting” factors prove strong enough to hold back even an already addicted person and to contribute to his abandonment of drugs. With the prolongation of the period of taking drugs, the influence of protecting factors wanes, and that of the ones which induce the individual to continue the taking of drugs and thus foster a further development of addiction spreads. The following practical conclusions have been drawn from the study: – Intensified therapeutic and rehabilitative treatment, during the first years of taking drugs in particular. – Co-operation with the addicts’ parents who should be instructed (e.g. about the ways of soothing difficulties in adjustment); whose activity should be assisted, e.g. through the organization of parents’ self-help associations; whose contacts with specialist clinics should be made easier, etc. – Creation of possibilities of medical and rehabilitative treatment for various cotegories of young persons addicted to drugs (not all of them feel comfortable in the existing centres, e.g. of the MONAR movement). – Short-term hospital treatments are reasonable at the initial stage of addiction (several years of taking drugs), as in that period the addicted person’s power of resistance can be strengthened inherent both in his personality and the environment. Help and care should be provided for addicts who have already drugs but have life problems caused or aggravaquited by their previous addiction.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 1991, XVII; 339-373
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Stres w pracy personelu medycznego psychiatrycznej opieki zdrowotnej - przegląd badań
Occupational stress of medical staff at psychiatric and addiction treatment wards – a review of research
Łuczak, A.
Baka, Ł.
Najmiec, A.
Data publikacji:
Centralny Instytut Ochrony Pracy
stres w pracy
personel medyczny psychiatrycznej opieki zdrowotnej
stress at work
medical staff at psychiatric and addiction treatment wards
Stres w pracy jest ważkim problemem w obszarze bhp, na co wskazują ostatnie badania EU-OSHA. Konsekwencje stresu w pracy odczuwają zarówno pracownicy ( problemy psychiczne, depresja, choroby układu sercowo-naczyniowego, mięśniowo-szkieletowego, cukrzyca) jak i przedsiębiorstwa ( absencja chorobowa, rotacja pracowników, spadek produktywności). Większość kadry zarządzającej ma świadomość istnienia stresu w ich firmach, ale niewiele firm ma procedury radzenia sobie ze stresem w miejscu pracy. W artykule przedstawiono przegląd badań na temat przyczyn stresu w pracy personelu medycznego oddziałów psychiatrycznych i leczenia uzależnień w bezpośrednim kontakcie z pacjentem, która jest zaliczana do kategorii prac o szczególnym charakterze, gdzie narażenie na stres jest elementem jej specyfiki.
Occupational stress is an important problem in occupational safety and health, which recent research at EU-OSHA has shown. The effect of occupational stress is observed both m workers (e.g, psychological problems, depression, cardiovascular and musculoskeletal diseases, diabetes) and m enterprises (e.g., sick leave, employee turnover, decreased productivity). Most managers are aware of occupational stress in their companies; few companies have procedures for coping with, though. This article presents a review of studies on the causes of occupational stress in medical staff at psychiatric and addiction treatment wards, who are in direct contact with patients Those are considered to be special jobs, where exposure to stress is intrinsic.
Bezpieczeństwo Pracy : nauka i praktyka; 2018, 2; 6-10
Pojawia się w:
Bezpieczeństwo Pracy : nauka i praktyka
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wybrane metody profilaktyki stresu wśród personelu medycznego psychiatrycznej opieki zdrowotnej
Selected methods of stress prevention among medical psychiatric and addiction treatment wards
Łuczak, Anna
Baka, Łukasz
Najmiec, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Centralny Instytut Ochrony Pracy
stres w pracy
personel medyczny psychiatrycznej opieki zdrowotnej
metody profilaktyki stresu
stress at work
staff of psychiatric and addiction treatment wards
stress prevention
Nawiązując do wcześniejszej publikacji („BP” nr 2/2018), poświęconej przyczynom stresu w pracy personelu medycznego psychiatrycznej opieki zdrowotnej, w tym artykule przedstawiono wybrane metody profilaktyki stresu w pracy, odnoszące się do podstawowych źródeł stresu w tej grupie zawodowej: wymagań emocjonalnych i agresji ze strony pacjentów. Zaproponowano również przykłady metod ukierunkowanych na promocję zdrowia.
Following an earlier publication ("BP" No. 2/2018) on the causes of stress in medical staff at psychiatric and addiction treatment wards, this article presents examples of methods of stress prevention, related to emotional requirements and patients' aggression, the principal sources of stress in this occupational group. This article also presents examples of methods aimed at promoting health.
Bezpieczeństwo Pracy : nauka i praktyka; 2019, 6; 16-20
Pojawia się w:
Bezpieczeństwo Pracy : nauka i praktyka
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Pedagogical and Legal Activities Taken in Poland Towards People Addicted to Alcohol
Pedagogiczne i prawne działania podejmowane w Polsce wobec osób uzależnionych od alkoholu
Karaszewska, Hanna
Rajewska de Mezer, Joanna
Silecka-Marek, Ewelina
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
addiction of alcohol
counteracting alcoholism
The issue of alcohol consumption, addiction to it, and causes and effects of this phenomenon have already been explored many times. The article describes current pedagogical and legal activities taken in Poland towards people addicted to alcohol and related controversy . The authors drew attention to a number of problems concerning with alcohol addiction for an alcohol abuse person and his family. Starting from the current law on upbringing in sobriety and counteracting alcoholism because it takes up issues related to treatment, rehabilitation and social reintegration of people addicted to alcohol. There are institutions established on its basis and take up actions aimed at diagnosing the problem of an individual’s addiction to alcohol, leading to a ruling and requiring the person addicted to alcohol to undergo treatment. In the article the stages of treatment have been described in detail, requriments, important person for example probation officer and possible to receive treatment from non-governmental organizations that help those addicted and thus create an option for those addicted to alcohol to self-organize. The authors emphasized that the process of freeing from alcohol addiction is incredibly difficult and sometimes prolonged. Thus, the compulsory character of rehab treatment sparks a lot of controversy, as it contradicts the right to self-determination, i.e. independent decision of the person addicted to take up the treatment. There is a need to search new solutions in this respect, develop tools that increase the effectiveness of activities taken towards those addicted and exchange experiences on the global scale.
Studia Edukacyjne; 2018, 47; 209-230
Pojawia się w:
Studia Edukacyjne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Profilaktyka narkomanii w szkołach - zapobieganie, leczenie i reintegracja społeczna
Battle against Drug Addiction in Schools - Prevention, Treatment and Social Reintegration
Antkiewicz, Barbara
Data publikacji:
Najwyższa Izba Kontroli
drug addiction
social reintegration
Combating drug addiction comprises such measures as prevention, support for those already addicted (treatment, rehabilitation, reduction of health damage and social reintegration), as well as reduction of demand. In the years 2012 2013, the Supreme Audit Office carried out a comprehensive audit of the drug addiction prevention system addressed to schoolchildren and young students. The audit comprised 61 units at the central level (National Office for Drug Addiction Prevention, the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Culture), and at the local level (city offices, municipal Police headquarters and schools), as well as selected non-governmental organisations. The audit was conducted in eight regions of Poland and it was aimed at evaluating the regularity and effectiveness of drug addiction prevention in the country. The article presents detailed results of the audit.
Kontrola Państwowa; 2014, 59, 2(355); 132-144
Pojawia się w:
Kontrola Państwowa
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Strategia redukcji szkód w pracy z osobami uzależnionymi od narkotyków i alkoholu
The Strategy of Harm Reduction in Work with People Addicted to Drugs and Alcohol
Dubiel, Ewa
Data publikacji:
Fundacja Pedagogium
redukcja szkód
programy terapeutyczne
profilaktyka uzależnień
harm reduction
treatment programmes
addiction prevention
The policy of EU Member States, the United States, South America and Australia is heading towards the restructuring of the support system for addicts by implementing actions meant to limit the health and social damages resulting from the use of psychoactive substances. Many countries offer access to low-threshold programmes whereby the participant is not forced to maintain abstinence or submit to the excessive rules and obligations of a rehabilitation center. Harm reduction is a philosophy based on pragmatic and realistic goals of working with addicts and users. It assumes that each change, even the smallest, is important and should be supported. Harm reduction programmes usually function in several sectors of social assistance – therapy, social rehabilitation, dangerous behavior prevention and social services. In Poland, the widening of the scope of the treatment offer by harm reduction programmes is still marginal, and the changes in the system of treating addiction do not keep up with the dynamic changes in the pattern of using psychoactive substances. The monolithic system of assistance, based on abstinence, is not sufficient and does not respond to the changing needs in terms of helping those people who require it.
Polityka państw europejskich, Stanów Zjednoczonych, Ameryki Południowej i Australii od kilkunastu lat zmierza w kierunku restrukturyzacji systemu pomocy osobom uzależnionym wdrażając działania, których celem jest ograniczanie szkód zdrowotnych i społecznych wynikających z używania substancji psychoaktywnych. Wiele krajów oferuje dostęp do niskoprogowych programów, czyli takich, w których udział nie nakłada na uczestnika obowiązku utrzymywania abstynencji i stosowania się do wygórowanych zasad i obowiązków placówki odwykowej. Redukcja szkód jest filozofią opartą na pragmatycznych i realistycznych celach pracy z osobami uzależnionymi i użytkownikami. Zakłada, że każda, nawet najmniejsza zmiana jest ważna i należy ją wzmacniać. Programy redukcji szkód funkcjonują zazwyczaj w kilku sektorach oddziaływań społecznych – terapii, resocjalizacji, profilaktyki zachowań ryzykownych i pomocy społecznej. W Polsce poszerzenie oferty terapeutycznej o programy redukcji szkód jest zjawiskiem nadal marginalnym, a zmiany w systemie leczenia uzależnień nie nadążają za dynamicznymi zmianami wzorca używania substancji psychoaktywnych. Monolityczny system pomocy, oparty na abstynencji, jest niewystarczający i nie odpowiada na zmieniające się potrzeby w zakresie pomocy osobom tego potrzebującym.
Resocjalizacja Polska; 2016, 11; 63-81
Pojawia się w:
Resocjalizacja Polska
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Procedura zobowiązania do leczenia odwykowego
The procedure of the obligation to tread addiction
Filemonowicz, Aleksandra
Data publikacji:
Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu i Przedsiębiorczości w Ostrowcu Świętokrzyskim
Konsumpcja napojów alkoholowych w przeliczeniu na mieszkańca systematycznie wzrasta, rośnie również liczba osób uzależnionych od alkoholu. Problematyka sądowego zobowiązania do leczenia uzależnienia od alkoholu dotyka coraz to liczniejszej grupy Polaków. Celem pracy jest przybliżenie procedury inicjującej działania gmin z zakresu profilaktyki i rozwiązywania problemów alkoholowych, tj. czynności zmierzających do orzeczenia o zastosowaniu wobec osoby uzależnionej od alkoholu obowiązku poddania się leczeniu odwykowemu. Metodologia: Do przeglądu wykorzystano publikacje aktów prawnych, piśmiennictwo oceniające konsumpcję alkoholu, a także uwzględniono najnowsze statystyki i literaturę w przedmiocie działań związanych z profilaktyką. W pracy opisano poszczególne etapy procedury zobowiązania do leczenia odwykowego. Zasygnalizowano wątpliwości co do zasadność i efektywności procedury. Wnioski: Działania realizowane przez Gminne Komisje Rozwiązywania Problemów Alkoholowych są źródłem pomocy dla ludzi z otoczenia osoby uzależnionej. Zauważa się potrzebę modyfikacji procedury w celu zwiększenia jej efektywności.
Consumption of alcoholic beverages per capita is systematically increasing, and the number of people addicted to alcohol is also growing. The issue of the judicial obligation to treat alcohol dependence affects more and more numerous group of Poles.The aim of the work is to familiarize the initiating procedure of municipalities with prevention and solving alcohol-related problems, i.e. activities aimed at ruling on the use of a person addicted to alcohol to undergo reflux treatment Methodology: The review was based on the publication of legal acts, the literature evaluating alcohol consumption and also included the latest statistics and literature on the subject of activities related to prevention. The work describes the individual stages of the procedure for the obligation to treat addiction. Doubts about the legitimacy and efficiency of the procedure have been indicated.Conclusions: Activities carried out by the Commissions for Solving Alcohol Problems are a source of help for people from the addicted person's environment. There is a need to modify the procedure in order to increase its efficiency.
Acta Scientifica Academiae Ostroviensis. Sectio A, Nauki Humanistyczne, Społeczne i Techniczne; 2019, 13-14, 1-2; 115-126
Pojawia się w:
Acta Scientifica Academiae Ostroviensis. Sectio A, Nauki Humanistyczne, Społeczne i Techniczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Społeczne przesłanki zobowiązania osoby uzależnionej od alkoholu do poddania się leczeniu odwykowemu
The social conditions of the compulsory detox treatment
Szlachetko, Katarzyna
Szlachetko, Jakub
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
uzależnienie od alkoholu
przymusowe leczenie odwykowe
alcohol addiction
compulsory detox treatment
Celem artykułu jest omówienie tzw. społecznych przesłanek zobowiązania osoby uzależnionej do poddania się leczeniu w stacjonarnym lub niestacjonarnym zakładzie lecznictwa odwykowego. Określone „narzędzie” walki z alkoholizmem może budzić wątpliwości ze względu na ochronę wolności osobistych uzależnionego. Z drugiej jednak strony ustawodawca przewiduje wyjątki od zasady dobrowolnego podejmowania leczenia odwykowego w celu ochrony najbliższego otoczenia osoby uzależnionej. Szczególne znaczenie ma zapewnienie ochrony członków rodziny osoby uzależnionej, którzy są bezpośrednio narażeni na negatywne konsekwencje jej uzależnienia od alkoholu. W artykule przeanalizowano treść poszczególnych społecznych przesłanek zobowiązania osoby uzależnionej do poddania się leczeniu odwykowemu, do których w obowiązującym stanie prawnym należą: powodowanie rozkładu życia rodzinnego, powodowanie demoralizacji małoletnich, uchylanie się od obowiązku zaspokajania potrzeb rodziny oraz systematyczne zakłócanie spokoju lub porządku publicznego. Największa część rozważań została poświęcona przesłance „powodowania rozkładu życia rodzinnego”, która wymagała ustalenia
The article is regarding issues associated with the social conditions of the compulsory detox treatment. These means are controversial because of limiting rights and freedom of person addicted to alcohol. On the other hand, exceptions to the principle of voluntary treatment are justified. The legislator ensures protection of the alcoholic’s immediate environment. It is particularly important to protect the family of an addicted person. The authors analyze the meaning of each of the social conditions of the compulsory detox treatment. The article takes into account the views of doctrine and jurisdiction.
Studia nad Rodziną; 2018, 22, 1(46); 67-84
Pojawia się w:
Studia nad Rodziną
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Charakterystyka pacjentów przerywających stacjonarną terapię uzależnień uzyskana na podstawie analizy dokumentów medycznych
Characteristic of Patients Stopping the Stationary Alcohol Therapy Obtained on the Basis of the Analysis of the Medical Documentation
Opora, Robert
Breska, Radosław
Data publikacji:
Akademia Ignatianum w Krakowie
uzależnienie od alkoholu
stacjonarne leczenie
alcohol addiction
stationary treatment
social rehabilitation
Osoby uzależnione od alkoholu często nie kończą podejmowanego leczenia psychoterapeutycznego. O ile w leczeniu ambulatoryjnym pacjenci stale narażeni są na działanie czynników mogących utrudnić utrzymanie abstynencji i dokończenie leczenia, o tyle osoby leczące się w ośrodkach stacjonarnych doświadczają powyższych czynników w zredukowanym wymiarze. Pomimo tego, znaczny odsetek pacjentów nie kończy programów terapeutycznych realizowanych w ośrodkach stacjonarnych. Celem podjętych badań było dokonanie charakterystyki osób przerywających stacjonarną terapię uzależnień od alkoholu. Wykorzystano w tym celu dane dostępne w historiach choroby pacjentów. Dane empiryczne uzyskano analizując dokumentację medyczną – historie choroby pacjentów uzależnionych od alkoholu przebywających w ciągu jednego roku w stacjonarnym oddziale odwykowym i podejmujących podstawowy program terapii uzależnień. Uzyskane wyniki wskazują, że osoby z grupy badawczej w znacznym odsetku (27,6%) nie kończą podejmowanego leczenia stacjonarnego. Mężczyźni statystycznie częściej od kobiet przerywali terapię, ponadto osoby niekończące terapii często żyją samotnie (kawalerowie, rozwodnicy i panny). Kończeniu terapii nie sprzyja obecność zaburzeń i chorób psychicznych (depresji, halucynozy alkoholowej przy przyjęciu do szpitala, schizofrenii i choroby afektywnej dwubiegunowej). Wśród pacjentów rezygnujących ze stacjonarnej terapii uzależnień najczęściej były osoby, które wcześniej jednorazowo podejmowały próbę terapii odwykowej. Warto poszerzać i uelastyczniać ofertę programów terapeutycznych ośrodków stacjonarnych, uwzględniając trudności i deficyty osób niekończących terapii. W psychoterapii należy korzystać z metod i technik podtrzymywania motywacji pacjentów do dokonywania zmian.
Patients addicted to alcohol often give up psychotherapeutic treatment programs. On one side, in out-patients’ clinics they are exposed to several factors which make abstinence and finishing the treatment program difficult. On the other, patients who participate in the stationary psychotherapy for addicted people are less exposed to these factors and a lot of them still are not able to finish the treatment program. The aim of the research was to describe patients discontinuing the stationary psychotherapy program for alcoholics. The empirical data was taken from analysing medical documentation and the history of patient addiction of those who had stayed for over a year in a stationary department of the hospital participating in the basic treatment program for alcoholics. The received results show that 27,6% of patients do not finish the taken treatment program for alcoholics. Men statistically more often than women break off this psychotherapy treatment. Patients who discontinued the psychotherapy more often live alone (divorced or unmarried). Personality disorders and mental diseases (depression, alcohol hallucinations when entering the hospital, schizophrenia, bipolar affective disorder). Among patients who gave up stationary addiction therapy, the most common were people who had previously attempted addiction therapy once. In the result we state that it is necessary to increase and make the offer of therapeutic programs in the stationary clinical centers more flexible. The difficulties and deficiencies of patients who discontinued the therapeutic programs should be considered. During psychotherapy, motivational methods should be used to encourage patients to change.
Studia Paedagogica Ignatiana; 2018, 21, 1; 199-218
Pojawia się w:
Studia Paedagogica Ignatiana
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zobowiązanie sądowe do leczenia przeciwalkoholowego z perspektywy członków zespołów terapeutycznych
Court-Ordered Alcohol Treatment from the Perspective of Therapeutic Team Members
Breska, Radosław
Data publikacji:
Akademia Marynarki Wojennej. Wydział Nauk Humanistycznych i Społecznych
alcohol dependence
addiction psychotherapy
court-ordered alcohol treatment
Uzależnienie od alkoholu
psychoterapia uzależnień
sądowe zobowiązania do leczenia
The aim of the study was to analyze the opinions of psychotherapists and addiction therapy instructors on the court obligation to alcohol addiction treatment. The respondents' assessments regarding the current legal status in terms of the court order, the performance of procedures related to the obligations were particularly important. We also looked at the implementation of treatment and cooperation between institutions managing, executing and supervising the implementation of the court order. At a later stage of the research, the results are planned to be compared with the views of probation officers supervising treatment.
Celem przeprowadzonego badania, którego wyniki zaprezentowano w poniższym komunikacie było poznanie opinii psychoterapeutów i instruktorów terapii uzależnień na temat sądowego zobowiązania do leczenia odwykowego. Szczególnie istotne były opinie respondentów dotyczące aktualnego stanu prawnego w zakresie zobowiązania, wykonania procedur związanych z orzekaniem zobowiązania, wykonania procedur związanych z realizacją leczenia oraz współpracy między podmiotami kierującymi, wykonującym i nadzorującymi wykonanie postanowień o zobowiązaniu sądowym do leczenia przeciwalkoholowego W dalszym etapie badań zaplanowano porównać uzyskane wyniki w tej grupie z opiniami podmiotów nadzorujących leczenie - kuratorów sądowych.
Colloquium; 2021, 13, 4; 145-159
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Koncepcje przeciwdziałania alkoholizmowi i narkomanii w Polsce okresu międzywojennego
Ideas on counteracting alcohol and drug addiction in Poland between the two world wars
Nelken, Jan
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
drug addiction
The birth of the independent Poland in 1918 activated a social movement against alcoholism and drug addiction. In 1919, the Polish Society for Fighting Alcoholism ,,Trzeźwość'' ("Sobriety'') was established which operated nationwide and which in the period between the two wars became the main factor of fighting alcoholism. In the light of the Statute of "Trzeźwość" and resolutions of the Polish anti-alcoholic congresses, as well as the postulates of psychiatrists, the ideas of how to fight alcoholism included three spheres: a. anti-alcoholic legislation and its practical enforcement; b. anti-alcoholic propaganda and education; c. treatment of alcoholics.             In 1919, a draft was submitted to the Diet that proposed a total prohibition of production and sale of alcoholic beverages. It was referred to a Diet commission which subsequently changed its contents. Then. The Diet passed an Act of 23 April 1920 on restrictions in sale of alcoholic beverages. The Act, based on a concept of partial prohibition. Introduced considerable restrictions in sale of beverages containing over 2.5 per cent of pure alcohol, and a total prohibition of sale of beverages with over 45 per cent alcohol. Moreover, the sale of alcohol was prohibited to workers on paydays and holidays, as well as at markets, fairs, church fairs, pilgrimages, on trains and at railway stations. According to the Act, each rural or urban commune could introduce on its territory a total prohibition of sale of alcoholic beverages by voting. The Act limited the number of places where alcohol could be sold or served to one per 2,500 of the population all over the country. A licence issued by administrative authorities was required to sell or serve alcohol. The statutory instrument to this Act created commissions for fighting alcoholism of the 1st and 2nd instances which were to supervise the compliance to the Act of 1920 and to impose penalties provided for the infringement of its provisions. The commissions consisted of representatives of the State administration and social organizations engaged in fighting alcoholism. Moreover, the Act of 2l January 1922 introduced a penalty of fine or arrest for being drunk in public. A person who brought another person to the state of intoxication was also liable to these penalties.             The complete execution of the anti-alcoholic Act met with obstacles: for instance, alcohol was secretly served on the days of prohibition (e.g. during fairs). The Act of 31 July 1924 established the Polish Spirit Monopoly (P.M.S.). The production of spirit and pure vodka thus became a State monopoly' Production and sale of the P.M.S. beverages increased gradually as it constituted an important source of the State revenue. For this reason. a new anti-alcoholic Act of 21 March 1931 was passed which greatly reduced the restrictions in the sale of alcohol as compared with former regulations. A further reduction in these restrictions resulted from Acts of 1932 and 1934. The P.M.S. Board of Directors argued that a growth in production was necessary to suppress illegal distilling of alcohol the products of which were imperfectly rectified and threatened the health of the population. Instead according to the conception of "Trzeźwość’’ and other social organizations engaged in fighting alcoholism. illegal distilling of alcohol should be detected and suppresed by the police while it was in the interest of the health and morals of the population to curtail greatly the sale of alcohol and for this reason it was necessary to reintroduce the anti-alcoholic Act of 1920 However, in consideration of the State's fiscal interests. the Act was not reintroduced and the other Acts that extended the production and sale of the P.M.S. products were only replaced after World War II.             According to the ideas of ,,Trzeźwość'' and other organizations fighting alcoholism, anti-alcoholic propaganda and education should be made by professionals and have a wide range, since it is impossible to fight alcoholism without informing the population of the harmful effects of alcohol. Guidelines for this activity were worked out at the Polish anti-alcoholic congresses of which there were seven in the period between the wars.             Besides, in 1937 the 21st International Anti-Alcoholic Congress took place in Warsaw during which the Polish draft of an international anti-alcoholic convention was Supported. The draft provided a considerable limitation of alcohol sale, a regulation of penal liability for offences and transgressions committed in the state of intoxication, and lectures on alcohology in schools. The states signatories to the convention would be called upon to pass acts consistent with the content of the convention. The work on this draft was stopped by the outbreak of the war.             The resolutions of the Polish anti-alcoholic congresses demanded lectures on alcohology in all types of schools, at teachers courses and at specialist courses for employees of various departments, the Ministry in of Communication particular. The range of alcohology taught at schools should be conformed to the type of school and the general knowledge or students. The postulate of teaching alcohology in schools was partly realized and courses were organized for railway employees by the Abstainer Railwaymen League. At the State School of  Hygiene in Warsaw a several days course in alcohology was organized every year in which 200--300 persons participated, mainly teachers, physicians and clergymen of various denominations. Besides, ,,Trzeźwość'' organized travelling exhibitions that made tours of towns to show the harmful effects of alcoholism. The Abstainer Railwaymen League organized, an exhibition in a railway carriage which was visited by many thousands of persons at railway stations in different parts of the country. A lecturer on alcohology was employed to have talks during the exhibition. In early February every year a nationwide Sobriety Propagation Week was organized. Various publications were also brought out which demonstrated the harmful effects of alcohol and the ways of fighting alcoholism, both scientific and those for general use. Treatment  of alcoholics was postulated; it was carried out in closed hospital wards or in out-patient clinics. The former was more effective; however it was less frequently applied as compared with the out-patient treatment since there were no provisions which would  legalize compulsory treatment of alcoholics and drug addicts and it was easier to obtain the patient's consent to treatment in a clinic than in a hospital. Compulsory treatment was only possible if the court applied medical security measures in cases of offences connected with abuse of alcohol or drugs. (Art. 82 of the Penal code of 1932). The mental hygiene, movement, initiated in Poland in the early thirties, resulted in a growth in the number of clinics engaged in prevention and treatment, that is in a development of treatment of alcoholics in specialized anti-alcoholic clinics. The necessity of taking the children of alcoholics under educational and medical indicated. An important part is this field fell to social nurses attached to the clinics whose task was among other things to bring the alcoholics children to the clinic and see to their medical treatment if necessary. The organization of special schools for mentally deficient and morally neglected children, whose parents were frequently alcoholics, was also initiated.             Psychiatrists demanded an elaboration and introduction of an act on compulsory treatment of alcoholics and drug addicts, organization of special wards for notorious alcoholics in mental hospitals, prolongation of treatment from 6 to 12 months (which was considered particularly necessary in the case of chronic alcoholism), a joint alcoholism and psychiatric treatment if required, in the case of alcohol psychosis in particular, and check-up of the cured alcoholics and drug addicts.             In Poland drug addiction has never reached the proportions of alcoholism. Its most frequent forms were morphinism and cocainism. Its fighting was facilitated by the passing of an Act of June 23, 1923 which prohibited production, processing, export. import. storage of and any trade in all drugs. For infringement of the Act, penalties of fine and up to 5 years deprivation of liberty were provided. However, there was no act to legalize compulsory treatment of drug addicts. They could only be treated in closed hospital wards since in the case of drug addiction, out-patient treatment was considered to be ineffective. In 1931, the Polish Committee for Drugs and Prevention of Drug Addiction was set up as, an advisory body attached to the Minister of Health and Social Welfare, which consisted mainly of physicians and chemists. In order to fight drug addiction effectively, increased detection of export and sale of drugs was postulated as well as supervision of prescriptions and of obtaining drugs on prescription at chemist's. Chemists were compelled to keep a special book of in- and out-goings of drugs which could only be sold on prescription for therapeutical purposes. Attenton was drawn to the necessity of an instruction, to be passed by the Minister of Internal Affairs, according to which the production of doctors seals and forms would only be possible on presentation of the identity card, since drug addicts used to order seals and forms bearing names of famous practitioners. Medical check-up of released prisoners who had been cured of drug addiction when serving their sentences was also postulated.             In consequence of the spread of ether drinking in the Upper Silesia in 1936, a wide-range operation was carried out which consisted in a vigorous fight against smuggling and sale of ether (which was mainly smuggled from Germany) and in informing the population as to the harmful effects of ether drinking.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 1987, XIV; 201-225
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ból po amerykańsku. Dramat opioidowy w pięciu aktach
Pain – American style: The opioid drama in five acts
Kamieński, Łukasz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Opolski
leczenie bólu
Stany Zjednoczone
Wielka Farma
Big Pharma
pain treatment
United States
Najpoważniejsza epidemia narkotykowa w amerykańskiej historii nie została wywołana przez nieumiarkowane rekreacyjne stosowanie narkotyków ani przez podstępną działalność karteli narkotykowych. Trzema powodami, które przyczyniły się do wybuchu współczesnego kryzysu opiodowego, były: zmiana paradygmatu w leczeniu bólu i związana z nią nierozważna praktyka lekarzy, działalność wielkich koncernów farmaceutycznych (Wielkiej Farmy) oraz brak wystarczająco restrykcyjnej kontroli ze strony władz państwowych. Konceptualizując epidemię w kategoriach tragedii, artykuł naśladuje strukturę dramatu. Poszczególne części – pomyślane w formie „aktów” – syntetycznie przedstawiają genezę i rozwój epidemii, omawiają jej charakter i zasięg oraz analizują środki zaradcze podjęte ostatecznie w celu okiełznania problemu. Oprócz oczywistego zaostrzenia regulacji prawnych, omówiono nowe metody leczenia uzależnienia od opioidowych środków narkotycznych, takie jak szczepionki antyopioidowe i przezczaszkową stymulację mózgu.
The worst drug epidemic in US history did not result from an uncurbed recreational use of narcotics, nor from the perfidious operation of drug cartels. The three root causes that contributed to the eruption of the present-day opioid crisis were: a paradigm shift in pain treatment combined with the reckless practices of physicians, the Big Pharma, and insufficiently restrictive state supervision. By conceptualizing the epidemic as a tragedy, the article takes on the structure of a drama. The subsequent parts framed as “acts” synthetically explain the origins and reformulation of the epidemic, depict its character and scope, and discuss the ultimate countermeasures undertaken to curb the problem. Apart from legal restrictions, interesting novel methods to treat opioid dependence such as anti-opioid vaccines and brain stimulation devices are presented.
Studia Krytyczne/ Critical Studies; 2018, 6; 31-44
Pojawia się w:
Studia Krytyczne/ Critical Studies
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Uwarunkowania procesu zmagania się z uzależnieniem od alkoholu. Studium przypadku
Conditions conducive to the self-treatment of a person addicted to alcohol. A case study
Okólska, Katarzyna
Data publikacji:
Akademia Humanistyczno-Ekonomiczna w Łodzi
uzależnienie od alkoholu
punkt zwrotny
czynniki wspierające proces leczenia uzależnienia
alcohol addiction
factors supporting the treatment process
natural recovery
turning point
W artykule przedstawiono analizę uwarunkowań towarzyszącym pokonywaniu choroby alkoholowej z wyłączeniem korzystania z terapii instytucjonalnych. Punktem wyjścia dla rozważań uczyniono koncepcję polityki redukcji szkód, a także wskazanie czynników wspomagających i utrudniających proces leczenia uzależnienia. W tekście podjęto próbę wykazania, że istnieje możliwość wyzdrowienia dzięki posiadanym predyspozycjom osobowościowym, zasobom środowiskowym, a także sytuacyjnym, które wspomagają proces motywacyjny i decyzyjny osoby uzależnionej. Analiza wyników badań pozwoliła wyłonić kluczowy element procesu wychodzenia z nałogu jakim jest podjęcie decyzji zmiany swojego życia pod wpływem krytycznego wydarzenia. Za szczególnie pomocną kategorię analizy uznano koncepcję „punktu zwrotnego”, czyli zdarzenia, które motywuje osobę do podjęcia aktywności na rzecz znaczących zmian w życiu, po których jednostka nie jest już taką samą, jaką była wcześniej
The article intends to analyse the conditions accompanying recovering from alcohol problems without using the institutional treatment. The point of departure is the harm reduction strategy and the factors supporting and hindering the process of addiction treatment. The paper also presents the issue of opportunity for natural recovery (self-change) due to factors like: character traits, environmental resources and experiences, which support addict’s self-motivation. Based on the analysis of research results, the crucial ingredient of autoremission is the will of resolution from alcohol problems, influenced by life crisis. The particularly helpful category of the analysis is a “turning point” which means, that the experience leads to changes in human’s life.
Kultura i Wychowanie; 2018, 14, 2; 165-176
Pojawia się w:
Kultura i Wychowanie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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