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“All in their power”: a gloss to the European Court of Human Rights’ judgement in the case of Tsezar and Others v. Ukraine
„Wszystko, co w ich mocy”: glosa do wyroku Europejskiego Trybunału Praw Człowieka w sprawie Tsezar i inni przeciwko Ukrainie
Krakhmalova, Kateryna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Opolski
Europejski Trybunał Praw Człowieka
wojna hybrydowa
dostęp do sądu
zawieszenie świadczeń społecznych
przesiedlenia wewnętrzne
bezpieczeństwo i prawa człowieka
zakres obowiązków państwa broniącego się przed agresją
margines uznania
European Court of Human Rights
hybrid warfare
access to court
suspension of social payments
internal displacement
security and human rights
extent of obligations of the state defending itself against aggression
margin of appreciation
This gloss summarizes and analyzes one of the recent key judgments of the European Court of Human Rights’ (ECtHR) in the case concerning Ukraine, while considering the context of hybrid warfare and the special place case-law of the ECtHR has in the Ukrainian legal system. The judgement addresses both: the right to access to the courts and the issue of suspended social payments due to hostilities, the extent of obligations of the state defending itself against aggression towards its nationals and the delicate balance between security, human rights and humanitarian considerations; and as such has much deeper relevance and applicability than to Ukraine alone.
Glosa ta podsumowuje i analizuje jeden z niedawnych kluczowych wyroków Europejskiego Trybunału Praw Człowieka w sprawie Ukrainy, jednocześnie zwracając uwagę na kontekst wojny hybrydowej i szczególne miejsce, jakie orzecznictwo ETPCz zajmuje w ukraińskim systemie prawnym. Wyrok ten porusza kwestie prawa dostępu do sądu oraz zawieszenia świadczeń społecznych wskutek działań wojennych, zakresu obowiązków państwa broniącego się przed agresją wobec swoich obywateli oraz delikatnej równowagi pomiędzy bezpieczeństwem, prawami człowieka i względami humanitarnymi oraz jako taki jest o wiele głębszy i relewantny w znacznie szerszym zakresie, niż tylko w stosunku do Ukrainy.
Opolskie Studia Administracyjno-Prawne; 2020, 18, 4; 139-149
Pojawia się w:
Opolskie Studia Administracyjno-Prawne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
“Effective” Air Quality Plan and Constitutional Guarantees of Ecological Security
„Skuteczny” program ochrony powietrza a konstytucyjne gwarancje bezpieczeństwa ekologicznego
Karpus, Karolina
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
air quality plan
ecological security
constitutional guarantees
right to protect human health
access to justice
EU Member State obligations
Program ochrony powietrza
bezpieczeństwo ekologiczne
prawo do ochrony zdrowia
dostęp do sprawiedliwości
obowiązki państwa członkowskiego UE
Ecological security is a state in which air quality compliant with the standards of air protection is ensured for members of society. An air quality plan is a legal instrument serving the restoration of air quality to the level required by law as soon as possible in case of the emergence and the persistence of exceedances of such standards. Members of society fearing the influence of bad quality air on their health have the right to demand judicial control of the effectiveness of such a plan. The possibility of demanding the restoration of ecological security in such a way results from the guarantees given them at the constitutional and EU level. National courts in Poland, which is an EU Member State, are obliged to respect those guarantees.
Bezpieczeństwo ekologiczne to stan, w którym członkowie społeczeństwa mają zapewnioną jakość powietrza zgodną ze standardami ochrony powietrza. Program ochrony powietrza to instrument prawny służący przywracaniu jakości powietrza do poziomu wymaganego prawem tak szybko jak to możliwe, w razie zaistnienia i utrzymywania się przekroczeń takich standardów. Członkowie społeczeństwa, obawiający się o wpływ niewłaściwej jakości powietrza na swoje zdrowie, mają prawo żądać sądowej kontroli efektywności tego planu. Możliwość żądania przywrócenia w taki sposób bezpieczeństwa ekologicznego wynika z gwarancji przyznanych im na poziomie konstytucyjnym i unijnym. Sądy krajowe w Polsce, będącej państwem członkowski UE, są zobowiązane do respektowania tych gwarancji.
Przegląd Prawa Konstytucyjnego; 2021, 6 (64); 467-477
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Prawa Konstytucyjnego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
"Internet Access as a New Human Right? State of the Art on the Threshold of 2020"
Szoszkiewicz, Łukasz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Internet access
human rights
cultural rights
ight to benefit from scientific progress and its applications
The aim of this study is to analyze the role that the Internet plays in the enjoyment of human rights and answer the question of whether we may be in the process of recog-nizing a new right, namely the right to Internet access. The conclusions are built upon a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the Internet-related recommendations adopted by the UN treaty-based bodies in the period between 2007 and 2017. Moreover, the paper is supplemented by a brief overview of the relevant recommendations formulated under the mechanism of the Universal Periodic Review. Analysis of the content of rec-ommendations allowed them to be classified into two groups – the first one integrates recommendations that refer to the duty of non-interference, and the second concerns the duty to expand Internet infrastructure across the country. The article ends with a call for further investigation of the normative potential of Article 15(1)b of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, as this hitherto forgotten provision might shed a new light on the proposed right to Internet access.
Adam Mickiewicz University Law Review; 2018, 8
Pojawia się w:
Adam Mickiewicz University Law Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
“Universities for All”: George Zygmunt Fijałkowski-Bereday and His Idea of Higher Education
„Uniwersytety dla wszystkich”. George Zygmunt Fijałkowski-Bereday i jego wizja kształcenia wyższego
Wojniak, Justyna
Data publikacji:
Akademia Ignatianum w Krakowie
dostęp do edukacji
nowoczesne społeczeństwo
prawa człowieka
access to education
modern society
human rights
Celem niniejszego opracowania jest przybliżenie poglądów George’a Zygmunta Fijałkowskiego-Beredaya na temat roli kształcenia wyższego w nowoczesnym społeczeństwie, a szerzej – dostępu do edukacji i powszechnego charakteru instytucji edukacyjnych na każdym etapie kształcenia. Wybór takiej tematyki wynika z faktu, że wspomniany uczony znany jest przede wszystkim ze swojego wkładu w rozwój komparatystyki edukacyjnej. Jego rozważania dotyczące polityki oświatowej i założeń, które należałoby w tym obszarze przyjąć z punktu widzenia potencjalnych korzyści społecznych, nie były do tej pory przedmiotem naukowych dociekań. W badaniach nad omawianym zagadnieniem analizie poddano wybrane publikacje Beredaya, zarówno te o charakterze naukowym, jak i publicystycznym, a także materiały archiwalne, obejmujące teksty wystąpień, wykładów oraz korespondencję. Przeprowadzona analiza pozwala na sformułowanie wniosku, że Bereday był zwolennikiem jak najszerszego upowszechnienia dostępu do edukacji, także na poziomie akademickim, a potrzebę tę uzasadniał nie tylko argumentami natury praktycznej – odwoływał się przede wszystkim do sfery etyki i wartości humanistycznych. Tego rodzaju rozważania wydają się godne przybliżenia szczególnie współcześnie, kiedy dyskusja na temat kształtowania polityki oświatowej koncentruje się na aspektach utylitarnych, co może prowadzić do umniejszania znaczenia faktu, że dostęp do edukacji stanowi jedno z fundamentalnych praw człowieka, a w konsekwencji – do utrwalania nierówności w tym zakresie.
The aim of this study is to present the views of George Zygmunt Fijałkowski-Bereday on the role of higher education in modern society, and of access to education and the universal nature of educational institutions at every stage of education. The choice of such topics results from the fact that Bereday is mainly known for his contribution to the development of educational comparative studies. His considerations regarding educational policy and its potential social benefits have not been the subject of scientific inquiry. Selected Bereday publications, both academic and journalistic-as well as archival materials, including speeches, lectures, and correspondence-were analyzed in the research on the issue. The analysis leads to the conclusion that Bereday advocated the widest possible dissemination of access to education, at the academic level as well, and that this need was not only justified by practical arguments-he referred primarily to the sphere of ethics and human values. His views seem worthy of consideration particularly nowadays, when the discussion about shaping education policy focuses on utilitarian aspects, which may lead to diminishing the importance of the fact that access to education is a fundamental human right and, in consequence, may perpetuate inequalities in education.
Studia Paedagogica Ignatiana; 2020, 23, 2; 75-91
Pojawia się w:
Studia Paedagogica Ignatiana
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
„Uniwersytety dla wszystkich”. George Zygmunt Fijałkowski-Bereday i jego wizja kształcenia wyższego
Wojniak, Justyna
Data publikacji:
Akademia Ignatianum w Krakowie
access to education
modern society
human rights
dostęp do edukacji
nowoczesne społeczeństwo
prawa człowieka
Celem niniejszego opracowania jest przybliżenie poglądów George’a Zygmunta Fijałkowskiego-Beredaya na temat roli kształcenia wyższego w nowoczesnym społeczeństwie, a szerzej – dostępu do edukacji i powszechnego charakteru instytucji edukacyjnych na każdym etapie kształcenia. Wybór takiej tematyki wynika z faktu, że wspomniany uczony znany jest przede wszystkim ze swojego wkładu w rozwój komparatystyki edukacyjnej. Jego rozważania dotyczące polityki oświatowej i założeń, które należałoby w tym obszarze przyjąć z punktu widzenia potencjalnych korzyści społecznych, nie były do tej pory przedmiotem naukowych dociekań. W badaniach nad omawianym zagadnieniem analizie poddano wybrane publikacje Beredaya, zarówno te o charakterze naukowym, jak i publicystycznym, a także materiały archiwalne, obejmujące teksty wystąpień, wykładów oraz korespondencję. Przeprowadzona analiza pozwala na sformułowanie wniosku, że Bereday był zwolennikiem jak najszerszego upowszechnienia dostępu do edukacji, także na poziomie akademickim, a potrzebę tę uzasadniał nie tylko argumentami natury praktycznej – odwoływał się przede wszystkim do sfery etyki i wartości humanistycznych. Tego rodzaju rozważania wydają się godne przybliżenia szczególnie współcześnie, kiedy dyskusja na temat kształtowania polityki oświatowej koncentruje się na aspektach utylitarnych, co może prowadzić do umniejszania znaczenia faktu, że dostęp do edukacji stanowi jedno z fundamentalnych praw człowieka, a w konsekwencji – do utrwalania nierówności w tym zakresie.
The aim of this study is to present the views of George Zygmunt Fijałkowski-Bereday on the role of higher education in modern society, and of access to education and the universal nature of educational institutions at every stage of education. The choice of such topics results from the fact that Bereday is mainly known for his contribution to the development of educational comparative studies. His considerations regarding educational policy and its potential social benefits have not been the subject of scientific inquiry. Selected Bereday publications, both academic and journalistic—as well as archival materials, including speeches, lectures, and correspondence—were analyzed in the research on the issue. The analysis leads to the conclusion that Bereday advocated the widest possible dissemination of access to education, at the academic level as well, and that this need was not only justified by practical arguments—he referred primarily to the sphere of ethics and human values. His views seem worthy of consideration particularly nowadays, when the discussion about shaping education policy focuses on utilitarian aspects, which may lead to diminishing the importance of the fact that access to education is a fundamental human right and, in consequence, may perpetuate inequalities in education.
Studia Paedagogica Ignatiana; 2020, 23, 2; 75-93
Pojawia się w:
Studia Paedagogica Ignatiana
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Polityka Surowcowa Państwa 2050 - realizacja założeń uchwały Rady Ministrów
State Raw Materials Policy 2050 - implementation of the Council of Ministers’resolution
Dziadzio, Piotr S.
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
Polityka Surowcowa Państwa 2050
bezpieczeństwo surowcowe
dostęp do surowców
State Raw Materials Policy 2050
raw materials security
access to raw materials
Free, unrestricted access to raw materials is fundamental to the proper functioning of any economy. It should be in the interest of every country to ensure access to raw materials that are needed in the present but will also be needed in the future, particularly taking into account economic, social and also political changes that are taking place or are possible, with different dynamics. In order to meet such needs, it is necessary to have a strategy indicating concrete actions whose implementation will achieve the goal of ensuring raw material security, even in the decades to come. State Raw Materials Policy 2050 (PSP2050), adopted on March 1, 2022, is a very important document, not only from the point of view of the country’s raw materials security, but also for ensuring the country’s energy security. The document describes the actions to be taken for raw material security and considers the concrete implementation work already done. Simultaneously with the work on PSP2050, other activities were being prepared and executed, including legislation to enable its effective implementation.
Przegląd Geologiczny; 2022, 70, 8; 563-565
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Geologiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
A refusal to grant access to a grid within the provision of crude oil transfer services as an example of a prohibited abuse of a dominant position in the EU and Polish competition law
SZYDŁO, Wojciech Paweł
Data publikacji:
Wyższa Szkoła Bankowa we Wrocławiu
prohibited abuse of a dominant position
competition law, the EU law
crude oil transfer services
refusal to grant access to a grid
The paper discusses cases in which a refusal by an energy enterprise to connect other enterprises to the network is treated as a prohibited abuse of the enterprise’s dominant position and, equally, will represent behavior prohibited by art. 12 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union and by art. 9 par. 2 item 2 of the Competition and Consumer Protection Law as well as legal consequences of such refusal. It is important to pinpoint such cases since the EU sectoral regulation does not provide for obligating any undertakings which manage and operate oil pipelines to enter into contracts with other undertakings such as contracts on connecting into their network or contracts on providing crude oil transfer services. Conditions for accessing oil pipelines and selling their transfer capacities are determined by the owners of the networks: private oil companies in the countries across which the pipelines are routed. These conditions are not governed by the EU law. Furthermore, the very obligation of connecting other entities to own network by energy undertakings operating in the oil transfer sector in Poland will only arise from generally applicable provisions of the Polish competition law.
Central and Eastern European Journal of Management and Economics (CEEJME); 2017, No. 2; 187-197
Pojawia się w:
Central and Eastern European Journal of Management and Economics (CEEJME)
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Access to a Lawyer for a Suspect at Early Stage of Criminal Proceedings and Its Participation in Investigative Acts
Dzierżanowska, Joanna
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
access to a defence counsel
participation of a defence counsel in evidentiary activities
European Union directive
preparatory proceedings
This elaboration is dedicated to analysis of access to a lawyer for a suspect at early stage of criminal proceedings in Polish criminal law in the light of directive 2013/48/EU. In particular, it emphasises the suspects right of access to  a lawyer during identity parade, confrontation and reconstruction of the scene of a crime. It considers whether the applicable legal provisions of the Polish Code of Criminal Procedure ensure, above all, appropriate scope of the right of the defence for the suspected person in view of the indicated evidentiary activities and whether this scope corresponds to the standards designated by the European Union directive 2013/48/EU.
Review of European and Comparative Law; 2020, 41, 2; 109-127
Pojawia się w:
Review of European and Comparative Law
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Access to a Lawyer in Proceedings for Minor Offences Under Polish and European Union Law
Bień-Węgłowska, Iwona Magdalena
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
access to a lawyer
right of defence
directive 2013/48/eu
ex-officio defence counsel
directive 2016/1919/eu.
The Article deals with the opportunity for a suspected person and the passive party in the proceedings for offences to exercise the right of access to a lawyer and the right of legal counsel. The aim of the article is to provide a comparative legal analysis of the provisions of the Code of Procedure in Minor Offences against the background of the EU guarantees under Directives 2013/48/EU and 2016/1919/EU. Directive 2013/48/EU deals with one of the two aspects of the aforementioned right: namely the right of access to a lawyer for suspects and accused persons in criminal proceedings, while the right to legal aid and to state-guaranteed legal assistance in certain circumstances is regulated by Directive 2016/1919/EU.
Review of European and Comparative Law; 2020, 41, 2; 175-196
Pojawia się w:
Review of European and Comparative Law
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Access to Credit as a Growth Constraint
Volk, Matjaž
Trefalt, Polona
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wydziału Zarządzania
Financial constraints
Access to credit
Firm growth
Dynamic panel
From a sample of 75,854 Slovenian firms in the period 1995-2011, we examine the effects of a firm's access to bank credit on its growth. The results suggest that as the external financing constraint relaxes and firm gets access to credit, the reliance on internal funds to finance growth decreases. By exploring the role of available collateral in gaining access to bank credit, we find that collateral only helps larger firms to obtain credit more easily. On the other hand, collateral does not reduce micro firms' dependence on internal funds to finance growth, which suggests that even if they have collateral, banks are still unprepared to finance them, possibly due to the level of risk. It could also be that in approving credit to micro firms, other factors such as liquidity or cash flow are more highly considered by banks than the value of collateral.
Journal of Banking and Financial Economics; 2014, 1(1); 29-39
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Banking and Financial Economics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Access to detainees files in the light of Directive 2012/13/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 May 2012 on the right to information in criminal proceedings and under Polish law
Skorupka, Jerzy
Data publikacji:
Uczelnia Łazarskiego. Oficyna Wydawnicza
criminal procedure
equality of arms
remand/pre-trial detention
access to
preparatory proceedings files
proces karny
równość broni
tymczasowe aresztowanie
dostęp do akt
postępowania przygotowawczego
The author analyses whether the currently binding Polish regulations of the Code of Criminal Procedure concerning access to detainees’ files comply with the provisions of the Directive 2012/13/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 May 2012 on the right to information in the criminal proceedings. Assessing Polish regulations, the author concludes that they do not meet the requirements laid down in the Directive. The provisions of Polish law admit the possibility of making a decision on the imposition or prolongation of detention on remand by a court based on evidence that is significant for taking this decision but has not been revealed to the accused and his counsel for the defence. As a result, a suspect and his lawyer are deprived of the possibility of challenging evidence submitted by the prosecutor. This makes the proceedings concerning detention on remand stripped of the equality of arms, and thus they are not fair.
Autor analizuje zgodność obowiązujących przepisów polskiego Kodeksu postępowania karnego dotyczących dostępu do „akt aresztowych” z przepisami Dyrektywy Parlamentu Europejskiego i Rady 2012/13/UE z dnia 22 maja 2012 r. w sprawie prawa do informacji w postępowaniu karnym. Oceniając polskie regulacje proceduralne, autor stwierdza, że nie spełniają one warunków określonych w wymienionej Dyrektywie. Przepisy prawa polskiego dopuszczają możliwość oparcia decyzji sądu o zastosowaniu lub przedłużeniu tymczasowego aresztowania na dowodach mających istotne znaczenie dla podjęcia takiej decyzji, które nie zostały ujawnione podejrzanemu i jego obrońcy. Konsekwencją tego jest pozbawienie podejrzanego i jego obrońcy możliwości kwestionowania dowodów przedstawionych sądowi przez prokuratora. Powoduje to, że postępowanie sądowe w przedmiocie tymczasowego aresztowania pozbawione jest równości broni, a tym samym, jest nierzetelne.
Ius Novum; 2017, 11, 2; 126-139
Pojawia się w:
Ius Novum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Access to Documents in Antitrust Litigation – EU and Croatian Perspective
Butorac Malnar, Vlatka
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wydziału Zarządzania
EU Damages Directive
private enforcement
antitrust litigation
access to documents
access to file
evidence in antitrust litigation
The paper analyses access to documents in cartel-based damages cases from the EU and Croatian perspective. It considers all relevant EU and Croatian legislation and case-law primarily focusing on the expected impact of the newly enacted Damages Directive. It is argued that the new rules on access to documents provided by the Directive will not necessarily have a significant impact on damages proceedings following cartel decisions issued by the Commission. This is due to the introduction of an absolute ban on the disclosure of leniency statements and settlement submissions via a ‘maximum harmonization’ rule. This conclusion is drawn from statistic figures showing that EU cartel enforcement rests solely on the leniency and settlement procedures. With that in mind, it is concluded that the Directive’s general, permissive rules on access to documents (other than leniency and settlement procedures) will not be applicable in most damages cases following the cartel infringement decision issued by the Commission. However, it is also observed that the Damages Directive’s new rules on access to documents may have the opposite impact on private enforcement in cases following infringement decisions issued by National Competition Authorities (NCAs) which do not rely as much on leniency in their fight against cartels as the Commission. The Directive’s general rule on access to documents will apply in jurisdictions such as Croatia, where all of its cartel decisions so far have been reached within the regular procedure. It is argued that the general access rule, coupled with other rules strengthening the position of claimants in antitrust damages proceedings, might actually be beneficial for both public and private enforcement in such jurisdictions.
Yearbook of Antitrust and Regulatory Studies; 2015, 8(12); 127-160
Pojawia się w:
Yearbook of Antitrust and Regulatory Studies
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Access to Firearms as an Element of Political Positioning of the Democratic Party and the Republican Party during the 2016 US Presidential Elections
Borówka, Aleksy
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu. Wydawnictwo UMK
2016 US presidential elections
political marketing
access to firearms
firearms in political culture
The aim of the paper is to identify and describe the policy positioningof the Democratic Party and the Republican Party as concerns access to firearms duringthe 2016 presidential election in the USA. The material analyzed includes official political platforms of both parties and statements of presidential candidates on access to firearms issued during the presidential campaign. The main research method used is content analysis. Based on the conducted analysis, numerous differences and similarities were identified between elements of the political product of “Firearms access” as well as in the (self)positioning of the two parties in relation to the issue. The results point to the significance of the problem of access to firearms as a political product strongly stratifying the American society, a true line of partisan divide. The added value of the article is highlighting the importance of the issue of firearms access in the American political culture, markedly influencing the American political market.
Historia i Polityka; 2019, 28 (35); 87-101
Pojawia się w:
Historia i Polityka
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Access to Higher Education: the Adult Learners Perspective
Duda, Ewa
Data publikacji:
Wyższa Szkoła Gospodarki Euroregionalnej im. Alcide De Gasperi w Józefowie
entrance exams
Matriculation examination
eefctiveness of adult education
comparative research
access to higher education
Issues concerning access to higher education are seen diefrently in various European education systems. In some of them, the paths leading to the desired college or universi can be wide, in others dicfiult to reach or very bumpy. Learners of schools for adults represent a particular group vulnerable to dicfiulties in accessing higher education. F these learners, the accomplishment of the entrance examination requirements is not alw equally achievable as for youth schools students. iThs paper presents the comparison of various approaches to the issue of access to higher education for adult learners in Europ countries. In particular, it indicates two systems of learners' skills evaluation, similar i of organization but opposite in obtained results. eTh rfist one is Finnish and the second one Polish Matriculation Examination system, regarded as the Entrance Exams to universi level education. Both systems are presented from the perspective of learners of schools adults, mostly young people who have dropeed out of the youth system. eTh analyses take into account secondary data from examination sessions 2015-2018, provided by the Polish Central Examination Board and the Finnish Matriculation Examination Board. eTh main goal of this paper is to indicate the dicfiulties faced by learners of upper secondary schoo for adults, especially in Poland. eTh dicfiulties causing that door to higher education are closed in front of these learners.
Journal of Modern Science; 2021, 47, 2; 61-76
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Modern Science
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Access to information for a transparent ombudsman’s office as a form of human right to fight corruption
Campos Filho, José Raymundo Ribeiro
de Sousa Trigueiro, Charles
Data publikacji:
Krakowska Akademia im. Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego
access to information
public service
The Ombudsman’s Office of public bodies constitutes a strategic and democratic space for communication between the citizen and this Government Institution, aiming at strengthening the mechanisms of social participation. It is essential for its consolidation that the citizen has a space to request information, register suggestions, praise, complaints and denunciations, obtaining an agile and resolute response to his manifestation. For that, it is necessary to improve an Ombudsman with the concept of participative management and democratization of information, which provides an effective service, capable of seeking the solution of the manifestations. In addition, these manifestations must be organized in management reports aimed at informing and subsidizing the managers of public agencies, serving as an instrument for positive changes in the course of the Audits. This article aims to implement proactive actions in order to foster Social Control, through the participation of society and encouraging the exercise of citizenship. In order to carry out this investigation, it was necessary to apply the dogmatic method, as the hermeneutics of the normative texts recommends, but also the need for doctrine and transversality was necessary, since it is an interdisciplinary theme with a high political and sociological content, everything basked by a tradition of egalitarian rationalist thinking and based on international human rights hermeneutics. In conclusion, we identified that the Ombudsman’s Office aims to improve the exercise of Social Control and be another effective tool for institutional management and transformation. Its main task is to promote a dialogue between the public institution and society. For this to happen, citizen participation is essential, representing a strong allied body for the realization of significant changes in Public Administration, which fundamentally cares for the public interest.
Studia Prawnicze: rozprawy i materiały; 2022, (30), 1; 149-157
Pojawia się w:
Studia Prawnicze: rozprawy i materiały
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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