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Determinanty vzniku, vývoja, dôsledky a možnosti riešenia závislosti od alkoholu u žien
Kollárčiková, Jana
Data publikacji:
Instytut Studiów Międzynarodowych i Edukacji Humanum
Alcoholism leads to the bio-psycho-social and spiritual consequences. Alcoholism in women is considerably extended theme, therefore, in our contribution to its activities and at the same time resistance patology and at the same time we also recommend possible alternatives to combat this disease, how to triumph over addiction. Alcohol addiction is a negative social phenomenon, which causes damage to companies and individuals, is the cause of problems in marriage and threatening the healthy development of children and youth. Recovering alcoholic-woman a child psychologically unsuitable, unwanted social model provides the role of women, mothers and wives. In another work of the author, we have confirmed that alcohol may be the cause as well as the consequences of alcoholism. We also found a positive change in the personality of the abstinent survey alkoholic woman and their spiritual emotion, resocializáciou and faith in God have managed to succeed over their alcoholism. We want to point out the importance of the spiritual component, which has been acquired and developed over the years, often until after the entry into force of the negative experiences of women dependent on alcohol.
Prosopon. Europejskie Studia Społeczno-Humanistyczne; 2013, 1(5); 105-124
Pojawia się w:
Prosopon. Europejskie Studia Społeczno-Humanistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Utopian Elements in Porphyry’s De abstinentia
Di Serio, Chiara
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
golden age
abstinence from meat
sexual abstinence
remoteness from civilization
familiarity with the sacred
utopian lifestyle
In the long passage of De abstinentia, IV, 2–18, Porphyry mentions a series of “groups” (ἔθνη) as examples of abstinence from animal food: the ancient Greeks of the “golden age”, the Lacedaemonians of Lycurgus’ era, the Egyptian priests, the Essenes among the Jews, the Magi among the Persians and the gymnosophists among the Indians. Such an association does not seem at all accidental, since Porphyry refers to a tradition in which these communities have similar habits of life, including the prohibition of eating meat and drinking wine, sexual abstinence, absence of diseases and wars, separation from the civil sphere, devotion to the sacred. All these elements constitute the specific connotation of a human existence that evokes the “time of the origins”, substantially a paradisiac dimension, far from history. It is a deliberate symbolic shift. This brief research will investigate the reasons and the deep meaning of the connection based on utopian life traits.
Studia Ceranea; 2020, 10; 47-61
Pojawia się w:
Studia Ceranea
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Needs of a Child with Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome
Potrzeby dziecka z noworodkowym zespołem abstynencyjnym
Kadučáková, Helena
Tretinová, Barbora
Data publikacji:
Krakowska Akademia im. Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego
Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome
Finnegan Neonatal Abstinence Scoring System
noworodkowy zespół abstynencyjny
skala Finnegana oceny abstynencji noworodków
Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS) is defined as a generalized, multi-system group of symptoms resulting from the sudden discontinuation of fetal exposure to substances used by the mother during pregnancy. Symptoms of NAS are most dominant in the central nervous system and respiratory system of the infant. The aim of this work is to explore what the needs of infants with NAS are. Empirical data were collected by means of a qualitative research method, using case studies. The information was gathered during observation, conversation with medical staff and analysis of infants’ health documentation. The sample selection process was deliberate, choosing three infants diagnosed with NAS. Based on the analysis of the data we identified the need to reconsider the local standard of nursing care of infants with NAS.
Zespół abstynencji noworodkowej (ang. Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome, NAS) definiuje się jako uogólnioną wielosystemową grupę objawów odstawiennych wynikających z nagłego przerwania ekspozycji płodu na substancje, które matka stosowała w czasie ciąży. Główne objawy dotyczą zwłaszcza ośrodkowego układu nerwowego i układu oddechowego niemowlęcia. Celem pracy jest zbadanie potrzeb niemowląt z NAS. Dane empiryczne zostały zebrane za pomocą jakościowej metody badawczej - studium przypadku, a informacje uzyskane podczas obserwacji, rozmowy z personelem medycznym i analizy dokumentacji zdrowotnej niemowląt. Dobór próby był celowy - troje niemowląt ze zdiagnozowanym NAS. Na podstawie analizy danych stwierdziliśmy potrzebę ponownego rozważenia lokalnych standardów opieki pielęgniarskiej nad niemowlętami z NAS.
Państwo i Społeczeństwo; 2019, 4; 143-150
Pojawia się w:
Państwo i Społeczeństwo
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Benedict Hesse’s Teaching on Conjugal Abstinence
Ozorowski, Mieczysław
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
Benedict Hesse
conjugal chastity
conjugal abstinence
spousal dress
This article focuses on conjugal abstinence in the teaching of the great Polish theologian, Benedict Hesse, who lived and worked in Cracow during the fifteenth century. In his work Commentary on the Gospel of St. Matthew, Hesse focuses his discussion on chastity and conjugal abstinence in the context of several other subjects, including: the superiority of virginity over marriage; the superiority of virginal chastity over conjugal abstinence; the issue of assessing the pleasure of conjugal sexual intercourse; matters pertaining to modesty of the spouses and their exterior appearance; as well as castration for the Kingdom of Heaven. The issues that Hesse raises in relation to chastity and conjugal abstinence might bring a smile to a contemporary reader’s face, since they seem mostly anecdotal and basic. This article is not a complete and systematic lecture on conjugal abstinence.
Rocznik Teologii Katolickiej; 2021, 20; 49-71
Pojawia się w:
Rocznik Teologii Katolickiej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Occurrence of depression and anxiety disorders according to the period of abstinence in patients addicted to gambling and alcohol
Makara-Studzinska, M.
Pylypczuk, A.
Urbanska, A.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Medycyny Wsi
anxiety disorder
abstinence period
human disease
Journal of Pre-Clinical and Clinical Research; 2011, 05, 1
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Pre-Clinical and Clinical Research
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Celibat diakonów i prezbiterów w dyscyplinie kościoła łacińskiego
The celibacy of deacons and priests in the discipline of the latin church
Stawniak, Henryk
Data publikacji:
Towarzystwo Naukowe Franciszka Salezego
the dispensation from celibacy
the vow of chastity
sexual abstinence
The article is a reflection on the priesthood and the celibate related with it. The celibate is a topic that causes the discussion over the scandal of pedophilia in the Church, and although there is stressed in the media that no such sexual abuse should be combined with the requirement of the celibacy, these events indirectly provoked a discussion on the meaning of the celibacy and the need for the celibacy in the contemporary reality. There are some who maintains that because of the new look at celibacy is needed. The others ask questions about the origins and the original understanding of the celibacy. Did the medieval canonists and thinkers understand the celibacy in the same way as nowadays? What does the celibacy of a deacon and the priest mean today? What about the married priests of other religious communities, who are asking for the inclusion in the Latin Church? What is the procedure for receiving the dispensation from the celibacy? Is the celibacy with the tomorrow’s Church? Such questions and their answers constitute the main contents of the study.
Seminare. Poszukiwania naukowe; 2011, 29; 47-59
Pojawia się w:
Seminare. Poszukiwania naukowe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Opieka pielęgniarska nad pacjentem z zespołem zależności alkoholowej
Nursing care for a patient with alcohol dependency syndrome
Rybka, Mariola
Jankowska, Lidia
Przybylska, Joanna
Data publikacji:
Państwowa Uczelnia Zawodowa we Włocławku
uzależnienie od alkoholu
opieka pielęgniarska
addiction to alcohol
nursing care
Wstęp.Polska zajmuje czołowe miejsce w spożyciu alkoholu. Konsumpcja wykazuje tendencje wzrostową w porównaniu z początkiem lat 90 XX wieku. Alkoholizm niesie ze sobą wiele problemów społecznych, psychologicznych oraz zdrowotnych. Jest chorobą, która może dotykać wiele osób nieświadomych swojego stanu. Cel. Celem pracy jest przedstawienie na podstawie studium przypadku wybranych problemów występujących u osoby uzależnionej od alkoholu. Opis przypadku. Pacjent lat 35. Przytomny z raną głowy, pamięta okoliczności zdarzenia, zgłasza bóle głowy, uporczywe drżenia oraz lęk. W wywiadzie od wielu lat uzależniony od alkoholu, wcześniej leczony psychiatrycznie z powodu zespołu abstynencyjnego w przebiegu choroby alkoholowej. zdezorientowany co do miejsca i czasu, przy zachowaniu własnej tożsamości, z nieco obniżonym nastrojem. Dyskusja. Tematem dyskusji jest diagnostyka oraz etapy rozwoju choroby alkoholowej. Został również poruszony temat czynników środowiskowych prowadzących do uzależnienia Wnioski. 1. Nowoczesny wzorzec postępowania pielęgniarstwa psychiatrycznego realizowany jest w oparciu o zasady podmiotowego traktowania chorego poprzez uczestnictwo w procesie leczenia 2. Kluczową sprawą w opiece nad pacjentem z ZZA jest właściwa komunikacja terapeutyczna, ukazanie autentyczności, otwartości, życzliwości oraz zrozumienia.
Introduction.Poland occupies a leading position in alcohol consumption. Consumption shows an upward trend compared to the beginning of the 1990. Alcoholism has many social, psychological and health consequences. It is a disease that can affect many people who are unaware of their condition. Aim. The aim of the work is to present a case study of selected problems of a person addicted to alcohol. A case report. Patient at the age of 35 , conscious, head injury he remembers the circumstances of the incident, reports headaches, persistent tremors and anxiety.Medical history shows long-term alcohol addiction, previously treated psychiatrically because of withdrawal syndrome in the course of alcoholism. Confused about the place and time, while maintaining his own identity, with a slightly lowered mood. Discussion. The topic of discussion is diagnostics and stages of alkohol disease development. The topic of environment al factors leading to addiction Has also been addressed. Conlusions. 1.The modern pattern of psychiatric nursing is based on the principles of patient treatment through participation in the treatment process. 2. The key issue in the care of the patient with mediastinum is proper therapeutic communication, showing the authenticity, openness, kindness and understanding.
Innowacje w Pielęgniarstwie i Naukach o Zdrowiu; 2019, 4, 1; 86-105
Pojawia się w:
Innowacje w Pielęgniarstwie i Naukach o Zdrowiu
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Stosunek społeczeństwa kościoła do sierpniowego apelu o trzeźwość
Social response to the church appeal for sobriety of August 1984
Bielewicz, Antoni
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
On the last Sunday of July, 1984, a bishops pastoral was read out for the first time in all Polish churches: it contained an appeal to the nation to abstain from vodka and to be moderate in consumption of other alcoholic beverages throughout August, a special month in the history of Poland. The appeal has a special position in the Church's postwar activities aimed at ,,sobering the nation up". Its chief novelty is the way in which the need for such renouncement is grounded. The authors cite first and foremost the national values: ,Forty years ago, Warsaw ran with blood. It is the highest time now for (...) Poles to bring themselves to a definite act of sobriety as a tribute to those who fell in the streets of Warsaw fighting for freedom and in the name of the noblest ideals. (...) May this great nationwide abstention from vodka become the Nation's moral rising against subjugation which finds one of its most tragic expressions in drunkenness (...). May this be a rising against this aspect of incapacitation of the Polish nation". A similar appeal was also issued a year later and in 1986; in the latter case, it was for total abstinence.               In 1986, a study was carried out at the Lublin Catholic University. It was to define: 1) the range of social backing for the Church appeal of August 1984; 2) the social circles in which the backing was greater vs. smaller; and 3) the state authorities attitude towards that initiative. Examined was a nationwide representative sample of 2,105 persons aged at least 18.               A decided rnajority of Polish society were well-disposed towards the Church's August initiative, 80 per cent of the examined persons expressing a favourable opinion about the appeal. Every fifth respondent voiced his fullest approval. Also most of the examined persons stressed the Church's high prestige and social authority in their statements: in their opinion, these factors should contribute to a higher social approval of the appeal. Others who also backed the appeal pointed to the dangers that result from drunkenness and alcoholism. In many cases) the respondents added to their statements various relevant postulates which they believed the society and government ought to meet. ,,There was a great need for such an appeal'', said one of the respondents, ,,all Polish people should back it." Another one said, In my opinion, this (initiative) is super. The government should give all its backing to it."              About 7 per cent of the respondents were ill-disposed towards the August appeal. Some of them thought it to be senseless; but others were highly aggressive towards it. ,,A clerical whim", was one of such opinions. Women were much better-disposed towards the Church's initiative than men. The Episcopate's pastoral received the warmest reception in medium-sized and big towns, and the coolest-in small towns. Those with secondary and incomplete elementary education were most favourable towards the appeal than intellectuals, and than factorymen in particular.                The respondents were rather skeptical about the results of such appeals. Of the 829 persons who expressed their opinion about this problem, only 16.5 per cent believed such initiatives to be generally effective. They thought most of the nation would comply with the appeal which might thus ,,stop the extention of  drunkenness’’ or ,, hold the nation on the edge of a precipice’’. Their optimistic attitudes resulted from their recent observations. A considerable group of respondents saw ,, a smaller number of drunks in the streets of Polish towns in August’’. About 15 per cent of those who expressed their opinion about this problem estimated the August appeal not to be very effective and thought only the ,,deepest believers’’ would comply with it. 16 per cent of the respondents were ambivalent, and the largest proportion, about 34 per cent of the examined persons, found the Church’s August initiative to be ineffective. Most of the latter thought this situation to result from the fact that ,, those who drink never go to church’’.                 As follows from the study, 10.5 per cent of adult Poles gave their active backing to the August appeal. This means that about 2.8 million of Poles abstained from alcohol in August 1986, thus expressing their solidarity with the Church appeal. Interesting are motives that actuated the decision to comply with the appeal for sobriety. Among them, the motives of a social nature prevail, with over two-thirds of the discussed group of respondents stating that they found the appeal to be just and useful and hence supported it, or that they wanted this way to contribute to the reduction of drinking and alcoholism in Poland, or believed alcohol to bring about much unhappiness and suffering. About 30 per cent of this group mentioned religious motives, including about 27 per cent who were actuated by general, and 3 per cent by personal religious reasons. Women’s response to the appeal was much more favourable than that of men: 12.7 per cent of adult Polish women complied with the appeal for sobriety, as compared with 8 per cent only of adult men. Persons aged over 60 gave the strongest backing to the appeal; also those in their forties and fifties were well-disposed to that initiative. It won but a weak support of the youth, and the least favourable were those aged 26-40. The higher educated circles were less willing to comply with the appeal than those with a lower level of education. The appeal proved most convincing for the population of medium-sized towns and communes; instead, the inhabitants of small towns and big cities were most reserved towards it. Among the professionally active, peasants and intellectuals were much better-disposed towards the bishops pastoral than entrepreneurs, workmen, and especially peasants who have extra jobs as workmen. Of those who are not employed pensioners and housewives were equally inclined to support the appeal, this tendency being weaker among students and schoolchildren. A strong correlation was found between the attitude towards the appeal and religious observance. The church-going persons were better-disposed towards the appeal than those who practice occasionally or not at all. A relation was also found between a Party or trade-union membership and the attitude towards the appeal. Members of the Polish United Workers Party were more critical towards it than persons with no party affiliation; a similar interdependence found also in the case of trade-unions membership.                As shown by statistical analysis, the following traits are most strongly correlated with the attitude towards the appeal: regularity of religious practices on holidays: sex; socio-professional group ; age; type  and size of locality; education; membership of the Polish United Worker’s Party and trade-unions.
                On the last Sunday of July, 1984, a bishops pastoral was read out for the first time in all Polish churches: it contained an appeal to the nation to abstain from vodka and to be moderate in consumption of other alcoholic beverages throughout August, a special month in the history of Poland. The appeal has a special position in the Church's postwar activities aimed at ,,sobering the nation up". Its chief novelty is the way in which the need for such renouncement is grounded. The authors cite first and foremost the national values: ,Forty years ago, Warsaw ran with blood. It is the highest time now for (...) Poles to bring themselves to a definite act of sobriety as a tribute to those who fell in the streets of Warsaw fighting for freedom and in the name of the noblest ideals. (...) May this great nationwide abstention from vodka become the Nation's moral rising against subjugation which finds one of its most tragic expressions in drunkenness (...). May this be a rising against this aspect of incapacitation of the Polish nation". A similar appeal was also issued a year later and in 1986; in the latter case, it was for total abstinence.               In 1986, a study was carried out at the Lublin Catholic University. It was to define: 1) the range of social backing for the Church appeal of August 1984; 2) the social circles in which the backing was greater vs. smaller; and 3) the state authorities attitude towards that initiative. Examined was a nationwide representative sample of 2,105 persons aged at least 18.               A decided rnajority of Polish society were well-disposed towards the Church's August initiative, 80 per cent of the examined persons expressing a favourable opinion about the appeal. Every fifth respondent voiced his fullest approval. Also most of the examined persons stressed the Church's high prestige and social authority in their statements: in their opinion, these factors should contribute to a higher social approval of the appeal. Others who also backed the appeal pointed to the dangers that result from drunkenness and alcoholism. In many cases) the respondents added to their statements various relevant postulates which they believed the society and government ought to meet. ,,There was a great need for such an appeal'', said one of the respondents, ,,all Polish people should back it." Another one said, In my opinion, this (initiative) is super. The government should give all its backing to it."              About 7 per cent of the respondents were ill-disposed towards the August appeal. Some of them thought it to be senseless; but others were highly aggressive towards it. ,,A clerical whim", was one of such opinions. Women were much better-disposed towards the Church's initiative than men. The Episcopate's pastoral received the warmest reception in medium-sized and big towns, and the coolest-in small towns. Those with secondary and incomplete elementary education were most favourable towards the appeal than intellectuals, and than factorymen in particular.                The respondents were rather skeptical about the results of such appeals. Of the 829 persons who expressed their opinion about this problem, only 16.5 per cent believed such initiatives to be generally effective. They thought most of the nation would comply with the appeal which might thus ,,stop the extention of  drunkenness’’ or ,, hold the nation on the edge of a precipice’’. Their optimistic attitudes resulted from their recent observations. A considerable group of respondents saw ,, a smaller number of drunks in the streets of Polish towns in August’’. About 15 per cent of those who expressed their opinion about this problem estimated the August appeal not to be very effective and thought only the ,,deepest believers’’ would comply with it. 16 per cent of the respondents were ambivalent, and the largest proportion, about 34 per cent of the examined persons, found the Church’s August initiative to be ineffective. Most of the latter thought this situation to result from the fact that ,, those who drink never go to church’’.                 As follows from the study, 10.5 per cent of adult Poles gave their active backing to the August appeal. This means that about 2.8 million of Poles abstained from alcohol in August 1986, thus expressing their solidarity with the Church appeal. Interesting are motives that actuated the decision to comply with the appeal for sobriety. Among them, the motives of a social nature prevail, with over two-thirds of the discussed group of respondents stating that they found the appeal to be just and useful and hence supported it, or that they wanted this way to contribute to the reduction of drinking and alcoholism in Poland, or believed alcohol to bring about much unhappiness and suffering. About 30 per cent of this group mentioned religious motives, including about 27 per cent who were actuated by general, and 3 per cent by personal religious reasons. Women’s response to the appeal was much more favourable than that of men: 12.7 per cent of adult Polish women complied with the appeal for sobriety, as compared with 8 per cent only of adult men. Persons aged over 60 gave the strongest backing to the appeal; also those in their forties and fifties were well-disposed to that initiative. It won but a weak support of the youth, and the least favourable were those aged 26-40. The higher educated circles were less willing to comply with the appeal than those with a lower level of education. The appeal proved most convincing for the population of medium-sized towns and communes; instead, the inhabitants of small towns and big cities were most reserved towards it. Among the professionally active, peasants and intellectuals were much better-disposed towards the bishops pastoral than entrepreneurs, workmen, and especially peasants who have extra jobs as workmen. Of those who are not employed pensioners and housewives were equally inclined to support the appeal, this tendency being weaker among students and schoolchildren. A strong correlation was found between the attitude towards the appeal and religious observance. The church-going persons were better-disposed towards the appeal than those who practice occasionally or not at all. A relation was also found between a Party or trade-union membership and the attitude towards the appeal. Members of the Polish United Workers Party were more critical towards it than persons with no party affiliation; a similar interdependence found also in the case of trade-unions membership.                As shown by statistical analysis, the following traits are most strongly correlated with the attitude towards the appeal: regularity of religious practices on holidays: sex; socio-professional group ; age; type  and size of locality; education; membership of the Polish United Worker’s Party and trade-unions.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 1989, XVI; 101-139
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
„Kultura wstrzemięźliwości” czy aktywne współdziałanie? Dylematy polityki bezpieczeństwa Niemiec w XXI wieku
“Culture of abstinence” or active cooperation? Dilemmas of the German security policy in the 21st century
Koszel, Bogdan
Data publikacji:
Krakowska Akademia im. Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego
polityka bezpieczeństwa
mocarstwo cywilne
kultura wstrzemięźliwości
security policy
civil power
culture of abstinence
Autor przedstawia tezę, wedle której ze względu na doświadczenia z czasów II wojny światowej, Republika Federalna Niemiec po 1949 r. preferowała zachowania pacyfistyczne i budowała państwo cywilne. Jednakże po zjednoczeniu wydarzenia na arenie międzynarodowej (konflikt w Bośni i Kosowie) zmusiły ją do aktywniejszego współdziałania na rzecz utrzymania europejskiego bezpieczeństwa. Do dnia dzisiejszego polityka niemiecka w zakresie bezpieczeństwa zdominowana jest przez tzw. kulturę wstrzemięźliwości. Ze względu na sytuację międzynarodową, od Niemiec wymaga się aktywnego udziału w misjach międzynarodowych i zarządzania kryzysami, co przychodzi im z dużą trudnością. Opinia publiczna w zdecydowanej większości sprzeciwia się takim działaniom.
The author presents the thesis that because of the experience of World War II, the Federal Republic of Germany after 1949 was determined to preserve a pacifistic attitude and build a “civil state.” However, after the unification, the events in the international arena (the conflict in Bosnia and Kosovo) forced it to cooperate more actively to maintain European security. To date, the German policy in the field of security is dominated by the so-called “culture of abstinence.” Because of the international situation, Germany is required to actively participate in international missions and crisis management, with which they comply with great difficulty. The majority of the public is opposed to such actions.
Bezpieczeństwo. Teoria i Praktyka; 2017, 1; 17-35
Pojawia się w:
Bezpieczeństwo. Teoria i Praktyka
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wizerunek działacza antyalkoholowego w przekazie „Przyjaciela Trzeźwości” (1927-1939)
The Image of an Anti-alcohol Activist in the Message of “Przyjaciel Trzeźwości” (1927-1939)
Krasińska, Izabela
Data publikacji:
Gdańskie Seminarium Duchowne
XIXth and XXth centuries
„Przyjaciel Trzeźwości” (1907-1914; 1927-1939) to jedno z popularniejszych polskojęzycznych czasopism abstynenckich. Celem tych pism było ukazywanie szkodliwego wpływu alkoholu, tytoniu, hazardu, pokarmów mięsnych oraz rozpusty, a po pierwszej wojnie światowej również narkotyków, na zdrowie jednostki i społeczeństwa. Na łamach omawianego periodyku odnoszono się do różnych abstynenckich kwestii. Redaktorzy i współpracownicy informowali czytelników o rozwijającym się ruchu antyalkoholowym w Polsce i za granicą, abstynenckim prawodawstwie czy leczeniu nałogu pijaństwa. Prezentowali też abstynencką literaturę naukową i fachową, a zwłaszcza beletrystykę. W „Przyjacielu Trzeźwości” możemy znaleźć ponadto interesujące informacje na temat osób, bez których polski czy światowy ruch antyalkoholowy nie mógłby się rozwijać. I właśnie te zagadnienia stanowią główny cel rozważań. Z uwagi na fakt, że „Przyjaciel Trzeźwości” ukazywał się również w czasach zaborów, ale ten okres w dziejach pisma został już dogłębnie opracowany, autorka ograniczyła się do zaprezentowania interesujących ją kwestii po wznowieniu w 1927 r. zawieszonego z powodu wybuchu pierwszej wojny światowej tytułu.
“Przyjaciel Trzeźwości” [“The Friend of Sobriety”] (1907-1914; 1927-1939) is one of the most popular Polish abstinence magazines. The purpose of these writings was to show the harmful effects of alcohol, tobacco, gambling, meat foods and debauchery, and after the First World War also drugs, on the health of the individual and society. In the columns of the journal, various abstinence issues were considered. The editors and collaborators informed readers about the developing abstinence movement in Poland and abroad, abstinence legislation and the treatment of the various addictions. They also presented scientific and professional abstinence literature, and especially fiction. In “The Friend of Sobriety” we can also find interesting information about the people without whom the Polish and the global abstinence movement, especially the anti-alcohol movement, could not have developed. These issues are the main focus of the article. “The Friend of Sobriety” also appeared during the partitions, but since this period in the history of the magazine has already been thoroughly discussed, the author limits herself to presenting the issues of interest to her after publication of the journal was resumed in 1927 after suspension due to the outbreak of the First World War.
Studia Gdańskie; 2019, 44; 205-224
Pojawia się w:
Studia Gdańskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Polonijne organizacje zwalczające nałogi w Stanach Zjednoczonych w świetle pisma „Abstynent” w latach 1911-1915
The Polish Diaspora Organizations Fighting Against the Addiction in the United States in the Light of the “Abstynent” Magazine in 1911-1915
Krasińska, Izabela
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
czasopisma polskie za granicą
Stany Zjednoczone
XX wiek
Polish magazines abroad
the United States
XXth century
Wśród 25. polskojęzycznych czasopism abstynenckich ukazujących się w drugiej połowie XIX i początkach XX wieku znajdują się dwa wydawane za granicą. Jednym z nich jest periodyk „Jarskie Życie”, wychodzący w Berlinie w 1912 r., którego twórcą był Augustyn Czarnowski, znany stomatolog, higienista, homeopata i polonijny działacz społeczno-oświatowy. Drugie z tych pism „Abstynent” zapoczątkował w Chicago, w 1911 r., ks. Władysław Kwiatkowski, filozof, teolog, działacz i duszpasterz polonijny, publicysta oraz dziennikarz. Czasopismo „Abstynent”, które kilkakrotnie zmieniało tytuł, ukazywało się do 1915 r. i było organem prasowym kilku polonijnych organizacji abstynenckich funkcjonujących w Stanach Zjednoczonych. Celem tego artykułu jest ukazanie ich działalności w świetle charakteryzowanego periodyku.
Among the 25th Polish-language abstinence magazines published in the second half of the XIXth and early XXth century, there were two published abroad. One of them is the journal “Jarskie Życie”, published in Berlin in 1912, whose creator was Augustyn Czarnowski, a well-known dentist, hygienist, homeopath and Polish socio-educational activist. The second of these periodicals “Abstynent” was initiated in Chicago, in 1911, by Fr. Władysław Kwiatkowski, philosopher, theologian, activist and pastor of the Polish community abroad, publicist and journalist. The magazine “Abstynent”, which changed the title several times, was published until 1915 and was the press body of the several abstinence organizations operating in the United States. The purpose of this article is to show their activities in the light of the characterized periodical.
Studia Polonijne; 2021, 42; 341-355
Pojawia się w:
Studia Polonijne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Działalność wydawnicza Związku Księży Abstynentów (1903-1914)
Publishing activity of the Association of Teetotal Priests (1903-1914)
Krasińska, Izabela
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Związek Księży Abstynentów
ks. Kazimierz Niesiołowski
the Association of Teetotal Priests
Rev. Kazimierz Niesiołowski
One of the aims of the Association of Teetotal Priests was to combat alcoholism by publishing relevant literature addressed to a wide audience. The first publications released by the Association appeared in 1903. The Association of Teetotal Priests published six books (brochures and books of small size) to the outbreak of the First World War. Moreover, there were dozens types of ephemeral prints, among which worth mentioning are: carol and communion pictures, postcards, appeals, pictorial and statistical charts, graphs and inserts for prayer books. Another thing worth noting is the fact that the Association of Teetotal Priests in the Archdiocese of Gniezno and Poznań also published periodicals. A number of priests from the Association were engaged in scientific, journalistic and editorial activity. Among them special mention should be drawn to: Rev. Kazimierz Niesiołowski, Rev. Józef Janiszewski, Rev. Henryk Antoni Szuman, Rev. Maksymilian Mrugas and Rev. Onufry Śpikowski. The publications of the Association were distributed mainly by the abstinence secretariats (depots) located in Poznań and Lviv. It is noteworthy that those members of the Association who paid regular fees received all publications free of charge.
Archiwa, Biblioteki i Muzea Kościelne; 2015, 103; 105-120
Pojawia się w:
Archiwa, Biblioteki i Muzea Kościelne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
„Przez abstynencję kapłanów do wstrzemięźliwości ludu”. Związek Księży Abstynentów (1902-1914)
“Through priests’ abstinence to people’s temperance.” The Association of Teetotal Priests (1902-1914)
Krasińska, Izabela
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Związek Księży Abstynentów
Kościół katolicki
the Association of Teetotal Priests
the Catholic Church
The article presents the reasons for the creation of the Association of Teetotal Priests-one of the most successful temperance societies- and presents its activities from 1902. The main character of the Association for teetotal priests was Rev. Kazimierz Niesiołowski, a long-standing president of this society in the Archdiocese of Gniezno and Poznań. The aim of the Association of Teetotal Priests was to combat alcoholism. The society tried to fulfil this task by raising awareness, especially among children and young people about the dangers of consuming alcoholic beverages. They supported other temperance organizations. Above all, they wanted to win over the biggest possible number of the clergy, including teetotal seminarists- members of their own associations. Initially, the Association of Teetotal Priests operated in the Archdiocese of Gniezno and Poznań, and the Diocese of Chełmno. The priests from Galicia followed the example of Great Poland and Pomerania, and they set up the Association of Teetotal Priests for Galicia and Bukovina, which embraced mainly the Catholic clergy of the Archdiocese of Lviv, Tarnów and Przemyśl.
Archiwa, Biblioteki i Muzea Kościelne; 2015, 104; 101-119
Pojawia się w:
Archiwa, Biblioteki i Muzea Kościelne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Vinum laetificat cor hominis (Ps 104,15). Ojcowie Kościoła o spożywaniu wina i związanych z tym problemach
Vinum laetificat cor hominis (Ps 104,15). The Church Fathers on the Consumption of Wine and Ensuing Problems
Wygralak, Paweł
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Basil the Great
Caesar of Arles
Clement of Alexandria
John Chrysostom
grave sin
The article deals with the teaching of the Church Fathers on the consumption of wine and the ensuing problems. From an analysis of the statements of ancient authors it follows that they were not absolute enemies of wine drinking and claimed that as God’s gift wine could give people joy and warm up the organism. It can therefore without much fear be drunk by the elderly whose desires are curbed by age and reason. The young, however, should be aware of the many dangers entailed by the abuse of alcohol. Drunkenness, according to the teaching of St. Paul, is classified as grave sin. In the opinion of the Fathers drunkards cannot control their emotions and passions and this leads them to neglect their families and draw away from God. For this reason ancient preachers address those who abuse alcohol with words of encouragement to take up struggle against the addiction and in this way take care of the salvation of their souls. In their efforts to free themselves from their addiction they should be supported by those closest to them.
Poznańskie Studia Teologiczne; 2011, 25; 141-158
Pojawia się w:
Poznańskie Studia Teologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Porównanie poziomu poczucia koherencji oraz jakości życia Anonimowych Alkoholików i studentów nadużywających narkotyków
Comparison the level of sense of coherence and quality of life between Alcoholics Anonymous and drug abuse students
Wnuk, Marcin
Data publikacji:
Medical Communications
12-step Program
Alcoholics Anonymous
Anonimowi Alkoholicy
Program 12 Kroków
jakość życia
poczucie koherencji
quality of life
sense of coherence
Introduction: The aim of this study was to examine whether abused subject and Alcoholics Anonymous differ in quality of life and sense of coherence. Additional aim was to verify if there is the relationships between involvement in 12-step Program, length of being in Alcoholics Anonymous, length of abstinence as well as between sense of coherence and quality of life. Method: The sample consisted of 93 participants of Alcoholics Anonymous from Poznań and 32 drug abused. The following tools were used: Sense of Coherence Scale (SOC), Cantrill Ladder, Beck Hopelessness Scale (BHS), scale regarding evaluation of contentment with particular domains of life, one-item scales regarding desire to life, passion of life and feeling of happiness in a few recent days and one-item scales regarding involvement in 12-step Program, length of being in Alcoholics Anonymous and length of abstinence. Results: Alcoholics Anonymous in comparison to drug abused subjects has higher desire to life, satisfaction with life, passion of life and feeling of happiness in a few recent days, lower feeling of hopelessness, manageability and meaningfulness. Involvement in 12-step Program was positively related to sense of coherence. Noticed relationships between sense of coherence and all global measures of quality of life including desire to life, feeling of hopelessness, passion of life, satisfaction with life and feeling of happiness in a few recent days. Additionally sense of coherence was related to thirteen from sixteen evaluating domains: marriage, area of life, family financial situation, friends, life achievements, perspective on the
Wstęp: Celem przeprowadzonego projektu badawczego było zbadanie, czy pomiędzy jednostkami nadużywającymi narkotyków i Anonimowymi Alkoholikami istnieje różnica w jakości życia oraz poczuciu koherencji. Dodatkowym celem było sprawdzenie prawdziwości założenia o istnieniu zależności pomiędzy zaangażowaniem w realizację Programu 12 Kroków, długością abstynencji oraz długością pobytu w ruchu samopomocy a poczuciem koherencji tak samo jak pomiędzy poczuciem koherencji a jakością życia. Metoda: Osobami badanymi było 93 uczestników spotkań grup Anonimowych Alkoholików oraz 32 osoby nadużywające narkotyków. Zastosowano następujące narzędzia badawcze: Kwestionariusz Orientacji Życiowej (SOC-29), Skalę Poczucia Beznadziejności Becka (BHS), Drabinkę Cantrila, skalę dotyczącą oceny zadowolenia z poszczególnych sfer życia oraz jednopytaniowe skale dotyczące pragnienia życia, pasji życia i poczucia szczęścia z perspektywy ostatnich dni życia, zaangażowania w realizację Programu 12 Kroków, długości abstynencji oraz długości pobytu w ruchu samopomocy. Wyniki: Anonimowi Alkoholicy w porównaniu z jednostkami nadużywającymi narkotyków mają większe pragnienie życia, pasję życia, satysfakcję z życia, postrzegają siebie jako bardziej szczęśliwych, mają mniejsze poczucie beznadziejności oraz prezentują większy poziom zaradności i sensowności. Poczucie koherencji było pozytywnie związane z zaangażowaniem w realizację Programu 12 Kroków. Zanotowano istnienie zależności pomiędzy poczuciem koherencji i wszystkimi ogólnymi wskaźnikami jakości życia, włączając pragnienie życia, pasję życia, ocenę szczęścia, satysfakcję z życia oraz poczucie beznadziejności. Poczucie koherencji korelowało również z oceną zadowolenia z 13 spośród 16 badanych sfer życia: małżeństwa, z okolicy, w której żyją, z sytuacji finansowej rodziny, ze stosunków z kolegami, z osiągnięć życiowych, z sytuacji w kraju, z pracy lub nauki, z własnej sytuacji społecznej, z perspektyw na przyszłość, z życia seksualnego, ze sposobów spędzania wolnego czasu, z dzieci oraz norm moralnych społeczeństwa.
Psychiatria i Psychologia Kliniczna; 2010, 10, 2; 96-102
Pojawia się w:
Psychiatria i Psychologia Kliniczna
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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